
Orca Network 

Whale Sighting Report  

In This Issue
Southern Residents.
Transients/Bigg's Killer Whales
Coastal orcas
Orca Network recommends:
The Lost Whale, by Michael Parfit and Suzanne Chisolm  
An intensely personal story...but this person is a young orca.  

Lost Whale book...ver scaled  

 To learn more about orcas: 

Orcas in Our Midst, volume 3, by Howard Garrett

Orcas in Our Midst,

Vol. 3: Residents and Transients, How Did That Happen?

Click here  

to order YOUR copy!


The bestseller about orcas in captivity.

Death at SeaWorld, by David Kirby 


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orca Lolita/Tokitae,

captured in Penn Cove,

Whidbey Island, WA

in 1970, somehow surviving in a small tank at the Miami Seaquarium ever since.

Tokitae looking up at us from her tank in Miami, FL in the late 1990s 

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November 24, 2014

We are watching and visiting the whales in their home~

Please observe, love and respect them from a distance.

Having trouble viewing this Sightings Report? Archived Reports can be found HERE.

As we journeyed to Vancouver BC Friday, for the orca/salmon workshop, there were no whale reports, but Saturday, Nov. 22, during the marine mammal symposium, resident orcas ventured deep into Puget Sound and Saratoga Passage, spread out into multiple groups, and thrilled onlookers from shore to shore. Many reports and some great photos below, tell tales of J, K, and L pods foraging and partying from Pt. Defiance to Penn Cove. Sunday afternoon on our way home we got a chance to see some of J pod in Saratoga Passage, coming out of Holmes Harbor and turning south toward Langley.  


The extended visit had started Wednesday morning, November 19, when Residents passed Lime Kiln at dawn headed south for Admiralty Inlet at a leisurely pace. They went south as far as Mutiny Bay, Whidbey Island, as the sun set, spread out, hunting for chum salmon for miles in all directions.  


Thursday morning they were spotted off Mutiny Bay again, right where they were last seen the previous evening, though they may have explored dozens of miles from there overnight for all we know. They very slowly meandered their way north, departing Admiralty Inlet for unknown points north at sunset. They were not reported for two days, until Saturday morning, Nov. 22, when some showed up within view of the Bainbridge ferry and were seen all day from east and west Puget Sound, while others, ID'd as L pod whales, headed north out of Admiralty Inlet, and still others foraged well north of Everett in Saratoga Passage.


Sunday morning 15 or more J pod members were still in Saratoga Passage almost as far north as Penn Cove and back south in the afternoon almost to Langley by dark, and still others were seen sporadically around Point Defiance and Gig Harbor.


Starting Monday morning and throughout the day the action was all in the south Sound, again from Point Defiance to Gig Harbor and up Colvos Passage at sunset, as J and K pod  foraged slowly around the south end of Vashon Island. As darkness fell they would have been somewhere near Elliot Bay or Bainbridge Island. They didn't seem in any hurry to leave Puget Sound. 

Howard Garrett and Susan Berta, Orca Network 

Photo of the Day      
November 24                        
22-year old L87 Onyx, 100+ year-old J2 Granny, and two-year old J49.
Photo by Kelly Burns Keenan
Southern Residents
November 24
4:36 - I'm so happy! At Fern Cove Vashon. Me and my family are witnessing these beautiful creatures.
-Dana Beytebiere

November 24
Southern Resident Killer Whales: J and K Pods in Colvos Passage
Southern Resident Killer Whales: J and K Pods heading north up Colvos Passage.
Video by Meg McDonald

November 24
3:53 - Had a great day tracking Southern Resident whales today. Got a call from my good friend Amy Carey, and messages from other friends..Karie Olson Sherman, Alisa Lemire Brooks, that whales were reported south of Vashon. I headed out with the baby to check it out. Three times I almost turned around to go home, but something told me to go. They turned around 3 times to head down the Narrows. After a little game of back and forth the orcas finally decided to head up Colvos Passage. I tracked them all the way up the passage, and finally got to see them up close. I got some Id's but I think there were more that I missed in that moment. Still grateful for sharing the experience with the kids. Hope to see more whales soon.
-Kelly Burns Keenan

Photo by Kelly Burns Keenan

J35, J28, J17.
Photo by Kelly Burns Keenan

J35, J28, and J17.
Photo by Kelly Burns Keenan

Photo by Kelly Burns Keenan

J38, J22, J16, J34.
Photo by Kelly Burns Keenan

23-year old J26 with mom J16.
Photo by Kelly Burns Keenan

J26, J16.
Photo by Kelly Burns Keenan

November 24
3:25 pm - At least a dozen orcas in Colvos Passage at Olalla, heading north slowly. At least six breached. Now passing red marker #4. Reported by Kathryn Rice.

