When you do your Holiday shopping at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to Puerto Rican Cultural Center
Bookmark the link http://smile.amazon.com/ch/23-7347778 and support us every time you shop.
On February 26, the FCC will be meeting to decide between two options for the future of the internet:
The open, fair, democratic internet that we all know and love.
Or a ruthlessly inefficient internet where ISPs get to pick and choose whose content gets priority, whose gets slowed down, and whose might never get transmitted at all.
We're here to help you contact your congressperson and tell them how, through Title II protection, they can ensure that traffic keeps moving for everybody on the internet, and no one gets left behind.
Ready? Just visit the website EVERYBODY ON THE INTERNET and fill out the short form. If you're intimidated by phone calls, don't worry. This won't take more than a minute, and we'll help you out with what to say.
From Puerto Rican Cultural Center & Programs
PRCC Staff Participates in Press Conference About Youth Programming Closings
By Jorge Cestou
On January 1, 2015, over 30 agencies throughout the state of Illinois began the new calendar year for their youth programming. These programs provide services to thousands of young individuals through their afterschool tutoring, mentoring, drop-in center services to youth experiencing homelessness, and jobs for youth.
The Puerto Rican Cultural Center (PRCC) was one of those excited agencies to start the year with their excellent programming.
The joy for many of these youth ended last week on January 29, 2015, at 3:47 P.M. with a letter from Governor Bruce Rauner's advising the agencies to cease any and all operations for these programs.
On Tuesday, February 3, 2015, PRCC staff participated in a press conference at the Thompson Center to demand of Governor Rauner to restore all of our programs so our youth can receive these services that help them with getting good grades in school and away from possible trouble. Our programs aid in violence prevention efforts by helping young individuals stay focused on finishing up their homework and receiving mentoring to become productive adults.
"Governor Rauner promised us to support the underserved communities and by closing our programs he is assuring us that his campaign commitment was a lie." `said Fr. Pflegger of Saint Sabina Church.
The participants of this press conference echoed the request to the Governor to restore our programs. "Restore the contracts. Help our Youth." chanted all press conference and rally participants
Juan Calderon spearheaded the PRCC contingent to this press conference and rally.
Jorge Cestou of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center was interviewed by Univision. He expressed his concern for the wrong action from Governor Rauner to retract contract commitments and explained how not having these programs will affect underserved communities like Humboldt Park, and other Latino communities the PRCC serves.
Rocio: Enrolling Others... And Herself
By Affordable Care Act staff, Puerto Rican Cultural Center
In May 2012, Rocio lost her job and her employer-based health coverage. At first, not having coverage wasn't much of a problem. Rocio went about her normal life and began looking for a new job. But after a few months, she started having pain in her leg. After having had coverage all her life, it was an adjustment to not see a doctor right away about the problem. She tried to ignore the pain, but it continued to get worse. Rocio knew there was something wrong and that she needed to see a doctor.
El Rescate Hosts Trans and Gender Nonconforming Healthcare Workshop
By Jackie Gonz�lez, El Rescate
We would like to thank you Katja Tetzlaff a graduate student from UIC whom is working on a master's in Biomedical Visualization/Medical Illustration and have a pre-med background with a BS in molecular biology and minors in chemistry and art studio. and Angelica Alonso from UIC,for offering a presentation and/or workshop last Friday to our youth (residents) of the program. About trans- and gender nonconforming healthcare. At El Rescate we are always pleased to welcome any individual, Organization or company that is willing to share their time to provide our youth informational sessions, or a learning experience.
Heels On Wheels was a Huge Success!
By Angie Vera,West Town Bikes
Thanks to our sponsors, and the many friends who came to support us, we raised $2,500 for Girls Bike Club, and the donations are still coming in! We are thrilled to have a new venue partner for upcoming events, Intuit Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art, that aligns with our values and style. With the money we raised, Girls Bike Club is hoping to expand our gardening, plan a trip for the spring break and explore more of our city by bike. An updated version of the Heels on Wheels fashions will be featured at the 18th Annual Bike Winter Art Show closing party on February 27th. Come support our girls and local cycling artists! Learn more about the Bike Winter Art Show
Affordable Care Act in the Media
By Geniz Hernandez, Affordable Care Act Staff, Puerto Rican Cultural Center
Last Thursday, January 29, the Affordable Care Act's Consortium's Youth Committee had a press conference at A Safe Haven Foundation. Many young leaders shared their stories and highlighted why it is so important for everyone to enroll, but particularly for the group known as "The Young Invincibles", individuals between the ages of 18 and 29. The event was covered by Univision, ABC7 Chicago, wttw Chicago and The Chicago Sun-Times.
