
Orca Network 

Whale Sighting Report  

In This Issue
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Photo of the Day
Bigg's/Transient killer whales
Humpback whales
Gray whales
Minke whales
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June is Orca Month

Sunday June 5th  Kickoff Event - Seattle

Saturday June 18th Orcas in Our Midst Workshop - Langley

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Orca Network recommends:
Puget Sound Whales for Sale: The Fight to End Orca Hunting, by
Sandra Pollard
This important volume recounts the people whose determined efforts ultimately succeeded in ending the captures.


The Lost Whale, by
Michael Parfit and
Suzanne Chisolm
  An intensely personal story...but this person is a young orca.  

Lost Whale book...ver scaled



To learn more  

about orcas: 

Orcas in Our Midst, volume 3, by Howard Garrett

Orcas in Our Midst,

Vol. 3: Residents and Transients, How Did That Happen?

Click here  

to order YOUR copy!



  David Kirby  

The bestseller about orcas in captivity


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orca Lolita/Tokitae,

captured in Penn Cove,

Whidbey Island, WA

in 1970, somehow surviving in a small tank at the Miami Seaquarium ever since.

Tokitae looking up at us from her tank in Miami, FL in the late 1990s 

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May 24,  2016

We are watching and visiting the whales in their home~

Please observe, love and respect them from a distance.

Having trouble viewing this Sightings Report? Archived Reports can be found HERE.
We keep receiving and seeing reports with "it's a T-party out there", and that truly does sum up the week in and around the Salish Sea. Puget Sound is teeming with Bigg's; coming, going, meeting up and splitting off to roam the far reaches of Puget Sound and up to the north of us in BC and US waters around the Gulf and San Juan Islands. Lively and interesting reports, and stunning photos of large gathering of many families coming together to hunt, socialize, learn, mate and all other manner of interactions these sentient beings engage. 

Consistent humpback reports the past several days in Puget Sound, with at least one whale to the south and one to the north. And Big Mama and calf continue their travels through out the region.

A couple of gray whale reports with one photo which does confirm at least one gray whale near south Whidbey Island as recent as the 21st and it appears to be #723 (the first of the north "Sounders" to have arrive on February 17th), though to distant to confirm.  

June is fast approaching which means a month of events to focus on and celebrate orcas! For a complete list and details of events happening all month long check out Salmon Orca Alliance Orca Month Calendar of Events

Sunday June 5th  - FREE Kickoff Event "Baby Orca Birthday Bash" in Seattle
Saturday June 18th - Orcas in Our Midst Workshop 10 am - 4:30 pm at Langley School Theater, Langley, Whidbey Island $25 students & seniors; $35 general admission.

This spring is an amazing and beautiful time. Thank you to all of you for your contributions to these reports.
Orca Network
Photo of the Day
May 23 
Bigg's/Transients  tuck into and cruise the shoreline of Wescott Bay, San Juan Island.
Photo by Kalley Genther, May 23, 2016
(see first entry in Bigg's section)
Bigg's/Transient killer whales
May 23 - Boundary Pass/Haro Strait 
Hi Orca Network!  For the first time since my parents bought their place on San Juan (10+ years) and the stars aligned so that we were up there, we had 4 transients in our bay today. We stood onshore as they cruised in and around for a bit probably looking for seals, then left out to Mosquito Pass and Haro Strait I would presume. We are on Westcott Bay and look into Garrison Bay. We didn't get any real good ID shots in the few photos we got, but here is one of the better pictures. Let me know if anyone else reported T's and if we know who they might be! (see photo of the day)
Kalley Genther
Big group 6-8 transits, three young and one big male, and a second group of two males and a female heading south on Boundary Pass! We first met up with them west and south of Blunden in Canadian waters, then they followed the border and turned south at Stuart. 1:30 p.m. Left them still heading south/southwest down Haro Strait. I think the male with the big group was T123A, also think we saw T65B and T65B1 and some other youngsters and another two females, and then the two large males and solo female traveling a few hundred yards behind them. Looked like a kill at 12:30, then lazy traveling with playful youngsters. Lots of lobtailing, spyhopping and some porpoising!
Jessica Alexandra Doyle

