
Orca Network 

Whale Sighting Report  

In This Issue
Photo of the Day
Southern Residents
Transients/Bigg's killer whales
Coastal Orcas
Gray whales
Find a wide range of books related to orcas at the Orca Network Amazon store.
Orca Network recommends:
The Lost Whale, by Michael Parfit and Suzanne Chisolm  
An intensely personal story...but this person is a young orca.  

Lost Whale book...ver scaled  

 To learn more about orcas: 

Orcas in Our Midst, volume 3, by Howard Garrett

Orcas in Our Midst,

Vol. 3: Residents and Transients, How Did That Happen?

Click here  

to order YOUR copy!


The bestseller about orcas in captivity.

Death at SeaWorld, by David Kirby 


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orca Lolita/Tokitae,

captured in Penn Cove,

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in 1970, somehow surviving in a small tank at the Miami Seaquarium ever since.

Tokitae looking up at us from her tank in Miami, FL in the late 1990s 

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April 14, 2014

We are watching and visiting the whales in their home~

Please observe, love and respect them from a distance.

Having trouble viewing this Sightings Report? Archived Reports can be found HERE.
This report catches us up to end of day yesterday, April 14, and describes a complicated mix of K pod off Vashon, at least three groups of Bigg's Whales/Transients, and gray whales, with a few coastal reports for good measure. We'll send out today's reports soon, but at this point the interwoven paths of the two orca types are still not at all clear as to who's who, so hopefully the outlines will chrystilize by sunset today.

The Transient reports below are labeled to sort out the Admiralty Inlet Transients ("Admiralty"), the Possession Sound T's ("Possession") and the Vashon Island reports ("Vashon").

As the flurry of excited accounts of these sightings are sorted through, this may be a good time to ponder the awesomeness of having multiple groups and totally different types of orcas meandering through the waters below our eyes. This doesn't happen anywhere else.

Some upcoming events:

1) Welcome the Whales Day is April 19th in Langley.   

2) The Orca Network Benefit Whale Watch departs from the Langley Marina on Mystic Sea Charters, Sunday April 27th, 3 - 5 pm, $75. Sign up here.

3) The Orca and Salmon Recovery Workshop is sponsored by the Puget Sound Partnership, Orca Network, the Salish Sea Association of Marine Naturalists and The Whale Museum. The workshop is April 29th from 12:00 to 5:30 at the Seattle Convention Center, the day before the start of the Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference in Seattle. Registration begins at 11:30. Lunch is not provided so please eat lunch before you arrive!
Healthy and abundant salmon populations are key to survival of the endangered Southern Resident orcas that feed in the waters of the Salish Sea and northern Pacific coast. Successful protection and recovery of these whales is highly dependent on the success of salmon recovery efforts in the region. The workshop will involve scientists, agencies, and relevant stakeholders to better understand what can be done to enhance salmon recovery as a vital part of Southern Resident recovery.  
The workshop will involve scientists, agencies, and relevant stakeholders to better understand what can be done to enhance salmon recovery. You do not need to be registered for the Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference to attend the workshop. Seating is limited - to register, sign up here.
Photo of the Day
T77A & T49C visit Friday Harbor
Photo by David Howitt, April 12, 2014.
Southern Residents
April 14
Crazy and wonderful. What a day - I don't even know where to post with so many different threads from so many whales! Amazing to be surrounded by fins and in the warmth of the sun - very rare for those of us down yonder in Central Puget Sound. Not sure when I screamed loudest today - I whooped once when I realized we had Ks and also hooted exuberantly when just after watching K's head down the narrows ( after moving down the West side of Vashon Island), I turned around and saw the Big ol dorsals of the twin T's moving in from the East side. Saving my last holler for the hopeful blood moon that is on the rise. What might tomorrow bring?
Amy Carey

April 14
7:50 - We saw them on the south end of fox island in front of Chambers Bay Golf Course.
Lisa Matties Gray

April 14
6:34 - Just passed Kayu ... HAULING.
Jill M Rotset

April 14
K pod makes rare spring visit to South Sound
Chris Dunagan of the Kitsap Sun puts K pod's visit to the south Sound in context.

