"After my family, what I miss most is the sea" Oscar López Rivera
The Water's Edge/ La Orilla del Mar 
Welcome to the Water's Edge, the bi-weekly magazine of the
National Boricua Human Rights Network, featuring articles in English and Spanish.

Bienvenidos a la revista quincenal de la Red Nacional Boricua Pro Derechos Humanos 

"La Orilla del Mar", con artículos en Inglés y Español.



Un Patriota Como Tú
Por Jerry Ferrao

"Le doy mi más expresivo agradecimiento a todas las personas que colaboraron en este proyecto tan bonito e importante. Sin ustedes no hubiera sido posible. Mis mejores deseos para todos ustedes y a la orden siempre."

Escucha la cancion en Soundcloud



Joel Franco - Ingeniero de grabación/ Coro/ Editor 
Israel Santana - Arreglista/ Director musical de cuerdas/ Bajo
Hector Melendez - Guitarra 
Orlando Laureano - Cuatro 
Hugo Viera - Güiro 
Charlie Pizarro - Panderos (base)/ Colaboración ejecutiva 
Rafael Concepción - Pandero requinto 
Kathy Cepeda - Colaboración Coro 
Flor Angel D. Guilbe Stevens - Coro 
Sara Silva Soto - Coro 
Lizbeth Guerrido - Coro 
Soreimi Myshell Bezares - Coro
Leró Martinez Roldan - Director de coros/ Coros
Alfredo Luna - Viola 
Ramón Emanuelli - Violín
José Alvarez - Violín 
Andrés J. Rodriguez Violín 
Victor Defilló - Chelo 
Diego Alvarez - Chelo 
William Torres - Contrabajo/ Colaboración arreglo 
Kiko Urtado - Ingeniero (Violines, Chelos, Contrabajo) 
Neysa Yordan - Fotografia/ Videos 
Papo Gomez - Fotografias/ Videos 
Yehimar Ureña - Colaborador Artistico 
Danny Rivera - Voz 
Jerry Ferrao - Compositor/ Productor/ Director musical & artistico/ Panderos (base)/ Pandero Requinto/ Coro.

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El puertorriqueño lleva 33 años en la cárcel y por primera vez cuenta cómo es su vida en la prisión.

Oscar López Rivera rompe silencio desde la cárcel

Univision Canal 41 Nueva York


Vease el video primera parte.

Vease el video segunda parte. 

Oscar López Rivera ha luchado por la independencia de Puerto Rico, al que califica de colonia americana. ¿Qué opinan los expertos sobre su caso?

Tiempo de Debate: Óscar López Rivera, ¿héroe o terrorista?

Univision Canal 41 Nueva York


  Vease el video.


NYC Hosts Successful 2nd National Meeting

Freedom Pa 'Oscar Now

A Summary of Work and Projected Plans

During the Valentine's day celebration, more than 60 people attended the second national meeting sponsored by the NYC May 30th coalition.  Bad weather all day long-cold and snowing day in NY did not stop the activists from traveling near and far. The meeting was held at Eugenio Maria de Hostos Community College on Saturday, February 14, 2015 in the Bronx, NY. The image of "Oscar en la Calle" was placed at the entrance of the building to greet arrivals. This festive day of friendship and love was dedicated to our compatriot Oscar López Rivera.


The meeting was facilitated by Ana M. López and Alejandro Molina. Representatives from ten different towns attended and three cities attended via "google hangout", in spite of technical issues that prevented 4 additional cities from viewing the meeting,  Oscar's family members were present: José E. López (brother) and Lourdes Lugo (niece) traveled from Chicago and Javier Nieves from Brooklyn, NY came to meet with the region's activists fighting for Oscar's release. These activists are educators, students, composers, union leaders, religious leaders, workers, community leaders, and some retired working folks.