- T36A with T36A3 -
T-Party again today with the T36A's, T65A's and B's, T99's, T101's, and T123's - About 20 whales total!
Photo by Katie Jones, May 23, 2016 

May 23 - south Puget Sound Hammersly Inlet 
8:35 p.m. - Saw 3, maybe 4 orcas in Hammersley inlet heading west towards Oakland Bay about Millers Point, my first sighting!
Glenda Palmer
Orcas (2 large) cam through Hammersley Inlet at 8:15 p.m. off Agate beach.
Brenda Rix

May 23 - south Puget Sound  
This was just South of the Narrows bridge from Day Island, sunset May 23, 2016. This was just South of Boathouse 19 and they stayed for about 30 minutes! A humpback came along the West side and they all went under the bridge Northbound at about the same time! We could still hear them. Wish I had been able to get photos of the humpback too. (see photo below with adult male, female, and two young- ALB)
Karen Caldwell

Bigg's/Transients south of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge at sunset.
Photo by Karen Caldwell, May 23, 2016 

8:00 p.m.- Live in Steilacoom, WA and for first time saw a small pod of 3 Orcas by Ferry dock, and not sure why they were in our bay. They headed to Narrows Bridge. See fin in distance of photo. (Large adult male, photo too distant for ID - ALB) FIRST time ever seen them here!! Today on May 23.2016 around 8 pm
Ricardo Adrian Guzman
8:00 p.m. - Saw these orcas about 8:00 pm tonight. Straight out from downtown Steilacoom. (cell photos too distant & blurry for publishing but show at least 3 orcas- ALB)
Jacqueline Parkes
3:14 p.m. - 5 or 6 Orcas north end of Harstine Is Case Inlet. Milling around. No direction of travel.
Chris Hamilton
1:21 p.m.  - Orcas off NE corner of Harstine Island A pod of orcas is headed east into Case Inlet from Pickering Passage between Grapeview and Harstine Island.
Tim Perry
Orcas in Henderson bay 10:50 am. 2 adults and a juvenile, maybe another adult. Headed south from Purdy. Feeding behaviors. Tail slapping and breaching.
Kayleigh Bee


May 22 - eastern Juan de Fuca 
Trip report - a nice surprise when Sunday turned out to be such a beautiful day. We left the dock with no reports of whales in the area ...until somebody spotted two transient orcas known as the Twins T093 (born in 1963) and T097 (born in 1980) by Partridge Bank, west of Whidbey Island. These 2 whales have been travel companions for many years, and in amazing calm conditions we watched these two, leisurely milling back and forth. When we finally headed north towards home, we found 3 Minke whales near Smith Island, tons of seabirds - including Tufted Puffins! On towards Lopez Island we had great views of harbor seals, bald eagles, and a California sea lion in Guemes Channel. What an exciting day.
Jill Hein, volunteer naturalist.

T093 (born 1963) Partridge Bank, west of Whidbey Island.
Photo by Jill Hein, May 22, 2016 

Photo by Jill Hein, May 22, 2016 

9:30 a.m. - "some" orcas milling about ~2-3miles offshore from Partridge point.  Whale watching boat nearby. (T93 & T97)
Al Lunemann

May 22 - south Puget Sound  
7:04 p.m. - They just turned into the entrance to Carr Inlet, west of Fox Island.
Jeannie Majercin
Report: These photos were at quite a distance (not detailed shots, even with a 600mm), but the orcas were so active, I wanted to share. It's a rare treat to get a pod that is in play mode, rather than travel mode, and from 5:15-7pm, these guys just toured around the the waters mid-channel between Steilacoom, McNeil and Fox. We spotted them from the Anderson Island Ferry Dock around 5:15pm in front of the Chambers Bay/Steilacoom waterfront, and watched breach after breach, tail lobbing, and lots of splashing. The ferry was coming in, so we jumped on the 5:40 ferry to Steilacoom and they continued to be pretty active until the ferry got closer. At that point, they went dark and swam further out into the water toward McNeil. At the dock in Steilacoom, we saw them again in front of the prison and the cliffs north of the prison dock. Amazingly, they stayed put in the area for another 20 minutes while the ferry loaded, and as we headed back toward them at 6:30, they meandered around the waters between McNeil and Fox. They became very active again, with lots of breaches. There was one small dorsal that mostly stayed close to an adult female - a baby or young juvenile. In one photo in the album, it appears that there might have been 6, but there were 5 for sure.
Belen Bilgic Schneider

