"After my family, what I miss most is the sea" Oscar López Rivera
The Water's Edge/ La Orilla del Mar 
Welcome to the Water's Edge, the bi-weekly magazine of the
National Boricua Human Rights Network, featuring articles in English and Spanish.

Bienvenidos a la revista quincenal de la Red Nacional Boricua Pro Derechos Humanos 

"La Orilla del Mar", con artículos en Inglés y Español.


View Past Issues


Join 33 Mujeres NYC x Oscar Tomorrow in El Barrio!

By Marina Ortiz, 33 Mujeres NYC x Oscar
This month, 33 Mujeres NYC x Oscar will gather in front of the Julia de Burgos mosaic on East 106th Street in East Harlem/El Barrio.


Please join us at 4:00 pm to create awareness among our communities here and help build a movement for the release of Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera.

33 Mujeres NYC x Oscar is a group of women from New York City committed to securing Oscar López Rivera's freedom. We hold monthly rallies for 33 minutes on the last Sunday of every month from 4:00 - 4:33pm to signify the 33 years that Oscar has been imprisoned in federal penitentiaries, and will continue to hold monthly rallies until he is released. Our rallies coincide with actions occurring at the same date and time in San Juan, Puerto Rico that were initiated by 32 women in 2013 to mark Oscar's 32nd year of imprisonment. 



Sunday, March 29th

4:00 pm to 4:33 pm

in front of the Julia de Burgos Mosaic

East 106th Street & Lexington Avenue


Directions: # 6 train to 103rd Street or FDR to 106th Street

Oscar en la Feria del Libro de Venezuela

Puerto Rico Human Rights Situation to be Denounced before OAS   San Juan, Mar 14 (Prensa Latina) For the first time, the Interamerican Commission of Human Rights (ICHR), attached to the Organization of American States (OAS) will hold in Washington a public hearing on the situation in Puerto Rico, it was known here today in this capital.

The organization that has historically evaded petitions so the Puerto Rican reality under the colonial regime imposed by the United States is known, pretends to listen next Tuesday in its Washington headquarters the report of different Puerto Rican groups that advocate for human rights.

Among the main topics that Puerto Rican organizations will present to the attention of the ICHR, is the case of political prisoner Oscar Lopez Rivera, who has been in jail for 33 years in the United States, 12 of them in solitary, for fighting for his homeland's independence.

Lopez Rivera, 71, is condemned for seditious conspiracy due to the link he had with the already disolved Armed Forces for National Liberation (FALN) of Puerto Rico, which operated in the 70 and 80 decades of the past century in New York and Chicago.
El puertorriqueño lleva 33 años en la cárcel y por primera vez cuenta cómo es su vida en la prisión.

Oscar López Rivera rompe silencio desde la cárcel

Univision Canal 41 Nueva York


Vease el video primera parte.

Vease el video segunda parte. 

Oscar López Rivera ha luchado por la independencia de Puerto Rico, al que califica de colonia americana. ¿Qué opinan los expertos sobre su caso?

Tiempo de Debate: Óscar López Rivera, ¿héroe o terrorista?

Univision Canal 41 Nueva York


  Vease el video.


A call from former Puerto Rican Political Prisoners

May 29th International Day of Solidarity with Oscar López Rivera 

 Let's meet our goal of 100,000 petitions- We will bring Oscar Home!

In anticipation of May 29, the 34th year of Oscar López Rivera's incarceration, we call upon supporters throughout the world to organize activities calling for his immediate release from U.S. prison and celebrating his life of struggle and commitment.  


On the occasion of his 72nd birthday,Oscar wrote: During the past 33 years, every act of solidarity that I have received, be it a letter or an activity carried out by the Human Rights Committee of Puerto Rico, the National Boricua Human Rights Network, 32 x Oscar, or the Women of the Bridge, has allowed me to experience and celebrate life, even under the most damaging and dehumanizing prison conditions. These expressions of solidarity have made possible the survival of my spirit - no, they still haven't been able to kill my spirit - and have allowed me to contribute my little grain of sand for the just and noble cause of independence and sovereignty of our beloved country.