The meeting began with a general discussion of "Where are we in the campaign for the release of Oscar? José E. López gave an analysis of the historical juncture of the campaign for Oscar's release. There was a video viewing of Ruben Berrios' speech in CELAC.  José explained that a number of important events that have occurred in recent months gives a good indication of a change enthroned in US policy and the development of a strong and united Latin America. José called the speech Ruben Berrios of the Puerto Rican Independence Party gave at the CELAC Summit held in Costa Rica very significant and a "turning point". Who gave Ruben Berrios the opportunity to address the representatives of states in CELAC? Nicaragua's President Daniel Ortega- a Sandinista. This is historic. He spoke of the reoccurrence of history. There was a meeting of the Sandinistas and Puerto Ricans in New York in the 1930s, with Don Pedro Albizu Campos, Juan Antonio Corretjer and Sandino himself. Ruben Berrios stated that as long as Puerto Rico is a Latin American country and continues as a colony of the United States, "Latin America has to rescue her." The main attraction at the Summit was the clamor for Oscar's release. Puerto Rico is placed on the list almost as if it has acquired  independence status. The strong argument of President Nicolas Maduro for the release of Oscar has received global attention. The second event of historical importance was a pronouncement by President Obama to end the "embargo" against Cuba and the release of Cuban political prisoners. The implication of this event is the end of the cold war against Cuba. It opens the way for the case of Oscar and Puerto Rico.


There is "a small window of opportunity" in the next eight months and so the campaign has intensified its work in the diaspora to release Oscar, explained Prof. Ana M. López, co-coordinator of the meeting. The mobilization of May 30, 2015 in New York demonstrates the urgency of the moment, uniting all efforts to release Oscar. We are calling on the entire East Coast to mobilize for New York City on May 30, 2015.

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A call from former Puerto Rican Political Prisoners

May 29th International Day of Solidarity with Oscar López Rivera 

 Let's meet our goal of 100,000 petitions- We will bring Oscar Home!

In anticipation of May 29, the 34th year of Oscar López Rivera's incarceration, we call upon supporters throughout the world to organize activities calling for his immediate release from U.S. prison and celebrating his life of struggle and commitment.  


On the occasion of his 72nd birthday,Oscar wrote: During the past 33 years, every act of solidarity that I have received, be it a letter or an activity carried out by the Human Rights Committee of Puerto Rico, the National Boricua Human Rights Network, 32 x Oscar, or the Women of the Bridge, has allowed me to experience and celebrate life, even under the most damaging and dehumanizing prison conditions. These expressions of solidarity have made possible the survival of my spirit - no, they still haven't been able to kill my spirit - and have allowed me to contribute my little grain of sand for the just and noble cause of independence and sovereignty of our beloved country.


The new year starts with renewed energy and enthusiasm with a drive to collect 100,000 signatures which we hope to accomplish by May 29. On that anniversary of his 1981 arrest, activities will take place throughout the world, including a walk to 34 municipalities in Puerto Rico ending in a large rally at the U.S. Federal Courthouse in Hato Rey, eventsin 34 cities in the United States, including a march in New York City on May 30, as well as activities throughout Latin America, Europe and Asia, which will fortify the call made by U.S. and Puerto Rican elected officials, religious leaders, Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, President Mujica of Uruguay, Maduro of Venezuela, Castro of Cuba, Ortega of Nicaragua and many other heads of state, internationally recognized artists and many others for the immediate release of Oscar López Rivera.


Oscar is the oldest and longest held political prisoner in Puerto Rican history.  Human Rights organizations consider Oscar's disproportionate sentence, continued incarceration, and inhumane conditions to be torturous, or, as Oscar says, attempted "espiriticidio".


Those of us imprisoned with Oscar and released in 1999 have had the opportunity to enjoy and expand our families. Some of us have married, become parents and grandparents, created businesses, become teachers, counselors, social workers and artisans. Oscar has been denied this. He has been denied precious years in the development of his daughter's and granddaughter's lives.


We are ushering in a new year of work in the hopes of making 2015 the year of his release.


