
Orca Network 

Whale Sighting Report  

In This Issue
Upcoming Events
Southern Residents
Bigg's/Transient killer whales
Photo of the Day
Humpback whales
Gray whales
Dall's porpoise
Upcoming Events:
June is Orca Month

Sunday June 5th  Kickoff Event - Seattle

Saturday June 18th Orcas in Our Midst Workshop - Langley

see details & other events at

Salmon Orca Alliance's Calendar of Events

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115 Anthes Ave
Whidbey Island

Thurs - Sun 11 - 5

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Go Fund Me Fundraiser
Orca Network recommends:
Puget Sound Whales for Sale: The Fight to End Orca Hunting, by
Sandra Pollard
This important volume recounts the people whose determined efforts ultimately succeeded in ending the captures.


The Lost Whale, by
Michael Parfit and
Suzanne Chisolm
  An intensely personal story...but this person is a young orca.  

Lost Whale book...ver scaled



To learn more  

about orcas: 

Orcas in Our Midst, volume 3, by Howard Garrett

Orcas in Our Midst,

Vol. 3: Residents and Transients, How Did That Happen?

Click here  

to order YOUR copy!



  David Kirby  

The bestseller about orcas in captivity


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to learn about L pod

orca Lolita/Tokitae,

captured in Penn Cove,

Whidbey Island, WA

in 1970, somehow surviving in a small tank at the Miami Seaquarium ever since.

Tokitae looking up at us from her tank in Miami, FL in the late 1990s 

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May 31,  2016

We are watching and visiting the whales in their home~

Please observe, love and respect them from a distance.

Having trouble viewing this Sightings Report? Archived Reports can be found HERE.
Another perfectly beautiful northwest day brings the month of May to a close. This past month proved to provide enough food to entice a number of Bigg's /Transient pods into Puget Sound and keep them here for days and weeks at a time.  Early may brough daily reports out of Hood Canal and in the latter weeks daily reports in the broader reaches of Puget Sound, north to south.  These past few days have been quiet and Puget Sound feels a little lonely without them showing up somewhere on a daily basis. Even up north the encounters are slowing, but several matrilines (including many of the pods who spent weeks in Puget Sound) continue to peruse Juan de Fuca, Haro and Georgia Straits and the many passages and inlets along the way. And with new little ones in tow, check out their adorable selves! 

May 13th was the last time any of the residents have been seen inland when Js and Ks were off Victoria and in Haro Stait as reported in our May 18th Sightings Report. On May 24th members of J and K pods were encountered off the west side of Vancouver Island near Tofino heading southeast. We had hoped they would keep coming, but it appears they stayed out west. We would expect to have seen at least  J pod more this time of year so hopefully Fraser Chinook begin their return in big enough numbers soon as to entice the residents in.

Several humpbacks have been cruising Puget Sound. Three have been reported together on occasion twice in Elliot Bay, downtown Seattle.  Two traversed Rich Passage and made their way close in off the Port Orchard marina. So far they seem to be doing fine.

This Peninsula Daily News article updates us on the juvenile female gray whale who moved about Puget Sound for 2 weeks prior to her death in early May. Her body  has been submerged to decompose and feed the ecosystem as nature takes her course and will be monitored and retrieved at a later date. This was such a sad time for this little one, we are glad to see her life can give back to the natural world and provide education for humans in the years to come through the Port Townsend Marine Science Center.

Below are just a few of the events happening this month. For a full list of events & other information please visit the Orca Month website.

~  Wednesday, June 1, 7pm - A Captive Orca and her Natural History - Orca Network's Howard Garrett at Anacortes Public Library, 1220 10th St, Anacortes, WA. Call 360-293-1910 ext. 21 for details |FREE

Saturday, June 4th, 5:30 pm - Dana Lyons Concert, with Audri Cook - at Langley Whale Center, 115 Anthes, Langley WA. | $10 suggested donation

~  Sunday June 5th, 2-5:00 pm - Kickoff Celebration and Baby Orca Birthday Bash - at Alki Beach House, West Seattle | FREE

Saturday, June 18, 10am - 4:30pm - Orcas In Our Midst Workshop to celebrate and learn about Southern Resident Orcas. - at Whidbey Children's Theater in Langley. | $25 Students and Seniors; $35 General. See schedule and REGISTER HERE.

