Clemente Celebrates 40 Years!

Over the weekend, Roberto Clemente Community Academy hosted a trio of events to celebrate the school's 40th anniversary. Events honored the legacy of Robert Clemente the humanitarian, the educational philosophy of Clemente as a school, and the community whose vision and support helped to found and sustain the school for the past four decades.


On Friday night, the Open House kicked off with a slideshow from the past 40 years, building tours, and an appetizer buffet prepared by our Culinary Arts students.  The formal program opened with a speech by Roberto Clemente, Jr. and presentation of the first annual "Puerto Rican of the Year" award to Reverend Wilfredo "Choco" De Jes�s, senior pastor at New Life Covenant Church.  Matt McCanna debuted a video short capturing the spirit of Roberto Clemente, followed by a showing of PBS' documentary "Roberto Clemente: American Experience"


An educational symposium on Saturday morning featured keynote speaker Orlando Hern�ndez, who shared the life and educational canon of Eugenio Mar�a de Hostos. He was followed by welcoming addresses from Roberto Clemente Jr. and Principal Marcey Sorensen, and an explanation of the Community as a Campus model by Marvin Garcia.  The symposium ended with 3 panels of speakers focusing on Educational Canons and the IB Philosophy, Critical Race Theory, and a Pedagogical Framework for Citizenship of the Americas.


The weekend celebrations culminated in a gala at the National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture, attended by community members and Clemente faculty and featuring dinner from Nellie's and a performance by Bomba con Buya. Keynote speaker Pablo Medina discussed his experiences growing up in the Humboldt Park community and the challenges for equity and citizenship that persisted then as well as today.  At the close of the weekends' celebrations, both community members and staff are hopeful that the recent changes at Clemente and pursuit of IB authorization will continue to transform the school into an institution that provides equitable opportunities for all.

Symposium Panel Challenges 

Educational Borders, Notions of Citizenship

The Roberto Clemente Community Academy 40th Anniversary Symposium, held on Saturday, September 20, concluded with a panel titled "A Pedagogical Framework for Citizenship of the Americas." The panel included presentations by Jonathan Rosa (Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst), Orlando Hern�ndez (Professor Hostos College), and Jos� L�pez (Executive Director, Puerto Rican Cultural Center).

Jonathan Rosa opened the panel by emphasizing the need to embrace a new vision of citizenship that challenges inequalities associated with political, linguistic, and educational borders. He drew connections between recent events in Ferguson, MO and the ongoing debate surrounding immigration reform, in order to highlight the ways that contemporary forms of citizenship fail to ensure full societal inclusion. Rosa pointed to his research among Latin@ youth in Chicago to demonstrate the ways that people are reimagining borders through the creation of diasporic identities and hybrid language practices. He concluded by suggesting that the Community as a Campus educational model challenges educational borders by linking schools, homes, and communities in innovative ways.

Orlando Hern�ndez presented an historical perspective on transnational citizenship in the context of Eugenio Mar�a de Hostos' dream of unifying Latin America, as well as his efforts toward the creation of an Antillean Federation between Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic. He highlighted Hostos' support for independence not only in his native Puerto Rico, but also in Cuba and throughout Latin America. Hern�ndez located Hostos' views of independence and citizenship in relation to his promotion of progressive education, the abolition of slavery, and equality between the sexes. Based on this range of commitments, Hostos came to be viewed as a "Citizen of the Americas." Thus, as Hern�ndez pointed out, Hostos provides us with a powerful historical vision of more just, transnational forms of citizenship.

Jos� L�pez concluded the panel by reminding the audience of Chicago's unique history of Latin@ (im)migration and solidarity. As the only major U.S. city with large, longstanding Puerto Rican and Mexican populations, Chicago has emerged as a context in which generations of Puerto Ricans and Mexicans have struggled collectively to respond to various forms of societal marginalization. Building from these insights, L�pez suggested that Latin@ consciousness and cultural citizenship arose in Chicago. This explains how Luis Guti�rrez, a Puerto Rican born and raised in Chicago and thus a U.S. citizen by birth, has become the strongest Congressional advocate for comprehensive immigration reform. L�pez ended his presentation by calling for a Citizenship of the Americas in which the free flow of goods across borders is met with the free flow of people with dignity.

