
Orca Network 

Whale Sighting Report  

In This Issue
Photo of the Day
Southern Resident orcas
Bigg's/Transient orcas
Unidentified orcas
Humpback whales
Gray whales
Pacific white-sided dolphins
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Orca Network recommends:
Puget Sound Whales for Sale: The Fight to End Orca Hunting, by
Sandra Pollard
This important volume recounts the people whose determined efforts ultimately succeeded in ending the captures.


The Lost Whale, by
Michael Parfit and
Suzanne Chisolm
  An intensely personal story...but this person is a young orca.  

Lost Whale book...ver scaled



To learn more  

about orcas: 

Orcas in Our Midst, volume 3, by Howard Garrett

Orcas in Our Midst,

Vol. 3: Residents and Transients, How Did That Happen?

Click here  

to order YOUR copy!



  David Kirby  

The bestseller about orcas in captivity


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orca Lolita/Tokitae,

captured in Penn Cove,

Whidbey Island, WA

in 1970, somehow surviving in a small tank at the Miami Seaquarium ever since.

Tokitae looking up at us from her tank in Miami, FL in the late 1990s 

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November 10, 2015

We are watching and visiting the whales in their home~

Please observe, love and respect them from a distance.

Having trouble viewing this Sightings Report? Archived Reports can be found HERE.
Southern Residents have been seen in Puget Sound this morning November 10th. They are south of Seattle southbound on the east side of Vashon. Once they pass Point Robinson in the next hour or two we will know who is here.
Last night Ks were heard on Port Townsend hydrophone and Js both hydrophones off the west side of San Juan Island.
Friday the 6th had Js southbound in Puget Sound while Ks were southbound at the top of Admiratly Inlet. By evening, Js had cleared Colvos Passage and Ks were seen around Port Madison, some where in darkness they were bound to meet.

November 2nd was the first full day the residents were in Puget Sound. Ken Balcomb, Center for Whale Research (CWR),  launched his boat from the west side of San Juan Island and caught up to pods due west of Shilshole Marina. You can read Ken's full encounter report at CWR encounter #94.

A couple of mornings we had reports but then the pods dissappeared from the eyes of many experienced spotters so we don't know who they were.

Humpbacks are so numerous it's sometimes difficult to keep track, especially when intermixed with a gray whale! Sunday in the Tacoma area had multiple sightings which turned out to be a both a humpback and a gray whale. This gray whale was also photographed on the 5th in Victoria Harbor by Mark Malleson.

Come see us this weekend, Nov. 14 and 15, 11 am - 5 pm for the Grand Re-Opening of our Langley Whale Center in our NEW LOCATION at 115 Anthes, Langley, Whidbey Island, WA!

We hope many of you get a chance to see the whales, and if you are not able we hope you enjoy this report. Thanks everyone, we are off to try and find the pod (s) in south Puget Sound. 

Orca Network 
Photo of the Day
November 6  
J pod passing Point Robinson southbound in perfect conditions and brilliant sunlight.
Photo by Gayle Swigart, November 6, 2015 
Southern Resident orcas
November 10 - Puget Sound
9:00 a.m. - Leaders headed south past Dilworth on Vashon at 9:00- think we may have more than one pod
Amy Carey
8:50 a.m. - orcas in Dilworth southbound spread all across channel. I can still see more coming from the north.
Aimee Demarest
8:40 a.m. - Between Vashon and West Seattle. Mid passage. They're heading south. Spread out. In between Dilworth and Vashon Ferry
Erin McDermott
Commenter on WSB just reported, "A big pod of killer whales just showed off for the passengers on the 7:50 ferry to Southworth! Huge pod going south!" (Don't know yet whether they were headed into the east or west passage.
West Seattle Blog


November 9 - San Juan Island 
11:50 p.m. - Hearing them still at Lime Kiln.
Jennifer Hammer
11:32 p.m. - Clear vocalizations on Lime Kiln.
11:21 p.m. - Faint Whistles on Lime Kiln now.
Melissa Bird
10:50 p.m. - J pod on Orca Sound hydrophone.
Sara Hysong-Shimazu
9:05 p.m. - ...Went down to the channel (Spieden) with my flashlight and heard a ton of blows heading west through the channel. Pretty sure they were orca maybe they'll be on the hydrophone soon
Peggy Mauro
9:28 p.m. - Listening to K pod (and possible L pod) vocals have been heard on the Port Townsend hydrophone for the past 30 minutes.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
8:53 p.m. - SRKWs on Port Townsend hydrophone.
Sara Hysong-Shimazu


