"After my family, what I miss most is the sea" Oscar López Rivera
The Water's Edge/ La Orilla del Mar 
Welcome to the Water's Edge, the bi-weekly magazine of the
National Boricua Human Rights Network, featuring articles in English and Spanish.

Bienvenidos a la revista quincenal de la Red Nacional Boricua Pro Derechos Humanos 

"La Orilla del Mar", con artículos en Inglés y Español.




Sat. March 14, 2015, 10-1pm, El Maestro Inc, Bronx NY

Esta Voz Gritará
Por Lady M (hip-hop por Oscar y Vieques)

El puertorriqueño lleva 33 años en la cárcel y por primera vez cuenta cómo es su vida en la prisión.

Oscar López Rivera rompe silencio desde la cárcel

Univision Canal 41 Nueva York


Vease el video primera parte.

Vease el video segunda parte. 

Oscar López Rivera ha luchado por la independencia de Puerto Rico, al que califica de colonia americana. ¿Qué opinan los expertos sobre su caso?

Tiempo de Debate: Óscar López Rivera, ¿héroe o terrorista?

Univision Canal 41 Nueva York


  Vease el video.


"La Orilla del Mar"

by Marina Ortiz, February 22, 2015

The prisoner smiles and breaks free from his AmeriKKKan leash
Provoking his captors while they work to extend their world reach
and turn pointed noses from poor people who dare bare their teeth

But jailhouse jealousy and hatred is not what drives the man
He does not really wish to walk their dirty stretch of land
or feel his homeland's muddied waters touch down on captured sand

He wants more than revenge or to force open those eyes wide shut
He wants freedom for all in a world that is decent and just
From Ponce to Palestine, Oscar knows that "third world" is first

As he does in his cell, we will walk the water's edge and roar
We bring you to shore, Oscar: la orilla del mar is yours
The land of your dreams is the place that is free forever more

The prisoner leads, as he does the last Sunday of each month
And just as loudly as we gather as this defiant bunch
Obama will certainly be made aware by our May 30th front!

La Ausencia de Oscar

Por Jorge Sierra

3 8 2015 DON OSCAR video Jorge Sierra
3 8 2015 DON OSCAR video Jorge Sierra


A call from former Puerto Rican Political Prisoners

May 29th International Day of Solidarity with Oscar López Rivera 

 Let's meet our goal of 100,000 petitions- We will bring Oscar Home!

In anticipation of May 29, the 34th year of Oscar López Rivera's incarceration, we call upon supporters throughout the world to organize activities calling for his immediate release from U.S. prison and celebrating his life of struggle and commitment.  


On the occasion of his 72nd birthday,Oscar wrote: During the past 33 years, every act of solidarity that I have received, be it a letter or an activity carried out by the Human Rights Committee of Puerto Rico, the National Boricua Human Rights Network, 32 x Oscar, or the Women of the Bridge, has allowed me to experience and celebrate life, even under the most damaging and dehumanizing prison conditions. These expressions of solidarity have made possible the survival of my spirit - no, they still haven't been able to kill my spirit - and have allowed me to contribute my little grain of sand for the just and noble cause of independence and sovereignty of our beloved country.


The new year starts with renewed energy and enthusiasm with a drive to collect 100,000 signatures which we hope to accomplish by May 29. On that anniversary of his 1981 arrest, activities will take place throughout the world, including a walk to 34 municipalities in Puerto Rico ending in a large rally at the U.S. Federal Courthouse in Hato Rey, eventsin 34 cities in the United States, including a march in New York City on May 30, as well as activities throughout Latin America, Europe and Asia, which will fortify the call made by U.S. and Puerto Rican elected officials, religious leaders, Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, President Mujica of Uruguay, Maduro of Venezuela, Castro of Cuba, Ortega of Nicaragua and many other heads of state, internationally recognized artists and many others for the immediate release of Oscar López Rivera.


Oscar is the oldest and longest held political prisoner in Puerto Rican history.  Human Rights organizations consider Oscar's disproportionate sentence, continued incarceration, and inhumane conditions to be torturous, or, as Oscar says, attempted "espiriticidio".


Those of us imprisoned with Oscar and released in 1999 have had the opportunity to enjoy and expand our families. Some of us have married, become parents and grandparents, created businesses, become teachers, counselors, social workers and artisans. Oscar has been denied this. He has been denied precious years in the development of his daughter's and granddaughter's lives.


We are ushering in a new year of work in the hopes of making 2015 the year of his release.


Elizam Escobar                      Edwin Cortés                         Alejandrina Torres
Alicia Rodriguez                    Juan Segarra Palmer           Ricardo Jiménez

Carmen Valentin                    Lucy Rodríguez           Adolfo Matos

Luis Rosa                                Dylcia Pagan               Alberto Rodríguez

 Download the letter to Obama (in English and Spanish)

Campaign to Free Oscar: 2014 in Highlights




* Oscar marks his 71st birthday, and writes to his daughter Clarisa: "I feel very comfortable with my life and in my skin. I know I chose to serve the most just and noble cause that a Puerto Rican citizen could serve. My years in prison are only the occupational hazard that the struggle costs. But I was conscious of what awaited me, because the women and men who had chosen to serve the same cause and who had been imprisoned had allowed me to see what awaited me. From them I learned that I could survive, no matter how great the challenge."