Elizam Escobar                      Edwin Cortés                         Alejandrina Torres
Alicia Rodriguez                    Juan Segarra Palmer           Ricardo Jiménez

Carmen Valentin                    Lucy Rodríguez           Adolfo Matos

Luis Rosa                                Dylcia Pagan               Alberto Rodríguez

 Download the letter to Obama (in English and Spanish)

International News/Noticias internacionales

The Podemos Party of Spain Commits to Insert

Oscar López Rivera's Case in European Human Rights Commission

By Ana López, NYC Coordinator to Free Oscar López Rivera

On February 18, 2015, the Oscar Freedom Campaign of New York City met with the leadership of the Podemos Party of Spain.  Pablo Iglesias, secretary general, listened as we spoke extensively of Oscar López Rivera and his freedom campaign. The Podemos party is part of the European Human Rights commission.  We appreciated their interest and commitment to insert Oscar López Rivera's case and presented to European Human Rights commission. José Rivera, State Assemblymen joined us and was able to share legislative experiences like the passage of resolutions in support of the Vieques struggle to oust the US Navy and for the release of Puerto Rican political prisoners.

Pro-democracy thugs, political prisoners and the destruction of the NHS
By Rob Gowland, The Guardian, Australia

The US has been pressuring Venezuela to release Leopoldo Lopez, a far-right political activist who was jailed for playing a leading part in organising a three-month wave of street violence supposedly in support of democracy. In reality, the US-backed campaign was openly aimed at forcing the removal of Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro and his policy of continuing Hugo Chávez' Bolivarian Revolution.

With a blithe disregard for truth, the US resolutely describes Leopoldo Lopez as a "pro-democracy campaigner".

Previously, when imperialist powers wanted to remove a progressive or left-wing government, they organised a military coup. But riding so blatantly over democracy while posing publicly as its champion simply won't wash any more. So the Western powers' political tacticians have fallen back on seemingly "spontaneous" violent demonstrations. Masked Fascist thugs armed with chains and clubs set about winning control of the streets.

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In 1981, a Federal District Court convicted Oscar López Rivera, a young man from San Sebastián, Puerto Rico, of seditious conspiracy and sentenced him to 55 years in prison. The United States of America categorically rejects the existence of any political prisoners within our borders. However, Rivera's conviction, and that of his comrades, is a dark reminder that the land of the free and the home of the brave denies the very essence of our nation's founding - popular sovereignty - in its territories.

Rivera has spent 34 years behind bars for a series of offenses tied to seditious conspiracy, which makes it a federal offense to conspire against the authority of the United States of America by force, among other offenses. A seditious conspiracy requires an agreement to commit a certain crime and an "overt act." An overt act is an "open act that shows an intention to commit a crime."

The threshold for an overt act is extremely low, and many small acts "in furtherance" of the crime can satisfy it. The United States government lacked evidence of Rivera harming Americans, but the government possessed sufficient evidence to show that he conspired to fight for the independence of his home through a Puerto Rican revolutionary group. Though the law is quite clear in this case, and a competent court found that Rivera's actions satisfied the law's requirement, it is still unclear why our government is so keen on punishing non-violent inhabitants of one of its colonies. Indeed, the law runs into particularly muddy waters when we think of our own nation's history. It is especially interesting to think that our most lauded heroes, like George Washington and Alexander Hamilton, would certainly have been guilty of this crime. In fact, they were guilty of actual sedition against their colonizers.

 Continue reading.
Conspirar en Estados Unidos

Toda la prensa hegemónica y los "intelectuales bienpensantes" (como dice Alfonso Sastre) acusan al gobierno bolivariano de tiránico y totalitario por haber apresado a Antonio Ledezma, alcalde metropolitano de Caracas. Tuvo suerte este personaje, porque le hubiera ido mucho peor si lo que hizo en Venezuela -participar en una conspiración para derrocar por medios violentos al gobierno-, lo hubiese hecho en Estados Unidos. A continuación, algunos antecedentes de utilidad para contextualizar su detención y, de paso, la de Leopoldo López, otro que cuenta con iguales o peores antecedentes que Ledezma.

