The November Issue of La Voz de Paseo Boricua is Out!

A New Business Opens on Paseo Boricua
La Havana Café
2525 W. Division St. | 773-697-8300 | 773-697-8836 Now Open! Mon.-Thurs. 11-10pm | Fri. & Sat. 11-12pm | Sun. 11-8pm Modern Gourmet, Cuban Café Roasted pork (ropa viejo), fish, steak, wine, beer | Estilo y menú Havana 1950
Help Fund a New Children's Book, "Plantando Banderas en la Calle Division" on Kickstarter!
Help me tell my new story.

Dear Friends & Family Members,

I'm writing to you today to let you know about the Kickstarter campaign for my new children's book "Planting Flags on Division Street." This project has been in the works for a while and I want to share why I've decided to self publish this story.

Why do I write?

I write to forget, I write to escape. I write to change what I see before my eyes into something better. I write to wipe out the bad and to give me, and others, better memories of fairer histories.

I write stories that for people who've been told they don't have any stories to tell. I write to fill the Grand Canyon sized hole that the children's literature publishing industry has created by not addressing the needs of Latino children.

As a little girl in Lorain, Ohio I didn't have books about Latino girls and boys growing up in the United States of America. All the stories I read were filled with children that didn't look like me set in communities that were different than my neighborhood.

After I had my first child I found out what a challenge it was to find stories that reflected my daughter's culture and reality. Now, with my 8 year old son I continue to struggle to find stories that celebrate our culture and values, as well as share with him other cultures, beliefs, and realities. It's even harder to find stories that encourage him to imagine and see himself in different places doing different things.

As a professor and former teacher I know how important stories are and how they shape and define how we see ourselves and others. It's important for many different kinds of stories to be told. It's also important for us to read, hear and tell stories that encourage us to imagine, hope and dream of something better and work for a cause bigger than ourselves.

That's why I write.
Please join me in making our children's books as diverse as the lives we live.

Together we can tell stories that make a difference.


Click here to see our Kickstarter campaign.
El Rescate  Transitional Living Program
We're excited to be taking part in The Out In The Open Sleep Out; In fact. We are in the midst of our Fundraising efforts. We have  set a fundraising goal, and we would be grateful for your support in reaching it.

Will you support our team in building awareness and support for our city's youth who are experiencing homelessness?

When you do your Holiday shopping at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to Puerto Rican Cultural Center

Bookmark the link and support us every time you shop.

From Puerto Rican Cultural Center & Programs

Puerto Rican Agenda calls on CHA to remedy dismal Latino representation in CHA 
Chicago, IL (November 9, 2015) - Over 40 leaders representing the Puerto Rican Agenda convened at the former management offices of Hispanic Housing Development Corporation's (HHDC) on Saturday, November 7, 2015 for a special discussion on the dismal Latino participation in Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) programs. Special guests included CHA's Chief Executive Officer, Eugene Jones, Aldermen Joe "Proco" Moreno (1st ward), Migdalia Santiago (31st ward), Gilbert Villegas (36th ward), and Roberto Maldonado's (26th ward) Chief of Staff, Kathleen Oskandy. 
The meeting was prompted by the unexpected termination of the HHDC contract for managing 1,100 CHA scattered sites throughout Puerto Rican Chicago for the past 26 years. Puerto Rican Agenda members as well as local elected officials are gravely concerned about the implications of another management company assuming responsibility without affordable housing experience nor capacity for bilingual services. 
HHDC's dismissal contributes to CHA's poor record of outreach to and integration of Latinos in programming, staffing, and leadership. Twenty years ago, a class-action lawsuit initiated by Latinos United resulted in Latino consent decrees mandating CHA to target resources specifically to expand access to the Latino community, yet not much progress has been made according to a recent analysis by the Latino Policy Forum. Latinos represent roughly one-fifth of the eligible population who can access CHA programs, but less than 10 percent of current participants. 
Furthermore, the recent release of the CHA Diversity Marketing and Outreach Services RFP, a legacy piece of the consent decrees and a contract currently carried out by Erie Neighborhood House, makes no specific mention of Latinos nor articulates explicit dollar amount for grant recipients. This distinct departure from previous RFPs comes as another surprise and without explanation. 
Saturday's meeting sent a clear message to CHA: Latinos are not to be discounted and deserve nothing less than proactive, intentional, and targeted investment to remedy decades of discrimination, but most importantly, to provide access to one of the most basic human rights-the right to shelter. For more information: Cristina Pacione-Zayas
Juan M. Calderón, PRCC Chief Operating Officer Recognized as "Public Health Champion"
By PRCC Staff
Each year, the Illinois Department of Public Health recognizes seven Local Public Health Champions throughout the State during Hispanic Heritage Month. This year's Local Public Health Champion for Cook County was Juan Calderon, Chief Operating Officer of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center. The awards presentation took place on  Friday, October 9th, at the Hyatt Regency McCormick Place, 2233 South Dr. Martin Luther King Drive.  IDPH Director, Dr. Nrav Shah,  personally presented the award during the luncheon portion of the 28th Annual Illinois Association of Hispanic Employees Training Conference.
Gender, Sexual Diversity and Immigration 
By Maritxa Vidal, Puerto Rican Cultural Center staff
October 31st, 2015, about 70 guests congregated at The Mexican Consulate in Chicago and partook in a first of its kind event: a workshop on gender, sexual diversity and immigration. The Puerto Rican Cultural Center's very own Maya Lozano and Maritxa Vidal, along with Karari Olvera Orosco, were present. There were morning workshops facilitated by very knowledgeable Mexican officials regarding Transgender and Gender non-Conforming issues. Maya and Maritxa were also given the opportunity to present and spoke about the varied services that the Puerto Rican Cultural Center offers to Puerto Rican and Latino Communities in Chicago. They explained how services are free and offered to anyone regardless of immigration status.
Lunch was served at noon while attendees networked and discussed possibilities of collaborating with the different organizations there. Afterwards, the public gave the TransLatin@ Coalition: Chicago Chapter and Luis Román from Grupo ALMA a very warm welcome as they hosted a panel. For about two hours, they discussed many concerns of LGBTQ Hispanic Community and took questions from the audience. After the Q&A session was over, The Mexican Consulate pledged to be more involved with the LGBTQ community. With the assistance of the PRCC and the Translatin@ Coalition, they promised to help transgender Mexican citizens, regardless of their immigration status, through the steps of updating their identification cards as well as other papers. 
Centro Infantil Consuelo Lee Corretjer Reminders
  • November 10, 2015 Headstart hearing and vision screening
  • November 20, 2015 Family Potluck Dinner at 4:30pm
  • November 26-27, 2015 Happy Thanksgiving! Daycare will be closed
Please bring your child appropriate weather clothes since the children are going outside everyday weather-permitting.

