"After my family, what I miss most is the sea" Oscar López Rivera
The Water's Edge/ La Orilla del Mar 
Welcome to the Water's Edge, the bi-weekly magazine of the
National Boricua Human Rights Network, featuring articles in English and Spanish.

Bienvenidos a la revista quincenal de la Red Nacional Boricua Pro Derechos Humanos 

"La Orilla del Mar", con artículos en Inglés y Español.


View Past Issues


Urgent Fundraising Appeal from May 30 Coalition
$3500 raised, $6500 left!

We come from different backgrounds, but we speak with

"One Voice" For Oscar!

We are 13 days away from our march and rally. On almost no money, all volunteer labor, and supporters far and wide who have donated dollars and time to bring this event about we are here. 


With thousands planning on attending and hundreds who have signed on 
we need one more push. Help us get there! We need to raise $10,000 to take us to the day when we rally with one voice, to let Pres. Obama know: 


Donate generously. This link works!

Visit our website and donate through the Paypal link (El Maestro Cultural Center is our fiscal sponsor). OR:
Mail checks to (and write May 30th Coalition in the memo):
El Maestro, Inc
1300 Southern Blvd.
Bronx, NY 10459

March guidelines for MAY 30th Free Oscar March and Rally

By May 30th Coalition

I. There are over 100 organizations and groups participating.1.     There will be designated line-up for the marchers.  Please check with security or march leadership if you are not sure where your contingent will march.

  1. There are general sections: first section is composed of family members, high profile persons, elected officials, artist and former political prisoners and their families;
  2. Second section is composed of all NYC organizations (sponsoring and endorsing organizations);
  3. Third Section: Labor Unions
  4.  Fourth section: 33 Churches for Oscar
  5. Fifth Section:  Veterans for Peace, Free Mumia Coalition, Jericho and rest of organizations.
  6. Sixth Section: 23 other cities for Oscar (from Atlanta to Vermont)

II.  All organizations will have banners carrying their own name and message about Free Oscar March;

 1. For example:   "El Maestro dice presente pa' Oscar".

2.  "Boricuas of Mount Holyoke, Massachusetts want Oscar Lopez Free"


III.  All groups must provide marshals to the march.  If your group has more than 50 members, you must designate 5 marshals. Please contact Nepher Rodríguez at  


IV.  All groups and organizations marching must adhere to these guidelines.


V. All marchers will have a "A Day For Oscar" neon green wrist band.


VI.  Chants are in Spanish and English.

They will be distributed in the march. Each chant is repeated 5 times.  Chants will alternate from English to Spanish.  Help out with chants and volunteer to take turns to relieve members chanting.


VII.  If anyone becomes ill, please contact security team.


VIII. If anyone is creating a disruption, also inform security.


IX.  For outside cities, buses will leave you at 125th Street & Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd.


X. All solidarity messages can be submitted in writing to freeoscarnycmay30th.org, or nycoordinator.freeoscar@gmail.com




XII. After rally, we need to clean up.  All buses and vans must vacate designated parking area.


After the march, all outside cities are invited to eat dinner at 6pm at 800 East 156th Street, Bronx, NYC- Spanish Evangelical Church of the Bronx-Rev. Danilo Lachapel's Church

From Many Artistic Traditions: One Brush for Oscar

Pre-Order May 30th Print Signed by Elizam Escobar

Own a piece of history by supporting the May 30 Coalition to Free Oscar Lopez Rivera and purchasing this LIMITED EDITION SIGNED GICLEE PRINT, designed, drawn and coordinated by world-renowned Puerto Rican artist and former political prisoner ELIZAM ESCOBAR. Bringing together the work of over two dozen Puerto Rican painters, graphic artists, cartoonists, and designers, Elizam created this special Oscar montage as part of the movement to win justice and freedom for his long-time friend.

Offered exclusively as a benefit for the May 30 Coalition, only 100 11x17 PRINTS will be produced, each NUMBERED AND SIGNED BY ELIZAM.

For $150.00 (postage and handling included), invest in a fantastic piece of signed art work while also investing in the work to bring Oscar home. Make checks payable to El Maestro, Inc, and sent to: RnB, 309 Park Place, Brooklyn NY 11238. Prints should be ready for shipping by mid-June 2015.

To pre-order your copy, contact Matt Meyer at :
René Pérez, Grammy Award Winning Superstar, Exhorts 
All to Support Oscar and Come Out on Sat., May 30th!
Melissa Mark Viverito, Speaker, NYC Council asks all
to Come Out for Oscar on Sat., May 30th

Oscar López Rivera ha luchado por la independencia de Puerto Rico, al que califica de colonia americana. ¿Qué opinan los expertos sobre su caso?

Tiempo de Debate: Óscar López Rivera, ¿héroe o terrorista?

Univision Canal 41 Nueva York


  Vease el video.



