Centro Infantil 

Consuelo Lee Corretjer

Open Registration * Day Care Program * Head Start

We offer:

* Full day, Day Care for children 15 mos. to 3 yrs.

* Full day Head Start for children 3 to 5 yrs. 

* Research based curriculum

* Family involvement

* Nutritional Meals

* Parent workshops

Download the leaflet here.


Los Tequis

Google's Smarty Pins Game Tests Your Geography Knowledge

Google unveiled a fun new game this week that tests players' geography and trivia skills.

Called "Smarty Pins" the game starts players off with 1,000 miles (or 1,609 kilometers if they're not based in the United States), and asks them to drop a pin on the city that corresponds with the correct answer to a given question. If the answer is incorrect, the player's miles are reduced by the distance the answer was off. For example, if the answer to a question was Philadelphia but the user chose New York City, Smarty Pins would subtract 94 miles from the total score. The goal is to correctly answer as many questions as possible before the number of miles reaches zero. Players can also gain bonus points if they answer in the first 10 seconds without using hints.

Read on.
Las manos en el cristal: Serie de Cartas de OLR a su nieta Karina

¡Escribale a Oscar!
Oscar Lopez Rivera #87651-024
FCi Terre Haute
PO Box 33
Terre Haute, IN
From Puerto Rican Cultural Center programs

Deepest Sympathies

The PRCC wishes to express our deepest sympathies for the family of Leslie, Luis, and Stefanie Rodriguez on the passing of their Pastor, David Torres. This saddens us, as he was an influential and important person in their lives and the lives of many others.  

Help Vida/SIDA in the AIDS Walk/Run!
Did you know that each week, 40-50 Illinoisans become infected with HIV? I believe that all families and individuals affected by HIV deserve access to care and you can help me ensure this by participating in the 2014 AIDS Run and Walk. 90% of the funds that we raise collectively for Team Vida/SIDA will be given back us to facilitate programs and improve services access in our community.  
  1. The Puerto Rican Cultural Center needs you to be part of Team Vida/SIDA this year.


    The online registration for the 2014 AIDS Run and Walk is open.


    Our team, Vida/SIDA is live and we are feeling pretty lonely since we are the only ones registered so far.


    Register now and start fundraising!  The following the registration link:


    2014 AIDS Run & Walk


    After you click the website link above, click the tab labeled REGISTER, then search for team Vida/SIDA and follow the registration instructions.

Happy Belated Birthday Luis Rosa and Kathy Ortiz
The Puerto Rican Cultural Center, Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School, National Boricua Human Rights Network would like to wish former Puerto Rica political prisoner Luis Rosa, and Kathy Ortiz, long-time community activist and PRCC Board member, a joyous birthday.
Monster Chase


It was such a beautiful day outside that Centro Infantil decided to go to the park and let the kids enjoy the weather. They screamed and shouted to the fullest with excitement and let their  imagination run wild. After a game of Tag or what they call it Monster Chase they were tired and out of breath these five best friends decided to take a picture together. After the picture they went on playing their Monster Game and made up some more fun, excitement games. 

Women for PASEO (Promoting Actions that Support Recovery through Services), will now be Located at the Diabetes Empowerment Center

Starting from August 5, 2014, Women for PASEO will be providing services at the Community Facility of Diabetes Empowerment Center, in the corner of California Ave. and Division St.  We are going to keep the same hour schedule Monday to Friday, from 10am to 7pm, and Saturdays 9am to 6pm.  Our new location will give the opportunity to our participants to receive other exciting services.


Vida/SIDA has extensive experience serving people living with HIV and at highest-risk for HIV. HIV-related services include outreach, education, and distribution of harm reduction materials including condoms, counseling, testing, support groups and a variety of evidence-based prevention interventions. Vida/SIDA has also cultivated partnerships with HIV service providers throughout the Chicago metropolitan area in order to better serve clients.


Our goal at Women for PASEO is to help Latina's and Black African American women and trans women, 18 years and older to reduce their risk to become HIV positive through case management services, treatment referrals and behavioral health interventions to help reduce mental health and substance abuse disparities among the population we serve.


Women need gender-specific behavioral health and other services. Gender-related drug abuse treatment needs to address biological differences and social and environmental factors. Each of these can influence the motivations for drug use and for seeking treatment, the place treatment is obtained, the treatments that are most effective, and the consequences of not receiving treatment. "Many life circumstances predominate in women as a group, which may require a specialized treatment approach.


