Get Well Soon
Tito Rodríguez!
The Puerto Rican Cultural Center, Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School and the National Boricua Human Rights Network wish a speedy recovery to Evaristo "Tito" Rodríguez. A tireless cultural worker and community leader, we send our healing energies to you and look forward to the news that you will be fully recovered soon!


Shop Amazon?
Support the PRCC
Now, when you shop Amazon.con, you can support the Puerto Rican Cultural Center by going to Amazon Smile and searching for the Puerto Rican Cultural Center. A small percentage of the cost of everything you buy will benefit the PRCC!


Centro Infantil 

Consuelo Lee Corretjer

Open Registration * Day Care Program * Head Start

We offer:

* Full day, Day Care for children 15 mos. to 3 yrs.

* Full day Head Start for children 3 to 5 yrs. 

* Research based curriculum

* Family involvement

* Nutritional Meals

* Parent workshops

Download the leaflet here.


Paseo Boricua Apartment Listing

3216 W Agusta

2BD 1Bath $1000



2200 N. Avers

2BD 1Bath $950



2715 N. Milwaukee

studio 1bath $675



1550 N. Kedzie

1BD 1Bath $730



1456 N Kedzie

2BD 1Bath $800


Los Tequis

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Las manos en el cristal: Serie de Cartas de OLR a su nieta Karina

33xO Mujeres NYC
Monthly Schedule of Locations


Brooklyn - Williamsburg 


Brooklyn - Coney Island


Bronx - Orchard Beach






¡Escribale a Oscar!
Oscar Lopez Rivera #87651-024
FCi Terre Haute
PO Box 33
Terre Haute, IN
From Puerto Rican Cultural Center programs

Gov Quinn, Mayor Rahm Emanuel and President Preckwinkle lead 2nd Annual United Puerto Rican Peoples Parade on Paseo Boricua


With thousands waving, the 2nd Annual United Puerto Rican Peoples parade took off from Division and Western, on Sat. June 14, headed by such prominent personalities as Gov Quinn, President Preckwinkle, and Mayor Rahm Emanuel. Also among the honored guests were Congressman Luis V. Gutiérrez, State Sen Iris Martínez, State Reps, Luis Arroyo and Cynthia Soto, Cook County Assessor Jose Berrios, County County Commissioner Elect Luis Arroyo Jr, and Aldermen Ray Suarez, Ariel Reboyras, Joe Moreno and Roberto Maldonado. The Parade's Grand Marshall was Puerto Rican House of Representative member Víctor L. Vassallo Anadón and it was dedicated to the Congressional Gold Medal Awardee the "Borinqueneers" which included Chicago's very own radio legend Raul Cardona, and to the 40th anniversary of Roberto Clemente High School. The presence of the HS was felt throughout the parade as thousands waved fans alluding to the 40th anniversary and as hundreds of students and staff from the school marched in the parade itself headed by Principal Marcey Sorensen and her leadership team. It should also be noted that this year's winner of the Commemorative Poster contest, Maricella Colon, was prominently headlined as the cover page of the special ad book insert of La Voz del Paseo Boricua. The high point of Clemente's presence was their legendary steel band and the student prepared "cabezudo" depicting Roberto Clemente, Puerto Rican humanitarian and athlete.


Another prominent "cabezudo" of the Puerto Rican patriot Oscar López Rivera made its way through the parade on the float of the National Boricua Human Rights Network, followed by a large contingent of sympathizers with t-shirts bearing Oscar's image and collecting petitions for his release. All of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center programs were well -represented during the parade route with floats and contingents-ACA, Vida/SIDA, DEC, Batey, BACCA as well as Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School. The Vida/SIDA float featured the winner of the 2014 Paseo Boricua Cacica pageant Naysha López. For the 2nd consecutive year, the parade was transmitted by ABC Channel 7, see here.


Without a doubt, once again, the People's Parade served as a place to showcase Puerto Rican pride, culture, and community, and most importantly, promote it on our own commercial strip, restaurants and businesses. View more pictures on our Flickr account.
Channel 7 Interviews José E. López, 
Executive Director, Puerto Rican Cultural Center
View here.
El Rescate Youth and Staff Represent at People's Parade!


