Guila Muir and Associates Train, Facilitate and Present Newsletter
Using the  
"Six Limbs" of Facilitation to
Make Meetings Work
Six Limbs of Facilitation

Understanding the "six limbs" of facilitation will help you juggle meeting dynamics better the next time you lead one.
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Fly High With the Kite Method of Instructional Design  
Whether you are responsible for designing classes for your organization, developing a seminar, or creating a Webinar, "Instructional Design That Soars" will enable you to build and teach a dynamic class-easily.

It's not too late to pre-order your autographed copy for the special price of $20.00, plus shipping. This price includes all taxes, and will increase when the book comes off the press in early April.

Be ready to fly a brand-new class this Spring!
Your Public Speaking Personality  
Speaking woman at podium Take this fun quiz to learn your style. (Caution: answer only through Question #10-I've learned that #11 goes to advertising.)

Thanks from Guila!  
Guila Muir I love to get your comments and input. Please write to me and let me know what you'd like to see!

You can forward the newsletter to friends using the blue link below. 
Who receives this Resource? Anyone who has participated in one of our workshops, "hob-nobbed" with Guila, or requested it on our website. Use the link below if you wish to unsuscribe. Thank you!