Centro Infantil 

Consuelo Lee Corretjer

Open Registration * Day Care Program * Head Start

We offer:

* Full day, Day Care for children 15 mos. to 3 yrs.

* Full day Head Start for children 3 to 5 yrs. 

* Research based curriculum

* Family involvement

* Nutritional Meals

* Parent workshops

Download the leaflet here.


Los Tequis

Google's Smarty Pins Game Tests Your Geography Knowledge

Google unveiled a fun new game this week that tests players' geography and trivia skills.

Called "Smarty Pins" the game starts players off with 1,000 miles (or 1,609 kilometers if they're not based in the United States), and asks them to drop a pin on the city that corresponds with the correct answer to a given question. If the answer is incorrect, the player's miles are reduced by the distance the answer was off. For example, if the answer to a question was Philadelphia but the user chose New York City, Smarty Pins would subtract 94 miles from the total score. The goal is to correctly answer as many questions as possible before the number of miles reaches zero. Players can also gain bonus points if they answer in the first 10 seconds without using hints.

Read on.
Las manos en el cristal: Serie de Cartas de OLR a su nieta Karina

¡Escribale a Oscar!
Oscar Lopez Rivera #87651-024
FCi Terre Haute
PO Box 33
Terre Haute, IN
From Puerto Rican Cultural Center programs

Jíbara Mass to Inaugurate 21st Fiesta Boricua

Father Raúl Morales Berrios of the diócesis of Caguas will celebrate the legendary misa jibara's 6th anniversary. This year, as in the past, Misa Jibara will inaugurate Fiesta Boricua. It is expected that hundreds will join this maximum expression of Puerto Rican spirituality.  For the first time, the church's musical group will accompany Father Raúl.


This magnificent group realized a tremendous effort in raisin funds in order to pay their own trip here to share the spiritual experience so rooted in our traditions, with our community.

Noche Jíbara/Guayabera Gala 

Honors San Lorenzo and the Bronx

The Noche Jíbara/Guayabera Gala has been held annually as the gala night to usher in Fiesta Boricua. This event seeks to honor the invited town from Puerto Rico showcasing the theme "Lo Mejor de Nuestros Pueblos"- San Lorenzo for 2014. This year it will be the municipality of San Lorenzo. Additionally, we have added a new theme to this year's 21st Fiesta Boricua, "Lo Mejor de Nuestros Barrios" and, to represent that, we have selected The Bronx, New York.

The Gala will be held in the courtyard of the National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture, located at 3015 W. Division St. For a $50 donation, participants will be able to enjoy Puerto Rican food, live music and two drinks.


San Lorenzo Will Represent "Lo Mejor de Nuestros Pueblos"

The municipality of San Lorenzo, which has a population of 41,000 residents and is located in the eastern center part of Puerto Rico, was selected to represent the 21st Fiesta Boricua theme "Lo Mejor de Nuestros Pueblos". Geographically, it is comprised of 10 barrios (districts). Its bountiful hospitality has earned it the recognition as the town of "El Buen Samaritano" (The Good Samaritan). A delegation from San Lorenzo, headed by its mayor, the honorable José "Joe" Román Abreu, will be honored at Noche Jíbara. Mayor Román Abreu has instituted a creative participatory democracy project to address the municipalities' socio-economic problems entitled "Revolución Social".

During the Gala, two of the town's most outstanding musical groups, Trío Rafaelito Muñoz and Conjunto Típico Decimania, will provide live musical entertainment. A sampling of the town's artisanry will be on display and for sale.


The Bronx Will Represent "Lo Mejor de Nuestros Barrios"

The Bronx, New York is often associated with the promise and challenges of the Puerto Rican Diaspora. Some of New York's most prominent Puerto Rican personalities have come from The Bronx including the creators of Puerto Rican Salsa, as well as other cultural icons.

This year's Fiesta Boricua will feature Herman Olivera "... considered by many as one of the very few soneros left in the true salsa genre", a highly talented singer who has accompanied the likes of the legendary Eddie Palmieri. He will be accompanied by The Bronx's very own Giovanni "Yova" Rodríguez.


A delegation from the Bronx, including the Latino political pioneer State Assemblyman José Rivera, will represent "Lo Mejor de Nuestros Barrios" theme of the 21st Fiesta Boricua.

Help Vida/SIDA in the AIDS Walk/Run!
Did you know that each week, 40-50 Illinoisans become infected with HIV? I believe that all families and individuals affected by HIV deserve access to care and you can help me ensure this by participating in the 2014 AIDS Run and Walk. 90% of the funds that we raise collectively for Team Vida/SIDA will be given back us to facilitate programs and improve services access in our community.  
  1. The Puerto Rican Cultural Center needs you to be part of Team Vida/SIDA this year.


    The online registration for the 2014 AIDS Run and Walk is open.


    Our team, Vida/SIDA is live and we are feeling pretty lonely since we are the only ones registered so far.


    Register now and start fundraising!  The following the registration link:


    2014 AIDS Run & Walk


    After you click the website link above, click the tab labeled REGISTER, then search for team Vida/SIDA and follow the registration instructions.

CIC Children Have Beautiful Smiles!

Centro Infantil went on a field trip to the dentist to get their beautiful smiles brightened just a little bit more. They were excited to go the dentist's office because they always see the dentists come to their school and have never gone inside and explored with all their friends. They were anxious to see what the office looked like and more excited when they left the dentist having received little surprises.

EASIER THAN EVER! You Shop. Amazon Gives. The PRCC Wins.

