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New documentary, "Immigration Battle: Reasons to Believe" to air on Oct 20 on PBS Frontline (Ch. 11) featuring Congressman Luis V. Gutiérrez 
New documentary called "Immigration Battle: Reasons to Believe" on the immigration reform struggle in the House of Representatives and what led Obama to announce executive actions will air on Oct 20 on PBS Frontline

View the trailer here.
Extraordinario triunfo de Encuentro Nacional de la Diáspora Puertorriqueña
Por Enrique Fernández Toledo
Fue maravilloso. Más de trescientos líderes de base, individuos y oficiales electos puertorriqueños provenientes de ­­­­­­­­­­­­10 estados concluyeron ayer un tremendamente exitoso Encuentro Nacional de la Diáspora Puertorriqueña.
El encuentro se llevo a cabo en Orlando, Florida,  por entenderse la enorme importancia que tendrá la comunidad puertorriqueña de ese estado en la elección presidencial de 2016.
En un evento lleno de entusiasmo, unidad y esperanza, bendecido por el conocido Obispo Marcial de Orlando, la presencia de 25 oficiales electos, incluyendo la participación de 5 congresistas, se alcanzaron los siguientes logros, entre otros:
1- En el espirito de la declaración de la congresista Nydia Velázquez de que "los derechos no se piden, se exigen" se concretó una firme declaración de intención de crear un vehículo de organización y de acción que movilice, represente e implemente una agenda nacional  que aglutine y unifique a la diáspora puertorriqueña, tanto para ayudar a Puerto Rico con su crisis fiscal y del su sistema de salud como para adelantar el progreso y bienestar de la diáspora;
2) Se demostró que es deseable y posible lograr la unidad de propósito y de acción por el bien de nuestro pueblo, por encima de las diferencias políticas, de estatus, religiosas y de muchas otras clases;
3) Se comenzó exitosamente la discusión de elementos concretos de lo que deberá ser la agenda puertorriqueña de la diáspora;
4) Quedó establecido que la diáspora entiende claro su posición en la sociedad norte-americana y su capacidad de influir en la elección presidencial de Estados Unidos en 2016;
5) Se adelantó y se afianzo la unidad de la diáspora en torno al reclamo por la excarcelación del patriota Oscar López Rivera; no hay duda que esto es parte prioritaria, fundamental y básica de cualquier agenda de la diáspora;
6)  Se demostró la importancia de la unidad de los boricuas de Florida, y se demostró mucho progreso en  el adelanto de esta unidad;
7) inspirados por el entusiasmo y disposición a la lucha del pueblo allí reunido, y en respuesta concreta a los reclamos de unidad para la acción, los oficiales electos puertorriqueños allí reunidos decidieran crear la Asociación Nacional de Oficiales electos Puertorriqueños.
Este evento tan importante servirá de antesala a una Cumbre Nacional de la Diáspora a celebrarse pronto, para concretar una agenda y un plan de acción y trabajo.  Pendientes, les mantendremos informados.

Para más información: medioeste: Cristina Pacione-Zayas (
Ultima Fin de Semana de La Cosecha
Por Cristian Roldan, Programa La Cosecha
Cordialmente les deseo invitar a último fin de semana del Farmers Market. Aproveche la última oportunidad para consumir productos frescos este fin de semana, libres de químicos y cultivados en nuestro proprio barrio con el objetivo de mejorar nuestros hábitos alimenticios con el fin de crear una comunidad más saludable y consciente de lo que consume. Ha sido una tarea ardua y retante el cultivar productos orgánicos en nuestra propia comunidad. Recuerde que todo producto es libre de pesticidas y fertilizantes artificiales. Todo estara a mitad de precio. Así que porfavor tome la tarea de pasar y aproveche para consumir productos locales y frescos. De lo contrario habrá que esperar hasta la próxima temporada.
Ha sido un reto producir con las limitaciones de conocimiento sobre agricultura y sería una verdadera lástima que se pierdan los productos. Les deseo dar las gracias a todos por patrocinar el programa, en especial a Juanita, Danette, Eduardo Arocho y sobre todo a José López, nuestro más fiel cliente.
Recuerde que estaremos el sabado en la esquina de California Ave y Division Street el sábado y en North Ave. Y Artisan St. el domingo.
Keep your Heart Healthy!
By Leony Calderón, Muévete
With the flu season upon us, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) it is roughly between the months of October and May, prepare yourself with the flu shot. The Greater Humboldt Park Community Diabetes Empowerment Center in collaboration with Walgreens will be providing free flu shots for adults on Saturdays, October 10th and 24th, from 10:00am to 1:00pm. This will take place at the Center, 2753 W. Divisions St. No appointment necessary.
Also save the date for The Diabetes Awareness Day, Saturday, November 14, 2015. A1C, Heart Screenings, Food Demonstration, Physical Activity and free raffles will be provided.
For more information please call 773-342-0855.
Featuring Interactive stations & 
Healthy Treats for Children of All Ages
Donations requested (individual-snack size):
· Fruit Gummies · Pretzels · Juice boxes * Plain cookies
· Mini water bottles · Low-fat granola or cereal bars
· Baked chips · Popcorn · Sugar-free gum · Stickers

Donations can be dropped off at:

*DSBDA 2459 W Division St,  
contact: Nayda  773-782-0454

*Puerto Rican Cultural Center 2546 W Division St, 
contact: Viola 773-394-4935
When you do your Holiday shopping at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to Puerto Rican Cultural Center

Bookmark the link and support us every time you shop.

