
Orca Network 

Whale Sighting Report  

In This Issue
Photo of the Day
Southern Residents
Bigg's/Transient orcas
Humpback whales
Gray whales
Minke whales
Orca Network's

Corner of 2nd & Anthes, Langley,
Whidbey Island

Open Thurs - Sun 11 - 5
Displays, videos, gift shop, lending library

Orca Network recommends:
Puget Sound Whales for Sale: The Fight to End Orca Hunting, by
Sandra Pollard
This important volume recounts the people whose determined efforts ultimately succeeded in ending the captures.


The Lost Whale, by
Michael Parfit and
Suzanne Chisolm
  An intensely personal story...but this person is a young orca.  

Lost Whale book...ver scaled



To learn more  

about orcas: 

Orcas in Our Midst, volume 3, by Howard Garrett

Orcas in Our Midst,

Vol. 3: Residents and Transients, How Did That Happen?

Click here  

to order YOUR copy!



  David Kirby  

The bestseller about orcas in captivity


Quick Links

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to learn about L pod

orca Lolita/Tokitae,

captured in Penn Cove,

Whidbey Island, WA

in 1970, somehow surviving in a small tank at the Miami Seaquarium ever since.

Tokitae looking up at us from her tank in Miami, FL in the late 1990s 

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July 13, 2015

We are watching and visiting the whales in their home~

Please observe, love and respect them from a distance.

Having trouble viewing this Sightings Report? Archived Reports can be found HERE.
"I was awakened by loud blows at 5:12am at Eagle Cove..." and so it goes for one of the many human residents as members of the Southern Residents moved northbound this morning in Haro Strait along the west side of San Juan Island. They continued northward allowing us the chance to hear them vocalizing on both hydrophones along their journey much farther north.

Bigg's big guy with his distinct dorsal, T127 and his mom T125 along with T49Cs (including T46C2 Sam, the once stranded juvenile) were encountered off the north end of Gabriola Island on the 8th. Good to see the families still hanging around and to see Sam with his family. You can read Sam's rescue story HERE.

A humpback has been hanging around south Puget Sound for the past several days. This could be same whale thought to be in distress last week further north or another, either way this one appears to be diving normally. Split Fin and friends were encountered in the Strait of Juan de Fuca doing, shared are some unique photos to go along with that report. 

Orca Network 

Photo of the Day
July 9 
K26 porpoising in Boundary Pass
Photo by Michael Colahan, July 9, 2015 
Southern Residents  
July 13
8:29 am -begin hearing faint calls and loud echolocation on OrcaSound. Ks? Loud calls by 8:42 S4s and S19s?
7:36 am -  start hearing SRKW calls  including  S1 and echolocation clicks. loud by 8:00am with a burst of calls including S4s...quiet by 8:15am
Alisa, ON

July 13
I was awakened by loud blows at 5:12am at Eagle Cove, looked out and there were 15 +/- whales frolicking in the bay! Several large males, females and youngsters, all close together, very tactile behavior, rolling around, floating on their backs, tail slapping, pec slapping (looked like he was waving good morning) and several graceful spy hops. The littlest one did two partial breaches! So cute! They just swam around Eagle Point slowly heading north in a tight and playful family group! What a great way to start the day! I have a feeling its going to be an amazing whale day!
Lodie Budwill


July 12
7:05 pm (PDT) Orcas now visible on Lime Kiln webcam
6:55 pm (PDT) Evening calls & clicks starting up on Lime Kiln hydrophone
Cydnie Simons

July 12
We are finally getting a sprinkle of rain here in the Pacific Northwest. I love how cool and fresh the air is and I adore the cloud formations and the lighting that develops due to oncoming showers. We had members of all three resident pods off the south end of San Juan Island this afternoon in jaw-dropping light.
Katie Jones

July 12
This is a random smattering of whales from J and K pod. The big guy in the middle is J27 Blackberry.
Photo by Katie Jones, July 12, 2015