November 6 - J Pod - central Puget Sound to Vashon 
5:30 p.m. - Orca pod just went through Olalla bay,close to Anderson by now.
Kelly Sedgwick
5:22 p.m. - watching them breach, tail lobbing very active pass through colvos passage, closer to Olalla side they have been passing for at least the past 10 minutes, still coming steadily in groups of 2-3!! Still northbound almost to the end of Colvos... Totally makes racing from Tacoma here worth it! Just as I think they are gone more keep going by!
Brittany Gordon
5:18 p.m. - They just passed ollala store! We caught a glimpse before it was too dark
Nichole Read
5:03 p.m. - Still northbound in Colvos. Passing Lsabuela.
4:21 p.m. - Northbound up Colvos nearing camp sealth on Vashon island
Amy Carey
4:30-5:00 p.m. - Slow procession heading north on the Kitsap side across from Reddings Beach and Lisabeula Park.
Richard Rogers
4:44 p.m. - Breach off Pt. Richmond Colvos Passage close to Vashon side.
4:26 p.m. -  they are heading north in Colvos, mid channel approaching Pt. Richmond. Humpback still surfacing below us at Dalco Passage.
Melissa Bird

4:20 p.m. - They are just now headed up Colvos Passage. Very large group. Beautiful. I can't even describe what an amazing sail it was yesterday. We also had a dolphin playing under our bow.
Julie St John
4:18 p.m. - They are off Sunrise Beach, still heading north. I floated with these members of J pod today for over 2 hours, and I can't tell you enough how incredible those moments were. Such a beautiful, majestic and intellectual creature they are..what a family!
Photo by Dino Martini, November 6, 2015 

3:54 p.m. - Between Vashon and Gig..going north west..
3:38 p.m. - Between Vashon and Owens beach now, heading south towards Pt Defiance.
3:29 p.m. - Just a lil south of Quartermaster..lotta breaching!
Dino Martini
4:06 p.m. - From Dalco Passage Viewpoint, hugging the SW tip of Vashon trending towards Colvos Passage.
Melissa Bird
4:04 p.m. - Looks like heading north up Colvos Passage. Hugging Vashon pretty close.
Annie Hilen
4:00 p.m. -  they are hugging the vashon shore right next to a white sailboat they are headed south twards the opening of Colvos passage large group maybe 15+.
Brittany Gordon
3:55 p.m. - Watching them just to the west end of vashon.
Ronda Walters
3:50 p.m. - At Tahlequah now, we think they're going to head north up colvos.
Kaycie Alanis
3:50 p.m. -  Heading west past south end ferry dock - heading towards Colvos passage.
Lisa Lucke
3:45 p.m. - Now crossing in sound end Vashon ferry terminal. Still southbound
Amy Carey
3:38 p.m. -  They are just passing Tahlequah/Vashon ferry landing now, continuing west.
Gayle Swigart
3:30 p.m. - They had past the Tahlequah ferry dock and last seen from Browns Pt headed west around the south tip of Vashon Island about 3:30-ish. I believe people are seeing them from Gig Harbor now. Not sure which way them went.
Lila Pharis
3:24 p.m. - They are a little past the Vashon ferry terminal. Saw over 10 breaches. Oh happy day! Over 10 orcas, headed towards Point Defiance area.
Emily OsipowWallace
3:18 p.m. - Watching breaches and blows from Owen's Beach, out near Quartermaster Harbor
Emily White
3:30 p.m. -  now in Point Defiance ferry lane heading west
3:00 p.m. - Now just off Piner Point.
John Troup
Watched orcas from Ruston Way and Pt Defiance 5 mile loop Viewpoints of the Orca whales that were near Vashon, actually pretty much went around Vashon Island, a big group.
Photo by Marilyn Armbruster, November 6, 2015 

