April 2014
CKLN & CARPHA to Convene Networking Symposium on Dengue & Chikungunya Virus
- CARICOM Agencies & Global Network Collaboration

Dengue Fever and the more recent Chikungunya virus, are growing public health threats in the Caribbean, and the CKLN and sister CARICOM
agency, the Caribbean Public Health Agency, CARPHA, are collaborating to convene a special Networking Symposium on June 12 in Trinidad focusing on these viruses . 

The symposium will enable clinicians, researchers and network engineers to share experiences tackling & managing Dengue Fever & the Chikungunya Virus in the Caribbean and Latin America. Importantly, practitioners will learn how the dedicated, high bandwidth research and education (R&E) networks in the region - C@ribNET and RedCLARA - can support and facilitate the collaborative work among the various health-related communities and researchers. 

The Symposium follows the lead of R&E partner network the Trans EurAsia Information Network (TEIN) Cooperation Center who jointly organized a dedicated Dengue Fever workshop at the Asia Pacific Advanced Networking (APAN) in Bandung, Indonesia in January. 

Topics will focus on areas of most need in the region including Surveillance, a Regional Overview of The Viruses  - how and why the two diseases have emerged and spread in the Caribbean & Latin America, Vector Control, Integrated Vector Management, Clinical Management, Laboratory Diagnostic Testing, Social Communication as well as an overview of Research and Education networks. Speakers and participants will be drawn primarily from Caribbean institutions as well as other universities or research institutions in Asia, and the Americas.

The primary outcome of the Caribbean Dengue Symposium is to initiate the establishment of medical/health related communities focusing on aspects of managing the Dengue Fever and Chikungunya Virus and which use the R&E networks available regionally and globally, to continue to collaborate, conduct research, share and analyze large data all towards better managing these viruses in the region. For more information on the Symposium.

Look for more information on both CKLN and CARPHA website in the coming days.
We look forward to seeing you in June!

" We need to come together to discuss and share what each other is doing, what is being done in other regions and to explore how we can collaborate to be even more effective in combating these diseases in endemic countries and to prevent its spread," - CARPHA

Demonstrations of C@ribNET



In January, CKLN and LIME enabled a live tele-health demonstration on the Caribbean research and education network, C@ribNET, at the  Caribbean Community's 48th Special Meeting of the Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED) on Information and Communications Technology (ICT).  The demonstration originated  from the Mona campus of the University of the West Indies (Hugh Wynter Fertility Management Unit) and the UK 's research and education network, Janet.

The Prime Minister of Grenada, Dr the Rt. Honourable Keith Mitchell, in his address, pointed to the demonstration using C@ribNET as an example of what could be achieved with the establishment of the CARICOM Single ICT Space, which is one of the goals outlined in the Community's Regional Digital Development Strategy. The Vice Chancellor of the University of the West Indies, Professor E. Nigel Harris, told the meeting that the University was partnering with CKLNA to pilot projects leading to the establishment of a Single Virtual University Space.


In mid-March, CKLN also provided support to the emerging Jamaica Research and Education Network, JREN, as they participated in the 2014 EduVision Conference held in Montego Bay, Jamaica, under the theme  "Transforming Education: Technology Making The Connections.CKLN collaborated with LIME to provide connectivity from the hotel venue to C@ribNET for the duration of the conference. This connectivity enabled JREN to facilitate some virtual workshops the cities of Kingston and Montego Bay.