July 12
1:30 pm - Lots of orcas from Eagle Point to Pile Point.  Some close in and some further out, all passed by our rock and then angled over to Cattle Pass area then over closer to Hein Bank.  One group in slow sleeping mode, tight together.  All came back to our rock beginning at 6:00 until around 7:00, going towards Pile Point. Not too scientific but maybe gives you an idea of their movements, very fun to watch!!  
Jenny Stands Wilson

July 12
...this same group of whales (J2s, J19s, and K14s see July 11th) made their way back down from the Fraser River and met up with other Js, Ks, and Ls in Haro Strait. Around noon we picked up the J2s, J19s, and K14s heading south with the K12s and K13s at Open Bay. Near Lime Kiln they also met up with the L4s and L47s, and off False Bay the J16s. I believe the rest of J-Pod was also back "in". We left them heading southwest from False Bay at 2 PM.
Monika Wieland, Orca Behavior Institute

July 12
K20 Spock makes her way south in Haro Strait as the fog lifts this morning.
Photo by Monika Wieland, July 12, 2015

July 12
1:00 pm - Loud calls on Lime Kiln
Connie Bickerton

July 12
12:53 pm - they are back on Lime Kiln a few quiet squeals & whistles & clicks. They are being vewy vewy quiet.
Melissa Bird

July 12
12:28 pm - Ks and friends on OrcaSound
11:42 am - Calls and echolocation on OrcaSound
11:00 am -  hearing SRKW vocals including S1 and S19? calls on Orca Sound hydrophone.  While others are visible on Lime Kiln webcam.
Alisa, ON

July 12
11:32am (PDT) hearing calls on Orcasound hydrophone
Cydnie SImons

July 12
11:01 am-  Calls on Lime Kiln!
Jill Clogston


July 11
K14 "Lea" Spyhop.
Finally some RAIN!! Beautiful west coast day with Group A of J Pod and the K14's going through Active Pass.
Photo by Gary Sutton, July 11, 2015

July 11
J2 "Granny" in the back, K14 "Lea" leading the way, J14 "Samish" in the middle, J37 "Hy'Shqa" and J49 "T'ilem I'nges" in the front.
Photo by Gary Sutton, July 11, 2015

July 11
3:00 pm - We saw the orcas way north in the Swanson Channel near N. Pender and Prevost Islands. There were several orcas and they were headed north. We went through the pass between Mayne and Galiano (Active Pass). We saw a lot of jumping salmon which leads me to believe they were feeding, but I am not sure. We saw a few tail splashes and a couple of spy hops! Absolutely wonderful!
Shari Harris

July 11
Couple of little ones pause for a double spyhop as members of Js and Ks make their way north in Swanson Channel and Active Pass, BC.
Photo by Shari Harris, July 11, 2015

July 11
Photo by Shari Harris, July 11, 2015

July 11
Photo by Shari Harris, July 11, 2015

July 11
Awesome day. We saw a male (orca) heading north at Lime Kiln park at 9.15 am. Spend the day on the water. Cross a few porpoises path. And the highlight of the day: paddle along a young minke at 4 pm, it stayed south of the lighthouse for the about 45 minutes swimming back an forth.
Patrick Vegas

July 11
On the morning of July 11th we had the J2s, J19s, and K14s heading north from Open Bay to Stuart Island between 10 and 11:30 AM.
Monika Wieland

July 11
A big spyhop during a fun morning on the water with some members of J- and K-Pods.
Photo by Monika Wieland, July 11, 2015

July 11
9:17 am -  begin hearing S4 calls on Lime Kiln hydrophone.
Monika Wieland

July 11
8:00 am - Good morning! Approx. 10 whales close to shore, going from Eagle Point to Pile Point, spread out in small groups. Playful young one. One large male
Jenny Stands Wilson


July 10
Little J51 was breaching like crazy, near Eagle Cove, San Juan Island.
I love watching the babies, especially when they're playful!
Photo by Sara Hysong-Shimazu, July 10, 2015

July 10
Yoda (K36) breaching tonight. The J14s and K14s were hanging out and the kids were in full-on social mode.
Photo by Sara Hysong-Shimazu, July 10, 2015

July 10
L087 breaching off of freighter wake in the Oak Bay Flats
Photo by Mark Malleson, July 10, 2015