April 14
6:30 PM - Count at least 5 Orcas off of Mc Neil Is Between McNeil and Anderson Island coming into Drayton Passage from going by Eagle Is. towards S Key Pen and just outside mouth of Feludy Bay Saw spy hopping several times and one breach by male orca. Looks like one male swimming off a bit from group of at least 4 females. One mature female and three young orcas. This was spotted from my home through glasses. I saw dorsal fins at first got binoculars and began watching the show. Counted 5 total for sure. Spy hopping and breaching happened several times in course of observation.
Dorothy Gehgan Heim

April 14
At 6:00 K-pod was still going south passing McNeil island. They were hugging the island side then circling around the open water.
5:56 - Just passing McNeil Island still southbound.
5:04 - Passing Chambers Bay. Going South.
Jason Cook

April 14
5:29 - At Chambers Bay. They're still heading south.
Jessica Pagan

This was the BEST DAY EVER ♡♥♡ last night @ Pt Defiance 5 Mile Dr.
Photo by Krissie Carl, April 14, 2014.

April 14
4:38 - Seeing them from 5 mile drive Pt. defiance park heading south towards Narrows bridge.
Peter Woodward

April 14
4:33 - I see K pod heading towards the Tacoma Narrows. Southbound.
Jessica Pagan

April 14
My neighbor at Salmon Beach (Narrows) just reported 4-6 Orcas heading south under the Narrows Bridge at 4:30. A few in the air and lotta spouting.

April 14
4:30 - Crazy, crazy whale day! Last reports of K pod had them going into the Narrows, past the Tacoma Narrows bridge into south Puget Sound a short time ago (between 4 and 4:30 ish). Amy Carey called at 4:30 with a report of two TRANSIENT male orcas off the south end of Vashon Island, also heading toward the Tacoma Narrows, not far behind K pod! This photo was taken of the two males, just off the south end of Vashon. From Kelly Burns Keenan: Melisa Pinnow id'd them as the twins...T049C and T077A.

April 14
4:27 - Just watched them pass gig harbor heading under the narrows mid channel.
Diane McBane

April 14
4:26 - In the Narrows now.. Just passed Gig Harbor.. On their way to Narrows Bridge fast!
Melissa Bird

April 14
4:14 - Update headed towards Tacoma Narrows Bridge.
Russ McPhee

April 14
4:01 - I saw them across the water, very close to the Gig Harbor side. Hard to spot in my glass, but I could see blows and dorsals. Good to know there are there; welcome back K-Pod!!
Robin Mann

April 14
4 pm - They are currently in the place where Colvos & the Narrows Passages meet.. Headed into the Narrows. They will only be visible from the 2nd turnout for a bit longer. They are on the move!!
Melissa Bird

April 14
3:59 - Headed south towards the Narrows. Still off Pt. Defiance.
Jason Cook

April 14
3:55 - I just left Sunrise Beach Park-Gig Harbor. They came out of Colvos and headed toward southern tip of Vashon- as ferry was crossing about 10minutes ago.
3:19 - seeing distant blows north from Sunrise Beach Park -closer to Vashon side. NOAA boat trailing. Sailboat nearby.
3:09 - Seeing distant blows (barely visible) north of Sunrise Beach Park - Gig Harbor- still moving south slowly. Staying under water a lot. NOAA boat still trailing.
2:20 - They passed Al's store---- Olalla 5 minutes ago. Southbound with sailboat and NOAA boat trailing. Watched from bluff above the store.
Katie Schmelzer

April 14
3:30 - I drove down to Spring Beach, Just below my house on the southwest side of Vashon and saw the whales on the Kitsap side.
Rebecca Benson

April 14
3:25 - Approaching Gig Harbor on Kitsap side.
Meg McDonald

April 14
3:25 - Here's K pod swimming through Colvos Passage (next to Vashon Island) this afternoon!
Wild Northwest Beauty Photography
Southern Resident Killer Whales: K Pod in Colvos Passage 4/14/14 (HD)
3:25 - Southern Resident Killer Whales: K Pod in Colvos Passage (HD)
Wild Northwest Beauty Photography, April 14, 2014.

April 14
3:06 - Colvos update.. Just getting distant eyes in them now. They are about 40 minutes away from Point Defiance unless they wake up & start moving...
Melissa Bird
2:51 - Not the greatest quality of picture but I saw the K pod down in Olalla! I counted about 6 of them!
Photo by Nichole Read, April 14, 2014.