November 24
3:00 - 15-20 feeding for awhile then went north.
2:47 - 3 more just off of  Pt. Richmond
-close to beach. About a mile south of the main bunch.
2:35 - I'm looking at 10-15 Orcas in the west pass (Colvos).  They were heading north, but now are milling around. They are north of Pt Richmond.
-Jim Webster

November 24
2:27 - Looks like they flipped, and are now headed N up Colvos Passage. Might see them from West Seattle before the sun sets.
1 pm - Looks like the whales went South thru the Narrows.
12:20 -  Looks like we have whales off the south end of Vashon potentially heading towards the Seattle area.
Jeff Hogan

1:40 - Whales now headed up Colvos.
Amy Carey

November 24
2:13 - Counted 17 at one point!
Photo by Kayleigh Stefanko

November 24
1:31 - They are now mid channel from the point at Point Defiance, heading towards Colvos.
1:00 - They changed direction, milling right off the point right now. 5 large males!!
12:42 - They are in the Narrows channel, heading towards Salmon Beach, about 100 ft from shore. There were 2, a male & female, deep in Commencement when I 1st saw them. The others were close (at least 15 total) to Vashon. They all met up just past the ferry terminal & then fed off the shore of Vashon for a while before coming right below us on the bluffs at Point Defiance.
12:31 - 2nd lookout at Point Defiance is awesome right now. At least 15 milling right off the Lighthouse.
11:08 - Two close to the container ship, the others are hugging Vashon Island. Heading towards ferry dock.
10:55 - I have them!! Off Rustin Way, right off Shenanigans!
Melissa Bird

November 24
Melisa Pinnow: J37, J32, J28, J35, and J46.
Photo by Melissa Bird

November 24
Just to show how close they were to the lighthouse.
Photo by Melissa Bird

November 24
Melisa Pinnow: Siblings K20 and K25.
Photo by Melissa Bird

November 24
12:25 - Watching some now moving past Pt. Defiance towards Narrows.
-Amy Carey

November 24
12:21 - Pod of 10+ Orcas currently headed south/west of Vashon toward Gig Harbor.
12:14 - Pod of Orcas at south end of Vashon. Currently near the ferry lane.
-Sarah Jones Whalen

November 24
12:20 - Looks like we have whales off the south end of Vashon potentially heading toward the Seattle area.
-Jeff Hogan

November 24
12:16 - whales on the south end of Vashon, moving east.
Amy Carey

November 24
12:00 - Roughly 15 Orcas spotted in the waters of Commencement Bay heading west at the south end of Vashon toward Colvos Passage.
Photo by Point Ruston

November 24
11.55 - south west corner of Vashon about 1 m north of ferry landing...about 12-15 minimum appear to be resting in pods
-Janis Kamrar

November 24
1:43 - I think closer to 15 moving up Colvos along south Vashon.
1:04 -
Big pod (12-15+) just about to Salmon Beach heading south toward Narrows Bridge.
12:03 - they are moving back towards the Vashon ferry. 5 or 6ish--just caught a beautiful breach!
-Michele Riley Campbell

November 24
11:40 AM - 2 females mid channel between Ruston and Quartermaster harbor.  Headed south.
-John Kerwin

November 24
1131 am - At Point Defiance marina - orcas near Colvos.
Jennifer McKee-johnson

November 24
11:00 am - HI !!!! Very excited to report 4 orcas swimming very slowly westbound out of Commencement Bay towards the Vashon Island Ferry. Feeding? Traveling was very slow.
-Sue Duncan

November 24
At about 10:45 we spotted killer whales (looked to be cow and calf) off of Old Town Park / Jack Hyde Park in Tacoma - we could see them from our offices. They were right in close to shore. They stayed in the general vicinity for about 15 minutes, moving offshore to about halfway between here and Browns Point.  At that point we noticed at least 1 and possibly 2 other individuals, including an adult male.  They milled for a bit and took off toward the Narrows. It was quite a treat for us biologists.
-Melora Shelton

November 24
2-3 orcas off Piner Pt., Maury Island, seen at 10:30 am, moving slowly west, reported by Jim Lilje.

November 24
10:24 AM - Orca Pod - Tacoma. I first spotted 6-8 orcas heading towards Commencement Bay, then a boat went by and they turned, slowly heading west such that they are now between Tacoma's Northern waterfront at 11:10 am (Katie Downs restaurant) and Quartermaster Harbor. My guess is they were feeding. Seem to not be in a hurry to go anywhere. They charged - like they were just plowing the water - several times.
-Mollie Heilesen

November 24
10:19am - The Orcas are between Anderson and Ketron Islands.
Sunny Pepin

November 24
Now headed down Narrows and out of sight.
Amy Carey

November 24
10:15 am - Maia of WA State Ferries relayed a report of a dozen or more orcas between Quartermaster Harbor and Pt. Defiance. No direction of travel given.

