Condolences to Dr. Sarai Lastra and Family

The Puerto Rican Cultural Center, Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School and National Boricua Human Rights Network would like to extend its most sincere condolences to Dr. Sarai Lastra and her family on the recent transition of her brother, Juan Carlos Lastra. He was a psychologist who worked with Native Americans in Montana, where he also lived. He was also an accomplished musician and a strong, kind man.

When you do your Holiday shopping at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to Puerto Rican Cultural Center

Bookmark the link and support us every time you shop.

From Puerto Rican Cultural Center & Programs

Josefina Rodr�guez, Puerto Rican Cultural Center Board of Directors member is our thoughts 

during this difficult time.

Josefina Rodriguez, mother of Ida Luz and Alicia Rodriguez, former Puerto Rican political prisoners, and member of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center Board of Directors, is gravely ill. The staff, faculty and leadership of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center, Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School and National Boricua Human Rights Network join all in hoping for the best for her and ask that the family's privacy be respected.

Nelson A. Denis presents War Against All Puerto Ricans in Chicago

By La Voz de Paseo Boricua

On Friday April 3, 2015 Nelson A. Denis, author of the recently released book, "War Against All Puerto Ricans", presented on Paseo Boricua at Nellie's restaurant.


He discussed his work before a packed audience, including a question and answer period. "The War Against All Puerto Ricans" is a powerful and tragic history of U.S. domination of Puerto Rico that explores the Puerto Rican independence revolt of 1950, the FBI and CIA's involvement, and the life and mysterious death of it's charismatic leader, Pedro Albizu Campos.


The public included a number of prominent figures, including New York State Assemblyman Jose Rivera, HITN T.V. executive Mike Nieves, journalist Gelson Borrero, Puerto Rican lawyer and activist Alejandro Torres-Rivera, and the president of Puerto Rico's oldest institution, the Puerto Rican Bar Association's Mark A. Bimbela.


Nelson A. Denis also spoke at the 21st Pa'lante annual UPRS/UIC student conference on Monday April 6, 2015. There he engaged students in a lively presentation about the book, as well as the history of political repression in Puerto Rico. That same day, he was a guest on WBEZ radio where he also discussed his new book.

Thank you to all the organizations, sponsors, partners, individuals, inters, volunteers, performers and the Greater Humboldt Park Community for saying Presente! at this year's Move for Life! 2015. Sunny and windy as it was, I hope everyone had the opportunity to Move! 

For additional images and listing of service providers please visit, and


For additional questions or concerns, 

call or email, 7773-342-0855,


Melissa Montero Showcases Her Film "Isabel" at Pa'lante Conference

By La Voz del Paseo Boricua

Melissa Montero, a young Puerto Rican/Ecuadorian activist and filmmaker shared her experiences, as well as part of her film about the life and the struggles of one of Puerto Rico's most prominent Nationalist leaders, Isabel Rosado, who recently passed away at the age of 107. The film itself is a work in progress and Melissa's hope is to integrate herself into the film as part of her process of political consciousness.  Melissa is a New York based filmmaker and activist who was politically transformed as she explored the life of this extraordinary Puerto Rican woman. 

Urban Agriculture 2015 Growing Season

By Abel Fernandez, PRCC Urban Agriculture 

Gardener/Food Coordinator

Urban Agriculture is getting ready to start planting our community gardens. Since mid February we have staring our indoor planting in soil blocks in the green house of PACHS. Some of early spring vegetables that are going to be transplanting out at the community gardens are onions, broccoli, cabbage, collards, kale and kohlrabi. We are looking forward to start our growing season this month. 


If you want to help and learn how to grow food please don't hesitate to reach out to me, with your help we can feed our community. 

During National Boricua Human Rights Network (NBHRN) Meeting, President of the Puerto Rican Bar Association Announces Special Award for Oscar Lopez-Rivera

By NBHRN staff

At a regularly scheduled meeting of the NBHRN held on Sunday April 5, Mark A. Bimbela, president of the Puerto Rican Bar Association, announced that his organization, which will celebrate its 175th anniversary on September 12, 2015, is dedicating a special recognition to the Puerto Rican patriot Oscar Lopez-Rivera. They will be contacting the U.S. Bureau of Prisons to request that Oscar be given permission to travel to the island to receive this prestigious award. 