3:26 p.m. - Now off the tip of Vashon headed for Takequah Ferry run. Very active!
3:20 p.m. - They are awake from their nap! Breaching all over!! Middle of the Mouth to Quartermaster.
3:09 p.m. - some have rounded the S. Tip of Maury Island, can't tell if they are headed for Quartermaster Harbor yet. Just got a nice big breach! Trending towards Quartermaster Harbor.
2:39 p.m. - From N. 45th and Stevens in Tacoma, I can see them just NE of the Yellow Channel Marker at the S. End of Maury Island. They are currently traveling West towards Maury Island. Two boats with them..
Melissa Bird
Photos taken from Point Defiance 5-mile drive.
2:57 p.m. - orcas still westbound. Approaching yellow bouy. They've picked up speed and spread out a bit. Research boat still tailing. (Still watching from Browns Point)
2:14 p.m. - from Browns Point - looking north (definitely need binos). Still headed south/southwest around Maury Island.
Lila Pharis

2:50 p.m. - orcas south Point Robinson Vashon side going south.
Marilyn Armbruster
2:25 p.m. - they are mid channel with two small boats. Not yet to Browns point. Just off the Gold Beach housing community ( look to the east of the big gravel mine scar)
Amy Carey
1:55 p.m. - Viewable now from Maury marine park overlook.
Jane Richardson Gill
1:31 p.m. - just caught a beautiful showing of 10-15 trailed by the dingy (researcher) with the yellow flag off of Point Robinson on Vashon heading south!
Photo by Dana Reinert, November 6, 2015 
1:29 p.m. -  they just passed Pt. Robinson heading south close to shore, slowly
12:10 p.m. -  I'm at Point Robinson, barely seeing blows to north closer to Vashon side, between Dilworth (I think) and a white sailboat. No direction of travel.
Jill Clogston

J53 surfacing in the middle of her/his family.
Photo by Jill Clogston, November 6, 2015 

Princess Angeline (J17), Notch (J47), and that itty bitty curvy fin is J53.
Photo by Jill Clogston, November 6, 2015
(ID's by Sara Hysong-Shimazu) 


J pod visiting Vashon Island again today!
Photo by Kelly Keenan, November 6, 2015 

J27 passing Point Robinson...He is more and more beautiful every time I see him.
Photo by Kelly Keenan, November 6, 2015 


Great day! From Noon to 1:30 watched J pod from the shores of Vashon, both Dilworth Beach and Point Robinson.
Photo by Nooshwander Bill, November 6, 2015  

J pod,  Vashon...I can't think of a better way to get nothing done in a day.
Photo by Nooshwander Bill, November 6, 2015  

12:26 p.m. - I see some blows between Dilworth and Pt Robinson close to Vashon. They appear to be milling about, no general direction of travel. (Viewing from Des Moines Pier)
Robin Mann
12:40 p.m. - They continue to move south very slowly. They will probably be at point Robinson in about 20 minutes
11:49 a.m. - I am at Normandy Park Cove. Looking north I can see breaching towards the Vashon side
Roxane Johnson
12:15 p.m. - I noticed he was flying an orange flag so I am assuming it is a research boat. All have gone south of Three Tree Point.
Elston HIll
12:07 p.m. - Watching several Orcas from Vashon Island, small instable motored right into the middle of them, off of Point Robinson, hope they're doing research!
Warren Griffith
11:42 a.m. - Leaders southbound near Three Tree Point spread all across channel with lots CLOSE to Vashon.
11:02 a.m. - Also have some just south of Fauntleroy ferry southbound. And some approaching close to Dilworth
10:41 a.m. - Bit of a breach party off Dolphin Point on Vashon island and more spread out across channel. Appear foraging or slowly southbound. Some should be visible from Lincoln park now
Amy Carey
10:24 a.m. - J pod! This more southerly group has J pod members of the J11s, J19s and L87.
Renee Beitzel.

