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From Puerto Rican Cultural Center & Programs

Holiday Harvest
By Erika Abad, Puerto Rican Cultural Center Garden Team

This weekend, as many gathered in parks and prepared to go to the lake, the PRCC's Farmers' Market remained open. Getting ready for the grill, garlic flew off the shelves and the last of our strawberries were a delight to those who, after one bite, bought what we were able to harvest this week. On Sunday, one of our garden team members learned more about how to cook beets from a resident debating with another on the best way to cook them and the differences between the red and orange varieties. On getting a whiff of sofrito, community residents braved investment in the Puerto Rican cooking paste with others, preordering for next week and assuring us they will remind their friends.

Community residents, when aiming to buy local, remember Conuco and Mural Farmer's Market- food from your neighborhood getting to your table!

For more information on what is in season this week, reach Garden Team Member Erika at erikaa@prcc-chgo.org or (773) 850-2467.
Interested in urban gardening, 
farmers' markets and healthy eating?

Interested in learning more about urban gardening and farmers' markets? Have some free time to help your community? Looking for urban farming service learning opportunity? Juan Antonio Corretjer Puerto Rican Cultural Center has gardens throughout Humboldt Park and we are looking for volunteers. Whether you are a people person, a gardening person or a community member eager to learn something new, please contact, Urban Garden Team Members, Erika G Abad at either erikaa@prcc-chgo.org or (773) 850-2467 (text or call) for more information.  


Le interesaria ayudar a su comunidad? Quisiera hablar con miembros de la comunidad acerca de comprar comida organica? Quisiera compartir su sabiduria acerca de sembrando comida? El Centro Cultural Puertorriqueño Juan Antonio Corretjer, tiene jardines en el barrio de donde se vende comida para asistir en ayudar a los jardines. Se necesita ayuda en los jardines y en alcanzar a miembros de la comunidad durante los mercados. Si nos puede ayudar, comuniquese con Erika G Abad al erikaa@prcc-chgo.org or (773) 850-2467 (text o llame) para mas informacion.


HIV Care and Treatment Saves Lives
From Vida/SIDA

Across the nation, many in the healthcare field are discussing how to decrease new HIV infections. One key to controlling HIV in Illinois is early medical care and treatment for those living with the virus. In Illinois, there were 36,064 people living with HIV at the end of 2013, with males comprising the majority. This is a 4.8% increase in the number of people living with HIV since 2012. This increase reflects HIV positive individuals living longer, as well as new diagnoses of HIV.

In 2013, IDPH reported 1,804 new HIV diagnoses and 860 AIDS diagnoses, of which 339 occurred after a previous diagnosis of HIV and 521 were concurrent HIV/AIDS diagnoses. Compared to a year earlier (2012), there was a 1.8% decrease in new HIV cases, a 7.5% decrease in AIDS cases, and 6.5% decrease in concurrent diagnoses.

Studies show that only 3 out of 10 Americans living with HIV were documented to have their infections controlled. And, most remarkably, two thirds of those with uncontrolled infections had been diagnosed but were still not in care.

This highlights the urgent need to both reach more people with HIV testing and help ensure that those who test positive get prompt, sensitive, ongoing comprehensive care and treatment.

Once enrolled in medical care, individuals living with HIV have access to the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP).  Depending upon eligibility in ADAP, treatment with antiretroviral medication can keep HIV controlled in the body resulting in an undetectable viral load. This allows people with HIV to live longer, healthier lives and greatly reduces the chance that they will transmit HIV to others.

U.S.  guidelines now recommend that everyone with HIV should receive treatment, regardless of their CD4 count or viral load.

Here's what you can do to help stop HIV and help those living with HIV:

First, include HIV testing as a routine, regular part of your medical care. Far too many people with HIV don't know that they are infected. Knowing your status is a critical step to protect your own health and avoid transmission to others.

Second, if you are living with HIV, do everything you can to be sure that you stay in care and take your medications as prescribed.  This may include getting supportive services, such as housing, care for addiction, or help for mental health problems. Staying on HIV medications can give you a normal or nearly normal lifespan, and can reduce the risk of transmitting the virus to others by 96%.
Muévete is celebrating its 10th!
By Leony Calderón, Diabetes Empowerment Center
Muévete is celebrating its 10th anniversary (Aug. 2005- Aug. 2015). What started as a walking group twice a week around Humboldt Park has evolved into a community based physical activity program. Muevete provides classes of Dance-aerobics, Zumba, Pilates, Tai Chi, Yoga, seasonal walking and biking and the once a year Move for Life! season kick-off event.  Classes are held Monday through Saturday, free of charge and open to adults 18 and over. All classes are accessible to all fitness levels, encouraging movement for all.  


On August 8th 2015 we will celebrate the 10th anniversary with a 10,000 steps around Humboldt Park.  Free of charge and for the entire family. There will be prizes for every 5,000 steps you take. Music, heart screenings, snacks and refreshment will be provided. Please call to register, 773-342-0855.