By Lebster Pab�n, West Town Bikes
The good weather marks the start of our joint WTB/After School Matters "Bike Safety and Repair" youth program!!
Already in its third week, the "Bike Safety & Repair" program features a curriculum for high school students with prior bicycle and mechanical experience to fine-tune skills and develop awareness of bicycle safety through continued education and training while serving as "interns" or "apprentices" at the WTB shop.  This competitive ten-week long program boasts a 25% selection rate amongst qualified applicants, and currently has 20 handpicked students participating in the ten-week long course.
Interns in this program serve a minimum of ten hours per week in the WTB shop learning how to overhaul and refurbish bicycles and bicycle parts, while apprentices devote three days per week in the shop with a minimum of three hours each day.  Through this program, both the interns and apprentices spend time at WTB acquiring and developing more advanced bike repair and mechanical proficiencies by learning new skills that can be shared and taught to each other as well as learning best practices that promote bike safety and awareness for urban cycling.  Not only will our interns and apprentices learn knew skills to add to their repertoire of bicycle knowledge and know-how, but they'll also be empowered to see that they can use bicycling as a tool to create future opportunities in their own lives. 

CPS Introduces Interdisciplinary 

Latino and Latin American Studies Curriculum 

By Chicago Public Schools

District continues commitment to diverse studies with newest academic program

Members of the Chicago Board of Education and Chicago Public Schools CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett today introduced the Interdisciplinary Latino and Latin American Studies Curriculum, which focuses on the history, arts and culture, and contributions of Latinos and Latin Americans, along with the cultural diversity of the Americas, including Central and South America and the Caribbean. This new curriculum is a direct result of the work of the Chicago Public School Latino Advisory Committee established by Mayor Rahm Emanuel and CEO Byrd-Bennett last year.
"To learn about Chicago is to learn about our diverse culture and identity," said Mayor Rahm Emanuel. "That is why we are making sure the study of Latino history and culture is a core part of education in Chicago - in history class, literature, art, music and social studies. Latino culture runs through every part of our city, and I am proud that it will now run through every part of our curriculum."
"Latinos are now the largest student demographic in Chicago Public Schools, but for far too long their ancestral story was relegated to the back pages of our history books," said CPS CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett. "The history of Chicago cannot be written without celebrating the contributions of immigrants from Central America, South America and the Caribbean. Their triumph over ignorance, prejudice and discrimination is the quintessential American story - and finally that story will be told in every grade and in every school across CPS."
Interdisciplinary Latino and Latin American Studies Curriculum (ILLASC) is based on the universal themes of culture, dignity and identity and it's the district's second cross-disciplinary curriculum that engages ethnic American studies.  The units of study and launch lessons that are available are in literacy, social science, fine and performing arts, physical education and health, mathematics and science.  Each unit of study and its accompanying launch lesson include specific instructional guidelines for English learners, developed by a team from Office of Language and Culture, Office of DiverseLearner Supports and Services and the Office of Early Childhood Education. This feature allows for the curriculum to be taught by a variety of teaching and support staff, for all types of students and learners in CPS.
Continue reading.

Health Education at the 

Diabetes Empowerment Center Every Wednesday!

By Leony Calder�n

Health Education Every Wednesday, from 12:00pm to 1:00pm.

Manage, Control and Prevent Diabetes.  Ask Doctors, Residents, Nutritionist, Pharmacist and Dietitian Your Pressing Health Questions.

Weekly Topics

  • *       Diabetes 101
  • *       Medication Education
  • *       Nutrition Class
  • *       Intro to Diabetes & How the Body Works
  • *       Protecting Your Eyes
  • *       Protecting Your Feet
  • *       Oral Health
  • *       Using The Glucose Meter & Meds
  • *       Heart Health Education
  • *       Physical Activity and Diabetes

Diabetes Empowerment Center, 2753 W. Division St. 773-342-0855

Free and Bilingual.


Educaci�n de Salud todos los Mi�rcoles de 12:00pm a 1:00pm

Manege, Controle y Prevenga la Diabetes. Haga Preguntas a los M�dicos, Residentes, Nutricionistas, Farmac�uticos y Dietista Acerca de Su de Salud.

