
Lutheran Disaster Response representatives
to visit fire and flood sites next week

The Rocky Mountain Synod and Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains will be hosting a three-day tour of Colorado disaster sites with Michael Stadie and Joseph Chu of Lutheran Disaster Response next week.

On Wednesday, November 20, they will be visiting fire sites in Black Forest. On Thursday, November 21, they will look at flood sites. Later that day, two opportunities are scheduled for the team to meet with area rostered leaders and lay persons working with the disasters.

There will be a lunch meeting (lunch will be provided) at 
Atonement Lutheran Church, 685 Inca Parkway, Boulder, beginning at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, November 21. Please let the Office of the Bishop know if you will be attending so that we can have sufficient food. 
A second meeting will be taking place Thursday, November 21 at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 1800 21st Ave, Greeley, beginning at 3:30 pm. These meetings will give us a chance to share our stories and learn more about how Lutheran Disaster Response works to provide long-term recovery and support. We hope you will be able to join us.

100% of gifts given to Lutheran Disaster Response towards Colorado Flood assistance help people in need. The same is true for gifts given directly to the Rocky Mountain Synod.

Ministry Opportunities:

Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-Colorado 
Rocky Mountain Synod
Applications due by January 15,2014


This position is one of two state-based advocacy ministries 

of the ELCA Rocky Mountain Synod, the other being in New

Mexico. The two directors are expected to work collaboratively as an extension of the RMS Office of the Bishop, not only for the sake of their respective state-based ministries but for the sake of the whole synod and church. 


View the entire job description and qualifications


Rocky Mountain Synod
Applications due by November 22
The Flood Disaster Coordinator for the Rocky Mountain Synod will be a temporary (one-year) half-time staff position funded by a grant from Lutheran Disaster Response. We ask for applications to be submitted to the Office of the Bishop by November 22, 2013.

view the entire job description

Twenty-sixth  Sunday After Pentecost
November 17, 2013
O God, the protector of all who trust in you, without you nothing is strong, nothing is holy. Embrace us with your mercy, that with you as our ruler and guide, we may live through what is temporary without losing what is eternal, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.

Synod Prayer Cycle: 
ELCA Ministries and Ecumenical Organizations

You are encouraged to include the listed leaders in your Sunday
prayers of the people. Many congregations print the listing in the Sunday bulletin and/or monthly newsletter.
Remember in prayer this coming Sunday: 


ELCA Global Missions 

Chicago, Illinois
Erik Roth, Japan
Gail Mundt, Japan

Region 2
Margy Schmitt Ajer

California Lutheran University
Thousand Oaks, California
Christopher Kimball

Iliff School of Theology
Denver, Colorado

Rev. Tink Tinker

Pacific Lutheran Theological
Berkeley, California
Phyllis Anderson

Wartburg College West
Denver, Colorado
Rev. Bonita Bock, Rev. Nelson Bock

Colorado Council of Churches
Denver, Colorado
Adrian Miller 

New Mexico Conference of Churches
Bernalillo, New Mexico
Rev. Dr. Donna McNiel

Wyoming Association of Churches
Sheridan, Wyoming
Douglas Goodwin

Installation of Rev. Janice Kibler is

November 13 at Grace, Boulder


The Members of Grace Lutheran Church in Boulder, Colorado celebrate the installation of the Reverend Janice Kibler as pastor of Grace Lutheran Church, Boulder, Colorado, on Wednesday, November 13, 2013, at 7pm. Bishop James Gonia will be preaching and presiding, and rostered leaders are invited to vest. Green is the appropriate color for the day. A reception in the Fellowship Hall will follow the service. All are invited to join in the celebration.


Super Typhoon Haiyan


One of the most powerful storms ever recorded, Super Typhoon Haiyan, crashed across the central islands of the Philippines. With winds of over 200 miles per hour and torrential rains, it has caused massive destruction, loss of lives and forced millions of people to flee their homes.

Your help is needed to make a difference in affected areas. Through partnerships and as a member of ACT Alliance, Lutheran Disaster Response is responding to the most urgent needs of food, water, clothing, shelter, sleeping material and medicine. Possible assistance may also include helping those whose livelihood of fishing or farming has been destroyed.