From Puerto Rican Cultural Center & Programs

Jos� E. L�pez 


8th Day Center 40th Anniversary "Revel in the Revolution" Honoring Palestinian Activist Rasmea Odeh

On Saturday, September 20, hundreds gathered to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the founding of the 8th Day Center for Peace and Justice, a Catholic focus group which was founded on the struggles for justice, equality and human dignity. While celebrating this important milestone, the 8th Day Center, whose motto is "We who believe in Freedom cannot rest until it comes," welcomed and honored Rasmea Odeh. Odeh is a Palestinian activist who has dedicated almost 50 years of her life to the empowerment of Arab women, first as an organizer in her homes of Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon, and then in Chicago for the past 10 years. On October 22, 2013, Rasmea was arrested by the Department of Homeland Security and charged with Unlawful Procurement of Naturalization for allegedly failing to disclose that she had been imprisoned by the Israelis over 45 years ago. The wrongful conviction in Palestine was the result of vicious physical and sexual torture by the Israelis, so Rasmea is fighting this U.S. charge in a Detroit courtroom this fall. 

She committed no crime and is only under attack for being a Palestinian icon, known worldwide as a leading representative of the legitimate Palestinian struggle for self-determination, independence and the Right of Return. She needs and deserves our support. See and for more information.

 Jos� spoke about the importance of human solidarity and human resilience in the face of political marginalization and oppression from the vantage point of the Puerto Rican struggle.

Centro Infantil Kids Using Their Memory 

By Hope Poireir

Centro Infantil Kids have found themselves a new, fun and exciting game to play, Its called memory! They never played it before until their teachers, Alma and Sandra taught them how to play, and they just cannot stop playing it. As you can see Diego found two crabs and he was really exciting he found a pair and because he got to go again. This memory game teaches them how to really think where the other match is and it also teaches them patience to wait their turn while playing with a big group.




From Our Community Partners

Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School welcomes families to the Parent Academy, launching the '14-'15 school year with resources, access - and shared goals!

by Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School Press Team

On September 16th, parents, guardians and families gathered at "La Escuelita" for the first of the year-long program of monthly meetings that aim to strengthen the partnership between school and families -- so crucial to the success of our students. After sharing goals, this partnership was solidified by the signing of our School/Parent Compact. Then, the school delivered on the promise of support and access! Parents were given printed progress reports on their student's work in the first two weeks. Then, parents received login information so they can access their child's grades and attendance online daily. Fliers announced annual "Kick-Off" of The Instituto Abayarde after/before school programs offering sports, arts, tutoring, and more! Then, came support for the parents - our program whereby parents volunteer instead of paying school fees, announcement of job opportunities, and links to programs for support with electric, gas, and low-cost internet. Following the business portion of the gathering, the group chatted while enjoying snacks.

Albizu Campos High School Students Visit Wagner Farm to Learn Historic Farming Practices

by Danette Sokacich

The Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School Integrated Sciences and Social History of Parenting classes visited the Wagner Farm in Glenview, Illinois. It is an 18.6 acre historic farm from the 1920s and one of the last working dairy farms in Cook County. Wagner Farm is open to the public for recreation and learning, and provides a unique opportunity for families to learn about our farming heritage and experience first-hand "the way things used to be."  The Integrated Sciences students explored milking cows and pulling plows, which highlighted the farm's many crops and vegetation. They also engaged in other activities, from working a historic plow to prepping horses for work and making pretzels from scratch. The Social History of Parenting course participated with their children in "Moo-ving about the Farm", a program that engaged the families with hands-on activities. The class met and interacted with the animals, ground corn to feed the chickens and pumped water for the cows, it even included making and sampling some homemade butter. This program and the transportation were generously supported by a grant from the Friends of Wagner Farm. For more information for school programs and grants, please visit:

UrbanTheater Company premiere's 

"Julia De Burgos: Child of Water" 

by Carmen Rivera in Humboldt Park


UrbanTheater Company (UTC) has been making professional theater accessible to the community of Humboldt Park for the last nine years, especially plays written by Puerto Rican playwrights. This Fall, to celebrate the centennial of Julia de Burgos, UTC kicks off their 9th season with the Midwest Premiere of Carmen Rivera's Julia De Burgos: Child of Water, directed by Juan Casta�eda (UTC ensemble member). Performances will be held at the National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture located at the Humboldt Park Stables at 3015 W. Division St. The play runs from November 7 - December 14, 2014. Make sure to save the date. Tickets will be on sale soon. 