Thanks for the heads up today. I got the thrill of seeing the K-Pod Orcas and witnessed my first breach - so exciting.
Photo by Laura Justice, April 14, 2014.
April 14
2:35 - Now mid channel just past lisabuela park on Vashon. Normal speed but have been staying under quite a bit.
2:07 - Nearing Ollalla southbound. Very very close to kitsap side.
1:28 - They are still about a mile north of Ollalla.
Amy Carey

April 14
12:59 - Found them!! Middle Colvos Passage.
Kelly Burns Keenan

April 14
1:28 - They are still about a mile north of Ollalla.
12:48 - Colvos whales are just north of cove road area. Southbound.
Amy Carey

April 14
12:10 - Brad Hanson of NOAA just reported he's with orcas in Colvos Passage heading south.

April 14
10:43 - Just saw them off the Bainbridge ferry as it was pulling out to Seattle. Seven, at least four young ones. They were definitely going south, and moving fast.
Penney Hubbard

April 14
10:35 - WA State Ferries called to report 6 orcas from the ferry Tyee southbound, another caller reports 6 - 7 orcas off the Bainbridge ferry, closer to the Bainbridge side at the same time.

April 14
Received a 10:30 am report of two whales at the North end of Vashon Island headed South. Busy whale day out there.
Amy Carey

April 14
Saw a pod of about 4-5 on the 10:25am ferry from Bainbridge to Seattle. Absolutely amazing sight, with breaches and everything.
Elizabeth Rockett

April 14
10:15 - 8 to 10 orca south bound off Yeomalt point on Bainbridge island. Traveling at a good pace. 2 young males.
Chris slye

April 14
8:37 - 2 bull orcas feeding between North Admiral and Wing Point (on Bainbridge, just south of Yeomalt Point, at the entrance to Eagle Harbor) pair of eagles stole a fish from an osprey, migrating brants, busy morning on the Sound.
Dan Ciske

April 14
A friend of mine was on the 7:55 out of Bainbridge and wrote the following: "Susan - there were about 3-4 orca sited at about 8:15 AM about 1/2 mile off Blakey Rocks right were the Seattle/Bainbridge ferries cross. Looked like they were heading towards South Beach."
Susan Marie Andersson

April 14
8:15 am - Orcas near Bainbridge ferry.
Mark Powell

April 14
7:30 - WA State Ferries called with a report of a single orca seen 1 mile north of Alki in mid channel.

April 14
On the 7:55 from Bainbridge, there were 2 or 3 of them in the same area heading south. Didn't see them after that.
I was on the ferry Wenatchee on the 7:05 from Seattle to BI. We went to a dead stop because we lost sight of it. A seal popped up right next to the ferry, then an orca popped up and rolled and the seal was gone. It was happening right alongside the ferry. Proof that it pays off to stop the props if you have any doubt as to where they are.
Zachary Heistand

Photo by Connie Bickerton, April 14, 2014.
Welcome back K-Pod!
Photo by Sara Hysong-Shimazu, April 13, 2014.

April 13
Ken Balcomb reports K pod was seen heading into the Salish Sea about noon today from Sooke near Race Rocks and were on Salmon Bank about 2 pm, then they went northeast toward San Juan Island, then east around the south end of Lopez Island.

April 13
12:10 PM. - Island Adventures reports residents inbound from Race Rocks!
James Gresham
Transients/Bigg's killer whales
April 14
Possession - 7:41 - Just watched what I think was at least two mid channelish from the beach at Golden Gardens until my hands froze in the wind. Think I saw male. Southbound.
Jill Irwin

April 14
Vashon - Just saw the twins at 7:15 south of Titlow, just south of the bridge.
Michelle Borsz

April 14
Vashon - 7:01pm - The Twins just came under Narrows Bridge..mid Channel almost to Titlow now.
Melissa Bird

April 14
Possession - 6:57 - midchannel at Carkeek.
Jill M Rotset

April 14
Possession - 6:45 - I saw them! off Richmond Beach bluff (the park) all I saw was a tail-dorsal fin-twice!! then splashing-no pix but with binocs-about!! YAY!!!
Joni Barnes Pollino

April 14
Possession - 6:35 - found them east of mid channel south of yellow mid channel buoy south of pt. Wells southbound out from Richmond Beach in Shoreline.
Alisa Lemire Brooks

April 14
Possession - 6:30 - I've just picked them up. A group of at least 3-4, headed southbound, roughly mid-channel off Kayu Kayu / Richmond Beach area.
Dave Haas