Both ventures required establishing connectivity to C@ribNET from non-institutional sites. CKLN requested the donation of a 10Mbps circuit from LIME, to connect the venue to the local access node and a router to terminate the connection. The installation of the circuit and testing with the Cisco 1841 router provided were both. successfully completed.
CKLN Strengthens Its Technical Team

Mr. Eriko Porto, Technical Manager, CKLN: 
"It is very exciting to be building a great technical team....We are working together to efficiently manage this huge IT infrastructure, which is essential to Caribbean development."
The the CKLN  is forming a substantial network engineering group (NEG). This is in order to keep pace with the increasing demands being made of the Caribbean R&E network, C@ribNET.  At CKLN, Mr. Eriko Porto is supported by Mr. Juan Bailey and more recently, Mr. Reiner Campillo. The network operating centre (or NOC) services are provided by the Mexican R&E network, CUDI, who have also recently added to their staff. Thus,

Mr. Porto, CKLN's Technical Manager, has been working  with CKLN since April 2010 and was head of the Network Engineering & Operations of C@ribNET. He continues to coordinate the implementation and development of the network and associated services. Before his engagement with CKLN, he worked for the Brazilian R&E network - RNP - as Network Engineering Manager, and during this period drove the design and implementation of the Latin American R&E Network - RedCLARA. He holds a Bachelors in  Electronic Engineering, Master of Technology degree in Computer Networks, Master of Technology degree in Internet Technology and Network Management, and M.Sc. degree in Telecommunications Engineering.  


Working with Eriko are Mr. Juan Bailey and most recently Mr. Reiner Campillo, CKLN Network Engineering Analysts. Both have experience in network engineering and will support the work of the CKLN's NEG as well as working with local engineers of the emerging national research and education networks, NRENs, in the Caribbean. 

CUDI has 15 years experience and have been ably supporting C@ribNET's NOC for over 18 months.  The engineers at CUDI are Jorge Ramirez, Daniel Aranda, Silvia Chavez and Luis Castro, the newest member of the CUDI team. NOC services are critical to the management of any R&E network, and ensures support to users and maintains stability in service operations and allows for changes in design, scale, and scope of service levels.


Speaking about the expansion of the NEG, Mr. Eriko Porto said, "it is very exciting to be building a great technical team, and establish an environment with highly motivated and highly skilled persons, whose work aligns with the goals and values of the organisation. We are working together to efficiently manage this huge IT infrastructure, which is essential to Caribbean development."


PAHO Webinar  - Electronic Medical Records (EMR): Introduction and key concepts
Date: Thursday 8th May
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (Washington, D.C. time)
Participate via the following links:    
English: http://bit.ly/1fBrdDW                        Espa�ol: http://bit.ly/1lCNGAT

Dr. Ole Norheim (Professor, University of Bergen and Harvard University) will present World Health Organization's (WHO) recent report Making fair choices on the path to universal health coverage (Tomando decisiones justas en el camino a la cobertura universal de salud). Following his presentation, Amanda Glassman from the Center for Global Development will open the floor up for discussion.  

This session is part of the series of seminars on universal health coverage organized by PAHO's Assistant Director.

COCONet Graduate Fellowships
The Continuously Operating Caribbean Observational Network (COCONet) project funded by the National Science Foundation seeks applicants for two graduate research fellowships starting in August or September of 2014. The COCONet Graduate Fellowships would provide individual awards between $5,000 and $10,000 per year for a maximum of 2 years to support solid Earth or atmospheric science graduate research projects conducted at a U.S. institution of higher education. The research projects must be within the COCONet footprint or directly use data from the COCONet GPS stations and/or meteorological sensors. Students from nations within the COCONet footprint are particularly encouraged to apply.

Application deadline: 5 June 2014.
Questions about the fellowship can be addressed to email or visit the COCONet Graduate Fellowship webpage.

Caribbean Colleges Participate in Networking  Workshop on Performing Arts


For the first time, the primarily American and European participants at the 10th Networking Workshop on the Performing Arts in Miami, Florida, hosted by the New World Symphony and sponsored by Internet2 and TERENA. The Caribbean particpants were Simone Harris from the Edna Manley College of the Visual & Performing Arts in Jamaica, and Joy Knight-Lynch from Erdiston Teacher's Training College in Barbados.   


