January 31 |
You never know...12:30 - 02:00 westbound Looks like we had "K" & most of "L" pod today off Sooke! Photo by Sooke Coastal Explorations |
January 30
Great day...some people in my group had better photos....rode with them for 3 hours until we hit the fog near Agate Pass.... Photo by Samuel Hilbert |
January 30
4:59pm - orcas are in a resting pattern near the mouth of Sinclair / Port Orchard channel. NOAA headed home.
3:49pm - watching them head
north in Port Orchard Channel from point white dock.
3:27pm - look to be
heading back north in Port Orchard Channel.Connie Bickerton
January 30
K33 Tika and K22 Sekiu. Photo by Connie Bickerton |
January 30
Photo by Connie Bickerton |
January 30
Photo by Connie Bickerton |
January 30
Photo by Connie Bickerton |
January 30
Photo by Connie Bickerton |
January 30
Photo by Connie Bickerton |
January 30
This was the coolest thing ever to experience! Amazing creatures that I will never forget! My kids and I will never forget seeing these beautiful animals.
Michelle Clark Lamutt
January 30
Just got home after spending a beautiful sunset watching a pod of
6-7 orcas spyhopping, tail slapping and cruising slowly North past Ilahee State Park (Bremerton) -- this was
between 5 and 5:40 pm. Large male in main group and one possibly two orcas trailing the main group by 1/4 mile or so. Was still hearing blows and tail slaps in the dark and sadly had to leave before the park ranger locked me in. I headed to Illahee on a hunch after hearing they were seen in Sinclair Inlet from Bachmann Park (I arrived just as they disappeared around the point with the NOAA Boat). What a treat. Unfortunately only low-light blurry photos.
Donna Green Van Renselaar
January 30
4:42pm - Saw a pod of
about six Orcas a few hours ago
heading north in the Sinclair Inlet outside of Manette (Bremerton), WA.
Britany Starr
January 30
3:49pm - Just saw first
blow from the beach at Gazzam Lake Park. Just north of the ferry lane. Not sure of direction but it's nice and peaceful this way
Laura Finch
January 30
4:03pm - They just passed
Illahee dock - heading toward Brownsville
3:41pm - Pod off Manette / Ilahee right now, near Bremerton!
Julia Zander
January 30
3:26pm - The more northern group was headed north followed by what looked like a research boat and the southern one, right by the ferry terminal, came from the north and was milling around when we passed on the ferry. It looked like they may have been feeding.
3:16pm -
Two groups of about 5 and 4 just outside of the Bremerton ferry terminal. Weren't close enough to get a good picture or ID on them. What a beautiful day for a sighting though!
Lisa Neyman
January 30
2:35pm - Turned around and heading west along the
Bremerton side.
2:25pm - looks like they're heading towards
Illahee State Park.
Don Van Doornik
January 30
2:34 - heading southwest trending towards Bremerton.2:19 - milling at the south
entrance of Port Orchard channel. No clear direction yet.
1:44 - Heading north in Rich Passage, passing fort ward park. NOAA with them.
Connie Bickerton
January 30
2:09pm - Pod of several Orcas off the southwest side of Bainbridge Island (west of Point White). Still from video taken.
Trish Treherne
January 30
1:45pm they were just off
Waterman point in the middle of the channel.
A pod of approximately
6 orcas headed west through Rich Passage toward
Bremerton. I didn't see them, but hubby did and called to tell me.
Lisa Carry
January 30
1:10pm - NOAA now with whales heading just
north and east off Blake Island.
Susan Marie Andersson
January 30
1:08pm - Just left
K POD from Harper Dock/Southworth. I watched them exit
Colvos Passage and travel onward
passing the west side of Blake Island and rounding the north tip, turning left
toward Manchester State Park/ Fort Ward B.I. (Bainbridge Island) they are with NOAA and moving fast ETA for MANCHESTER 10-15 MINUTES!!!...They appear to be very "happy", witnessed lots of tail slapping, eye popping.. "I see you" and fin slapping. Traveling at a good pace, my heart is happy too, now off to work I go :~( will post video/pic's tonight)
Kathy Bradley
January 30
They are headed
up the west side of Blake Island at about 12:45pm.
Jamie Grundhauser
January 30
12:43pm - Just had a
pod of killer whales playing between Southworth and Blake Island. They headed towards Manchester
Donna Johnson Roundy
January 30
1:04pm - last update I got, they appear to be
heading into Rich Passage... Coming up on Manchester State Park...