En efecto, la legislación de Estados Unidos considera como un crimen federal cualquier acto de un nacional que "organice, ayude o intente organizar una sociedad, grupo o conjunto de personas que enseñan, promueven o alientan el derrocamiento o destrucción del gobierno". Para que se configure esta figura penal no es necesario que el plan urdido por los conspiradores sea llevado a la práctica. Basta con haberlo concebido. En virtud de esta legislación, en 1981 Oscar López Rivera -un líder independentista de Puerto Rico y veterano de la guerra de Vietnam- fue declarado culpable y condenado a 70 años de prisión por conspiración sediciosa y otros delitos. Después del primer atentado contra las Torres Gemelas, en 1993, las investigaciones condujeron a la detención de Omar Abdel Rahman -un no vidente clérigo musulmán, nacido en Egipto y residente en Nueva Jersey- y nueve otras personas, todas acusadas de "conspiración sediciosa" por estar involucradas en un plan supuestamente destinado a librar una guerra terrorista contra los Estados Unidos y su gobierno. Los inculpados no llegaron a concretar sus propósitos pero se los condenó por haber puesto en marcha un complot destinado a tal fin. La evidencia: se los sorprendió manipulando sustancias explosivas en un garaje de Queens. Pese a que el clérigo ciego mal podría haber participado en la preparación de las bombas que supuestamente se colocarían en las Torres Gemelas, fue acusado de ofrecer una justificación religiosa a los conspiradores. Todos fueron condenados en 1996 y a Rahman el juez Michael Mukasey le impuso una condena de prisión perpetua. Después de los atentados del 11 de septiembre del 2001 y con la aprobación de la Ley Patriota (Pub. L. Nº 107-56, 115 Stat. 272) se acentuaron las prerrogativas del Ejecutivo para perseguir a quienes el presidente considere han planeado, autorizado, ayudado a realizar o realizado actos hostiles o ataques en contra de Estados Unidos y su gobierno.

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Afroboricuas exigen indulto de prisionero político Oscar López Rivera

San Juan, 22 feb (PL) Decenas de mujeres afroboricuas exigieron hoy al ritmo de tambores, en la entrada de la isleta del Viejo San Juan, el indulto del prisionero político puertorriqueño Oscar López Rivera, quien lleve más de 33 años encarcelado en Estados Unidos.

Repicando las tumbadoras y con turbantes en sus cabezas en vez del emblemático pañuelo, las mujeres enarbolaron consignas como "Ahora es, aquí están, afroboricuas luchando por Oscar", y coreaban "Queremos que salgas pronto de ese secuestro monumental, ya son 33 los años querido hermano, querido Oscar".
Artistas como Choco Orta llevaron la voz cantante al ritmo de la bomba puertorriqueña para denunciar, como en la época de la esclavitud, el dominio colonial que ejerce Estados Unidos sobre Puerto Rico, razón por la que López Rivera está próximo a cumplir 34 años en sus prisiones condenado por conspiración sediciosa.
Convocadas por el colectivo "33 Mujeres por Oscar, ¡Hasta su regreso!", las afroborincanas desafiaron las condiciones climatológicas para reclamar al presidente Barack Obama el indulto de López Rivera, quien a sus 72 años de edad no ha renunciado a ver a su patria libre de la dominación colonial de Estados Unidos.
La portavoz de las afroboricuas, Edda López, se mostró emocionada tras hablar por teléfono con López Rivera, quien le expresó que "cuando uno ama la patria y lucha por ella, que es lo más importante sobre todas las cosas, uno sabe qué hacer y dónde tiene que estar".

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From/Desde Puerto Rico
Oscar López Rivera: ¿Terrorista o ejemplo para la humanidad?
Por Fernando Cabanillas, MD

  Escribe el expresidente de la UPR, Dr. José M. Saldaña, el 9 de febrero, una columna en el Vocero criticando la invitación a Oscar López Rivera a dar una conferencia magistral en la UPR: "El Recinto Universitario de Cayey de la UPR ...ha determinado que el nacionalista puertorriqueño líder fundador del grupo FALN responsable de múltiples actos terroristas sangrientos y preso por sedición (querer derrocar el gobierno mediante la fuerza y la violencia) Oscar López sea el orador de su lección magistral 2015. .."

Primero hay que aclararle al Dr. Saldaña que a Oscar nunca se le ha acusado de dirigir ni fundar la FALN y mucho menos de haber cometido actos terroristas sangrientos. Lo único correcto en las aseveraciones del Dr. Saldaña es que Oscar fue acusado de conspiración sediciosa... sí Dr. Saldaña, exactamente el mismo crimen por el cual Nelson Mandela, Premio Nobel de la Paz 1993, fue encarcelado por 27 años. Y de paso, ¿no le parece absurdo acusar a un puñado de gente de intentar derrocar por la fuerza a una potencia bélica mundial?