Gifts designated to "Pacific Typhoon Response" will be used in full - 100 percent - to help with immediate and long-term need. Your generous offerings of prayer and financial support will help those affected as they journey to recover.




RMS Centro Luterano:  Office of the Bishop


"Always being made new" is the theme of our new RMS Lutheran Center!


The foundation is taking shape for the building addition for the new Office of the Bishop at Centro Luterano! Meanwhile, the walls are going up inside as the vision takes shape for the new conference room and offices. New windows will be in soon. People sometimes call and ask if we've moved in yet. Clearly, no! We hope to be in the new location in late March.







Music Training Opportunity for Small Congregations


The Leadership Program for Musicians is seeking church musicians in smaller congregations willing to take a brief survey in January and possibly be interested in training to strengthen lively worship and music life. If you are interested, please email Kent Mueller


Office of the Bishop Eucharist is Second Tuesday
We invite you to join us the second Wednesday of each month for a staff/community Eucharist Service at 11:30am at the Office of the Bishop. We are inviting area rostered leaders to lead these worship opportunities. November 13 will be led by Pastor Michael Tassler. If you are interested in leading worship December 11 or January 18, Please email Erin Power.
Rainbow Trail announces 2014 trips


Rainbow Trail is now taking requests for Bridging Borders service-based mission ministry trips during the summer 2014.  Dates will fill fast, so if you want to reserve a date or need more information, contact Ben Jarvis, Director of On-Site and Bridging Borders.  For additional information, visit the Rainbow Trail website. 

November 22 is deadline for members 
to enroll in or waive health benefits 


Portico Benefits Manager logo
The "Gold-Plus" option is the closest to the benefit plan currently offered and is encouraged in the new plan options. Learn more on the Portico website.



Elements of Advent: Advent resource with Peter Mayer music and Pastor Ron Glusenkamp devotions


What makes this devotional booklet unique is that each devotion is connected to a song by Peter Mayer. He has graciously provided an online link to each song. So the intent is that you can read the devotion and listen to the music for free. If you like the music, you can download the song(s) from iTunes. Digital versions of the devotional booklet are also available for KINDLE or NOOK. You can order more copies for yourself and your circle of friends by checking out The prices are quite affordable for maximum distribution. 


For Sale - Orff Instrument


Christ the King Lutheran Church in Denver is selling an Orff instrument, useful for music education and/or choir programs.  The Sonor Meisterklasse Diatonic Tenor-Alto Metallophone (2 octaves, playable by 1 or 2 persons) is listed at $825 if new.  This instrument (including 4 mallets) has hardly been used and is in "like new" condition.  If interested, please contact CTK's music coordinator, Carole Hedrick, at 303-984-9381.



Mark your calendar for Fall & Winter Conference Gatherings


God is on a mission of grace, compassion, forgiveness, and justice in the world. As the body of Christ, the church has been invited and gifted by our Creator and empowered by the Holy Spirit to join that work. During this year's Conference Gatherings, Gifted to Grow, we will discover together how we can join in that work by ministry from a gift based approach through asset mapping.


Please bring 6-8 people from your congregation to the missional gathering for your conference. We strongly encourage a diverse group of participants to represent each church, especially middle and high school youth. Your presence is important as we gather to be church together.


Join Bishop Gonia and our new Vice President, Earline Bohling, for conversation and connection around the theme, "Gifted to Grow." 


Online registration is now available for the events listed below.  Please register at least 5 days prior to each event so arrangements may be made for meals or snacks. 



SAT NOV 16 Utah from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.  

Mt Tabor, Salt Lake City 


SAT DEC 7 Wyoming from 10a.m. to 2 p.m.

Good Shepherd, Casper  


SAT JAN 11 Boulder Broomfield from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Lutheran Church of Hope, Broomfield  


SAT FEB 1 North Colorado from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 




Senior High Youth Gathering
is November 22-24!


Registration is now open for the Senior High Youth Gathering: The Wonder of it all.  
 Registration deadline is November 1. 