Transient Orca Spyhop in Front of Chambers Bay Railroad Bridge.
Photo by Belen Bilgic Schneider, May 22, 2016
(see Belen's photo album HERE

5-6 Orcas at the end of Fox Island.
Photo by Belen Bilgic Schneider, May 22, 2016 

6:46 p.m. - Between McNeil and Fox island, trending west southwest
6:18 p.m. -They are just north of the McNeil ferry dock, pretty stationary and milling.
6:07 p.m. - They are headed toward McNeil and Anderson from Steilacoom.
5:21 p.m. - 3-5 orcas, south of chambers bay golf course, north of chambers creek re bridge. Saw a full breach, very active. Heading south, close to Steilacoom shore.
Belen Bilgic Schneider
3:56 p.m. - Orcas just north of Tacoma Narrows Bridge heading south
Zeno Martin
Saw a few traveling very quickly south through the Narrows past Titlow. This was about 3:50.
Jennifer Rand

May 22 - central Puget Sound/Vashon 
2:15 p.m. - 2 orcas seen from upper Sandy Shores, Vashon Island heading south toward Manzanita Beach. Called in by Dennis Clouse.
7:21 a.m. - WSF Ops reported 4 - 5 orcas off the Fauntleroy dock in W. Seattle, no direction of travel given.
This morning a small pod of Orcas was seen from the ferry departing 7:10 Vashon/Fauntlaroy sailing. The Orcas were seen off the port bow about half way into the ferry ride, heading south down the center of the sound. Was not clear how many but there was at least two. I'm sorry it was the north end  .  They stopped the ferry for about 10 mins to let them pass by.
Dustin Prestridge

May 22 - Puget Sound  
2:00 p.m. - Lakebay orca sighting: 3 total, cow and two calves came through today. Feeding and played for a short period. First sighting we've in years.
Larry Cooper
11:20 a.m.-  Three orca heading south out of Henderson Bay in South sound. Midway between Raft Island and Minter Creek. Appeared to be one bull, large dorsal and two smaller orcas. One medium and one smaller. They were heading at a good clip up the bay breaching and tail slapping.
Kevin Stroh
9:05-9:20 a.m. - They are in Henderson Bay! Just saw 3 of them right by Raft Island at 9:05-9:20am they were right by two small boats! hey were going back and forth being playful about 30 yards from the 2 boats, we left the house at 9:20am and they were still there, but we did not see which direction they ended up going after that.
Anne Mae Anderson
8:48 a.m.  - "Eric Bean Just saw 3-4 headed south. Crossed in front of the ferry coming into Steilacoom" (distance and time dictates this is different group than 9:05 a.m. Henderson Bay group above - ALB)
Belen Schneider

Approx 6:00 a.m. - Saw 5 orcas near Otso Point, Anderson Island. They were heading west. They were travelling and moving swiftly...Looked like they were heading south, as if to go around Anderson Island, or maybe towards Olympia, but not north.They were too far enough away get a close look or photos.
Susan Cammon


May 21 - San Juans 
I attached some photos of Transient orcas passing Friday Harbor heading down San Juan Channel on 5/21/16.  T93 and T97 were in the lead by a couple miles. We also saw the T65A's and B's, T36A's and T99's. They were bucking the flood and basically going nowhere as they hung out right outside of Friday Harbor! Eventually they turned around and headed north just before the ebb. Great day!
Cheers, Barbara & David. All Aboard Sailing

T65A & T65A5
Photo by Barbara Bender, May 21, 2016 

T65As & T36As
Photo by Barbara Bender, May 21, 2016 

T93 passing in front of Friday Harbor, San Juan Island.
Photo by Barbara Bender, May 21, 2016 

6:14 p.m. - Washington state ferries reported 6 - 8 orcas west of Wasp Pass northbound in San Juan channel.
5:00-5:30 p.m. - South end of San Juan island looking off of cattle point by the old light. 800 to 1000 yards off. 2 transient Bulls. Transiting from left to right (south to north).
Jefferey Davis
4:00 p.m. - Other T's (93 & 97?) may have killed a stellar now Whale Rocks
3:50 p.m. - This big group still hasn't got past Turn rock! It's been about an hour in the same spot! Going against the current
Barbara Bender

