PRCC Executive Director Honored by Illinois Legislative Latino Caucus
Nominated by Illinois State Representative Cynthia Soto, Professor Jose Lopez was recognized by the Illinois Legislative Latino Caucus Conference Foundation for his tireless work in education and community building. Before 900 participants, Professor Lopez spoke about an innovative educational initiative called the "Community as a Campus" and its goal to provide all residents of Humboldt Park with educational and workforce opportunities. Congratulations Professor López.


Holiday Pasteles Fundraiser For Oscar and Norberto Comissary!

Network Raises Over $2000 for Campaign, and Commissary for 

Oscar López Rivera and Norberto Claudio González 


From Puerto Rican Cultural Center & Programs

Affordable Care Act Program at the James R. Thompson Center!


The open enrollment period for private health insurance through the Marketplace is now in full swing! The In-Person Counselors of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center are going to different locations throughout the city to meet the demand for our services. The James R. Thompson Center at downtown will be one of our sites. From now until February 10, 2015, there will be two staff members at the James R. Thompson Center every Tuesday from 10am to 4pm to educate and enroll the public. Last week, our table was very busy with people stopping by! Some of them wanted to enroll, many had questions, and others hurriedly grabbed a flyer or two and sprinted out in order to resume their hectic daily routine. We were more than glad to help people enroll, to answer their questions, or make an appointment to provide individualized assistance later.

CIC Students Learn How to Build Train Tracks Different Ways!

By Hope Poirier, Centro Infantil Childcare

Centro Infantil Daycare had bought a new train track and the kids were really excited about it. The train track came with four different ways to build the track. There was a paper with a picture of the way it's supposed to look like and then each different block had a different letter. The kids had to figure out what block went where and what letters go with what block. They did a fantastic job and were able to build one of the four different train tracks and they enjoyed every second of it, especially putting it together.  


On Sale Now

November Chicago Magazine "Why José López Stands Between Gentrification and Humboldt Park"

Be sure to pick up the November issue of Chicago Magazine, which features an interview by Puerto Rican Cultural Center ED José E. López conducted by Elly Fishman.

From Our Community Partners

Turkey Giveaway Brings Joy to Needy Families in Humboldt Park

With the Thanksgiving countdown underway, Ald. Roberto Maldonado joined Michael Petryshyn, founder of Humboldt Park's famous punk, rock, and alternative music festival "Riot Fest" to give thanks to the 26th Ward community this week.


Through the generosity of Petryshyn, Maldonado helped unload a truck of 500 turkeys outside his 26th Ward Community Service Office on Monday to distribute to needy families.  Despite the sleet and snow, hundreds of residents gathered to receive a turkey and a "Happy Thanksgiving" greeting from their Alderman.


The turkey giveaway continued on Tuesday with local businesses donating turkeys for churches and schools.  Maldonado's staff also personally delivered turkeys to homebound seniors and disabled persons.


Although the Thanksgiving Turkey Give Away is an annual tradition for Maldonado, this was the largest donation of turkeys ever for this event.

Campaign to Free Oscar López Rivera


FCI Terre Haute,  PO Box 33

Terre Haute, IN,  47808 

Clarisa López to Join 33 Mujeres NYC in East Harlem to Demand the Release of Her Father, Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Oscar López Rivera


November 24 -  This month, 33 Mujeres NYC x Oscar will rally in East Harlem in front of "La Placita" on East 116th Street and Park Avenue. Please join us at 4:00 pm sharp in a 33-minute action to create awareness among our communities here and help build a movement for the release of Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera.


Oscar's daughter, Clarisa López, will be attending the 4:00 pm rally, as well as a community gathering and silent auction at Camaradas el Barrio, beginning at 5:00 pm. City Council Speaker Melissa Mark Viverito will also be present.


About Oscar López Rivera


Often described as the Nelson Mandela of our generation, Oscar is the longest held Puerto Rican political prisoner in the history of the nation's independence movement.  Activists, singers, politicians, actors, students, religious leaders and lawyers the world over have called on President Barack Obama to exercise his Constitutional power of pardon, and to grant immediate and unconditional release to Oscar López Rivera.