Orca Network
Photo of the Day
May 24 
K22 Sekiu and her son K33 Tika,  & K34 Cali cruising the Pacific off Tofino, BC.
Photo by Shaun Parniak, May 24, 2016
(ID's by Melisa Pinnow, Center for Whale Research) 
Southern Residents
May 24 
About 3:45pm I was about 3.5 miles SW of Cleland Island, off the coast of Tofino. I spent an hour and a half with them. As they continued down the coast SE. The largest male, the one you guys ID'd, J27 rolled around on one of the females and we saw his dork at least three times. (photos show J27 and members of K pod)
Shaun Parniak, Shamrock Photography

Photo by Shaun Parniak, May 24, 2016 

K12 in the Pacific off Tofino, BC.
Photo by Shaun Parniak, May 24, 2016 

Members of J and K pods encountered off Tofino, BC.
Photo by Shaun Parniak, May 24, 2016 

J27 Blackberry off Tofino, BC
Photo by Shaun Parniak, May 24, 2016 

J Pod was off Tofino yesterday (may 24)  heading southwest from Cleland Rocks about 3 miles offshore. Shamrock Photography has photos including 2 of J27. Lots of beaching, tail lobbing and dork action  We went out but the boats couldn't hold them for us and we lost them. Heading your way though! The last boat with them said they were travelling at 3 knots and stopping every 10 min to mill about. On a south west track though around 7 pm.
Marcie Callewaert
Bigg's/Transient killer whales
May 30 
Newbie alert!  Little un' with T100B, fresh with fetal folds, at most 7 days old. We saw T100B on May 22nd with no baby, and today in the Strait of Georgia she was with her new little one along with the rest of the T100s and the T123s.
Tasli Shaw

T100B with new days-old calf by her side.
Photo by Tasli Shaw, May 30, 2016 

T100B & little one...
Photo by Tasli Shaw, May 30, 2016 

We saw breaching orcas from the Nanaimo ferry, close to shore as we pulled away from Vancouver Island, this morning at 11 AM. No ID's but at least one big male, very active breaches as the pod (about 4-5 I think) travelled along the Strait of Georgia. A lovely surprise encounter
Steve Smith


May 29 
Flying upside down orca pretty much made my day.
Out with the T75Bs & T77s zig-zagging Hein Bank - Juan de Fuca Strait, seas very rolly.
Photo by Sara Hysong-Shimazu, May 29, 2016

I also got to "meet" T77's newest kiddo - T77E.
Photo by Sara Hysong-Shimazu, May 29, 2016 


T077 surfing along a swell. Sunday off Port Angeles.
Photo by James Gresham, May 29, 2016 

T077 tail lobbing with her oldest offspring, 16 yr old T077B.
Sunday morning off Port Angeles.

Photo by James Gresham, May 29, 2016 


May 28 
2:30 p.m. - Good afternoon, we were blessed on the water today with a small pod of Transients swim past us. My first time seeing them so close, they just swam up to us. Thought I would share with you. This was at Freshwater/Crescent Bay near Port Angeles. Lots of whale boats coming out of Victoria/Canada trying to catch up to them. Was a Blessing to us today to see these Majestic animals. They were heading out west. Our encounter was at 2:30pm. (Photos include T137s , T125A and 128 - ALB)
Sandy Thompson Watne

T137A & mom T137 -  Strait of Juan de Fuca
Photo by Sandy Thompson Watne, May 28, 2016 

T137 A & T137
Photo by Sandy Thompson Watne, May 28, 2016 

T125A - Juan de Fuca Strait.
Photo by Sandy Thompson Watne, May 28, 2016 

Photo by Sara Thompson Watne, May 28, 2016 

Photo by Sara Thompson Watne, May 28, 2016

May 28 
We had the 7 orcas with the T77s and T75Bs way up in Canada heading north today up by Sidney Island.
Bart Rulon, Island Adventures


May 27 - Active Pass 
Seal hunting orcas at the west entrance to Active Pass, late afternoon, May 27, 2016.
Photo by Peter McAllister 