Oscar on restaurant wall on Bainbridge ave, Bronx 5-23-2015
International News/Noticias internacionales

Editorial May 24, 2015- El Nuevo Dia, Puerto Rico

President Obama's human and moral challenge

On Friday, May 29, Oscar López Rivera, decorated in the Vietnam War, the longest held political prisoner on the planet, will have served 34 years imprisoned in U.S. prisons, which means that the time has come for the calls for his release to travel to Washington, and be strongly heard where they need to be heard as a moral demand for human rights, justice and real exercise of democracy.


With good reason, an important part of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus this week sent a letter to President Obama, with a copy to Attorney General Loretta Lynch, asking him to immediately commute Oscar's sentence, because if the president doesn't intervene, he will remain in prison until 2023. By then, Oscar, who is currently 72 years old, will be 80.


For a long time the people of Puerto Rico have called for his freedom, but with greater emphasis after May of 2013 when a mass symbolic imprisonment was held, unleashing marches and petitions so that this Puerto Rican, native of San Sebastián, could return home. 


These calls haven't been effective in the highest political circles in Washington, not even the calls from governor Alejandro García Padilla, who visited Oscar López in September of 2014; not the requests of ex-governors, Latin American heads of state, religious groups, professional associations and political parties of every ideology. The disdain shown, ignoring the desire of the majority of Puerto Ricans, that Oscar may live the rest of his days in the warmth of his people and the love of his family, contrasts with efforts, moves and reproaches the United States directs at other countries who also hold political prisoners in their prisons.


No other prisoner for reason of conscience, in no other region, has served 34 years in prison. Not even Nelson Mandela, who suffered prison for 27 years (seven less than Oscar), and whose cell president Obama visited with amazement and absorption, as if his decision to continue the imprisonment of Oscar López didn't weigh on his conscience; Oscar who, the same as Mandela, was accused of "seditious conspiracy," and who did not kill or harm anyone.


The Congressional Hispanic Caucus rightly reminded Obama that the contempt for the life of a man in his seventies who has maintained an irreproachable posture, who has shown examples of maturity and serenity through his public expressions, and whose freedom represents no risk to society, much less to the most powerful nation on the planet, is a disgrace for his government. Democracy cannot use its criminal justice system to confirm political discrimination or to prolong vengeance; and that obstinacy in not granting clemency to Oscar has vengeful and discriminatory nuances.


In Puerto Rico, efforts are still being made so that Oscar López can be freed before his health fails. Hundreds of thousands of citizens throughout the Country have contributed time, resources, determination and solidarity to his cause. This campaign, promoted by several organizations and in which dozens of prestigious institutions participate, has had international repercussions, but the White House has maintained a position of insensitivity, incompatible, as we have already pointed out, with its international campaigns for human rights.


The cruelty of continuing for 34 years the imprisonment of a human being who has demonstrated his moral caliber and integrity leaves in a compromised position those who, being able to rise above meanness, treat Oscar so cruelly. There is thus no other remedy but to keep internationalizing the demand and take to Washington, to the White House, and to President Obama's attention, the message that he is not being truthful when he intervenes on behalf of other prisoners of conscience, leaving ours to languish in prison in Terre Haute. 


Mr. President, show your humanitarian calling and order his release now.

Caucus Hispano del Congreso pide la excarcelación de Oscar López
El grupo que reúne a los demócratas hispanos envió una carta al presidente Obama

WASHINGTON - El Caucus Hispano del Congreso (CHC), como grupo, ha dado su respaldo a la excarcelación del prisionero político puertorriqueño Oscar López Rivera, quien cumple la semana próxima 34 años en prisiones estadounidenses.

En una acción que amplía la voz que han tenido en este caso los legisladores federales demócratas boricuas, la presidenta del CHC, Linda Sánchez (California), envió esta semana una carta al presidente Barack Obama, con copia a la secretaria de Justicia, Loretta Lynch, a favor de que se conmute la sentencia de López Rivera.

"Con respeto, el CHC le urge a que ejercite su poder constitucional para conmutar la sentencia a Oscar López Rivera y liberarle de prisión. Nuestro reclamo es consecuente con nuestra misión de impulsar asuntos de importancia para la comunidad hispana", indicó la congresista Sánchez en la misiva.

El Nuevo Día obtuvo ayer copia de la carta.  Una fuente advirtió que no necesariamente los 26 miembros  del CHC estuvieron a favor. 

Los 26 miembros del CHC incluyen al comisionado residente, Pedro Pierluisi, y  los congresistas boricuas José Serrano (Nueva York), Nydia Velázquez (Nueva York) y Luis Gutiérrez (Illinois). El único demócrata hispano del Senado, Robert Menéndez (Nueva Jersey), también pertenece al CHC.