About 33 Mujeres NYC x Oscar 


33 Mujeres NYC x Oscar is a group of women from New York City committed to securing Oscar López Rivera's freedom. We hold monthly rallies for 33 minutes on the last Sunday of every month from 4:00 - 4:33pm to signify the 33 years that Oscar has been imprisoned in federal penitentiaries, and will continue to hold monthly rallies until he is released. Our rallies coincide with actions occurring at the same date and time in San Juan, Puerto Rico that were initiated by 32 women in 2013 to mark Oscar's 32nd year of imprisonment.


Monthly Rally

Sunday, November 30th

4:00 pm to 4:30 pm

In front of "La Placita"

East 116th Street & Park Avenue


Community Gathering & Silent Auction

Sunday, November 30th

5:00 pm 

Camaradas el Barrio

2241 First Avenue @ 115th St.

Birth of a Patriot, Star of a Nation: Social Media Campaign on Oscar López Rivera's Birthday.
La Respuesta Magazine & National Boricua Human Rights Network

On January 6, 2015 La Respuesta magazine and National Boricua Human Rights Network (NBHRN) call on you to act on behalf of the Puerto Rican people's longest-held political prisoner. In honor of the man who has withstood thirty-three years in prison the campaign is called "Birth of a Patriot, Star of a Nation".

The worldwide campaign calls for 100,000 messages to the twitter accounts of the President, White House, and Justice Department on January 6, 2015, Oscar's birthday and the Day of the Epiphany/ Three Kings, the holiest day in his Puerto Rico homeland. We also call on participants to share "virtual gifts" in the form of photographs, videos, and writings on their social media pages in honor of Oscar's birthday.

Are you a poet? Artist? Photographer? Chef? Athlete? Dancer? Educator? Student? Health worker? Laborer? Mother? Father? Whatever you are or do, wherever you are, write a post, take a photo, record a video - dedicate a "virtual gift" to raising awareness and building support for Oscar López Rivera.

Post one of your poems, share a picture of your art or photography, cook and photograph a meal, run a few miles and write about it, record yourself dancing, take a selfie with a sign. Get creative and let the world know that you demand the release of Puerto Rican patriot Oscar López Rivera!

This January 6, 2015, on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, or any other platform you use, post using the hashtags #FreeOscarLopez and #Gift4Oscar(#RegaloPaOscar for Spanish-language messages). On Twitter, make sure to tag @BarackObama and @TheJusticeDept so that those with the power to release him hear our demands. We encourage you to begin planning your action to make sure we are all heard in unison on January 6.

Oscar, who was born on Three King's Day, has become the Puerto Rican nation's shining star, able to unite a people facing the divisive effects of a more than one-hundred year colonial occupation. Now, more than ever, the Puerto Rican people have come together in a way that presents U.S. President Barack Obama every reason to exercise his power of pardon and release Oscar. To learn more about Oscar and to read his original essays, visit:

Let's use social media for social change and send the clear message: RELEASE OSCAR NOW, 33 YEARS IS TOO MUCH!


For more info:;

El nacimiento de un patriota, la estrella de una nación: Campaña de medios sociales en el cumpleaños de Oscar López Rivera

Revista La Respuesta & Red Nacional Boricua Pro Derechos Humanos

El 6 de enero de 2015 la revista La Respuesta y Red Nacional Boricua Pro Derechos Humanos (NBHRN) hacen un llamado a la acción pro la liberación del prisionero puertorriqueño que más tiempo lleva encarcelado. Esta campaña en honor al hombre que ha resistido treinta y tres años de prisión se llama "Nacimiento de un patriota, la estrella de una nación".


La campaña mundial espera conseguir 100,000 mensajes a las cuentas de Twitter del presidente y del Departamento de Justicia el 6 de enero de 2015, el día de cumpleaños de Oscar y el Día de los Reyes Magos, el día más sagrado en su tierra natal Puerto Rico. También pedimos a los participantes a que compartan "regalos virtuales" en forma de fotografías, videos y trabajos escritos en sus páginas de medios sociales en honor al cumpleaños de Oscar.


