"After my family, what I miss most is the sea" Oscar López Rivera
The Water's Edge/ La Orilla del Mar 
Welcome to the Water's Edge, the bi-weekly magazine of the
National Boricua Human Rights Network, featuring articles in English and Spanish.

Bienvenidos a la revista quincenal de la Red Nacional Boricua Pro Derechos Humanos 

"La Orilla del Mar", con artículos en Inglés y Español.


View Past Issues


Un llamado en la Alcaldia de NY

Conferencia de Prensa Anuncia Marcha "Una Sola Voz Por Oscar"

"Una Sola Voz Por Oscar" fue el reclamo de muchos hoy en la conferencia de prensa  celebrada el 28 de mayo, 2015  frente de la alcaldia de la ciudad de rascacielos.   Comenzó con la moderadora Ana M. López de la Coordinadora de Nueva York por la libertad de Oscar López Rivera y de la Coalición 30 de mayo.

"Estamos aquí hoy para pedirle que se unan a UNA SOLA VOZ POR OSCAR el sábado, 30 de mayo, 2015 donde se llevará  una manifestación en Harlem- calle 125 y Adam Clayton Powell Jr. a las 11am.  Todos aqui explicaran porque es importante  y  la razón de la marcha en esta ciudad." 

Oscar López Rivera a sus 72 años de edad es el prisionero político que lleva más tiempo encarcelado en la historia de Puerto Rico. Oscar fue acusado de "conspiración sediciosa", el mismo cargo impuesto a Nelson Mandela. El 29 de mayo, 2015 cumplirá 34 años y su familia, el pueblo de Puerto Rico , y pueblos en los EEU esperan que con esta marcha el 30 de mayo, y  presión incrementada hará al Presidente Obama que ortogue el indulto.

Con una sorpresa, compareció a la alcaldia nuyorquina,  Carmen Yulín Cruz, la alcadesa de la ciudad de San Juan, Puerto Rico. Ella exhortó a los nuyorquinos de unirse "a esta justa campaña humanitaria por el preso político puertorriqueño,   Oscar López Rivera que ha estado encarcelado por más de 33 años por sus creencias políticas".  

La presidenta del concilio municipal de Nueva York Melissa Mark-Viverito, dijo  "esto aquí no se trata de mis creencias políticas, este caso es sobre los derechos humanos de Oscar López Rivera."

Cuatro otros oficiales electos como Roberto Cornegy, representante del condado de Brooklyn, Ydanis Rodríguez de Washington Heights y Antonio Genosa, de Queens y Jamal Williams de Brooklyn también dieron la palabra enunciando la necesidad de demonstrar la solidaridad para la excarcelación de Oscar López Rivera.

La líder sindicalista Estela Vazquez, dijo que "Oscar López Rivera era el Mandela de América Latina". El artista Miguel Luciano, Fernando Laspina del Centro Cultural El Maestro. Matt Meyer del Liga de Resistente a la Guerra hablaron de cómo la campaña embarca a todos los frente de organización de raices comunales- sindicatos, organizaciones comunales,  iglesias, organizaciones estudiantiles y sectores por la paz.

Urgent Fundraising Appeal from May 30 Coalition
$5500 raised, $4500 left!

We come from different backgrounds, but we speak with

"One Voice For Oscar!"

We are 2 days away from our march and rally. On almost no money, all volunteer labor, and supporters far and wide who have donated dollars and time to bring this event about we are here. 


With thousands planning on attending and hundreds who have signed on 
we need one more push. Help us get there! We have raised $5500 and need to raise $4,500 to take us to the day when we rally with one voice,
to let Pres. Obama know: 


Donate generously. This link works!

Visit our website and donate through the Paypal link 
(El Maestro Cultural Center is our fiscal sponsor). OR:
Mail checks to (and write May 30th Coalition in the memo):
El Maestro, Inc
1300 Southern Blvd.
Bronx, NY 10459

March guidelines for MAY 30th March and Rally

By May 30th Coalition

I. There are over 100 organizations and groups participating. There will be a designated line-up for the marchers.  Please check with security or march leadership if you are not sure where your contingent will march.


