
Orca Network 

Whale Sighting Report  

In This Issue
Photo of the Day
Southern Residents
Northern Residents
Bigg's/Transient orcas
Unidentified orcas
Humpback whales
Pacific white-sided dolphins
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Orca Network recommends:
Puget Sound Whales for Sale: The Fight to End Orca Hunting, by
Sandra Pollard
This important volume recounts the people whose determined efforts ultimately succeeded in ending the captures.


The Lost Whale, by
Michael Parfit and
Suzanne Chisolm
  An intensely personal story...but this person is a young orca.  

Lost Whale book...ver scaled



To learn more  

about orcas: 

Orcas in Our Midst, volume 3, by Howard Garrett

Orcas in Our Midst,

Vol. 3: Residents and Transients, How Did That Happen?

Click here  

to order YOUR copy!



  David Kirby  

The bestseller about orcas in captivity


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orca Lolita/Tokitae,

captured in Penn Cove,

Whidbey Island, WA

in 1970, somehow surviving in a small tank at the Miami Seaquarium ever since.

Tokitae looking up at us from her tank in Miami, FL in the late 1990s 

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November 6, 2015

We are watching and visiting the whales in their home~

Please observe, love and respect them from a distance.

Having trouble viewing this Sightings Report? Archived Reports can be found HERE.
We waited for their arrival, they came, and they've stayed. Our last report included the welcome news of residents entering Admiralty Inlet for the first time this Fall. When daylight broke, we received word of orcas fishing in the pre dawn hours in Kingston alongside their human counterparts. Js, Ks, and Ls spent that first Monday in November in Puget Sound and some combination of their clan have been coming and going, and/or staying ever since. The week has been full and beautiful.
Due to  the nature of the Sighting Network, and the many daily contributions by so many shore-based whale watchers in Puget Sound, we only include the first morning reports of today's encounters with Js and Ks. In a nutshell Js circumnavigated Vashon Island and Ks came south from Admiralty... we expect the two have met up somewhere this evening in central Puget Sound. We will of course share all reports and photos in our next report, thanks for your understanding.

Yesterday a rare visit by several Northern Residents who made their way into Juan de Fuca Strait all the way to Race Rocks before turning and heading back out west!

Bigg's Transient T77A was seen with a rope and a float. The entanglement team is prepared and everyone is asked to keep an eye out for this guy. Details and photo in the body of the report. 

We are a week into November and still Puget Sound humpbacks abound, reports are daily. How thrilling to be looking for orcas and see humpbacks blowing in the distance or surface  next to the very ferry you are aboard. We've had a full and busy week and been blessed with the presence of so many beautiful beings roaming the sea. In return, let's make sure they have the opportunity to find enough food!

Orca Network 
Photo of the Day
November 3 
Js and Ks - Manzanita Beach, Quartermaster, Vashon
Photo by K Rachel Keil, November 3, 2015 
Southern Residents

NOVEMBER 6 - Js and Ks in Puget Sound - just the initial reports

J pod southbound Puget Sound near Seattle:
Tweet from WSF of orcas seen from the Bainbridge/Seattle ferry no location or direction.
At 9:43 a.m. we received a confirmed sighting from Renee Beitzell aboard the Chilkat (who was taking children on a field trip of sorts) that J pod was strait out from Vashon ferry terminal heading south in several groups spread out. J pod continued south around Vashon and north in Colvos.
Meanwhile... K pod was southbound at the north end of Admiralty Inlet.
First report at 9:02 a.m. from Warren Griffith: On Kennewick ferry headed to Port Townsend, passed pod of Orcas, 5 or 6 with a calf! Heading south. Then Orca Network volunteers, Rachel Haight and Sandra Pollard took off scouting and found K pod. We  caught sight of them a bit south of Bush Point. Ks continued south and were last seen before dark around the Port Madison area. Somewhere along the shores of central Puget Sound the two pods will meet...
Friday morning at 1 am we heard a pod of whales, likely orcas, as they passed by just south of Bush Point, Whidbey Island, heading south. We started hearing a few distant blows, then they came closer and before long there were MANY blows, sounded like a fairly large pod going by, then a few more scattered blows. Hopefully more Southern Resident orcas in Puget Sound on Friday!
Susan Berta, Orca Network


NOVEMBER 5-  Puget Sound 
9:00 p.m. - Connie Bickerton heard faint calls on the Port Townsend hydrophones at around 9 pm, possibly K pod.
I was out at Point No Point right at dark, about 4:50 pm until 5:30 pm. Was told by a nice lady and her children that we just missed the Orcas with a baby, they also spotted a humpback. As we were there we could hear blowing and saw at least 2 big males, maybe a baby (a smaller dorsal close to the adult) and 2 other adults feeding just off the shore south of the lighthouse. Then they drifted north and then east following the tide rip until it got too dark to see. You could tell they were feeding, and not moving too fast.
Jann Clare
They were all spread out between Whidbey Island and Point no Point, Hansville, it took almost an hour for them all to pass, some far, some close. Heading North. It was a very large pod, all spread out with little ones, guessing J Pod. it was so calm that we could here them blowing in the distance, so magical!
4:28 p.m. - Seeing them from Point No Point way out. Looks like they are heading east of mid channel.
Michelle LeMieux Hall
3:43 p.m. - Orcas north west of Kingston. Almost to Eglon.
Erin Steinman
3:35 p.m. - About a dozen or more orcas northbound heading in direction of Point No Point.
Photo by Gary Peterson, November 5, 2015 
3:32 p.m. - Just saw one while on the Kingston ferry!!! Moving north.
Leslie Wong
3:27 p.m. - Several spanning from mid channel to closer to Kitsap side heading north - north of ferry lanes and west of north Edmonds
3:20 p.m. - seeing orcas mid channel between Edmonds and Kingston and between east and west ferries.
Stu Davidson
3:03 p.m. -  At least 3 mid channel Point Wells/Kingston are milling,including 2 large males, other group cluster near research boat closer to and just north of Kingston, all trend north, others ahead 1plus miles north of them.
2:48 p.m. -  they've resumed steady northbound movement...still spread out some north of and others still south of Kingston.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
2:55 p.m. - A call from James McDermott (not that one), who is watching the orcas in the bay at Kingston - he said they were heading north, spread out, but now one has turned back south and they appear to be stopping to feed.
2:12 p.m. - passing President Point (Kitsap) moving north fast.
Joanne Graves