April 14
Possession - 6:55 - two males continued south past Richmond Beach, females and young turned, are even with Jefferson Head/RB... tail lobbing, spy hopping and milling. Now have turned resumed southbound.
4:55 - last we saw the Possession pod was 3:30ish mid channel still heading southbound still north of Picnic Point. Ed and I moved south a few different places but have been unable to re-sight them so can't tell ya all if they went up Admiralty or kept moving south. Quite windy and choppy waters.
Alisa Lemire Brooks

April 14
Vashon - Donna Siebers called around 6:40 PM to report the two male Transients, on the east side of Tacoma Narrows, under the large power line, headed south. They also saw what looked like the same two orcas 2 weeks ago Sunday, between Fox and McNeil Islands.

April 14
Possession - 6:24 - 4 orcas heading south kitsap side almost to Kayu...moving fast now. Very spread out....!!
Janine Harles  

April 14
Vashon - 6:26 - The 2 Transients that are Following K Pod are at The Narrows Bridge.. But have not crossed over.
6:06pm - I have eyes on the Twins! Just passed Salmon Beach, almost to Narrows Bridge headed South.
Melissa Bird

April 14
Possession - 6:06 - 2 dorsals went under ..east of mid channel Kingston ferry laneish.
Janine Harles

April 14
Possession - The Everett pod of T's came clear into the harbor area and hung around right off the south end of the USS Nimitz for a bit. There's one huge male with them. Pretty cool; I have sat at that park many times thinking how cool it would be to have orcas come in there, and today they did.
Pam Ren

April 14
Vashon - 5:42 - The 2 males were close to Point Defiance for about 30 minutes and headed fast towards Narrows Bridge about 10 minutes ago.
Michele Riley Campbell

April 14
Vashon - 4:56 - 2 ts passed vashon ferry about 20 minutes ago headed to narrows.
Amy Carey

April 14
Vashon - They just passed under the bridges, lots of watchers went to Titlow.
Peter Baker

April 14
A day so stunning, so magical...killer whales roaming all over the inland waters of the Salish Sea. K pod, sweet lovely K pod south, so far south. and Transient pods by three....this video is of the T011s and T137s filmed from Mukilteo by Ed Brooks, edited by me.
Beauty is... so many orca friends spread across this spirited place watching pods of killer whales simultaneously in the far reaching arms of the Salish Sea.
Alisa Lemire Brooks
Bigg's (Transient) killer whales Possession Sound April 14, 2014
Bigg's (Transient) killer whales Possession Sound.
Video by Ed Brooks, April 14, 2014.

April 14
Possession - 3pm - Was watching pod off Mukilteo Lighthouse Beach & they were heading south, closer to Whidbey.
Elisa Peabody

April 14
Possession - The other pod of Transients was southbound, off of Mukilteo at 3 pm, we don't THINK they could have reached the south end of Vashon by 4:30, so we believe we've had THREE groups of Transients and K pod all in the inland waters today - wow!!

April 14
Possession - 2:42 - They Mukilteo ferry going east is headed straight for them, they should get a nice view.
Jim McKinlock

April 14
Admiralty - 2:38 - Just watched the Ts (assuming the T065As) swim past the Port Townsend lighthouse heading north. What a wonderful whale day.
2:27 - Just lost sight of them still going north. All bunched up and traveling pretty fast.
2:09 - Heading north.
1:54 - we got Ts in Port Townsend. Looks like they're hunting!
Sara Hysong-Shimazu

Vashon - 1:20pm - 2 Orcas off Point Robinson. I saw two orcas off Pt. Robinson - RIGHT off the shore from the lighthouse. Barely offshore from Pt Robinson, right by the lighthouse. We saw them blow about 6 times together, traveling South. They didn't travel very far each of these times, then after about the 6th "blow" we didn't see them again (even though they hadn't been that far away so they definitely did some traveling or went deep after that last breath).
Photo by Tracy Delphia, April 14, 2014.
Admiralty - Here's a photo from Pt. No Point this morning.
Photo by Sara Hysong-Shimazu, April 14, 2014.

April 14
Possession - We had the T11's and T137's near Everett today aboard the Island Explorer 3.
Michael P Colahan

Possession - This was taken near Everett around 1:30.
Photo by Dave Davenport, April 14, 2014.

Near Everett around 1:30.
Photo by Dave Davenport, April 14, 2014.