For more information visit:

Campaign to Free Oscar L�pez Rivera


FCI Terre Haute,  PO Box 33

Terre Haute, IN,  47808 

Symbolic Daniel Fast 

Un Grito por Oscar

More than 100 people gathered on Tuesday, September 23 at the National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture to commemorate the historic Puerto Rican uprising against Spanish rule in the mountainous region of Lares, Puerto Rico on September 23, 1868. The celebration was framed within a symbolic 24-hour fast based on the Biblical Daniel's Fast. This effort was led by two young members of National Boricua Human Rights Network, Eliana, "Frenchy" Triche and Juan "Nito" Morales. More than 40 individuals had signed up to participate and 33 reflected on their experience with the fast.


The program also included a panel discussion with three ex-political prisoners: Ricardo Jim�nez, Luis Rosa and Edwin Cort�s chaired by Jessie Fuentes. It was a dynamic exchange on their experiences during 20 years of incarceration and the past 15 years since their release. Jos� E. L�pez highlighted some important historical points about the Grito de Lares. The event culminated with Lourdes Lugo singing the original Puerto Rican national anthem authored by Lola Rodr�guez de T�o for the 1868 uprising.

El Grito de Lares and the Body of Sacrifice

A packed house celebrated el Grito de Lares on Tuesday, September 23rd, at the National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture (NMPRAC, formerly IPRAC) on Division Street in Humboldt Park.  As with every year since the historic uprising against Spanish colonial rule in 1868, Puerto Ricans came together to commemorate the spirit of resistance, but this year in Chicago, 33 people were asked to fast for the day in support of freedom for Oscar L�pez Rivera.  Every seat was filled, as local parents and children, university students, educators and activists listened with close attention to testimonials of collective action, personal sacrifice, healthy sustenance, and political solidarity, as folding chairs shuttled into the room and lined the walls.  Professor Jos� L�pez opened the event and spoke of the profoundly international character of the national struggle for Puerto Rican independence, and its historical linkages to liberation struggles and the abolition of slavery throughout the Caribbean.  It is no accident, he explained, that the Lares flag parallels the Dominican flag, and the Puerto Rican flag parallels the Cuban, as leaders like Ram�n Emeterio Betances, Lola Rodr�guez de Ti�, and Segundo Ruiz Belvis had Dominican and Venezuelan roots, and connections to wider struggles throughout Latin America.


The Network then hosted a panel of former political prisoners of the Puerto Rican independence movement, including Edwin Cort�s, Ricardo Jim�nez and Luis Rosa, all of whom had served years in federal prison and were granted clemency by President Clinton in 1999.  Jessie Fuentes, Community Liaison of Roberto Clemente Community Academy, moderated the panel and posed questions regarding their struggles and victories while incarcerated, the reaction and aftermath of their release, and the present campaign for the release of Oscar. In particular, Jim�nez delivered an impassioned appeal to all those present to take a moment to reflect on the meaning of sacrifice, and to consider all the ways and means to support the campaign in the year to come.


Audience members were then asked to stand if they had spent the day keeping to the biblical Daniel Fast, eating only fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and refraining from consuming any meats, alcohol, sugar, processed foods, and-particularly difficult for Puerto Rican participants-coffee.  "That was the hardest," said Matt Rodr�guez, principal of Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School.  One by one those who had fasted offered testimonials, speaking of how the fast transformed their day, how it started conversations with children and parents, and linking the desire for personal wellness with the desire for the freedom of Oscar.  Participants spoke of a persistent need for more affordable and local fresh fruits and vegetables, and the larger movement to create a Community of Wellness in Humboldt Park, as well as very personal accounts of what it means to discipline the body for a heartfelt cause.  Minister Abel Muhammad, Latino Representative of the Nation of Islam, took part in the fast and expressed his solidarity with the campaign, while joking that Muslims can show you what a real fast is.  Others talked of their memories of Oscar as a builder of local institutions, the history of the hunger strike in Irish political struggle, a vision of the celebration the day Oscar finally comes home to Chicago, and the renewed call to resume the fast for a full 33 days starting in April 2015.


Presidente Maduro reiter� llamado por la liberaci�n del puertorrique�o �scar L�pez Rivera

Caracas, 23 Sep. AVN.- El presidente de la Rep�blica Bolivariana de Venezuela, Nicol�s Maduro, reiter� este martes su llamado por la liberaci�n del puertorrique�o �scar Lop�z Rivera, preso pol�tico en los Estados Unidos, por luchar por la independencia de la isla caribe�a.

