Move for Life! This Saturday, April 4th


By Leony Calder�n

Move for Life!  is an annual one day community-driven outdoor event to kick-off the Spring/Summer physical activity seasons. Saturday, April 4th 2015, from 12:00pm-4:00pm. Join us as we Kick-off the Spring with an afternoon of physical activity; walking, biking, Zumba, Yoga, Pilates, games, boot camp, nutrition information, music, games and much more.

Free and For all Ages!

Service Providers join us and showcase your physical activity, nutrition program to the community. To register or volunteer 773-342-0855


When you do your Holiday shopping at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to Puerto Rican Cultural Center

Bookmark the link and support us every time you shop.

From Puerto Rican Cultural Center & Programs

Willie Perdomo Helps Celebrate 

Batey Urbano 11th Anniversary 

By Eduardo Arocho, Division Street Business Development Association

Thursday March 19, Batey Urbano celebrated its anniversary with a fundraising event at the National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture (NMPRAC).  Several Batey alumni poets performed including Queen of HP and Reyes. The Albizu Campos Louder Than A Bomb slam team also performed.


Batey Urbano is a youth space on Division Street that provides after school arts related after school programs to youth in the Humboldt Park Community. Jessica Fuentes was the host of the event and introduced the feature of the evening, Prize winning nuyorican poet Willie Perdomo. Perdomo read from selections from his latest book, The Essential Hits of Shorty Bon Bon to the delight of the audience. Perdomo praised the organizers and looks forward to visiting the community in the future. View our Flickr album.

CPS Introduces Interdisciplinary 

Latino and Latin American Studies Curriculum 

By Chicago Public Schools

District continues commitment to diverse studies with newest academic program

Members of the Chicago Board of Education and Chicago Public Schools CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett today introduced the Interdisciplinary Latino and Latin American Studies Curriculum, which focuses on the history, arts and culture, and contributions of Latinos and Latin Americans, along with the cultural diversity of the Americas, including Central and South America and the Caribbean. This new curriculum is a direct result of the work of the Chicago Public School Latino Advisory Committee established by Mayor Rahm Emanuel and CEO Byrd-Bennett last year.
"To learn about Chicago is to learn about our diverse culture and identity," said Mayor Rahm Emanuel. "That is why we are making sure the study of Latino history and culture is a core part of education in Chicago - in history class, literature, art, music and social studies. Latino culture runs through every part of our city, and I am proud that it will now run through every part of our curriculum."
"Latinos are now the largest student demographic in Chicago Public Schools, but for far too long their ancestral story was relegated to the back pages of our history books," said CPS CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett. "The history of Chicago cannot be written without celebrating the contributions of immigrants from Central America, South America and the Caribbean. Their triumph over ignorance, prejudice and discrimination is the quintessential American story - and finally that story will be told in every grade and in every school across CPS."
Interdisciplinary Latino and Latin American Studies Curriculum (ILLASC) is based on the universal themes of culture, dignity and identity and it's the district's second cross-disciplinary curriculum that engages ethnic American studies.  The units of study and launch lessons that are available are in literacy, social science, fine and performing arts, physical education and health, mathematics and science.  Each unit of study and its accompanying launch lesson include specific instructional guidelines for English learners, developed by a team from Office of Language and Culture, Office of DiverseLearner Supports and Services and the Office of Early Childhood Education. This feature allows for the curriculum to be taught by a variety of teaching and support staff, for all types of students and learners in CPS.
Continue reading.

