
Orca Network 

Whale Sighting Report  

In This Issue
Photo of the Day
Southern Residents
Northern Residents
Bigg's killer whales (Transients)
Humpback whales
Pacific white-sided dolphins
Harbor porpoise
Join Orca Network's trip to visit the  Gray Whales of Baja's San Ignacio Lagoon
Feb 24-28, 2017
Information, registration and previous trip photos

Ways of Whales Workshop, Coupeville January 21, 2017 
Welcome the Whales Festival & Parade, Langley
April 8, 2017 

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115 Anthes Ave
Whidbey Island

Thurs - Sun 11 - 5

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Orca Network recommends:
Puget Sound Whales for Sale: The Fight to End Orca Hunting, by
Sandra Pollard
This important volume recounts the people whose determined efforts ultimately succeeded in ending the captures.


The Lost Whale, by
Michael Parfit and
Suzanne Chisolm
  An intensely personal story...but this person is a young orca.  

Lost Whale book...ver scaled



To learn more  

about orcas: 

Orcas in Our Midst, volume 3, by Howard Garrett

Orcas in Our Midst,

Vol. 3: Residents and Transients, How Did That Happen?

Click here  

to order YOUR copy!



  David Kirby  

The bestseller about orcas in captivity


Quick Links

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to learn about L pod




captured in Penn Cove,

Whidbey Island, WA

in 1970, somehow surviving in a small tank at the Miami Seaquarium ever since.

Tokitae looking up at us from her tank in Miami, FL in the late 1990s 

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October 23,   2016

We are watching and visiting the whales in their home~

Please observe, love and respect them from a distance.

Having trouble viewing this Sightings Report? Archived Reports can be found HERE.
October 14th was a very wet, windy, stormy day here in Puget Sound, not many people were out looking for orcas, but at least a few souls who were out and about spotted orcas. The morning of the 15th Southern Residents were found heading northbound around Kingston/Edmonds, we presume the orcas of the 14th to be these residents.

Js, Ks & L87 returned on the 20th in search of Fall Puget Sound salmon. For most of their  journey they were spread far and wide on their southbound travels down the Sound. Some "cuddle puddles" ensued as they passed West Seattle as well as when they passed Point Robinson further south in the waning daylight hours -- making for happy Vashon Island residents and others who hopped a ferry to make it to the shores in time to watch them pass.  The morning of the 21st residents showed up in south Admiralty Inlet spread apart as the day before. Once again residents exited Admiralty after an overnight stay inland.

Bigg's/Transients showed up consecutive days in Juan de Fuca.

This past week Humpback reports are near daily in Puget Sound. At least 4 have been in at any one time. One humpback observed on multiple days taking shallow dives and not presenting her/his fluke appears to have a line of some sorts cutting into it's lower peduncle (see Justine Buckmaster photos). NOAA's entanglement team has been notified so we ask If you see this whale please contact us and/or to report large whale entanglements, please call Large Whale Entanglement Hotline (Pacific US Coast): 1-877-SOS-WHALE (1-877-767-9425).

Reports were submitted to us from a visit up near Telegraph Cove which we included so everyone can get a glimpse of our neighbors to the north: Northern Residents, a feeding humpback, and Pacific white-sided dolphins.

UPCOMING EVENTS - Save the Dates:
Ways of Whales workshop, Coupeville, January 21, 2017
Welcome the Whales Festival and Parade, April 8, 2017

Join our 9th annual five-day Expedition to Baja to visit the friendly Gray Whales of San Ignacio Lagoon February 24-28, 2017. The wonderful crew at the camp share their knowledge of the beautiful Baja Biosphere Reserve, teaching us about the marine and intertidal life, desert plant life, and more - along with two whale watches daily for amazing encounters with Gray whales. The moms and calves share precious moments with us, and we'll observe spyhopping, breaching, mating, and other behaviors those of us up north don't often observe.
Registration, trip information, and past trip photos.