Photo by Peter McAllister, May 27, 2016 

Photo by Peter McAllister, May 27, 2016 

May 27  - Puget Sound ( two groups northbound, miles and hours apart) 
5:30 p.m. - Orca's sighted in front of Apple Tree Point heading North.  Three (3) Orca's swam by our house located on Sandy Beach Lane/Apple Tree Point in Kingston. One had a VERY large dorsal fin. They were a great site to see.
Thyra McKevlie
3:38 p.m. - now straight out from Faye Bainbridge park. Mid channel moving steady north, pretty long dives Looks like T137s , T125A & T128.
3:24 p.m. - Orca!!  line of sight between Faye Bainbridge and Shilshole marina. Isaw one male, one female probably more.
Connie Bickerton

Thanks to the sharp eyes of my niece, we got to watch T137s, T125A and T128 pass north by Fay Bainbridge this afternoon.
Photo by Connie Bickerton, May 27, 2016
(Thanks to Sara Hysong-Shimazu & Melisa Pinnow for ID help & confirmations) 

4:00 p.m. -  they are now north of Fort Flagler crossing across Admiralty Straits toward Fort Casey and Ebeys Landing I'm at Lagoon Point heading over that way.
3:10 p.m. - spotted orcas across from Bush Point north of yellow channel marker closer to Marrowstone island side. ( this group is the T75Bs & T77s)
Marilyn Armbruster
2:15 - on a tip from Sandra Pollard I found a small pod heading north in Admiralty Inlet just north of Hood Canal on the Olympic Peninsula side.
Howard Garrett
1:00 p.m. -  north group is definitely into Admiralty mid channel. Too far for me to say how far. Good luck!
12:20 p.m. - Edmonds they very much appear to be trending Northwest directionally towards Admiralty Inlet.
11:40 a.m. -Approx. 8 orcas (including adult male and wee little one) steady northbound now passing south Edmonds/Apple Cove Pt. Kingston. More east of mid channel.
11:26 a.m. From Edmonds Marina Beach spotted the pod northbound steady medium pace mid channel passing Kingston/south Edmonds.
Alisa Lemire Brooks

T75Bs & T77s passing Edmonds Marina Beach northbound May 27, 2016.
Video by Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network 

Check out this baby!
Saw the T077's and the T075B's today between Edmonds & Kingston!
Photo by Janine Harles, May 27, 2016
(photo zoomed & cropped) 

T077s & T75Bs between Edmonds & Kingston.
Photo by Janine Harles, May 27, 2016 

10:15 a.m. - Several orcas off Point Jefferson, Kingston mid channel heading north quite rapidly.
Chris Otterson
9:55 a.m. - Report from Karolyn of a pod of orcas heading south near Eagle Harbor, Bainbridge Island, seen from the ferry.
9:42 a.m. Orca spotted off the Point White, Bainbridge Island! Headed toward Bremerton. ( this may have been humpbacks, we have not received any photos of orcas in Rich Passage, only humpbacks)
Caron Anderson
9:20a.m. - update from John Rogstad, WSF "Just got a report from the KALEETAN on the Seattle Bremerton route; three orca northbound just west of the Tango buoy. One of the whales had XL dorsal fin"

9:15 a.m. - Three Orcas sighted off of the Bremerton/Seattle ferry at about 9:15 AM, heading towards Seattle, near the buoys, on the right side of the Kaleetan. Ferry personnel very kindly announced their presence so riders could watch the whales. Lots of oooohs and ahhhhs from the crowd!
Mary Klein
Log entry 0640 hours from the Wenatchee sailing Seattle to Bainbridge Island-
"Crew reports five orca whale steaming southbound at Wing Point (abeam Eagle Harbor).  Orcanetwork notified."
John Rogstad, WSF

6:22 a.m. - Three orca, appeared to be leisurely feeding near Eagle Harbor, Bainbridge Island. One female and possibly two young...feeding, lots of shallow dives.
Brynn Keith


May 26 - Admiralty Inlet -  T75Bs  and T77s

We saw (almost) constantly the kind of thing in this picture. They were slapping their tails and porpoising. Delightful.
Photo by Iris McDonald, May 26, 2016
(This photo from Admiralty Inlet with southbound  T75Bs & T77s ) 

2:20 p.m. - Passing Windmill Heights and into Mutiny Bay, still heading south.
Mike Meyer

1:45 - 2:10 - From just south of Bush Point.
Photo by Howard Garrett, Orca Network, May 26, 2016 