Bigg's/Transients near San Juan Island.
Photo by Steve Smith, May 21, 2016 

Photo by Steve Smith, May 21, 2016 

Very cool to watch a group of 15-20 transients head right past Friday Harbor this afternoon! This photo was taken from shore at Point Caution looking out into San Juan Channel - you may recognize that buoy from taking the ferry into Friday Harbor.
Photo by Monika Wieland, May 21, 2016 

Taken from Point Caution looking out at transients in San Juan Channel.
Photo by Monika Wieland, May 21, 2016 

2:00 p.m. - Passing Friday Harbor southbound.
1:34 p.m. - Now speeding south down east side of SJ Channel.
1:25 p.m. - Now they've crossed back and it looks like going around north side of Shaw
Scratch that boats just turned back west again, they're zig zagging all over the place (the large group)
1:14 p.m. - Wow huge group right off Yellow Island
Monika Wieland

Transient/Bigg's around Jones and Yellow Island, and into Cattle Pass today.
The two whales in the lead are (left to right) T65B1 and T65B. The three whales behind them look like T99 with T99B behind her and T99D in the foreground.
Photo by Bonnie Gretz, May 21, 2016
(ID's by Sara Hysong-Shimazu) 

T093 & T097 - San Juan Channel
Photo by Bonnie Gretz, May 21, 2016 

Photo by Bonnie Gretz, May 21, 2016 

May 21- Puget Sound 
They were around again... Approx. 12 were reported to me heading south past Blake Island around 7 pm.  My other Ranger also saw them headed north very close to shore on the west side of Blake Island around 10:30 p.m.  The campers got a really nice view!
Paul Ruppert, Park Ranger
5:03 p.m. - They are off President Point, Kitsap, moving south.
Joanne Graves
4:11 p.m. -  I see 5 south of Kingston ferry on Kitsap side heading south and ahead of the white boat.
Michelle Goll
3:59 p.m. - They are just out from the Kingston Ferry port
Anouska Willett

3:54 p.m. - Just passed Apple Tree Point , Kingston. Lots. Around the ferry now. Heading south.
Sara Frey
3:46 p.m. - the pair of orcas are now east of Apple Cove north of Kingston still heading south.
3:26 pm. - see a couple orcas just north of Eglon heading south.. Near shipping lanes Kitsap side
Stu Davidson
3:06 p.m. - They just past Eglon headed south towards Kingston mid channel.
Anouska Willett
2:38 p.m. - They seemed to have grouped up and moved mid channel, moving steadily south. Saw spy hopping and a few tail slaps. They appeared to be heading towards Edmonds/ Kingston ferry lane.
2:19 p.m. - At Point No Point now. They are visible without binoculars, close to Kitsap side, heading south past PNP.
Martha Carsltead
1:21- continuing south toward Skunk Bay on the Kitsap side after grouping up for about a minute.
1:09 p.m. - now angling toward Foulweather Bluff, or possibly Hood Canal? Seems to be about ten total.
Howard Garrett, Orca Network
12:45 - Elsa Leavitt reports seeing a small pod of orcas, at least one male and a baby, from Bush Point, Whidbey Island, heading south with purpose, about 1/4 way across Admiralty Inlet, on the Whidbey side.
11:44 a.m. - Moving closer to Whidbey now. Some mid channel.
11:40 a.m. - Mid channel now. Fort Flagler. T77s too.
11:28 a.m. - Just IDd T137's, but more just joined and two adult males yet to be ID'd. It's a T party in Admiralty Inlet!! They're moving south with purpose!
11:08 a.m. - Transients at Point Wilson. Heading slowly south.
Renee Beitzel, PSE Chilkat


Mary 20 - Puget Sound /Admiralty 
7:40 pm - we made it to Bush Point, Whidbey Island, just in time to spot the Puget Sound transients heading north with purpose, no milling, no foraging, passing Lagoon Point and continuing onward towards the glow of the setting sun. What a way to end another glorious day in the Pacific Northwest with nature at its best.
Sandra Pollard

Transients northbound passing Bush Point, Whidbey in the waning daylight.
Photo by Richard Snowberger, May 20, 2016 

7:08 p.m. - One male dorsal coming north to on Mutiny Bay, Whidbey Island now.
Howard Garrett, Orca Network
7:01 p.m. - Orcas spotted just north past Double Bluff. Victoria Clipper had slowed down to watch them.
Martha Carlstead
6:00 p.m. - Patricia Ohoma reported 5 orcas at Maxwelton Beach, SW Whidbey Island at 6 pm, headed north towards Double Bluff.