Our program provides FREE services that include counseling, testing and referrals for HIV and STIs, screen for substance abuse, mental health and post-traumatic stress disorder.  Eligible women are refer to participate in our program. 

Misa Jíbara Inaugurá la 21ra Fiesta Boricua

El padre Raúl Morales Berrios de la diócesis de Caguas celebrará el sexto año de  la ya legendaria misa jíbara. Este año, como el pasado, la misma inaugurará la Fiesta Boricua. Se espera que centenares se unan a esta máxima expresión de la espiritualidad puertorriqueña. Por primera vez, el grupo musical de su iglesia acompañará al Padre Raúl.


Este magnífico grupo realizó todo un magno esfuerzo para recaudar fondos para compartir con nuestra comunidad esta convivencia espiritual tan enraizada en nuestras tradiciones.

Chicago Public Radio interviews Dr. David Ansell about Steve Whitman

Social epidemiologist Dr. Steven Whitman was known by his loved ones as a "true advocate for social justice." Dr. Whitman played a key role in studying the disparities between blacks and whites for diseases such as breast cancer, diabetes, stroke and childhood asthma. He also founded Chicago's Sinai Urban Health Institute, a place that focused on these differences, and fought to improve the quality of care for those living in underserved communities. He passed away Sunday July 20. Chief Medical Officer at Rush University Medical Center Dr. David Ansell talks about his friend and the medical legacy he leaves behind. Listen.
Learn about Affordable Care with the PRCC

The Affordable Care Act program of the PRCC participated in the Farmers' Market on Saturday, August 3. They informed community members about the different health insurance options available for individuals and families. Many people had questions about the eligibility for enrollment after the open enrollment period. The PRCC Navigators informed them about the medical card and special enrollment period of the Marketplace. 

EASIER THAN EVER! You Shop. Amazon Gives. The PRCC Wins.

Amazon will now donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases when you shop at AmazonSmile (smile.amazon.com). We will reach out to Puerto Rican Cultural Center to ensure it is ready to accept donations from Amazon. Share on Facebook and Twitter- show your friends how they can support the Puerto Rican Cultural Center.

Bookmark and shop now!  http://smile.amazon.com/ch/23-7347778


Thank you from El Rescate!

El Rescate staff and residents would like to say thank you to all the PRCC employees who has contributed with the program fundraising by purchasing the  lunch meals that our Living Skill Facilitators cookevery Friday

Save the Date September 20th!

Revel in the Revolution- 8th Day Center for Peace and Justice's 40th Birthday


On September 20th, 8th Day will gather friends and partners for our annual celebration, Revel in the Revolution. This gathering is a yearly reminder that, in the struggle for peace and justice, we must make time to stop and celebrate. This year's celebration is extra special because it is 8th Day's 40th birthday!


Our theme for this year's event is We Who Believe in Freedom Cannot Rest. In our 40 year journey for peace and justice we recognize the wisdom in Ella Baker's famous words to the Civil Rights movement. Our experience tells us the belief in real freedom for all opens the door to radical love and dynamic change.


To honor the vision and passion embedded in Ella Baker's wisdom we will hear from two life long activists and educators whose lives embody Ella's vision.  Jose Lopez, Executive Director of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center,will be our guest speaker andRasmea Odeh from the Arab American Action Network will receive the 3rd Annual Mary Elsbernd OSF Award.


We hope you will be able to attend and we invite you to support the event by purchasing a program book ad  or greeting for your organization or community. Full details below.


Full Page Ad: $250

Half Page Ad: $125

1/4  Page Ad: $75

1/8  Page Ad: $35

Name Listing or 15 word greeting: $20


For more information please see the attachment or send an email to 8thdayprogrambook@gmail.com.


Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you on September 20th!

Los Tequis

Coding is the new literacy!

ScratchJr (for ages 5-7) is now available as a free iPad app.

http:// scratchjr.org 

From Our Community Partners
National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture
Grand Opening Thursday, Sept. 4

To purchase tickets

Clemente Senior Wins Frontera Scholarship

Bianca Huerta, Clemente Class of 2014, was recently honored at Frontera Grill by award-winning chef Rick Bayless. Bianca was one of two recipients of the Frontera Scholarship, which will cover her full tuition at Kendall College School of Culinary Arts, Chicago's premier culinary educational institution. Bianca will study to be a pastry chef. In addition to receiving the financial award, Bianca will also travel to Mexico for five weeks with Chef Bayless to learn more about traditional Mexican cooking. According to Bianca, this award is especially appreciated because her parents are already supporting her other siblings in college. She says, "To see my parents happy and relieved that they don't have to pay for my college is an honor."