On Sale Now

November Chicago Magazine "Why José López Stands Between Gentrification and Humboldt Park"

Be sure to pick up the November issue of Chicago Magazine, which features an interview by Puerto Rican Cultural Center ED José E. López conducted by Elly Fishman.

The Puerto Rican Cultural Center

Employment Opportunity Employer



Limited positions available

(Must be available starting September 8, 2015)


The Safe Passage Community Watcher position provides a safe passage for students attending the following schools:

Roberto Clemente, Wells, José De Diego, Chopin, ChiArts



Responsible, punctual, high school diploma or equivalent and ability to pass criminal background check to work with youth


Part-time with educational opportunities available


Monday thru Friday | 5 hours a day | $10 per hour 


To apply, submit a resume to Ivan Vega:



 apply at 2546 W. Division St., Chicago, IL 60622


For more information call: (773) 394-4935

Los Tequis

  Create and Share Custom Maps in Google Drive


Google Drive has an added feature found under the big red "New" button. You can now click Google My Maps and access maps you have already created or create a new one.


What is Google My Maps?

With Google My Maps, you can create custom maps that can be shared or posted online. Here are some of the key features:

  • Add your own pins! With these pin points, you can make your map more interactive by adding text, photos, and video. Change the color and shape of the pins to make them stand out!
  • Search for places and then easily add them to your map.
  • Draw lines to signify boundaries or paths between points.
  • Use multiple layers to group various pin points. This allows you to show or hide what you want.
  • Import geographical data from a file and add that data to your map.
  • Share and collaborate on your map with others!

From Our Community Partners

NYC City Council Speaker: Washington must help Puerto Rico

NEW YORK (AP) - New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, who is arguably becoming one of the nation's most influential Puerto Rican politicians, is urging Congress and the Obama administration to step in and help the island commonwealth struggling under the weight of its debt.

Mark-Viverito, who was born in Puerto Rico, said Wednesday that the situation in her native land was "a fiscal crisis" that required help from the superpower that sits 1,000 miles from its shores.

"My mother still lives there, my family still lives there. I hope to retire there someday," Mark-Viverito told The Associated Press in her first comments on the matter. "This is very personal to me to see Puerto Rico in this situation."

Puerto Rican Gov. Alejandro Garcia Padilla said last month the island's $72 billion public debt is unpayable given the current level of economic growth. He is seeking a payment moratorium from bondholders - including the United States - as the commonwealth attempts to emerge from a nearly decade-long economic slump.

No More Delays in Honoring Veteran & Community Leader Rico Piccard
By Mike Cantone, ilikemike.com

It's been two years since the Florida legislature passed a law to put an honorary plaque along Semoran Boulevard, between the 408 and the 528, in recognition of veteran and local Hispanic civil rights leader Elias "Rico" Piccard.

But Mayor Buddy Dyer still refuses to hold a vote on a simple ordinance to enact state law and allow the Florida Department of Transportation to install the honorary plaques because of Dyer's allegiance to Commissioner Tony Ortiz, who opposes the honorary recognition.

It would be extremely disappointing and sad if Dyer and Ortiz were playing politics because Rico often stood up to the powers of City Hall and the Orange County Commission when many in the community would remain silent. But other than politics, it makes no sense why the City Council would not pass a very simple procedural ordinance to allow FDOT to implement state law.

There must be no more delays in honoring Rico Piccard, who was "one of the loudest voices for the Puerto Rican and Latino community of Central Florida" according to the Orlando Sentinel in their obituary.

For more information: aguamala.org
The Campaign to Fee Oscar López Rivera has its own 
e-newsletter: The Water's Edge/La Orilla del Mar
Published approximately every two weeks
View past issues here.

Write to Oscar:
Oscar López Rivera, #87651
FCI Terre Haute
PO Box 33
Terre Haute, IN 47808
Rep. Nydia Velázquez: Freedom for Oscar López Rivera Unites Puerto Ricans Across Political Lines
By Democracy Now!
 - Thousands of people gathered in New York City last month for a march calling on President Obama to release a longtime Puerto Rican independence activist from prison. Oscar López Rivera was convicted in 1981 on federal charges, including seditious conspiracy - conspiring to oppose U.S. authority over Puerto Rico by force. He was also accused of being a member of the FALN, the Armed Forces of National Liberation, which claimed responsibility for more than 100 bombings to call attention to the colonial case of Puerto Rico. In 1999, President Bill Clinton commuted the sentences of 16 members of the FALN, but López refused to accept the deal because it did not include two fellow activists who have since been released. 2015 marks López's 34th year behind bars. He is scheduled for release in 2027. We discuss López's case with Congressmember Nydia Velázquez, Democrat for New York and the first Puerto Rican woman to be elected to Congress.
Puerto Rican Cultural Center
o. 773/342-8023 f. 773/342-6609

"Live and Help to Live"