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ICBA Updates are published twice a month!
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Calendar Of Events
July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016
ICBA Top 5 Under 35 Awards deadline  Add to Calendar

ICBA Meet The Judges  Add to Calendar
ICBA Lawyers Got Talent  Add to Calendar
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Location: Trippers Sports Bar
ICBA Board Meeting  Add to Calendar
Time: 7:30 a.m.

ICBA Bench Bar  Add to Calendar
Location: Grady Porter Building

7th Annual Barristers Night  Add to Calendar
Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m
Location: U Club

ICBA Board Meeting  Add to Calendar
Time: 7:30 a.m.

ICBA Board Election Deadline   Add to Calendar
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Annual Shrimp Dinner/Annual Meeting  Add to Calendar
Time: 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Location: Lansing Liederkrantz 
ICBA Board Meeting

Member Directory
Are you listed in the ICBA online member directory? Visit our member directory to check and update your profile. If not, give us a call at (517) 627-3938
Calling for Nominations!
The 7th Annual Barristers Night is an opportunity for the Bench and Bar to come together and recognize the recipients of the Top 5 Under 35 Awards. The awards are given annually to five (5) members of the Ingham County Bar Association, Young Lawyers Section. Recipients are recognized for their talents, skills, professionalism, and civility in the practice of law.
Lawyer's Table

Address: 333 S Washington Square, Lansing, MI 48933

The Lawyer's Table will be an informal lunch gathering for all Mid-Michigan attorneys.  The purpose is to get to know each other informally. 

The Table will meet weekly on Tuesday's at the Crafty Palate located on the corner of Kalamazoo and S. Washington
(where the Mediterann used to operate). 
Once a month on the first Tuesday at noon we will have a "Focus Guest".  This will be a senior attorney from varied disciplines who will be asked to share stories and antidotes about their careers. 

To RSVP for the Lawyer's Table Meetings with a focused guest, email Jamie White at

Calendar of Events

January 5, 2016John Sier
Learn More on John Sier

Drone Law

February 2, 2016
Roberta Gubbins
Learn More on Roberta Gubbins

Marketing Your Practice
March 1, 2016Barry Grant CPA/CFF
Learn More on Barry Grant

Add to Calendar
Economic Damages
April 5, 2016Tom Woods
Learn More on Tom Woods


This is a collaborative effort between:
Ingham County Bar Association
Ingham Bar Foundation
ICBA Young Lawyer's Section
Mid-Michigan Woman's Lawyer Association.
Davis Dunnings Law Association.

Buy your own lunch and we will reserve space in the private room at the restaurant.
Lawyers Got Talent!

Come and show off your skills and discover the talents of your friends, Thursday, January 28, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Trippers's Sports Bar350 Frandor Avenue, Lansing, MI 48912
To RSVP, please email Melissa Keener at 
If you plan on performing, please email Melissa Keener at
ICBA Litigation Section Meetings - Speakers Needed
Luncheon meeting topics:

- Potential upcoming rule changes and the effect on litigators. 
- Case evaluation tips and tricks.  
- Mediation tips and tricks. 
- Judgment collection tips and tricks.  
- Deposition prep and execution. 
- General tips and tricks including suggested concurrence procedure, use of admissions, and voir dire.  
- Changes to Court of Claims litigation. 

If your are interested in speaking on one of these topics please contact Sandra Lake at or 517-853-2929.
ICBA Employment/Labor Law Section Meetings - TBA
Dear Ingham County Bar Association Member,

Please accept this invitation to join the ICBA Labor and Employment Law Section. There is no charge for membership in this section.

The purpose of the section is to promote collegiality, networking and education regarding labor and employment law issues.

If you are interested in joining please respond to this email, indicating at the bottom of this email your areas of interest in the labor and employment field. It will help in developing programming.

Very Truly Yours,
James K. Fett

For more information, contact James K. Fett at 
ICBA Family Law Section Meetings
To RSVP for the Family Law Section Meetings, Jennipher Martinez at

December 17, 2015  Noon - 1:00p.m.
"Ten Things Family Law Attorneys Should Know About QDROs" presented by Bob Treat from QDRO Express. NOTE NEW LOCATION: State Bar of Michigan, Hudson Room. 

