Centro Infantil 

Consuelo Lee Corretjer

Open Registration * Day Care Program * Head Start

We offer:

* Full day, Day Care for children 15 mos. to 3 yrs.

* Full day Head Start for children 3 to 5 yrs. 

* Research based curriculum

* Family involvement

* Nutritional Meals

* Parent workshops

Download the leaflet here.


Paseo Boricua Apartment Listing

3216 W Agusta

2BD 1Bath $1000



2200 N. Avers

2BD 1Bath $950



2715 N. Milwaukee

studio 1bath $675



1550 N. Kedzie

1BD 1Bath $730



1456 N Kedzie

2BD 1Bath $800


Los Tequis

Google's Smarty Pins Game Tests Your Geography Knowledge

Google unveiled a fun new game this week that tests players' geography and trivia skills.

Called "Smarty Pins" the game starts players off with 1,000 miles (or 1,609 kilometers if they're not based in the United States), and asks them to drop a pin on the city that corresponds with the correct answer to a given question. If the answer is incorrect, the player's miles are reduced by the distance the answer was off. For example, if the answer to a question was Philadelphia but the user chose New York City, Smarty Pins would subtract 94 miles from the total score. The goal is to correctly answer as many questions as possible before the number of miles reaches zero. Players can also gain bonus points if they answer in the first 10 seconds without using hints.

Read on.
Las manos en el cristal: Serie de Cartas de OLR a su nieta Karina

¡Escribale a Oscar!
Oscar Lopez Rivera #87651-024
FCi Terre Haute
PO Box 33
Terre Haute, IN
From Puerto Rican Cultural Center programs
Circo Nacional Llega a Humboldt Park
El 6 y 7 de julio, com una obra conjunta, el teatro Oobleck, La Banda Makula Barun y el Circo Nacional de Puerto Rico, llegaron a Humboldt Park para deleitar a mas de 100 personas cada noche.
PRCC Farmer's Market Kicks off Summer Season


Saturday, July 5th kicked off the Puerto Rican Cultural Center's own Urban Farmers Market, at the entrance of Humboldt Park, corner of Division and California. A number of youth participating in a joint summer program between PRCC, El Rescate and Youth Service Project have been actively engaged in the process. 

EASIER THAN EVER! You Shop. Amazon Gives. The PRCC Wins.

Amazon will now donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases when you shop at AmazonSmile (smile.amazon.com). We will reach out to Puerto Rican Cultural Center to ensure it is ready to accept donations from Amazon. Share on Facebook and Twitter- show your friends how they can support the Puerto Rican Cultural Center.

Bookmark and shop now!  http://smile.amazon.com/ch/23-7347778


From Our Community Partners

KidneyMobile Rolls into Norwegian American Hospital

The National Kidney Foundation of Illinois (NKFI) partners with Norwegian American Hospital to bring NFKI's KidneyMobile to Humboldt Park and neighboring communities. The KidneyMobile is the nation's only mobile classroom and screening lab that detects kidney disease. NKFI's KidneyMobile will educate high-risk individuals and primary health care providers on kidney disease prevention and provide educational programs for successfully managing diabetes and hypertension  - the two leading causes of kidney disease.  


§  26 million American adults - over 1 million Illinoisans - already have kidney disease.

§  Diabetes and high blood pressure are the two leading causes of kidney disease.

§  Highest-risk populations for CKD are African-Americans and Latinos.

§  Of the 120,000 Americans currently on the waiting list for a lifesaving organ transplant, more than 99,000 need a kidney. Fewer than 17,000 people receive one each year.

§  Early detection and treatment can slow or prevent the progression of kidney disease.


When:    Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Time: 10 p.m. to 2 p.m.

Where:    Norwegian American Hospital Professional Medical Building

1044 N. Francisco Ave, 5th floor


Join Norwegian American Hospital and the National Kidney Foundation of Illinois in the fight against kidney disease. Please share the attached flyers within your respective agencies.

For more information:         773-292-8203 ▪ www.nahospital.org 


Clemente 40th Anniversary Fundraiser Committee Initiates Buy-a-Brick Campaign

In honor of the 40th anniversary of the first school in the US to be named after legendary Baseball Hall of Famer Roberto Clemente, Clemente Community Academy is offering the opportunity to become a part of that history. For a limited time, we will commemorate donations to the Roberto Clemente 40th anniversary fundraiser by adding the names of those who have contributed to the Wall of Fame. This will be a permanent display in our lobby which will highlight the names of all who have given generously  to the celebration. Each brick will carry the name of the person making the donation or one of the below options. The donations will fall into 3 categories, Standard $50, All-Star $100, and MVP $250.


3 pricing options-

* Wall of Fame-$50 donation

* All-Star $100 donation

* MVP $250 donation

 All bricks are bronze with black lettering and border

 Naming options available are :

* Name

* Name and Graduation Year

* Mr & Mrs Name


Please see the Roberto Clemente website for further information.

Campaign to Free Oscar López Rivera
FCI Terre Haute, 
PO Box 33
Terre Haute, IN, 
¡Reclamo pr la libertad de Oscar atraves del mundo!
Desde Francia:

Saludos estamos caminando en Francia somos peregrinos puertorriquenos y todos visitamos la Gruta de Lourdes con la camiseta de Oscar Lopez, creacion de Rafy Trelles. Muchos nos p
reguntaron quien era Oscar! Como cristianos pedimos a la virgen por su liberación! Paz y Bien!

Desde China:
 Desde Peru:
Desde Santiago:
Desde Nueva York: 
Holyoke dice ¡Presente!
Campaña Recibe Apoyo de Vigo
Concentracion pola liberdade de Oscar Lopez Rivera
Concentracion pola liberdade
de Oscar Lopez Rivera

Varias ducias de persoas concentráronse en Vigo o 6 de xuño para pedir a liberdade do independentista portorriqueño Óscar López Rivera, preso nos EEUU, que ten unha condea de 70 anos, o que suporá a sua morte no cárcere. Ó final da concentración deuse lectura a un comunicado manifestando o apoio á campaña mundial 33x33 que pide a súa liberación, pois leva xa 33 anos no cárcere. Tamén recordaron o icumplimento por parte dos Estados Unidos de varias resolucións da ONU relacionadas con seu caso. O acto rematou ca lectura dunhas verbas do propio Óscar, escritas na prisión, nas que recorda que a importancia da loita e a igualdade de tódolos seres humáns. Tras agradecer ás diversas organizacións que apoiaron a concentración, esta deuse por rematada entre berros de "Oscar López Liberdade"
Merecido Homenaje a Jan Susler

El 14 de junio, el capítulo de Amnistia Internacional de Puerto Rico le dedicó su Asamblea a la licenciada Jan Susler, abogada de nuestros ex-prisioneros políticos y de Oscar López Rivera. 

Más que merecido este reconocimiento. ¡GRACIAS a Jan por
su solidaridad y compromiso consecuente con la excarcelación de Oscar!

Oscar's Letters to his Granddaughter Karina now Available in English
The series of letters by Oscar Lopez Rivera to his granddaughter Karina published online by El Nuevo Dia are now available in English. All 15 published thus far are available on the National Boricua Human Rights Network website.