Veteranos de Vietnam piden la excarcelación de Oscar López Rivera
Harán manifestación el lunes frente al Capitolio de San Juan

Con ocasión del día de la recordación de los caídos en la guerra, veteranos de la guerra de Vietnam llevarán a cabo el lunes una manifestación en respaldo a la excarcelación del prisionero político puertorriqueño Oscar López Rivera.

El evento ha sido convocado para las 10:00 a.m. frente al Capitolio y tendrá como oradores al  senador del Partido Popular Democrático (PPD) y ex fiscal federal Miguel Pereira, al analista político y exfiscal federal Ignacio Rivera, y al exsecretario de Salud Enrique Vázquez Quintana.

La manifestación tendrá lugar a cuatro días de que López Rivera, de 72 años, cumpla 34 años en prisiones estadounidenses, tras ser convicto por sedición, debido a sus vínculos con las Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional (FALN).

Desde 2011, López Rivera, condecorado veterano de la guerra de Vietnam y encarcelado actualmente en la prisión de Terre Haute (Indiana), tiene pendiente en el Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos una solicitud de clemencia, la cual el presidente Barack Obama puede otorgar sin consultar a nadie.


Venezuela reivindica derecho a la independencia de Puerto Rico 
Por Hernan Porras, entorno inteligente
Venezuela reivindica derecho a la independencia de Puerto Rico / El Aragueno / El representante permanente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela ante la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU), Rafael Ramírez, expresó que Venezuela reivindica el derecho a la autodeterminación e independencia del pueblo de Puerto Rico. 

" Nos solidarizamos con sus legítimas aspiraciones independentistas que durante décadas ha promovido el pueblo puertorriqueño, una nación latinoamericana y caribeña que ha solicitado a la comunidad internacional exija a los Estados Unidos poner fin a la condición de tutelaje en que ha mantenido a Puerto Rico por más de un siglo?, enfatizó durante su participación en el Seminario del Caribe sobre Descolonización.

Este encuentro se realiza en la ciudad nicaragüense de Managua, donde el Comité Especial de Descolonización de la ONU tratará cada uno de los casos referentes a Territorios no Autónomos, con el propósito de auspiciar, desde las Naciones Unidas, enfoques políticos y modalidades prácticas para avanzar en el proceso de descolonización, indica una nota de prensa del Ministerio para Relaciones Exteriores venezolano. 

Además, Ramírez hizo referencia a la privativa de libertad que recae sobre Oscar López Rivera , quien lleva 35 años detenido injustamente en Estados Unidos por su incansable lucha por la independencia de su patria, así como la detención de otros líderes políticos de la referida isla.
Amor y Resistencia: Un día con Los Cinco (Parte 2)
Pro Eva Golinger, RT-Sepa Mas

Dentro de esta historia de los Cincos Cubanos, hay una riqueza de experiencias y lecciones que son emblemáticas de las grandes luchas de nuestra humanidad. El sentido del deber que ha guiado a cada uno de ellos les ha dado la fuerza de resistir bajo condiciones insufribles. El hilo que los mantuvo fuerte, con claridad de mente y corazon lleno, siempre fue el apoyo incondicional de sus mujeres, familias, madres, hermanas, hijos, hijas y amigos alrededor del mundo. Nunca estaban solos, ni siquiera durante los 17 meses que estuvieron sometidos en prisión a la tormenta solitaria e inhumana del "hueco." Como me dijo Antonio, nunca estaban presos realmente. "Cada noche al acostar mi cabeza en la almohada sabiendo que había cumplido con el deber, sabía que era libre."


Rafael Ramírez: Venezuela reivindica el derecho a la independencia de Puerto Rico
Por Noticias 24 Venzuela

"Nos solidarizamos con sus legítimas aspiraciones independentistas que durante décadas ha promovido el pueblo puertorriqueño, una nación latinoamericana y caribeña que ha solicitado a la comunidad internacional exija a los Estados Unidos poner fin a la condición de tutelaje en que ha mantenido a Puerto Rico por más de un siglo", enfatizó durante su participación en el Seminario del Caribe sobre Descolonización.

Este encuentro se realiza en la ciudad nicaragüense de Managua, donde el Comité Especial de Descolonización de la ONU tratará cada uno de los casos referentes a Territorios no Autónomos, con el propósito de auspiciar, desde las Naciones Unidas, enfoques políticos y modalidades prácticas para avanzar en el proceso de descolonización, indica una nota de prensa del Ministerio para Relaciones Exteriores venezolano.

Además, Ramírez hizo referencia a la privativa de libertad que recae sobre Oscar López Rivera, quien lleva 35 años detenido injustamente en Estados Unidos por su incansable lucha por la independencia de su patria, así como la detención de otros líderes políticos de la referida isla.