2:10 p.m. - they just passed President Point in Kingston heading north at a pretty good clip. Several of them relatively close to the Kingston side shore. One a ways out in the middle breached, but mostly they are just moving along.
Christ Beamer Otterson
1:45 p.m. - Passing Fay Bainbridge park northbound.
Photo by Sue Surowiec Larkin, N0vember 5, 2015 

2:00 p.m.  - correction, several already mid way between Jefferson Head and yellow mid channel buoy.
1:55 p.m. -  very spread out mid channel to west of mid channel lead males currently out from northern end Port Madison. Several went into Port Madison . Another group was breaching and tail lobbing for several minutes mid channel out from Faye Bainbridge about 10 minutes ago.
1:18 p.m. -  from Richmond Beach Saltwater park see at least 6 spread apart sightline north, in front of, and south of Faye Bainbridge park streaming north. Very west of mid channel! Few more closer to mid channel. Males in lead and trailing, females young ones spread.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
1:19 p.m. - Watching from just south of Shilshole Marina, 7-10 orcas midchannel between us and Bainbridge Island. At least 2 large male, good sized females, two babies, but too far away to ID.
Kerry Kirking
1:06 p.m. -  many more approaching from the south. Leaders trending northeast.
12:56 p.m. -  just spotted a male and female dorsal northbound near the north end if Faye Bainbridge. West of mid channel.
Connie Bickerton
12:45 p.m. -  confirmed still heading north towards Faye Bainbridge just past Valley Rd.
Janan Peterson Hruby
12:17 p.m. - just missed 7 or 8 passing Discovery Park/West Point.
Ashley Roessler
Noon - I was on the Seattle-Bainbridge ferry at 1200. We watched the Orcas traveling from Alki area towards Magnolia.
Pat Herron
11:45 a.m. -  Sue Surowiec Larkin just reported seeing two large males and one female northbound west side of mid channel between Discovery Park and Yeomalt moving slowly. Faye Bainbridge Park may be a good place to watch for them within the hour.
Kitsap Orca Watch
11:07 a.m. - still 1 or 2 orcas off Alki Beach milling and tail slapping. A larger group (4 or 5) are in the distance heading towards discovery park.
Charles Vendley
11:06 a.m. -  Group of 5-10 orcas off of beach road heading south- lookout at the lighthouse...were heading south... They're mid channel now- barely visible anymore...
Ashe Davlin
10:55 a.m. - 4-5 Orcas sighted while on Bainbridge Island ferry. They were on both sides of us and in front of the ferry. We were going towards Bainbridge Island.
Dorothy Canepari
10:45 a.m.  - Ocras spotted in Elliott Bay. Pod of about 7 orcas spotted in mouth of Elliott Bay.
Kyle Arbour
10:54 a.m - Still a couple of stragglers. The rest headed North toward Discovery Park but there are a couple milling about and headed East toward Seattle.
10:24 a.m. - Still some hanging around right off Alki - in front of the bath house
10:15 a.m. - We just watched them from Beach Drive around the lighthouse and headed North past Alki.
Kristina Duca
10:16 a.m. - Group of 5-10 orcas off of Beach road heading south- lookout at the lighthouse.
Ashe Davlin
10:00 a.m. - Pod of Orcas this morning at 10:00 off Alki Beach viewed them from the ferry.
Gay McCray
9:35 a.m. - Mid channel off of Alki point appear to be in three groupings
Jill Hadji
9:20 a.m. - Orcas passing Alki lighthouse now, northbound.
Buzz Shaw
9:23 a.m. - Okay. Not certain now. There is one group of orcas heading north past vashon, mid channel and one big group heading south between Bainbridge and Blake on the peninsula side
9:15 a.m. - Mid channel but south from my perspective. But now I've seen orcas heading south past Bainbridge. I think the first one I saw , the vashon one could have been a humpback.
9:06 a.m. - I can see them to the south towards Vashon, viewing from from Me Kwa Mooks, West Seattle.
Kate Calamatta
Captain on 840 ferry to West Seattle pointed them out, they were heading northwest from off Lincoln Park.
8:20 a.m. - Got em! Still near Fauntleroy. Appear to be northbound or foraging on Seattle side near Lincoln park.
7:40 a.m. - confirmed we had some at the Fauntleroy dock around 7:40. No direction reported
7:15 a.m. - got an unconfirmed report of possible orca in Vashon passenger boat ferry lanes headed south.
Amy Carey


NOVEMBER 4 - Puget Sound

Days recap by Rachel Haight who first spotted and reported the orcas:
My whale scouting routine always starts at Ebey's Landing. When I first arrived, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something black, then disappear. I figured it was a bird, since it is 99% of the time. As I was about to drive up the bluff for a better look, I looked out my window and saw multiple fins! What I initially took to be a small pod of transients turned out to actually be a lot of residents! I followed them as they traveled south past Whidbey and past Edmonds with Alisa as well. We even saw a humpback in the same vicinity as the orcas. The closest pictures were taken from Bush Pt, while the picture of the line of blows was taken at Edmonds. The line of their backlit blows as they swam along were breathtaking. 
5:05 p.m. - From Kayu Kayu, seeing large group off of Kingston, looking straight across at the Kingston ferry dock, I was seeing a large group of dorsals, slowly moving north.
Pam Ren
5:05 p.m. - left them mid channel between. Kingston/Pt Wells steadily northbound medium pace.
4:23 p.m. - 2 males made it to Jefferson Head then they all flipped,  all northbound west of mid channel drifting back again towards middle.
4:13 p.m. -  most drifting bit west of mid now...between yellow buoy and Jefferson Head/Indianola.
4:07 p.m. -  from Richmond Beach Saltwater Park see them southbound most approaching mid channel at yellow buoy with some on either side. Some tight groups with several males on outsides.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
4:08 p.m. - Passing Channel marker south of Kingston still moving south
3:53 p.m. - they appear to be on the move, going south, mid channel, south of Edmonds as seen from Kitsap side
Joanne Graves
4:00 p.m. - Several blows seen from end of Edmonds fishing pier looking south. (Using binoculars) some large splashing and large dorsal fin spotted. Looks like they're heading south hugging shoreline close to Kingston.
Jennifer Love-Talley
3:49 p.m. - can see lots of blows from the orcas just north of point Jefferson close to Kitsap side - as seen from Edmonds marina park.
Stu Davidson
3:37 p.m. - Orcas at Richmond Beach! Even saw some breaching, made my day.
Ashley Nagrodski
3:28 p.m. - Still watching midchannel Kingston side heading south slowly or milling
Kristen Bogren
3:28 p.m. -  Been watching a large, active group mid channel just south of the Kingston/Edmonds ferry (boat passed them just a few min ago). At least a dozen and lots of tails slaps, spy hops and a few breeches!
Jennifer Greiner Clark
3:26 p.m. -  now seeing them from Carkeek
Whitney Neugebauer
Brightly illuminated exhalations of residents as they pass between Kingston and Edmonds.
Photo by Rachel Haight, November 4, 2015 