July 10
It's been blustery out there for day's now! I can't wait for when the water is like glass again. are some shots with the J2's, J19's, and K14's off False Bay. I have to say, J51 was in a particularly rambunctious mood (if such a thing happens to orcas)!
Heather MacIntyre

July 10
K26 Lobo
Photo by Heather MacIntyre, July 10, 2015

July 10
16:37 Hearing calls on Lime Kiln.
Jill Clogston


July 9
Well, today was one of coolest encounters I've had in a while. Went way up north near Point Roberts to catch up with some of the whales that were having a bit of a party on the west side of San Juan last night until about midnight. Was worth the run though! Lots of wonderful activity with spyhops and breaches galore! Here's a couple of J19, Shachi. Thank you to my buddy Katie Spyhopper Travels Photography for the id! (Taken today July 9, 2015 with a 600mm lens and cropped)
Taci Walter

July 9
J19 Shachi
Photo by Traci Walter, July 9, 2015
(photos taken w/600mm lens and cropped)

July 9
J19 Shachi
Photo by Traci Walter, July 9, 2015

July 9
K26 porpoising in Boundary Pass
Photo by Michael Colahan, July 9, 2015


July 8
2:20 pm - Beautiful sighting! Otter Point (Sooke, BC) on the Juan de Fuca. So large a pod (40-50) that we were able to watch them for at least 15 min. All sizes. Traveling but there was a bit of play. Filled my heart!
Martine Skillen


July 7
We spent time with the K13's out in the middle of the Strait of Georgia as they headed towards East Point. This was my first opportunity this season to see this family. While the waves weren't very big, the current was fairly strong so we saw them splashing through the water.
Ashley Keegan

July 7
K13's coming together as they approach East Point.
Photo by Ashley Keegan, July 7, 2015

July 7
K25 Scoter splashing through the waves
Photo by Ashley Keegan, July 7, 2015

Bigg's/Transient orcas
July 12 
Report of a pod of orcas at Point Defiance in Dalco passage. (south Puget Sound)


July 9 
Did anyone else happen to see a pod of orcas off of the Discovery Park beach (West Point Seattle) area around 10:30 this morning? My friend and I didn't have binoculars but we both saw what looked like 4-5 this possible?
Jennifer Lausen


July 8 
We were headed out on our way down towards the West side of San Juan Island when we got a report of a group of orca up towards Entrance Island. We altered course to see if we could find them and were rewarded with a visit with T125, T127 (not sure where T128 or T125A were), and the T46Cs (T46C, T46C1, T46C2 and T46C3). Great group who had a seal snack during our visit with them! Have a great evening!
Cheers, Ashley Keegan

July 8 
T127 is truly an incredible sight to see. His dorsal fin is massive!!! I wonder just how large it would have been had it never been so severely damaged...  
Photo by Ashley Keegan, July 8, 2015

July 8 
T125 cruising past. Love the shape of her eye patch!
Photo by Ashley Keegan, July 8, 2015  

July 8 
T46C2 (Sam) and T46C3 following close to T46C1 who has the seal in its mouth. So good to see T46C2 Sam found its family!
Photo by Ashley Keegan, July 8, 2015 

July 8 
T46C1 carrying a seal sans skin around in its mouth. You can see right at its mouth some of the seal skin and down lower I believe is one of the lungs.  
Photo by Ashley Keegan, July 8, 2015  
Humpback whales
July 13 - Puget Sound  
4:50 pm - There's one (humpback) out there right now. I'm looking at it. It's right in the middle of Commencement Bay, Tacoma,  straight out from Sperry Landing or Jack Hyde park.
Corey Long

July 13 - Puget Sound   
8:55 am - Just spotted (in the last 15 minutes) off Old Town dock, heading west out of Commencement Bay. Too far out for photos. 
Melora Haas Shelton


July 12 - Puget Sound 
...we saw the whale (who was circling around Brown's Point for hours) early evening.
Linda Bourlet

