December 28
4:17pm - Update. At park by
Keystone ferry dock. Way off in distance (through binoculars) 4 orcas. Definitely not porpoises. Tall curved dorsals. Probably transients.
Jamie Taylor
December 28
3:32 - watched them from
Fort Casey... NOAA is still with them still Northwestish.
Janine Harles
December 28
3:02 - We could see them
north-bound from Bush Point.
Sandy Pollard
December 28
2:48 - Bonnie and I are seeing them spread out,
northbound (midchannel spread to east side)
looking south from Fort Casey.
Sara Hysong-Shimazu
December 28
This photo is a bit weird, but I really like it. The whales were swimming right through the glare at Bush Pt. and the mist was rising in the background. Photo by Sara Hysong-Shimazu
December 28
3:15 - tail slaps and breaches from the northernmost group at
Fort Casey.
3:01 - second group of orcas from
Fort Casey. At least five. One large dorsal fin.
Coming north. Group is south of noaa boat.
2:40 - can see blows from Driftwood Island County Park on
Whidbey. Looking across towards Fort Flagler can see blows on either side of NOAA boat.
Jon Scanlon
December 28
1:26 - we are seeing several just off
Bush Point headed north.
Tom Remsing
December 28
About a mile south of Bush Point just after 1 pm, about 8-10 Resident orcas foraged as they headed north up Admiralty Inlet. Photo by Howard Garrett
December 28
1:00pm - Seeing spouts just south of
Bush Point. Looks like research boat with them.
Laurie Dunham Kroes
December 28
11:22am - Seeing blows between
PNP and Picnic Point park (north of Edmonds)
. Appear to be
headed north. There's some refraction so it's difficult to see them...
Laura Finch
December 28
11:00 - Def on
Whidbey side, just seeing blows from
Point No Point.
Connie Bickerton
December 28
10:58 - We have multiple blows along
Double Bluff!
10:44 - fins heading north of
Elyse Margaret
December 28
10:35 - Now they turned and are
heading south westerly. Still quite far out as looking from north Edmonds. They might be going out Admiralty inlet hugging close to Whidbey side.
10:23 - Huge dorsal fin
north east of Point No Point mid channel between Whidbey. Looks to be heading to Possession Pt.
10:18 - Small group just
east of Point no Point. White boat still trailing them.
9:56 - Watching
a solo still north bound mid channel due west of our place (south end of Ocean ave) Edmonds.
Stu Davidson
December 28
Fun morning watching a Pod of Orcas pass by our place!! From Edmonds looking west across Puget Sound - with the Kitsap Peninsula (north of Kingston) in the background. Photo by Stu Davidson
December 28
9:55 - I'm on water st,
Edmonds, and saw them north of Kingston near 2 white yachts.
Michelle Goll
December 28
9:40 - Look to be heading north mid channel. Watching from
north Edmonds.
Stu Davidson
December 28
9:40 - And several already
north of the ferry.
Kate Stovel
December 28
9:55 - from
Edmonds a few angled out towards mid channel but at least two traveling northbound line as if taking east side of Whidbey. But still too soon to say which way they'll choose. Have seen only about 6-8 still very spread out.
9:39 - eyes on at least
3 females and one bull very spread out northbound fastbpace. Mile out from Edmonds Bracketts Landing.
Alisa Lemire Brooks
December 28
9:55 - I've got
at least one due east of Eglon, appears to be east side of midchannel.
9:37 - Blows visible from Eglon, some look to still be
south of Edmonds.
Connie Bickerton
December 28
9:17 - Orcas! From Edmonds marina beach north bound. Close to Edmonds side.
Michelle Goll
December 27
My good friend and amazing photographer, David Waterworth, took this gorgeous photo of J14- Samish at Point Robinson, Vashon Island today. A great thanks to Melisa Pinnow for the ID on this one. -Kelly Burns Keenan. Photo by David Waterworth
December 27
At Point Robinson, Vashon Island. Photo by David Waterworth |
December 27
At Point Robinson, Vashon Island. Photo by David Waterworth |
December 27
J34 Doublestuf heads south past Point Robinson, Vashon Island. Photo by David Waterworth |
December 27
2:50 All past the Point Robinson. Residents. Amy Carey
December 27
2:35 - rounding Point Robinson, Vashon.
Judi Withers
December 27
2:16 - They're off
Pt. Robinson now...south of sailboat.
Richard Johnson
December 27
1:45 - Standing at
pt Robinson should be visible looking ne towards Normandy park. Looks like same amount as yesterday.