J19 Shachi near north end Vashon Island.
Photo by Renee Beitzel, November 6, 2015 

J27 Blackberry near Vashon
Photo by Renee Beitzel, November 6, 2015 

10:06 a.m. - Blows off Vashon ferry dock seen from ALKI now,,, look to be moving South.
Buzz Shaw
10:03 a.m. - Kristin reports the pod tucked in around Blake Island  heading around the west side up the inlet
9:43 a.m. - At least 4 headed Alki --> Lincoln; spread out but, nearer Seattle shore side.
Joe Potestivo
9:30 a.m. - Update per Renee Beitzel on Chilkat is at least some around southend Bainbridge Island heading southbound.
9:09 am - Kristen reports orcas from Alki Pointt., at least six including one baby, heading south.  

November  6 - K pod southbound Admiralty Inlet 
Spent most of the morning freezing at Bush Pt. A group of whales passed by more mid channel, doing some fishing and spyhopping as they went along. After they had passed, K33 Tika and his mom K22 Sekiu came passing by a bit closer to shore. I featured a sequence of Tika as he approached Bush Pt and some other sights of the morning. A pod of harbor porpoise as well as a Steller sea lion popped up off shore while watching the orcas swim by. Just minutes later, the orca plane flew overhead, though it was probably too choppy for them to spot whales. There was also a steady line of sailboats headed out on this cold, windy day. They provided a bit of color among the shades of grey. Another day in the life on Whidbey.
Rachel Haight

K pod member spyhops out from Bush Point this morning.
Photo by Rachel Haight, November 6, 2015 

K33 Tika approaching Bush Point, Whidbey.
Photo by Rachel Haight, November 6, 2015 

K33 Tika - Bush Point, Whidbey Island.
Photo by Rachel Haight, November 6, 2015 
4:30 p.m. - group of us at Richmond Beach Saltwater park saw several breaches out from mid northern part of Port Madison...could not find after.
4:03 p.m. -  still close together but have split up a bit and picked up pace to medium clip. Approaching Jefferson Head/Indianola shortly.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
3:40 p.m. -  Central Puget Sound group- orcas off Kingston. I've been watching this group for about an hour now. They've been off of Apple Tree Cove, west and south of the yellow buoy/mid-channel market since 3 pm. There is one good sized male and several (4 or so) smaller dorsals. Staying together now, may be resting. Foraging behavior earlier. Still slowly moving south.
Susan Marie Andersson
3:05 p.m. -  Male mid channel south of Kingston keeps making directional changes, probably chasing a salmon. Other male Kingston side trending south and female even closer surfacing out from breakwater at ferry dock few minutes prior.
2:30 p.m. - from Kayu Kayu in Richmond Beach spotted several mid channel between Point Wells & just north of Kingston ferry.
Alisa Lemire Brooks and Ed Brooks
2:30 p.m. -  watching from North of Kingston ferry looking North of Edmonds ferry seeing 3-4 fins. Seem to be trending south. Due east?
Kimberly Sylvester-Malzahn
2:37 p.m. - closer now to Kitsap side. About to pass Kingston.
2:15 p.m. -  They are still in the same spot. I can't keep track of them very easily. They were going north at one point, now they are headed back south. They've moved closer to the middle of the sound but are still north of Kingston.
1:04 p.m. - from Edmonds fishing pier I see several orcas breaching straight out from Eglon. Heading slowly south, closer to Kitsap side.
Sara Troyer
12:05 p.m. - Jim & I saw them at Point No Point  moving southbound very fast in wild choppy water. Definitely saw three, anyway.
Marilyn DeRoy

K13 Skagit
11:21 a.m. - Kpod north of Double Bluff heading south! Really choppy out here.
Photo by Renee Beitzel, November 6, 2015 

K20 Spock, north of Double Bluff, Whidbey Island.
Photo by Renee Beitzel, November 6, 2015 