The new year starts with renewed energy and enthusiasm with a drive to collect 100,000 signatures which we hope to accomplish by May 29. On that anniversary of his 1981 arrest, activities will take place throughout the world, including a walk to 34 municipalities in Puerto Rico ending in a large rally at the U.S. Federal Courthouse in Hato Rey, eventsin 34 cities in the United States, including a march in New York City on May 30, as well as activities throughout Latin America, Europe and Asia, which will fortify the call made by U.S. and Puerto Rican elected officials, religious leaders, Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, President Mujica of Uruguay, Maduro of Venezuela, Castro of Cuba, Ortega of Nicaragua and many other heads of state, internationally recognized artists and many others for the immediate release of Oscar López Rivera.


Oscar is the oldest and longest held political prisoner in Puerto Rican history.  Human Rights organizations consider Oscar's disproportionate sentence, continued incarceration, and inhumane conditions to be torturous, or, as Oscar says, attempted "espiriticidio".


Those of us imprisoned with Oscar and released in 1999 have had the opportunity to enjoy and expand our families. Some of us have married, become parents and grandparents, created businesses, become teachers, counselors, social workers and artisans. Oscar has been denied this. He has been denied precious years in the development of his daughter's and granddaughter's lives.


We are ushering in a new year of work in the hopes of making 2015 the year of his release.


Elizam Escobar                      Edwin Cortés                         Alejandrina Torres
Alicia Rodriguez                    Juan Segarra Palmer           Ricardo Jiménez

Carmen Valentin                    Lucy Rodríguez           Adolfo Matos

Luis Rosa                                Dylcia Pagan               Alberto Rodríguez

 Download the letter to Obama (in English and Spanish)

International News/Noticias internacionales
Fuerte reclamo a favor de excarcelar a López Rivera

WASHINGTON.- En su momento más enérgico de la audiencia de ayer ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH), el secretario de Justicia de Puerto Rico,  Cesar Miranda, mantuvo que no se puede hablar de derechos humanos y civiles sin demandar la excarcelación del prisionero político  Oscar López Rivera.

A su lado estaba aún el consejero político de la misión de Estados Unidos ante la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA),  Anthony Pahigian, quien durante toda la hora que duró la sesión se limitó a presentar inicialmente al secretario de Estado de Puerto Rico,  David Bernier.

En el salón había representantes de los departamentos de Estado y de Justicia federal, así como el director ejecutivo del Grupo de Trabajo de la Casa Blanca sobre Puerto Rico,  James Albino.

"Flanqueado por los representantes del Departamento de Estado y del Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos, y frente a ustedes, representantes de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, tengo que decir: que para hablar de libertades individuales sin sonrojarnos todos, a coro tenemos que exigir la liberación de Oscar López Rivera. Este hombre lleva 34 años encarcelado por hechos no vinculados a actos de violencia. Reitero el pedido que ha hecho el gobernador, el liderato político, y el pueblo de Puerto Rico: libertad para Oscar López Rivera ahora", indicó el secretario Miranda. quien luego tendría reuniones en Justicia federal.

Venezuela and the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

By Hans Vogel

Years ago at a state dinner, I was sitting next to a member of the visiting Venezuelan government delegation. Knowing that Venezuela's oil revenues from the 1940s to the 1960s exceeded 13 billion US dollars, more than the total amount of "Marshall Aid" allotted to Europe (1948-52), I turned to my neighbor wondering what had happened to all that money. After all, Venezuela's population in 1950 was only 5 million and had reached 10 million in 1970, while Europe had hundreds of millions of inhabitants.

"You had a lot of money to spend among just a few people," I remarked, "yet Venezuela is clearly not better off than Europe. How come? Where did all that money go?"

"Well, I don't have it," my neighbor answered with a big smile.

Perhaps he did not, but many of his friends obviously did. Indeed, most of the oil revenues were taken by the small Venezuelan ruling class, made up of a few traditional families and a number of political hangers on. Such as President Marcos Pérez Jiménez who in 1958 was chased out of the country by a massive popular uprising. As he was dashing to the plane taking him to exile in Miami, it is said that dollar bills were falling out of his overstuffed briefcases. With leaders like that, it hardly comes as a surprise that most Venezuelans remained poor and continued to be deprived of the amenities of modern life, although in the meantime a precarious middle class had developed.

Activista argentina pide excarcelación de Oscar López

"No hay edad, no hay tiempo. Hay amor, hay paz, hay lucha y se puede".

Estela Barnes de Carlotto lo afirma porque lo ha vivido, porque luego de 36 años de búsqueda ininterrumpida encontró a su nieto desaparecido bajo la última dictadura militar argentina, y porque cree firmemente que la perseverancia abre las puertas al cambio y la justicia social.