El Rescate and it's youth represented well at this years 2nd United Puerto Rican People's Parade. No matter their ethnicity, everyone celebrated with pride. We even celebrated the PRCC's 1st legal gay marriage with Jackie and Genie Gonzalez. What a beautiful turn out! The weather was perfect and everyone had a fantastic time. We could have asked for a better day. 


Diabetes Empowerment Center and Muevete Present! at People's Parade
The Greater Humboldt Park Community Diabetes Empowerment Center's Muévete Physical Activity Program, ¡Dijo Presente!  The Sun shined on us Saturday, June 14, 2014, as we celebrated along with community the 36th annual and 2nd United Puerto Rican People's Parade. Participants, staff, instructors and volunteers showed their beautiful smile while waving the Puerto Rican Flag Parading down Division street in Humboldt Park, and the crowd responded with chants and cheers while weaving proudly the Puerto Rican flags. It was truly a day of pride and celebration on Division St.


Join us for Health Education classes: Nutrition Education, Food Demonstrations, Diabetes Prevention and Medication Education.  Muévete: Dance-aerobics, Zumba, Pilates, Tai Chi, Yoga, seasonal walking and biking groups. Heart Health Screenings and more... The Greater Humboldt Park Diabetes Empowerment Center is located at 2753 W. Division St. is opened on Monday and Friday 8:30am-5:00pm, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 8:30am-7:00pm. 773-342-0855. 

You Shop. Amazon Gives.

Amazon will now donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases when you shop at AmazonSmile ( We will reach out to Puerto Rican Cultural Center to ensure it is ready to accept donations from Amazon. Share on Facebook and Twitter- show your friends how they can support the Puerto Rican Cultural Center.


Annual Coronation of Cacica Queen 2014

On Friday, June 13, 2014 the Puerto Rican Cultural Center - Vida/SIDA celebrated its Annual Coronation of Paseo Boricua Cacica Queen 2014.  This year the recipient of Paseo Boricua Cacica Queen 2014 was the gorgeous and gifted Naysha Lopez who presently is the 2013-2014 Ms. Continental U.S.A. In addition, the Honorary Cacica Queen 2014 was Vida/SIDA's very own ever dedicated, Maritxa Vidal. The event was held at Circuit Night Club, which was handsomely decorated with flower creations by Angel Diaz of Vida/SIDA and was attended by about 200 persons. The event started with a fabulous rendition of Puerto Rico's National Anthem, "La Borinqueña", by Casandra Figueroa. Mr. Paul Lopez, our yearly Master of Ceremony shared the MC duties with Vida/SIDA's own, the fantastic and beautiful Milani Ninja who served as the Cacica Queen in 2009.    A spectacular Drag Show Extravaganza took place, where the best of Chicago Latina Drag Queens and Transgender Women performed.  Among the performers were, former Honorary Queens, Ginger Valdez, Reina Valentino, Whitney Gaytan and former Cacica Queen 2007, Jade Sotomayor.  In addition, the incredible and talented Eddie Couture amazed the audience with two memorial performances and also performing were Shadiamond Glam, Venus Carangi and Angelika Pekado.   All in all it was a show to remember for years to come.


Lastly, the Executive Director of the PRCC, Jose Lopez addressed the audience and related the importance of acceptance of sexual orientation. Jose Lopez stressed the importance of human sexuality as a human expression, which is not to be judged. In other words, one's sexual orientation is a human choice not to be subjected and limited to social mores. The night ended with customary Coronation of our 2014 Cacica Queens, Naysha Lopez and Maritxa Vidal with photos and video taken by Vida/SIDA's very talented Pedro Mercado providing a historical record for future generations to enjoy and remembered.


Please view video of all our former Paseo Boricua Cacica Queens here.