Help Us Purchase Solar Panels for Our Greenhouse
Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School
Support our solar panels project for energy sustainability,to  teach the students about green careers, enviromental responsibility, and energy efficiency. Through a grant from the Illinois Clean Energy Foundation, the Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School (PACHS) will install solar panels in the greenhouse. The grant will cover 90% of the installation cost and we need to raise 10%.  Thank you for your support! Donate here.
Experience the legend of Roberto Clemente

Don't miss the Chicago Premiere of "Clemente: The Legend of 21" opening August 22 and running through September 14 at Stage773, 1225 W. Belmont. Experience the legend of Roberto Clemente. Beginning on the day of his death, this heartfelt musical tells the powerful tale of struggle and triumph for one of baseball's greatest players. Facing poverty at an early age, language barriers as a rookie and racism on the field, Clemente rose above it all to make a difference for generations to come. Driven by uplifting Afro-Caribbean beats, this musical celebrates the life of a man who helped so many and was a symbol of inspiration around the world. Baseball is just the beginning. NightBlue Performing Arts Company in partnership with New Yorks ArtoCarpus proudly presents "Clemente: The Legend of 21" August 22 through September 14 at Stage773 located at 1225 W. Belmont. For Tickets call 773-327-5252 or visit www.Stage773.com


Discount Code: El Beisbol"

$5 off


Only one more R.A.W. (Real Aggressive Writing) series left! 


Only one more R.A.W. (Real Aggressive Writing) series left! On Monday, August 11 at 7pm UrbanTheater Company (UTC) presents Carmen Rivera's "The Next Stop" directed by UTC co-founder Marilyn Camacho. For more information visit: www.UrbanTheaterChicago.org    

Clemente 40th Anniversary Fundraiser Committee Initiates Buy-a-Brick Campaign

In honor of the 40th anniversary of the first school in the US to be named after legendary Baseball Hall of Famer Roberto Clemente, Clemente Community Academy is offering the opportunity to become a part of that history. For a limited time, we will commemorate donations to the Roberto Clemente 40th anniversary fundraiser by adding the names of those who have contributed to the Wall of Fame. This will be a permanent display in our lobby which will highlight the names of all who have given generously  to the celebration. Each brick will carry the name of the person making the donation or one of the below options. The donations will fall into 3 categories, Standard $50, All-Star $100, and MVP $250.


3 pricing options-

* Wall of Fame-$50 donation

* All-Star $100 donation

* MVP $250 donation

 All bricks are bronze with black lettering and border

 Naming options available are :

* Name

* Name and Graduation Year

* Mr & Mrs Name


Please see the Roberto Clemente website for further information.

Campaign to Free Oscar López Rivera
FCI Terre Haute, 
PO Box 33
Terre Haute, IN, 

José Delgado ganador del XX Premio Nacional de Periodismo por su trabajo sobre Oscar López Rivera

La Asociación de Periodistas de Puerto Rico (Asppro) anunció hoy las y los finalistas del XX Premio Nacional de Periodismo que reconoce la excelencia de notas informativas publicadas durante el pasado año en prensa escrita, radio, televisión y multimedia.


Prensa escrita-José A. Delgado de El Nuevo Día por su trabajo "No tengo sangre en mis manos" y "El tiempo va a ser mío"


El jurado del certamen seleccionó 45 periodistas y dos equipos de reporteros como finalistas en los géneros de noticia del momento, entrevista, reportaje especial y reportaje investigativo.

En total fueron evaluados sobre 200 trabajos publicados en los principales medios informativos del país que fueran sometidos por más de 100 periodistas.


Las y los ganadores del Premio serán anunciados en la Gala del certamen que se celebrará el próximo sábado 2 de agosto en el Hotel Sheraton Puerto Rico y que será transmitida en directo por PRTV desde las 7pm.


"El Premio Nacional de Periodismo supone una celebración a la ética y verticalidad de los hombres y mujeres que a diario, salen a buscar información y descubrir situaciones de interés público, en la mayoría de las ocasiones en circunstancias adversas, para tener una ciudadanía más orientada y con mejores herramientas para tomar sus decisiones. Por ello, celebraremos en grande los 20 años del Premio Nacional," declaró Rafael Lenín López, presidente del gremio.


La Asppro también anunció los tres reporteros nominados al Premio Laura Rivera Meléndez al Periodista Joven del Año.