We will be meeting at the State Bar of Michigan, 306 Townsend St., Lansing, MI 48933, for approximately one hour. This is a topic that is critical to all family law attorneys.

This is a great opportunity for all attorneys, experienced and new, to ask and get answers to questions about Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs).

Lunch will be served at no cost to you. So that we can make sure we have enough food for everyone, please RSVP to

Please share this invitation with others who may be interested.

January 20, 2016  Noon - 1:00p.m.
"Finding Hidden Financial Assets" presented by Michelle Gallagher, CPA from Gallagher, Flintoff & Klein, PLC. NOTE NEW LOCATION: State Bar of Michigan, Hudson Room.

Food and beverage provided.

Please RSVP Jennipher Martinez at

ICBA Family Law Section Co-Chairs
Jennipher Martinez and Brooke VanBuren-Hay
ICBA Bankruptcy Law Section Meetings
To RSVP for the Bankruptcy Section Meetings, email Patricia Scott at or call (517) 371-8132.

The Bankruptcy section meets the fourth Thursday of the month at noon.

Location: Western University Cooley Law School - 300 S. Capitol Ave

Room 835
Room 911
Room 835
Room 911
Room 911
Room 911
Room 911
Room 911
Room 911
Room 911

Please RSVP to Patricia Scott at

Bankruptcy Law Section Co-Chairs
Patricia Scott and Norm Witte
ICBA Probate and Trust Section Meetings 
Location: WMU Thomas M. Cooley Law School (Room 911)
300 S Capitol Ave, Lansing, MI 48901

We have a new Facebook page. Please go to Facebook and search for "ICBA Probate & Trust Law Section". Ask to join and please RSVP for lunch. We hope to streamline our RSVP's and minimize emails. Please let me know if you are NOT on Facebook.

A few lunch sponsorships are available for the Spring.  More information at our next meeting. You may sponsor an entire lunch, 1/2 or 1/4 lunch. We will publicize your firm's contribution and allow you to say a few words about your firm at the meeting. Depending on number of attendees, cost will be $350-400 for a full lunch sponsorship. 

Holiday Networking Lunch - Noon at Coral Gables in East Lansing.  Come join your colleagues for some holiday cheer! Orders will be taken at the luncheon. If possible, please RSVP through our ICBA Probate & Trust Law Section Facebook page by Friday December 11th so we can have a rough count for the room.  For this luncheon only, late RSVPs  or even showing up without RSVP is okay-the more the merrier!  We know how hectic this time of year is!
"2016 Tax Update", Presented by Greg Walthorn and Katie Hamilton, Plante Moran, PC (NOTE: ROOM CHANGE 835) Deadline to RSVP for lunch will be January 15th at 5 p.m.
"Modification and Termination of Irrevocable Trusts" Presented by Christine Savage, The Lowe Law Firm, PC 
"View from the Bench", Presented by the Honorable Thomas Byerley, Chief Judge, Eaton County Probate Court (NOTE: ROOM CHANGE 835)

"Estate Planning in the Era of Portability and High Exclusion Amounts" Presented by Doug Mielock, Foster Swift Collins & Smith, PC
"Same Sex Marriage Issues, Where Are We Now?", Presented by Bradley Vauter, Bradley Vauter & Associates, PC 
Networking Lunch - location TBD
ICBA Probate and Trust Section Co-Chairs
Marlaine Teahan and Rosemary Buhl
ICBA Real Estate Section Meetings 
To RSVP for the Real Estate Section Meetings, email Charles Barbieri at or Tracey Lackman at 
Real Estate Section meetings will be held at WMU Thomas M. Cooley Law School at noon.
They all will be held at Cooley Center, 9th Floor, 911 DE Conference Room. 

Upcoming Event Dates:


ICBA Real Estate Section Co-Chairs:
Charles Barbieri and Tracey Lackman
ICBA Criminal Law Section Meetings
To RSVP for the Criminal Law Section Meetings, email

The Ingham County Bar Association's Criminal Law Section is hosting a roundtable discussion on Friday, January 8, 2016, at 12:15 p.m. on Representation Agreements, Fees, and Collections. We will be meeting at the State Bar of Michigan, 306 Townsend St., Lansing, MI 48933, Rooms 1 and 2 for approximately one hour and a half. This is a roundtable discussion on a topic that is critical to all attorneys.