II.  All organizations will have banners carrying their own name and message about Free Oscar March;

 1. For example:   "El Maestro dice presente pa' Oscar".

2.  "Boricuas of Mount Holyoke, Massachusetts want Oscar Lopez Free"


III.  All groups must provide marshals to the march.  If your group has more than 50 members, you must designate 5 marshals. Please contact Nepher Rodríguez at (917) 721-6166.  

IV.  All groups and organizations marching must adhere to these guidelines.


V. All marchers will have a "A Day For Oscar" neon green wrist band.


VI.  Chants are in Spanish and English.

They will be distributed in the march. Each chant is repeated 5 times.  Chants will alternate from English to Spanish.  Help out with chants and volunteer to take turns to relieve members chanting.


VII.  If anyone becomes ill, please contact security team.


VIII. If anyone is creating a disruption, also inform security.


IX.  For outside cities, buses will leave you at 125th Street & Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd.


X. All solidarity messages can be submitted in writing to freeoscarnycmay30th.org, or nycoordinator.freeoscar@gmail.com 




XII. After rally, we need to clean up.  All buses and vans must vacate designated parking area.


After the march, all outside cities are invited to eat dinner at 6pm at 800 East 156th Street, Bronx, NYC- Spanish Evangelical Church of the Bronx-Rev. Danilo Lachapel's Church

"ONE VOICE FOR OSCAR" Gathering Locations for Contingents

Human Rights March in Harlem- May 30th, 2015


Section 1: Lead Banner "ONE VOICE FOR OSCAR": Family, & High Profile and


Section 2: NYC Coordinador: (Sponsoring Organizations and endorsers. Hostos Students and Staff, too)


GATHER IN FRONT OF HARLEM STATE OFFICE BUILDING (125th Street, between Adam Clayton Powell Jr.  Blvd)


Section 3: Labor for Oscar:


GATHER on 125th Street and Malcolm X Blvd, NW CORNER and up the block 


Section 4: Churches for Oscar:


GATHER on 125 Street and Adam Clayton Powell, NE CORNER and up the block


Section 5: Veterans for Peace, Mumia and other Community Groups and  


Section 6: 23 Cities for Oscar:


GATHER on 126 Street and Adam Clayton Powell, NW CORNER and up 126th Street as needed


With this plan, people can find their colleagues and contingents; our lead contingents are front and center in front of the most visible part of the gathering area; we already support the plans which 32BJ, the Veterans, and the Mumia folks have made; and - most importantly - our security team can move folks in sections - from the lead contingents eastward, with labor following, then religious contingent, Veterans, Mumias, and other cities and the rest flowing out from their gathering points. Also security will be passing out wristbands and chants to marshals for distribution to groups in each section.

From Many Artistic Traditions: One Brush for Oscar

Pre-Order May 30th Print Signed by Elizam Escobar

Own a piece of history by supporting the May 30 Coalition to Free Oscar Lopez Rivera and purchasing this LIMITED EDITION SIGNED GICLEE PRINT, designed, drawn and coordinated by world-renowned Puerto Rican artist and former political prisoner ELIZAM ESCOBAR. Bringing together the work of over two dozen Puerto Rican painters, graphic artists, cartoonists, and designers, Elizam created this special Oscar montage as part of the movement to win justice and freedom for his long-time friend.

Offered exclusively as a benefit for the May 30 Coalition, only 100 11x17 PRINTS will be produced, each NUMBERED AND SIGNED BY ELIZAM.

For $150.00 (postage and handling included), invest in a fantastic piece of signed art work while also investing in the work to bring Oscar home. Make checks payable to El Maestro, Inc, and sent to: RnB, 309 Park Place, Brooklyn NY 11238. Prints should be ready for shipping by mid-June 2015.

Hector Figueroa, President 32BJ, Another Voice for Oscar films PSA!