Orca Network
Photo of the Day
October 20 
K44 Ripple , born 2011 and the last surviving calf of K pod, pops out to say hello as he and his family pass Point Robinson, Vashon on their southbound leg of their travels through Puget Sound.
Photo by Kelly Burns Keenan, October 20, 2016
(ID by Melisa Pinnow, CWR)  
Southern Residents
October 21 
J34 and J22 north west bound past Port Townsend as  J's and K's exit  Admiralty Inlet this afternoon.
Photo by Mark Malleson, October 21, 2016 
1:11 p.m. - They are passing Fort Casey/Port Townsend, they were mid channel. Heading towards Ebey.
Mary Janowiecki
12:30 p.m. -  in Admiralty Bay just at the northern end of Marrowstone Island.
Kim Gilliam

Around 12:15 p.m. - Chilkat powered off and J2 Granny came over to say hello! Northeast of Fort Flagler, closer to Olympic side than Whidbey side of Admiralty. She, Onyx, and an unidentified juvenile swam off toward Point Wilson around 12:30.
Photo by Amy K Fowler, October 21, 2016 

J and K pod seen from Schooner Adventuress off of Bush Point around 11:30am! Pods were fairly spread out and looked to be fishing as we saw a handful of porpoising behaviors. We were able to get some decent ID pictures, will post as soon as we can.
Jennifer Smith
11:13 a.m. -  starting to see blows South from Lagoon Point.
Patricia Prochaska
11:00 a.m. -  The leaders are passing Bush Point, Whidbey Islandmid channel spread out, and with J2 Granny.
Photo by Marilyn Armbruster, October 21, 2016 

Photo by Marilyn Armbruster, October 21, 2016 

Dashed out to Bush Point to catch the tail end of J and K pod passing by as they blasted through some rough water. Took a ton of pictures but they were so far out, it was super hard to get good shots of them. I was just thankful for the experience and the chance to hang out with friends, and meet a few new ones.
Durand Dace

K33 Tika passing Bush Point, Whidbey Island.
Photo by Durand Dace, October 21, 2016
(ID by Sara Hysong-Shimazu) 
Fortunate to catch the SRKW's battling strong currents and whitecaps as they passed by Bush Point today, along with a hardy crew of orca fans cheering them on!
Photo by Steve Smith, October 21, 2016
("Looks LIke J36 to me" - Sara Hysong Shimazu) 

Crop of above photo by Steve Smith, October 21, 2016 

J2 Granny passing Bush Point, Whidbey -
We marvel her long-lived life and all she has seen and experienced while leading her clan through out the Salish Sea and Pacific Ocean for so many decades

Photo by Steve Smith, October 21, 2016 

Seeing blows near Foulweather Bluff at 10:26am from Bush Point.
Sandra Pollard
10:00 a.m. - They are still south of Bush Pt. mid channel. White boat with them...I am at Bush Pointt. A little too far for photos but hoping that will change
9:45 a.m. - They are passing Windmill Pt and near Bush Pt.
Marilyn Armbruster
9:20 a.m. - A group of Orca spread between Useless Bay and Mutiny Bay. Headed North.
James Greenway
8:08 a.m. - Mike Moore reported 10 - 15 or more orcas seen from Double Bluff Whidbey Island, headed N between Double Bluff and green buoy and more mid channel.


October 20 
6:11 p.m. -  from Dash Point looks like they are at Maury Island Marine Park. Still southbound.
Melissa Burke

Southern Resident Orcas visited Vashon today. My favorites are the bunched up, cuddling pics. Here is K38, J42, K44, and J45 all in what Melisa calls a "cuddle puddle".
Photo by Kelly Keenan, October 20, 2016
(IDs by Melisa Pinnow, CWR) 

Cappucino K21 - Point Robinson.
Photo by Kelly Burns Keenan, October 20, 2016 

6:05 p.m. - Absolutely stunning pass at Point Robinson. Just ended and still headed south.
Amy Carey
6:00 p.m. -  leaders have rounded Pt. Robinson very close to Vashon still southbound. Lots of splashing and blows.
5:55 p.m. -  From Dash Pt. starting to see blows and splashes with my binoculars at Pt. Robinson.
Melissa Burke

Here's one of the many breachers today - it kind of looks like this whale is imitating the jet overhead.
Photo by Meg McDonald, October 20, 2016 

And one more, showing that fall color is always better with orcas! This looks like J42 and family.
Photo by Meg McDonald, October 20, 2016 

Thursday evening's visit  - taken around 5:45pm from the shores of Point Robinson beach on Vashon Island.
Photo by Marla Smith, October 20, 2016