Day report T137s, T125A & T128. Awesome day on Puget Sound today!
Spotted a pod of Orcas in Elliott Bay (between Seattle and Bainbridge Island) heading north. Paralleled the pod as I made my way back to Edmonds Marina (Homeport).
A number of times the pod dove deep and for a long time only to come up and close in on me. I always stopped the engines and raised the props from the water! I soon found out why the Orcas were zig zagging and double backing / "stalking" me! A sea lion was apparently using my boat as it refuge / hiding place. At one time I had the sea lion trying to get on my transom while up to six Orcas were surrounding my boat! These photos represent a sample of the encounters - I also have some video I'll post (YouTube) of the Orcas pursuing the sea lion. (see below)
Stu Davidson

T137B, T137, & T137A with Point Wells, Woodway in background.
Photo by Stu Davidson, May 20, 2016
(see Stu's entire photo album HERE) 

T137A & T128
Photo by Stu Davidson, May 20, 2016 

T125A with Edmonds Marina Beach in background.
Photo by Stu Davidson, May 20, 2016 

Photo by Stu Davidson, May 20, 2016 

Photo by Stu Davidson, May 20, 2016 

Photo by Stu Davidson, May 20, 2016 

T137s, T125A & T128 pursuing a Harbor seal seeking refuge under & near the boat.
Video by Stu Davidson, May 20, 2016 

3:04 p.m. - still shaking! Sea lion hiding under my boat. Orcas all up to the sides and under. I haven't seen the sea lion since and the orcas have continued north.  WOW
Stu Davidson
2:50 p.m. - they've stalled most likely on kill south of Kingston. West side of mid channel.
1:40p.m. -  Stu found them further north. Currently mid channel north Richmond Beach and south of Kingston.
1:15 p.m. - They went stealthy on him. Stu was not able to relocate pod after long dive.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
12:30  p.m. - 4-5 ORCA (1 large male was observed) passed by Blake Island around 12:30 heading north. They were going by slowly, probably feeding and mid-channel between Blake and West Seattle.
Paul Ruppert, Park Ranger
11:53 a.m. - Stu Davidson has located orcas between downtown Seattle and Bainbridge Island. West of mid channel north of Eagle Harbor, BI. On deep dives and appear to be traveling northerly in general.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
11:00 a.m. - About 6 whales in the pod with little baby orca staying close to mamma. Right by the shore of South beach, Bainbridge. Traveling, possibly feeding. Sea lions in the area as well.
Leann Ling

May 20  - Rosario Strait 
Here are a few photos from today's transient superpod in Rosario Strait.  The killer whales present included, at least, the T11s, T65As, T65Bs, T93, and T97!  T11 and T11A were very active!  They both tail slapped over and over again.  T11A got the acrobatics started with a breach, followed by a double breach with his mom, T11, and then she followed it up with a couple solo breaches of her own.  After a break of a few minutes T11A breached another 4 times in a row, and T11 cartwheeled at the same time!!  4 of the photos attached are of big T11A breaching, and one is of his mom, T11, breaching (the IDs are in the file names).
Bart Rulon

Photo by Bart Rulon, May 20, 2016 

Photo by Bart Rulon, May 20, 2016 

Photo by Bart Rulon, May 20, 2016 

First double breach of orcas I have ever captured! And, it's in front of Orcas Island!
T11A and possibly T11.