Temas Semanales

  • *       Diabetes 101
  • *       Educaci�n Medicamentos
  • *       Clase de Nutrici�n
  • *       Introducci�n a la Diabetes y C�mo funciona el cuerpo
  • *       Proteja sus ojos
  • *       La protecci�n de sus pies
  • *       Salud Oral
  • *       Uso del medidor de glucosa y Medicamentos
  • *       Educaci�n para la Salud del Coraz�n
  • *       Actividad f�sica y la diabetes 

Gratuito y Biling�e.

Centro de Empoderamiento Contra la Diabetes, 2753 W. Division St. 773-342-0855


Meet Our Safe Passage Community Watchers

By Ivan Vega, Safe Passage Staff, PRCC

Our Safe Passage Community Watchers (SPCWs) are committed to creating a safe passage to and from school, no matter how cold, no matter how early, no matter what the situation may be. We have a committed group of parents at Roberto Clemente Community Academy and Wells Community Academy who always make sure to put the students and the students' safety first. Many SPCWs are community members that have lived and worked in Humboldt park their entire lives, some having graduated from Clemente Community Academy themselves. Not only are these amazing people making sure our students have a safe walk to and from school everyday, they are also the first participants of the Parent University at Clemente. These are some of the faces that our children in the neighborhood see everyday on their way to and from school. Meet some of the Safe Passage Community Watchers: Isabelino Landor, and Melissa Cintron.


On Sale Now

November Chicago Magazine "Why Jos� L�pez Stands Between Gentrification and Humboldt Park"

Be sure to pick up the November issue of Chicago Magazine, which features an interview by Puerto Rican Cultural Center ED Jos� E. L�pez conducted by Elly Fishman.

Job Opening at Puerto Rican Cultural Center



Organization: Puerto Rican Cultural Center

Job Title: In-Person Counselor (IPC) (Full-time, temporary position)


The Puerto Rican Cultural Center (PRCC) is a non-profit organization founded in 1973 to serve the social and cultural needs of Chicago's underserved communities.


We are seeking bilingual (English and Spanish or other languages), motivated, and organized who are already certified or have an inactive In-Person Counselors (IPCs) license. IPCs will maintain expertise about the newly expanded Medicaid program and the Health Insurance Marketplace that are part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The IPCs will provide information and services in a fair, accurate, and impartial manner to the community members. Additionally, IPCs will be comfortable as public speakers and conduct activities to facilitate enrollment in health coverage.



  • Seeking Certified IPC - or IPC with inactive license
  • Bilingual (English and Spanish)
Availability to work during non-traditional hours, including limited evening and weekend hours, and throughout the different seasons under Chicago weather conditions. Download the full description and contact info here.
Puerto Rican Cultural Center Calendar of Community Events
Apr 6th -10th  Pa'lante Conference at UIC/UPRS, "Puerto Rican Identity in the Age of the Diaspora."


* Thu. Apr. 9th, 5:30pm, Noche de Poetas featuring Puerto Rican singer-songwriter Gabriel Miranda. Rafael Cintr�n Ortiz Latino Cultural Center (LC-B2)

* Fri. Apr. 10th, 9-10am, Music/Forum featuring Puerto Rican singer-songwriter Gabriel Miranda. Rafael Cintr�n Ortiz Latino Cultural Center (LC-B2)


Fri. Apr. 17th 6pm-7pm, Book Presentation by Dr. Edwin Mel�ndez, Puerto Ricans at the Dawn of the New Millennium at 2701 W. Division St.  Co-sponsor: Center for Puerto Rican Studies, Hunter College.


Sat. Apr. 18th, 1pm, Luncheon, A Panel Discussion with Drs. Antonia Darder and Angela Valenzuela "Towards a New Discourse on Latino Pedagogy." Co-sponsor: National Latino Education Research and Policy Project (NLERAP) ($10-$15 Sliding scale donation). Nellie's Restaurant, 2458 W. Division St.


Sat. Apr 25th Hostos College, 500 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY

National Conversation on Puerto Ricans in the Age of the Diaspora on the 50th Anniversary of the Death of Albizu Campos with a community concert featuring Roy Brown and El Topo (leaving Chicago on Fri. Apr. 24th)


Fri. Apr. 30th, 6pm, Rollout of CPS Latin American Curriculum with CPS CEO Barbara Byrd Bennett at National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture, 3015 W. Division St.


Tues. May 19th Naming of Dr. Steve Whitman Greenhouse at Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School. (Time TBA)


Fri. May 29th Event commemorating Oscar L�pez Rivera's 34 yr. Anniversary of his arrest, La Casita de Don Pedro & Do�a Lolita, 2625 W. Division St.