Y esa invitación a no rendirse fue el mensaje que le dejó esta noche a la audiencia puertorriqueña que copó el Teatro de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico en San Juan, donde impartió la conferencia "Testimonio de las Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo sobre la lucha por el derecho a la identidad".

"El pueblo es el que tiene la fuerza, el soberano es el pueblo. Entonces, si el pueblo se moviliza, si el pueblo demanda, a nivel interno y externo, porque hay que salir al mundo a propagar, las cosas se consiguen", aseveró la presidenta de las Abuelas de la Plaza de Mayo.

La conferenciante resaltó que en la búsqueda de justicia social es imprescindible formar intelectualmente a la juventud porque la conciencia ya la tienen.

"Piensen en la juventud de este país. Los chicos piensan muy bien ahora en esta modernidad y tienen conciencia de lo que pasó, del rol que tienen que desempeñar ahora donde están y más adelante cuando sean adultos. Pero hay que enseñarles a pensar, a discernir. Esa es la riqueza que tenemos en nuestros países, la juventud", expresó.

Entrando en materia política, Barnes de Carlotto se pronunció a favor de la independencia de Puerto Rico y exhortó a pedirla con una sola voz.

"Me duele a mí pensar que escucho todavía acá en este país 'somos una colonia'. Me duele. No tiene que haber más colonias. Nosotros tenemos Las Malvinas, que estamos peleando con la ley en la mano, con paciencia. Abran el diálogo. Tengan presencia en Washington, en la Comisión Interamericana, en la OEA, vayan a Naciones Unidas. Ahí están los pueblos del mundo, que los escuchen con sus delegados, y que digan con argumentos válidos que ustedes quieren ser un país soberano", recomendó. 

"Los van a escuchar, no son muy rápidos en sus decisiones, y la burocracia existe ahí también. Pero los van a escuchar, se van a solidarizar y el clamor ya no va a ser de un solo pueblo. Nosotros (los argentinos) vamos a estar con ustedes, seguro", manifestó.

Además, la educadora argentina se solidarizó con el reclamo multisectorial por la excarcelación del preso político puertorriqueño Oscar López Rivera, quien lleva 33 años confinado en cárceles estadounidenses tras ser acusado de sedición, sin vínculo a hechos violentos.


Venezuela propone crear movimiento de solidaridad con Óscar López Rivera

El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, propuso este jueves crear un movimiento de opinión y solidaridad con el luchador Oscar López Rivera, quien está preso en Estados Unidos desde hace más de tres décadas por su lucha a favor de la independencia de Puerto Rico.

Maduro planteó un movimiento como el de los 5 antiterroristas cubanos, para en un futuro poder verlo en libertad.

Asimismo, el mandatario aprobó recursos para 1 millón de bibliotecas antiimperialistas "Oscar López Rivera".

"He ordenado la impresión de un millón de bibliotecas para nuestros niños, con diferentes libros. Oscar López Rivera será su nombre".

El proyecto tiene como objetivo que la población consulte obras sobre la lucha de los pueblos ante los ataques del imperio norteamericano.

From/Desde Puerto Rico

Hace unos días, el secretario de Justicia de Puerto Rico, César Miranda, ante la presión de grupos pro derechos civiles, dio a conocer, y la fiscalía federal confirmó, que el memorando de entendimiento sobre los esfuerzos conjuntos contra el crimen no se divulga públicamente, sin trabas, por decisión del gobierno estadounidense.

El que lo quiera leer, que lo pida a través del proceso que establece la ley federal de acceso a información (FOIA), dicen los federales.

En la audiencia de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) sobre la situación de los derechos humanos en Puerto Rico, el secretario Miranda también cuestionó que se le pidiera cuentas al gobierno de Puerto Rico sobre los esfuerzos federales en contra de la pena de muerte. A su lado, estaba un representante de la la misión estadounidense ante la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA), que yno emitió una sola palabra sobre el asunto. Ningún miembro de la CIDH tampoco considera apropiado perdile su parecer.

En esa misma sesión, el secretario Miranda elevó el tono de su voz para reclamar la excarcelación del prisionero político puertorriqueño Oscar López Rivera. "Flanqueado por los representantes del Departamento de Estado y del Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos, y frente a ustedes, representantes de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, tengo que decir: que para hablar de libertades individuales sin sonrojarnos todos, a coro tenemos que exigir la liberación de Oscar López Rivera. Este hombre lleva 34 años encarcelado por hechos no vinculados a actos de violencia. Reitero el pedido que ha hecho el gobernador, el liderato político, y el pueblo de Puerto Rico: libertad para Oscar López Rivera ahora", indicó el secretario Miranda.