Photo by Renee Beitzel, May 20, 2016 

Photo by Renee Beitzel, May 20, 2016 

12:10 p.m. - Orcas still milling in Rosario Strait west of Burrows Island.
11:15 a.m. -  Orcas traveling north just west of Williamson Rocks. 4 whale watching boats observing from reasonable distance. I'm high bank on Edith Point, too far for count or ID. Edith Point is west side of Fidalgo Island above Burrows and Langley Bay.
Anne Hazen

May 20 - Juan de Fuca 
T002C's off Victoria, BC. We also got to see T002C2, an eleven-year-old male that has scoliosis.
Heather MacIntyre

T002C2 who has a severe twisting in his spine known as scoliosis.
Photo by Heather MacIntyre, May 20, 2016 

T002C1 cruising by hunting for seals.
Photo by Heather MacIntyre, May 20, 2016 

T002C1 a maturing male born in 2002.
Photo by Heather MacIntyre, May 20, 2016 

May 20 - Cowichan Bay 
T10B and T077A male bonding in Cowichan Bay on May 20th.
Photo by Mark Malleson 


March 19 - San Juans 
Large group of Bigg's/Transients just north of Patos Island, San Juan Islands, WA
Photo by Capt Jim Maya, May 19, 2016 

March 19 - Puget Sound 
At about 7:10 this evening there were two Orcas off the starboard side of the ferry Kitsap! Near an orange channel marker/buoy a ways before Rich Passage. They were heading towards Bremerton.
Mary Klein
After departing Seattle to Bremerton tonight at 6:45 PM, the Captain announced Orca on our starboard side, about 25 minutes from the City. There they were! This was the first time I've ever seen whales, in person. At least 2, I saw two black fins, one pretty big. Gently swimming along in the waves, dipping just above and below the surface. They headed back behind the boat toward W. Seattle.
Martha Dalbeck

Orca seen from starboard side Seattle to Bremerton run ferry.
Photo by Marth Dalbeck, May 19, 2016 

5:52 p.m. -  Pretty close to the Bainbridge side now. The should be going past skiff point in about 5-10 more minutes if they keep up the pace.
 5:42 p.m. - just spotted them off Rolling Bay, Bainbridge Island. West of mid channel and pointed south east.
Lynn Batson
4:55 pm - pod has stalled out and moved bit to the east so more mid channel, but drifting back and forth. Maybe on the hunt. Sightline Saltwater Park, Richmond Beach and Faye Bainbridge or there about. I need to leave. Good luck.
4:30 p.m. -  midway between yellow mid channel buoy and Jefferson Head/Indianola still southbound.
At about 4:10 they stalled north of the yellow middle channel buoy south of Kingston, circled for a few minutes socializing or as if on a hunt, but then resumed southbound travel.
3:58 p.m. -  still steady southbound, they about to pass just out from Kingston ferry dock. Viewed from Kayu Kayu Ac park Richmond Beach.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
4:05 p.m. -  4-6 Orca south of Kingston/Edmonds Ferry. Northbound on west side of Channel
Mark Cassidy
3:49 p.m. -  Orcas just north of Kingston - Kitsap side heading south
Stu Davidson
3:42 p.m. - they are just north of ferry close to Kingston side
Lee Sollito
3:30 p.m. - pod is just north of Apple Cove Point steady southbound west of mid channel. 2 males (T125A &T138?) in the lead with family (T137s?) or some config of following not far behind. As viewed from Sunset Ave Edmonds
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
2:22 p.m. - I am at Point No Point,  they've appeared to have passed but they are taking longer dives and I only saw one tall fin in the distance south towards Kingston, mid channel
2:04 p.m. - At Point No Point, they are mid channel still heading south.
Martha Carlstead

1:35 p.m. -  Male southbound in Admiralty around Mutiny Bay.
Photo by Molly Kathryn Daly, May 19, 2016 

1:05 - now between Foulweather and Useless Bay, trending toward Hansville.
Howard Garrett, Orca Network
12:25 p.m. - 4-5 Orca (including 1 large male and 1 young) in rip at Bush Point south bound heading farther out in passage but still visible from Whidbey side.Traveling with purpose.
Jan Bell
12:12 p.m. - Renee has ID'd the T137s. And from Renee's photos (in post by visitors) Sara Hysong-Shimazu ID'd T125A , with confirmation on T125A & T128 by Melisa Pinnow, Center for Whale Research.
11:06 a.m. - Playing ping pong now. Mid channel., still heading south. Two to three males, a juvenile and one or two females.
10:40 a.m. - Chilkat has group of orcas heading south off Fort Flagler on Marrowstone Island. No ID's yet. South of Port Townsend around Fort Flagler.
Renee Beitzel