This is a great opportunity for all attorneys, experienced and new, to ask and get answers to questions about representation agreements, setting fees, and collecting them.

If anyone would like to share representation agreements, please feel free to email them when you RSVP. This can be done anonymously if you'd like - just take off your firm name. Before the event, we'll email them to everyone who has RSVP'd for a review and comments at the session.

There is no cost to attend - it is FREE, so please share this invitation with others who may be interested.

So that we can make sure that we have enough seating and handouts, please RSVP to or call (517) 482-2000 if you have any questions.

Please note that beverages are not provided, so please feel to bring your own if you'd like one.

Please note that the State Bar has asked that we do not park in the lot, but participants who do will not be required to move their cars (we've finally addressed this issue).

We hope to see you there!

Mary Chartier and John Dewane
ICBA Criminal Law Section Co-Chairpersons

NEW - 2016 Criminal Law Section Meeting Dates!

12:15 p.m.
9:15 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
Young Lawyers Section
Ingham County Bar Association

Please save the date for ICBA-YLS' upcoming "Refresh Your Recollection" Evidence Seminar!

Here are some details about the event:

What is it? ICBA-YLS' "Refresh Your Recollection" Evidence Seminar featuring Ingham County Circuit Court Judge Joyce Draganchuk and Court of Appeals Judge Amy Ronayne Krause

When is it? Thursday, February 11, 2016 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Where will it be? Law offices of Dykema Gossett, 201 Townsend St., Lansing, MI

Who should attend? Lawyers of all ages and experience levels

Why should I attend? To get a FREE refresher course on the rules of evidence, to receive practice tips and tricks from two sitting judges, and to interact with other area attorneys

RSVP? Please RSVP by no later than Thursday, January 28th if you plan to attend (space is limited to approximately 40 attendees)

Cost? FREE!


Please check out our Facebook page and look for an e-mail with more information about the event as it gets closer. Please also feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns about the event at

Hope to see you there!

Catherine E. Tucker
White, Schneider, Young & Chiodini, P.C.

Mentor-Mentee Opportunities

Fellow ICBA-YLS Members,

I am writing to inform the ICBA-YLS Members that the ICBA-YLS Membership Outreach Committee is working with the ICBA Mentoring Committee to pair interested newer attorneys with experienced attorneys to cultivate mentoring relationships that best serve the legal community and the parties involved. These relationships may be brief or continue on for an extended period of time - the mentor and mentee are best equipped to make this decision. I would like to hear from our membership and connect compatible attorneys for these mentoring relationships. Please reply to this post with the area of law that interests you, so we can place you with an attorney in that field; furthermore, I would even suggest providing other interests, hobbies, or skills, so we could connect with others based on another mutual interest. You are also free to contact me at if you have any questions.

Reid Felsing

To access the ICBA-YLS Google Drive which is currently being populated with many pieces of helpful information, visit 
ICBA List-serve

ICBA would also like to remind you that as a service to our members the ICBA has established a general list-serve. Please contact Josh Ard if you wish to sign up.

Use the following address/link to communicate with all in the list-serves (your email must be added to the list before the message you send will work):
ICBA YLS list-serve

ICBA - Young Lawyers Sections would also like to remind you that as a service to our members, the ICBA - YLS has established a general list-serve. Please contact Chris Wickman if you wish to sign up.


Visit Here for Advertising Rates
Visit Here for Author Guidelines

Sponsorship Packages

The Ingham County Bar Association invites you to sponsor the following events:

7th Annual Barristers Night
Annual Shrimp Dinner
5th Annual Meet the Judges Reception
Bench-Bar Conference
as of 12-11-15

Sixty-Minute Mentoring is Looking for You!

Greetings Future Mentors and Mentees,


As you may know, the Ingham County Bar Association has a mentoring program that pairs interested newer attorneys with experienced attorneys to try and develop mentoring relationships that best serve the legal community and the parties involved. These relationships may be brief or continue on for an extended period of time - the mentor and mentee are best equipped to make this decision.


