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New Office of the Bishop Video Update
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The solar panels are installed, and the trusses were lifted into place yesterday. View more photos.




A gift idea for someone who doesn't "need" anything:
A Contribution to the new Office of the Bishop at the RMS Lutheran Center!

It would be our gracious privilege to receive contributions towards the new Lutheran Center furnishings, art, and landscaping, and you can present the honored recipient with a gift card.

So that we may, together, "Shine God's Future" at the new site of the Rocky Mountain Synod Office of the Bishop, monetary gifts are invited from congregations, conferences, and individuals for furnishings, art, liturgical items, landscaping, plants, media, and more. So that we may plan carefully, we ask that gifts (or pledges) be received by 

February 1.


Our goal is an average of $365 ($1 a day) from each of our 165 congregations. Larger congregations have the capacity to reach that goal more easily and may choose to give more since some congregations will give less. 


Courtyard bricks will express our gratitude to each congregation for the gifts received. Read more and download the bulletin insert. Give a contribution as a Christmas gift and print a card to give to announce the donation. Learn more and give an online gift on the RMS website or click below:



A Paypal account is not needed.

On payment page, click on "continue" for a credit card gift. 





Advent photo by Jeffrey D. Louden
Second Sunday in Advent
December 8, 2013


Stir up our hearts, Lord God, to prepare the way of your only Son. By his coming nurture our growth as people of repentance and peace; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. 

Synod Prayer Cycle: 
Utah Conference
You are encouraged to include the listed leaders in your Sunday prayers of the people. Many congregations print the listing in the Sunday bulletin and/or monthly newsletter.
Remember in prayer this coming Sunday: 



Elim Ogden, UT
Dana Lee Simon 

Odyssey Appreciation Lunch Honoring 
Rev. Nelson Bock & Rev. Bonita Bock    

Wednesday, December 4, 2013, 11:00-12:30
Capitol Heights Presbyterian Church
11th and Fillmore, Denver   
The CHUM Leadership Team hopes all members and friends of CHUM will join this celebration in this time of reflection between Thanks and Giving. CHUM wishes to honor the work done and persons who serve our community. Together let us witness the stories of those who have traveled the spiritual path.  Let us be a caring presence for each other and for our community. We look forward to hearing Bonita and Nelson's story, honoring their path and the path of the CHUM Clergy and Agency Directors in this celebration of community. Please RSVP to Diana Flahive by November 30th303-832-4188 or   Cost is $15.

Ordination of Dr. Andrea Doeden

A service of ordination followed by the installation of Dr. Andrea L. Doeden as the pastor of Zions Lutheran Church in Trinidad, CO will take place on Saturday, December 14th at 3:00pm at Zions Lutheran Church:  613 Prospect Street, Trinidad, CO. Bishop Gonia will be presiding.  All are invited to be a part of this celebration!


Deadline is December 10 for Middle School Youth Gathering - January 17-19!      
Registration is now open for the Middle School Youth Gathering: Sow What? Visit the website for details and downloads. Registration deadline is December 10.

Teens of the rockies Encounter Christ: TrEC # 20


TrEC is an awesome, music-filled, surprise-packed, and a whole-lot-of-fun retreat weekend for high school teens between the ages 14-19. TrEC # 20 is Presidents' Weekend, Feb 15 - Feb 17, 2014, at Abiding Hope Lutheran Church, Littleton CO.  The cost of the weekend is $55, and sponsorships are available. Visit the TrEC website for applications, or send an e-mail .  Come join other teens from across the state for the TrEC of your lifetime!  

Advent calendar by Young Adults in Global Mission


You are invited to visit the Jerusalem/West Bank YAGM program's Advent calendarEach day will have a post from one of four Young Adults in Global Mission based on what they are seeing in their time of service leading up to Christmas.


Karen Bloomquist named Dean of PLTS


The Rev. Dr. Karen Bloomquist has accepted the position as Dean of PLTS and will begin on January 6. Karen comes to CLU and PLTS with extensive administrative and theological education experience, having served for 11 years as the Director of the Department for Theology and Studies at the Lutheran World Federation in Geneva, and before then, in a similar churchwide position in the ELCA.  