T137A - Admiralty Inlet.
Photo by Renee Beitzel, May 19, 2016 

T128 and T125A as they head south in Admiralty Inlet.
Photo by Renee Beitzel, May 19, 2016 


May 18 
4:00 p.m. - Bart Rulon called with a sighting of orcas heading south past Bush Point

Here are a few pictures from May 18 2016, Just south of Bush Point, when T125A and T128 were swimming in with the T137s.  There was plenty of interaction between the three big guys, T137A, T125A, and T128. David Ellifrit (Center for Whale Research) tells me that T125A has been photographed off Point Reyes, California two years in a row.
Bart Rulon

T125A (with the big nick in the dorsal fin), in the foreground, and T128 behind him.  Admiralty Inlet.
Photo by Bart Rulon May 18, 2016 

Two killer whales interacting. Admiralty Inlet.
Photo by Bart Rulon, May 18, 2016 
2:55 p.m. - My friend saw orcas from the 2pm Pt. Townsend to Coupeville ferry today.
Dori Dace


May 17 - San Juan Island 
Traci Walter blog entry T77s and T75Bs outside Friday Harbor.
May 17 - Puget Sound 
12:37 p.m. - Orcas Southworth, northbound slowly , some milling , one large male wavy dorsal, two smaller whales and one juvenile. Inside Blake and Port Orchard.
Wayne McFarland, WSF

Bigg's/Transient with Harbor porpoise off Southworth, Puget Sound.
Photo by Wayne McFarland, WSF, May 17, 2016

Bigg's/Transients off Southworth, Puget Sound.
Photo by Wayne McFarland, WSF, May 17, 2016 


May 16 
6:30 a.m. -  Report from the ferry of 2 orcas off Turn Rock,  just outside Friday Harbor.
Michael Hughes, WS Ferries Ops Supervisor.


May 12 
North end of Holmes Harbor by Hidden Beach, Whidbey Island.
Report by Ken Urstad
Photo by "my next door neighbor in Greenbank", May 12, 2016 
Report by Ken Urstad
Photo by "my next door neighbor in Greenbank", May 12, 2016  
Humpback whales
May 23 - Eastern Juan de Fuca 
Humpback BCY0324 Big Mama adorned with kelp -  Eastern Bank around noon.
Photo by Sara Hysong-Shimazu, May 23, 2016 

Big Mama's calf with a bit of kelp adornment too. -Eastern bank around noon.
Photo by Sara Hysong-Shimazu, May 23, 2016 

May 23 - north Puget Sound
4:00 p.m. - Seemed every time I looked out across the water today I spotted this Humpback Whale in Possession Sound (North Puget Sound - South of Useless Bay). Earlier I watched as it surfaced for a few blows then it arched into a deep dive showing off it's huge flukes as it dove. It must have been feeding. Later this afternoon, when I again spotted the Humpback, it was at the surface for some R&R time seemingly just enjoying a few sun breaks! Filmed from North Edmonds shoreline. Whale was ~5 miles out. 
12:20 p.m. -  huge whale (humpback)  heading west - deep dive fluke was BIG ! Line of sight mid channel of Admiralty Inlet. Would be east of Point No Point and South of Scatchet Head. Line of sight reference was from North Edmonds.
Stu Davidson

Humpback whale rolling around in Puget Sound, about 5 miles out from the shores of north Edmonds.
Video by Stu Davidson, May 23, 2016 

May 23 - south Puget Sound  
(See Bigg's Report) This was just South of the Narrows bridge from Day Island, sunset May 23, 2016...just South of Boathouse 19 and they stayed for about 30 minutes! A humpback came along the West side and they all went under the bridge Northbound at about the same time! We could still hear them. Wish I had been able to get photos of the humpback too...
Karen Caldwell
1:30 p.m. - Spotted a Humpback whale at approximately 1:30 PM in between Herron Island and the mainland in the South Sound. Was headed South at a good clip. Whale Identified via obvious hump and size.
Casey Pruitt
10:47 a.m. - Humpback passing headed north in front of Zittels Marina. (Olympia)
Robin Matthews