Director Ejecutivo del Centro Cultual parte de discusion promoviendo el uso de arte en Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños en NY

Con motive de la celebración de la semana Boricua en la Gran Manzana del Desfile Nacional Puertorriqueño.  El Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños del Hunter College se dio a la tarea de reunir un foro a 3 Paneles para discutir y explorar el éxito del uso de las artes para promover un cambio social y económico dentro de la comunidad Puertorriqueña.


El primer panel, compuesto por el Moderador: Félix V. Matos Rodríguez, Hostos Community College y los presentadores; Liliana Ramos-Collado, Director Ejecutivo, Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, José E. López, Director Ejecutivo del Centro Cultural Puertorriqueño Juan Antonio Corretjer (el hermano de Oscar López), Francés Lucerna, Co-Fundador y Director Ejecutivo, El Puente.


Este panel hablo acerca de las presentaciones de iniciativas , liderados por puertorriqueños en Puerto Rico y los E.E. U.U., que han resultado en el cambio económico y social y económico positivo.


El segundo panel, conto con la colaboración como moderador: Carlos Vargas Ramos, investigador; comentarista Carlos E. Santiago y los presentadores; Investigadores: Kurt Birson, Harry Franqui Rivera, Luis O. Reyes, Patricia Silver y Dr. Edwin Meléndez.  Director del centro de estudios Puertorriqueños, este grupo hizo una presentación a cargo de investigadores de El Centro y el lanzamiento de su mas reciento publicación, los Puertorriqueños en los Arboles del Nuevo Milenio. El ultimo y no menos importante, panel numero 3, fue relacionado al debate sobre los proyectos actuales y tendencias en P.R. y los EE.UU. con el propósito de generar posibles colaboraciones e iniciativas que van a trabajar para impactar las vidas de los puertorriqueños en la isla y el continental del futuro. Esta discusión estuvo a cargo del moderador: el Dr. Edwin Meléndez, Director del Centro de Estudios Portorriqueños: Edwin Torres, Director Asociado de la Fundación Rockerfeller; Carlos Bobonis, Diseñador Industrial, Diseño en Puerto Rico; Liz-Ana Acosta, Director Ejecutivo de la Producción, la Oficina de Cine, Teatro y Teledifusión del Alcalde de Nueva York.


 El auditórium del Silverman School of Social Work, donde se llevo acabo esta presentación, tenia una exposición de la colección de carteles DIVEDCO, obras de artes creadas par educar los puertorriqueños, en participación de población rural, sobre temas de la salud, la educación, la democracia y la economía.

The PRCC's Women for PASEO program is up and running; the new program from Vida/SIDA that provides services for women and transgendered women, 18 years and older (African American & Latinas).  The program offers FREE HIV/STI testing and screenings for substance abuse, mental health and post traumatic stress disorder. 


Following the screenings, eligible women will be referred to participate in the Women for PASEO program. The program offers case management services and referrals for treatment (substance abuse and mental health) to different collaborators' organizations such as: Rincon Family Services, Health Alternative Systems (HAS), group and individual counseling services, and other resources and information that could help women to empower their lives.


Interested women should visit our Main Office at 2620 W Division St. in Humboldt Park.  On Friday's, Women for PASEO program will also be providing services to the Hermosa Community in the Puerto Rican Cultural Center office, located at 4046 W. Armitage, Second Floor (ACA office).  


This Saturday, June 21st, Women for PASEO will be attending the following events: 

  • Celebrando la Salud at St James Stephanie Center in Chicago Heights: 30 East 15th Street, Chicago Heights, IL 6041 from 10:00am to 2:00pm
  • Vive por tu Corazón at Norwegian American Hospital: 1044 N Francisco Ave, Chicago, IL 60622 from10:00am to 2:00pm

We invite the community to participate in any of these events!