10:57 a.m. - Just off Windmill heights (2 miles south of Bush Point), Putting on quite a show, jumping out of water.
Mike Meyer
10:48 a.m. - A group passed Bush Pt at 10:30 slowly southbound. Another group closer to shore came up behind them. That group has been fishing off Bush Pt for ten minutes but may have moved on south now. One of them Sara ID'd as K33 from my pic
Rachel Haight
10:30 a.m.  - Orcas spread out from south of Bush Pt., in slow travel mid channel, headed south. Choppy seas and too distant to ID or count with confidence.
Howard Garrett, Orca Network
10:28 a.m. - Elsa Leavitt reported whales all over, just past the Bush Pt. Lighthouse, heading south. 1 Saw a spyhop, a calf, an orca swimming upside down, a big male
10:10 a.m. - Sandra Pollard reports orcas heading south quickly off Bush Point, 5 including one male.
9:52 a.m. - they are east of mid channel about to pass Lagoon Point. Southbound. No idea on numbers yet. Heading to Bush Pt.
Rachel Haight
9:02 a.m. - On Kennewick ferry headed to Port Townsend, passed pod of Orcas, 5 or 6 with a calf! Heading south. Check that one off the bucket list!
Warren Griffith


November 6 - J16s in Haro Strait 
J 50 Scarlet - Haro Strait - west side San Juan Island.
Photo by James Maya, November 6, 2015 

J26 Mike - Haro Strait
Photo by James Maya, November 6, 2015

1:54 p.m. - Also just began hearing calls on the Orcasound hydrophone (NW San Juan Island). Later ID'd by many as the J16s.
Susan Berta, Orca Network


November 5 - Puget Sound 
Saw a small pod on Thursday around 4:00 p.m. off Possession Point beach. Three black fins. We are visiting from NJ for a family reunion- so excited to see these creatures!
Kate Stewart


November 3 - Vashon 
J pod - Quartermaster Harbor - Maury/Vashon. Granny (J2) in the front, foreground. Looks like Hy'shqa (J37) behind her with T'ilem I'nges (J49). The two males at the back are Onyx (L87) in the foreground, and sprouter Cookie (J38) behind.
Photo by K Rachel Kiel, November 3, 2015
(Nov 6th report's 'Photo of the Day' but we forgot to include IDs by Sara Hysong-Shimazu) 
Bigg's/Transient orcas
November 6 
Thank you Tom from BC Whale Tours for finding the T137's and 86A's off of Sooke late morning on November 6th.   Although we missed them predating on a California sealion
we were able to watch them feeding on the carcass for close to an hour.    On our way back to Victoria I spotted the T002C's and 123's in Race Passage. Mark Malleson

T002C1 and T123A in Race Passage on November 6th.
Photo by Mark Malleson 

T137A off of Sooke on November 6th.
Photo by Mark Malleson  

T123A in Race Passage on November 6th.
Photo by Mark Malleson   
Unidentified orcas
November 9 - Rosario Strait 
2:34 p.m. - They went east of The Peapods on their way north.  I took some phone video but they were too far away from the Orcas Island shoreline to see well except with binoculars. Its always thrilling to see these beautiful creatures.
Israel Johngab
11:56 - Marie Waterman of WA State Ferries reports a pod of about 1/2 dozen orcas were northbound off Lawson Rock in Rosario Strait.

November 9 - Admiralty Inlet 
12:45 p.m. -  went past Windmill Hts (north Mutiny Bay) going south at a fast clip, closer to Hansville side.
12:26 p.m. -  Orcas, saw 3, south of Bush Point headed south mid channel.
Dennia Allen
11:15 a.m. - A lot of splashing and some dorsals mid channel just south of Port Townsend ferry lane. They appeared to be southbound. We're headed to Lagoon now.
Rachel Haight
10:30 - Jan Faulkner is watching a pod of orcas from Lagoon Point, Whidbey Island. She's looking through a good scope to north of Port Townsend, just off Fort Worden and the PT Marine Science Center. Very hard to count but it sounds like a resident pod, with at least two babies, going both north and south, so no direction of travel yet.


November 8 - Puget Sound 
Just got a report from a friend that we have whales near the Vashon Ferry at 8:45. No clear direction - just back and forth - which is common for that area. 2nd report as well from the same time. Both said about 5 and did not see big males. Visibility was not great to the south with fog and the squall. (several experienced spotters attempted to find this pod with no success)
Amy Carey 
Humpback whales
November November 9 - north central Puget Sound 
Illuminated blows of two humpbacks near Edmonds at sunset!
Photo by Stu Davidson, November 9, 2015 