¿Es usted poeta? ¿Artista? ¿Fotógrafo? ¿Chef? ¿Atleta? ¿Bailarín? ¿Educador? ¿Estudiante? ¿Trabajador de la salud? ¿Obrero? ¿Madre? ¿Padre? Lo que usted sea o lo que haga, esté donde esté, escriba algo y publíquelo en las redes sociales, tome una foto, grabe un video --dedique un "regalo virtual" para crear conciencia y apoyar la campaña en pro de la liberación de Oscar López Rivera.


Publique uno de sus poemas, comparta una foto de su trabajo de arte o una fotografía, cocine y tome una foto de la comida, corra unos cuantos kilómetros y escriba sobre su experiencia, grábese bailando, tómese una selfie con un cartel ... Sea creativo y deje que el mundo sepa que usted exige la liberación del patriota puertorriqueño Oscar López Rivera!


Este 6 de enero de 2015, en Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram o en cualquier otra plataforma que utilice, haga publicaciones utilizando los hashtags #FreeOscarLopez y #Gift4Oscar (#RegaloPaOscar para los mensajes en español). En Twitter, asegúrese de etiquetar @BarackObama y @TheJusticeDept para que aquellos con el poder de liberarlo oigan nuestras demandas. Les exhortamos a que comiencen a planificar para asegurarse de que todos seamos escuchados al unísono el 6 de enero.


Oscar, nacido el Día de los Reyes, se ha convertido en la brillante estrella de la nación puertorriqueña, capaz de unir a las personas que enfrentan los efectos divisores de una ocupación colonial de más de cien años. Ahora, más que nunca, el pueblo puertorriqueño se ha unido para presentarle al presidente de Estados Unidos Barack Obama motivos para ejercer su facultad de indulto y para que libere a Oscar. Para obtener más información sobre Oscar y para leer sus ensayos originales, visite:


Utilicemos las redes sociales para lograr un cambio y enviar un mensaje claro: ¡LIBERE A OSCAR AHORA, 33 AÑOS ES DEMASIADO!


Para más información, escriba a:


National Boricua Human Rights Network Hosts

"Inciting Rebellion"

By Juan Morales, NBHRN

As part of a series of youth-led events called "Freedom Forums for Oscar López", the NBHRRN invited close to 30 youth to hear former Puerto Rican political prisoner Luis Rosa speak at the event titled "Inciting Rebellion". In  addition, the film "COINTELPRO 101 " was shown and a spirited discussion around the FBI's program to repress social movements and communities. ensued. It was a good start to what will become an ongoing series of community discussions and dialogue. 

El jurista español Baltasar Garzón, reconocido internacionalmente por su defensa de los derechos humanos, comentó el lunes que el delito de conspiración sediciosa, por el cual fue acusado el preso político Oscar López Rivera, es peligroso por ser una definición tan amplia que "da lugar a casi todo".  En ese sentido, Garzón criticó la condena por ser "absolutamente desproporcionada". Vea el video.

Los Tequis

Edit and share Office files with Google Drive-- no software necessary

Upload your Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint files to Google Drive. Now you can open and edit them on any device, without Office software. If you want to work on a file with teammates in real time, just convert it to a Google document, spreadsheet or presentation.

Step 1:

From the Chrome Web Store, download the Chrome extension for editing Office files with Docs, Sheets or Slides.

Step 2:

In Google Drive, click the New button in the top-left corner and choose File upload, then select an Office file on your hard drive.

Step 3:

To open and edit the Office file in Word, Excel or PowerPoint format, locate it in Google Drive and double-click its file name.

Once the extension is installed, Office files that you drag into Chrome, open in Gmail, Google Drive, and more, will be opened in Docs, Sheets, and Slides for viewing and editing.

Share these simple steps with your team so they can add the Chrome extension and edit Office files directly with Google Drive. Get the Chrome Extension.

Puerto Rican Cultural Center
o. 773/342-8023 f. 773/342-6609

"Live and Help to Live"

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