René Pérez, Grammy Award Winning Superstar, Exhorts 
All to Support Oscar and Come Out on Sat., May 30th!
Melissa Mark Viverito, Speaker, NYC Council asks all
to Come Out for Oscar on Sat., May 30th

Oscar López Rivera ha luchado por la independencia de Puerto Rico, al que califica de colonia americana. ¿Qué opinan los expertos sobre su caso?

Tiempo de Debate: Óscar López Rivera, ¿héroe o terrorista?

Univision Canal 41 Nueva York


  Vease el video.


International News/Noticias internacionales
Op-Ed CLARIDAD: "He is a patriot and not a threat to anyone."
By Luis V. Gutiérrez, Congressman 

In the late 1990s, standing up for the release of Puerto Rican political prisoners was a pretty lonely place to stand.  My staff and some of my congressional colleagues were against my involvement in the campaign to win the release of the first eleven prisoners that came from President Bill Clinton in 1999.


 Now, fifteen or so years later, a lot has changed politically, but Oscar Lopez Rivera remains the single remaining Puerto Rican political prisoner still in federal prison.  There is broad consensus among Puerto Ricans that after 34 years of incarceration, enough is enough.  Oscar should be allowed to leave prison and live with his family in Illinois, Puerto Rico, or wherever he chooses.


Far from being a divisive political issue, the effort to release Oscar Lopez Rivera unites Puerto Ricans and people of conscience across class and geography, across party and ideology.  The slogan "One Voice for Oscar" - the theme of a march in New York City on May 30 - is powerful and accurate.
Last October, I went with the sitting Governor of Puerto Rico, Gov. Alejandro Garcia Padilla, to visit with Oscar at the federal prison where he is held in Terra Haute, Indiana.  The Governor did not meet with Oscar clandestinely.  It was publicized and the Governor wrote about his experience.  The head of the Puerto Rican government understands that every political constituency and faction in Puerto Rico supports releasing Oscar.
Many in Washington still need convincing that it is time to release Oscar Lopez Rivera.  I think those fighting hardest for Oscar's release, including his brother and his attorney and the Puerto Rican Members of Congress are optimistic that President Obama and the Department of Justice will act.  Until that time, we continue to make sure that people hear about Oscar's story and join our effort for his release.
On a personal note, I have come to know Oscar as a kind, compassionate, and intelligent leader.  He is a friend and mentor who loves Puerto Rico as I do.  He is a patriot and not a threat to anyone.  Rather, he is a father and grandfather who should be allowed to live his life with his family and loved ones.
This is one simple, straight-forward act of justice and mercy that President Obama and his Administration can take for Oscar Lopez Rivera that will be welcomed with overwhelming and genuine gratitude by all Puerto Ricans.

Oscar López Rivera... Patriot

By Carmen Yulin Cruz Soto

Published: Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Special for CLARIDAD


I try to imagine what someone must be made of to survive 34 years in a cell, locked up. What is needed to transcend 12 years of solitary confinement without human contact? How is it possible to live without hate for those whose only objective is to destroy your spirit and break your backbone? Simply put, I couldn't do it.


Oscar López Rivera is a living example of what we should be; he is the hope of what we can be. 


Oscar is free; his body is restricted to a space, but his soul illuminates all of us. They have tried to imprison him; they haven't managed to do so. He is free. He enjoys the freedom that is part of the essence of those who know they are surrounded by LOVE. Love of the Homeland; Love of fellow human beings; Love of art; Love of nature; Love of the sea.


Oscar is strength - he has the fortitude of one who knows that when he gives his word there is no turning back. He is a human being with full knowledge that what is done out of love of the Homeland has no room for half measures. What is done out of love for this Homeland requires the highest sense of duty and ethics. Not one step back, his quiet smile seems to say, and his indomitable spirit shows us not to surrender; it demands us to give more.