Por Rodolfo Eduardo Chacón Chaluisán  
El artista puertorriqueño Antonio Martorell describe como nadie a Oscar López Rivera. Sus palabras cincelan la esencia de este patriota:

"...cuando decimos Oscar en español puertorriqueño, cuando decimos Oscar y no Óscar con acento en la o, esas dos sílabas traen consigo dos tiempos y una compartida eternidad. Si para algunos Óscar con acento en la primera silaba, llanamente, nos remite a la estatuilla dorada premio de la Academia de las Artes y Ciencias Cinematográficas de Hollywood, Oscar con agudo y doloroso acento al final, es un nombre fraguado en el crisol de una lucha centenaria y libertaria. Es un nombre que rehúsa el encierro, aún el del propio nombre". 

De ahí el título de nuestra investigación Oscar, con agudo y doloroso acento al final, sobre la figura del puertorriqueño Oscar López Rivera, el prisionero político más antiguo del hemisferio. 

Oscar, como cariñosamente le decimos los puertorriqueños, continúa agotando dos sentencias a nivel federal que en conjunto suman 70 años de prisión. Hasta el momento, Oscar ha cumplido 33 años de presidio en cuatro correccionales estadounidenses, entre ellas: Leavenworth en Kansas; USP Marion en Illinois, ADX  (Administrative Maximum Unit) Florence  en Colorado, y por último Terre Haute en Indiana, donde se encuentra actualmente. Oscar se refiere a tales precintos carcelarios como gulags  haciendo referencia al régimen opresivo soviético que se instauró contra los presos políticos o presos de conciencia en la extinta Unión Soviética. Cabe destacar que la cárcel de Marion se convirtió en 1978 -dos años antes del arresto de Oscar- en la penitenciaría de mayor seguridad en los Estados Unidos. En otras palabras, cuando a Oscar se le traslada a la cárcel de Marion, se le estaba tratando como a un criminal de altos vuelos -y tomando en cuenta el delito por el cual fue condenado- como a un terrorista también. Oscar ha denunciado en muchas ocasiones ser víctima de malos tratos, tanto psicológicos como físicos. Estudiar su viacrucis nos ha mostrado el lado más oscuro del sistema penitenciario norteamericano.
Por EFEnoticias    

Cuarenta municipios puertorriqueños formarán parte de la "Segunda Caminata Nacional por Oscar", con el propósito de pedir la excarcelación del independentista Oscar López Rivera, quien lleva 33 años preso por conspiración sediciosa en cárceles de EE.UU.

Así lo detalló hoy a Efe Carlos López, uno de los organizadores de la marcha, que dijo que la iniciativa tiene como objetivo reclamar la excarcelación de López y también contribuir a "educar a la gente sobre quién fue Oscar López Rivera".
"Hay que educar y enseñarle a las personas del porqué Oscar llegó a prisión, qué está ocurriendo con su caso y qué podemos hacer para que sea excarcelado", sostuvo López, sobre la caminata que arrancará el próximo 25 de abril desde Culebra, isla municipio al extremo este de Puerto Rico.
La marcha, respaldada por el Comité Pro Derechos Humanos de Puerto Rico, recorrerá varios kilómetros por Culebra y sus participantes luego tomarán varias embarcaciones de pescadores de la zona para trasladarse a la isla aledaña de Vieques.
Carlos López explicó que la caminata arrancará en estas islas como símbolo de lucha, pues ambas fueron utilizadas durante más de 40 años como campos de entrenamiento y tiro por la Marina de Guerra de los EE.UU.
El organizador, quien dijo que la madrina de la caminata será la senadora María de Lourdes Santiago y el padrino el salsero Andy Montañez, agregó que el objetivo es reclamar la injusticia que a su juicio se comete contra López Rivera.

From the/desde la Diaspora
ANCHOR Contributing Artist Highlights Past, Present Struggles
By Alejandro L. Molina, May 30th Coalition to Free Oscar López Rivera

ANCHOR is an exhibition centered on the work of Hiram Maristany whose photographs documented East Harlem throughout the 1960's-1970's. He was an original member and official photographer of the Young Lords Party in New York. This unique exhibition features some never before seen photographs and also includes new projects from artists Nicole Cohen, Selena Kimball, Miguel Luciano, Steven Perez, Saul Williams, and Caroline Woolard, each inspired by Hiram's photography.