Little one surfaces while passing Point Robinson this evening.
Photo by Marla Smith, October 20, 2016 

J26 Mike cruising past the shores of Point Robinson this beautiful October evening.
Photo by Marla Smith, October 20, 2016 

5:37 p.m. - orca approaching point Robinson still southbound.
Brittany Gordon
4:30 p.m. - they are just off of Normandy Park beach heading south
Tanya Esparza
4:27 p.m. -  Huge breach midchannel perhaps a bit south of 3 Tree yellow buoy.
Meg McDonald

4:22 p.m. - Quite a few Orcas came by....Off Three Tree Point at mid afternoon . Not very visible. I assume they were constantly under fishing. Finally got a few pictures as they became backlit by the sun. Came down the middle of the Sound between Vashon and Burien. Lots. Very spread out. In my uneducated view, feeding. Large commercial fishing boats had been fishing most of the morning and early afternoon until less than an hour before they arrived.
Elston Hill

Big boys coming by Three Tree Point, Burien.
Photo by Elston Hill, October 20, 2016 

This Sea Lion resting on the buoy at Three Tree Point can relax and just enjoy the view of this fish-eating resident orca. A good day for all.
Photo by Elston Hill, October 20, 2016 

3:46 p.m. - Seeing two right around the channel buoy at Three Tree Point! (Burien)
Kim Rouse Baumgartner
3:27 p.m. - Orcas off south side of Fauntleroy - Vashon ferry, seem to be heading south.
Michelle Casad
2:57 p.m. -  leaders finally at Dilworth, Vashon.
Amy Carey
3:00 p.m. -  watching from South Beach & Toe Jam HIll on Bainbridge Island with Aviva. Orca were south of Alki, heading toward Vashon ferry lanes. 2 groups of 2-3. One lone male seemed to be farther south. Lots of foraging. A couple of breaches. Mid channel, from our perspective. Nice light for easy viewing. Recommend going out to see them. It is a gorgeous fall day out there!
2:43 p.m. - 6 - 8 or more orcas including 1 large male, she is watching from South Beach, Bainbridge Island and the whales are down by Alki, approaching the Vashon ferry lanes heading south.
Kimberly Sylvester- Malzahn
2:40 p.m. - two small groups bunched up and were foraging in & south of ferry lanes, mid channel. I could see others further west and south. Few more north of ferry lanes. All generally still heading south.
2:24 p.m. -  several crossing through Vashon-Fauntleroy ferry lanes now. Nice steady pass past Lincoln Park by family of three ( female, male, younger) east side of channel.
Other males west of channel and further south. Others spread across having passed by last 20 minutes...mid channel and still some on each side of.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network

Peaceful video (on the longer side) of Js, Ks, and L87 during their southbound journey through Puget Sound. The rich saturated colors of Autumn made such a gorgeous backdrop once the rain squalls ceased and the sunlight found it's way through the cracks in the clouds. Filmed from several shorelines along the way from North Seattle to West Seattle.
Video by Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
October 20, 2016

2:15 p.m. - Quite a few visible from the bluff south of Brace Pt/Fauntleroy. Still headed south, on Vashon side of shipping lanes. Lucky us!
Ellen Cole
2:00 p.m. - Here at Lowman (West Seattle), watching two swim south toward Blake. Not sure which side of Blake they'll pass, probably east.
Trileigh Tucker
2:00 p.m. - 2 pm Just spotted a pretty big dorsal from Fauntleroy, headed south.
Pat Johnson
1:39 p.m. -  leaders just crossing Vashon ferry lane.
Amy Carey
1:35 p.m.  - call from WA State ferry, from the east bound Bainbridge to Seattle ferry, at least 3 orcas, including 1 large male and several females breaching, southbound, spread out.