April 14
Possession -  1:08 - Sandra Pollard reports at least five orcas, including 2 adult males, are still off Everett, milling and not going anywhere.

April 14
Possession - 12:59 - Orcas in Everett right now...right off the navy ship in the harbor.
Pam Ren

April 14
Possession - 2:55 - woo hoo! They passed Mukilteo heading south east of mid channel, maybe trending SW. We are gonna move south.
2:30 - visual on them before ferry blocked our view...they are heading east towards Mukilteo ferry.
2:10 - They swung into the port and are headed back east, close to Mukilteo side. Waiting now at lighthouse for them
12:52 - midway between Everett and Hat/Gedney, still heading east.
12:30 - Ed & I are watching from above port of Everett pier in Mukilteo. 1-2 big males in pod.
Alisa Lemire Brooks

April 14
Possession - 12:36 - Headed toward Everett.
12:21 - Orcas at Hat Island!!
Dave Davenport

April 14
Possession - 11:46 - Maia of WA State Ferries reports a pod of orcas heading north, just north of the Mukilteo ferry lane.

April 14
Possession - 11:45 - call from someone on the Mukilteo-Clinton ferry, saying there are 5 orcas and a Gray whale amongst them, just south of the ferry lanes.

April 14
Possession - 11:35 - Sandra Pollard on board the Mystic Sea is watching at least four orcas heading north past the Clinton/Mukilteo ferry lane toward Hat/Gedney Island, while one or two gray whales is swimming a few hundred yards away.
So there are at least three groups of orcas around this morning: 6-7 heading south off Bainbridge, 5-6 heading north in Admiralty Inlet, and about four in Possession Sound headed north. Wow.

April 14
Admiralty - 10:30 am - the orcas are just south of Bush Pt, headed north.
Susan Berta

April 14
Admiralty - 10:30 - At Point No Point. They definitely are heading up into Admiralty. Haven't seen them for thirty minutes now.
9:45 - Definitely killed something. Gulls are going crazy!
Sara Hysong-Shimazu

April 14
Admiralty - 9:39 - Sara Hysong-Shimazu is at Point No Point with a pod of at least five Transient (Bigg's) killer whales, including T065A and a couple of young ones. Hanging closer to Kitsap side, in the current line, trending northbound and possibly on the hunt.
Admiralty - 9:27 - A long distance attempt to get a shot (five+ miles). Along the shoreline north of Kingston. pod heading north. One must be a big guy to be able to see his fin from so far away!
Photo by Stu Davidson, April 14, 2014.

April 14
Admiralty - 8:30am - pod of orcas north of Kingston heading north.. Boat following. Looking at with field scope from Edmonds.
Stu Davidson

April 13
Saw a group from Discovery Park just past sunset. Looked like they were feeding at that spot, just N of the yellow buoy, along the Bremerton/Seattle ferry lane.
Alan Alabastro

April 13
7:15pm - Orca sighting off West Seattle, spotted a southbound pod of 5 or 6 orcas about mid-channel in the Puget Sound west of Alki Point.
Darryl Duke

April 13
7 pm - Breaching orcas off Bainbridge. 6-10, breaching, spying, traveling in pod off Bainbridge. The weather and light last night were picture perfect with the Olympic foothills distinctly outlined in front of the snow covered peaks farther back. I made my way to the stern to enjoy the view and sun. Unexpectedly, I spotted a blow on the horizon, then another and then a breach followed by at least 35 similar splashes as we sailed towards Seattle. They were clearly visible all the way across Elliott Bay. There might have been porpoise among them. The splashes were so big and frequent that we were able to watch/see them for about 15 or 20 minutes from the ferry - their blows remained clearly visible almost all the way to Seattle due to favorable lighting and atmospheric conditions. It was a special treat; a good omen.
Gerard Wirz

Saw these orcas around 7pm today just south of West Point in Elliott Bay.
Photo by Brian Jones, April 13, 2014.
Dave Ellifrit: It's T11, T11A, plus a sprouter. You can even see T11's tag scar.