One of Miguel Luciano's projects recreates Maristany's photograph of the original storefront window of the Young Lords Party's first office in East Harlem in 1969. The window of the office was covered with political posters and graphics from Puerto Rico and New York, reflecting the social struggles of the late 1960's. Luciano's recreation in the gallery window features reproductions of many of those original poster graphics, sourced from the archives of the Center of Puerto Rican Studies. In addition, the artist has inserted new poster graphics that speak to contemporary community struggles. Many of the issues from the past to the present remain the same, from police brutality and the murders of Black and Brown youth, to the incarceration of Puerto Rican freedom fighters and the struggle to free our political prisoners. Two new posters are dedicated to Oscar López Rivera and announce the NYC march for Oscar's freedom on May 30th.  
View our Flickr album here.

ANCHOR runs through June 13th at Hunter East Harlem Gallery, 

2180 Third Ave (at 119th) NY, NY 10035.

For information on the exhibition and the schedule for artists' projects and events, visit this  link.




by Ana M. Lopez, NYC Coordinator to Free Oscar Lopez Rivera

SOMOS UNO CONFERENCE IN ALBANY held in March 20-22, 2015 this year had a different flavor.  A trend of Unity was in the air, a new speaker, vibrant Latino leadership were caucusing.  On March 21, 2015 during the Labor Breakfast of the New York City Labor Council for Latin American Advancement in a room filled to capacity, the spirit of hope, of a new beginning and solidarity, was the commonality addressed by the various speakers like New York State Assembly Speaker Honorable Carl E. Heastie,  Chair to the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Task Force Marcos Crespo, New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, and Public Advocate Letitia Jones to mention a few. 


 Speaker of the New York City Council Melissa Mark Viverito's words were the icing on the cake: she urged everyone there, all union leaders and activists to join the many voices which have united for the humanitarian freedom campaign of Oscar Lopez Rivera. Her words resonated with the many palm cards that were distributed on the tables. In the audience sat José E. López Rivera, humbled by the show of solidarity for his brother Oscar. So many legislators commented and expressed their desire to become involved.


What followed this wonderful beginning of the day, the panel discussion on Caribbean Antilles and their respective diasporas.  The conference room welcomed its audience with Oscar López presence on both sides of the wall. The various speakers were introduced by political trailblazer José Rivera, a State Assemblyman representing the Bronx, NY.  We heard a common theme of the experience of the Caribbean diaspora from panelist Guillermo Linares, the Dominican representative of Washington Heights, Manhattan, José E. López Rivera, Executive Director of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center in Chicago, Ill. and brother of political prisoner Oscar López Rivera. 

Although no Cuban representative was present, in the analysis of Cuba was interjected in the discussion of the unification of the diasporas of the Caribbean Antilles.  A common discourse came from all the panelist: What unite us all is that we are all from the same racial mixture, have similar history of struggle against colonialism and forced migration. José E. López said "Our flags are similar in shape and colors, our histories have intercepted at different points as well as our solidarity".  The urgency a continuation of a dialogue as well a call for unity for the release of Oscar López Rivera, Puerto Rico's longest held political prisoner was also a key point.  Jose urged everyone to mobilize their respective communities on May 30th  in NYC to Free Oscar.

Boston Organizes for May 30 Mobilization

On March 13, 2015, former Political Prisoner Edwin Cortés traveled to Boston to participate in an event for the mobilization of a bus to Philadelphia on May 13 for the 30th anniversary of the attack on MOVE family as well as the participation in the May 30th East Coast March in New York. Edwin also had the privilege and honor to be among several ex-political prisoners such as Raymond Luc Levasseur, Pam Africa, Jimmy Barrett, and Kazi Toure who also celebrated his 65th birthday.

There was a lot of energy and enthusiasm in the room especially among the youth, with the rhythms of Ernesto Eroc Arroyo y Optimus which form the group the Foundation.  Ernesto's father Feliz D Eroc Arroyo gave Oscar's book to Uruguay President Mojica.