Office of the Bishop Eucharist is Second Wednesday


We invite you to join us the second Wednesday of each month for a staff/community Eucharist Service at 11:30am at the Office of the Bishop. We are inviting area rostered leaders to lead these worship opportunities. December 11 will be led by Pastor Sara Wirth. If you are interested in leading worship January 18, Please email Erin Power.

New fax number 


We have a new fax number, which is 303-339-4744. Actually, it's a "fax to email" number. So your faxes will be delivered to us an email to Janice. Please note clearly who the fax is for.



Wyoming Conference Gathering
is December 7 in Casper


God is on a mission of grace, compassion, forgiveness, and justice in the world. As the body of Christ, the church has been invited and gifted by our Creator and empowered by the Holy Spirit to join that work. During this year's Conference Gatherings, Gifted to Grow, we will discover together how we can join in that work by ministry from a gift based approach through asset mapping.


Please bring 6-8 people from your congregation to the missional gathering for your conference. We strongly encourage a diverse group of participants to represent each church, especially middle and high school youth. Your presence is important as we gather to be church together.


Join Bishop Gonia and our new Vice President, Earline Bohling, for conversation and connection around the theme, "Gifted to Grow." 


Online registration is now available for the events listed below.  Please register at least 5 days prior to each event so arrangements may be made for meals or snacks. 


SAT DEC 7 Wyoming from 10a.m. to 2 p.m.

Good Shepherd, Casper  


SAT JAN 11 Boulder Broomfield from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Lutheran Church of Hope, Broomfield  


SAT FEB 1 North Colorado from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 



please register today! 
Advent Dinner offer opportunity to learn about RMS Mission Congregations 

Please join us at an Advent Dinner as a time to learn more about our mission congregations in the Rocky Mountain Synod.


December 8 from 6-8 pm: Cristo Rey and Well of Hope

Hosted By: Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey

501 Raleigh Street, Denver, CO 80204


  • free Mexican meal, dessert bar, and sangria!
  • music and dance presentations
  • time to play Loteria with prizes!
  • silent auction of gift baskets.


Proceeds raised are for the ministries of Cristo Rey & Well of Hope. Please register online by December 6.





Disaster Recovery Workshops offered


Recovery from a disaster event requires a whole-community approach. A workshop is offered to give an overview of long term recovery and shares lessons learned and best practices gathered from decades of experience in large and small disasters. The workshop is offered in three counties, from 
8:30 a.m. to 4:40 p.m.  

Who should attend?
Anyone dedicated to helping rebuild homes and lives: long-term recovery leadership, faith based groups, religious leaders, community leaders, social service organizations, disaster case managers, and other persons concerned about recovery.
December 10, 2013 - Weld County
December 11, 2013 - Larimer County
December 12, 2013 - Boulder County

download the flyer for detailed information



We are a church that believes God is calling us into the world - together 


Thousands of ELCA members and congregations know the joy of supporting a longer-term missionary or Young Adult in Global Mission. This month, ELCA Global Church Sponsorship is sending an invitation to the remaining congregations in our synod to consider creating a covenant relationship of prayer, mutual communication and financial support for either of the following:

  • Pastor Erik and Tauna Roth live in Japan where Erik, who is rostered in your synod, serves as pastor of Tokyo Lutheran Church. Check out their blog at
  • Ian Stitt from Colorado, is serving in Madagascar through the Young Adults in Global Mission program. Read his blog:    
  • Young Adults in Global Mission serving in Madagascar, Pastor Austin and Tanya Propst coordinate the work of these young adults. Check out their blog at

For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please contact or 800-638-3522, ext. 2657.




Mission Interpretation:   
Telling the Story
A ministry of the ELCA







What is Mission Interpretation?