One of the big boys heart-shaped exhaltion - south of Alki Point.
Photo by Kirsti E Muul, October 20, 2016 

Any day we see J2 Granny is a good day and a blessing.
Photo by Kirsti E Muul, October 20, 2016 

1:50 p.m. -  several have stalled to forage ( many directional changes, lunges) between Alki and Vashon, mid channel and both sides of.  Others have continued southbound.
1:30 p.m. -  Trailers between Emma Schmitz Memorial Overlook, West Seattle and Blake Island. Whales still spread across channel all directions, many In 1s and 2s. Still southbound.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
1325 larger group passing Alki now. Spread out east to west.
1311 at least one foraging off Alki Point. The leader looked to be about mid channel. Seeing a few within a couple hundred yards from shore reaching Alki Point now.
1302 -  whales passing Alki Point appear to be east of mid channel Lone male out in front has passed north end of Vashon as viewed from Constellation Park in West Seattle.
Jason Lee Bell
12:50 p.m. - Jeff Hogan called reporting orcas spread out slowly heading south from So. Bainbridge Island down to the Vashon ferry lanes.
12:24 p.m. - See at least one orca, I believe a male, southbound off Manchester as viewed from south Alki Point.
Jason Lee Bell
Watched from northside until just around 1:00 p.m. with last few whales foraging 1/2 - 1 mile N of Alki point for about 15-20 minutes. Resumed southbound rounding point.
12:00 noon - From northside of Alki on Alki Ave at 65th SW watching them come from the north in 1s and 2s still spread E/W and N/S. One male has turned northbound (sightline Rolling Bay Bainbridge from Alki) mid channel. And now southbound...looks like more he's chasing a salmon. Several seiners out.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network 
Noon- J pod is here too and appears to be the leaders at south end of Bainbridge.
Bart Rulon
11:55 p.m. - Js are farther south, now south of Restoration Point (Bainbridge)
Christopher Hanke
11:15 a.m. - From West Point/Discovery Park...seeing  spread out whales across and N/S. Many south of West Point by now. Saw one breach, more foraging, chasing behavior, though steady southbound by all.
10:50 a.m. -  I see a male, and others engaged in foraging behavior off West Point...mid channel. Purse Seiners other fishing vessels are out up and down Puget Sound.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
10:55 a.m. -  they are still heading south slowly spread out quite a bit across the channel.
10:27 a.m. -  So far I've identified K-pod and L87 down here in Puget Sound.
Bart Rulon
Today the Southern Residents came by Bainbridge Island and I was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of them from shore, (Skiff Point, which is mid-island and directly across from West Point Lighthouse) - Behaviors: VERY spread out from north to south end of Bainbridge and West to East (Bainbridge to West Point Lighthouse in Seattle) The weather was wet and dark and gray. Two or three females past first followed by the male in the photos. His direction was mostly south with a brief directional change, so got both sides. I was standing on shore at ground level, orca was probably 300 yards + from shore.
Susan Marie Andersson

Sequence of 14- year-old male K35 Sonata off Skiff Point, Bainbridge Island.
See above report.

Photo by Susan Marie Andersson, October 20, 2016
(ID by Sara Hysong-Shimazu) 

Same lovely guy.
Photo by Susan Marie Andersson, October 20, 2016 

Making a directional change, perhaps chasing a salmon.
Photo by Susan Marie Andersson, October 20, 2016 

10:23 a.m. - Big male just passed. Reversed direction briefly then continued south. Close to shore, BI side. Same location as previous post.
10:15 a.m. -  2 or 3 orcas southbound steady track. Possibly SRs. Close to Bainbridge Island side.
Susan Marie Andersson
10:15 a.m. - at least another 2 east of mid channel due west Shilshole marina, steady pace southbound.
10:00 a.m. - glimpse of large male southbound west side of channel approaching/at Faye Bainbridge park. And breaching whale a bit further to the NE.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
8:30 a.m. - Saw at least two mid channel heading south between president point and point wells? ( The tanks) . West of the channel marker. Pretty much mid channel approaching the channel mark South of Kingston
Joanne Graves
8:10 a.m. - Tony Woelke, WS Ferries. called to report orcas about 1-1/2 mile off shore between Pt Edwards (south Edmonds) and Point Wells (tank farm). First just a few heading south, but he started seeing more as we spoke, some milling. Good chance these could be residents.