* Congressman Alan Grayson writes to President Obama. seeking Oscar's release: "I am constantly approached regarding the imprisonment of Oscar López-Rivera. My constituents, a significant number of Puerto Ricans, and political leaders from all three major political parties in Puerto Rico are pleading for his release. Mr. López-Rivera's 71st birthday is in four days, on Three Kings Day, or 'Día de Reyes' as it is known in Puerto Rico. I can think of no greater gift to him, his family, and the Puerto Rican community than his freedom and allowing him to return home on this important holiday,"


* Puerto Rican Independence Party Senator María de Lourdes Santiago and Juan Dalmau visit Oscar. "An emotional visit, equally inspiring, which has had the effect of reaffirming our commitment to the struggle for independence, which is a struggle for love," the senator expressed.


* President of the Puerto Rican Senate, Eduardo Bhatia of the Popular Democratic Party, calls for Oscar's release. "The people of Puerto Rico, regardless of party lines, thought and politics, are all in agreement that Oscar López must be released."


* Puerto Rico's main daily newspaper, El Nuevo Día, continues its series Las manos en el cristal, letters from Oscar to his granddaughter Karina.5 The series appears regularly in the newspaper throughout 2014.

International News/Noticias internacionales
From/Desde Puerto Rico

41 Festival de Apoyo a Claridad con "Oscar en las Calles" 


Andy Montañez con Oscar

Grupo Asi Somos con Oscar
Andy Montañez, 
Padrino de la Segunda Caminata Nacional por Oscar
Andy ha sido firme en reclamar la excarcelación de Oscar López Rivera. La constancia de toda su vida expresando su apoyo a la libertad, las causas justas y comunitarias, hacen que Andy, se haya ganado el respeto de su gente. Por esto, nos honra presentarlo como el Padrino de la Segunda Caminata Nacional por Oscar.
Maria de Lourdes Santiago, Madrina de la Segunda Caminata Nacional por Oscar.

El colectivo "33 en 33 x Oscar" se complace en designar a la senadora María de Lourdes Santiago como la madrina oficial de la 2da Caminata Nacional x Oscar.

María de Lourdes tuvo una participación activa durante la 1ra Caminata 33 en 33 x Oscar en el 2014, participando como oradora y caminante durante varios tramos de la misma. De igual manera durante muchos años ha estado inmersa apoyando la causa de la independencia de Puerto Rico, al igual que muchas causas comunitarias y de justicia social tal como lo hizo nuestro Oscar López Rivera durante sus años de juventud y por lo cual está preso.

Recientemente tuvo la oportunidad de visitar a Oscar y expresó. "Por mucho que uno haya escuchado a los compañeros hablar sobre Oscar o leído, nada nos podía preparar para encontrarnos con esa serenidad, con esa jubilosidad, con lo que él llama la urgencia de vivir. Lo dejamos a él, pero algo del corazón se le queda a uno"



From the/desde la Diaspora
Iraq Veterans Against the War


Iraq Veterans Against the War stands behind Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar Lopez Rivera. Oscar contributed to the GI Resistance movement during Vietnam that helped to inspire IVAW's mission. IVAW also values the self-determination of all people impacted by US militarism and colonialism. This includes Puerto Rico, the oldest colony in the world, and one of the United States' unincorporated territories, or "colonial possessions" along with Guam, American Samoa and the US Virgin Islands -and the military enclave of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. You can read more about IVAW's mission and values here.


According to David Cortright's book, Soldiers in Revolt, much of the GI movement of that era was led by minorities, especially Black and Puerto Rican soldiers who saw the contradiction between their own limited rights and the idea of "fighting for freedom." Oscar's family moved from Puerto Rico to Chicago when he was 14 in search of work. After that he was drafted into the military and his experience reflects Cortright's observations:


Like many young Puerto Rican men, he was drafted into the U.S. Army and sent to Vietnam. It was there that he began to understand his identity as a Puerto Rican, seeing other Puerto Rican soldiers with Puerto Rican flags on their helmets and talking about independence and self-determination for Puerto Rico. He began to see that he had more in common with the Vietnamese people, fighting for their own independence and self-determination, than he had with the U.S. armed forces. He was decorated with the Bronze Star for his courage and valor.


Like many IVAW members, Oscar's experience in the military inspired him to become a community organizer and an agent for change.

Continue reading.

Cleveland Organizes for May 30 Mobilization
By Rev. Nozomi Ikuta, Interfaith Prisoners of Conscience Ministry, Cleveland

You are warmly invited to join with other community leaders and people of conscience from across the spectrum to bring Oscar López Rivera, the "Nelson Mandela of Latin America," home after 34 years prison.