Additionally, our very own Office Manager, Roc�o Kanan, has been featured in the Get Covered Illinois (GCI) Website (see story above). Back in December, the GCI filming crew visited our office to film Roc�o's experience with the Affordable Care Act and the Health Insurance Marketplace. The footage was recently release in the GCI website; we invite everyone to watch and learn of Roc�o's success story: https://getcoveredillinois.gov/success-story/rocio-enrolling-others/
Don't forget to follow our Instagram: @aca_team_chicago
CIC Children Learn to Classify Colors
By Hope Poireir, Consuelo Lee Corretjer Childcare
Jeremiah is using his fine motor skills to classify what color rocks go into which color bowl. He is also using the different colored tongs to classify what rock to pick up and where he should place it at. He did an excellent job with this game and he wanted to play with his other friends, he was excited to teach them how to play and once all his friends understood the game they wanted to race to see who puts all the correct colors in their bowl first. They all had a blast playing this particular game.
November Chicago Magazine "Why Jos� L�pez Stands Between Gentrification and Humboldt Park"
Be sure to pick up the November issue of Chicago Magazine, which features an interview by Puerto Rican Cultural Center ED Jos� E. L�pez conducted by Elly Fishman.
From Our Community Partners
Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez & Family Defenders getting ready for administrative action and the application period!
By Theresa Paucar, Cong. Luis V. Guti�rrez staff
In the last few months, the District office of Congressman Luis Gutierrez has been training Family Defenders about immigration actions. Our Family Defenders are learning ways to prepare our families for the application period. This last Saturday, January 31st, 2015 at Iglesia Rebano, Congressman Gutierrez hosted on event on Immigration executive actions and his special guests were DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson, USCIS Director Leon Rodriguez, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Senator Dick Durbin, Pastor Lynette Santiago and additional guests. More than 650 immigrant families attended our event and were able to hear an overview of the immigration actions directly from the USCIS Director Rodriguez. Families Defenders interviewed 500 families one-on-one and informed them about their eligibility and provided materials so that they can prepare for the application period. Congressman Gutierrez is touring the country to educate immigrants about the President's executive actions on immigration and provide more information about the expansion of the successful DACA program and the new DAPA program for parents of U.S. citizen and legal permanent resident children. For more information visit our website at http://gutierrez.house.gov/immigration-action-national-tour or by calling our Immigration Executive Actions hotline at 773-342-8490.
Upcoming event in Chicago: Congressman Gutierrez and Congresswoman Schakowsky will be attending the event! When? Saturday, February 14th, 2015 Time? 9:30am-2:00pm Location? Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe 1170 N River Road, Des Plaines, IL 60016 Congressman Guti�rrez has pledged to make Chicago a model community for orienting!
The National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture opens its first exhibition of the year 2015 with Homecoming "That's Puerto Rican"
By Bianca Ortiz Declet, National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture
January 30, 2015 - March 27, 2015
Last Friday, January 30, 2015 the National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture opened the second edition of Homecoming, which was titled Homecoming "That's Puerto Rican". This edition featured a rich variety of local Puerto Rican artists with an aesthetic in which notions of cultural preservation takes precedence. The curatorial discourse divided the artwork in four different themes to categorize this collection: Landscapes & portraits, Across the Street, Legends and folklore and Bread and Memory. This exhibition features the work of Janice Aponte, Miguel Arroyo, Elias Carmona, Noelia Cruz, Lizette Cruz, Benjamin Mercado, Evette Morales, Leo Negr�n, Moses P�rez, Patricia P�rez, Francisco Rosado and Martin Soto. This is a very heartwarming exhibit with special attentions in traditional aspects of the Puerto Rican culture.