As Chairperson of the Mentoring Committee, please feel free to contact me if you are interested in being a mentor or if you are a newer attorney in need of a mentor. Please let me know your practice areas so that we can try to make the best match.


Thank you for continuing to support the Ingham County Bar Association!


Mary Chartier


ICBA New Members
As of July 1, 2015 - December 1, 2015

Nemer Baki

Hon. Michael Clarizio
65A District Court

Sloane Ebersole

Michael Foster II
MSU College of Law

John Fraser
White Law PLLC

Carmencita-Mia Fulgado-Taylor
Chalgian & Tripp Law Offices, PLLC

Aylysh Gallagher
Ingham County Prosecutors Office

Hon. John Gregg
US Bankruptcy Court Western District of Michigan

Annalisa Grunwald 
Grunwald Law, PLLC

Sean Hammond
Michigan Environmental Council

Hon. Robert Jonker
US District Court Western District of Michigan

David Klevorn
Murphy Spagnuolo, PC

Aaron Matthews
Clark Hill PLC

David Scott
Hackney Grover

Curtis Sonnenberg
Sonnenberg Law Offices PLLC

Amanda Tringl
State Appellate Defender Office

Other Legal Community
News & Events

Ingham County Circuit Court
30th Judicial Circuit
P.O. Box 40771
Lansing, MI 48901-7971
Telephone: (517) 483-6500

Notice Of Closing

November 30, 2015 

The 30th Circuit Court will close the Offices of the Clerk of the Court at the Veterans Memorial Courthouse in Lansing and the County Courthouse in Mason on Thursday and Friday, December 10 and 11, 2015, so that employees can conduct a pending inventory.   
While the 30th Circuit Court Clerk's Office will be closed, emergency matters will be handled by calling (517) 483-6508 or (517) 483-6504 from any location or 6508 or 6504 from the courtesy phone located in the Circuit Court Clerk's Office lobby of the Veterans Memorial Courthouse.
Pleadings and other filings that must be filed on December 10 or 11 can be placed in the drop box located in the lobby of the Circuit Court Clerk's Office at the Veterans Memorial Courthouse from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. both days the offices are closed.  The Clerk of the Court will stamp all filings placed in the drop box with the date in which they were placed in the drop box. 

Keep Mary and Phil Prygoski in their Home!

I'm reaching out to let you know that we'd love to have your help right now. As you probably know, in 2012, my friend, Phil Prygoski, the beloved Constitutional Law Professor, suffered a massive stroke. As a result, Phil has severe physical and cognitive deficits, as well as extreme, debilitating head pain from post-surgical nerve damage.

A few years ago, many in our community came together to raise enough money for the Prygoskis to make their house handicap-accessible so that Phil could stay in the home the family built more than twenty years ago. Due to unforeseen circumstances outside of the Prygoskis' control, however, Phil has recently lost his salary and will soon lose his health benefits. Because of his disabilities, Phil is unable to work, and since Mary is Phil's full-time caregiver, she is also unable to hold a full-time job, but does the best she can teaching piano.

This situation has made it extremely difficult for the Prygoskis to make ends meet. It would be devastating for Phil to leave his cherished, newly-renovated home, but mounting medical and living expenses will make keeping their home impossible. Let's keep Phil in his home!

Showing your support is so simple and super fast. Please visit to make a donation and join our team. Then after you donate, it would be amazing if you can click 'Fundraise for This Campaign' button to create your own personal fundraising page for our cause. Once you have your own fundraising page, you can reach out to your own network and help us raise enough money to keep Phil and Mary in their home. If you're unable to donate, please consider sharing Phil's story.

I am full of gratitude for the community's generosity and I know that the Prygoski family is overwhelmed with the generosity and support you and many others have shown in the past.

Mark J. Burzych
Fahey Schultz Burzych Rhodes PLC

Executive Committee
Liisa Speaker Immediate Past President 
Mark Kellogg President Elect 
Jessica Fox Vice President 
James Dalton Secretary 
Mary Chartier Treasurer
Ingham County Bar Association
P.O. Box 66
Grand Ledge, Michigan 48837
Phone: (517) 627-3938
Fax: (517) 627-3950
ICBA Member Update comes to you bi-weekly as a member benefit.
� 2015 Ingham County Bar Association. All Rights Reserved.