El Premio Nacional se concede a las y los periodistas y no al medio para el cual trabajan ni la sección en la que publican por lo que compiten en igualdad de condiciones reportajes y entrevistas de política, deportes, cultura, ambientales, de farándula, científicos y otros, publicados en medios tradicionales, alternativos, temáticos, regionales, etc.

Oscar's Letters to his Granddaughter Karina now Available in English
The series of letters by Oscar Lopez Rivera to his granddaughter Karina published online by El Nuevo Dia are now available in English. All 15 published thus far are available on the National Boricua Human Rights Network website.
Network Contingent Marches for Oscar at 
Cleveland Puerto Rican Parade & Festival 


The growing awareness of Oscar and our campaign for his release was evident on August 2-3 at Cleveland's Puerto Rican festival and parade this year. Instead of having to explain everything about Oscar and his case, we found many people who already knew about him -- including some who shouted to their friends to urge them to sign, too. Oscar's niece, Lourdes Lugo, made a brief but powerful statement from the stage, asking people to help bring him home. Many thanks to Melissa Santana and Dorothy Bell Ferrer for setting up our table and their many hours at the festival, to Juan Molina Crespo for sharing his tent with us, and to the compañero/as who drove from Chicago for all their support and solidarity.


Grand Marshall Celestino Rivera,

Chief of Police, Lorain, Ohio Supporting Oscar Campaign

33 Mujeres NYC x Oscar at Coney Island Boardwalk!


For July, 33 Mujeres NYC x Oscar went to Coney Island, Brooklyn to spread the word about the campaign to free Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera! The Boricua women's contingent engaged thousands of visitors on the famous boardwalk during their 33-minute action on behalf of Oscar. Inspired by by the work began by women in Puerto Rico in 2012, 33 Mujeres NYC x Oscar holds monthly rallies, distributing literature and gathering petitions signatures for Oscar's release. The actions are led by women with support from many companeros. Next up: Orchard Beach on August 31st. 


"¡Parrilla no se rinde!" Así respondió uno de los mártires del Grito de Lares ante el cerco español, días después de la revuelta ya por tierras adjunteñas.


Su grito fue la respuesta al coronel español que ante la inminente captura le reclamó: "ríndase, Joaquín Parrilla".

Tras su voz, el batallón descargaría sus fusiles, cayendo muerto el nuestro en pie de lucha.

Mas en honor a la gallardía de su contrincante en armas, el coronel español mojaría su pañuelo en la sangre del héroe caído.

Alrededor de 30 años atrás, el ilustre arqueólogo puertorriqueño Ricardo Alegría se adentraría por un espeso bosque entre Adjuntas y Peñuelas con vecinos y un joven Alexis Massol. Buscaban la tumba de un héroe y hasta allá llegaron. Mejor aún, la encontraron.

En tributo al inquebrantable espíritu de ese luchador, en el 1984 bautizaríamos nuestra galería de arte en Casa Pueblo con el nombre Joaquín Parrilla. Además de obras de Pablo Marcano y Antonio Martorell, en la sala se han presentado múltiples exposiciones, incluyendo las de otro que no se rinde, Oscar López Rivera.

Para crecerse en la crisis, nuestra consigna sigue siendo la misma: "ni Adjuntas ni Puerto Rico se rinden". Pero en lugar de recibir la descarga de los fusiles de la minería o el gasoducto, emprender con propuestas que construyen ha sido nuestra mejor defensa. Siga leyendo.


Former Puerto Rican Political Edwin Cortes
Speaks at Gaza Rally

by Edwin Cortés


Approximately, forty years ago, as a freshman at the University of Illinois Chicago, I became fully aware of two important struggles fighting for independence and against colonialism in Palestine and Puerto Rico.  It is a crime against humanity that these two struggles remain unresolved today, particularly with the recent military incursions on July 8, 2014 of the Israeli military into the Gaza strip claiming more than 1,100 deaths, 4000 injuries, and destruction of homes, schools, hospitals, etc.


On July 20, in response to this crime, approximately twenty members and supporters of the National Boricua Human Rights Network  including Luis Rosa, Felix Rosa and myself all former political prisoners joined 10,000 people in Chicago and millions across the world in condemnation of Israel military occupation of the Gaza strip and Palestine. 


As the mass media attempts to justify this invasion, the peace and freedom loving peoples of the world followed by Puerto Rico's alternative media such as Claridad which dedicated its entire newspaper to the Palestinian cause, fight to tell the truth.

On July 20, we also lost Dr. Steve Whitman, a true friend of the Palestinian and Puerto Rican people who actively participated for an end to colonialism in all its forms and manifestations.