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Ricky Martin: "He querido volver para dejar saber que en Puerto Rico se puede"

  Dorado.- Ricky Martin camina en estos días en contra de la corriente. Mientras las estadísticas siguen sumando puertorriqueños que emigran del país, él hace canción el anhelo que lo acompañó desde que era un niño de volver a anclar en este puerto, que es su patria.

Lo canta con profunda emoción en  Isla Bella, una "plena moderna" que tiene su firma al lado de Omar Alfanno y Yotuel Romero. Es una declaración de amor al lugar que lo define y que, según comparte más adelante esta entrevista con El Nuevo Día, le está legando a sus hijos, Matteo y Valentino, para quienes su casa es Puerto Rico.

"Cuando no estoy contigo, yo te invento, ésa es mi línea favorita. Esa nostalgia la tengo desde que tengo 12 años, desde el año 1984 cuando me tuve que montar en ese avión solo, sin mis padres, y en aquella época no había text message ni Whatsapp, ni celular, era literalmente montarme en un avión y 'Good bye', nos vemos cuando vuelva. Esa nostalgia siempre estuvo, esas ganas de volver, y siempre volvía".

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Confían en que Oscar López tenga permiso para visitar Puerto Rico
Por Jorge J. Muñiz Ortiz -Agencia EFE-Primera Hora

La petición se está tramitando también ante la Agencia Federal de Prisiones.

López Rivera, de 72 años, lleva 33 años preso en EE.UU., donde fue condenado por conspiración sediciosa. (Archivo) 

Los responsables de un campus de la Universidad de Puerto Rico (UPR) mantienen la esperanza de lograr que se conceda al menos un permiso temporal al independentista Óscar López -visto en la isla un preso político de EE.UU.- para que participe en una conferencia programada para septiembre.

"Lo que queremos es solicitar a Barack Obama que dé a Oscar la oportunidad de regresar a su patria y hablarle a un grupo de jóvenes para que ofrezca sus pensamientos profundos y de paz", explicó hoy el rector de la UPR en Cayey, Mario Medina, en entrevista con Efe.

Para ello, Medina ha enviado una carta al presidente de la UPR, Uroyoán Walker Ramos, exponiendo sus pretensiones con la intención de que sea el máximo responsable de la mayor institución educativa de la isla quien le pida personalmente a Obama que excarcele a López temporalmente para que pueda ofrecer una lección magistral.

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Por Noticias 24/7

En el juego de campeonato del trigésimo torneo invitacional de baloncesto de UHS, el equipo senior varsity de dicha institución vistió unas camisas alusivas a Oscar López Rivera.

Los estudiantes atletas buscaban crear consciencia en la juventud sobre el caso del conocido luchador independentista. A su vez se unieron al clamor que existe a nivel internacional exigiendo que López Rivera sea puesto en libertad lo antes posible.

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Por Gloria Ruiz Kuilan, El Nuevo Día

Pese a las quejas de algunos miembros de la Universidad de Puerto Rico (UPR), Recinto de Cayey, la administración central del primer centro docente del país mantiene en pie una invitación al preso político, Oscar López Rivera, para que sea el orador de una lección magistral en el campus cayeyano.

"Se recibió la carta aquí en Administración Central y se está trabajando con el trámite. Se sigue con el trámite", dijo la directora de prensa y comunicaciones de Administración Central de la UPR, Olga Vélez.
El Senado Académico de la UPR Recinto de Cayey extendió la invitación a López Rivera al aprobar la resolución 31 -el pasado 29 de enero- y enviarla a la presidencia de la UPR para que se comenzara con el trámite de rigor. La resolución fue suscrita por el rector del campus, Mario Medina Cabán.
El rector envió la certificación al presidente de la UPR, Uroyoán Ramón Emeterio Walker Ramos, quien debe encargarse del proceso, explicó el asesor de comunicaciones del rector, Ángel Hoyos.
"El rector no es el que toma la decisión de la lección magisterial. Es una solicitud que se realiza a la Oficina Central y la carta ya se envió. Ahora se lo que queda es que se atienda el proceso con celeridad", dijo Hoyos
"Hay un deseo del rector de que esta actividad se realice", agregó.