BACCA Program: An Expression of Arts, Culture and the Battle Against Underdage Drinking in Chicago's Puerto Rican Community


In our last report we featured 2 youth leader's reflection on their leadership work with BACCA, this week we have a new addition from Roberto Clemente High School and his name is Jerry Vega. Jerry became involved with BACCA through the service learning project when he was a freshman. Jerry will join Michelle Guzman, Mia Espinosa and Sikrra Nicholas in all the community events and our Anti-Underage drinking campaign. The Barrio Arts Culture Communications Academy made sure to leave a mark on this year's parade. All four youth leaders marched with different messages in support of the campaign is excited to participate in this year's Puerto Rican People' Parade. As an after-school program, BACCA seeks to also address youth challenges like high school dropout rates, and underage drinking in our community. Recognizing that the school dropout rate directly correlates to other indicators of risk, this hands-on program is designed to mix culture, community, and technology across a range of media to encourage participants to transform their community. With new additions like Jerry and Michelle we seek to expand our support network and educate people from all age groups as well as local businesses about the importance of maintaining a community of excellence. This Friday Program Director Maria Borrero will meet with different sectors of the community in BACCA's last Coalition meeting for fiscal year 2014. We are excited to leave footprints in future events in the community like "Fiesta Boricua" and Barrio Arts Festival. If you are interested in joining our effort please feel free to communicate via e-mail at



Michelle Guzman-


During my time at BACCA as we were tirelessly preparing for the parade I have learned a lot. I had the opportunity to work hands on with boards, painting, designing , and etc. This was very helpful by enhancing my communication skills with my peers and boss. Not only did I enhance in that area, but also socially too. I learned a lot of inspiring people who put there time and effort to help put the things to together for the parade.

From Our Community Partners


Demonstration of Hospital's Ongoing Commitment to Improvement in Quality and Patient Safety

CHICAGO - Norwegian American Hospital's 2014 Leapfrog Hospital Recognition Program summary scores have increased for the second consecutive year, with the hospital awarded a letter grade of "B" by the independent non-profit ratings agency.   The Leapfrog Group is an organization that provides a national comparison of publically-reported data on patient safety, quality and efficiency within hospital settings. Norwegian American Hospital is honored to be above the national average in every category.


The Leapfrog Group released its fifth round of Hospital Safety Scores on April 29th, assigning a letter grade - "A, B,C, D, or F" - to 2,522 hospitals based on their performance on 28 safety measures. Norwegian American Hospital's B rating is a one-letter grade jump since the hospital was issued a C in 2013 and a four-letter grade jump since 2012, placing Norwegian American Hospital among a group of fewer than 60 participating hospitals nationwide who have achieved a two-letter grade improvement or better in that time period.


"Our continued improvement in these scores highlights the unwavering commitment being shown by our physicians, our nurses and our staff to deliver quality care to our patients every single day," said José R. Sánchez, president and CEO of Norwegian American Hospital. "Improving our score again this year was accomplished through the continued dedication of everyone at Norwegian American.   We are confident our quality journey will produce even higher scores in the future."


In the last year, Norwegian American Hospital has made significant progress on its quest to be a role model for quality and patient safety in community hospitals. Building a culture of safety has been at the forefront of the hospital's new leadership and is echoed throughout the hospital walls. The organization has become data driven with the recruitment of new leadership and has engaged all staff, including physicians and the board of trustees, to ensure quality and safety measures are being practiced.


For more information on Norwegian American Hospital visit  For more information on the Leapfrog Group Hospital Recognition Program visit
Chicago Dyke March set to partner with Orgullo en Acción's Latina/o PRIDE Picnic in Humboldt Park community on June 28th


CHICAGO, IL - Orgullo en Acción (OEA) and the Chicago Dyke March Collective (CDMC) will partner-for the first time-as they bring the Dyke March to the Humboldt Park community for the first of two years. The 2014 Dyke March will kick-off at Roberto Clemente High School on the southwest corner of Western and Division at 3:30pm and march west down Division Street to the "Boat House" in Humboldt Park. The Latina/o PRIDE Picnic, which has been held in the community for almost 10 years will be the ending point for the Dyke March rally and picnic from 4pm-7pm, which will incorporate elements that have made both events a tradition in the LGBTQ community.