Sat May 30th NY Rally for Oscar Lopez Rivera's 34 yr. anniversary of his arrest (leaving Chicago on Fri May 29th)


SAVE THE FOLLOWING DATES * 2015 Puerto Rican Cultural Center * Annual Events

Puerto Rican People's Parade                    22nd Fiesta Boricua "De Bandera a Bandera"

Sat June 20, 2015                                        Sept 5 - 6, 2015 * 12pm - 8:30pm

Starting 2PM-Division/Western                Honoring: Cayey, Puerto Rico, Orlando, Florida


Haunted Paseo Boricua, Sat Oct 31, 2015 

Los Tequis


Bunkr is a fully web-based presentation site. Make presentations the same as you would on PowerPoint or Keynote, but add all sorts of elements - like videos, articles, social media posts, or you can even code something yourself - and it'll show up in your deck. 


This has all kinds of cool applications. For example, if you're presenting something that changes over time, like a GitHub repo or Twitter feed, you won't need to update the deck to keep it current. You can even sync Bunkr with slide decks on other services, like 


  • From Our Community Partners

    Calib�n Opening- A Historic Event at the National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture

    By Bianca Declet, 

    Director of Exhibitions and Education Programming

    The National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture

    The National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture presented their first traveling exhibition coming from the Contemporary Art Museum of Puerto Rico. This is the first time the Puerto Rico Tourism Company sponsors an exhibit that comes from the Island. Calib�n, features San Juan, Puerto Rico as a city to watch in Contemporary Art. This initiative comes from the book Art Cities of the Future, from Phaidon Press, which dedicates a chapter to the city of San Juan including selected Contemporary Artists from Puerto Rico. Marina Reyes Franco, whom selected five of the eight artists featured in the book, curated Calib�n. The artists that take part in Calib�n are Jes�s "Bubu" Negr�n in collaboration with Alia Farid Abdal, Chemi Rosado-Seijo, Melvin Mart�nez, Karlo Andrei Ibarra and Radam�s "Juni" Figueroa. Calib�n represents the contemporary art scene in Puerto Rico with artists that work from the Island and at the same time have an international career. This project was managed by Georgina Vega Porrata and worked in alliance with the National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture creating an open bridge between Puerto Rico and Chicago.


    In attendance at the opening of Calib�n were Suzanne Rodr�guez, from Puerto Rico Tourism Company, Commissioner Michelle Boone from Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events and Melissa Cherry, Choose Chicago Vice President of Cultural Tourism. Also, not pictured, the Director of the Illinois Art Council, Tatiana Gant. As part of the museum's programming, a panel discussion was offered by the artists having Jos� Lerma, Puerto Rican Contemporary Artist and Faculty member at School of the Art Institute as the moderator. Many individuals including students and professors from the School of the Art Institute, University of Illinois and De Paul University visited the museum and got the chance to know the artists and their work in this presentation. Calib�n will be open for the public from April to July 2015. 

    The National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture opens Tuesday- Friday 10am-4pm and Saturday 10am-1pm. Information: 773.486.8345 |

    Puerto Rican Children's Book Author launches "Sofi and the Magic, Musical Mural"

    By Bruni Diaz

    On Wednesday, April 8th Faculty Facilitator Dr. Raquel M. Ortiz and illustrator Maria Dominguez celebrated the publication of the children's book Sofi and the Magic, Musical Mural / Sofi y el m�gico mural musical (Arte P�blico Press / Pi�ata Books). Held on the Boricua College campus in Williamsburg there were over one hundred people, including students, staff and faculty members from the Graham, Manhattan and Bronx Boricua College campuses. Everyone enjoyed live music by JuanMa y su Sonido Coste�o as they celebrated a book about Puerto Ricans in the United States and Puerto Rico set to a plena beat. 

    Sofi and the Magic, Musical Mural / Sofi y el m m�gico mural musical written by Raquel M. Ortiz and illustrated by Maria Dominguez is the story about an imaginative girl and a magical mural. It is an engaging exploration of Puerto Rico's rich cultural traditions as well as an ode to public art and the community it depicts. The story is inspired by the community mural El Pueblo Cantor (The Bronx, 1994) created and designed by Maria Dominguez and students from I.S. 193. After reading this book children, and adults, will want to celebrate Carnival.