Oscar has defeated the oppression imposed by those who do not understand that one whose only reward is the fulfilled duty to love above all, to give in to no one, to surrender to nothing, cannot be conquered. 


He has paid the price of his love, and he has done so with his head held high. Thanks to him, we are a little closer to what we can be, because he has paved the way; he has pieced together his dreams with ours and has showed us that what is done out of love never condemns us to loneliness. 


I feel a daily dissatisfaction for not doing more to bring him home, so that he can embrace his granddaughter and his daughter; so he doesn't have to paint with his fingers numbed by the cold; so he can walk by the sea. We need him to show us how to live freedom; to show us how to struggle; to show us how to forgive and to show us how to love.


We need his spirit of solidarity and of struggle. We need to rebuild our Homeland, with him. 


* The author is the Mayor of the Autonomous Municipality of San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Oscar recorre el Camino de Santiago
por Movimiento Independentista Nacional Hostosiano
Una delegación puertorriqueña se encuentra recorriendo el Camino de Santiago portando la figura de nuestro preso político Oscar López Rivera quien cumplirá este 29 de mayo de 2015, 34 años encarcelado en prisiones de Estados Unidos. Entre los caminantes están Emily Blais y Digna Sánchez, ambas miembros de la Dirección Nacional del Movimiento Independentista Nacional Hostosiano de Puerto Rico. Participa además, la compañera Elba Montalvo. El compañero Zenón Arribalzaga cubre el camino en bicicleta con Oscar. En O Porriño listos a salir el 27 de mayo, el niño Alberto y su padre ayudaron a tomar fotos al grupo.
Oscar López Rivera: "Siempre voy a estar vivito y coleando"
Por Cándida Cotto, Claridad

"Yo siempre voy a estar vivito y coleando". Esta respuesta a mis "buenos días, espero que estés bien" allana el camino para la entrevista. A las 8 y treinta exactas de la mañana del jueves 14 de mayo un tal "Counselor J. Edwards", de la prisión de Terre Haute, Indiana, fue quien me puso a Oscar al teléfono.

López Rivera, quien en enero cumplió 72 años de edad, es el prisionero político de más tiempo en América. Desde el momento de su captura en el suburbio Glenwood, de Chicago, en el estado de Illinois, el 29 de mayo de 1981, fue ingresado en prisión y los primeros 12 años estuvo encerrado en solitaria.

Este 29 de mayo cumple 34 años de encarcelamiento. Para esta misma fecha el pasado año CLARIDAD entrevistó al prisionero político puertorriqueño y otros medios de prensa le han entrevistado durante este año. No obstante, las circunstancias en que se lleva a cabo la entrevista no han variado, me dijo. Sigue la misma vigilancia, sentado a una mesa, hablando frente a una pared, alguien observándolo a distancia. 


¡Con La Solidaridad Podemos Hacerlo! #freeoscarlopez

From the/desde la Diaspora
Mark-Viverito to march for release of Puerto Rican nationalist

City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito will march in Manhattan on Saturday to demand the liberation of Oscar López Rivera, a Puerto Rican nationalist currently held in federal prison for conspiracy.

Rivera, a member of the Armed Forces of National Liberation (FALN) in Puerto Rico, was convicted and sentenced to 55 years in prison for conspiracy to transport explosives with intent to destroy government property, among other charges, in the 1980s.

For years, human rights advocates and political supporters have demanded Rivera's liberation, saying he is being held simply for his political beliefs.

"We want Oscar Lopez Rivera to be free and 33 years is enough, 33 years has been long enough," Mark-Viverito said during a press conference on Thursday on the steps of City Hall. "As has been indicated, Oscar has never been convicted of a crime, Oscar has never hurt anybody, he was never involved in any action that hurt anybody, he strictly believed in independence of Puerto Rico, and he was jailed for his political beliefs."