"Su causa es una causa justa", destac� el Jefe de Estado venezolano desde un encuentro con movimientos sociales en el Bronx, Nueva York.

   Libertad para Oscar López Ribera y los antiterroristas cubanos: Maduro

"Donde de verdad hay bastantes presos pol�ticos es aqu� en Estados Unidos, empezando por �scar L�pez Rivera, que es el preso pol�tico m�s antiguo, el Mandela de Am�rica Latina y el Caribe", expres� el mandatario venezolano, Nicol�s Maduro. teleSUR Otro video se encuentra aqui.
Maduro Asks U.S. to "Rectify Its Erratic Harassment Policy" Towards Venezuela

NEW YORK - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has asked the U.S. government to "rectify its erratic harassment policy" towards his country and claimed he is not anti-American despite his frequent diatribes against the United States.

In comments Tuesday at an appearance at the Hostos Community College in New York City's Bronx neighborhood, Maduro said that he was attending the UN General Assembly for the first time to "bring the whole truth" about Venezuela. "Our revolution has not collapsed nor is it going to collapse," Maduro said.

He added that although he initially had doubts about attending the General Assembly, he decided to go ahead after reading critical editorials about his policy in two of the most important U.S. newspapers, The Washington Post and The New York Times.

"'What a coincidence!' I thought. They want to hinder my visit to the United Nations. At that time, on Sunday, I was still thinking about whether to come or not," he said.

"When I read the two editorials, thanks to The Washington Post and The New York Times, I decided: 'Now I am going. Because one has to tell the entire truth about our country.'"
Maduro claimed that the two opinion pieces showed how the elites of the United States "look down" on Venezuela. "We are not the best nor do we claim to be, but we also cannot accept being sneered at," he said.

"We know that the entire attack against Venezuela is to try and prevent the hugely popular democratic revolution possessing a deeply Latino identity with (independence leader Simon) Bolivar's flag and the spirit of (late president) Hugo Chavez from riding into the 21st century and continue consolidating itself," he stated. Maduro added that Venezuela was experiencing "a revolution hounded by the fatal obsession of those who want to possess the world," as if it were "a Hollywood movie."

Responding to questions about political prisoners in Venezuela, Maduro said: "there are quite a lot of political prisoners in the United States, starting with (Puerto Rican nationalist) Oscar Lopez Rivera, the oldest political prisoner in the world, the Mandela of Latin America and the Caribbean." Continue reading here.

De Lares a Madrid: un Grito de Lares por Oscar L�pez Rivera

MADRID, Espa�a - Una pancarta que reclama la excarcelaci�n del preso pol�tico puertorrique�o Oscar L�pez Rivera amaneci� esta madrugada colgada en el puente de la avenida Complutense.

"De Lares a Madrid: Libertad para Puerto Rico y Oscar L�pez", lee el cartel que se suma a la iniciativa de dedicar la celebraci�n del Grito de Lares al veterano que lleva 33 a�os encarcelado por luchar, precisamente,  por la libertad de la Isla. Y es que, un d�a como hoy, en el 1868, los puertorrique�os se sublevaron contra el coloniaje espa�ol que, a su vez, reprimi� y encarcel� a los autores de esta gesta patri�tica.

"Estamos transportando lo que pas� en esta antigua metr�polis al contexto de hoy en el que Estados Unidos ha seguido reproduciendo el patr�n de represi�n contra los que se sublevan ante el abuso colonial", sostuvo Alberto Pesapane, un italiano portavoz del Comit� 33 d�as por Oscar desde Espa�a.

L�pez Rivera es el preso pol�tico latinoamericano que m�s a�os ha cumplido en las c�rceles estadounidenses luego de haber sido acusado en 1981 por conspiraci�n sediciosa, t�rmino legal utilizado para criminalizar la disidencia y el derecho de cada pueblo a su autodeterminaci�n.  Su condena actual es de 70 a�os de prisi�n aunque el c�digo penal de Estados Unidos establece un m�ximo de 20 a�os por dicho delito.   

"Es absurdo y rid�culo. Casi dos siglos despu�s desde del Grito a�n se reprime y castiga a quienes luchan por la libertad de nuestro pa�s. Es una clara violaci�n de los derechos humanos", denunci� Da�na Quintana, otra portavoz del colectivo.