On Saturday, April 11 at 11:00 am at the HUMADAOP Youth Center (Gruss Hall), 3115 Scranton Road, you will be able to learn more about Oscar, the campaign for his release, and the march being organized in New York on May 30.


Find out why Latin American presidents, Nobel laureates, labor unions, the churches of Puerto Rico, the Governor of Puerto Rico and dozens of other elected officials, and celebrities like Rene Perez (of Calle 13) and Ricky Martin have all joined the call for his release. 


Fashion Square, Orlando, FL

Caminata por la Liberación de Oscar López Rivera 

Por Edwin Chungo Molina

Vease las fotos.

Latino Journal Show Features Oscar Freedom Campaign

By Ana López, NYC Coordinator to Free Oscar López Rivera

On February 13, 2015, José E. López, Puerto Rican historian and brother of Oscar López Rivera, was interviewed in the Howard Jordan Latino Journal program of WBAI.  José eloquently gave an analysis of the Puerto Rican experience in the United States, the struggles for equal and civil rights  in the barrios and drew parallels with the Black people's struggle for social and political justice.  He spoke of the Oscar' Freedom Campaign and its historical significance today and with the recent developing events: the end of the embargo against Cuba, the release of Cuban political prisoners and Puerto Rico's insertion into CELAC.

Por Rosalba Henao

Free Oscar Lopez, Free Oscar Lopez  Rivera...era  la consigna que mas se escuchaba  a lo largo de una gigantesca multitud que duro varias horas transitando por la   5 avenida en Manhattan. Oscar Lopez Rivera era también la imagen repetida en afiches pancartas, esculturas, representaciones, dibujos, fotografías. 

"Oscar Lopez Rivera 32 años preso injustamente"...decía uno de los carteles. Desde el otro lado de la marcha alguien dice. Quien es él?.  Es el preso político mas antiguo de las Américas,  responde otro. que hizo? porque esta preso? de donde es? Preguntas, silencios, rostros de asombro para quienes piensan que por la 5 avenida en la ciudad de New York,  solo corren la moda, el lujo y el dinero.

Pero quien puede ser ese  hombre que ha soportado tantos años de su vida preso? que lo mantiene vivo? Que visiones  de vida alienta  con tantos  seguidores clamando por  él, justicia y libertad??? 
Siga leyendo.

"Oscar" con Yova Rodriguez y José E. López

Por Zoraida Andino-Rios

La Semana pasada, en Orlando FL, en el concierto de Tito Auger en Mojitos. Se recibió con fuerza el mensaje de Oscar Lopez Rivera.

Tito Auger en concierto Orlando, FL hablando sobre Oscar
Tito Auger en concierto Orlando, FL hablando sobre Oscar

Seen at 163 St. & Amsterdam Ave., NYC

Help Us Bring Oscar Home/Como puede ayudar

     Demanding Oscar's immediate release.

     Join the scholars, academics, and people of conscience around the world-including prominent figures such as Nobel Laureate Desmond Tutu, acclaimed novelist and activist Arundhati Roy, and philosopher and public intellectual Cornel West -who are demanding Oscar's release.

     Published online by the Puerto Rican newspaper El Nuevo Dia. 

     We are in many cities across the US.

    Oscar López Rivera, #87651-024

   Born/Nacido: 6 de enero de 1943

   FCI Terre Haute, P.O. Box 33
   Terre Haute, IN 47808

Submission guidelines/Directrices de presentación

* Send us a picture, a headline and 2 paragraphs about your event supporting Oscar's release. Include contact information.

 * Envíenos una imagen, un titulo y 2 párrafos sobre su evento a favor de la liberación de Oscar. Incluya su información de contacto.


The Water's Edge, the bi-weekly magazine of the National Boricua Human Rights Network, publishes the latest news about the Campaign to Free Oscar López Rivera. Oscar, a 72 year old Puerto Rican political prisoner convicted for seditious conspiracy, has spent the last 33.75 years imprisoned for his political beliefs, and is the object of a campaign which has united Puerto Rican civil society, Nobel Laureates, as well as support throughout the US and internationally. 

Oscar López Rivera has become known as the Nelson Mandela of Latin America.

La Orilla del Mar, la revista quincenal de la Red Nacional Boricua Pro Derechos Humanos, publica las últimas noticias acerca de la Campaña a favor de la liberación de Oscar López Rivera. Oscar, un preso político puertorriqueño de 72 años condenado por conspiración sediciosa, ha pasado los últimos 33.5 años encarcelado por sus creencias políticas y es el objeto de una campaña que ha ganado el apoyo de la sociedad civil puertorriqueña, de ganadores de Premios Nobel y de otros a lo largo de Estados Unidos y a nivel internacional.


Oscar López Rivera se ha vuelto el Nelson Mandela de América Latina.