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Andy Montañez pide excarcelación de Oscar López en la Serie del Caribe
Por Jorge J. Muñiz Ortiz -Agencia EFE-Primera Hora


Andy Montañez durante su presentación en las afueras del Estadio Hiram Bithorn. (Jean M. Martínez para NotiCel)

Andy Montañez hizo un llamado a la liberación del preso político Oscar López durante una presentación que tuvo con su orquesta como parte de las actividades de las semifinales de la Serie del Caribe en la plazoleta del Estadio Hiram Bithorn.

El artista exclamó en más de una ocasión entre canciones: "A Oscar López lo queremos afuera. Ya basta".

La jornada de entretenimiento arrancó pasadas las 4:00 p.m. del sábado en el marco del final del juego entre México y República Dominicana en el que salió airoso el primero. De hecho en el parque había más fanáticos de los aztecas que de los hermanos isleños.

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From the/desde la Diaspora
"Oscar en las Calles" continues Pittsburgh appearances
By Hugo Marin, National Boricua Human Rights Network, Pittsburgh

Joyce from Iraq Veterans Against the War and Hugo from the National Boricua Human Rights Network, Pittsburgh Chapter, join the band Anti-Flag on stage at a rock concert to encourage young people in the US to support Oscar Lopez.

Joyce stands with Oscar, showing the local Iraq Veterans Against the War's support of the Campaign to Free Oscar Lopez.

Seattle's "Prison Radio Project" features show on Oscar López
By Adam Carpinelli, Prison Pipeline Radio Project

Monday, February 9, Adam Carpinelli interviewed Alejandro Molina for the Prison Pipeline Radio Show. Alejandro sits on the National Boricua Human Rights Network Coordinating Committee, a leading force in the US in the campaign to free Oscar Lopez Rivera. Molina will focus the discussion on Oscar Lopez Rivera, who has been in prison since his arrest in 1981. He was charged and sentenced with seditious conspiracy and minor weapons charges. For over a decade, Oscar was held in punitive maximum-security confinement in the two "worst" prisons in the US- USP Marion and ADX Florence, and remained in max facilities until 2008. Even now, he must report every two hours to corrections staff, an unheard of stipulation. He is currently at FCI Terre Haute in Indiana. He has become known in Latino and Puerto Rican communities in the US as the Nelson Mandela of Latin America. Listen to the show here.


Prison Pipeline Collective KBOO Community Radio Portland 90.7fm
Monday February 9th 2015 6:30pm-7:00pm PST

The Spanish Evangelical Church of the Bronx-UCC

Leads the 33 churches for OSCAR Freedom campaign

By Ana López, NYC Coordinator to Free Oscar López Rivera

On February 9, under cold and snowy conditions, Prof. Ana M. López and Alejandro Molina spoke to the congregation of the Spanish Evangelical Church of the Bronx about the Oscar Freedom Campaign. After a convocation from a church member, a brief historical background of Puerto Rico was given followed with information about Oscar's case and the mobilization for May 30, 2015.  When Ana asked the audience of 150 persons of different nationalities how many were going to the march to Free Oscar on May 30th-everyone raised their hands. Alejandro spoke of the specifics of Governor Padilla Garcia's visit to see Oscar in the federal prison in Indiana and his frequent visits with Oscar. The congregation members asked questions regarding Oscar's well-being and spirit. All were assured that 33 years of his imprisonment has not destroyed his fighting spirit. The church, under the leadership of Rev. Danilo LaChapel, is leading the 33 churches for Oscar campaign. This is the first church that has a permanent "Oscar en las calles" (full image of Oscar) straight from Puerto Rico.