El grupo record� que Norberto Gonz�lez Claudio es otro preso pol�tico puertorrique�o que estaba supuesto a salir en libertad a principios de este mes pero sin una clara explicaci�n han aplazado la vista para determinar la fecha de su excarcelaci�n.

En la conmemoraci�n del Grito de Lares en el 2005, el Negociado de Investigaciones Federales (FBI, por sus siglas en ingl�s) asesin� en su casa a Filiberto Ojeda R�os, uno de los l�deres de las Fuerzas Armadas de la Liberaci�n Nacional.

El Comit� surgi� como una iniciativa de un grupo de boricuas, latinos y europeos radicados en Espa�a por razones de estudio y/o trabajo. 

Confiere Foro de Sao Paulo distinci�n a puertorrique�o preso en EE.UU.

29 de agosto de 2014, La Paz.- El XX Foro de Sao Paulo otorg� este viernes aqu� la distinci�n de delegado de honor al l�der puertorrique�o Oscar L�pez Rivera, preso en Estados Unidos desde hace 33 a�os, 12 de ellos en confinamiento.

El Movimiento Independentista de ese pa�s caribe�o mostr� a Prensa Latina el documento que contiene la condecoraci�n, apoyada por los 180 partidos y movimientos sociales participantes en la cita internacional.

"En una decisi�n un�nime y a viva voz, el plenario del XX Encuentro del Foro de Sao Paulo le confiri� al prisionero pol�tico puertorrique�o la distinci�n de delegado de honor al evento", precisa el texto. Agrega la nota que centenares de delegados y delegadas de Am�rica Latina y el Caribe presentes en el c�nclave tambi�n manifestaron numerosas muestras de apoyo a la libertad de L�pez Rivera, condenado a 90 a�os de c�rcel por apoyar la lucha independentista.

El Movimiento Independentista de Puerto Rico estuvo representado en el Foro por el Movimiento Independentista Nacional Hostosiano y el Frente Socialista.

Latinos Rebels blog
'We Still Need to Listen:' The Case for Publicly Discussing Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Letters

By Erika Abad

For the last ten years, when faced with internal political and ethical frustrations about teaching, research and community advocacy on campus or in my hometown, Chicago, my correspondence withOscar L�pez Rivera provides clarity. I write to him because, as I struggle with where I wanted to continue the legacy of those bridge builders that came before me, I need some grounding. I write to him because the most powerful boricua women around me are scholars and women political leaders who do not hold the political clout of the intellectual outsiders-looking-in or the male veterans who are the face and the voice of community work. I write to him because I need to remain connected to the political impetus that drives why I continue to work with Latino immigrants. I write to him because I need ground from which to bear in mind the greater context of my own frustrations, impatience and disillusionment with the way I am following my commitment to education and scholarly research. Continue reading.

Brooklyn Puerto Rican Parade Dedicated to Oscar L�pez

By Ana L�pez

On September 21 2014, the Puerto Rican community in Brooklyn held their Puerto Rican Parade dedicated to political prisoner Oscar Lopez Rivera.  Over 1000 marched down the Puerto Rico Avenue greeted by parade goers.  At the festival at the end of the parade, Ponce Laspinas from the NY Coordinator gave a message urging the people to join the campaign to Free Oscar.



Por Eduardo Villanueva

 Buenas tardes compa�eros y compa�eras que nos honran con su presencia en este acto. Para entender la pertinencia de la entrega de este reconocimiento al patriota, preso pol�tico, Oscar L�pez Rivera, debemos analizar los rasgos de su personalidad y su ideolog�a, para entender sus antecedentes y como �stos engarzan en una larga lucha de tradici�n revolucionaria. Oscar ha sido profundamente influido por la �tica Albizuista en lo que significa entrega a la patria y constancia en la lucha por la independencia. En lo ideol�gico y metodol�gico, es tambi�n disc�pulo de Don Juan Antonio Corretjer. Nuestro compatriota, preso pol�tico, tiene formaci�n human�stica por la socializaci�n que adquiri� de su madre, de sus hermanos y de la comunidad de boricuas, especialmente los nacionalistas que enfrentaron los rigores de la di�spora en Chicago.