The first edition of Homecoming, which took place in September 2014during the museum's grand opening, showed a group of Puerto Rican artists that posses a more individualistic character in matters of their creative language in the "intellectual urge to create original work that mirrors a shared history and the idiosyncrasies of producing art in a transnational context." In this first edition, we had the pleasure of exhibiting these internationally known artists: Bibiana Su�rez, Candida Alvarez, Edra Soto, Jos� Lerma, Josue Pellot and Nora Mait� Nieves.
Homecoming is a one-year round exhibition project presented in the National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture with the purpose of featuring Puerto Rican artists in Chicago and showing the diversity portrayed through our arts and culture.
8th Grade Students Learn About High School Life at Clemente
By Roberto Clemente Community Academy staff
After one of the highest increases in high school enrollment for 2014-15, Clemente is currently supporting this year's 8thgrade students in investigating the great, educational opportunities that the school has to offer! RCCA is quickly gaining recognition within the community and surrounding area with its highly sought-after CTE career options in Allied Health, Culinary Arts, and Broadcast Technology, as well as its current transition as an IB Candidate School.
During our recent visit from Jose De Diego, inquiring 8th graders received a tour of the building, met with De Diego Alumni to hear more about high school life at Clemente, and also had the opportunity to visit classrooms to see first-hand what a high school class at Clemente entails. Students received information about our programs and were invited to attend our upcoming open house. For 7th and 8th grade students interested in learning more about student life at Clemente, we encourage you to attend our Cocoa and Cookies open house on Thursday, February 5th from 6:30-7:30pm!
Visit Our Website.
Chicago Youth Unemployment Highest in Nation
By Michelle Morales, Alternative Schools Network
The Alternative Schools Network held its annual summit on youth employment on Friday, January 30, 2015. Entitled "Youth Employment: A Smart Investment", the event was co-sponsored by and held at the Chicago Urban League on Chicago's south side. Over 275 individuals attended the event, many from area non-profits and alternative high schools. All that attended were deeply invested in youth employment and had either employed youth through city or state funding, or  worked with youth in some capacity. Dr. Paul Harrington of Drexel University presented data and findings showing Chicago, and the state of Illinois, as the leader in youth unemployment - particularly in Black men ages 16-24 years of age. This finding was startling and raises major concerns and ramifications for the future of Black youth and their ability to enter the workforce. A copy of the report can be find at http://www.asnchicago.org/youth-employment. Over 20 youth from area community based organizations and alternative high schools testified to a panel of 14 city and state legislators concerning the importance of work and the skills they learned during their employment over the summer of 2014. A call to action was put forth for organizations to demand that Governor Rauner set aside funding for summer employment opportunities for youth.
Long-time Peoples Law Office Partner Michael Deutsch featured in "Super-Lawyers"
The Atticus of Attica
From rioting prisoners to Black Panthers to animal-rights defenders, Michael E. Deutsch has been on the front line of the fight for civil rights
Q: What were the roots of your civic activism?
A: I didn't really become an activist until I got to law school. I graduated [Northwestern] in '69, right at the height of the anti-Vietnam War movement.
Then I became a law clerk in the United States Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit. The Chicago conspiracy trial was going on; these anti-war activists were put on trial for crossing state lines to encourage riots-basically to encourage demonstrations against the war.
It was a very colorful trial, and the defendants were from different parts of the anti-war movement; one was a leader of the Black Panthers. I used to go down there and watch. There was this judge, Julius Hoffman, who was very against the defendants. There was a lot of commotion and a lot of acting out and drama in the courtroom. I became very immersed in wanting to become a lawyer who represents people who are fighting injustice, and [in] working for people's rights.
I joined a group of lawyers-which I still am part of-called the People's Law Office, which started in 1969 and is still going strong 45 years later. We represent people who are victims of police abuse and police brutality. We also are very involved in uncovering people who have been wrongfully convicted and have been in prison a long period of time. We've been able to free many people from prison.
The Campaign to Free Oscar L�pez Rivera has
it's own e-newsletter- The Water's Edge/La Orilla del Mar
Published every two weeks- next issue comes out tomorrow, 2-5-2015
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Terre Haute, IN, 47808