Dems for Equality eNews

Tuesday, August 27, 2013   

     Freedom Awards 

Coming Sunday, September 22 


Home of Maureen Steiner & Camille Davidson
830 Alameda Blvd., Coronado

$50 Members; $60 Non-Members

One free admission for all Sustaining Members

Two free admissions for all Sponsoring and Patron Members


Light Hors D'oeuvres and Desserts  

 Wine, Beer, Champagne and Sodas

Award Recipients:

A. Brad Truax Human Rights Award: 
California Assembly Speaker John Perez

J. Douglas Scott Political Action Award:
Don Mullen

Gloria Steinem Communications Award:
Lambda Archives

Eleanor Roosevelt Community Service Award:
Connor Maddocks

R. Steven Pope Award for Volunteerism:
Phyllis McGrath

Special Recognition:
San Diego Democrats for Equality Transformation Task Force

President's Award:
Announced at the event

RSVP by Wednesday, September 18th to

Mail check payable to San Diego Democrats for Equality
P. O. Box 33050, San Diego, CA 92163 

Pay online via our Donation Page:





Council President Todd Gloria  
September 26 Club Meeting
To Feature City Council President; Mayoral Forum

The club's next meeting on September 26 will include remarks from City Council President Todd Gloria and a Mayoral Canididates Forum, with a potential endorsement to follow.  The club meets at the Joyce Beers Uptown Community Center at 7:00 (with social starting at 6:30).

Click here to read the club's statement on the resignation of Mayor Filner.


SD County Party Convention 2013  

Registration Deadline: September 4, 2013

Web Design
Seeking Website Development Proposals

The club is seeking someone to redesign the club's website.  If you are interested in applying or know someone who might be, click here for the Request For Proposal. 


Krysten Sinema and Scott Peters  

You're Invited to An Evening with Krysten Sinema


Please join Arizona Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema (House Financial Services) for a reception honoring Congressman Scott Peters (House Science, Space & Technology Committee; House Armed Services Committee).

5:30 p.m. Friday, September 6, 2013
Sunset Cliffs Home of Bryan Wildenthal & Ashish Agrawal
(Address provided upon RSVP)

Guest ~ $100
Supporter ~ $250
Host ~ $500

RSVP to or (858) 848-7515. Or visit to RSVP online.

Click here for a profile openly bisexual Congresswoman Krysten Sinema
"America's Most Colorful Congresswoman" 
Marriage Equality Cake  

Marriage Equality Town Hall Tonight


What does it mean to live in California in a post Prop 8 and DOMA world? What are the practical changes that you can expect after you get married? Can you sponsor your partner for citizenship if they're from another country? What will happen to the way you pay taxes? For answers to these and many more questions, make sure to join 
Congressmember Susan Davis and an expanding list of event co-sponsors on 
Tuesday, August 27, 6-8 pm in the San Diego LGBT Community Center's auditorium for an informative town hall featuring legal experts in the areas of taxes, immigration and LGBT rights. This event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be provided. For details,visit the Facebook event page


Kevin Beiser for School Board  
Please Join Us for Brunch to 
Support the Re-Election of Kevin Beiser 
to the San Diego Unified School Board     
Saturday, September 7th

11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

at the home of

Susan Guinn and Denice Feldhaus

2828 Hartford Court, San Diego 92117



Thank you for your continuing support of San Diego Democrats for Equality.

Doug Case Signature
Doug Case, President
San Diego Democrats for Equality 
Fighting for LGBT Equality since 1975
An Affiliate of National Stonewall Democrats