El Rescate's Program Director, Jackie Gonzalez, panelist at

LGBTQA United for Action event

By Jackie Gonzalez, El Rescate


This past Saturday, El Rescate was invited to participate in a panel discussion at The Latin@ LGBTQA United for Action event, hosted by Queer Youth Exploring Spirituality (Q-YES)- Q-YES  provides a safe environment to LGBTQA youths & encourages the open expression and exploration of one's spirituality. This organization's purpose is to help LGBTQ youth find a place where they feel free to express themselves religiously and spirituality while feeling safe and supported,

 The event was a huge success,and it  brought together over 40 people from across the city and suburbs. This included youth, LGBTQ parents, older adults, family members of LGBTQ people (uncles, parents, cousins), the deaf community, others experiencing disabilities, Spanish speakers, immigrants, community leaders as well as community members. Mari Rivera (resident @ El Rescate) and Jackie Gonzalez (El Rescate -Program Director) exposed their personal life experiences as a LGBTQ community member and their concerns of the lack in resources. 

Education in Motion

By Geniz Hernandez Rosado

Educating the public and helping them understand health terminology is one of the most important responsibilities of The Affordable Care Act Program's In-Person Counselors. That is why our staff has been visiting different colleges, universities and schools and putting together presentations for parents and students alike. They have also been assisting many individuals apply for health insurance. Some of the places they have been to are Little Village Elementary School, Yates Elementary School, West Town Academy, DeVry University, Northeastern University of Illinois, and Humboldt Park Vocational Education Center, among others.


We're excited to visit more places and to continue helping people all across Chicago!

Health Education at the 

Diabetes Empowerment Center Every Wednesday!

By Leony Calder�n

Health Education Every Wednesday, from 12:00pm to 1:00pm.

Manage, Control and Prevent Diabetes.  Ask Doctors, Residents, Nutritionist, Pharmacist and Dietitian Your Pressing Health Questions.

Weekly Topics

  • *       Diabetes 101
  • *       Medication Education
  • *       Nutrition Class
  • *       Intro to Diabetes & How the Body Works
  • *       Protecting Your Eyes
  • *       Protecting Your Feet
  • *       Oral Health
  • *       Using The Glucose Meter & Meds
  • *       Heart Health Education
  • *       Physical Activity and Diabetes

Diabetes Empowerment Center, 2753 W. Division St. 773-342-0855

Free and Bilingual.


Educaci�n de Salud todos los Mi�rcoles de 12:00pm a 1:00pm

Manege, Controle y Prevenga la Diabetes. Haga Preguntas a los M�dicos, Residentes, Nutricionistas, Farmac�uticos y Dietista Acerca de Su de Salud.

Temas Semanales

  • *       Diabetes 101
  • *       Educaci�n Medicamentos
  • *       Clase de Nutrici�n
  • *       Introducci�n a la Diabetes y C�mo funciona el cuerpo
  • *       Proteja sus ojos
  • *       La protecci�n de sus pies
  • *       Salud Oral
  • *       Uso del medidor de glucosa y Medicamentos
  • *       Educaci�n para la Salud del Coraz�n
  • *       Actividad f�sica y la diabetes 

Gratuito y Biling�e.

Centro de Empoderamiento Contra la Diabetes, 2753 W. Division St. 773-342-0855


Illinois State University Students and Faculty visit Paseo Boricua

By Michael Kurshan-Emmer, Safe Passage Staff, PRCC

On Wednesday March 11, 2015 a group of students and faculty members from Illinois State University visited the Puerto Rican Cultural Center and engaged its executive director Jos� E. Lopez in a lively conversation and forum about the greater Humboldt Park community, and particularly the economic and cultural enclave known as Paseo Boricua.


The focus of the discussion centered on the Puerto Rican diaspora, the challenges of gentrification, sustainable community building, and even the future of the city itself.

The group toured Paseo Boricua and ate lunch at Nellies Puerto Rican restaurant.

On Sale Now

November Chicago Magazine "Why Jos� L�pez Stands Between Gentrification and Humboldt Park"

Be sure to pick up the November issue of Chicago Magazine, which features an interview by Puerto Rican Cultural Center ED Jos� E. L�pez conducted by Elly Fishman.

Job Opening at Puerto Rican Cultural Center



Organization: Puerto Rican Cultural Center

Job Title: In-Person Counselor (IPC) (Full-time, temporary position)


The Puerto Rican Cultural Center (PRCC) is a non-profit organization founded in 1973 to serve the social and cultural needs of Chicago's underserved communities.