The workshop focused heavily on the implementation of networking technology in performance. Participants heard from prominent performance institutions and tech development labs on how technology is changing the performance experience for performers and audience members, as well as reviewing interesting implementations of technology in performance venues. They were also treated to concerts featuring newly commissioned  work by young composers, choreograhers and video artists as well as a short concert, live from Prague using Ultragrid in 4K


According to Ms. Haris, who lectures at the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts in Kingston, Jamaica, "The workshop was very enriching and it was good to share ideas and hear from persons working specifically in the arts realm who are making use of technology (not just in the creation of the art) but also to build administrative partnerships."


She was grateful for the support from her college and hopes that they will be able to introduce and utilize software such as LOLA or ULTRAGRID in the near future so that their students and faculty can work with artists and arts practitioners across geographic boundaries.

Advancing The Regional ICT Agenda

Heads of Government reaffirmed that ICT is a priority and has a role in developing all sectors and advancing all regional initiatives and imperatives. Meeting at the 25th Inter-sessional meeting of Caribbean Community (CARICOM) leaders in St. Vincent and the Grenadines in March 2014, the Heads agreed that developing a CARICOM Digital Economy is key to changing the socio-economic profile of the Region and for creating jobs, especially for the Community's youth, new opportunities and engendering innovation and competitiveness.
They agreed that ICT efforts should be undertaken in tandem with the Reform Process of the Region and that sustained efforts in the years 2014-2015 should be on building a Single ICT space as part of the digital layer of the Caribbean Single Market a
nd Economy (CSME). A road-map for the implementation of the Single ICT space will be presented for consideration at their July 2015 Meeting. The CARICOM Secretariat and regional organizations: CTU, CBU,CKLN, CARICAD, and CARISCIENCE were commended for their support to Prime Minister Dr. Keith Mitchell of Grenada,the Lead Head for CARICOM ICT matters. 
EUCARINET 2nd Bi-Regional Dialogue 
and Horizon 2020 Info Day

On June 18, 2014 in Barbados, the EUCARINET project will convene its second bi-Regional dialogue. The main objective of the EUCXARINET project is to promote and support a long lasting sustainable multi-stakeholder, bi-regional policy dialogue on Science & Technology between EU Member States, Associated States and the Caribbean Region, including the Caribbean ACP countries, overseas departments and collectivities, Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) at the level of policy, programme and research institutions.

EUCARINET Portfolio of Caribbean Researchers
The EUCARINET team are inviting all researchers who are interested in enlarging their S&T contacts with European researchers and Caribbean ones. A final publication will be produced by EUCARINET by the Mid June 2014 and they are encouraging greater inclusion of Research profiles in the EUCARINET DATABASE, by Mid May 2014. See more  

Funded by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research - 7th Framework Programme (FP7
Central Asian Cardiologists Stage first major International Conference without leaving home

March 26 2014 was a landmark day for the medical community in Central Asia. For the first time, the cardiologists were able to take part remotely from the comfort of their hospital offices thanks to high-quality video links that have just become available over the recently upgraded Central Asia Research and Education network, known as CAREN.

Co-funded by the European Union, CAREN provides a high-performance broadband Internet for research and education, facilitating communication, information exchange and collaboration between universities, teaching hospitals and research centres within Central Asia and providing access to the European and global research community through interconnection to G�ANT, its European counterpart.  See more...

International Coordinated Approach to Simplify Exchange of User Data for service providers and identity providers

  Even when services are helpful, some educational institutions have concerns about data release and they are very cautious about passing information about users (their 'attributes') on to services. On a one-to-one basis, the institutional identity providers (IdPs) and the service providers (SPs) usually have to negotiate which attributes are strictly necessary to allow the service to work properly.
A solution to simplify this scenario is at hand. 
An international collaborative effort has been devising ways to consistently categorise services. The REFEDS (Research and Education Federations) Research and Scholarship Entity Category includes services that provide collaborative, interactive or management tools to researchers and other educational users where some personal data is required to make the service work properly, such as wikis, blogs, project or grant management tools. All services in this category
comply with data protection laws and have explained the purposes for which they require the user data. 
Click here for a  more detailed news article

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