Maybe half a dozen. I left the point and was viewing from tramp harbor. They were not in the harbor. They were straight out from some some weird looking blue statue thing south of Normandy beach, north of Des Moines. This was standing at portage.
Anna Stuart Olive
December 27
12:15 - they were south of the
Fauntleroy/Vashon ferry. I'm guessing they should be passing Point Robinson shortly maybe. Maybe 6 or 7. spread out, we thought they were all passed but then saw one or two more about 5 minutes later farther back, heading south.
11:45am - Passing north Vashon now.
Danielle White
December 27
12:10 - Seeing breaching off
Vashon heading south.
Tory Paramore Thomas
December 27
11:53 - Off the tip of Burien.
Richard Johnson
December 27
11:40 - 1 mile
north of Three tree point, mid channel?
Jerry Purnell
December 27
11:21 - looking at
Vashon ferry lane from Seahurst park, two orcas south of the ferry heading south.
Jill M Rotset
December 27
11:10AM - We were watching from north of
Brace Point - they are now out of view. The last we saw they were southbound.
10:50AM - Passed
Brace Point/north end of Vashon, now milling around out from Seahurst/Arroyos (hard to judge how far south they are)?
Mark Amsden
December 27
11:02 - Orcas in front of
Loman Beach right now.
Sue Irvin
December 27
11:08 am - I just saw two big breaches. I am at
Three Tree Point looking north. It looks like maybe they were a third of the way between the
Fauntleroy ferry run.
Tanya Jackson Esparza
December 27
10:46 - Just passing
Brace Point.
Tracy Record
December 27
1035 - Saw them off
Lincoln park south end.
Jaime Palacios
December 27
10:17 AM - Spotted a pod,
at least 4, heading South from the
ferry on the Fauntleroy-Vashon route. Surfaced close to the ferry, ferry did not stop.
Katelyn Herring
December 27
10:10am - Spotted just off north end of
Lincoln park really close to the west Seattle side heading south. And an eagle in one of the trees in the park, same area.
Krista Larson Billinghurst
December 27
9:40am - Four spotted at Alki bathhouse heading west.
Andrew Malinak
December 27
9:33 - Group of
at least two just north of Alki Point close to the west seattle shore!!
Sara Williams
December 27
9:30 AM - 3 orcas headed south off north end of Alki Beach, 1/4- 1/2 mile from the shore, appear to be feeding. They do not linger on the surface.
Dan Ciske
December 27
9:08 - Saw 3-4 Orcas right off Alki Point 10 minutes ago just Northeast of the yellow channel marker heading south.
John J Kalinoski
December 27
8:18 am - John Rogstad of WA State Ferries called to relay a report from the ferry Wenatchee on the
Seattle/Bainbridge run of abou
t six orcas heading south in the southbound traffic lane. No further details except the ferry passengers had an exciting morning.
December 26
Our family headed out in the morning from
Spencer's Landing, Shoal Bay, north end of Lopez for a day at Sucia. Before we even picked up speed our son-in-law Bill spotted an orca a ways off to port. (It was a little after
11:00 am.) We crept along for awhile and there turned out to be
2 of them - a male and either a female or juvenile. (
the male in the photo below is J26 Mike. This was the only report of any members of J pod Dec. 26) We were a mile or less
north of Humphrey Head at that point. They surfaced several times. The female stayed further away, but the male turned and eventually swam a short distance behind our boat. He had a very tall fin, and it looked wavy along the back edge. He surfaced a couple of time behind and to the side of the boat, (yes, our motor was off,) and then continued on his way and rejoined his partner. They were heading east, What a wonderful start to the day! We were on board Bill & Carolyn McGown's boat the "Andiamo" with granddaughters Lucy and Phoebe. Carolyn took these photos.
Susan and Mike Muckle
December 26
J26 Mike off the north end of Lopez Island. Photo by Carolyn McGown
December 24
What an amazing day spent with
J pod!!! Ken Balcomb, Dave Ellifrit, and I found them headed through
Pole Pass (a 200 ft. wide gap between Crane Island and Orcas Island) of all places. They eventually made their way into
San Juan Channel, then Spieden Channel, and on toward Stuart Island. The orcas were in a very active mood, with TONS of spy hops (mostly from
J17), tail slaps, pec slaps, and general goofing off. Everyone was accounted for except for the J16's. The water condition, sunny weather, and company couldn't have been more perfect too! Still totally pumped from the encounter!
Melisa Pinnow