November 24
Taken between 9:45 a.m. and 10:17 a.m. today. This was one of those morning. From aboard the ferry, between Ketron Island and Anderson Island from a 400mm lens.
Photo by Sean Griffin

November 24
Photo by Sean Griffin

November 24
Photo by Sean Griffin

November 24
Photo by Sean Griffin

November 24
Photo by Sean Griffin

November 24
This morning I was fishing around Pt. Defiance when the orcas were around. The Pacific White Sided Dolphin was over by the lighthouse this morning too. Only 4 Harbor Seals instead of the large group were there today, all small ones. A helicopter was flying over the whales.
-Bryan Owens, Tacoma Wa.

November 24
8:41 am - Just spotted a pod of about 4-5 whales just north of the Riviera Club marina on Anderson island, heading north. It looks like they are feeding at this time.
-Maryann McConville Schuler

November 24
A pod of orcas was first sighted at the south end of Anderson island this morning around 8:30 am chasing a food source and approximately at 9:30 am. The pod of four to six whales was between Anderson and Ketron island slowly moving north feeding going all directions. One of our island residents who filmed the whales almost a year to this week came over to my location and got two videos of the whales again. I uploaded some still shots at two facebook sites- mount rainier and south sound views from Anderson island, and Anderson islanders site.
Robert Lyden, Anderson Island wa.


November 23
12:35 PM - Large group of Orca swimming north up the west side of Saragota Passage. Seen from Cranes Landing Drive, Greenbank. No idea exactly how many, if I had to guess I'd say around twenty?  At least one male, might have been two. Saw one big splashng event which could have been feeding but other than that and one nice jump they were just cruising up the passage.
Scott Rosenkranz

November 23
11:00 AM - orcas in Saratoga Passage Heading north past Bells Beach, saw approximately 5-6 Orcas heading north in the Saratoga Passage past Bells Beach, including one young Orca. They appeared to be feeding.
Alan Cohen

South Sound orcas
November 23
1:28 pm - They were big spouts as we saw them without binoculars about 2 to 3 miles from us looking from Gig Harbor towards Brown's Point. I think they were moving towards Port of Tacoma or north--we lost them again.
12:37 pm - A few more blows--same area between Point Defiance and Vashon!
12:29 pm - Saw 10 to 12 blows and flashes of dorsal fins briefly just north of Point Defiance near the tug pulling logs. about 30 minutes ago and then they were gone.
-Michele Riley Campbell

November 23
12:07 pm - heading south fast.
11:30 am - We're seeing them due west of Chambers Bay golf course midchannel at least three or four just kind of thrashing around.
-Peter Woodward

November 23
Thanks to orca network we were able to see orcas off of Chambers Bay this morning!!! I'm always in awe of these beautiful whales- every time I see them I'm so excited I jump up and down with glee!
-Julie Merriam

November 23
We are having a great whale year here in Gig Harbor. In August and again two weeks ago we got to see a humpback. Today some orcas at 9:45 this morning, close to shore on the Gig Harbor side of the Narrows, just about 1/4 mile north of the bridge. They were heading south.
-Susan Dynes

SRKWs exiting Admiralty
November 23
1:16 pm - Distant calls on Lime Kiln right now.
-Lisa Meoli

November 23

8:49am - watched a half dozen or so SRKWs head northwest past point Wilson as the rain is rolling back in and visibility is about to drop to zero.
8:17 am - Orca south of PT Coupeville ferry run heading north! Thanks Gayle for confirming what I was hearing.
-Connie Bickerton

November 23
SRKWs on Port Townsend hydrophone starting at 8:03 a.m.
-Gayle Swigart

November 23
At approximately 8:01 a.m. faint calls came over the Port Townsend hydrophones.  The calls lasted about 25 minutes.  Many of the calls sounded like L Pod calls.
Jeanne Hyde

North Sound (Saratoga Passage) orcas 
November 23
4:49 pm - Southbound right offshore from Fox Spit. Js and some Ks (and L87) for sure.
-Sara Hysong-Shimazu

November 23
4:25 pm - they have gone around Baby Island and now mid channel headed SE down Saratoga Passage.
4:08 pm - Yay! Back on Whidbey and stopped at Greenbank - just saw 10 - 15 orcas SW of Baby Island at 4 pm - now headed NW toward Lowell Pt/Camano Island State Park.
-Orca Network

November 23
4:04 pm - a group of orcas that were going south into Holmes Harbor south of Greenbank farm have now turned around and going north toward the Farm...assuming they will be turning east. Don't quite know. but just got in from watching them across Holmes Harbor. They didn't quite get as far as Dines Point and turned around.
3:32 pm - Orcas are in front of Greenbank Farm with Baby island to its east! They are a happy bunch out there....thanks Rachel Haight for the post..........WOW.
-Marilyn Armbruster