May Day in Cuba

By Amanda Bloom

Dear Alejandro:

I have just returned from nearly a month in Cuba, the early part of the trip with Joelle. . There is so much more support for Oscar than  the 5 holding Doug's poster. Oscar is very important to the people of Cuba and Latin America. At the Summit in Panama, Oscar's case was raised by several people including Nicaraguan Daniel Ortega, Gerardo spoke of Oscar at the Conference of International Solidarity in Cuba on May 2nd . (see below). Also,  Freedom of Oscar was one of the points set out for our work for  people in the International Solidarity movement in the next period. I have enclosed photos from the activities against homophobia where his photo was displayed and he was mentioned at several of the activities. The photos with strnge colors are from a party after the May Day parade where Gerardo, Ramon, and all the 5 came up and asked me to take their photos with the photo of Oscar that was up on the wall, provided by our Chilean friends who live in Sweeden. The International Committee to Free the Cuban 5, now has changed its name and work Oscar;s freedom is one of the big goals along with ending the blockade and support for Latin American revolutionary govenments. People are already planning campaigns in many countries as they did for the 5. I wore my Oscar button daily in Cuba. Many people would say, oh yes he is the Puerto Rican in prison....the guy sweeping up leaves on the street, in a restaurant, everywhwere people knew about him. His case is on the tv and radio in Cuba. He is well known...unlike the US.


-At the Summit of the Americas in Panama, Oscar was raised several times including by Daniel Ortega

-In the May 1 parade in Havana, Oscar's photo was carried and a big part of the international solidarity.

-In many meetings and parties with the Cuban 5 they expressed thier support and determination to free Oscar, asking me to take their photo with his. 

-TheCubans have moved Puerto Rico from its North America section to the Caribbean.

-In the huge International Solidarity Conference on May 2nd, Kenia Serrano, President of ICAP, in her keynote addressing the scope of the work in the next time included Oscar's Freedom. His photo and the PR flag were hug in the hall.

-The International Committee to Free the Cuban 5 has been reformulated and renamed with the goals to bring down the blockade, support revolutionary change in Latin America, and FREE OSCAR LOPEZ!

-At the Jornada contra homofobia, Oscar's photo was present and he was discussed. It was quite amazing for me to see whatit is like for LGBT issues to be addressed as part of a socialist and revolutionary movement as it is in Cuba, Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Uraguay, etc. Socialismo si, homfobia no was the chant at all the LGBT marches.

-My comrades in Sweden report that the MPs from the Left Party are preparing 2 interpelations to be held in parliament, addressing the Swedish Foreign Minister. One about the US blockade on Cuba, and one about Oscar López Rivera! They are working on a leaflet about Oscar to distribute in Sweden and want to make the life-size poster

-I wore my Oscar button daily throughout my stay in Cuba. Many ordinary Cubans commented on it saying they had heard about him on the tv and radio. There was incredible support and recognition. I also went to Pedro Albizu Campos elementary school in Havana where I visited and spoke in a classroom. The students and teacher wrote letters of support to Oscar.


Gerardo Hernández's remarks from CubaDebate at the International Solidarity Conference

Gerardo Hernandez acknowledged that without solidarity, the Five would not have returned to the motherland. 

Gerardo Hernandez, in his remarks at the International Meeting of Solidarity with Cuba, said that without the battle of all these institutions the release of the anti-terrorists would not have been possible. 

Gerardo began his acceptance speech with the words, "thank you, sisters and brothers from around the world. You should know that when we say thanks, it is not a formal act. From the bottom of our hearts we know that if we are here we owe it largely to the efforts of colleagues around the world who did not rest until we were here as you are." 

You are representatives of a much larger group who could not be here, but let them know of our appreciation. All were important, their combined efforts was what led us to be with our family and people today, he said. 

"Yesterday was historic. It was a long-awaited dream, which came true, and was greater because we could have your presence. Today we meet and are a big family that must be increasingly united and merge into one, because there still remain several battles like that for Oscar López and many others who also have the right to enjoy the freedom we now have, Gerardo emphasized. "


On Sale May 30th!
Oscar López Rivera T-Shirts! $10 ea. and buttons $1.00

From the/desde la Diaspora

NYC Launches 33 Churches for Oscar

with a "Time to Shout

By Ana M. Lopez, NYC Coordinator to Free Oscar López Rivera

  The celebration of 33 Churches for Oscar was a moving and a transformative experience to many churchgoers and community people.  It was "Time to Shout" as the biblical story of the city of Jericho was analyzed and applied to present day.


The program opened with a recount and the revelation that it was:

  • For the first time in the history of Puerto Rico, we have a Puerto Rican political prisoner that has endured 33 years behind prison walls.
  • For the first time we have witness in the Bronx, 33 churches clamor for clemency for Oscar.  
  • For the first time Clarisa López Ramos, Oscar's daughter, gave testimony of her pain, resilience and strength recounting the trials and tribulations of the family during the 33 years of her father's imprisonment.
  • For the first time, so many people of different backgrounds have come together in "One voice for Oscar López Rivera". 
  • For the first time in this great city of skyscrapers, this "One Voice for Oscar" will be heard in the streets of Harlem on May 30th, 2015 at 11am demanding the freedom of political prisoner Oscar López Rivera.  