May 22 
8:28 p.m. - Pretty sure I just saw humpback in Poverty Bay By Woodmont Beach. (Des Moines)
Mitzi Gligorea
Seattle Aquarium Beach Naturalists having our dress rehearsal were treated to a sighting from Golden Gardens park of a lone humpback heading south along the shoreline. First sighted at about 12:20 pm. Kept a pretty steady pace surfacing 3-4 times and then fluking, last seen still heading south about 12:45.
Darcie Larson
7:44 a.m. - Humpback whale just passed by Salmon Beach, north of Tacoma Narrows bridge, about 150 ft from shore. Traveling north. Saw its fluke but no photos.
Zeno Martin


May 21 - Juan de Fuca 
We saw BCY0324- "Big Mama" and her Calf on Sat and got to see "Big Mama" lunge feed. South East of Constance Bank.
Photo by Andrew Lees, May 21, 2016 

May 21 - Puget Sound 
10:11 a.m. - One humpback just north of Double Bluff! Feeding in the area between Double Bluff and Bush Point. Surfaces twice and then sounds.
Renee Beitzell, Chilkat

Humpback that was encountered in Admiralty Inlet just north of Double Bluff while aboard Chilkat.  It was last seen heading south.
Photo by Justine Buckmaster, May 21, 2016 


May 20 
Dear friends: sorting oysters in Deep South Sound and sighted either a gray or humpback about 10:30 AM today in Totten Inlet. It headed up the bay into Oyster bay and then about 11:30 returned, headed North toward Steamboat.
Duane Fagergren
8:50 a.m. - Orca Network received a call from Michelle Auseth reporting a gray whale between Hope Island and Arcadia, heading toward Steamboat. She saw the whale blow as we spoke on the phone at 8:50 this morning. (Timing and location would indicate probable humpback)
7:00 a.m. - Humpback whale Hammersley Inlet, Shelton, WA. traveling east out of the inlet to the Sound.
Photo by Pamela S Burger, May 20, 2016 
Gray whales
May 21 
2:25 p.m. - Something Big off Whidbey see from Mukilteo Lighthouse beach.
Photo by JJ Davern, May 21, 2016
(When zoomed in, markings look like fluke of Gray #723, but cannot confirm- ALB) 


May 19 
My husband spotted a whale (he thinks a gray) heading north on Case inlet past McMicken Island. Couldn't see if there were others. Anyone else see it. All the neighbors along the beach watched quite a while. Last dive under water was by McMicken and we didn't see it surface again. (Unconfirmed gray, possibly the humpback that was seen the next day in Hammersley Inlet)
Patsy Glaser Gibson


May 18 
1:20 p.m. - Sighted a grey from south Camano Island.  In Port Susan heading south.  Lovely!
Jen Hennig 
Minke whales
May 22 
...When we were finally headed north towards home, we found 3 Minke whales near Smith Island...
Photo by Jill Hein, May 22, 2016 

Orca Network is a 501 c3 nonprofit organization, dedicated to raising awareness about the whales of the Pacific Northwest, and the importance of providing them healthy and safe habitats.

Orca Network's Whale Sighting Network involves citizens in helping researchers track the movement of whales, and encourages people to observe whales from their homes, businesses, ferries, and beaches.
Whale reports are sent in to our Sighting Network and emailed out to researchers, agencies, and citizens on our network, and posted on our website (MAP of sightings also on website). Whale reports and observations are sent in by a variety of sources, and Orca Network does not guarantee the accuracy of any report or whale identification.


TO REPORT WHALES, CALL: 1-866-ORCANET (1-866-672-2638), email, or post sightings on our Orca Network Facebook page.



 "The new rules prohibit vessels from approaching any killer whale closer than 200 yards and forbid vessels from intercepting a whale or positioning the vessel in its path. This doubles the current approach distance of 100 yards. The rules go into effect May 16 and apply to all types of boats, including motor boats, sail boats and kayaks, in Washington"


For more information on the new Federal Regulations, visit the NOAA Fisheries website


To report harassment of whales in US waters
, call NOAA Enforcement: 1-800-853-1964;

In Canadian waters, call DFO's Observe Record and Report (ORR) Violations Hotline: 1-800- 465-4336

Report the boat name &/or a description of the boat, & get photos if at all possible.