We are seeking bilingual (English and Spanish or other languages), motivated, and organized who are already certified or have an inactive In-Person Counselors (IPCs) license. IPCs will maintain expertise about the newly expanded Medicaid program and the Health Insurance Marketplace that are part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The IPCs will provide information and services in a fair, accurate, and impartial manner to the community members. Additionally, IPCs will be comfortable as public speakers and conduct activities to facilitate enrollment in health coverage.



  • Seeking Certified IPC - or IPC with inactive license
  • Bilingual (English and Spanish)
Availability to work during non-traditional hours, including limited evening and weekend hours, and throughout the different seasons under Chicago weather conditions. Download the full description and contact info here.
Puerto Rican Cultural Center Calendar of Community Events

Thur. Apr. 2nd, 6pm National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture and Puerto Rico Tourism Company open exhibit "Calib�n", 3015 W. Division St.


Fri. Apr 3rd 2pm, Luncheon w/Nelson Denis, author, War Against All Puerto Ricans, $15 donation, Nellie's Restaurant, 2458 W. Division St.


Sat. Apr 4th 12pm-4pm, Move for Life in Humboldt Park, sponsored by Diabetes Empowerment Center


Mon Apr 6th Luncheon/Forum with President of the Puerto Rican Bar Association, Mark Bimbela and Alejandro Torres Rivera, 2701 W. Division St. ($15-$25 Sliding scale donation.)


Apr 6th -10th  Pa'lante Conference at UIC/UPRS, "Puerto Rican Identity in the Age of the Diaspora."

* Mon. Apr. 6th, 9-10am, Nelson Denis, author, War Against All Puerto Ricans, Rafael Cintr�n Ortiz Latino Cultural Center (LC-B2)

* Tues. Apr. 7th, Cultural Presentation

* Wed. Apr. 8th, 9-10am, Film, ISABEL, and presentation by Melissa Montero, filmmaker. Rafael Cintr�n Ortiz Latino Cultural Center (LC-B2)

* Thu. Apr. 9th, 5:30pm, Noche de Poetas featuring Puerto Rican singer-songwriter Gabriel Miranda. Rafael Cintr�n Ortiz Latino Cultural Center (LC-B2)

* Fri. Apr. 10th, 9-10am, Music/Forum featuring Puerto Rican singer-songwriter Gabriel Miranda. Rafael Cintr�n Ortiz Latino Cultural Center (LC-B2)


Fri. Apr. 17th 6pm-7pm, Book Presentation by Dr. Edwin Mel�ndez, Puerto Ricans at the Dawn of the New Millennium at 2701 W. Division St.  Co-sponsor: Center for Puerto Rican Studies, Hunter College.


Sat. Apr. 18th, 1pm, Luncheon, A Panel Discussion with Drs. Antonia Darder and Angela Valenzuela "Towards a New Discourse on Latino Pedagogy." Co-sponsor: National Latino Education Research and Policy Project (NLERAP) ($10-$15 Sliding scale donation). Nellie's Restaurant, 2458 W. Division St.


Sat. Apr 25th Hostos College, 500 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY

National Conversation on Puerto Ricans in the Age of the Diaspora on the 50th Anniversary of the Death of Albizu Campos with a community concert featuring Roy Brown and El Topo (leaving Chicago on Fri. Apr. 24th)


Fri. Apr. 30th, 6pm, Rollout of CPS Latin American Curriculum with CPS CEO Barbara Byrd Bennett at National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture, 3015 W. Division St.


Tues. May 19th Naming of Dr. Steve Whitman Greenhouse at Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School. (Time TBA)


Fri. May 29th Event commemorating Oscar L�pez Rivera's 34 yr. Anniversary of his arrest, La Casita de Don Pedro & Do�a Lolita, 2625 W. Division St.