We hope that it would be the last time that a Puerto Rican political prisoner endures more than 33 years in prison- 12 of those years Oscar spent in total solitary confinement- because he wanted the freedom of his homeland, Puerto Rico.


In the 33 Churches for Oscar celebration under the leadership of Rev. Danilo Lachapel of the Spanish Evangelical Church of the Bronx who on a Sunday afternoon can have motivate pastors of other churches to turn out for a "Time to Shout" as revealed in the biblical story of Jericho, Joshua 6:1-10.


Two main speakers captivated the churchgoers and community people in this house of worship and  spiritual sanctuary.  First, we heard the moving testimony of Clarisa Lopez Ramos who spoke of how she came to know her father later in her life and the relationship she developed through the prison walls for those 33 years of her father's confinement.  Through the prison walls and bars "I developed the most privilege relationship that a daughter can ask for" Clarisa said.  "While many take for granted having fathers, I cherish every minute I can spend with my father", she emphasized. Through the difficulties of those prison visits, it was having to witness her daughter meet her grandfather in prisons and see her daughter interact with her grandfather Oscar all her life through a prison experience exclusively.  She said: "This has shaped and forged a different relationship that most people take for granted".  She explained:


"a non attendance to a birthday party, a graduation celebration, new years, and father's day have all transpired through a prison experience. These barriers have not hindered the love and growth of admiration that I feel for my father, Oscar".


In that process she explained that Oscar is a father, grandfather, and brother of her aunts.  Clarisa takes us on a journey of humanizing Oscar.  She converts him into a human being with feelings and forces us to connect with her sentiments in a profound manner that we embrace her for her strength that gives us  fortitude for she has endured the inhumanity of US prisons system as well as her father for these 33 years.  It is a heartfelt story-one cannot help to hold the tears of injustice that Oscar has endured these 33 years. She urges everyone to join the campaign to Free Oscar and attend the May 30th, 2015 march. Clarisa shared her pain, but also her strength in her humanity.


The next speaker rendered a moving sermon -a call to action, a "Time to Shout". Minister Reginald Brantley from the Metropolitan Association, NY Conference of the UCC and from the Congregational Church of South Hempstead.  In his presentation of the "Time to Shout" he delineated in the Joshua 6; 1-10 the story of what transpired in the city of Jericho when the people were called to "march" with a purpose.  He said: "I call on you now to hear with your hearts and to listen with your imagination" words in this verse.  He went on to dissect the verse and put in in the 21st Century contextual reality.  He compared ancient time with present time drawing the parallels of the people of God and the people for the fight to free Oscar. "The same injustices continue to occur", he affirmed. So he emphasized that this is the "Time to Shout" the community with pastors and all persons of faith  for Oscar's freedom. He compared the walls of the city of Jericho with the prison walls that has kept Oscar imprisoned. "Oscar's life matters to us just as Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Freddy Grey, little Tamir Rice and so many others that all their lives matter. It is time to shout 'libertad para Oscar' the time to shout will tear the prison walls downs just as the walls of the city of Jericho collapsed by marching seven times around it.  This shout is not a prayer; it is a call to action to march with a purpose". Download his speech here.


It is "Time to shout" urging President Obama to grant a commutation of sentence-immediate and unconditional release and "Libertad para Oscar". As declared before by Prof. Ana M. Lopez: "It was hate, discrimination, injustice, colonialism and imperialism that put Oscar in prison, but it will be the power of our collective love, our love for social justice and human rights that will set Oscar López Rivera free". 

San Francisco Oscar Contingent Marches in Carnival!
Punto de Vista Public Access Show on May 30th a Success
by Alejandro L. Molina, May 30th Coalition
Last Thursday, May 21, 2015, Carlos Cabrera, the host of the Puntos de Vista Show, invited Rev. Danilo Lachapel of the Spanish Evangelical Church in the Bronx, UCC, Prof. Ana López of the NYC Coordinator to Free Oscar López Rivera and Alejandro L. Molina of the May 30th Coalition to Free Oscar López Rivera onto his show to discuss the upcoming March and Rally for Oscar's freedom. Another show on Self-determination, Colonialism and the Diaspora will be shown on Thursday, May 28.
The show can be seen here.  

Reflection on May 30th From Chicago Youth

This reflection comes from Dr. Erika Gisela Abad, based on the selfless determination and commitment she has seen since reintegrating herself into campaign efforts. 

As many from across the Midwest and East Coast gather the final weekend in May to march for Oscar Lopez Rivera's release from prison, it is important to frame our common goal with Lopez Rivera's words.