4:12 p.m. - Two humpbacks close together! Still due west of a mile north of Edmonds ferry terminal... less than a mile from North Edmonds shoreline
1:36 p.m. - seems to be up around four humpbacks between Point No Point and Elgon ?!
1:22 p.m. - looks like two humpbacks now in the area just south of Pt no Pt.
11:47 a.m. -  humpback just south of Pt no Pt near shipping lane. Last roll over and dive was heading north westerly.
Stu Davidson
10:56 a.m. - Two humpback whales at Point No Point heading south.
Michelle LeMieux Hall

November 9 - south Puget Sound 
3:00 p.m. - There was a large whale just off shore at Pt. Defiance around 3:00 pm. Looked like it was headed towards Narrows Bridge or Gig Harbor. Was either a Gray or Humpback whale.
Brian Mickelson


November 8 -NW Whidbey Island 
3:30 p.m. - Whales believed to be Humpbacks sighted off of West Beach, Whidbey Island due west of W Beach Road and Ft Nugent Rd. Appeared to be one large and one small likely feeding.
Kevin Knight

November 8 - North end Vashon 
3:30 p.m. - Humpback north of Vashon , near the ferry terminal.
Dale Blackburn

November 8 - Tacoma Narrows 
4:00 p.m. - Fluke of the humpback traveling past Point Defiance north into Colvos Passage.
Photo by Zeno Martin, November 8, 2015 

Just watched the humpback Gig Harbor swim past Pt. Defiance, still heading north towards Colvos.
Celestia Star
3:25 p.m. - Humpback just passed the Narrows Viewpoint in Pt. Defiance Northbound close to Pt. Defiance side following a Barge closely.
3:19 p.m. - Humpback right under Narrows viewpoint. He's moving pretty quick. A few tail slaps.
Lindsay Ekblad
3:04 p.m. - Humpback approaching the south end of salmon beach, heading north.
Photo by Dino Martini, November 8, 2015 


3:00 p.m. - We saw this humpback following a tug and barge headed toward Colvos past Gig Harbor today!
Photo by Bill Foster, November 8, 2015 

2:59 p.m. - single whale spouting north of Narrows, Tacoma side, heading north.
Beth Blankenship
2:55 p.m. - Donna Sibbers called to report seeing a humpback whale heading north, just north of the Tacoma Narrows bridge mid-passage.
2:47 p.m. -  just drove over the Tacoma Narrows and saw humpback north of the bridge mid channel. Headed to Narrows park to get a better look! Couldn't tell direction of travel but defiantly not orca.
Brittany Gordon
2:45 p.m. - Looks like gray moving north past Gig Harbor entrance and humpback still moving north towards east narrows bridge tower. Large blows and tail slaps.
Dino Martini
2:15 p.m. -  Slowly trending north. Still across from Narrows Viewpoint and it's still south of Gig Harbor. (anyone else see two blows at once? I thought I did but just once).
1:55 p.m. -  At Narrows Viewpoint at Pt Defiance. Whale is directly across from us on Gig Harbor side.
Jill Clogston
1:25 p.m. There is a single whale headed toward the fishing pier on Fox Island.
Bob Wagner

1:26 p.m. - Humpback is north of Tacoma Narrows Bridge, hugging Gig Harbor shore. Still slowly making its way north.
12:53 p.m. - Just spotted the humpback, under Narrow bridge, looks to be heading north.
Zeno Martin
12:52 p.m. - Yay! We finally see it! Blows and fins and flukes! It's just north of the west tower of Tacoma Narrows bridge. We are viewing from our house roughly above Salmon Beach.
Julie Merriam

12:30 p.m. - Not sure if it's the same whale, but this update was posted at 12:30:  He is along McNeil in between the big dock and the prison. We saw him come up a few times so far from the ferry.
11:00 a.m. - Humpback southwest of Anderson Island as of 11am, posted on the Anderson Islander's FB page.
Belen Schneider

November 8 - north central Puget Sound 
5:29 p.m. - We sighted two humpbacks Sunday, 11/8, around dusk at Pt No Pt Lighthouse. The whales were close into shore and startled a fisherman. They weren't diving deep as they rounded the point, so only the dorsal fins and backs were visible. We were delighted to see these big guys again!
Carol Keathley
3:30 p.m. - Saw the Humpbacks this afternoon at Point No Point, here's one breaching.
Photo by Theresa Meek Merrill, November 8, 2015 

