When you do your Holiday shopping at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to Puerto Rican Cultural Center
Bookmark the link http://smile.amazon.com/ch/23-7347778 and support us every time you shop.
FCC's Net Neutrality Shift a Victory for Open Internet & Grassroots Activism
After much anticipation, the chair of the Federal Communications Commission has unveiled what he calls "the strongest open internet protections ever proposed by the [agency]." Tom Wheeler backed the regulation of Internet service like a public utility in order to uphold net neutrality, the principle of a free and open Internet. The new rules would prevent Internet service providers like Comcast from blocking access to websites, slowing down content, or providing paid fast lanes for Internet service. It would also extend such protections to Internet service on cell phones and tablets. The proposal comes after theFCC received a record-setting number of public comments - nearly four million, almost all in support of strong protections. President Obama also released public statements in support of Internet protections. The FCC will vote on the plan February 26, ahead of an influx of lobbying by the telecom industry, which has also threatened to sue if the measure passes. We are joined by Tim Karr, senior director of strategy for Free Press, one of the main organizers of the Internet Countdown campaign leading up to the FCC's net neutrality vote.
Continue reading.
From Puerto Rican Cultural Center & Programs
Enrollment Event at Clemente a Success
In the photo: From left to right: Salvador Cerna, GCI Regional Outreach Coordinator; José Muñoz, GCI Chief Marketing Officer; Jennifer Koehler, GCI Director; Clark, Cubs Mascot; Mayra Estrella, PRCC ACA Program Director; Rocio Kanan, PRCC ACA Program Administrative Coordinator.
By Genie Hernández Rosado
On Saturday, February 7th, the Puerto Rican Cultural Center's Affordable Care Act Team, in collaboration with Get Covered Illinois and Be Covered, participated in an enrollment and health fair at the Roberto Clemente Community Academy. Hundreds attended the event and were able to answer their questions about health insurance through Get Covered Illinois. It was estimated that 650 individuals enrolled that day. Many families enjoyed free lunch, participated in a kids' zone, and were able to get free health screenings and vaccines. It was a beautiful event that celebrated the importance of having health insurance. Thanks for all that participated!
See more photos from this event on our Instagram @aca_team_chicago
By Jackie González
As a Resident of El Rescate Roxy Palagio has always wanted to be involved in some form of cooking or baking. Her love of working in the kitchen led her to her culinary journey at the number one culinary school, Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts in Chicago, where she hopes to receive an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Baking and Pastry Arts.
Roxy has taken advantage of all the resources that El Rescate has to offer to make her dream a reality. An average day for Roxy begins early morning when she gets on the bus and heads off to school, she arrives back home at 2:30pm to get ready to go to work in Rosemont Illinois. She begins her shift at a restaurant at 4pm, works until 11pm and them makes her way back home to rest, and start her day over again. 'It's a rough schedule but when you are determined, things work out, says Roxy. Roy has been creating beautiful tasty desserts at school and at least twice a week she brings dessert home to share with staff and residents. Case Manager, Zenaida Lopez eagerly awaits for Roxy to walk in at 2:30pm to see if she has a pastry box with her with some delicious desert in it.
"Everything she makes is so delicious," states Lopez. All El Rescate staff encourages Roxy, and all are very proud of how hard she works. But it's not all fondant, and crepes, states Roxy, "make no mistake about it, this is a tough, challenging, and demanding role that only those who are truly dedicated to the craft can survive and thrive in", I know I will.
Move for Life! Coming April 4th
By Leony Calderón
Move for Life! Saturday, April 4, 2015 from 12:00pm to 4:00pm. Inside Humboldt Park, Luis Muñoz Marin Dr. at the southeast corner near Division St. and California Ave.
Move for Life! is an annual one day community-driven outdoor event to kick-off the Spring/Summer physical activity seasons. Move for Life! has three primary objectives: 1. To promote and support an active lifestyle. 2). To showcase the community organizations that provide free and or low cost physical activity programs for youth and adults. 3. To foster ongoing collaboration and networking amongst these organizations. Move for Life! brings together community organizations, to plan the event over a three month period, featuring community organizations, programs, individuals as well as cultural activities and entertainment.
To participant in Move for Life! Call or email us at Moveforlife@prcc-chgo.org, 773-342-0855.
Volunteer opportunities are available for high school students, university students, and adults.

November Chicago Magazine "Why José López Stands Between Gentrification and Humboldt Park"
Be sure to pick up the November issue of Chicago Magazine, which features an interview by Puerto Rican Cultural Center ED José E. López conducted by Elly Fishman.
From Our Community Partners
Taking Precautions Against Measles!
Norwegian-American Hospital
Measles is considered one of the most highly contagious viruses. For years, measles has been rare in the United States, thanks to immunization. But recently, that has changed. Outbreaks, mostly started by unimmunized people traveling from countries that have high outbreaks of measles, spread the infection to unimmunized people here.
Norwegian American Hospital is taking a proactive approach to address the potential spread of this virus and asks community members to get vaccinated. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the measles vaccine is 95-99% effective in protecting you from contracting the measles. If you or your family members have not been vaccinated or already had measles, call your primary care doctor to check availability of the vaccine and to schedule an appointment. There are some age groups that should not receive the vaccine.
If you think you have measles or have been exposed, call your doctor or other healthcare provider before visiting to avoid spreading the virus to others. Measles spreads through the air by coughing and sneezing. Symptoms include: fever, runny nose, cough and red eyes. This is followed by a rash that can spread all over the body.
Visit the CDC's Measles website for more information, including photographs of people with measles and information on outbreaks and vaccination.
The Campaign to Free Oscar López Rivera has
it's own e-newsletter- The Water's Edge/La Orilla del Mar
Published every two weeks- next issue comes out 2-19-2015
FCI Terre Haute, PO Box 33
Terre Haute, IN, 47808