Amazon will now donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases when you shop at AmazonSmile (smile.amazon.com). We will reach out to Puerto Rican Cultural Center to ensure it is ready to accept donations from Amazon. Share on Facebook and Twitter- show your friends how they can support the Puerto Rican Cultural Center.

Bookmark and shop now!  http://smile.amazon.com/ch/23-7347778


Generosity Helps El Rescate Youth Start School Right

El Rescate would like to extend a heart felt thank you to Hector M. Perez and Betty Guevara of the Boys & Girls Club of Humboldt for their generous donations. They donated enough backpacks for all our residents filled with school supplies, which will go to those enrolled in high school and/or college. "It's beautiful to see our community come together to ensure our residents are well prepared for school. We're all very grateful and appreciate your kind gesture" says Ivan Vega, Program Coordinator/Case Manager at El Rescate. 


El Rescate is an independent living program for homeless LGBTQ youth between the age of 18-24 who want to regain their Independence. If you wish to donate or are interested in contributing to El Rescate, please contact Jackie Gonzalez, program director at: jackieg@prcc-chgo.org or call (872) 829-2662. 

From Our Community Partners
"Puertas Abiertas" National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture Fundraiser Thursday, Sept. 4

To purchase tickets

Experience the legend of Roberto Clemente

Don't miss the Chicago Premiere of "Clemente: The Legend of 21" opening August 22 and running through September 14 at Stage773, 1225 W. Belmont. Experience the legend of Roberto Clemente. Beginning on the day of his death, this heartfelt musical tells the powerful tale of struggle and triumph for one of baseball's greatest players. Facing poverty at an early age, language barriers as a rookie and racism on the field, Clemente rose above it all to make a difference for generations to come. Driven by uplifting Afro-Caribbean beats, this musical celebrates the life of a man who helped so many and was a symbol of inspiration around the world. Baseball is just the beginning. NightBlue Performing Arts Company in partnership with New Yorks ArtoCarpus proudly presents "Clemente: The Legend of 21" August 22 through September 14 at Stage773 located at 1225 W. Belmont. For Tickets call 773-327-5252 or visit www.Stage773.com


Discount Code: El Beisbol"

$5 off


Campaign to Free Oscar López Rivera
FCI Terre Haute, 
PO Box 33
Terre Haute, IN, 

Laureado escritor reitera su demanda por la liberación de Oscar López Rivera

Por: Natalia Ramos Malavé

El reconocido escritor puertorriqueño, Eduardo Lalo, reiteró su reclamó por la liberación del boricua Oscar López Rivera; encarcelado en una prisión estadounidense hace 33 años.


El autor de varios libros de textos  hizo estas expresiones durante una disertación,  en la Vigésima Séptima Lección Inaugural de la Facultad de Estudios Generales de la Universidad de Puerto Rico (UPR).


"Por ello en un lugar como éste,  donde pervive la memoria de nuestro pueblo,  aprovecho la oportunidad de que me dirijo a ustedes,  para reclamar una vez más la liberación de Oscar López Rivera, que lleva más de 33 años en una prisión en Estados Unidos",  señaló el dramaturgo de "Simone",  novela ganadora del Premio Rómulo Gallegos 2013.


Este galardón es uno de carácter internacional y se concede en Venezuela,  Argentina,  Colombia, España, México, Chile y Perú.


Al insistir en su petición,  Lalo emplazó al Rector del Recinto de Río Piedras (RRP),  Carlos Severino Valdéz, y al claustro de esa institución, para que den el primer paso y sean ejemplo a seguir de otras universidades públicas y privadas.


 "No estaría así la UPR señalando el camino para que otras instituciones,  privadas y públicas,  contribuyan a liberar a un hombre inmerecidamente castigado. Y  para mostrar que la valentía institucional debe ser parte de la vida institucional. No se encuentra aquí también el liderato ético que debería ejercer nuestra institución",  expresó el también autor de varios libros de texto y novelas",  enfatizó Lalo.


"Me pregunto si no será una de las funciones de esta Universidad,  la de unirse clara y abiertamente a la campaña en favor de la excarcelación de alguien que ha sacrificado su vida por la existencia cultural y política de Puerto Rico", cuestionó.


Lalo sostuvo que el gobierno de Estados Unidos y su presidente Barack Obama,  han ignorado "entre otras, el clamor masivo y general  de los puertorriqueños y de muchísimos ciudadanos de todo el mundo,  que exigen  el término de la injusticia que se comete con Oscar".


El también profesor de la UPR,  insistió que al final,  la verdad siempre triunfa cuando señaló que "el coloniaje siembra interrogantes y  ofrece siempre la oportunidad de rehacer el territorio".  A pesar de ello,  "la historia permite descubrir a los responsables y se desestabilizan  así  las ambiciones de impunidad de la historia oficial e impuesta",  apuntó.


Con su novela "Simone",  este importante académico sacó a Puerto Rico de la invisibilidad internacional,  trayendo un nuevo aire de reconocimiento mundial.  

El merecido galardón Rómulo Gallegos fue  entregado en 2013 por el Presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela,  Nicolás Maduro.


Lalo es autor de "Ciudades e Islas" (1995), "La inutilidad" (2003) "Los Países Invisibles" (2008),  "El Deseo del Lápiz" (2010) y "Necrópolis" (2014);  entre otras.


El profesor Eduardo Lalo, lleva 27 años dedicados a la enseñanza en el Departamento de Humanidades,  de la Facultad de Estudios Generales de la UPR-RP.

Oscar's Letters to his Granddaughter Karina now Available in English
The series of letters by Oscar Lopez Rivera to his granddaughter Karina published online by El Nuevo Dia are now available in English. All 15 published thus far are available on the National Boricua Human Rights Network website.