  • Mission Interpretation is telling the story of this tremendous work in ways that encourage others to step forth in mission.  It is real stories of real people doing ministry in Christ's name.  It is our Church in action.    
  • Mission Interpreters are the storytellers of our church, making known the good work being done through these ministries- linking up one another, inspiring others to be part of our church.        
  • Mission Interpreters serve as the bridge between
     the work of the church and the people who support it.  This communication bridge provides members of the congregation with a better understanding of how God uses their prayers, tithes, offerings, volunteer efforts and special gifts in ministry to real people, bringing hope and healing to people in need.
How Mission Interpretation strengthens congregations:  
  • Supports  congregations as centers for mission in their community and beyond
  • Connect congregations with synod and churchwide ministries 
  • Grow faithful and courageous leaders to serve within and beyond the congregation
  • Support Rostered Leaders in their role as a missional leader
  • Increase regular, special, and planned giving within the congregation 
For more information, download the flyer or





Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

6322 South Lakeview Street

Littleton, Colorado 80120


Holy Trinity Lutheran Church is seeking to fill this full time Youth and Family Ministry Coordinator position starting in early 2014.  The person filling this position must love and enjoy youth and be devoted to helping them grow in love with God and the church.  Previous experience working with youth is desirable.  Some benefits will be included.  Resumes are being accepted now until the position is filled.


For more information or to submit a resume, contact Pastor Dave Palma-Ruwe (303 798-1356) or Bob Zermuehlen (303 781-4107).  Fax number: 303 798-1366.

Congregation web site:  


Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-Colorado 
Rocky Mountain Synod
Applications due by January 15,2014


This position is one of two state-based advocacy ministries 

of the ELCA Rocky Mountain Synod, the other being in New

Mexico. The two directors are expected to work collaboratively as an extension of the RMS Office of the Bishop, not only for the sake of their respective state-based ministries but for the sake of the whole synod and church. 


View the entire job description and qualifications






Bishop Jim Gonia 

  • Urban Servant Corps
  • All-day Staff Meeting
  • LFS-RM Board meeting
  • Wyoming Mission Gathering, Good Shepherd, Casper, WY
  • Prince of Peace, Casper, WY
  • Lord of the Valley, Granby, CO 

Pastor Ron Roschke

  • All-day Staff Meeting
  • LFS-RM Board Meeting
  • Medicine and Ministry, Farmington, NM 

 Pastor Sarah Moening   

  • Urban Servant Corps
  • All-day Staff Meeting
  • Prince of Peace, Casper, WY
  • Wyoming Mission Gathering, Good Shepherd, Casper, WY
  • Bethel, Windsor,CO

Pastor Stephanie Quick Espinoza

  • HFASS, Denver, CO
  • Urban Servant Corps
  • All-day Staff Meeting
  • Behavioral Interview Trainings
  • Wyoming Mission Gathering, Good Shepherd, Casper, WY
  • St. Stephen's Episcopal, Aurora, CO 
Pastor Kent Mueller  
  • RMS Centro Luterano Meetings
  • Cross of Christ, Broomfield, CO
  • Urban Servant Corps
  • All-day Staff Meeting
Ruth Hoffman 
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry - NM 
  • NM Council of Churches Retreat
  • All-day Staff Meeting
  • SPPO
  • Central United Methodist Church, Albuquerque, NM
Kim Williams
  • Deepened Discipleship Projects 


 Find us on Facebook


Follow us on Twitter 


Global Links logo

Inspire people with global stories during the holidays  


Celebrate Christ's coming into the world during Advent, Christmas and Epiphany with three inspirational stories in the newest Hand in Hand: Stories from the Global Church. Request 1-10 free copies at 800-638-3522 or Order 11-2,000 free copies. Free shipping and handling. You can also download these stories as copy-ready bulletin inserts 


website calendar




Middle School Youth Gathering

Elegante Hotel & Conference Center
(new name for the Crowne Plaza!)
Colorado Springs, Colorado



MAY 8-10

2014 Synod Assembly

Marriott Tech Center
Denver, Colorado


2014 God's Work Our Hands Sunday



2014 Theological Conference

Marriott Hotel
Colorado Springs, Colorado


2014 Senior High Youth Gathering

YMCA of the Rockies
Estes Park, Colorado 


2015 Middle School Youth Gathering

Elegante Hotel & Conference Center
(new name for the Crowne Plaza!)
Colorado Springs, Colorado



MAY 1-3

2015 Synod Assembly

Sheraton Hotel
Salt Lake City, Utah


2015 Theological Conference

YMCA of the Rockies
Estes Park, Colorado


2014 Senior High Youth Gathering

submit Utah news or photos



submit Wyoming news or photos 





Deutscher Weihnachtsgottesdienst

Sunday, December 22, 2013, 5:00 p.m.