Brooklyn: A Good Start to Mobilize for May 30th

By Resistance in Brooklyn

On Friday, February 6, NBHRN co-member Alejandro Molina spoke at a Brooklyn house party on the plans for the upcoming May 30th mass mobilization for Oscar López Rivera. Attended by organizers of various NY-based community groups, the evening was hosted by long-time NBHRN ally Resistance in Brooklyn and included veteran activists on issues relating to prison justice and anti-colonialism, as well as youth and student activists who have been energized to include work around Oscar and May 30th as central to their Spring 2015 plans. Event co-host Matt Meyer of War Resisters International noted, "Every New Yorker,who supports human rights, who believes that All Lives Matter and who works for peace needs to make the May 30th demonstration a major and immediate priority. We have a chance at a real victory here - to right a tremendous and historic injustice - but this will only take place if we unite and organize broadly to make May 30th a massive show of solidarity."

The South Bronx Congress Joins Campaign to Free Oscar

By Ana López, NYC Coordinator to Free Oscar López Rivera


On February 21, the South Bronx Congress on its general meeting places the Oscar Campaign on its agenda and votes unanimously to join the campaign. Ana M. Lopez was invited to give a presentation about Oscar López Rivera case.  The congress made a commitment to doing outreach and mobilization for May 30th, 2015 march and rally.

Campaign to Free Oscar Returns to the Classroom

By Luis Rosa


 Last Friday, February 19, The campaign to build support for the release of Oscar López Rivera headed back into the classroom on, 2015. Professor Prexy Nesbitt's class at Columbia University at the Downtown Chicago campus hosted a discussion with Luis Rosa, former Puerto Rican political prisoner, who was freed in 1999, and Alie Kabba, Executive Director for United African Organization and candidate for President of the Republic of Sierra Leone. A spirited discussion concerning the history and present manifestations of colonialism in the world in general and Africa and Puerto Rico in particular, ensued with student participation in the form of comments and questions.


Both speakers acknowledged the significance of Oscar López Rivera in a world outlook. The similarities and comparisons to Nelson Mandela and other freedom fighters was accepted and appreciated by all present. All the students signed petitions to President Barack Obama. Thank you Professor Nesbitt, for your initiative in allowing students to receive information not readily offered in most centers of learning.


With this participation, the Oscar Campaign launches a new series of "teach-ins" throughout the Chicago land colleges, universities and high schools. For more information and for petitions please contact the campaign at info@boricuahumanrights.org.

Help Us Bring Oscar Home/Como puede ayudar

     Demanding Oscar's immediate release.

     Join the scholars, academics, and people of conscience around the world-including prominent figures such as Nobel Laureate Desmond Tutu, acclaimed novelist and activist Arundhati Roy, and philosopher and public intellectual Cornel West -who are demanding Oscar's release.

     Published online by the Puerto Rican newspaper El Nuevo Dia. 

     We are in many cities across the US.

    Oscar López Rivera, #87651-024

   Born/Nacido: 6 de enero de 1943

   FCI Terre Haute, P.O. Box 33
   Terre Haute, IN 47808

Submission guidelines/Directrices de presentación

* Send us a picture, a headline and 2 paragraphs about your event supporting Oscar's release. Include contact information.

 * Envíenos una imagen, un titulo y 2 párrafos sobre su evento a favor de la liberación de Oscar. Incluya su información de contacto.


The Water's Edge, the bi-weekly magazine of the National Boricua Human Rights Network, publishes the latest news about the Campaign to Free Oscar López Rivera. Oscar, a 72 year old Puerto Rican political prisoner convicted for seditious conspiracy, has spent the last 33.5 years imprisoned for his political beliefs, is the object of a campaign which has united Puerto Rican civil society, Nobel Laureates, as well as support throughout the US and internationally. 

Oscar López Rivera has become known as the Nelson Mandela of Latin America.

La Orilla del Mar, la revista quincenal de la Red Nacional Boricua Pro Derechos Humanos, publica las últimas noticias acerca de la Campaña a favor de la liberación de Oscar López Rivera. Oscar, un preso político puertorriqueño de 72 años condenado por conspiración sediciosa, ha pasado los últimos 33.5 años encarcelado por sus creencias políticas y es el objeto de una campaña que ha ganado el apoyo de la sociedad civil puertorriqueña, de ganadores de Premios Nobel y de otros a lo largo de Estados Unidos y a nivel internacional.


Oscar López Rivera se ha vuelto el Nelson Mandela de América Latina.