2:42 p.m. - Sitting in Edmonds we can see big blows way up by Point No Point. Two whales, not Orca.
Jack Nolan
Noon - Seeing 2-3 humpbacks E/SE of PNP. Blows with naked eye, good views with binoculars.
Kristin Kreifels
10:57 a.m. - Husband is out fishing and reports whales off of Point No Point. He is close to Possession Bar, south Whidbey. Go Whales!
Jessica Schneider Hockstedler
10:23 .m. - can still see them although they're heading southeast. Not sure if they'll circle around and come back.
8:50 a.m. - 2 humpbacks at Point No Point looking toward Double Bluff (Whidbey)
Michelle Goll
While fishing off of Point No Point we spotted two humpback whales several times taking air and diving several times. Whales were spotted feeding between Point No Point and Whidbey Island from 0730 to 1400.
Photo by John Dawson, November 8, 2015 


November 7 - south Puget Sound 
12:33 p.m. - It's a humpback! Swimming south towards town of Steilacoom. 50 to 100 yards offshore.
12:29 p.m. - Whale sighted just offshore near Steilacoom. Just below Madrona Park! Big spout. Sloping back. Waiting to see more. First seen below Madrona Park, heading south. It swam further towards the shore, almost right up to the ferry dock. Then headed back out into the inlet and we lost sight of it in the rain. Lots of spouting. Saw its sloped back many times. Caught a good look at its tail once. Beautiful!
Tari Poe Norris
10:36 a.m. - Watching spouts from the Steilacoom/Anderson Island Ferry this morning. They are near the entrance to Carr Inlet, between Fox Island and McNeil Island closer to Fox. To far off to have any details, can't identify the type of whale. It looks like more than just one, and they are pretty continuous. There appears to be two boats near them. No idea on direction.
Peace Corey

November 7 - Juan de Fuca Strait 
A humpback headed down on a dive. Saturday in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. South of Race Rocks on the Canadian side.
Photo by James Gresham, November 7, 2015 

A BCX humpback headed down in a wind tossed Strait of Juan de Fuca Saturday. South of Race Rocks on the Canadian side.
Photo by James Gresham, November 7, 2015 


November 6 - south Puget Sound 
4:09 p.m. - While watching J Pod Orcas in the distance, this humpback surfaced several times below us at Dalco Passage Viewpoint. We heard it before we saw it. 
Photo by Melissa Bird, November 6, 2015 

Humpback diving down in Dalco Passage.
Photo by Marilyn Armbruster, November 6, 2015 

3:41 p.m. - Humpback is back off the mouth of the harbor and we can see the Orcas far away in the distance!
Jessica Hill
12:37 p.m. - Humpbacks (multiple!) in Colvos Passage, just N of No 6 marker, on Gig Harbor side of passage, heading N toward Olalla. Definitely one very large whale , and at least one smaller.
Christy Robinson
11:30 a.m. - ...some paddle boarders reported to me a humpback viewable from Sunrise Beach in Gig Harbor, to the north near Vashon Island's shore. I saw a blow and a dive, but no tail fluke.
Sarah Carter


November 5 - Haro Strait 
Even though it's November, and fairly late in our whale watching season, we've still been having incredible encounters on the water! ...we counted over ten individual humpbacks all within five miles of each other...
Heather MacIntyre

BCY0160 "Heather" and her calf off Henry Island.
Photo by Heather MacIntyre, November 5, 2015 

Un-identified Humpback in Haro Strait.
Photo by Heather MacIntyre, November 5, 2015  

BCZ0298 "Split Fin" ID shot- Haro Strait.
Photo by Heather MacIntyre, November 5, 2015   


October 25 - Haro Strait 
Two Humpbacks in Haro Strait. Right off Smugglers Cove. I heard them before I saw them.
Photo by Laura Goode, October 25, 2015 

Photo by Laura Goode, October 25, 2015  
Gray whales
November 8 - Tacoma Narrows  

I was at Old Ferry Landing in Gig Harbor this afternoon and watched the gray whale coming up the Narrows from about 2:00-3:00 pm today. It was hugging the Gig Harbor side for the most part and even swam a bit into the mouth of the harbor as it passed by.
Photo by Heidi Powers Armstrong, November 8, 2015 