3:09 p.m. -  is beautiful!!! They bunched up mid channel slowly moving front of Kingston/south Edmonds. Illuminated exhalations lots of surface activity
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
3:06 p.m. - Just saw many orca from the Kingston ferry going SE mid channel. They were very spread out but I believe there were around 10 or 11. First they were coming towards Edmonds, and half way turned around to go back towards Kitsap, due South.
Photo by Rebeca Rambal, November 4, 2015 

2:51 p.m. - just in front of the Kingston Ferry, the ferry is stopped. As seen from President Point
Joanne Graves
2:34 p.m. - orcas right off port side of stopped mid channel Edmonds/Kingston ferry.. Those people got a close view of this group!!
Stu Davidson
2:25 p.m. -  from Edmonds Marina Beach we see orcas spread all across channel from south of Edmonds ferry to just north of Kingston. Steadily southbound.
1:55 p.m. - Rachel and I came to Stamm Overlook Park in north Edmonds to scout for second group of SRKWs and found them (at least 7 including large male) and a Humpback east of mid channel about a 1.5 miles  north of the ferry dock moving southbound.
1:43 p.m. - from Edmonds Rachel and I are seeing a lot of blows south of Eglon west of mid channel.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
1:55 p.m. -  more orcas south east of point no point well east of shipping lanes - those are heading south as well - also right near these orcas is a humpback as traveling south
1:33 p.m. -  group of about six orcas still heading south probably around Eglon now
1:14 p.m. - see orcas on Kitsap side heading south towards Elgon near shipping lane
Stu Davidson
1:25 p.m. - Eleven passed Eglon mid channel
Elyse Sollitto
1:19 p.m. - passing Eglon now still southbound following big blue shipping boat
Brittany Gordon
12:55 p.m. - They came through in three groups. All of them are now south of Point No Point.
Dianne Iverson
12:55 p.m. - Orcas southbound off Kingston.
Gary Peterson
12:30 p.m. - the orcas north of Point No Point, very active. At 12:38 p.m. passing the point, porpoising south about 100 yards off, at least 11 orcas.
Photo by Marilyn Deroy, November 4, 2015 

Momentarily heading in opposite directions while general trend is southbound.
Looks like it could be L72 Racer on the the right. Point No Point, Kitsap.
Photo by Marilyn DeRoy, November 3, 2015
(Possible ID by Sara Hysong-Shimazu) 

12:30 p.m. - At the same time we were also still seeing blows further to the east, all the way from Point No Point what looks like the Shoreline area, south of Pt. Wells.
Susan Berta, Orca Network
12:30 p.m. - Beautiful!! I greeted the Orcas today as they came by the lighthouse at Point No Point. My first Orca sighting and it was a large group!! Spectacular!
Jann Clare
12:25 p.m. - I'm at Point No Point, seeing them on Whidbey side!
Happy orca breaching at Double Bluff as this one passes!

Photo by Elyse Sollitto, November 4, 2015 
12:20 p.m. - watching from a distance (so of Bush Pt) we see spouts from the green channel marker that is N of Point No Point, south and south east - at least 6-8 orca spouts SE of the marker, and more spouts over toward Pt. Wells, plus 3 breaches SW of Pt. Wells, near Edmonds/Shoreline - not sure if by orcas or a humpback, but it appears there are more blows over in the Pt. Wells area so possibly orcas.
Susan Berta, Orca Network
11:30 a.m. - 8-12 orcas heading south at a rapid clip, some cartwheeling and porpoising, toward Point No Point. Hopefully some photos to follow.
11:20 a.m. - Possible J42 south of Bush Pt.
Howard Garrett , Orca Network

K22 Sekiu powering southbound south in Admiralty Inlet south of Bush Point, Whidbey.
Photo by Howard Garrett, Orca Network, November 4, 2015 

Photo by Howard Garrett, Orca Network, November 4, 2015  

Photo by Howard Garrett, Orca Network, November 4, 2015  

K25 Scoter
Photo by Howard Garrett, Orca Network, November 4, 2015
11:05 a.m. -  Elsa Leavitt sees at least two orcas heading south, just south of Bush Pt.
11:10 a.m. - definitely Residents! Just passed Bush Point, spread out.
10:16 a.m. -  just arrived at Lagoon Point and with continued great luck, found them immediately. Just north of Lagoon Point, mid channel, southbound still. There may be more whales than I thought, still unsure. At least 7+. Several breaches
9:58 a.m. - They are quickly moving south. South of the PT ferry lanes now.
9:22 a.m. - Orcas southbound off Ebey's Landing (north end of Admiralty Inlet).
Rachel Haight

K21 southbound passing Bush Point the morning of November 4, 2015
Photo by Rachel Haight 

Residents off Bush Point.
Photo by Rachel Haight, November 4, 2015 


NOVEMBER 3 - Puget Sound

5:21 p.m. -   Fay Bainbridge Park. 2 Orcas moving North at Sunset 200 yards off the beach.
Scott Weaver

4:56 p.m. - Pod of 6-8 approaching Point No Point now.
Photo by Gary Peterson, November 3, 2015 