November 23
Photo by Marilyn Armbruster

November 23
Photo by Marilyn Armbruster

November 23
Photo by Marilyn Armbruster

November 23
Photo by Marilyn Armbruster

November 23
Photo by Marilyn Armbruster

November 23
Around 3 pm I was on North Bluff Rd across from Cama Beach. Kept hearing multiple blows but didn't see any one thru the trees.
-Kathy Fritts

November 23
3:14 - Now south of Hidden Beach. Looks like heading into Holmes Harbor. Maybe due north of baby island heading south east slowly.
2:43 pm - They are north of Hidden Beach still. Heading this way finally. I think they slowed to eat! Finally moving steady south again. I saw a breach as they came around the corner when I was about to give up! Close to Whidbey side too.
-Rachel Haight

November 23
1:45 - Looks like they've turned back south .... perhaps heading slightly to the west, estimate nearing the north end of Cama Beach.
1:18 pm - They're still heading north, looks like about 8 in 1 group and a scant views of one or two other individuals. They're across from Race Lagoon (roughly) now.
12:44 pm - They're off Cama Beach right now, still heading north (YAY)!
-Jill Hein

November 23
12:32 pm - Sandra Pollard reports 2 whales northbound near Hidden Beach.

November 23
12:15 - I am back to report, orcas everywhere... most have gone up north past Cama Beach... looks like a couple went south down Holmes Harbor, orcas spread across the sound, close to both sides.
-Marilyn Armbruster

November 23
11:55 am - We have them with us moving north from Baby Island north to Cama St. park. Seeing 15+ moving in three groups. Awesome day!!
-Will Murphy

November 23
11:45 am - several orcas swimming north past Fox Spit/Eastpoint close to shore. One large male jumping.
-Michael Cenname

November 23
11:15am - Just saw at least 3 Orcas right off of Fox Spit, Saratoga Passage, can't tell direction because they seem to be milling.
-Stephen Merritt

November 23
11:04am - Residents heading north in Saratoga Passage, spread out mid-channel opposite Bells Beach. A big treat on a sunny November morning!
-Brooke Nelson

November 23
We saw Orcas traveling north in Saratoga Passage (about 3 miles north of Langley) this morning at about 10:55. It looked like either one large pod of 8+ or two smaller groups both swimming north, one near to Whidbey and the other about half way to Camano. We'll try to keep an eye out in case the orcas heading south from Deception Pass swim by! A few slightly blurry shots in case anyone is interested in identifying the individuals.
-Jonathan Bent

November 23
Sara Hysong-Shimazu: J27 Blackberry.
Photo by Jonathan Bent

November 23
Sara Hysong-Shimazu: That's his sister, Tsuchi (J31). Great shot Jonathan! Thanks for sharing!
Photo by Jonathan Bent

November 23
10:47 - There is a glorious pod of orcas in the Saratoga Passage off Langley beach right now. I got some shots but wanted to get the word out. They are heading west along Langley shore. We saw whale spouts the morning of Tucker's celebration of life and I thought our pal had returned for the day. Was thrilled to learn his grand kids saw them at the same time as well. Like I said, glorious. Other photos here.
-Debra Campbell

November 23
Photo by Debra Campbell

November 23
10:45 am - watched a small pod north of Langley traveling north from Langley Whale park. Then we had our first guest of the morning at the Langley Whale Center who'd come here after seeing the whales pass. He said there were at least two males. No id confirmation.
-Connie Bickerton

November 23
10:36am - 5 Orcas heading north right by Inn at Langley, Langley.
-Kim Dunkley Wetherell

November 23
About 10:30 this morning, spotted approx. 5-6 orcas spread out across Saratoga Passage heading north from Langley to Mabana to Fox Spit. At least one male. They seemed to be feeding on the current lines.  Orcas, bright sunshine, newly snowy Olympics- beautiful!
Barbara Brock

November 23
This morning about 9am, a larger group spread out came from the east, went past the Hat Island marina again, heading north west. What a treat!!
-Barbara Conwell, Hat Island Harbor Master


South Sound orcas
November 22
Nothing like watching a big pod of orcas swim by while the sun sets behind them.
Photo by Mike Russell

November 22
5 pm - Watched --through a spotting scope with Kimberly Sylvester-Malzahn from Restoration Point on Bainbridge. Four or five foraging just north of Vashon ferry lane, mid channel. NOAA was with them. Too dark too see now.
-Susan Marie Andersson

November 22
4:23 pm - they're really hugging the east side of Blake island, still heading north
-Shannon Donegan

November 22
Yes! I was on the 4:20 boat from Fauntleroy and there was a large group of a dozen or so off Blake Island, and a few headed south from the N. End dock.
-J Felicity Welt

