Issue #58 | January 2017

Credit: Layne Anderson

Building a More Prosperous World Through American Ingenuity

As America’s initiative to combat global hunger and poverty, Feed the Future connects families and communities in developing countries with the tools, knowledge and opportunities they need to lift themselves out of hunger and poverty.

We do this by putting America’s agricultural ingenuity to work abroad. Feed the Future works with U.S. companies, universities, farmer organizations, nonprofits and others to share America’s agricultural expertise and entrepreneurial legacy with developing countries. In doing so, we help them harness the power of agricultural growth to jumpstart their economies and reduce poverty and hunger.

This work has benefits back home too. As diseases threatening foreign crops and livestock make their way to our shores, American farmers and ranchers benefit from the work of Feed the Future-supported researchers, who are already finding and deploying solutions. As we catalyze investment and build new markets, we foster growth — not just in the countries where we work, but here at home as demand for U.S. products grows in those countries.

Read on for stories about how Feed the Future is bringing together the best of American leadership, entrepreneurship, research and technology to fight global hunger and poverty.

Credit: Bruce Williams

How Farmer-to-Farmer Gave One Man a Window Into the World

In our first guest blog of the year, Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer Bruce Williams shares the experiences and the friendships he’s made through a USAID program. Bruce has worked with farmers across the world to help them solve tough problems and provide for their families and communities.

Credit: Fintrac Inc.

American Innovators Bring Agricultural Technologies to Global Markets

Check out these five agricultural partnerships to see how Feed the Future and its U.S. partners continue the long tradition of helping people across the world access new technology. These innovations are helping farming families put food on their plates, drive economic growth, and fight back against poverty.

Credit: Gary Peterson

Kansas State University Battles Sorghum’s Newest Enemy With Science

For nearly 30 years, U.S. and international scientists have been developing solutions to protect the sorghum industry from a deadly pest. Today, that research — along with the work of other Feed the Future Innovation Labs — is paying off and giving farmers and food producers at home and abroad the tools to protect their livelihoods.

Credit: IPM Innovation Lab

Scientific Modeling Helps Defend Tomatoes Against Flying Foe

Sometimes, the best offense can be a strong defense. That’s why Feed the Future is working with scientists abroad to slow the spread of a tomato-destroying pest before it makes its way into the United States. By being proactive, the scientists hope to save farmers millions in economic damages.

Credit: Amit Chandra for MCC

Good Nutrition Campaign Puts a Dent in Indonesia’s Child Stunting

The Millennium Challenge Corporation, a Feed the Future partner agency, is bringing together an American faith-based organization and community volunteers in Indonesia to tackle childhood stunting there. Through media and community outreach, they are helping kids in Indonesia reach their full potential.

Credit: Faith Njoki/USAID

Farmers Fight Grain Loss With Purdue University Storage Solution

Storage bags are one of the most effective and affordable crop storage solutions for smallholder farmers. But until recently, they weren’t available in Kenya. A partnership between Purdue University and Feed the Future is changing that, creating market opportunities for African and American companies alike.

Credit: iAGRI

With an Eye on the Weather, Researcher Helps Farmers Prepare for the Future

A young Tanzanian agricultural scientist studying in the U.S. is helping farmers protect their crops by using weather patterns. Her data, which has projections to the end of the 21st century, could help farmers assess their risks to weather shocks so they can continue growing food for their families and communities.

Credit: Dr. Kerry Clark

An American University and Family-Owned Business Help Farmers Cut Costs

To spur development of a low-cost thresher that would help improve farming in developing countries, Feed the Future partnered with a Ghanaian engineer to hold a contest for the best thresher. With the help of an American family-owned business, participants now have the know-how to produce a winning design.


February 2, 2017

Washington, DC

2017 Food Tank Summit D.C.

March 29-30, 2017

Washington, DC

Global Food Security Symposium


Dr. Julie Howard on the Importance of Youth Employment in Agriculture

Feeding Asia: The Problem With Asia’s Population Growth for Food Security

Why America Is Growing The Most Sweet Potatoes Since WWII

World Faces "Unprecedented" Hunger as Famine Threatens Four Countries: Study

Accelerating the Path to Zero Hunger


Victor Kipkorir, Tomato Farmer and Entrepreneur

Victor Kipkorir wasn’t always a farmer. Originally an engineer with an entrepreneurial spirit, Victor and his wife took a chance and started their own farm in Kenya. With a love of learning, willingness to try the latest in agricultural technologies, and support from Land O’Lakes through Feed the Future, Victor’s farm is thriving and he is using his passion to inspire others to farm.

This newsletter is intended to enhance collaboration and information-sharing about implementation of Feed the Future. To subscribe or to find out more information about Feed the Future, please visit our website.
Feed the Future is the U.S. Government’s global hunger and food security initiative.
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