4:43 p.m. - Yay. Orca sighting just north of Kingston ferry. Mid channel or even closer to Seattle
Deb Post Hamlin
4:00-4:30 p.m. -   from Kayu Kayu watched lead group(s) pass northbound between me and Kingston mid channel and west of...very spread out, in ones, twos, some threes. South a few miles trailers veered into Port Madison towards Suquamish with calf (per Connie B).
I now leave at 4:50 from Saltwater park/Richmond Beach watching that group hanging out.
3:50 some are nearing Kingston with others miles in the rear.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
4:24 p.m. -  From Edmonds fishing pier I can see a group passing Kingston heading toward Eglon. Close to Kitsap side.
Sara Troyer
4:08 p.m. -   There are probably 5-6 orca off of Kingston. Traveling north. Mid channel. Still south of the ferry lane.
Laura Finch
4:00 pm - A couple came into Port Madison bay, and they are now porpoising north to catch up.
Connie Bickerton
4:00 p.m. -  orcas off Faye heading north and west. Very young calf amongst them.
Susan Marie Andersson
3:30 p.m. -  Large group of orcas heading north fast approaching Fay Bainbridge...west side of mid channel.
Sue Surowiec Larkin
3:00 p.m. - Spotted 2 Orcas about 3pm today (3Nov15) in on the north side of Port Madison Bay (north end of Bainbridge Island) towards Indianola. They swam in the same area with no direction of travel established.
Tim Cuddy
2:45 p.m. -   breaches between mid channel buoy and Bainbridge Island. Sunset Hill park with binoculars is best bet between now and next 45 min. Carkeek in next hour aprox. Based on speed of travel.
Lance King
2:45 p.m. -   orca passing Faye Bainbridge seem to be closer to Kitsap side still northbound
Brittany Gordon
2:40 p.m. -   whales closer to Kitsap both at Faye Bainbridge park and south end Rolling Bay. Others mid channel at Faye/Golden Gardens transect. Northbound. As viewed from Sunset park above Shilshole marina.
2:08 p.m. -  Seeing blows at Rolling Bay Walk on Bainbridge Island.
Sarah Jones O'donnell
1:40 p.m. -  Barely visible from Alki anymore, even with binoculars. The last group is nearing the Bainbridge Ferry line, closer to Bainbridge (research vessel with them). All those breaches & tail lobs were fantastic!
Kathleen Love
1:40 p.m. - ...there were several breaches and spy hopping going on seen just South of Alki! Closer to bainbridge side!
Kayli Ann Breitweiser
1:38 p.m. -   watching from above Creosote on Bainbridge. Leaders are north of me, not sure how far but possibly rolling bay. Large trailing group is near Alki Lighthouse (line of sight) just east of mid channel with NOAA. Saw multiple breaches, spy hops and tail lobs.
Connie Bickerton
1:30 p.m. -   lots of breaching and tail lobs as they move out of sight from south side Alki.
1:15 p.m. -   last group just past on east side of yellow buoy between Alki and south end Bainbridge. Northbound.
Alisa, ON
1:20 p.m. -   Seeing them with the research vessel from the north side of Alki. Closer to Kitsap.
Anna Stuart Olive
1:20 p.m. -   Just saw a breech and lots of blows between Blackly Rocks and Yellow mid channel marker.
Susan Marie Andersson
1:10 p.m. -  Watching lots of take lobbing from Rockaway Beach on Bainbridge Island.
Christ Merritt
12:55 p.m. -   6+ Lincoln Park to  Alki near shore, Seattle side, breaching w/small boat trailing.
Joe Potestivo
12:50 p.m. -  I'm leaving Emma Scmitz, J pod  trailing group sightline past Blake, they are more east of mid channel . Next stop south side Alki Point
Alisa, ON
12:45 p.m. - Down at Alki Constellation Park heading right at us now 12:45 NE from Vashon.
Martin Moore
12:35 p.m. - They are breaching at the yellow buoy now (off south end Bainbridge/Alki Pt)
12:25 p.m. - Just spotted them. I'm looking from near the PI building on the 7th floor (downtown Seattle) See them splashing between Alki point and NE corner of Blake island.
Casey Williams
12:25 p.m. - Whales seen from the Olympic Sculpture park, way offshore, heading north!
Tyler Hartje
12:15 p.m. - At least 10 orcas migrating north now 1/2 way between Blake and Bainbridge Island.
Vicki Pardee
12:12 p.m. -  Just coming to MeeKwaMooks Park, some close to Seattle side.
Terri Mitchell
Noon - Charlie Leahy of WA State Ferries called to report 6 - 12 orcas northbound between Fauntleroy and Vashon Island.
11:50 a.m. -  got 'em! I'm at Lowman, orcas are halfway btw Southworth fy dock and s end of Blake, hdg north, yay!
Trileigh Tucker
11:50 a.m. -  Kristen is watching a large cluster of orcas heading north, from West Seattle.
11: 55 a.m. -  They are north of Vashon mid channel. Watching from Emma Schmitz overlook park on Beach Dr
11:20 a.m. - lead two groups still northbound just west of mid channel approaching Fauntleroy/Vashon ferry lanes. Research boat with them.
11:35 a.m. -  Bethany on the ferry reports the large group is mid-channel between Fauntleroy and Vashon, heading north, with others closer to Vashon.
11:35 a.m. - Spotted south of the ferry Fauntleroy to Vashon -
Addie Meade
11:30 a.m. - Maia of WA State Ferries reports 7-10 orcas headed north in the Fauntleroy ferry lane.
11:30 a.m. -  Orcas sighted from the Fauntleroy-Vashon ferry run just now. Five or six?
Becca Knox
11:25 a.m. -  they're still trending north. First group is past ferry lanes. Lots of breaching!! They're closer to the west side. I watched from Southworth - Fauntleroy ferry.
Jessica Pagan
11:23 a.m. -  There is a red inflatable with them now. All bunched up mid-channel & still south of the W. Seattle/Vashon ferry lane.
11:20 a.m. -  seeing blows from Lincoln Park. Just southwest of the ferry waiting to come into the dock. Ok - I also meant BREACH! to the west/northwest of the ferry waiting!!
Lila Pharis
11:21 a.m. -  group headed north mid channel in faultleroy ferry lane!!
Aimee Demarest
11:15 a.m. -  seen from lincoln park breeching off northeast side of Vashon
Jill Hadji
11:46 a.m. -  watching from Fauntleroy ferry. Orca are to the south east tip of Blake island heading north still
11:00 a.m. -  spotted from Fauntleroy ferry looked to be off dilworth near fishing boats still headed north
Brittany Gordon