Middle School Youth Gathering
is January 17-19!
Registration is now open for the Middle School Youth Gathering: Sow What? Visit the website for details and downloads. Registration deadline is November 27.  

Administrative/Communications Assistant (Part-TIme)

All Saints Lutheran Church
Albuquerque, NM
The Administrative/Communications Assistant plays a key role supporting church ministries with administrative and internal communication and publishing services. Works under general supervision, with a degree of creativity and latitude required. Strong interpersonal skills and discretion a must. Excellent internet, email, and office software program skills required, and experience with desktop publishing software desired. For full job description contact church or submit resumes, cover letter and personal or professional references to All Saints Lutheran Church, aslc_aslc@comcast.netor 4800 All Saints Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120, no later than November 18, 2013.




Bishop Jim Gonia 

  • Executive Committee
  • Installation of Janice Kibler, Grace, Boulder, CO
  • LAM-CO Policy Committee
  • Prince of Peace, Logan, UT
  • Utah Mission Gathering, Mt. Tabor, Salt Lake City, UT
  • Zion, Salt Lake City, UT
  • Our Saviour's, Salk Lake City, UT
  • Region 2 Mobility Conference

Pastor Ron Roschke

  • First Call Theological Conference
  • MIF Flood Damage Tour
  • LAM-CO Policy Committee
  • Utah Mission Gathering, Mt. Tabor, UT

 Pastor Sarah Moening   

  • Good Shepherd, Casper, WY
  • Grace, Casper, WY
  • Our Saviour's, Casper, WY
  • Faith Formation Network
  • SHYG Meeting
  • Bethel, Windsor,CO
  • MSYG Meeting

Pastor Stephanie Quick Espinoza

  • Mission Partner Visits
  • Well of Hope Ministry Review
Pastor Kent Mueller  
  • RMS Centro Luterano Meetings
  • Thrivent Meeting
  • Messiah, Denver, CO 
Ruth Hoffman 
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry - NM 
  • Medicaid Coalition
  • Fairness Coalition
  • LAM-NM Policy Committee
Kim Williams
  • Faith Formation Projects 


 Find us on Facebook


Follow us on Twitter 


Global Links logo

Madagascar: Walking with the children 

Learning to feel at home in a new culture can start with getting to know the children, says Anna Guthrie, who's in the first weeks of her year of service with the ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission program in Madagascar. 

 Full Article

website calendar





Senior High Youth Gathering

YMCA of the Rockies
Estes Park, Colorado


Middle School Youth Gathering

Elegante Hotel & Conference Center
(new name for the Crowne Plaza!)
Colorado Springs, Colorado

MAY 8-10

2014 Synod Assembly

Marriott Tech Center
Denver, Colorado


submit Utah news or photos


Chili Dinner at Elim Lutheran  


BSA Troop 54 at Elim Lutheran Church, 575 23rd Street in Ogden will hold a fund-raiser chili dinner from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 16, in the church Fellowship Hall.  The cost is $7 per person. Funds raised will help defer the cost of summer camp 2014 for members of the Troop.  For more information, contac Elim's office by emailing or by calling 801-394-5543.






submit Wyoming news or photos 






Cristo Rey, El Paso, invites contributions
towards holiday outreach ministries


Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey and CEPCO (Central El Paso Community Organization) are putting together 90 Christmas food baskets for the families in thier After School Program. They are are also planning their annual "Posadas" where 200 to 300 people come to reenact the journey of Mary and Joseph and later celebrate with Mariachis, the traditional Mexican Christmas meal. Cristo Rey, El Paso, invites your contributions towards their holiday ministries.


Please send your donation or gift cards to Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey and put in the memo: "Christmas Projects." They will use your money where most needed for the projects. The address is 1010 East Yandell Drive El Paso, TX 79902.


Thank You for any assistance you can provide! If you have any questions please contact Rev. Rose Mary S�nchez-Guzm�n at 915.422-6545 (Pastor), Pat Marruffo at 915.203-8258 (Secretary) or Ceci Herrera (Director for Central El Paso Community Organization) at 915.544-6545.  