April 13
5 pm - sighting off of Marrowstone point. We saw two orcas while sailing off Marrowstone island, just north of Marrowstone point on Sunday evening. Quite a few breachings, many upside down?? exposing the white under side of the whale.
Bob Frank

April 13
Orca sighting from aboard sailboat. From aboard sailboat PLATYPUS 6-7 orca observed off the S end of Whidbey, headed east then south past Edmonds. Definitely one large adult male part of the group, and observed one male split off from group. Spyhopping and splashing observed. 6 adults plus possibly 1 juvenile. GPS Location 47 degrees 15min N 122 degrees 26 min W
Keith Dekker

April 13
4 pm - Bob Bowen reports seeing two adult male orcas heading south from the Port Townsend ferry. The ferry slowed down to let everyone get a good look.

April 13
Transient orcas at 3:15 reported 2 miles east of Eglon, headed E toward Edmonds, by Stephanie Raymond on the Victoria Clipper.

April 13
6 adult orcas including males reported by WA State Ferries south bound in Admiralty Inlet at 12:23, we presume they were seen from the Port Townsend /Coupeville ferry.

April 13
11:45am-12:30pm. - Three Orcas sighted in Admiralty Inlet north of the Port Townsend ferry route.
Julie Lloyd

T77A & T49C visit Friday Harbor.
Photo by David Howitt, April 12, 2014.

T77A & T49C visit Friday Harbor.
Photo by David Howitt, April 12, 2014.

T77A & T49C visit Friday Harbor.
Photo by David Howitt, April 12, 2014.

T77A & T49C visit Friday Harbor.
Photo by David Howitt, April 12, 2014.

April 12
7:35 PM - 2 Orcas were sighted from YMCA Camp Orkila on Orcas Island swimming in presidents channel heading north.
Jared Larson

Transient Orca off of Cattle Point April 12, 2014. This one has a chunk of some animal in its mouth and blood streaming down to it's pec fins while it spy-hopped in front of the Cattle Point lighthouse.
Photo by Chris Teren, April 12, 2014.
T77A and T49C in San Juan Channel Saturday afternoon.
Photo by James Gresham, April 12, 2014.

Transient Killer Whales T77A and T49C. Orcas Island in the background. They were not making life easy. Doing the T thing. Zig zagging around, reversing, into the glare and then down sun, long down times.
Photo by James Gresham, April 12, 2014.

Spencer Domico and his passengers getting a nice surprise. A good perspective of the size of a male Transient Orca. They look very close and they were but they did nothing wrong. They were sitting with engines off as were we, and he surfaced right behind them.
Photo by James Gresham, April 12, 2014.

April 12
4:25 - Orca off Brown Island, East Bound at Friday Harbor. Ferry spooked him. One spy hop /porpoise.
William Worden

April 12
435 - Still on north side of Yeomalt. Closer in to Bainbridge Island. Thanks for the posts.
Anne Duggan Smith

April 12
4:28 - Victoria Clipper III reports the orca pod still at Yeomalt Point, still breaching and cartwheeling.
Stephanie Raymond

April 12
4:12 - I am leaving...pod still on north side of Yeomalt, Victoria Clipper just on scene. Happy Sun & orca day.
3:45 - pod still in same place, north side of Yeomalt Point, Bainbridge moving back and forth. Pleasure boat been around them close to an hour now. 3:52 boat moved on and orcas started breaching.
2:50 - pod has stalled in same place since 1:00. Made a kill, they have been moving around the same general area north of Yeomalt point (north of Eagle Harbor).
Alisa Lemire Brooks

April 12
2:40 - There are 5 transients off Yeomalt Point at this time. 2 males and 3 others. They are hunting down a seal lion.
Chris slye

April 12
2 pm - Pod of orcas on the west side of the Sound directly across from Sunset Hill in Ballard. Breaching, splashing, spouting, just visible with 7x50 binoculars.
Steven Dare Lundholm

April 12
12:10 - Still south bound, approaching the north side of magnolia from my line of sight at Fay Bainbridge.
12:01 - still heading south. Line of sight, between my location at Fay Bain and shilshole marina. Looks like 5-6.
Connie Bickerton

April 12
11:00 - Alisa Lemire Brooks spotted the orcas nearing Jefferson Head approaching Port Madison, Bainbridge Island, southbound.