From the Fauntleroy ferry today!
"I saw another photo that looks like it captured this moment too... If so, looks like Eclipse (J41) in front, Nova (J51) popping up behind her, and grandma, Shachi (J19) behind. The dorsal on Eclipse's right side might be Blackberry (J27) just based on the shape, but that's just a guess".
Photo by Brittany Gordon, November 3, 2015
(ID "notes" by Sara Hysong-Shimazu)  

Photo by Brittany Gordon, November 3, 2015 

11:11 a.m. - Spotted them a little south of the Arroyo area of West Seattle, headed north towards Fauntleroy.
Patrick Gould
10:55 a.m. - All now passed Dilworth headed north mid channel.
Amy Carey

10:20 a.m. -  from north side Three Tree. pt. Lead group of 25 plus well past yellow buoy. 2nd large group arouynd yellow buoy from my sightline. Steady northbound look to be mid channel
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network

 Morning northbound pass of J & K pods, & L87 in resting mode traveling in three very large, tight groups past Three Tree Point, Burien. Newest calf J53 w/J17 pops up mid video.
Video by Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
November 3, 2015

10:15 a.m. -  middle of Sound between Burien and Vashon Island.
Photo by Elston Hill, NOvember 3, 2015 
10:15 a.m. - Just spotted a pod between Vashon and Shorewood. 10:15am headed North. Fishing boats in the area too.
Shari Sewell
9:55 a.m. - Northbound mid channel nearing Three Tree Point.
Amy Carey
9:54 a.m. -  I just arrived south side of Three Tree Point Burien and see the illuminated blows of several tight groups northbound. Lead 2 groups sightline KVI tower.
Off Point Robinson, Vashon/Maury Island.  It looks like a mom and calf. There were at least 12 in two clusters traveling closely.
Photo by Emily Schmitt Wigley, November 3, 2015 
K27 and K44
At least part of Kpod was at Vashon with Jpod today.
Photo by Kelly Keenan, November 3, 2015
(ID Melisa Pinnow)

J27-Blackberry passing Point Robinson, Vashon Island this morning. He is a gorgeous boy!
Photo by Kelly Keenan, November 3, 2015 

Southern Resident Orcas at Point Robinson, Vashon Island today.
J35 Tahlequah with the visible saddle patch and that's J22 Oreo behind her.
Photo by Kelly Keenan, November 3, 2015
(ID help by Gayle Swigart and Sara Hysong-Shimazu) 

J47, J40, J14, and J27 at Point Robinson, Vashon Island today. I love seeing the whales grouped up traveling together.
Photo by Kelly Keenan, November 3, 2015 
Here's J53, the newest J pod baby, surfacing next to mother J17 Princess Angeline this morning at Point Robinson, with brother J44 Moby following.
Photo by Meg McDonald, November 3, 2015 
9:00 a.m. - Passed Pt Robinson, at least ten
Bonnie Darby
9:00-9:15 a.m. - Hello, This morning we observed at least 15 orcas plus a baby or two passing by our house on the east side of Vashon. We live between Pt Robinson lighthouse and Maury Island beach. They were clearly in a hunting mode, and they were so close to the shore, we could hear them breathing.
Brandy Wiggins
8:50 a.m. - Carl Cells reports a large group of orcas, including 8 males, heading north along Maury Island toward Pt. Robinson.
8:33 a.m. - had an update they may be headed back north along Maury from Manzanita beach to Piner Point area.
8:05  a.m. - Amy Carey relayed reports of orcas southbound near Goldbeach on Vashon/Maury around 7:30 and just now near Quartermaster Harbor.
8:00 a.m. - Northbound in Quartermaster Harbor, depth is about 60 feet here, taken from the deck of a friends home on the West shore of Quartermaster.
Photo by Karl Schmidt, November 3, 2015 
8:00 a.m. - We watched about 12 orcas coming into Quartermaster Harbor around 7:30 am today. They stayed along the eastern shore between Vashon and Maury, going north toward Burton, then turning around and exiting the harbor the same way at about 8:30. They then appeared to head back east then north toward Point Robinson. This was the first time I have ever heard of orcas actually coming into Quartermaster Harbor. They were very active. We watched from about 3/4 mile away from our house and beach on the Vashon side of the harbor.
Jeffrey Gill

7:50 a.m. - the pod came by Manzanita Beach, Quartermaster, Vashon.
Approx. 18 (including 2-3 babies). They were very active. They turned around and headed back out at 8:10.  So amazing!
Photo by K Rachel Keil, November 3, 2015  

J 19 Shachi in the lead
Photo by K Rachel Keil, November 3, 2015
(ID by Sara Hysong-Shimazu)

Photo by K Rachel Keil, November 3, 2015 

7:00 a.m. - Several orca passing by Gold Beach off Maury Island at 7 a.m. Spread out, headed south toward Tacoma.. Males, females, young.
Burt Miller