"When I was on the outside world I was told many times that certain goals were impossible to achieve. The person or persons who were saying it was impossible would use excuses.  For me hearing that they thought it was impossible just represented a challenge. I would try to do what I was being told it was impossible. I didn't mind going to through the process of trial and error. If I failed the first time I would try and try again. And eventually what I was told was impossible became possible." (21, January 2015)

For a number of us, this will be the first time we march for Oscar; the first time we take time from our work, school and family schedules to join others, regardless of political belief, personal lifestyle and background with one common, perceived impossible goal. Like Lopez Rivera, we try and try again to achieve what silence on the other end, the strain of the continued aftereffects of the economic recession tempt us to believe is impossible: bring him home. We do it because we invite the challenge; we do it because we have learned from our mistakes in the past; we march because it is the right thing to do. It is right because of the work inspired by his legacy. We do it because of the determination sparked by the wisdom, counsel and solidarity he has given so many of us from behind bars. We gather and sign petitions; we drive across towns, cities and states because we hold fast to the perceived impossible but necessary goal to bring him home. Because, we hope, we are determined to overcome that which time, past trials, and his continued incarceration tell us is impossible-because his freedom, his reunion with the sea, his reunion with family and friends over café and in the barrio will be made possible. 

34MujeresNYC X Oscar gather signatures, mobilize for May 30th at LoisaidaFest
A "bembé" for Oscar ends at Casa Adela
Yesterday, 34 MujeresNYC X Oscar gathered over 200 signatures and passed out over 3000 cards for May 30th during the LoisaidaFest, engaging passerby in discussion about Oscar López Rivera. MC Tato Torres and May 30th Coalition member Alejandro L. Molina also announced the March and Rally from the stage.

"Un encuentro entre nosotras"

By Ana M. López, NYC Coordinator to Free Oscar López Rivera
Women from the community, several ones from 33MujeresNYCXOscar and activists prepared a brunch for Clarisa Lopez Ramos, Oscar's daughter on May 17, 2015 at the Mother's on the Move community center sponsored by Wanda Salaman, director of the center. This is the first gathering of the women of New York with Clarisa where a real deep conversation of her life with a father in prison for 33 years.  She spoke of her difficulties and tribulations, but also of her strength and resilience throughout these years while raising her daughter, Karina.  In the process, the women of New York made connections with her as we are developing sisterhood and a support system.  Besides a delicious brunch prepared by the women, we spent quality time with Clarisa making this "encuentro" one of love and admiration.


At the 2013 funeral of South African President Nelson Mandela, who had been imprisoned by the U.S.-backed apartheid regime in South Africa for 26 years previous to liberation, President Barack Obama said that "around the world today, men and women are still imprisoned for their political beliefs."

He should look homeward. Puerto Rican freedom fighter Óscar López Rivera has now spent 34 years in a U.S. federal prison for the "crime" of struggling for the freedom of his homeland - Puerto Rico. In 1981, he was convicted of "seditious conspiracy" for his participation in the Armed Forces of National Liberation (FALN). That was for his political beliefs! There was no conviction for bombing or injuring anyone.

Yet despite strong pressure from the Puerto Rican government and political leadership, the AFL-CIO, Nobel laureates Desmund Tutu and Mairead Maguire, and many, many progressive organizations in the U.S. and around the world, Obama so far has refused to release him.

In 1999, over the protests of the FBI, the U.S. attorney's office and Hillary Rodham Clinton, President Bill Clinton offered clemency to López Rivera and twelve other Puerto Rican nationalist prisoners. The twelve others accepted, but López Rivera turned the offer down. Clinton had demanded, however, that López Rivera serve ten more years of a fifteen-year sentence for a spurious "attempted escape" charge. López Rivera rejected Clinton's offer, also not wanting to leave imprisoned other prisoners whom Clinton had excluded from his action.

Now, 16 years later, all the other nationalist prisoners are out of jail. But López Rivera still languishes in federal prison, the last "independentista" behind bars. He spent 12 of those 34 years in solitary confinement in some of the highest security prisons in the country.

Continue reading.

NYC Oscar Lopez Rivera Mural Work Continues!


Illustrator Natalie del Villar stopped by to continue her work on the shoreline section of the East Harlem mural honoring Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera, which was inspired by Oscar's desire to walk "The Water's Edge/ La Orilla del Mar" of his beloved homeland: "After my family, what I miss most is the sea."  Natalie is working with fellow artists Marthalicia Matarrita and Xen Medina to complete the homage before the May 30th East Coast March in New York City. 