    This Saturday, April 11th at 9pm Dr. Ortiz will be interviewed on De Noche en New York by Wilfred Serrano of Emisora Sol Latina ( or


    Both Dr. Raquel M. Ortiz and Maria Dominguez will participate in the 20th Annual Lorain Hispanic Leadership Conference on April, 25th, 2015 in Lorain, Ohio. Dr. Ortiz will be a keynote speaker and Maria Dominguez will lead an art-making workshop.

    The book, Sofi and the Magic, Musical Mural / Sofi y el m�gico mural musical, published by Arte P�blico Press, is about a little girl who enters  into a mural, leaving her cold, grey urban reality behind.

    When Sofi walks through her barrio to the local store, she always passes a huge mural with images from Puerto Rico: musicians, dancers, tropical flowers and-her least favorite-a vejigante, a character from carnival that wears a scary mask. One day on her way home from the bodega, she stops in front of the mural. Is one of the dancers inviting her to be his partner? "Okay, let's dance," Sofi giggles, and suddenly she's in Old San Juan, surrounded by dancers and musicians. She begins to dance and sing with her new friends, but her pleasure turns to fear when a  vejigante- a carnival personality in red and yellow with a three-horned mask-spins her around and around! What does he want from her? How can she get away?

    This story about an imaginative girl and a magical mural is an engaging exploration of Puerto Rico's cultural traditions as well as an ode to public art and the community it depicts to the rhythm of plena. After reading this book, children and adults will want to dance, sing and celebrate Carnival!

    DSBDA Volunteers Clean Up Paseo Boricua

    Paseo Boricua underwent a major cleanup on Saturday April 4, 2015 when eighteen volunteers came together and cleaned the entire commercial strip from 10 A.M. to 12 P.M

    Senior Year Reflections

    By Caleb Deltoro, Roberto Clemente Community Academy, Class of 2015

    Wow, it's almost the end senior year already! It amazes me how fast time flew by these past few years. I have learned and grown so much here at Roberto Clemente Community Academy.   I have dropped many tears; good tears and sad tears. I still remember the first day that I transferred in to Clemente from a charter school during my sophomore year. Clemente's environment was new to me and I did not know what to expect. I had heard negative things about the school, but to my astonishment, those things were not true.  I would sit in class and not say anything for weeks, just observing the actions of others. 

    In my eyes, Roberto Clemente Community Academy has made tremendous strides. When I first arrived at this school, the hallways were crowded, the homework was not challenging enough for me, the staff did not have as much control in the classroom as they should have, and the classwork was boring.  Now, thanks to the leadership of my principal, Marcey Sorensen and the IB curriculum that we are a part of, a lot of things have changed for the better.  The hallways are clear, the staff is maintaining a strong level of discipline in the classrooms, teachers and students have strong relationships, and more importantly, every student is challenged and has a fair opportunity for a successful, quality education.  I really do believe that some schools have teachers who only teach for a paycheck. Fortunately for me, I have teachers here at Clemente who love, honor, and respect what they do.  They teach to give back to the community. I remember crying in the arms of Mr. Stephenson, one of my English teachers.  I remember Ms. Grimaldi, another one of my English teachers, telling me to stay strong.   I also really appreciate my Senior English teacher, Ms. Williams, who always makes her classes interesting and fun.   She also always pushes me to excel and gives me multiple chances and opportunities to complete missing work.   These teachers along with others, believed in me when I didn't believe in myself.   They taught me that it is possible to overcome any obstacle. They taught me to be independent and open-minded. They also taught me something I will never forget; pain is temporary.

    It is also good to know someone will always be there for you. In my case, that person is my principal, Mrs. Sorensen. Mrs. Sorensen has pushed me more than my parents. I mean that. She calls me to wake me up so that I will not be late for school. She lets me know when I am doing wrong and she acknowledges me when I do well. She talks to me and broadens my perspective on school, on the world, and on my life. It is so good to know that I have someone to catch me when I fall. At my old school, I spoke with my principal once, maybe twice the entire time I was there. Now, I am fortunate enough to have multiple conversations a day with someone who wants success for me just as much as I do for myself. I can't thank Mrs. Sorensen enough with words, so I will thank her by walking across the stage and graduating.