Photo by Howard Garrett, May 26, 2016 

Photo by Howard Garrett, May 26, 2016 

1:50 p.m. - Just coming up on Windmill Heights. (Mutiny Bay)
Dennis Allen
1:25 p.m. - Just passing Bush Point
1:15 pm - Transients are past Lagoon Pt, now approaching Bush Pt, and are mid-channel, maybe a little bit closer to the Bush Pt. side.
Pat Scott
12:22p.m. - 9 transients at Lagoon point inlaced the T77s and T75Bs heading south still. I saw another male also w/ the T77s and T75Bs but it appeared to have departed sometime early on in my viewing. There was possibly another female with it, but I never saw them again after the first 5 minutes of the encounter.
Bart Rulon, IA
11:55 - Kit Turner at Lagoon Point just called in a report of at least four orcas, just north of the cut at Lagoon Point, about 100' from the Whidbey Island side of Admiralty Inlet, circling and milling and slowly trending southward.
11:36 a.m.  - Another group just north of Lagoon point. Heading south. Looks like T077's.
Renee Beitzel

May 26 - Puget Sound T137s, T125A & T128 
5:35 p.m.- pod has been drifting south I imagine with their meal. South end Port Madison.
5:00 p.m. -  one group (approx 6 with 3 large males, looking like  T137s and 125A & 128) is still out from Port Madison/Suquamish west of mid channel...southbound shipping lanes. Look to be on a kill. Some breaches.
4:25 p.m -  one group is currently mid channel south of Jefferson Head/Indianola and Richmond Beach. Sightline RB Saltwater Park and Faye Bainbridge park. Milling
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network

3:39 p.m. - Onboard the Victoria Clipper, we are passing Orcas south of Kingston (47.44N, 122.27W). It looked they were just milling about. Not really headed in any direction.
James Geenway
10:51 a.m.  - pod south of Possession and Scatchet heading tending in a direction towards east side Kitsap.
Stu Davidson

T137s, T125A & T128 north Puget Sound.
Video by Stu Davidson, May 26, 2016 

10:19 a.m. - With them now. T137's with T125A and T128.
Renee Beitzel, Chilkat
10:17 a.m. - Spotted them off Mukilteo about 30 minutes ago, I saw at least 5.
Melissa Negretti
9:48 a.m. - 4 orcas heading South at Mukilteo.
April Bosley
0937hrs - Chief Mate reports 4 killer whales making way southbound in between Mukilteo and Clinton.  Whale Hotline notified.
John Rogstad, WSF

May 26 - Puget Sound 3rd unidentified  group 
1323 hours - Master reports the 4 killer whales are abeam of Dolphin Point (the north end and east side of Vashon Island) and headed southbound.
John Rogstad, WSF

1138hrs - Master reports there are 4 killer whales off of Duwamish Head in the traffic lanes making way in a southbound direction.
John Rogstad, WS Ferries


May 25 - BC 
T124A in front of the Southern Gulf Islands of British Columbia - Anniversary Island is the small one in the foreground.
Photo by Heather MacIntyre, May 25, 2016 

T124A with T124A2-A surfacing next.
Photo by Heather MacIntyre, May 25, 2016 

May 25 - Puget Sound 
This is late, but I saw 6-8 orcas traveling south from Pebble Beach, around 4:30. There were at two babies with them.
Sarah Malmstead
3:00 p.m. - Orcas coming by Langley heading north, now! Reported from Village Pizza in Langley.
Howard Garrett, Orca Network
2:20 p.m. - fins disappearing, they look pretty committed to Saratoga Passage.
2:10 p.m. - At Mukilteo Lighthouse park, found the  orcas well north of Clinton ferry, look to be aiming towards Saratoga.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Netowrk
12:56 p.m. - Watching the same group north of Possession Point at 12:56 from lighthouse park in Mukilteo. Five sighted.
Bryant Mitchell
12:23 p.m. - orcas heading north along east possession towards Clinton (at the moment).. Following close behind a gray  (723).
Stu Davidson
11:53 p.m. - T137's, T125A and T128 now off Possession Point. Gray whale #723 also feeding in area off Possession.
Renee Beitzel
11:28 p.m. - Now pointing towards Edmonds.
10:46 a.m. - Now heading for Possession Point.
10:30 a.m. - Now with these T's and we are just north of the Kingston Ferry Terminal closer to the Kingston shoreline. Northbound. 5kts. Heading now for Point No Point.
Rob Sanderson, Chilkat