12:35pm - Just got a call from Kathe Bradley, she said they have
passed Southworth and are headed up the west side of Blake Island...
Laura Finch
January 30
Just saw them cross
Southworth Ferry lane heading north at 12:20pm!
Noreen Ferris
January 30
They are heading to the west side of Blake Island. 12:48pm.
Now see them at Palasides, so
not quite through Colvos yet. 11:51am.
Kelly Burns Keenan
January 30
12:11pm - Nearing
Southworth. Kitsap side with noaa on scene.
11:35am - Northbound just
passed Cove Walk on Vashon island.
Amy Carey
January 30
11:20 - They passed
Cove Walk still heading north... Beautiful.
Koptini Koptini
January 30
10:51am - Just saw
a pod of about 6 to 10 Orcas heading towards Seattle through Colvos Passage near Prospect Point.
Noelle Summit
January 30
10:36am - They've gone
past Lisabuela.
Liz Schuh
January 30
10:15am - Found Kpod. By Lisabuela, Vashon heading north
up Colvos Passage.
Kelly Burns Keenan
January 30
9:21am - Just saw
a pod of about 6 Orcas heading
west at
south end of Vashon Island near Tahlequah ferry terminal!
Janice Stixrud
January 29
6:08 - I am rethinking not moving to Port Townsend.... This is amazing.
Michelle BookerJanuary 29
I saw
one lone orca near Pt Townsend just before 5 pm, heading south. Straggler? Leader? He (looked like a male) was difficult to see, saw the dorsal only once.
Jill Hein
January 29
4:11pm - I these sounds - never gets old.
Debbie Stewart
January 29
4:08 - They are rather chatty.Jill ClogstonJanuary 29
4:05pm - hearing them now.Shari Fujimoto
January 29
4:04pm - Hearing them now!!
Suzanne Rooke Sewester
January 29
JUST heard a call on the PT hydrophone - now there is ferry noise, but heard the call at
3:53 pm!Susan Berta
January 29
ORCAS near Port Townsend!First spotted them in the
Straits of Juan de Fuca at about 3pm,
Watched from
North Beach, Port Townsend, as they made their way
east toward Point Wilson. I believe there were 3, though at one point I thought I saw a fourth. They spent lots of time out of sight, but occasionally turned back on the route and played around.
Annette Huenke, Port Townsend
January 27
J Pod Update: movements of satellite-tagged J27: On the afternoon of 25 Jan, the last location that day from J27 showed him heading west in the central Strait of Juan de Fuca after traveling down from the north side of the San Juan Islands. When the tag turned back on the evening of 26 Jan, the whales had made it to the western end of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, where they continued to meander around until the afternoon of the 27 Jan. Map courtesy of NMFS' Northwest Fisheries Science Center
January 25
25 January update - J27 (and the rest of J Pod) traveled around in the western Strait of Juan de Fuca from the last update (21 January until the afternoon of the 23rd when the tag turned off. By the evening of the 24th, when the tag turned back on, the whales were off the eastern entrance of Active Pass in the Strait of Georgia. They traveled south that night and by afternoon (25 January) they were heading west in the central Strait of Juan de Fuca. Map courtesy of NMFS' Northwest Fisheries Science Center
January 23
I came across what looked like
the entire Southern Resident Clan late afternoon off of
Sheringham Pt. They were fairly grouped up traveling east and socializing.
Mark Malleson
January 23
L41 east bound off of Sooke in the evening. Photo by Mark Malleson
January 23
Super Pod off Sooke late in the afternoon. Look like the entire J,K & L pods were present heading east (inbound) - at Sooke BC. Photo by Sooke Coastal Expeditions
January 21
I came across
J and K pod just before dark south of Sheringham Pt. They were spread from the shipping lane to within a mile of shore.
There were at least 4 humpbacks in the area.
Mark Malleson
January 21
K21 inbound in the Juan de Fuca Strait south of Sheringham Pt. in the evening. Photo by Mark Malleson, taken under permit #MML-001 |
January 20 |
An update from tagged killer whale J27:After what appeared to be a direct run for Puget Sound by J27 on the last update (19 January), J pod were nowhere to be found in Puget Sound the next day. The mystery was solved when the tag fired up late yesterday (20 January) after its day off duty and showed that the whales had made a 90 degree turn to the right and headed out to the ocean off the entrance to the Strait of Juan de Fuca. As of this afternoon they had moved back into the Strait of Juan de Fuca.Map courtesy of NMFS' Northwest Fisheries Science Center