On Sale Now

November Chicago Magazine "Why José López Stands Between Gentrification and Humboldt Park"

Be sure to pick up the November issue of Chicago Magazine, which features an interview by Puerto Rican Cultural Center ED José E. López conducted by Elly Fishman.

Los Tequis
4 Apps and Sites to Help You Ditch Your Cable Subscription
These 4 apps and sites will help you cut the cord and save money with streaming content
If you've got cable, chances are you're paying for a whole bunch of channels you never watch-these four apps and sites will help you cut the cord and save.

From Our Community Partners

CAN TV Wins Award
What We Offer
Congratulations to CAN TV Executive Director Barbara Popovic, named by New City Film as one of Film 50 2015: Chicago's Screen Gems, "the creative thinkers, and more importantly, doers" representing "action and movement in every form of Chicago media."

From the website:
Barbara Popovic Executive Director, Chicago Access Network Television The City of Chicago established CAN TV in the early 1980s to maximize the access of Chicago residents and groups to cable television production. Executive director Barbara Popovic says thousands of Chicagoans have availed themselves of the facilities, providing a "digital lifeline to people lacking the means to access the latest digital tools, training people to adapt to a changing multimedia environment, teaching skills toward independent use of media, and building technological literacy in the community." Activists are particularly avid users among the creators of 140-plus hours of local programming each week, she relates. "Every day, we work to protect and extend people's right to speak and be heard, providing video training, equipment, facilities, and channel time for Chicago residents and nonprofit groups. CAN TV's five local, non-commercial channels reach over one million viewers in the city of Chicago. CAN TV operates as an independent nonprofit community television station. CAN TV was founded on the principal of freedom of speech, a fundamental tenet of democracy.  CAN TV channels reach beyond the commercial and conventional mandates of broadcast television to include engaging local discussions and debates with a diversity of people and ideas, innovative performances, and works that are not available on other television stations." CAN TV is in the midst of moving to its first permanent home, providing "the latest digital tools in a modern, multi-use space," Popovic says. "We train people to adapt to a changing multimedia environment, teach skills toward independent use of the media, help residents and groups get their programming on multiple media platforms, and build technological literacy in the community."
Unidos por Puerto Rico/United for Puerto Rico
A Newsletter documenting the Puerto Rican Stateside Response to the Fiscal and Humanitarian Crisis
Thousands rally in Puerto Rico for better healthcare
By Nick Brown, Reuters
(Reuters) - Tens of thousands of Puerto Ricans, including hospital workers wearing scrubs, rallied in San Juan on Thursday to press Washington to improve healthcare benefits for the indebted U.S. territory which is in the middle of a fiscal crisis.
Puerto Rico, saddled with $72 billion in debt and a 45 percent poverty rate, defaulted on part of its debt in August. It receives less federal healthcare support than U.S. states and faces the impending dissipation in 2017 of a federal block grant, which could further squeeze Medicaid services.
"At this precise moment, there are people all over the island ... who are enduring physical pain," said Reverand Eunice Santana Melecio, director of the Caribbean Institute for Ecumenical Action and Formation.  
The sheer number of marchers, estimated in the tens of thousands by the governor's office, shut down a major San Juan thoroughfare. Ranging from public servants to athletes, some held signs with demands like "funds for healthcare, not insurance companies."
The rally was attended by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. New York is home to the greatest number of Puerto Ricans outside the island with 1.1 million.
"What's happening is unfair to the people of Puerto Rico. 3.5 million of our fellow Americans are being left out in the cold when it comes to healthcare," said de Blasio.
Cuomo announced plans for a summit in the coming weeks to strategize ways to press Washington to address Puerto Rico's health and fiscal crisis.
The U.S. Treasury, warning of a budding humanitarian crisis on the island, has called on the U.S. Congress to improve healthcare funding for Puerto Rico.
The Campaign to Free Oscar López Rivera has its own 
e-newsletter: The Water's Edge/La Orilla del Mar
Published approximately every two weeks
View past issues here.