Bigg's/Transients passing Apple Tree Point, Kingston.
Photo by Sara Frey, May 25, 2016 

Photo by Sara Frey, May 23, 2016 

Photo by Sara Frey, May 25, 2016 

9:15 a.m. - several orca kind of close to the middle of the channel off Point Jefferson, Kingston, milling around with slow movement northbound.
Chris Beamer Otterson
0715 Ferry between Bainbridge Island and Seattle watched several orcas swimming northwards in the shipping lane. Too far for the Northbound lane (east of mid channel) just off Discovery Park.
Tim Cuddy


May 23 
...Followed them southbound from Boundary Pass into Haro Strait from 12-1:30pm...Three youngsters were playing a lot, and the main group was shadowed by two males and a female at about 200-300 yards the entire time. (
Jessica Alexander Doyle
(May 24 report included Katie Jones encounter who says the following were present: T36A's, T65A's and B's, T99's, T101's, and T123's)

Front to back, looks like T36A3, T36A, T36A1, and T65A3.
Photo by Jessica Alexandra Doyle, May 23, 2016
(ID's by Sara Hysong-Shimazu)
(Jessica's photo album HERE) 

Yup! First is 123A...T65A3 looks to be the other fin, but I'm not 100% on that.
Photo by Jessica Alexandra Doyle, May 23, 2016
(ID help from Sara Hysong-Shimazu)


May 23 - Puget Sound 
Orcas in Steilacoom tonight. 5-6 adults and maybe 2 baby's!! Right in front of my house! It was crazy watching them split up and hunt! We think there was 2 babies in that group.
Photo by Lisa Witsken, May 23, 2016 

This group came through Pickering Passage 6:30 Monday.
Photo by Mary R Larson, May 23, 2016 

Photo by Mary R Larson, May 23, 2016 

Photo by Mary R Larson, May 23, 2016 
Coastal killer whales
May 28 
One Male Orca in the Siuslaw River, Florence OR. Saturday, the 28th, about 1730 hrs, sighted male Orca breaching in river. Small fishing boat 'escorted' it at a distance until it went back over the bar and back into Pacific. Was sighted by someone else (before my video and sighting), about 30 minutes earlier about a mile or less up river, just south of the Siuslaw River Coast Guard Station.
Debbie Heldt Cordone

Lone adult male orca in the Siuslaw River, Florence Oregon.
Video by Debbie Heldt Cordone, May 28, 2016 


May 27 
Call today from McKenzie who saw three killer whales, with no adult males, this afternoon, 5/27 (she said others reported 10-12) south of Newport, near Lost Creek State Park, less than a mile offshore, moving north to the jetty at Yaquina Bay. She said there was also a small gray whale in the mix for a short time, with pecs and flukes up, but no sign of blood and only for a few minutes.


May 17 
Caller Kate McDonald reported seeing 4 orcas from the trail between Otter Rock and Depot Bay OR on May 17 about 3:30 pm. The whales were only 30-40' from the rocks, heading north, seen from about 40' above them, from the Otter Crest trail loop.  
Humpback whales
May 29 
Spotted a whale (smaller and  It had a small dorsal) traveling north west through Port of Washington Narrows passage into Dyes Inlet at 0630 am, Sunday 29 May.
Will Grindstaff


May 28 
4:30 p.m. - Saw a whale swimming up the Washington Narrows and under the Manette bridge from the Boathouse restraint. This one had a small or irregular fin, couldn't tell which. What caught my eye was the lack of the large dorsal fin common to the Orcas which make periodic visits to the area. Also much larger animal What caught our attention was the large blow that towared 15 feet or more when he surfaced.
John Lorimer


May 27 
4:11 p.m. - Leaving now. Last I saw there were possibly two (with a nice breach!). I was at pier 70 looking north.
2:57 p.m. - I'm still watching. From where I'm sitting, it was skirting in front of the cargo ships near downtown, but headed away from downtown.
2:26 p.m. - Just saw the briefest of glimpses of what looks to be a single humpback from the Olympic Sculpture park. Headed south.
Madelyn Gilbert Aman
2-3 Humpback whales spotted on Seattle to Bainbridge Island  ferry run around 1:30. In the main channel, south in the main channel, closer to West Seattle than Bainbridge. At least two, maybe 3, based on frequency and spacing of whale spouts, but only clearly saw two backs and dorsal fins at the same time, and only two dives with flukes visible at approximately the same time. Traveling, diving, spouting.
Michael Pollock
Today at 1:20 a Humpback came through Rich Passage at Orchard point..Manchester. Went deep and didn't see the direction of travel after that.
Photo by Noelle Morris, May 27, 2016 