"With a few, a great deal can be accomplished..."
By Erika Abad, National Boricua Human Rights Network
Over 20 gathered on Saturday, May 23rd and fanned out across Chicago's Northside to gather petitions for Oscar Lopez Rivera's release. Many from the Puerto Rican Cultural Center's present and past arrived at la casita, picked up clipboards of petitions and went to bus and train stops to speak with passers by about the need to bring Oscar home. After a few hours. those 20 gathered over 300 petitions. While the National Boricua Human Rights Network continues to gather petitions, those numbers reminds us that with a few, a great deal can be accomplished.
Friends of Puerto Rico Educational a Success
By Natasha Bannan

Saturday, May 16, Natasha Lycia Ora Bannan, president-elect of the National Lawyers Guild, spoke at an event for Friends of Puerto Rico, which promotes the Decolonization of Puerto Rico at the United Nations. Her talk focused on the history of U.S. solidarity with the fight for independence of Puerto Rico, particularly on behalf of the National Lawyers Guild who has long represented independentistas, Puerto Rican political prisoners, protestors arrested and detained for civil disobedience in Vieques, and surveillance and repression by U.S. law enforcement and the local police department. 

Chicago Fundraiser for NYC
Bus Ride to Bring Oscar López Home
By Matt McCanna, Chicago National Boricua Human Rights Network
National Boricua Human Rights Network in Chicago is taking 100 people to the New York 'March to Bring Oscar López Rivera Home' on May 30th.

Marchers will be demanding the release of Oscar. Now age 72, he is the longest-held political prisoner in Puerto Rican history. He was charged with seditious conspiracy - the same charge for which Nelson Mandela was imprisoned - for his participation in Puerto Rico's independence movement. He was never accused of hurting anyone or participating in any violent crime; only of fighting for his country to be free.

The funding raised here will go toward renting a 55 passenger coach bus to transport supporters from Chicago to New York City. Continue reading.
Oscar López: 'Emulate revolutionary Cuba!' 
By The Militant

Oscar López Rivera, a Puerto Rican political prisoner who has spent 34 years in U.S. prisons for his actions in support of independence of Puerto Rico (see box below), sent this letter to Alejandro L. Molina, co-cordinator of the may 30th Coalition, on May 8.

For those of us who love justice and freedom, want a better and more just world free of colonialism and imperialism, Revolutionary Cuba has been and will continue to be a beacon of hope and an example to emulate. It is admirable that Cuba has achieved so many accomplishments in spite of the many attacks the US government has carried out against its government and what it represents, including an invasion, terrorism, the killing of over 3,000 Cuban citizens, and a criminal economic embargo.

Revolutionary Cuba has been able to set an example of the importance of the development of the human resource, of solidarity, and of the need to defend just and noble causes. It started with a nation in shambles, with an economy in chaos and responding primarily to the economic interests of the USA, a poor educational system, and a deficit in many important professions. But today Cuba can send doctors and other medical professionals, engineers, teachers and military personnel to help other countries all over the world. And its literacy program is being used in many parts of the world in order to eradicate illiteracy. It is the most literate country in all the Caribbean and Latin America.

NYC Sculptor/Activist Contributes to May 30 Buildup

NYC-based artist Jesús Mangual has carved a bust of Oscar López Rivera and generously donated $500 from the proceeds to support our May 30th efforts. The raffle drawing will be held the date of the Puerto Rican parade, June 14th at Camaradas Bar, 2241 1st Avenue, New York, NY 10029. For raffle tickets, please contact him at: libresoy1898@gmail.com

From/Desde Puerto Rico

Tego Calderón exhortando a todos que nos unamos como nación este 29 de mayo desde las 3pm en el coliseo Roberto Clemente, hasta la corte federal.


Cuña radial Cierre 2da Caminata Nacional x Oscar

Por Comité Pro Derechos Humanos de Puerto Rico

Estimad@s compañer@s:

 La Segunda Caminata Nacional x Oscar se encuentra ya en su tercera semana de recorrido por 40 pueblos de las costas de Puerto Rico, con el fin de reiterar y extender el apoyo al reclamo por la excarcelación del  patriota prisionero político.  La  caminata  culminará el viernes 29 de mayo, día en que se cumplen 34 años de su injusto encarcelamiento. 

Constituye un hecho de cardinal importancia  que el cierre de la caminata sea una actividad significativa  que refuerce de manera contundente el mensaje de excarcelación inmediata  y motive a redoblar los esfuerzos para continuar la campaña. Ese día se recorrerá el último tramo de la caminata que saldrá a las 4:00pm desde la Plaza de la Independencia en el Hiram Bithorn  hasta llegar frente al Tribunal Federal en la avenida Chardón de San Juan, donde los caminantes serán recibidos con un acto político cultural. Con nuestra presencia reconoceremos  además,  el significativo  gesto de solidaridad de los caminantes con Oscar.  

De ahí, que recabemos una vez más tu apoyo para que nos ayudes a movilizar la mayor cantidad posible de personas para que asistan al cierre de la caminata. Se está convocando para el Coliseo  a las 3:00pm. De igual forma, está la alternativa de esperar a los caminantes frente al Tribunal donde también estaremos desde esa hora con música y mensajes de solidaridad.  Como  el pasado año, podremos estacionarnos en el Bithorn y el Municipio de San Juan proveerá trolleys  para regresar a los participantes al estacionamiento una vez  culmine  la actividad de cierre.  