Community of Joy Lutheran Church, Rio Rancho, New Mexico

A German language Christmas Service will be held at Community of Joy Lutheran Church in Rio Rancho, New Mexico on Sunday, December 22, 2013, at 5:00 p.m.


The Rev. Michael Bastian, German born Pastor at Community of Joy, will deliver the sermon and lead through the service in the German language. Traditional Christmas hymns and music will be provided.


We welcome all visitors to our church for this special event and fellowship after the service.  Invite your parents, bring your children.  Spread the word to any of your friends who have connections to Germany and the German language and join us for this wonderful Christmas celebration.


Cristo Rey, El Paso, invites contributions
towards holiday outreach ministries


Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey and CEPCO (Central El Paso Community Organization) are putting together 90 Christmas food baskets for the families in thier After School Program. They are are also planning their annual "Posadas" where 200 to 300 people come to reenact the journey of Mary and Joseph and later celebrate with Mariachis, the traditional Mexican Christmas meal. Cristo Rey, El Paso, invites your contributions towards their holiday ministries.


See the list of needed items here.


Please send your donation or gift cards to Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey and put in the memo: "Christmas Projects." They will use your money where most needed for the projects. The address is 1010 East Yandell Drive El Paso, TX 79902.


Thank You for any assistance you can provide! If you have any questions please contact Rev. Rose Mary S�nchez-Guzm�n at 915.422-6545 (Pastor), Pat Marruffo at 915.203-8258 (Secretary) or Ceci Herrera (Director for Central El Paso Community Organization) at 915.544-6545.  



You are invited to the Christmas Posadas 

Community of Joy German Shristmas Service 2012

Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey

Saturday, December 14th  @ 5:30 p.m.

1010 East Yandell Drive  


Las Posadas will begin at the Church 1010 E. Yandell where the Christmas Play and the Service will take place. The meal, Mariachis, Pi�ata, and celebration will be at 915 Florence at 7:00 p.m.  Cost is $10 per person, but free for people who make donations for this event! Please reserve your ticket soon! For more information call Pat & Rose Mary @ 544-6545 or 422-6545.




Three concerts at St. Paul, Denver


Christmas Connections

Ars Nova Singers

Friday, 6 December

7:30 pm


O Magnum Mysterium

Columbine Chorale

Sunday, 15 December

4:00 pm


Ring in the Holidays

Rocky Mountain Ringers

Monday, 16 December

7:30 pm



Lutheran Chorale Concert
December 5, 2013 7:30pm - Thursday
Lakewood Cultural Center, Lakewood, CO
470 South Allison Parkway, Lakewood, CO 80226
The Lutheran Chorale will present it's traditional concert at the Lakewood Cultural Center on 
Thursday, December 5. It is called, "Welcome, Joyous Season.
For more information, contact the Lakewood Cultural Center at (303) 987-7845.
Tickets through the Lakewood Cultural Center.


Colorado Gives Day
is Tuesday, December 10


Support the ministries of RAINBOW TRAIL LUTHERAN CAMP through the Community First Foundation on Colorado Gives Day, December 10, 2013.  You can make a huge difference in Rainbow Trail's ministry by providing funds for camperships, summer staff salaries, site improvements, and much, much more. Mark your Calendars: December 10, 2013.  24 hours to Give Where You Live!  

LUTHERAN FAMILY SERVICES  ROCKY MOUNTAINS is also reminding you of this annual opportunity to give through the Community First Foundation and help to provide Healing, Strength and HOPE in our Colorado community! LFS will graciously receive gifts given on Colorado Gives Day! 

Living Nativity in Pueblo is a Community Gift

King of Kings Lutheran Church invites you to join us as we share in the joy of Christmas through our Living Nativity, Saturday and Sunday, December 14 & 15, from 5 - 8 pm. All are welcome to come and listen to the story of the birth of our Savior, and warm up with wassail and cookies inside the church.  King of Kings Lutheran Church is located at 2561 Vinewood Lane., Pueblo, CO.


Synod Minister for Connected Community
Rocky Mountain Synod
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700 / fax 303-339-4744

Announcements for eConnection are due before noon on Monday for the issue the following day. Event announcements are included for about two weeks. Please submit your announcement at the time it should appear.