12:07 p.m. - Just saw a humpback in Rich Passage. Midway on south side.
Tina O'Brien
One of the two humpbacks surface off Port Orchard Marina.
Photo by Brittany Gordon, May 27, 2016 

Photo by Brittany Gordon, May 27, 2016 

(Facebook) Video of the humpbacks in Port Orchard Bay from this morning. The first few seconds of this video the humpback is between the boat and light post. At 15-17 seconds you can hear/kinda see both the humpbacks at once. I'm bummed I didn't get video from the other side of the marina, it swam right next to the fuel dock but I was way to excited to think about video then. (Brittany Gordon)

11:30 a.m. - The 2 humpbacks are exiting port orchard bay right now at a fast pace heading NE.
11:19 a.m. - There are 2 humpbacks.  I got a video (see above link) of it swimming right past the dock so close to me. I'm still shaking. They are headed northeast now in ferry lane
11:10 a.m. - there is a humpback very close to Port Orchard marina.
Brittany Gordon

9:05 a.m. - Got a call from David Wartez, who saw a whale  in Elliot Bay from the viaduct. He didn't know what it was but from the description it sounded like a humpback.
Before I took the watch here in the operations center at 0600 my predecessor Mike Boldt got a report at 0554 from the Cathlamet down at Fauntleroy/Vashon/Southworth. The log entry reads "crew reports three humpback whales approximately 3/4 of a mile off of the Fauntleroy dock".
John Rogstad, WSFk


May 26 
Big Mama and Junior at East Point, Saturna Island.
Photo by Mark Malleson, May 26, 2016 

May 26 - Puget Sound 
7:00 p.m. - I went out to look for the humpback about 7pm and found two! They were at the very southern end of Colvos passage between Gig Harbor and Vashon. I think they were very similar sized adults.
Michelle Riley Campbell
5:15 p.m. - Single humpback right off the shore at Browns Point headed south towards Ruston surfacing often and moving pretty quickly.
Meghan Davis van Horn
12:30 p.m. -  probable humpback between West Seattle and Blake Island, west channel. A couple blows and shallow dives followed by a deeper dive with visible flukes, all before I could grab binoculars or camera. Haven't seen it since. It appeared to be moving south or southwest.
Jason Lee Bell
0800 -  Gray whale South side of Southworth dock. It just surfaced 3 times while I was waiting at the dock, all in the area between the dock and the northern tip of Colvos Passage.  A couple of people said it was a gray, but I didn't think it had the tail of a gray when I saw it, so it well could have been the humpback - the back looked more like a humpback to me but I'm no expert, so I took their word for it. One of the ferry dock workers, Nicole I think, said it was hanging around the south end of the dock, seemed to be more when the tide was turning.  She said usually they hang out between the north end of Southworth Dock and Blake Island.
Kristie Paylor

5:30 a.m. - Lone humpback whale east side of Duwamish Head heading slowly NNW very close to shore at shallow depth.
Charlie Piston, NOAA


May 25 - Puget Sound 
8:45 p.m. - surprised to see a humpback pass by close to shore (north Edmonds) initially heading due south. It then veered more south westerly. Last blow and dive was still north of Edmonds ferry.
Stu Davidson
Hello lovely whale people! I wanted to let you know that I just spotted what appears to be a youngish humpback whale off Edgewater Beach in Mukilteo! Watched from 1645-1750 then he was heading towards Lighthouse Park.
Danica Gonsalves

Humpback whale on her/his side near shore east of Mukitleo ferry dock - on the left is her/his pec fin  & on the right half it's fluke .
Photo by Danica Gonsalves, May 25, 2016 

Humpback Pec fin.
Photo by Danica Gonsalves, May 25, 2016 

Humpback off Edgewater Park, Mukilteo.
Photo by Danica Gonsalves, May 25, 2016 

Took the 5:30 ferry from Mukilteo to Clinton. As we were loading we saw a huge gray whale (was a humpback) north of the dock and close to shore doing what I call "flaps" with his HUGE fins. Excuse the layman terms, but it was quite a show - heading south.
Kathy Stevens Hitsemann