October 15 
6:22 p.m. - Three just past Lagoon Point, Whidbey Island northbound.
Margaret Marshall
12:32 p.m. - Seemed to have stalled a bit north of Edmonds. Saw on breach. Fairly spread out now with one group far ahead.
12:22 p.m. - Northbound, past Edmonds -Apple Tree Point (Kingston) Large male and others mid channel ...traveling north at steady pace.
Sara Frey
12:26 p.m. - Heading towards Admiralty, really spread. J27 & J19's, J16's only positive ID's so far. Adding J34 to that.
Renee Beitzel
11:52 a.m. - Orcas between Edmonds and Kingston in the middle of the Sound going North.
Chris Hanke


October 14 
6:26 p.m. -  Just saw 2-3 orcas heading west by Fort Ward. On the Bremerton ferry towards Seattle.
Jenessa Zaragoza

6:00 p.m. - Saw one orca heading west in Rich Passage one half mile off Bainbridge.
Hugh Merriman
4:50 p.m. -  Orcas off of Alki heading West.
Jill Hadji
4:15 p.m. - Saw at least two orcas heading south, mid channel, while on the Bainbridge ferry.
Bryan McNeil


October 13 
Haro Strait. Js and Ks. What's interesting to me is the phenomenon of Dall's Porpoise playing, or taunting, an Orca, in this case, J26. How do they know, or do they know, that J26 is a Resident, fish eating Orca, and not a Transient, of mammal eating Orca?
Photo by Jim Maya, October 13, 2016 

Photo by Jim Maya, October 13, 2016 

Photo by Jim Maya, October 13, 2016 

6:20 p.m. - Some calls on Lime Kiln.
Tony Bahnick
5:17 p.m. - Some really loud talking going on right now
Andrew Bergstrom
4:15 p.m. - Still hearing them.
Susan Berta
3:24 p.m. - I am hearing a single Orca on Lime Kiln Hydro.
Kara E Clayton 
Northern Residents
September 30 
Here are some pictures from a photo tour I led up to Telegraph Cove recently. On the very first day of the adventure we saw about 10 humpback whales, 150 Pacific white-sided dolphins, a black bear, 7 brown bears (including 3 cubs), and Northern Resident killer whales!!!  Incredible!
Bart Rulon

Northern resident's from i pod.  In the picture you see i12 and her 31 year old son, i47, in Johnstone Strait.  We also saw i78, i105, and i138 during this encounter.
Photo by Bart Rulon, September 30, 2016 
Bigg's killer whales (Transients)
October 19 
We had the T046B's with the 4 CA/U gang again on the afternoon of October 19th
Mark Malleson, Prince of Whales

T046B1, CA173, and U052 east bound south of Becher Bay.
Photo by Mark Malleson, October 19, 2016 


October 18 
CA173, CA166, U052 and U081 off of Bechey Head on the afternoon of October 18th.
Photo by Mark Malleson 
Humpback whales
October 23 - South Puget Sound 
2:25 p.m. - just took a deep dive looks to be headed north up Colvos Passage.
2:18 p.m. - it appears to be crossing the channel maybe heading up Colvos? White boat with blue stripe following the humpback.
2:14 p.m. -watching from Gig Harbor (old ferry landing) it just surfaced below 5 mile drive (Gig Harbor view point?) still northbound appears to be very close to Tacoma shore. There is a white boat with a blue stripe headed straight towards its last spray.
Brittany Gordon
2:17 p.m. - just Passed The Point proper at Pt. Defiance still northbound Colvos passage bound possibly. Blue and white boat following.
2:12 p.m. - it just surfaced at the Gig Harbor Viewpoint 5 Mile drive Pt. Defiance.
Melissa Burke
1:58 p.m. - Saw it's fluke. Not entangled from my far away view. Moving north past Salmon Beach.
1:49 p.m. - Whale moving north in front of Salmon Beach.
Zeno Martin
12:33 p.m. - I just watched a humpback headed north from Chamber Bay in University Place, now near Gig Harbor, headed north towards Tacoma Narrows Bridge.
Lissa Brod Anderson


October 22 - North Puget Sound 
5:25 p.m.  - Humpback south of Whidbey Island .heading north, one blow just now. Viewing from Sunset Ave in Edmonds with binoculars.
Gloria Faircloth Conrad