NOVEMBER 2 - Js, Ks, & Ls - Puget Sound

4:08 p.m. - Just letting you know there is a pod of orcas 2 miles north of Edmonds ferry
Tony Tedford
3:55 p.m. - saw 5-7 Orcas (adults and calves) hugging the coastline off President Point, Kingston this afternoon -- they were traveling North. What an incredible sight!
Kristin Stafford
3:50 p.m. - Saw the group of orcas just north of the Edmonds ferry about an hour ago. One with a baby. Traveling north towards Mukilteo. Saw 2 humpbacks spouting in the distance on the Kingston side.
Laura Patton Ballard
4:00 p.m. - I can see about 6-8 spread across the channel between north Edmonds and Point No Point, Kitsap.  All heading north, ones closest to east shore are paralleling the shoreline. Easy to spot from east side shoreline
3:38 p.m. - spot orcas not too far out from north Edmonds heading northerly. Currently due west of north Edmonds , not that far out. If they kept going north they would be on the east side of Whidbey Island. It will be awhile at their current rate!
Stu Davidson
2:41 p.m. - Large group approaching Edmonds Marina northbound.
Melissa Bird
Ken Balcomb reports that J pod turned back south around 2:30 this afternoon, while Ks and at least some Ls (they were very spread out) were trending north and eastward.
2:05 p.m. -  watching from Edmonds jetty. Very close to Kitsap side heading north right by headland that is to the south of Kingston. Moving fast towards Kingston lots of splashing and blows
Karen Knight
1:56 p.m. - some orcas off President Point, Kitsap side, south of the channel marker, heading north. NOAA is with them, I think.
Joanne Graves
1:47 p.m. - Jill Clogston and I are at Kingston Ferry Terminal, we can see them to the South of us!
Melissa Bird
1:46 p.m. - watching the orca from Kingston, they are south of Kingston heading north with NOAA and CWR.
Connie Bickerton
1:30 p.m. - Saw them from Faye Bainbridge park sightline across to Golden Gardens. Very large group.
Rebeca Rambal
1:30 p.m. - Ken Balcomb  has found members of all matrilines, so it's possible all 82 Southern Residents are in Puget Sound now, between Shoreline and Indianola, northbound.
1:21 p.m. -  Several orca's just off President Point south of Kingston (closer to the west side) heading north. They are quite tight together moving at a good speed.
Chris Beamer Otterson
1:07 p.m. - from Shilsoe Sunset Park, see large group northbound on west side of channel north of Bainbridge. Single male mid channel northbound too.
Bethany Ryals
12:35 p.m. - Brad Hanson of NOAA called and is with lead group of Js, including J26, mid channel between Faye Bainbridge and Golden Gardens. And we see Ken Balcomb of Center for Whale Research with a larger group to the south. All traveling northbound.
12:20 p.m. - one group  flipped up while others stuck to southbound but eventually all flipped and formed tight groups, all now heading northbound.
11:30 a.m. - We are viewing from Sunset park atop Shilshole marina. Orcas have grouped up...some in resting lines mostly mid channel with some on either side if...south of Faye Bainbridge/Golden Gardens. Slowly southbound
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
11:09 a.m. - seeing them from Carkeek grouped up going south. Seem to be closer to Kitsap side.
Whitney Neugebauer
11:00 a.m. - Four or more orcas heading south almost to Shilshole marina,  Seeing from Fay Bainbridge park.
Bob Rosenbladt
10:38 a.m. - must have seen at least 30 orcas heading south spread across the channel , as seen from mid channel just north of Shilshole
Stu Davidson
10:37 a.m. - Seeing orcas southbound mid channel from Faye Bainbridge park, at least 3 -5 of them!!
Sue Surowiec Larkin
10:18 a.m. - from Richmond Beach Saltwater park, watching them pass with many still coming from the north. Several spread across channel around yellow mid channel buoy south of Edmonds/Kingston with leaders 4 miles to the south.
10:14 a.m. -  pod has regrouped and more together, mid channel beween Richmond Beach and Shilshole.  Slowly southbound
9:52  a.m. - Several playing near surface, sight line east of Point Jefferson
Stu Davidson
10:00 a.m. - more orcas passing President Point, Kitsap side heading south
9:57 a.m. -  just passed President Point going south trending toward mid channel but on the Kitsap side. Appears to be a blue hulled yacht watching from a respectful distance
Joanne Graves
10:25 a.m. - They are now pushing SW toward the north end of Bainbridge. Currently in the traffic lanes.
9:49 a.m. - 4 orcas heading south just off Point Wells - Edmonds.
Jim Devereaux
10:00 a.m. - orca just off President Point south of Kingston, looked to be 8-10 of them (one big male) spread out and slowly heading south.
Chris Beamer Otterson
10:00 a.m. - Many Orca's traveling south off Kingston President Point Road. Many large males, females with babies
They were spread out from mid channel buoy to President Pt Appeared to be more than one pod perhaps several. Great to see them return to Puget Sound, love them. Just like a parade! Travelling several pods over long period of time Some out by mid channel buoy some closer to President Pt Rd Looked like females with babies coming last but there were many over a 1 hour or so. Great to see them in the sound
Margret Steen
9:25 a.m. - leaving Edmonds...watched several well east of channel as well as all the way across. Southbound. Im heading to Kayu Kayu at Richmond Beach.
9:00 am - Capt. Wilke of the Walla Walla ferry, Kingston/Edmonds run, reports 7-12 orcas milling off Apple Cove since 4:30 am. There were a lot of gillnetters but they left before 9.
9:00  a.m. -  several more groups of 1 to 6 orcas just passed by Edmonds, 1 mile offshore, heading south. Plus more heading south mid channel and near Kitsap.
Sherman Page
9:13 a.m. - the group of orcas currently in the Kingston/Edmonds ferry lane slowly
8:58 a.m. - Surrounded by a spread of a group of about 6 or so Orcas just off shore from north of Kingston.. Near commercial fishing boats! Orcas are milling around the area
Stu Davidson
8:54 a.m. - on bluff in Kingston seeing them southbound mid channel very spread out.
Connie Bickerton
8:50 a.m. - From Edmonds looking toward Elgon. Orcas banking south to Kingston
Ariel Yseth
8:40  a.m. -  many orcas heading south near Eglon, some mid channel, most near Kitsap, well spread out. Also, a humpback 3 miles NW of Edmonds.
Sherman Page
8:45 a.m. -  orcas spread across channel slowly southbound spread out in 1- 3s with some whales maybe a mile off Edmonds with others mid channel and east/west of mid channel. Saw many blows north of Kingston (Clipper stopped and just resumed).
8:00 a.m. - several orcas spread out approx 3 miles south of Possession Point and 3 miles west of Edmonds. Foraging? Milling? In southerly direction. And a humpback! Viewing from high bluff Stamm Overlook park. Rain squall impairing visibility towards Whidbey a bit to see if others continued, but appears they have flipped, any whales I'm seeing are southbound.
7:38 a.m. - from Edmonds I see blows and dorsals spread out from Eglon to maybe a mile plus south if Scatchet Head buoy. Northbound.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network
7:37 a.m. -  can see orcas all the way across from south east of Point No Point  across the channel to Useless Bay.
7:22 a.m. - They seem to be heading across the channel to Scatchet Head - orcas spread out but probably half a dozen at least. They are surfacing a lot and don't seem to be on a mission to leave this feeding area. Still spread out from east of Point No Point  and towards Scatchet head. Easy to see from north Edmonds.
Stu Davidson
7:20 a.m. - Pod of orcas on north side of Kingston. Heading to Eglon area.
Erin Steinman
WS ferries called in two reports of five orcas 6:42 am off Apple Cove Pt and at 7 am off Apple Cove headed SW toward fleet of gillnetters.
Northern Residents
November 5 
It is rare to see northern resident orcas off southern Vancouver Island but the G17, G46 and possibly G27 matrilines were observed off Race Rocks today by whale watchers out of Victoria. They were spotted by Matt Burnaby of Orca Spirit Adventures and first recognized as northern residents by Mark Malleson who has also photographed G pod in Juan De Fuca Strait on two other occasions since 1999.
BC Killer Whale Research