Country Artist Michael Peterson (Grammy Award Nominee!) to appear in Aurora, Cherry Hills Village, and Highlands Ranch congregations

Country artist Michael Peterson will appear in concert at three metro-Denver locations:
Christ Lutheran Church, Highlands Ranch (C-470 at Broadway) 
Saturday, November 16, at 7:00 p.m.
Bethany Lutheran Church, (4500 Hampden Avenue) 
Sunday, November 17 at 10:30 a.m.
Bethel Lutheran Church (Airport Rd at Colfax)  
Sunday, November 17 at 6:30 p.m. - 

The concerts are in support of programs that deliver  aid, counsel and comfort to veterans, military members and their families.   Funds raised during these events will go to three designated agencies -Project Sanctuary, Centus Counseling and ThisAbleVet.  

Colorado Council of Churches seeks task force members 


The Colorado Council of Churches seeks task force members representing the ELCA. Please send an email to Kent Mueller if you or someone you know is interested in serving in the following areas. 


Interfaith Relations

Will maintain our existing dialogue with the AJC and explore other options of building interfaith relations in our community. Will also be the body to consider responses by CCC when acts/talk of intolerance/hate/defamation occurs against religious minorities.


Ecumenical Relations

Will be responsible for the Easter Sunrise Service at Red Rocks.

Will explore other ecumenical worship experiences in different parts of the state or to create worship resources that could be used on an ecumenical basis across the state.


Shine the Light

Much of hate, violence and discrimination happens in darkness and the role of the Church is to allow God's inclusive love to shine on that darkness. Areas such as bullying, any form of discrimination, child abuse, domestic violence, hunger and suicide are just some of the areas this task force might choose to address.


Criminal Justice Reform

An existing task force will continue to address the need for reform in our criminal justice system.


Respectful Conversations

Build a state wide network of trained faith leaders that can facilitate "respectful faith based conversations" in an ecumenical setting around controversial subjects of depth.




Colorado Gives Day
is Tuesday, December 10


Support the ministries of RAINBOW TRAIL LUTHERAN CAMP through the Community First Foundation on Colorado Gives Day, December 10, 2013.  You can make a huge difference in Rainbow Trail's ministry by providing funds for camperships, summer staff salaries, site improvements, and much, much more. Mark your Calendars: December 10, 2013.  24 hours to Give Where You Live!  

LUTHERAN FAMILY SERVICES  ROCKY MOUNTAINS is also reminding you of this annual opportunity to give through the Community First Foundation and help to provide Healing, Strength and HOPE in our Colorado community! LFS will graciously receive gifts given on Colorado Gives Day!





American Association of Pastor Counselors: 

Rocky Mountain Plains Region Conference

Polarization in Society and Congregations:  Understanding and Addressing It / Committed Relationships as a Crucible for Spiritual Growth

Denver Seminary, 6399 South Santa Fe Drive, Littleton, Colorado

November 15 & 16, 2013

9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

More information


Fair Trade Fair at Cross of Christ to benefit Growing Home
ministry at our new RMS Lutheran Center

Cross of Christ Lutheran Church has been a ministry partner with the Growing Home ministry for homeless families for many years. Their commitment continues with their annual Fair Trade Fair in support of fair trade artisans and Growing Home. Click on the flyer graphic for more information.


Saturday, November 23 
from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Sunday, November 24 
from 8 a.m. to noon

12099 Lowell Boulevard, Broomfield, CO


Enjoy artisan crafts, unique gifts, java bar, jewelry, pottery, baked goods, live music, and more! 





Art of the Four Winds
Friday, November 15, 6-9:30 pm
Saturday, November 16, 11am-8pm
Four Winds American Indian Council
201 W. 5th Ave Denver, CO 80204
Experience a unique variety of artwork from local and nationally known Indigenous and Native American artists as they fill the Four Winds American Indian Council with one of a kind works of art.  For more information please contact Thompson Williams:  720-289-8444 or
The Rocky Mountain Synod is accompanying Four Winds in their fundraising, which supports their outreach and programming.

Synod Minister for Connected Community
Rocky Mountain Synod
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700

Announcements for eConnection are due before noon on Monday for the issue the following day. Event announcements are included for about two weeks. Please submit your announcement at the time it should appear.