The following day Edwin addressed the audience at an event at Encuentro 5 and was moved by the folk songs of Rafael Medina (Argentine), Sergio Reyes (Chilean Political Prisoner), Myriam Ortiz, (Puerto Rico), Suyapa Perez (Project Honduras), and poetry by Suheir Hammad, (Palestine) as well as the words of Roberto Collazo on the plight of the Palestinian women.

NYC Sculptor/Activist Contributes to May 30 Buildup

NYC-based artist Jesús Mangual has carved a bust of Oscar López Rivera as a fundraising effort for the May30th Mobilization and Rally to Free Oscar López Rivera. For raffle tickets, please contact him at: libresoy1898@gmail.com


Cleveland Organizes for May 30 Mobilization
By Rev. Nozomi Ikuta, Interfaith Prisoners of Conscience Ministry, Cleveland

You are warmly invited to join with other community leaders and people of conscience from across the spectrum to bring Oscar López Rivera, the "Nelson Mandela of Latin America," home after 34 years prison.


On Saturday, April 11 at 11:00 am at the HUMADAOP Youth Center (Gruss Hall), 3115 Scranton Road, you will be able to learn more about Oscar, the campaign for his release, and the march being organized in New York on May 30.


Find out why Latin American presidents, Nobel laureates, labor unions, the churches of Puerto Rico, the Governor of Puerto Rico and dozens of other elected officials, and celebrities like Rene Perez (of Calle 13) and Ricky Martin have all joined the call for his release. 


Oscar López Rivera Art Part of

Upcoming Bay Area Exhibit:

ReVisions: Black and Brown Resisting State Violence - Commemorating Palestinian Prisoners Day

By Mirk Mirkinson, Bay Area Free Oscar Campaign
For Marilyn Buck, compañera. By Oscar Lopez Rivera


More info on the opening: https://www.facebook.com/events/531060420367787/ 

Participating organizations (list in formation): All of Us or None, Art Forces, Asian Prisoners Support Committee, BAYAN-USA, CAL Students for Justice in Palestine, California Coalition for Women Prisoners, Critical Resistance, Eastside Arts Alliance, Fred Alvarado, Haiti Action Committee, Juan Fuentes, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, Middle East Children's Alliance, National Boricua Human Rights Network, Nidal Elkhairy, Oceania Coalition of Northern California, Onyx Organizing Committee, Xicana Moratorium, AROC: Arab Resource & Organizing Center.  

 Watch this space for info on our May 30 events!
Help Us Bring Oscar Home/Como puede ayudar

     Demanding Oscar's immediate release.

     Join the scholars, academics, and people of conscience around the world-including prominent figures such as Nobel Laureate Desmond Tutu, acclaimed novelist and activist Arundhati Roy, and philosopher and public intellectual Cornel West -who are demanding Oscar's release.

     Published online by the Puerto Rican newspaper El Nuevo Dia. 

     We are in many cities across the US.

    Oscar López Rivera, #87651-024

   Born/Nacido: 6 de enero de 1943

   FCI Terre Haute, P.O. Box 33
   Terre Haute, IN 47808

Submission guidelines/Directrices de presentación

* Send us a picture, a headline and 2 paragraphs about your event supporting Oscar's release. Include contact information.

 * Envíenos una imagen, un titulo y 2 párrafos sobre su evento a favor de la liberación de Oscar. Incluya su información de contacto.


The Water's Edge, the bi-weekly magazine of the National Boricua Human Rights Network, publishes the latest news about the Campaign to Free Oscar López Rivera. Oscar, a 72 year old Puerto Rican political prisoner convicted for seditious conspiracy, has spent the last 33.75 years imprisoned for his political beliefs, and is the object of a campaign which has united Puerto Rican civil society, Nobel Laureates, as well as support throughout the US and internationally. 

Oscar López Rivera has become known as the Nelson Mandela of Latin America.

La Orilla del Mar, la revista quincenal de la Red Nacional Boricua Pro Derechos Humanos, publica las últimas noticias acerca de la Campaña a favor de la liberación de Oscar López Rivera. Oscar, un preso político puertorriqueño de 72 años condenado por conspiración sediciosa, ha pasado los últimos 33.5 años encarcelado por sus creencias políticas y es el objeto de una campaña que ha ganado el apoyo de la sociedad civil puertorriqueña, de ganadores de Premios Nobel y de otros a lo largo de Estados Unidos y a nivel internacional.


Oscar López Rivera se ha vuelto el Nelson Mandela de América Latina.