October 22 - South Puget Sound (Min. 3 whales. 1 lone further south, 2 together to the north) 
3:00 pm - spotted 2 humpbacks trending at a steady pace, lots of blows and breaching!!! at southern tip of Blake Island, traveling on the east side in a northerly direction .
Kathe Bradley
2:56 p.m. -  whales still northbound just east of Blake island. Passing the whale baton off to the Kitsap and Seattle folks now!
Amy Carey
2:50p.m. -  Charlie called in a report of two humpbacks between the south Blake Island and Southworth, and one seen very close to Southworth that he is not sure whether it was one of the two seen later or was a third whale. They were heading north, nearing the SW side of Blake Island.
2:45 p.m. - 2 went in front of us on Southworth ferry.
Monica Zaborac
2:39 p.m. -  they passed Southworth still northbound, lost them when the ferry left.  A second hand report says they are by the south east side of Blake Island still northbound.
Brittany Gordon
2:26 p.m. - nearing Southworth ferry terminal northbound on Kitsap side. Bad boating behavior.
2:05 p.m. -  northbound near Fragaria, Kitsap
1:34 p.m. -  at least two headed north just north of Ollala, Kitsap.
Amy Carey
1:39 p.m. - One has breached twice! Still headed north. There are several boats
Cathy Baker
1:26 p.m. - Two are fluking, one is not. 2 also just breached twice.
1:08 p.m. - 3 humpbacks at Pt Richmond in Colvos passage heading northbound.
Meg McDonald

Here's one of four breaches by the three humpbacks in Colvos Passage this afternoon. It was nice to see them in the sun!
Photo by Meg McDonald, October 22, 2016

Some lucky passengers on the M/V Issaquah ferry got a close look at the humpback whales this afternoon! I was watching these whales for several hours today, and only two of them are fluking. The third is also lagging behind.
Photo by Meg McDonald, October 22, 2016 

12:36 p.m. - They are heading north up Colvos, mid channel, after a magnificent full breach by one whale.
12:15 p.m. - They are just coming around Point Defiance!
Michele Riley Campbell

12:25 p.m. - spotted 2 humpbacks from Old Ferry landing in Gig Harbor heading North into Colvos passage
Heid Powers Armstron
12:05 p.m.  - He is back again between the buoy and McNeil island.
Bob Wagner
Noon - Two humpbacks just passed by Salmon Beach (north of Tacoma Narrows), close to shore. Travelling north. Approximatley at noon.
Zeno Martin
11:00 a.m. - Two humpbacks headed north through the Tacoma Narrows moments ago, Sat 10/22/2016 @ 11am
Phil Caldwell
10:23 a.m. - Watched them off of Day Island headed North toward Narrows Bridge. Two for sure possibly 3? Pretty much 2 shallow dives and then a deep dive with the fluke showing as they went under.
Glenn Hansen, October 22, 2016 
10:16 a.m. - Humpback off the south end of Fox Island. Spotted right now. Headed north toward the Fox Island pier.
Bob Wagner

October 22 - San Juan Islands 
10:18 a.m. - 2 Humpback whales headed East in Harney channel. (near Shaw Island ferry terminal)
Brian Schmitz
10:15 a.m.  - Orca Network got a call from a ferry worker reporting 2 humpbacks between Shaw and Orcas Islands, heading east.

6:45 am - thanks to Jeanne Hyde's post about listening to Humpbacks all night into the morning, I turned on Lime Kiln and spent my waking time listening to the vocals of at least one humpback, probably more. Calling? Singing? Was so completely beautiful. Close calls and distant calls, apart and sometimes close together. Also lower frequency groans? Listened to them for at least 45 minutes. Around 8:45 heard some little voices like dolphins?
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network


October 21 - South Puget Sound 
5:31 p.m. - both humpbacks just passed Dalco passage on 5 mile still southbound
5:22 p.m. -  both humpbacks just passed Owens Beach still southbound.
5:00 p.m. -  watching from Ruston way...They are getting closer to point Ruston and traveling south towards the ferry.
4:32 p.m. -  watching 2 humpbacks from Ruston way. They are in Commencement Bay by a few sailboats and are headed back out.
Brittany Gordon
3:30 p.m. - Humpbacks spotted off Point Ruston Headed towards the Port.
Brennan Carmody
1:45 p.m. - Two Humpbacks near Vashon's Sanford Pt (south of Lisabeula) moving slowly south. Majestic!
Dorothy Hanson Harris
1:10 p.m. - Two whales traveling south Colvos Passage. Spouting. Saw Whale tail as they dove.
Pat Churchill
12:20 p.m -  2 humpbacks traveling north up Colvos they are a few miles south from the Southworth ferry terminal. Little while boat traveling with them. They are mid channel and seem to be traveling a little slow..
Brittany Gordon
10:11 a.m. - At least 2 humpbacks hugging Gig Harbor shore heading north to Sunrise Beach.
Michele Riely Campbell