November 22
Time stood still for me Saturday. I set out to cross train in small bumps on the OC-1 and encounter a couple of Orcas just outside of Fauntleroy. I tried to keep back as far as I could but its hard when they simply show up out of nowhere and decide to follow you.
Art Aquino

November 22
4:15 - @magnolia bluffs. Lisa spotted with binocs some blows for a few minutes after they passed Alki point going North. Then they disappeared roughly mid channel.
Ron Sorrell

November 22
4:08 pm - watching a small group from north end of Vashon, they are close to the Fauntleroy terminal.
-Jess DeMarois

November 22
4:04 pm - 10-15 Orcas visible between Lincoln park and Blake island state park headed directly toward the Bremerton fairy line. Moving very quickly. Lots of breaches!! Hearing reports from other observers that there may be as many as 50. Confirmed members from J, K, and L pods!
-Cassie Cude

November 22
4:05 pm - they're passing through the ferry lanes. Still spread out and heading north.
3:57 pm - watching them from the Fauntleroy/Southworth dock on Vashon. They're heading north towards the Vashon ferry lanes
-Jessica Pagan

November 22
About 4 pm - a pod of at least 5 Orcas traveled past Hat Island marina heading east. They returned to the south end of the island later.
-Barbara Conwell, Hat Island Harbor Master
November 22
Lincoln Park, 3:54 lots of blows near Vashon Island.
-Travis Miller

November 22
3:48 pm - A lovely bunch of backlit spouts, moving north along the east side of Vashon Island! Seen from Lowman Beach, West Seattle.
Photo by Trileigh Tucker

November 22
Photo by Trileigh Tucker

November 22
3:46 pm - still headed north, nearer to Vashon, approaching north end of island. Research vessel with them.
-Michelle Goll

November 22
3:43 pm -  At least a dozen orcas spouting a couple hundred of yards off of Vashon!
-Nancy Swenson

November 22
3:43 pm -  Lots of spouts mid channel at Lincoln Park!
-Shannon Donegan

November 22
3:29 pm -  14 or so heading back north from Three Tree Point, about to Vashon ferry dock, lots of spouting and hunting.
-Sue Spezza

November 22
3:10 pm -  They're hangin' out by the safe water beacon off Three Tree Point.
-Chris Frankovich

November 22
Heading north towards Vashon/Fauntleroy ferry lanes at 3 pm.
Seeing them from Dilworth 2:17. Lots of surface action, trending North.
-Jessica Pagan

November 22
2:33 pm - Just had a report there are also some east of Blake island.
2:08 pm - On the beach at point Robinson with Whitney Neugebauer. They turned just as they got here and have now apparently gone invisible
-Amy Carey

November 22
At 2 o'clock it looked like they had turned around and started heading back north. It appears that there is a research boat with them. They are just north of the Des Moines Marina.
-Tanya Jackson Esparza

November 22
1:58 pm - Here and gone at Pt Robinson. Good crowd here to see them. Some good tail slapping sighted.
-Rebecca Benson

November 22
1:53 pm - Normandy Park, watched 5-6 orcas milling for 30min * they just turned back north
-Michelle Borsz

November 22
1:38 pm - viewable with binoculars from Heyer Pt (KVI) looking 30N near Burien just ahead of orange (NOAA?) boat.
-Andrew Casad

November 22
At pt Robinson. Seeing them north of here slowly headed south. 1:31 pm.
-Jeanette Dorner

November 22
1:28 pm - Seeing them from Redondo Beach hugging Vashon just north of Pt. Robinson...
-Richard Johnson

November 22
1:23 pm - Watching Several heading south from Three Tree Point close to Vashon. Still a way north of Pt. Robinson.
-Jill Irwin

November 22
Two leaders heading into tramp harbor close to the Islas with about 4 following further behind...1:08 from three tree point south side
-Kim Rouse Baumgartner

November 22
12:59 pm - I can see the orcas with binoculars looking across towards Des Moines & east side of Vashon/Maury Island. Sea Lions & seals closer to shore.
I can see a few from Owen Beach/Tacoma at 12:53.
-Jason Cook

November 22
12:48 - Looks like approximately 20 animals still southbound spread out between Point Robinson and Dilworth Point on Vashon. No IDs.
11:24 - Whales are still off the N tip of Vashon and still trending S.
-Jeff Hogan

November 22
12:30 pm - Just watched them head south out of sight from the Vashon Ferry Dock.
-Shana Hirsch

November 24
WHOO hoo. Whales headed south at the north end (Vashon) ferry. Dilworth next viewing.
Amy Carey

November 24
12:16 - I am now at Three Treepoint. They are farther out in the channel and are still heading south. They are spread out, I am seeing what I think is the lead whale between me and the Fauntlaroy ferry.
Tanya Jackson Esparza