From Puerto Rican Cultural Center & Programs

Celebrando Nuestra Raza with Tony Irizarry 
By Erika Abad, PRCC staff
On Sunday, October 11, community leaders gathered to celebrate the birthday of veteran community leader, Antonio "Tony" Irizarry. A pioneer in celebrating latino culture and history, he has made his birthday a celebration of Dia de la Raza inviting musicians representing music of the Americas and of honoring community leaders. Sandra Wilson opened the event, followed by Tony's opening remarks about el Dia de la Raza. He reclaimed the historic struggle of many peoples to inspire the call of a united force. Ray Rubio, by request, sang El Viejo for Irizarry, which was followed by his wife's recital of Llorens Torres poem.  José E. López, Executive Director of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center, among other community leaders, made celebratory remarks, the event closed honoring Freddy Reyes.
The event concluded with the honoring of Freddy Reyes with the Golden Premio Nuestro. While Irizarry has given the award many times over the years, this one went to Reyes for his extensive contributions to the Puerto Rican and Latino community.
PRCC receives new federal funding! Open positions announced.
By Mayra Estrella, PRCC Director
The Puerto Rican Cultural Center is excited to announce that we have received federal grants funds to expand our work in the areas of HIV prevention and housing services to Hispanic/Latinos, African Americans, and other underserved groups in Chicago. Funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA), a division of the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Latino Youth Action for Substance Abuse Prevention and HIV Prevention Project (L-Act Prevention) will expand and enhance PRCC's capacity to provide culturally competent substance abuse services, viral hepatitis (VH), and HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STI) prevention services for Latino young men. Additionally, we have received funding for the first time from the HHS's Administration of Children and Families to establish a Basic Center program to address the immediate needs of runaway and homeless youth and their families.
The goals of the Basic Center are to: 1) alleviate problems of runaway and homeless youth; 2) reunite youth with their families, if deemed safe, and encourage the resolution of intra-family problems through counseling and other services; 3) strengthen family relationships and encourage stable living conditions for youth; and 4) help youth decide on constructive courses of action.
The PRCC has also received funding from the state to provide teen pregnancy prevention and HIV/STI education services to youth.
We have openings for the following positions: HIV Educator/Medical Assistant (multiple vacancies); Program Coordinator and Case Manager of Basic Center Program; Teen Pregnancy Program Case Manager; Substance Abuse Counselor (CADC); and Mental Health Services Coordinator. For more information about these (and other) positions, please contact the Director of Vida/SIDA - Dr. Mayra Estrella via email

On Sale Now

November Chicago Magazine "Why José López Stands Between Gentrification and Humboldt Park"

Be sure to pick up the November issue of Chicago Magazine, which features an interview by Puerto Rican Cultural Center ED José E. López conducted by Elly Fishman.

Los Tequis
How to stay secure on Facebook
Take these five steps to enhance 
your social security.
Facebook creates the illusion that we are sharing posts and photos in a safe space, among friends and family. But in reality, if we're not careful, outsiders can swipe our personal info to gain access to our email, banking, and credit card accounts; to steal our identities; or even to spam and scam our friends. Follow these five steps to secure your sensitive info on Facebook.

From Our Community Partners

Welcome Danette Sokacich - New Principal of PACHS

The Board of Directors of the Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School (PACHS) is proud to announce that Danette Sokacich has been officially named the new principal of the high school. Ms. Sokacich has worked at PACHS for nine years and has served as the Assistant Principal and on the school's Leadership Team.
For many years, Ms. Sokacich directed the Lolita Lebrón Family Learning Center (FLC), a PACHS program that provides supportive and academic services to young parents with an emphasis on parenting and literacy skills. The work of the FLC has been presented at many professional conferences, such as the American Educational Research Association, Mid-Western Educational Research Association, National Association of Multicultural Education, and the Healthy Teen Network. Prior to her role as Assistant Principal, Ms. Sokacich taught courses in History and English at the FLC.
Ms. Sokacich completed her M.A. Ed. in Educational Leadership at Northeastern Illinois University and her Secondary Education certificate in History and English at Illinois College. She is a New York City Teaching Fellow, and holds an M.S.Ed. in Childhood Education from City University of New York-Lehman College in the Bronx, New York. Ms. Sokacich also holds a B.A. in History from The George Washington University in Washington, DC.
In addition, Ms. Sokacich serves on the Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health School Network, the Advisory Council for the Teen Parenting Program at Christopher House, organizes activities with the Advocates for Adolescent Mothers, and is on the Event Planning Committee of The George Washington University Alumni Association-Chicago Chapter.
Please join us in welcoming Danette Sokacich to her new position at PACHS.
She can be reached at,
The Board of Directors of Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School

The Campaign to Free Oscar López Rivera has its own 
e-newsletter: The Water's Edge/La Orilla del Mar
Published approximately every two weeks
View past issues here.

Write to Oscar:
Oscar López Rivera, #87651
FCI Terre Haute
PO Box 33
Terre Haute, IN 47808
Puerto Rican Cultural Center
o. 773/342-8023 f. 773/342-6609

"Live and Help to Live"