October 21 - North Puget Sound 
(Reported to NOAA as well)
I'd like to report a sighting of an entangled humpback whale I noticed yesterday while on board the Chilkat Express. We spotted the whale circling and apparently feeding about 3-4 miles NW of the Edmonds Waterfront. The whale continued to circle the same area during our entire encounter with it, which lasted around 20 minutes between 1:15 pm and 1:36 pm. The whale took deeper dives that lasted around 4 minutes after 3-4 shallower surfacings. Every time the whale attempted a deeper dive, it did not show it's flukes and it appeared the tail was being weighed down by something. You'll find attached a sequence of photos (see one below) I took of one of the whale's dives that seem to show a line of some kind wrapped around the lower part of the whale's peduncle. The photos have been cropped and resized to fit in the email, but are otherwise unaltered. The photos were taken yesterday, October 21st 2016 at 1:19 pm and we last saw the whale trending in a southerly direction though still apparently feeding....
Justine Buckmaster

Humpback in Puget Sound with what appears to be a line of sorts cutting into her/his peduncle. See report above.
Photo by Justine Buckmaster, October 21, 2016 

10:15 a.m. -  a humpback ~3 miles NW of Edmonds, line of sight the leftmost edge of Double Bluff.
Sherman Page


October 20 
5:25 p.m. - We just saw two whales, very close to shore...We're in Mukilteo, just north of the shipwreck. And yes, one of them looked small!
Tori Shemesh
4:27 p.m. - it's TWO whales! Saw two distinct blows side by side viewing from behind. Still trending south close to shore and very close together - mother and calf?
4:22 p.m. - Just spotted a humpback just south of Mukilteo ferry terminal. Very close to shore and moving south... Some walk-ons spotted him from line and I'm sitting on passenger deck of Tokitae and saw it blow and small dorsal three times and then fluke.
Debbie Stewart


October 19 
3:15 p.m. - third whale even further northwest of those two now.
3:12 p.m. - two in tandem are heading back north. Still southeast of PNP and Probably south of Scatchet or even Cultus Bay by couple miles.
2:58 p.m. - The 2 northerly whales moved south in tandem, currently much further south of PNP than the 1st whale. Not sure where that 1st whale is, I've been watching #2 & #3.
1:45 p.m. - confirmed at least 3 total in area. 1 SE of PNP now northbound further east of shipping lanes and at least 2 further NW currently northbound. All just circling around out here.
1:40 p.m. - at least 2 whales out there. The one SE of Point No Point (PNP),  currently moving southbound and at least one further north and west.
1:30 p.m. - humpback in same general area as 1p.m.. Shipping lanes southeast of Point No Point basically circling out there. Shallow fluke when diving.
1:00 p.m. - from Ocean Ave, Edmonds saw at least one humpback surface a few times before fluke. Line of sight, Point No Point approx 2-3 miles south of Scatchet Head, Whidbey.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
10:26 a.m. - I can see two humpbacks out at the south end of Whidbey.
Tia Scarce
8:40 a.m.  - Two humpbacks 1/2 mile east of Point No Point, tall blows in the morning sun then arched backs, fluked up and dove, headed toward Double Bluff.
Howard Garrett, Orca Network


October 18 - North Puget Sound 
2:12 p.m. - whale is now more southwest, moving westbound. Mid channel.
1:50 p.m. -  one whale for the past 20 minutes had been on a southwesterly course, good clip. Regular surfacing/dives, shows fluke each time. 6-9 minute down times.
1:30 p.m. - One breach, and now traveling in a southwesterly direction.
1:25 p.m. - Either made good distance or another whales much closer to Edmonds, south of Possession Point sightline Useless Bay. Several surfaces then fluke, sounded. Traveling northeast.
1:17 p.m. - Just spotted two whales moving northbound 1-2 miles south of Scatchet Head, Whidbey (sightline from Ocean Ave just left of left end of Double Bluff). Fluke...deep dive.
Alisa Lemire Brooks
1:06 p.m. - Multiple whale blow sightings from Sunset Ave Edmonds looking towards Double Bluff and approx 1/2 way between Double Bluff and Point No Point line of sight. Earlier I saw slight movement in both directions but now staying steady.
Whales viewed multiple times between 11:57am and 12:55pm ...Backs, flukes and double blows seen.
Gloria Faircloth Conrad
11:20 am, one humpback 3 or 4 miles NW of Edmonds, line of sight slightly to the left of Double Bluff. It is going down on long 20 minute dives.
Sherman Page