November 22
12:16 pm - And I see two more south of the Vashon ferry dock.
12:12 pm - They are passing by Seola beach right now!
-Chris Frankovich

November 22
I am at Seahurst and only saw one but haven't seen it since and that was at 1201. All you whale watchers over at Pt Robinson, what a sight for you!! I just saw all of them from Des Moines waterfront very close to you!
Angie Edgmon

November 22
My husband saw a pod of Orcas SE of Dolphin Point, from the Vashon Ferry. This was around Noon. There were at least 6. In the distance. No idea what pod.
-Karen J Wagoner

November 22
12:00 pm - What a show from the Vashon --> Fauntleroy ferry!!!! Both sides of the boat. Had to be 10-12 very close on the north side of the boat. A couple of impressive males.  Saw one stunning breach close to the Vashon dock.
- Jess DeMarois

November 22
11:53 am - looking from Dilworth on Vashon. See at least two mid channel headed south
-Jeanette Dorner

November 22
11:41 am - There's multiple groups. One heading south past Vashon. One heading south past Lincoln park, and not sure what else.
11:29 am - There are atleast 6 more heading south at the north end of Blake also. It's a parade of whales today.
-Krista Larson Billinghurst

November 22
Latest from me @ 11:45ish - just got back from seeing a spread-out group with some just south of Williams Point (Lincoln Park), heading south, and at least two north of there, most of the way across the sound to Vashon. Those two were just milling around, not heading one way or the other.
11:17 am - two heading south along Vashon ferry dock, midchannel.
11:28 am - Now looks like a bunch, on the far side of the sound along Vashon island. Lots of spouts. Seem to be heading south.
-Trileigh Tucker

November 22
11:26 am - They are heading south right in front of the ferry.
11:25 am - I am at Lincoln Park. I am seeing the orca right in the ferry Lane closer to the West Seattle side.
-Tanya Jackson Esparza

November 22
11:18 am - Crossing the Fauntleroy vashon ferry lane right now - 2 of them!
-Andrew Bratton

November 22
10:50 am - John Rogstad from WA State Ferries reported 12 orcas heading south, Fauntleroy, south of Bremerton.

November 22
10:49 am - Just spotted one between Blake and a Vashon, heading south, further to the west side of the Sound.
-Trileigh Tucker

November 22
9:34 am - Ok. . Just found one of Alki. Either milling or northbound. From my vantage point looks to be maybe 1000 feet out generally west of the point, maybe at Ritchie north.
-Amy Carey

November 22
8:21 am - Stephanie from Victoria Clipper, reporting a single male orca heading south by Shilshole Marina.

November 22
8:10 am -  Orcas off the Seattle-Bainbridge Ferry heading South!
-Joel Petree

North sound pod
November 22
About 4 pm - a pod of at least 5 Orcas traveled past Hat Island marina heading east. They returned to the south end of the island later.
-Barbara Conwell, Hat Island Harbor Master

November 22
10:38 am - Doug Crane, Kayak Point, Snohomish reported 4 males, 2 calves (females?) heading north. I male with very large dorsal fin.


November 20
4:18 - Just came inside from watching a group of about 6 whales travel past Point Wilson at a slow pace closer to the Whidbey side. Lots of surface active behaviors, and milling about. Looked like at least 2 large males in the group. Maybe J27??
Amy Johnson

November 20
On 3:30 boat from PT to Coupeville. Seeing orca to the north of ferry seem to be milling/foraging. Saw a big breach just north of coupeville ferry terminal.
3:00 - Still hearing faint occasional calls on PT hydrophone.
Connie Bickerton

November 20
3:25 - Great calls on the Port Townsend hydrophones right now.

November 20
3:15 PM - Orca sightings between Coupville and Port Townsend. Saw at least two pods, maybe three traveling north from the ferry from Coupeville to Port Townsend. Two males breached out of the water. It was spectacular!
David Jerauld

November 20
3pm - From the Port Townsend ferry, heading south east.
Waylon Finch

November 20
3:00 pm - A great view of orcas for people on the PT ferry, whales in front and behind. The whales seem to be back and forth, between fort casey and Ft Flagler, hopefully finding lots of food.
Jill Hein

November 20
3 pm - Orcas from Pt Townsend Coupeville Ferry. A group of 5-6 orcas were seen from the ferry about 1-2 miles out from the Coupeville ferry landing, dispersed over a large area for about fifteen minutes, travelling, also some spyhopping. The same group could be seen as the ferry continued to Port Townsend, offshore from Pt Casey State Park moving up the shoreline.    
Florence Caplow

November 20
2:32 - Erika Winner is at Fort Flagler on Marrowstone Island seeing orcas traveling slowly, if at all, just south of the Port Townsend/Coupeville ferry lane.