Write to Oscar:
Oscar López Rivera, #87651
FCI Terre Haute
PO Box 33
Terre Haute, IN 47808
Funeral de Ángel Rodríguez Cristóbal asesinado por su lucha contra la marina de EEUU en Vieques el 11 de noviembre de 1979

Escenas del funeral de Ángel Rodríguez Cristóbal asesinado por el gobierno de Estados Unidos el 11 de noviembre, 1979, tras ser detenido por su lucha contra la marina de EEUU en Vieques. Vease video.
Aclaración de Junta Nacionalista de NY
Por Fernando "Ponce" Laspina
Sólo quiero aclarar que nosotros, La Junta Nacionalista de Nueva York de El Partido Nacionalista de Puerto Rico no participamos como grupo en el "Call to Action". Tampoco apoyamos  la siguiente cita de la carta de "Call to Action" disiminada a diferentes sectores:

"Asumimos que esas expresiones están relacionadas al encuentro efectuado en la ciudad de Orlando a mediados del corriente mes de octubre, donde varios representantes políticos electos, dirigentes comunitarios y sindicales, todos con lazos estrechos al Partido Demócrata y al PPD, pretendieron abrogarse la potestad de hablar y trazar una agenda para la diáspora boricua en Estados Unidos".
Pues tenemos una gran amistad y camaraderia por decadas con muchos de los lideres comunitarios que asistieron a ese encuentro nacional desde Nueva York, Chicago, New Jersey y de la Florida y no estan al servicio ni del PPD, ni al Partido Demócrata.
Declamarán poemas por 34 horas para exigir libertad de independentista López
Poetas puertorriqueños participarán el 4 y 5 de diciembre próximos en un evento donde dedicarán durante 34 horas poesías al independentista Oscar López Rivera para exigir su excarcelación de 34 años en prisiones de los EE.UU. por conspiración sediciosa.
El grupo Poetas en Marcha informó hoy en un comunicado de prensa de que la actividad dedicada a López Rivera, "Oscar hecho en poesía", se llevará a cabo en la Plaza Santiago Palmer de Caguas, municipio colindante a San Juan.
Los organizadores detallaron que la cita arrancará el 4 de diciembre a las 09.00 hora local (13.00 GMT) y culminará el día 5 a las 19.00 (23.00 GMT).
"Nuestra intención es darle fuerza a la campaña por la excarcelación de Oscar a través de la expresión artística. Estar 34 horas continuas leyendo poesía implica un sacrificio y compromiso muy grande", resaltaron los organizadores.
"Con este evento, además de promover el reclamo por su excarcelación, reconocemos la inmensa aportación de Oscar a lo que es y significa Puerto Rico y su lucha por la libertad, agregaron.
El grupo Poetas en Marcha indicó además que están contactando a otros países para añadirle proyección internacional a la actividad invitando a poetas de países cercanos "para que desde su propio suelo se integren", ya sea a través de comunicación electrónica u organizando lecturas simultáneas
By Erika Abad
On Saturday, Oct. 31, 34WomenXOscar-CHI joined the celebration of Haunted Paseo Boricua. As a result, many residents also honked their show of support as participants chanted through the rain and the cold. A healthy turnout insisted, through it chants and cheers, that "
For the Sat. Nov. 26 mobilization, 34WomenXOscar-CHI will return  to the intersection of Ashland/Division/Milwaukee. Join us as we gather petitions & raise awareness to bring Oscar home! For more info:
Puerto Rican Cultural Center
o. 773/342-8023 f. 773/342-6609

"Live and Help to Live"