Chicago Publications
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Oscar López Rivera must be free
By Sandy Boyer, Socialist Worker
After more than 30 years, Oscar López Rivera is in prison for the crime of seditious conspiracy, conspiring to free his people from the shackles of imperial injustice. Now is the time for his immediate and unconditional release."
-- Desmond Tutu

OSCAR LÓPEZ RIVERA, a Puerto Rican revolutionary who is beginning his 34th year in a U.S. jail, is the longest-serving Puerto Rican political prisoner in American history.

He was a member of the Armed Forces of National Liberation (FALN), which conducted an armed struggle for Puerto Rican independence. They planted a series of bombs in U.S. cities that killed six people and injured others.

The group was out to "rid Puerto Rico of Yanki colonialism," according to a FALN communiqué from 1974The FALN proclaimed that while it was fighting "Yanki capitalist monopoly" U.S. workers were its "allies in the struggle against Yanki fascism."

The government could never tie López Rivera to any injuries or loss of life suffered from the group's armed struggle. A 1980 Chicago Tribune editorial noted that FALN operations were "placed and timed as to damage property rather than persons," and that the group was "out to call attention to their cause rather than to shed blood."

Comité Orlando insiste en la liberación de Oscar López Rivera
Por El Sentinel

El comité que trabaja por la liberación del prisionero político puertorriqueño Oscar López Rivera, que opera en Orlando, celebrará una actividad este viernes 29 de mayo como parte de su lucha para lograr la excarcelación.

El orador principal es el Irving Forestier, quien disertará sobre el tema "Oscar López Rivera: Razón y Lucha, ¿Por qué permanece en prisión después de tanto tiempo?", según se lee en un comunicado de prensa.

La actividad abierta al público comenzará a las 7 p.m. en el local de Painters Union, en el 2153 West Oakridge Rd., en Orlando.

En varias ocasiones líderes de la comunidad puertorriqueña en Orlando se han congregado para clamar por la liberación de López Rivera, un líder boricua independentista quien lleva 34 años confinado en una cárcel estadounidense por conspiración.

From/Desde Puerto Rico
Con más fuerzas las voces por Oscar López
Se desarrollarán manifestaciones en San Juan, Nueva York, Orlando y Texas

WASHINGTON - Justo cuando se cumple el 34 aniversario de su encarcelamiento, una coalición de grupos políticos, cívicos, religiosos y gubernamentales desarrollará mañana y el sábado manifestaciones en Puerto Rico y Estados Unidos a favor de la liberación incondicional del prisionero político puertorriqueño Oscar López Rivera.

Las marchas principales tendrán lugar mañana en San Juan - desde el Hiram Bithorn hasta el tribunal federal de San Juan en Hato Rey - y el sábado en Nueva York, con otra manifestación que caminará desde la calle 125 y el bulevar Adam Clayton Powell hasta la esquina de la 106 con la avenida Lexington.

Pero, también hay eventos en Orlando (Florida) y en Dallas (Texas).

En San Juan, la Segunda Caminata Nacional por Oscar, que se ha desarrollado desde el 25 de abril por 40 pueblos de Puerto Rico, concluye mañana, viernes, con la marcha desde el Hiram Bithorn hasta el edificio federal de la avenida Chardón, a partir de las 3:00 p.m. Allí estarán, entre otros, el congresista demócrata Luis Gutiérrez (Illinois) y la alcaldesa de San Juan, Carmen Yulín Cruz.

La manifestación de Nueva York, mientras, ha sido apoyada por decenas de grupos, incluida la oficina del gobierno de Puerto Rico en esa ciudad, dirigida por Brenda Torres, y los congresistas boricuas José Serrano y Nydia Velázquez, demócratas por Nueva York.

Oscar: 34 años, insensibilidad total

El 29 de mayo de 1981 una corte federal encontró culpable del delito de sedición a nuestro patriota Oscar López Rivera. Han transcurrido 34 años desde entonces. La campaña a favor del indulto o la conmutación de la pena impuesta compara con las intensas desarrolladas para obtener la liberación de Mandela o de Los Cinco de nuestra hermana República de Cuba. No es posible enumerar aquí todos los que se han unido de manera activa y militante a favor de su liberación La campaña ha tenido el efecto de sensibilizar al mundo sobre el reconocimiento de los derechos humanos, sobre nuestra condición colonial y sobre la responsabilidad que descansa en los hombros de un hombre que la humanidad lo vio, por su procedencia, como una figura de superior sensibilidad humana.