October 18 - Central Puget Sound 
3:40 p.m. - Two humpback whales heading north from Fay bainbridge heading towards Indianola. Backs and flukes visible but no pictures.
Scott Weaver
1:25 p.m. - We, Chilkat, are with 2 Humpbacks, southbound in the middle between Shilshole and Rolling Bay.
Christoper Hanke
At 9:50 am I saw two whale spouts (I am assuming it was two spouts from the same whale)  in outer Elliott Bay and the saw the back of a while then the full tail fluke as it dove, appeared to be pointed toward Seattle downtown. Suspect because of the tail it was a humpback but can not be sure. Was traveling on BI ferry (Bainbridge/Seattle). Did not see it again for rest of trip.
Betsy Cooper


October 17 
5:30 p.m. - Douglas Devaney reports two humpback whales traveling together mid channel west of Alki (now south of) heading southbound at a good pace.

5:15 p.m. -  Humpbacks passing by Alki Point heading south.
Photo by Gary Jones, October 17, 2016 

We saw these (humpbacks) NW of Alki Point from the sundeck of the Walla Walla just [after] 5pm.
Rufo Hill
10:45 am - two humpbacks a couple of miles NW of Edmonds, line of sight with Double Bluff on Whidbey Island.
Sherman Page


October 15 
10:32 a.m. - Still 4 Humpbacks spread out south of Whidbey Possession Point/Scatchet Head area.
Christopher Hanke


October 13 
I am about 90% sure I saw a spout between N Mutiny Bay on Whidbey and Hansville on the Kitsap side, at about 1:30 pm. have been trying to re-sight but visibility getting worse.
Susan Berta, Orca Network
1:00 a.m. - Many humpbacks off the south end of Whidbey. Off Possession Point/Scatchet Head area just going back and forth.
Christopher Hanke


September 30 
Lunge feeding, or in this case trap feeding, humpback whale in Blackfish Sound, BC.  We saw many other actively feeding humpback whales scattered all over the place during our visit to Telegraph Cove, BC.
Photo by Bart Rulon, September 30, 2016 
Pacific white-sided dolphins
September 30 
Pacific white-sided dolphins - Knight Inlet, BC.  It was a pod of about 150 dolphins!
Photo by Bart Rulon, September 30, 2016 
Harbor porpoise
October 19 
From Edmonds watched at least a dozen spread out Harbor porpoise (including a few calves) for the two hours I was watching humpbacks in the distance. Porpoise were sometimes 300 hundred yards off shore but mostly up to 1/2 mile or so off.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network 

Orca Network is a 501 c3 nonprofit organization, dedicated to raising awareness about the whales of the Pacific Northwest, and the importance of providing them healthy and safe habitats.

Orca Network's Whale Sighting Network involves citizens in helping researchers track the movement of whales, and encourages people to observe whales from their homes, businesses, ferries, and beaches.
Whale reports are sent in to our Sighting Network and emailed out to researchers, agencies, and citizens on our network, and posted on our website (MAP of sightings also on website). Whale reports and observations are sent in by a variety of sources, and Orca Network does not guarantee the accuracy of any report or whale identification.



TO REPORT WHALES, CALL: 1-866-ORCANET (1-866-672-2638), email, or post sightings on our Orca Network Facebook page.



 "The new rules prohibit vessels from approaching any killer whale closer than 200 yards and forbid vessels from intercepting a whale or positioning the vessel in its path. This doubles the current approach distance of 100 yards. The rules go into effect May 16 and apply to all types of boats, including motor boats, sail boats and kayaks, in Washington"

For more information on the Federal Regulations, visit the NOAA Fisheries website. 


To report harassment of whales in US waters, call NOAA Enforcement: 1-800-853-1964;

In Canadian waters, call DFO's Observe Record and Report (ORR) Violations Hotline: 1-800- 465-4336

Report the boat name &/or a description of the boat, & get photos/video if at all possible.