Los elementos aprendidos de Albizu y su experiencia de guerra en Vietnam son: el valor personal para pasearse sereno ante las sombras de la muerte, sobretodo, cuando se tiene consciencia que se est� entregando la vida por un ideal; la disciplina de utilizar el tiempo al  m�ximo, con la conciencia de que �ste no regresa y es ef�mero, por lo cual no debe desperdiciarse; y la responsabilidad de estudiar constantemente para estar al tanto de los cambios de los tiempos y revisar las estrategias de lucha que son dictadas por las circunstancias materiales y tambi�n por las fuerzas dial�cticas que se oponen y contraponen, en un entramado complejo, que obliga  a ser creativo continuamente, sin renunciar a los principios esenciales de la lucha. Estos principios vienen regulados, influidos, por los valores �ticos que son trascendentes y que tienen que ver con la solidaridad, con el ser humano y con la defensa de la libertad y el derecho de los pueblos a auto determinarse, sin coacci�n militar ni limitaci�n extranjera.

Baja el documento completo 


Oscar L�pez Rivera: "Todo es posible si lo luchamos"

Por Candida Cotto

Publicado en Claridad: lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2014

A un a�o y tres meses de la entrevista anterior, CLARIDAD vuelve a conversar, v�a telef�nica, con Oscar L�pez Rivera. Aun despu�s de 33 a�os de encierro del prisionero pol�tico puertorrique�o, y en las circunstancias en que, seg�n nos describe, se le permite la entrevista, su voz se escucha calmada y dulce. Responde seguro a las preguntas, con el acento propio de quien el idioma que le abrig� de ni�o fue el espa�ol, pero que ya lleva d�cadas lidiando con "el dif�cil", el ingl�s.

En esta ocasi�n, comenzamos enmarcando la conversaci�n en la conmemoraci�n el 23 de septiembre del 146 aniversario de la gesta revolucionaria del Grito de Lares, para continuar con otros aspectos relacionados con el independentismo, la di�spora y la pol�tica internacional.

�Cu�l considera que contin�a siendo el significado de la gesta del Grito de Lares?

OLR. Bueno, quiz�s lo m�s significativo de la gesta del Grito de Lares es que le hemos podido dar continuidad, y que en el coraz�n del puertorrique�o queda esa semilla sembrada, de que podemos luchar por la Patria y que la Patria debe de ser independiente y soberana. �se es el grito que verdaderamente comienza a darle ese sentido a nuestra lucha.

�Recuerda la �ltima vez que estuvo en una conmemoraci�n?

OLR. La �ltima vez fue en 1970.

�Qu� valoraci�n tiene de la aportaci�n de Pedro Albizu Campos, quien rescat� la fecha del Grito de Lares y de otros l�deres independentistas como Gilberto Concepci�n de Gracia, Juan Mari Br�s y Filiberto Ojeda R�os?

OLR. Para que una idea se concretice necesitamos ejemplos concretos. El Grito de Lares es ese ejemplo concreto de que se puede hacer algo, de que es posible. Mientras no veamos las ideas como posibles en la praxis, no entendemos bien lo que requiere una lucha.

Creo que la inteligencia de Albizu puede verse en la forma que �l breg� con la independencia de Puerto Rico, incluso con el rescate del Grito de Lares. De nuevo, es esa continuidad de praxis, no es una cuesti�n de palabra, sino de hechos. Albizu hace que Lares lo veamos como una parte de la lucha del siglo 20. Para todos nosotros tiene que ser bien significativo que �l haya hecho eso.

Cada cual tiene su forma de expresar y manifestar el valor del Grito de Lares para sus propios prop�sitos, para el momento coyuntural. Tenemos que entender que los movimientos evolucionan, igual que evolucionamos nosotros, y cada cual aporta a ese evento tan significativo, le impregna sus propios valores, su propia concepci�n de lucha.

No tengo una idea muy clara de la cuesti�n espec�fica de cada cual, pero el hecho de que se contin�e celebrando el Grito de Lares con Concepci�n de Gracia, con Juan Mari Br�s o con Filiberto, lo importante es que se sigue celebrando y tiene esa continuidad de lo que representa para la lucha patria. Lo triste de todo esto, con Filiberto nos ense�a la maldad del enemigo, a diferencia de la maldad, quiz�s, que ni los espa�oles hicieron, de asesinar a un ser humano a sus 72 a�os de edad por su amor a esta patria. �se fue el ejemplo que nos hab�a dado a todos nosotros. Siga leyendo.

Puerto Rican Cultural Center
o. 773/342-8023 f. 773/342-6609

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