Sat May 30th NY Rally for Oscar Lopez Rivera's 34 yr. anniversary of his arrest (leaving Chicago on Fri May 29th)


SAVE THE FOLLOWING DATES * 2015 Puerto Rican Cultural Center * Annual Events

Puerto Rican People's Parade                    22nd Fiesta Boricua "De Bandera a Bandera"

Sat June 20, 2015                                        Sept 5 - 6, 2015 * 12pm - 8:30pm

Starting 2PM-Division/Western                Honoring: Cayey, Puerto Rico, Orlando, Florida


Haunted Paseo Boricua, Sat Oct 31, 2015 


By Michael Bush, West Town Bikes

One day it's winter, the next day it's springtime! Oh, wait a minute, this is Chicago...


Well, Chicago cyclists know that winter is hard on a bike, whether you ride it through the slush and salt, or leave it to languish in the basement (or heaven forbid, outside in the elements).


Bikes that have been ridden hard and put away wet could really use some love and attention. This is the perfect time of year to give your bike the special treatment it so desperately needs. 


Here's a quick list of the Top 3 ways to show your bike some springtime affection:


 1.  Stop by your local bike shop for a free assessment! 

Once you find a good shop with mechanics you trust, you can bring your bike by at any time to make sure everything is in good working order. Ciclo Urbano's staff will never try to talk you into buying something you don't need. We'll help you identify which parts of your bike are working well, as well as which have seen a lot of wear, and we'll give you a sense of how much longer they may last. Routine bike maintenance and repair will save you money and frustration in the long run. Remember, an ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure!

2.  Clean it up!

Dirty bikes don't work as well, or last as long as clean bikes. Salt and sand, grit and grime accelerate rust and corrosion. And chains and gears wear out much more quickly when they're coated with grit-- it acts just like sandpaper!


Stop by the bike shop and have us put it in the bike wash! Or, if you've got that DIY spirit (like we do!) take some time to wipe everything down with a mild solvent (soapy water is just fine). Make sure to get all the crud off the chain and gears, and around any other moving parts, like brakes and derailleurs. Don't spray solvent or soap directly on the bike; spray it on a rag instead, and try not to get too much of it inside of the moving parts before you...

3. Lube it up!

Using a basic multi-purpose bike lube, like Tri-Flow, can really get things moving again. Lubricate your the rollers of your chain (but not your gears), and all the moving pivots on your bike, like on your derailleurs and brakes. Careful not to get any on your brake pads!


Happy Springtime, and hope to see you riding!

Los Tequis


Bunkr is a fully web-based presentation site. Make presentations the same as you would on PowerPoint or Keynote, but add all sorts of elements - like videos, articles, social media posts, or you can even code something yourself - and it'll show up in your deck. 


This has all kinds of cool applications. For example, if you're presenting something that changes over time, like a GitHub repo or Twitter feed, you won't need to update the deck to keep it current. You can even sync Bunkr with slide decks on other services, like 


  • From Our Community Partners

    Lolita Lebron Family Learning Center recognized by the American Educational Research Association

    By Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School staff

    The Lolita Lebron Family Learning Center (FLC) will be recognized for their educational accomplishments by Division G (Social Contexts of Education) of the American Educational Research Association at their Annual Meeting, held April 16-19th in Chicago. The FLC is a program for student-parents attending Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Alternative High School.  Staff, students, and mentors from the program will present at a panel entitled, "Listening to Voices From Chicago: Reaffirming Our Commitment to Local Knowledge Through a Joint Session With Community-Based Organizations," on April 19th,  along with representatives from Kuumba Lynx, an arts and education organization, also being recognized. Dr. Enid Rosario-Ramos, University of Michigan, will provide introductory comments and Dr. Laura Ruth Johnson, Northern Illinois University, will serve as the discussant for the panel. The program will also receive a $2500 award at the Division G Business meeting on April 17th.

    Second round of IB Applications opened at Roberto Clemente Community Academy

    By Elizabeth Kelley, RCCA

    The second round of IB applications have opened!  If you are a student that did not apply to IB in the first round, or did not apply to Roberto Clemente Community Academy but would like to attend our school, please have fill out the IB Second Round Application (download) and return to Roberto Clemente Community Academy (either to or  via e-mail, fax, in person, or mail) by next Thursday, April 2nd.