May 25 - Vancouver Island, BC 
After only living here on Vancouver Island for just over a year, I spotted from our back deck, what I think is my first Humpback in the Satellite Channel, near Artbutus Ridge at 10am. He was fluking, spy-hopping and breaching before heading down past Mill Bay. Behaviors: feeding, playing, traveling. Surprisingly loud when they blow
Deirdre Zlomanchuk


May 24 north Puget Sound 
5:42 p.m. - long dives. Just saw it on a dive heading north towards Scatchet Head. From sunset it should be line of sight with South Double Bluff.
Stu Davidson
4:30 p.m. - pulled up to Sunset Ave Edmonds and spotted a humpback diving in southbound direction few miles out and approx 2 miles south of Possession Point. Sightline western half of Double Bluff. Water like glass...beautiful. Ten minutes later it flipped and continued northbound in same general area with shallow surfaces.  By 5:05 pm it flipped again and was southbound when I left.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network

May 24 - south Puget Sound 
5:44 p.m. - Whale at Point Ruston, Tacoma.
Erin Keene
5:15 p.m. - Humpback now off south end Vashon nearing ferry lane.
4:46 p.m. - Stunning!!! Just passing Camp Sealth on west side Vashon. Should be in Dalco Passage/Point Defiance area soon.
Amy Carey
4:23 p.m. - Whale is just south of Redding's Beach. Heading south fairly quickly.
Lark Pelling
2:45 p.m. - Humpback southbound in Colvos just south of Fern Cove near Vashon shoreline.
Noreen Ferris
2:40 p.m. - Just saw what looks like a humpback from the Southworth ferry terminal. Traveling south on the west side of Vashon.
Heather Paar
2:05 - Call from Charlie reporting a baleen whale with a dorsal fin, so probably a humpback, between Vashon and Blake Islands, heading NW toward Yukon Harbor.
2:00 p.m. - Just saw an whale off west side of the ferry between Vashon and Blake not 10 minutes ago.
Katherine Steen 
Gray whales
May 29 - coastal 
Gray whale feeding - Tofino, BC
Photo by Steve Smith, May 29, 2016 


May 25 
2:00 p.m. Haven't yet seen the orcas but gray whale traveling northeasterly past Mukilteo Lighthouse Park.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
11:53 p.m. - T137's, T125A and T128 now off Possession Point. Gray whale #723 also feeding in area off Possession.
Renee Beitzel
11:33 a.m. - a gray south of Scatchet Head heading towards Possession Point.
Stu Davidson  
Dall's porpoise
May 23 
We got super lucky and ran into some Dall's on our way back to Friday Harbor in San Juan Channel. There seemed to be 5-6 of them playing in our wake.
Jessica Alexandra Doyle

Beautiful fin of a Dall's porpoise gliding through San Juan channel.
Photo by Jessica Alexandra Doyle, May 23, 2016 

Orca Network is a 501 c3 nonprofit organization, dedicated to raising awareness about the whales of the Pacific Northwest, and the importance of providing them healthy and safe habitats.

Orca Network's Whale Sighting Network involves citizens in helping researchers track the movement of whales, and encourages people to observe whales from their homes, businesses, ferries, and beaches.
Whale reports are sent in to our Sighting Network and emailed out to researchers, agencies, and citizens on our network, and posted on our website (MAP of sightings also on website). Whale reports and observations are sent in by a variety of sources, and Orca Network does not guarantee the accuracy of any report or whale identification.


TO REPORT WHALES, CALL: 1-866-ORCANET (1-866-672-2638), email, or post sightings on our Orca Network Facebook page.



 "The new rules prohibit vessels from approaching any killer whale closer than 200 yards and forbid vessels from intercepting a whale or positioning the vessel in its path. This doubles the current approach distance of 100 yards. The rules go into effect May 16 and apply to all types of boats, including motor boats, sail boats and kayaks, in Washington"


For more information on the new Federal Regulations, visit the NOAA Fisheries website


To report harassment of whales in US waters
, call NOAA Enforcement: 1-800-853-1964;

In Canadian waters, call DFO's Observe Record and Report (ORR) Violations Hotline: 1-800- 465-4336

Report the boat name &/or a description of the boat, & get photos if at all possible.