April 12
10:35 - Just spotted two Orcas off Kingston/Edmonds ferry. Heading south!!
Michelle LeMieux Hall

April 12
At least two pairs, traveling slowly south within sight of each other. One large male and a companion, and a female with a small one. Passed by off Apple Tree Cove around 10:30 am.
Kate Stovel

April 12
7:50 am - Saw a pod of Orca mid channel Mukilteo off Smugglers Cove. Think there were 3 but not sure, heading south.
-Linda Shuger

April 12
6:55am - Pod of orcas- can't tell whether they are transient. They are in front of Possession Point right now- slowly heading toward the Mukilteo Ferry. Such a calm beautiful morning down here.
Terica Taylor

April 11
7:10 pm - WA State Ferries, from the ferry Kitsap on the Seattle-Bremerton run: 6 orcas south bound, off Restoration Point.

April 11
3:23 pm - WA State Ferries report by Graham DeWitt, 2nd mate on the Edmonds/Kingston run - about 6 orcas, including 1 male with a huge fin and one calf, sighted off Apple Cove Point in the southbound shipping lanes. First heading north, then stopping to mill around.

April 10
07:12 PM - 4-5 killer whales mix of large and small spotted near Bainbridge Island, near Port Madison, there were at least 4 or 5. Truly amazing! So beautiful!
Elise Sivilay

April 10
4:30 pm - Southbound orcas off Point Wells and Richmond Beach.
Video of today's acrobatic cartwheeling and tail-lobbing Bigg's (Transient mammal eating) Killer whales taking down a harbor seal (not graphic) in Puget Sound off of Richmond Beach in Shoreline. Earlier ID's by Brad Hanson of NOAA Fisheries included T137 and T137A among a probable total of 7.
filmed by Alisa Lemire Brooks
Bigg's (Transient) Killer Whales Puget Sound April 10, 2014
Bigg's (Transient) Killer Whales Puget Sound.
Filmed by Alisa Lemire Brooks, April 10, 2014

Coastal Orcas
April 13
Jane at the Cape Mears OR lighthouse called at 3:45 with a real time report of three orcas travelling north, about 2 miles out from the lighthouse. About three gray whales were also seen moving northward, including a mother and calf.

April 12
Heather Cotes called with a report of 4 orcas, including one adult male, in Winchester Bay in the Umpqua River OR, at about 3:30 pm. She said they came into the river, ate something, then left.
Gray whales

Photo by Jill Hein, April 13, 2014.
Gray whale #383.
Photo by Alisa Lemire Brooks, April 13, 2014.

Photo by Alisa Lemire Brooks, April 13, 2014.

11:44 - Yay...a whale! North side Hat/Gedney. We had Patch.
Photo by Alisa Lemire Brooks, April 13, 2014.

April 13
Victoria Clipper saw Gray whale Patch between 10 and 11 am SE of Gedney Island.

April 12
7:15 pm - Gray off south end of Camano state park. Surfaced about 3 times with long periods between. Stealth whale. ; )
Krista Paulino

April 12
We've seen 10-15 spouts and a gray back of a whale moving south in Saratoga Passage over the last half hour. I also saw one on the south side of the passage about 11 this morning.
Lara Pate

April 12
9:07 am - No orcas but I saw two grey whales right in the middle of the ferry lane, closer to the Clinton side. They were heading north east.
Danielle Doll
Orca Network is a 501 c3 nonprofit organization, dedicated to raising awareness about the whales of the Pacific Northwest, and the importance of providing them healthy and safe habitats.

Orca Network's Whale Sighting Network involves citizens in helping researchers track the movement of whales, and encourages people to observe whales from their homes, businesses, ferries, and beaches.
Whale reports are sent in to our Sighting Network and emailed out to researchers, agencies, and citizens on our network, and posted on our website (MAP of sightings also on website). Whale reports and observations are sent in by a variety of sources, and Orca Network does not guarantee the accuracy of any report or whale identification.


TO REPORT WHALES, CALL: 1-866-ORCANET (1-866-672-2638), email, or post sightings on our Orca Network Facebook page.



 "The new rules prohibit vessels from approaching any killer whale closer than 200 yards and forbid vessels from intercepting a whale or positioning the vessel in its path. This doubles the current approach distance of 100 yards. The rules go into effect May 16 and apply to all types of boats, including motor boats, sail boats and kayaks, in Washington"


For more information on the new Federal Regulations, visit the NOAA Fisheries website


To report harassment of whales in US waters
, call NOAA Enforcement: 1-800-853-1964;

In Canadian waters, call DFO's Observe Record and Report (ORR) Violations Hotline: 1-800- 465-4336

Report the boat name &/or a description of the boat, & get photos if at all possible.