"We are honored to march in Humboldt Park and celebrate its strong history of resistance and presence of dyke, queer, bisexual, and trans folks", shared Mayadet Patitucci Cruz, CDMC member. "Weare excited to support and march alongside the many organizations, community members, and spaces that work hard to bring forward the challenges and needs of dyke, queer, bisexual, transgender, lesbian and gay community, which Orgullo en Acción has been supporting in community for years."


"We are excited to bring our diverse community together and celebrate all the beautiful things that make us who we are with Dyke March," exclaimed Dulce Quintero, OEA board member. "The Latino PRIDE Picnic grew out of a grassroots initiative and continues to stay true to creating a space where LGBTQ-GNC Latina/os and their allies of all ages can celebrate their multiple identities with pride. We are committed to keeping activities that include a children's play area, community art project, grilling, main stage performances, dancing and community building."

Clemente 40th Anniversary Fundraiser Committee Initiates Buy-a-Brick Campaign

In honor of the 40th anniversary of the first school in the US to be named after legendary Baseball Hall of Famer Roberto Clemente, Clemente Community Academy is offering the opportunity to become a part of that history. For a limited time, we will commemorate donations to the Roberto Clemente 40th anniversary fundraiser by adding the names of those who have contributed to the Wall of Fame. This will be a permanent display in our lobby which will highlight the names of all who have given generously  to the celebration. Each brick will carry the name of the person making the donation or one of the below options. The donations will fall into 3 categories, Standard $50, All-Star $100, and MVP $250.


3 pricing options-

* Wall of Fame-$50 donation

* All-Star $100 donation

* MVP $250 donation

 All bricks are bronze with black lettering and border

 Naming options available are :

* Name

* Name and Graduation Year

* Mr & Mrs Name


Please see the Roberto Clemente website for further information.

Campaign to Free Oscar López Rivera
FCI Terre Haute, 
PO Box 33
Terre Haute, IN, 

The National Puerto Rican Parade and 

Oscar Lopez Rivera:

"Still We Rise"

The observation that freedom struggles use the same words to describe historically similar moments at different junctures came to mind last week, in New York, as we mobilized for the Free Oscar López Rivera contingent in the National Puerto Rican Parade. The particular words, and the vision inspired by them, was the poem "Still I Rise" by the beloved, recently deceased poet, Maya Angelou. Seeing and working with all the groups preparing to mobilize for the parade, among them the NYC Coordinator to Free Oscar López Rivera, the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party of New York, 33xO, the National Lawyers Guild, the Puerto Rican Independence Party, 1199SEIU, former political prisoners, solidarity activists and children of activists-activists themselves, friends and family-all turned out in an amazing display of how the moment for the Campaign is changing in the Diaspora. A summary of the events leading up to the Parade follows:


* The National Puerto Rican Day Parade Board of Directors, newly reconstituted, successfully and remarkably, held a series of events including the honoring of a sister city, Chicago, and its representative, Hipolito "Paul" Roldan, our champion of quality and affordable housing for all but most importantly for the elderly and the working poor. As well, the Parade opted to honor the "Borinqueneers", the 65th Infantry regiment, days after President Obama signed the bill into law, and in what might have been a controversial decision a year earlier, the Board chose to pay tribute to Oscar López Rivera. Oscar was represented by Clarisa, his daughter and José, his brother. Our respect goes out to the Parade Board of Directors and its President, Lorraine A. Cortés-Vázquez for their courage and dedication in restoring the Parade, to the very community and people from which it has sprung.


* Almost a year ago, Puerto Rican artists Miguel Luciano and Juan Sánchez took the initiative in organizing, along with the National Boricua Human Rights Network, the postcards4oscar event, which took place on Wednesday and Thursday, June 5 and 6. Over 80 artists contributed 175 pieces of postcard art in an unprecedented outpouring of love and solidarity for Oscar, and just as importantly, of respect for Juan Sánchez and Miguel Luciano. Artists from the US and Puerto Rico, In that 2 day period, over $9,000 was raised. View the Flickr set here.


* The NY Coordinator held a press conference to laud the Parade's decision to call for Oscar's excarceration and describe the Campaign-led events leading up to the Parade. View the Youtube video below.