Photo by Heidi Powers Armstrong, November 8, 2015  


2:45 p.m. - Gray at the mouth of Gig Harbor.
Photo by Gaby Kinner, November 8, 2015 

2:40 p.m. - Too far north to be seen from the Narrows Viewpoint, but trending a little faster northward, still hugging Gig Harbor side. Definitely a heart-shaped blow like a gray whale.
Jill Clogston
2:25 p.m. - Hold on, much larger blows now coming up just south of Narrows bridge..much higher and straight up.. So is there a grey and humpback now??
Dino Martini
2:20 p.m. - We are at the old ferry dock in Gig Harbor, whale spotted just south of us but very close to Gig Harbor side heading north towards us.
Jacy Newcomer
1:37 p.m. - Well, our sneaky gray has given us the slip just north of the Narrows Bridge, slightly inside the west tower. Perhaps he's resting at the surface? We'll leave him at peace. Thankful to have been able to spend time with him. Thanks Orca Network for answering our questions and humoring us newbies on "The Whippoorwill".
11:56 a.m. - We're comfortable reporting this as a gray whale, unable to determine size, meandering in a north easterly direction just south of the Narrows Bridge.
11:42 a.m. -  With think it's actually a gray, traveling NE, approx 2 kts through the water, near the Narrows.
Tyler Fisher

On the left the fluke of the gray whale near the Narrows today. We stayed quite a ways away, but even at that distance it was pretty awesome to hang out and watch him.
Photo by Sierra Lynn Fisher, November 8, 2015 

Heart-shaped spray that's typical of grays - Tacoma Narrows.
Photo by Sierra Lynn Fisher, November 8, 2015 
Noon - Hello, While riding my bicycle across the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, I happen to see this thing agitating the water. It surfaced at least three times and submerged, but shallow enough that I could still see where it was and where it was going. I was able to get these pictures, before it fluked, and disappeared as a boat was coming at speed, not at it, just close by. If it came back up, it would have been under the bridge and out of my sight.
Ralph Reed

Gray whale surfing near the Tacoma Narrows Bridge.
Photo by Ralph Reed, November 8, 2015 


November 7 
1 Gray Whale along the west side of San Juan Island on November 7th.
Photo by Mark Malleson 


November 5 
Gray whale in Victoria harbour on November 5th.
Photo by Mark Malleson
(This is the same gray whale who was in south Puget Sound on November 8th)
Pacific white-sided dolphin
November 6 
4:20 p.m. - They (J pod) are just now headed up Colvos Passage. Very large group. Beautiful. I can't even describe what an amazing sail it was yesterday. We also had a dolphin playing under our bow.
Julie St John  

Orca Network is a 501 c3 nonprofit organization, dedicated to raising awareness about the whales of the Pacific Northwest, and the importance of providing them healthy and safe habitats.

Orca Network's Whale Sighting Network involves citizens in helping researchers track the movement of whales, and encourages people to observe whales from their homes, businesses, ferries, and beaches.
Whale reports are sent in to our Sighting Network and emailed out to researchers, agencies, and citizens on our network, and posted on our website (MAP of sightings also on website). Whale reports and observations are sent in by a variety of sources, and Orca Network does not guarantee the accuracy of any report or whale identification.


TO REPORT WHALES, CALL: 1-866-ORCANET (1-866-672-2638), email, or post sightings on our Orca Network Facebook page.



 "The new rules prohibit vessels from approaching any killer whale closer than 200 yards and forbid vessels from intercepting a whale or positioning the vessel in its path. This doubles the current approach distance of 100 yards. The rules go into effect May 16 and apply to all types of boats, including motor boats, sail boats and kayaks, in Washington"


For more information on the new Federal Regulations, visit the NOAA Fisheries website


To report harassment of whales in US waters
, call NOAA Enforcement: 1-800-853-1964;

In Canadian waters, call DFO's Observe Record and Report (ORR) Violations Hotline: 1-800- 465-4336

Report the boat name &/or a description of the boat, & get photos if at all possible.