Contaremos con la participación  especial del congresista Luis Gutiérrez, así como de otras personalidades de la diáspora puertorriqueña. Es importante lograr que el mayor número de personas  se unan este día. Tenemos que mantener el reclamo de todas y todos para que el presidente Barack Obama ejerza su poder de indulto y excarcele a Oscar ya,  y esta actividad es importante para lograrlo. 

Les estamos incluyendo artes para facebook y hacer envíos de correos. También una  cuña radial para que nos ayuden a difundir la información. Es importante movilizar el mayor número de personas posible. Pronto lo haremos llegar un video. 

Para cualquier información o gestión relacionada, no duden en comunicarse con nosotr@s.

Muchas gracias por su constante apoyo a favor de la excarcelación de nuestro patriota.


Eduardo Villanueva, Portavoz- 787-612-7840

Rita Elena Zengotita,  Comité Organizador Cierre- 787-444-6603

Marilú Carrasquillo, Comité Organizador Cierre- 787-392-7063


Por Oscar... de Ponce a Guayanilla
Por el Movimiento Independentista Nacional Hostosiano 
Tramo de Ponce a Guayanilla de la 2da. Caminata por la Excarcelación de Oscar, en que participó Olga I. Sanabria junto a varios otros compañeros del Movimiento Independentista Nacional Hostosiano (MINH), y uno de los organizadores del Festival de la Montaña de Aibonito, William Cruz, apoyando a Oscar y viendo a cámara lenta la belleza natural de Puerto Rico mientras se caminaba.

Próximamente, junto a amigos, Emily Blais y Digna Sánchez, del MINH, recorrerán a pie el Camino de Santiago desde Tui, Portugal hasta Santiago de Compostela en Galicia portando la fotografía de Oscar y distribuyendo información sobre su encarcelamiento y la campaña por su liberación. Fotos: Olga I. Sanabria / MINH.
Amnistía Internacional-PR busca campaña global de cartas por Oscar López Rivera
Por Susanne Nicole López Rodríguez, El Post Antillano
Con el voto unánime de su Asamblea Anual, la Sección de Puerto Rico de Amnistía Internacional (AIPR) se propone pedir a la dirección internacional de esa organización que desarrolle una campaña mundial de cartas pidiendo la excarcelación de Oscar López Rivera. El que Amnistía Internacional tome la causa de López Rivera implica la integración a esa lucha por su excarcelación de sobre 3 millones de activistas en 150 países. Amnistía Internacional es una de las organizaciones sin fines de lucro más importante a nivel global que trabaja para el reconocimiento y la preservación de los derechos humanos reconocidos en la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos aprobada en el 1948.
Help Us Bring Oscar Home/Como puede ayudar

     Demanding Oscar's immediate release.

     Join the scholars, academics, and people of conscience around the world-including prominent figures such as Nobel Laureate Desmond Tutu, acclaimed novelist and activist Arundhati Roy, and philosopher and public intellectual Cornel West -who are demanding Oscar's release.

     Published online by the Puerto Rican newspaper El Nuevo Dia. 

     We are in many cities across the US.

    Oscar López Rivera, #87651-024

   Born/Nacido: 6 de enero de 1943

   FCI Terre Haute, P.O. Box 33
   Terre Haute, IN 47808

Submission guidelines/Directrices de presentación

* Send us a picture, a headline and 2 paragraphs about your event supporting Oscar's release. Include contact information.

 * Envíenos una imagen, un titulo y 2 párrafos sobre su evento a favor de la liberación de Oscar. Incluya su información de contacto.


The Water's Edge, the bi-weekly magazine of the National Boricua Human Rights Network, publishes the latest news about the Campaign to Free Oscar López Rivera. Oscar, a 72 year old Puerto Rican political prisoner convicted for seditious conspiracy, has spent the last 33.75 years imprisoned for his political beliefs, and is the object of a campaign which has united Puerto Rican civil society, Nobel Laureates, as well as support throughout the US and internationally. 

Oscar López Rivera has become known as the Nelson Mandela of Latin America.

La Orilla del Mar, la revista quincenal de la Red Nacional Boricua Pro Derechos Humanos, publica las últimas noticias acerca de la Campaña a favor de la liberación de Oscar López Rivera. Oscar, un preso político puertorriqueño de 72 años condenado por conspiración sediciosa, ha pasado los últimos 33.5 años encarcelado por sus creencias políticas y es el objeto de una campaña que ha ganado el apoyo de la sociedad civil puertorriqueña, de ganadores de Premios Nobel y de otros a lo largo de Estados Unidos y a nivel internacional.


Oscar López Rivera se ha vuelto el Nelson Mandela de América Latina.