November 5 
G38 south of Race Rocks on November 5th
Photo by Mark Malleson 

November 5 
G59 and G60 south of Race Rocks late afternoon on November 5th
Photo by Mark Malleson  
Bigg's/Transient orcas
November 4 
11:48 a.m. - Orcas near Deer Harbor, Orcas Island. There were 4- and they were headed from Deer Harbor into the San Juan channel- going past several little islands (can't remember names right now!). We stuck around for about 20 minutes to see which direction in the channel they might go but they kept diving and we're very elusive!
Kelly Curtis

November 4 
8:45 am - Marie Waterman of WSFerries relayed a report of four orca heading north off Leo Point, off the north end of Lopez Island.


November 3 
Three orcas seen in San Juan Cannel on Nov 3, 2015. One adult male, 1 females, and 1 juvenile. Photos suggest the T123s.  Traveling, but lingered along shoreline of Shaw Island for a while.

November 3 
T123 traveling near Shaw Island.
Photo by Breck Tyler, November 3, 2015 

November 3 
T123A & T123C
Photo by Breck Tyler, November 3, 2015 

November 3 
Photo by Breck Tyler, November 3, 2015 

November 3 
A message from Paul Cotrell, DFO Marine Mammal Coordinator:
We received a report/pictures yesterday through the BC Marine Mammal Response Network that T077A may have a rope and float entanglement (see photo). The animal was sighted with the gear from the Thetis Island-Chemainus Ferry in Stuart Channel (20 miles south of Nanaimo). If you can add this information to your Orca Network with the details that if the animal is sighted to please call the BCMMRN 1-800-465-4336 (in Canada), or 1-877-SOS-WHALe (1-877-767-9425) (in US) and if gear still attached to monitor from a distance and not engage with the animal or gear. We have our expert disentanglement team ready to go. Hopefully the gear has come off on its own. Cheers.
Paul Cottrell, Pacific Marine Mammal Coordinator
Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Fisheries Management Branch

T77A with float - possible entanglement.
See above message by Paul Cottrell, DFO 
Unidentified orcas
November 4 
2:02 p.m. - Orca on the Lime Kiln. Still a little distant - not sure who they are.
Katy Rudolph

November 4 
9:45 a.m. - Pod of approximately 5 Orcas off the mouth of the Little Qualicum River, Vancouver Island, BC. One large male and possibly one young orca. They appeared to be fishing for Chum Salmon and/or playing.
Daryl Erickson
Humpback whales
November 5 - Juan de Fuca Strait 
Humpback west of Race Rocks.
Photo by Mark Malleson, November 5, 2015 

November 5 - south Puget Sound 
4:46 p.m. - Humpback is below Dalco Passage hugging the shore line also appears to be another whale mid channel.
Photo by Brittany Gordon
4:07 p.m. - Humpback is just off the point of Point Defiance, close to shore.
Michele Riley Campbell
12:30 p.m. - John Campbell reports: Humpbacks in Carr Inlet between Lakebay and Gig Harbor heading in towards the mouth of Minter Creek .They are here for my son's 18th birthday. One seen at a time, but a couple breaths were close together. Traveling fast to the end of the inlet towards the mouth of
a salmon stream (Minter Creek) and the Purdy Spit.
Noon - While out with a group of middle schoolers through Foss Waterway Seaport's on the water education program, we spotted a humpback whale off the Tahlequah ferry dock around noon today.
Photo by Jim Christensen, November 5, 2015 

7:53 a.m. - Humpback and dolphins, close to Gig Harbor, just north of harbor mouth. It was moving slightly to north.
Michele Riley Campbell

November 5 - central Puget Sound 
9:00 a.m. - Volunteer Kersti is at Lincoln park and says she also spotted a humpback.
Whitney Neugebauer, Whale Scout

November 5 - north central Puget Sound 
4:06 p.m. - Humpback turned south toward Edmonds side
Suzy Hoffman
3:07 p.m. - Two humpbacks still milling around off Eglon.
Photo by Gary Peterson, November 5, 2015 

1:43 p.m. - I'm seeing a couple humpback between Apple Cove Point and Eglon heads milling mid channel.
Photo by Gary Peterson, November 5, 2015 


November 4 - south Puget Sound 
4:32 p.m. - Dalco Passage viewpoint from 5 mile, humpback with dolphin friend, no direction, still mid channel out from gig harbor.
Belen Bilgic Schneider
2:30 p.m. - Great views of the Humpback and dolphins off the Dalco Pass turnout on the 5 mile drive at Pt. Defiance Park. Around 2:30 pm. Kayakers got really close.
Diana Lyster
12:50 p.m. - Single Humpback just off shore heading north towards Pt Defiance, right off Salmon Beach.
Asher Beckett
11:15 a.m. -  the Humpback is at the mouth of Gig Harbor. A very small whale. There was also a much larger humpback near Point Defiance.
Photo by Lisa Durbin Charbonneau, November 4, 2015 

November 4 - central Puget Sound 
3:00 p.m. - Humpback still milling around between southworth and tip of Blake island...was headed west but turned and headed back to Blake, seen from Kitsap.
Photo by Wayne McFarland, November 4, 2015 
2:38 p.m. - We had a call from Marie Waterman of WSF reporting the Humpback whale loitering between Blake Island and Vashon Island. 
11:08 a.m. - Charlie Leahy of WSFs from the Ferry Kitsap, reporting a humpback or large baleen whale, feeding or milling in the area between Southworth and Blake Island.
10:05 a.m. - Humpback and dolphins close to GH just north of harbor mouth, just now.
Michele Riley Campbell

November 4 - north  Puget Sound 
1:55 p.m. -  Rachel and I came to Stamm Overlook Park in north Edmonds to scout for second group of SRKWs and found them and a Humpback east of mid channel about a 1.5 miles  north of the ferry dock. Humpback was surfacing in southerly direction.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network