    Second round of IB Applications opened at Roberto Clemente Community Academy

    By Elizabeth Kelley, RCCA

    The second round of IB applications have opened!  If you are a student that did not apply to IB in the first round, or did not apply to Roberto Clemente Community Academy but would like to attend our school, please have fill out the IB Second Round Application (download) and return to Roberto Clemente Community Academy (either to or  via e-mail, fax, in person, or mail) by next Thursday, April 2nd.


    In the Bronx

    El Maestro Celebrates Dinner and Fundraiser By Honoring Community Leaders

    On Saturday, March 28, 2015, El Maestro Cultural Center celebrated its Annual Dinner Dance by honoring five community leaders. The honorees were William, Sanchez, Bronx Puerto Rican Parade Board member and supporter of El Maestro, Prof. Ana M. L�pez, NYC Coordinator to Free Oscar L�pez Rivera, Sonia M. Cruz, a long-time supporter of El Maestro and singer of the 5 en Plena Group, Carlos Pagan, President and CEO of the El Regreso Foundation and Rev. Danilo La Chapel of La Iglesia Evangelista Espa�ola del Bronx, a long-time advocate of peace and justice, a fighter for human rights and supporter of undocumented immigrants and director of Give Them to Eat, a food pantry that feeds thousands weekly.


    The keynote speaker was Alejandro L. Molina, who spoke on the nature of community work as one large piece of the puzzle in our struggle for freedom. Alejandro began by speaking about the work of the youth programs of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center in Chicago, Cafe Teatro Batey Urbano and Barrio Arts, Community and Culture Academy (BACCA) and El Maestro Cultural Center in the Bronx, acknowledging their decades-long patient work, as well as that of Prof. Lopez and Carlos Pagan and all others involved in the same type of work. "This work must be seen as sowing seeds-seeds which when cared for with love and patience- by those who sow them, result in engaged, critical and forward thinking community youth who are part of the our struggle against those forces which try to destroy us." Alejandro told the 125 plus members of the audience.


    During the delicious dinner, which was broadly supported by neighborhood businesses and leaders who were present, the audience enjoyed the the music and song by 5 en Plena. El Maestro Cultural Center remains an example and beacon of hope for those invested in working with our community's youth. 

    Puerto Rican Children's Book Author to Present Sofi and the Magic, Musical Mural / Sofi y el m�gico mural musical 
    Dr. Raquel M. Ortiz has been chosen by Behind the Book to share her children's book Sofi and the Magic, Musical Mural / Sofi y el m�gico mural musical (Arte P�blico Press) with first graders in Fort Greene, Brooklyn. Behind the Book's mission is to inspire New York City public school students to love reading by bringing accomplished authors and their books into classrooms and creating rich, innovative literacy programs. The programs take place in underserved public schools throughout New York City. Behind the Book identifies books that speak to urban youth and invites the authors of these books into the classroom. First, Behind the Book supplies a curriculum guide and lesson plan for the teacher to follow and a copy of the author's book for each child in the classroom. Then, there are a series of author-led workshops where the author explores a genre of writing and guides students in the creation and publication of their own original work through a series of workshops. Dr. Ortiz will leads the students in a writing project to create and edit their own original work during her author visits with Public School 46 this May, helping to foster a life-long love of reading, writing and learning.

    The Campaign to Free Oscar L�pez Rivera has 

    its own e-newsletter- The Water's Edge/La Orilla del Mar

    Published every two weeks- next issue will be published 4-8-2015

    View past issues here.


    WRITE TO OSCAR LOPEZ, #87651-024

    FCI Terre Haute,  PO Box 33

    Terre Haute, IN,  47808 

    Puerto Rican Cultural Center
    o. 773/342-8023 f. 773/342-6609

    "Live and Help to Live"