November 20
2:05 - Calls coming in clearer now on Port Townsend hydrophone.
Susan Marie Andersson

November 20
1:11 - watching a group of at least 8 orcas from Marrowstone point, southeast of my position. Lots of milling, foraging, tail lobs, several spy hops. Trending north very slowly.
Jill Hein

November 20
12:53 - a few north of Lagoon Point mid channel. Saw some tail slaps.
Naïna Barnett

November 20
12:45 - Feeding in mid channel SE of Fort Flagler.
11:11 - I can see them from East beach on Marrowstone island.
Dianne Dee Iverson

November 20
12:25 - seeing orcas from Lagoon Pt.
Wendy Berta Sines

November 20
1 pm - orcas still foraging off Lagoon Pt - not traveling very fast but still trending NW.
12:35 - orcas still headed NW between Ft Flagler and Lagoon Pt.
11:32 - we're at Bush Pt and seeing them foraging and still trending north. Seeing at least 3 adult males. Leaders just passed the point and more coming.
Susan Berta

November 20
1:24 - faint calls or whistles on Port Townsend Hydro phone.
1:23 - moving north more quickly now, past Lagoon Point from my line of sight. Still west side of mid channel.
11:17 - looking south from the bluff at Ft Flagler seeing orcas both north and south of Bush Point. Most seem to be midchannel and east.
Connie Bickerton

November 20
WOW, they passed Port Ludlow at about 10:30 AM going South, so they arrived up there about 5 to 6 hours later. They were within sight of Port Ludlow (N of Hood Canal) and stayed around here for about 15 minutes. They were tail slapping and surfacing, clearly foraging!
Kay Raffo

November 20
10:05 - I'm seeing some straight out in front of me on the south end of Mutiny Bay. Midchannel... large male slowly north, other orcas coming from behind, some further north too.
Rachel Haight

November 20
9:45 - spotted fins off the end of Adams Road, females far out in the channel milling. Yahoo--second time in a week. Thanks for letting me know to look up. (Adams Road is between Mutiny Bay and Bush Point).
Christina Baldwin

November 20
9:20 am - Justine Buckmaster on the Victoria Clipper called to report members of J and K pods off Mutiny Bay, heading north up Admiralty Inlet.


November 19
6:45 - could hear them breaching but couldn't see them as they passed Windmill Heights (south of Bush Point) heading south.
Dennis Allen

November 19
6:15 - Dave Anderson called from his deck while hearing orcas in Admiralty Inlet at Windmill Heights.

November 19
I'm at Ft Flagler. We had quite the encounter! At least 2 dozen orcas passed us. Breaches and spyhops close to shore. Lots of IDs. It was incredible.
Rachel Haight

November 19
4.15 - Lagoon Point - at last, saw 4/5 orcas mid-channel heading south.
Sandy Pollard

November 19
4:22 - Groups of orcas passed by for about 35 minutes and last ones are passing now. Most were spread out from us to mid channel. Saw groups passing in the distance as others passed by closer. They were active and not hurried. Two big males among the last passing Ft Flagler now.
4:04 - Two orcas breached at the same time close to shore at Ft Flagler!!
Rachel Haight

November 19
3:41 - Still some whales north of the ferry (PT), heading slowly south.
3:25 - From Fort Casey, it looks like CWR is with them - seeing dorsals spread out between PT and Marrowstone island, nearing Marrowstone, very hazy out there.
Jill Hein

November 19
3:35 - Pt Townsend hydrophone.
Jenny McEachron Gorle

November 19
I started off bicycling onto the PT ferry and up to the bluff above Ft. Casey, then back onto the ferry and over to Pt. Wilson just in time to see the whales swim by against a magnificent Mt. Baker. A great Orca day and lots of exercise too!
Kippi Waters

November 19
3:30 - Ken Balcomb was out with K pod members from Pt. Wilson to Marrowstone Point, but didn't see all of K pod.

November 19
3:20 - Hearing faint whistling on PT hydro.
Traci Walter

November 19
3:19 - Distant calls starting on PT hydrophone.
Pam Ren

November 19
3:18 - Sandra Pollard called from Lagoon Pt, Whidbey Island to report seeing some splashes/likely whales between Pt. Wilson and Whidbey Island, we are just now hearing them on the Pt. Townsend hydrophone.

November 19
3:18 - Starting to hear some whistles on PT hydrophone.
Gayle Swigart

November 19
15:17 - believe I am hearing faint calls.
Alisa Lemire Brooks

November 19
2:45 - Erica Winner at the Port Townsend MSC reports orcas rounding Point Wilson now heading into Admiralty Inlet.