El presidente de Estados Unidos Barack Obama está investido de la autoridad absoluta, incuestionable para otorgar la libertad total o condicionada a cualquier convicto que esté cumpliendo en el sistema penitenciario federal. Antes de Obama, presidentes como Carter, Nixon y Clinton, por mencionar a algunos, tomaban muy en serio su facultad constitucional al ejercer su poder de indultar u ofrecer alguna libertad condicionada a personas convictas por acciones relacionadas con la lucha por la independencia de Puerto Rico. Dos factores que han ejercido alguna influencia en la toma de esa decisión tienen que ver con el nivel de aprobación pública para el ejercicio de su discreción y así también el período de tiempo que haya durado la reclusión de quien pueda recibir el beneficio de su acción. Harry Truman ejerció su autoridad en el caso del patriota Oscar Collazo aún cuando su vida estuvo en grave peligro y además, Oscar había sido sentenciado a muerte por el tribunal que lo juzgó. Oscar, como todos los que han recibido igual o parecido beneficio, demostró con sus actos posteriores que estas acciones obedecen a urgencias de naturaleza patriótica que van más allá de la comprensión de los imperialistas. Los imperialistas tienden a pensar que su mundo de opresión es una consecuencia lógica del ejercicio natural de su poder. A eso llamamos hegemonía.

Support the struggle for the self-determination and independence of the Puerto Rican people



Join us in calling for the release of


Two dates - SF and Oakland


Friday, May 29, 2015

Market & Powell St., SF 5:00 P.M. until 7:00 P.M.



SATURDAY, MAY 30, 2015:  11:00 - 12:30




Help Us Bring Oscar Home/Como puede ayudar

     Demanding Oscar's immediate release.

     Join the scholars, academics, and people of conscience around the world-including prominent figures such as Nobel Laureate Desmond Tutu, acclaimed novelist and activist Arundhati Roy, and philosopher and public intellectual Cornel West -who are demanding Oscar's release.

     Published online by the Puerto Rican newspaper El Nuevo Dia. 

     We are in many cities across the US.

    Oscar López Rivera, #87651-024

   Born/Nacido: 6 de enero de 1943

   FCI Terre Haute, P.O. Box 33
   Terre Haute, IN 47808

Submission guidelines/Directrices de presentación

* Send us a picture, a headline and 2 paragraphs about your event supporting Oscar's release. Include contact information.

 * Envíenos una imagen, un titulo y 2 párrafos sobre su evento a favor de la liberación de Oscar. Incluya su información de contacto.


The Water's Edge, the bi-weekly magazine of the National Boricua Human Rights Network, publishes the latest news about the Campaign to Free Oscar López Rivera. Oscar, a 72 year old Puerto Rican political prisoner convicted for seditious conspiracy, has spent the last 34 years imprisoned for his political beliefs, and is the object of a campaign which has united Puerto Rican civil society, Nobel Laureates, as well as support throughout the US and internationally. 
Oscar López Rivera has become known as the Nelson Mandela of Latin America.

La Orilla del Mar, la revista quincenal de la Red Nacional Boricua Pro Derechos Humanos, publica las últimas noticias acerca de la Campaña a favor de la liberación de Oscar López Rivera. Oscar, un preso político puertorriqueño de 72 años condenado por conspiración sediciosa, ha pasado los últimos 34 años encarcelado por sus creencias políticas y es el objeto de una campaña que ha ganado el apoyo de la sociedad civil puertorriqueña, de ganadores de Premios Nobel y de otros a lo largo de Estados Unidos y a nivel internacional.


Oscar López Rivera se ha vuelto el Nelson Mandela de América Latina.