July 11 - Puget Sound
11:00-11:30am watched humpback between Point Defiance and Vashon Island. When I first saw it, it was about 100 feet off of Point Defiance. Last sighting it was closer to SW end of Vashon. It was always "facing" east when it came up, but was generally traveling north. I'm guessing it ended up heading up the west side of Vashon, but don't know for sure. 
Levi Waggoner

A humpback in Puget Sound between Vashon Island and Point Defiance
Photo by Levi Waggoner July 12, 2015 


July 11 - Juan de Fuca Strait 
About Noon time- Less than an hour out of Port Angeles we found at least 6 humpbacks including Split Fin (BCZ0298), Split Fluke (BCX1068), BCX1057, Heather (BCY0160) and her calf and possibly MM20004 (no photo's of this one.) Split fin spent as much time on his back or side as he did swimming right side up. He also breached multiple times. After all that activity the three finally settled down, just swimming along, but one of them trumpeted, a sound I had never heard in the wild. We left the first three, passed MM20004, and then spent a bit of time with Heather and her calf as they cruised east at a steady pace.
Connie Bickerton

July 11 
Split Fin (BCZ0298) - breaching humpback!
Photo by Connie Bickerton, July 11, 2015  

July 11 
BCX1057 and Split Fin's (BCZ0298) Pectoral Fin
Photo by Connie Bickerton, July 11, 2015  

July 11 
Pec fins of Split Fin (BCZ0298) on his back.
Photo by Connie Bickerton, July 11, 2015 

July 11 
Split Fin (BCZ0298)
Photo by Connie Bickerton, July 11, 2015 

July 11 
Photo by Connie Bickerton, July 11, 2015 

July 11 
Heather (BCY0160) and Calf
Photo by Connie Bickerton, July 11, 2015  


July 9 - Puget Sound
Report from Emily Crandall and Benjamin Doerr who spotted what most likely was a  small humpback off the SE coast of Bainbridge Island,  just outside the mouth of Blakely Harbor. It moved very swiftly to the south and they parted ways at the red buoy off Restoration Point.

Gray whales
July 13 
3:51 pm - Gray whale going west in front of Chito Beach Resort (Sekiu). Now feeding just east of Shipwreck Point.
Amy Harmon Cramer
Minke whales
July 12 
4:10 pm - Minke milling just off the kelp line at Point Colville, Lopez Island
Tom Reeve

July 12 
6:45 am - July 12th Minke , close to shore between Eagle Point and False Bay. (San Juan Island)
Jenny Stands Wilson


July 11 
4:00 pm  - Minke milling off Flint Beach, Lopez Island
Tom Reeve

July 11 
And the highlight of the day: paddle along a young minke at 4 pm, it stayed south of the lighthouse for the about 45 minutes swimming back an forth.
Patrick Vegas

July 11 
10:22am - just saw a Minke whale headed for the light house! (Lime Kiln State Park)
Casey Fitzgerald


Orca Network is a 501 c3 nonprofit organization, dedicated to raising awareness about the whales of the Pacific Northwest, and the importance of providing them healthy and safe habitats.

Orca Network's Whale Sighting Network involves citizens in helping researchers track the movement of whales, and encourages people to observe whales from their homes, businesses, ferries, and beaches.
Whale reports are sent in to our Sighting Network and emailed out to researchers, agencies, and citizens on our network, and posted on our website (MAP of sightings also on website). Whale reports and observations are sent in by a variety of sources, and Orca Network does not guarantee the accuracy of any report or whale identification.


TO REPORT WHALES, CALL: 1-866-ORCANET (1-866-672-2638), email, or post sightings on our Orca Network Facebook page.



 "The new rules prohibit vessels from approaching any killer whale closer than 200 yards and forbid vessels from intercepting a whale or positioning the vessel in its path. This doubles the current approach distance of 100 yards. The rules go into effect May 16 and apply to all types of boats, including motor boats, sail boats and kayaks, in Washington"


For more information on the new Federal Regulations, visit the NOAA Fisheries website


To report harassment of whales in US waters
, call NOAA Enforcement: 1-800-853-1964;

In Canadian waters, call DFO's Observe Record and Report (ORR) Violations Hotline: 1-800- 465-4336

Report the boat name &/or a description of the boat, & get photos if at all possible.