November 19
1:34pm - they're definitely heading in! I see some near a channel marker out there. Not the one right off Libbey Pt, but the one further out I am north of Libbey Pt looking southwest. I saw a male and tail lob barely through haze. They are NE of Protection Island, likely still moving SE.
2:19 - They are just slightly north of Point Wilson. Another breach.
2:15 - At least 6 more behind. They are definitely west of midchannel. Long down times steadily moving south.
2:08 - I'm watching them from Ebey's Landing. Ft Casey is next spot. Tight knit group of at least 5 now just south of Ft Worden heading south at a steady pace.
2:01 - they're definitely appear closer to that (Port Townsend) side. I see one nearing Fort Worden now.
Rachel Haight

November 19
J & K pod, taken from Ft. Flagler today. If I make any wrong ID's, please correct me.
2:50 - I'm on the ferry. They are north of the ferry lanes still going south.
Photo by Rachel Haight

November 19
Photo by Rachel Haight

November 19
Photo by Rachel Haight

November 19
Photo by Rachel Haight

November 19
Photo by Rachel Haight

November 19
Photo by Rachel Haight

November 19
Photo by Rachel Haight

November 19
10:08 - Justine Buckmaster on the Victoria Clipper just called with a report of "lots of Southern Resident orcas" heading SSE (toward Admiralty Inlet) on Eastern Bank, which is south of Cattle Point, the southern tip of San Juan Island.

November 19
Started hearing Orcas on LK 7:10 am
Selena Rhodes Scofield


November 18
Saw approximately 15 orcas in Active Pass @ approx 10:30 AM traveling east on the flood tide. Date:  Tuesday Nov 18, 2014 Location:  N 48.86   W 123.31.


November 17
From 10:45-11:30 we watched some very spread out residents head slowly south in Haro Strait offshore of San Juan County Park. Whales were foraging and doing long dives, but I saw for sure J2, K21, L72 and L105, and L84. After passing the west side at night several times, it was awesome to finally have the residents come by during daylight hours! With the whales so spread, however, it was confusing trying to figure out who was where and it sounds like the rest of J-Pod was MIA during that time, until being heard on the hydrophones overnight between the 17th and 18th.
Monika Wieland, San Juan Island

November 17
L84 with Lime Kiln in the background.
Photo by Monika Wieland
Transients/Bigg's Killer Whales 

November 17

T123 and T123A west bound past Trial Island. T038A, T035A's and the T123's passed south through Oak Bay on the morning of November 17th.

Photo by Mark Malleson

Transients/Bigg's whales
November 20
8:40 - Meg McDonald reports an undetermined whale in the vicinity of Gig Harbor. She saw either the pec fin of a Humpback or the lunging dorsal of an orca, several blows and a large bait ball. She has not seen anymore activity so would say a Transient if it was an orca.

November 20
9.53 a.m. - Seeing blows again near Gig Harbor.  
9.10 a.m - 4 blows off Gig Harbor.
Meg McDonald

November 18
T103 northbound in Haro Strait near Kelp Reef late afternoon.
Photo by Mark Malleson
Coastal orcas      
November 24
Orca Sighting: One (1) LARGE Male feeding in vicinity of Guardian Bank, Costa Rica.
Time: 1310 LT ZD+6)
Lat.: 9-28.60 N, Long.: 87-26.52 W
Reporting Vessel: Research Vessel ATLANTIS, IMO#9105798
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution vessel in transit eastbound for Puntarenas Costa Rica, 100 nm wsw Punta Guiones.


November 16
4:00 PM - Two to four orcas, including at least 1 male seen directly west about 1/2 mile of parking lot at Devil's Kitchen SP, Bandon, Oregon. Unsure, at least 2, maybe 4, traveling.
Bill Bridgeland
Orca Network is a 501 c3 nonprofit organization, dedicated to raising awareness about the whales of the Pacific Northwest, and the importance of providing them healthy and safe habitats.

Orca Network's Whale Sighting Network involves citizens in helping researchers track the movement of whales, and encourages people to observe whales from their homes, businesses, ferries, and beaches.
Whale reports are sent in to our Sighting Network and emailed out to researchers, agencies, and citizens on our network, and posted on our website (MAP of sightings also on website). Whale reports and observations are sent in by a variety of sources, and Orca Network does not guarantee the accuracy of any report or whale identification.


TO REPORT WHALES, CALL: 1-866-ORCANET (1-866-672-2638), email, or post sightings on our Orca Network Facebook page.



 "The new rules prohibit vessels from approaching any killer whale closer than 200 yards and forbid vessels from intercepting a whale or positioning the vessel in its path. This doubles the current approach distance of 100 yards. The rules go into effect May 16 and apply to all types of boats, including motor boats, sail boats and kayaks, in Washington"


For more information on the new Federal Regulations, visit the NOAA Fisheries website


To report harassment of whales in US waters
, call NOAA Enforcement: 1-800-853-1964;

In Canadian waters, call DFO's Observe Record and Report (ORR) Violations Hotline: 1-800- 465-4336

Report the boat name &/or a description of the boat, & get photos if at all possible.