9:25 a.m. - Whale spotted on Mukilteo ferry, midway across Possession Sound. A large fluke, probably not an orca.
Zachary Simonson-Bond


November 3 - Active Pass 
BCX0380 east of Active Pass
(last time I had seen this animal was in 2005 off of Victoria)

Photo by Mark Malleson, November 3, 2015 

November 3 - Boundary Pass 
BCY0160 and calf at South Pender Island
Photo by Mark Malleson, November 3, 2015 

November 3 - south Puget Sound 
Between 10 and 11am today, lone humpback feeding in Dalco /Colvos area. I don't see it or the orca pods now.
Michele Riley Campbell

November 3 - north central Puget Sound 
3:13 p.m. - We are in Cultus Bay, looking toward Eglon, out in midchannel -- large blow spout, barely seeing the watery sheen as something (humongous lions mane jellyfish just learning to exhale?) passes going northerly.
John Morelock
12:50 p.m. -  spotted the humpback from some distance away. I'm above Golden Gardens with very large binocs looking north. Blows close to Kitsap side. Humpback is south of Point No Point but still well north of Kingston ferry. Hard to pinpoint location with the collapsed view from my vantage. He's closer to shore than the bunch of fishing boats I see in the vicinity. Now that I mapped it probably still near Eglon as other commenter reported from earlier.
Jennifer Greiner Clark
11:15 am - two humpbacks, one just north of Eglon and another south of Eglon, a few hundred yards offshore Kitsap side.
Sherman Page
8:00 a.m. -  while scouting for orcas up north (didn't see any) I did see a tall blow of what I am assuming was humpback about a half mile south of Point No Point.
Alisa Lemire Brooks, Orca Network


November 2 - south Puget Sound 
2:44 p.m. - Lone humpback deep in South Puget Sound. Heading south into Eld Inlet and passing Flap Jack Point. And it trumpeted during two of the surfacing series. Very cool! This is absolutely NOT the same whale or type of whale from yesterday's "mystery" which I think Orca Network has 'solved'. This is far too small and behaved totally differently.
Photo by Kim Merriman, November 2, 2015 

Photo by Kim Merriman, November 2, 2015 

November 2 - north central Puget Sound 
5:03 p.m. -  humpback right in front of Eglon, can be seen with bare eyes. Headed south right in front of a green flashing light out from the south tip of whidbey island.
Brittany Gordon
3:30 - 5:00 p.m. - While waiting at Point No Point in hopes the SRKWs would travel our way, we saw watched several blows of humpbacks in the area east of Eglon. 
Alisa Lemire Brooks and several other Orca Network volunteers
2:46 p.m. -  2 breaching humpbacks at Marina Beach in Edmonds along with Ken B and the orcas! It was unbelievable watching the one humpback tail slapping and lobbing SO MANY times right by the beach!
Janine Harles

One of two humpbacks who surprised me while watching for orcas. They surfaced next to us on the docked ferry and cruised within 100 yards of shore. Here they are further south of the fishing pier with Edmonds Marina beach in background.
Photo by Janine Harles, November 2, 2015 

Photo by Janine Harles, November 2, 2015 

Photo by Janine Harles, November 2, 2015 
2:30 p.m. - Two humpbacks heading south a hundred yards off the Edmonds Marina.
Photo by Sherman Page, November 2, 2015 

2:30 p.m. - One of the two humpbacks tail lobbing a couple of hundred yards off the Edmonds fishing pier.
Photo by Sherman Page, November 2, 2015 

Photo by Sherman Page, November 2, 2015 

2:28 p.m. -  Humpback just outdid the orcas south of Edmonds fishing pier... BREACH!
Michelle Goll
2:27 p.m. - Humpback breaching right off Edmonds jetty. Heading south, near Marina beach. Tail slaps and lots of flukes. Two possibly?
Karen Knight
2:28 p.m. -  Humpback just outdid the orcas south of Edmonds fishing pier... BREACH!
Michelle Goll
2:27 p.m. - Humpback breaching right off Edmonds jetty. Heading south, near Marina beach. Tail slaps and lots of flukes. Two possibly?
Karen Knight
12:48 p.m. - Saw blows of two humpbacks from Eglon.
Connie Bickerton
12:40 p.m. - while waiting for the SRKWs to head back north, I am watching 2, maybe 3, humpbacks a couple of miles NW of Edmonds.
Sherman Page 
Pacific white-sided dolphins
November 5 - Admiralty Inlet 
10:02 a.m. - Saw pod of Pacific white sided dolphins off Admiral's Cove, Whidby Island, appeared to be heading north. Not 100% sure on species. (unconfirmed, that area is plentiful with Harbor porpoise)
Warren Griffith

November 5 - south Puget Sound 
7:53 a.m. - Humpback and dolphins, close to Gig Harbor, just north of harbor mouth. It was moving slightly to north.
Michele Riley Campbell

Orca Network is a 501 c3 nonprofit organization, dedicated to raising awareness about the whales of the Pacific Northwest, and the importance of providing them healthy and safe habitats.

Orca Network's Whale Sighting Network involves citizens in helping researchers track the movement of whales, and encourages people to observe whales from their homes, businesses, ferries, and beaches.
Whale reports are sent in to our Sighting Network and emailed out to researchers, agencies, and citizens on our network, and posted on our website (MAP of sightings also on website). Whale reports and observations are sent in by a variety of sources, and Orca Network does not guarantee the accuracy of any report or whale identification.


TO REPORT WHALES, CALL: 1-866-ORCANET (1-866-672-2638), email, or post sightings on our Orca Network Facebook page.



 "The new rules prohibit vessels from approaching any killer whale closer than 200 yards and forbid vessels from intercepting a whale or positioning the vessel in its path. This doubles the current approach distance of 100 yards. The rules go into effect May 16 and apply to all types of boats, including motor boats, sail boats and kayaks, in Washington"


For more information on the new Federal Regulations, visit the NOAA Fisheries website


To report harassment of whales in US waters
, call NOAA Enforcement: 1-800-853-1964;

In Canadian waters, call DFO's Observe Record and Report (ORR) Violations Hotline: 1-800- 465-4336

Report the boat name &/or a description of the boat, & get photos if at all possible.