    Norwegian American Hospital Receives the 2015 Healthgrades Patient Safety Excellence Award™

    From the Norwegian American Hospital newsletter

    CHICAGO - Norwegian American Hospital announced today that it has received the 2015 Patient Safety Excellence Award according to Healthgrades, the leading online resource for comprehensive information about physicians and hospitals.  This distinction puts Norwegian American Hospital within the top 10% of all hospitals evaluated for their excellent performance in safeguarding patients from serious, potentially preventable complications during their hospital stays.

    "This award is a wonderful validation of what we do every day to provide truly exceptional care for our patients," said Jos� R. S�nchez, president and CEO of Norwegian American Hospital.  "We are very proud of our hospital culture, which prioritizes the highest quality of patient care and safety above all else. We work to continually raise the bar and enhance the experience for the benefit of our patients and their family members, every day."

    On average, 133,896 patient safety events could have been avoided if all hospitals, as a group from 2011 from 2013, performed similarly to hospitals performing better than expected on each of 13 Patient Safety Indicators evaluated by Healthgrades.

    In addition, during this study period, patients treated in hospitals receiving Healthgrades Patient Safety Excellence Award were, on average:
    * 43.9 percent less likely to experience an accidental puncture or laceration during a procedure, than patients treated at non-recipient hospitals.
    * 53.6 percent less likely to experience a collapsed lung due to a procedure or surgery in or around the chest, than patients treated at non-recipient hospitals.
    * 47.4 percent less likely to experience catheter-related blood stream infections, than patients treated at non-recipient hospitals.
    * 43.8 percent less likely to experience pressure sores or bed sores acquired in the hospital, than patients treated at non-recipient hospitals.

    During the study period (2011-2013), Healthgrades 2015 Patient Safety Excellence Award recipient hospitals performed with excellence in providing safety for patients in the Medicare population, as measured by objective outcomes (risk-adjusted patient safety indicator rates) for 13 patient safety indicators defined by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).

     "This award is truly a reflection of our commitment to patient safety and quality healthcare for all our patients," said Dr. Abha Agrawal, vice president of medical affairs and COO of Norwegian American Hospital. "Day in and day out, we strive to provide our patients with the very best hospital experience. Whether it's a routine screening or more involved surgery, each patient receives exemplary care." 


    The controversial documentary "Es el Chapo?" plays through this weekend at Patio Theatre in Chicago.
    Showtimes and trailer are on

    The film examines whether Mexican drug lord
    "El Chapo" Guzman was really arrested back in 2014.

    La imagen dominante de los puertorrique�os en Estados Unidos ha sido sumamente desfavorable. Numerosas pel�culas de Hollywood, obras de Broadway, series televisivas y libros acad�micos han estereotipado a los boricuas como delincuentes juveniles, violentos y desordenados.

    Con notables excepciones, la representaci�n medi�tica de la di�spora boricua en Estados Unidos ha articulado el discurso popular de los puertorrique�os como sujetos ajenos racial y culturalmente a la �lite blanca, anglosajona y protestante. Una s�ntesis temprana de ese discurso es la pel�cula "West Side Story" (1961), basada en una obra teatral de 1957. Aqu�, los personajes boricuas encarnan a una pandilla de adolescentes, los "Sharks", enfrentados a sus rivales blancos, los "Jets", por el control de un barrio pobre de Nueva York.

    Hace m�s de una d�cada, la educadora puertorrique�a residente en Chicago, Ada Nivia L�pez, reclut� al fot�grafo estadounidense Mark Joseph, para recopilar im�genes m�s positivas de los puertorrique�os. El resultado de su colaboraci�n es la exposici�n itinerante, "As� somos / Who We Are", con m�s de 100 retratos a colores de diversos personajes y escenas de la vida diaria de puertorrique�os residentes en la Isla y en la di�spora, especialmente en Chicago, Hawai y Nueva York.

    Siga leyendo. 

    The Campaign to Free Oscar L�pez Rivera has 

    its own e-newsletter- The Water's Edge/La Orilla del Mar

    Published every two weeks- next issue will be published 4-8-2015

    View past issues here.


    WRITE TO OSCAR LOPEZ, #87651-024

    FCI Terre Haute,  PO Box 33

    Terre Haute, IN,  47808 

    Puerto Rican Cultural Center
    o. 773/342-8023 f. 773/342-6609

    "Live and Help to Live"