Press Conference: In support of National Puerto Rican Parade Tribute to Oscar Lopez
Press Conference: In support of National Puerto Rican Parade Tribute to Oscar Lopez

* Since May 2012, 1199SEIU has become a lynchpin for the Campaign to Free Oscar. With a letter of support for Oscar's freedom signed by it's Executive Bureau, it has provided vision and leadership among the labor movement. 6 months ago, key organizers spearheaded the planning to raise funds for the East Coast's commitment to get 50,000 petitions to Obama signed by this November. Every organization in New York devoted to the Campaign, bought and sold tickets to the dance. On Friday, June 6, 2014 at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Labor Center. Over 300 people celebrated the "Pre-Puerto Rican Parade Dance" and helped raise close to $6000 for the East Coast campaign. 


* Close to 100 individuals came to the 116th Street Festival to pass out La Voz de Paseo Boricua and collect petitions for Oscar's freedom. In a sea of community, estimated by some to surpass 500,000, the activists fanned out talking, educating and getting signatures for Oscar. View the Flickr set here.


* Over 500 people from organizations, committees, representatives from Chicago, Philadelphia, Cleveland,  Detroit, Boston, San Juan and Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, Springfield, Massachusetts, and Connecticut, as well as the New York area, Leading the Oscar contingent was Congressman Luis V. Gutiérrez, his wife Soraida, and Chicago's representative to the Parade, Hipolito "Paul" Roldan,  and José E. López, Oscar's brother. The Chicago National Boricua Human Rights Network and Puerto Rican Cultural Center contingent, with 50 people that drove to New York to participate and help gather signatures, were next. Through the generous loan of ASPIRA of Illinois vans to the Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School, students, teachers and Chicago community youth and members were able to attend the parade. Halfway through the Parade, New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark Viverito, Rene Pérez, Residente from Calle 13, Artist Miguel Luciano and Clarisa López, Oscar's daughter joined the contingent. Edwin Cortés, Luis Rosa and Ricardo Jimenez, all former Puerto Rican political prisoners, also came as evidence of our will to free Oscar. Tens of thousands of spectators cheered the unitary contingent as it winded its way along 5th Avenue. View the Flickr set here.


All of which moved the New York Times to say that there were, "... a succession of banners calling for the release of Oscar López Rivera, a former leader of a radical Puerto Rican independence group, who has been in federal prison since the 1980s." The New York Post published it's usual lies.


In all of the events, there was a feeling of coming together, of working towards a common goal, with our community, for our community.


It was, to quote Maya Angelou, the coming together where we were "the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise. I rise. I rise."


Together, We can Free Oscar López Rivera.

Dedicarán asamblea Amnistía Internacional a Jan Susler, abogada de Oscar López Rivera

Publicado en Claridad: miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014

La asamblea general de Amnistía Internacional Sección de Puerto Rico (AI-PR), será dedicada a la licenciada Jan Susler, asesora legal del prisionero político puertorriqueño Oscar López Rivera.

La asamblea tendrá lugar este sábado 14 de junio, de 8:00 de la mañana a 3:00 de la tarde, en el Salón de Actividades del Columbia Centro Universitario en Caguas.


El director ejecutivo de AI-PR, Pedro Santiago Torres, expresó que la organización siente orgullo por la dedicatoria a Susler, quien se ha destacado por su trabajo en defensa de los derechos civiles y humanos, por su trabajo con los presos políticos puertorriqueños, en particular por su trabajo en el caso de Oscar López Rivera. Agregó que Susler hablará acerca de los retos del trabajo a favor de la excarcelación de López Rivera para que los miembros de AI sección de Puerto Rico estudien de qué manera pueden intensificar su trabajo a favor de la excarcelación.

El orador principal de la asamblea será el escritor puertorriqueño Eduardo Lalo, ganador del premio Rómulo Gallegos 2013, quien expondrá sobre su experiencia como activista y las razones que lo llevaron a afiliarse a AI.

La asamblea discutirá además otros dos temas medulares que serán materia de trabajo el próximo año. El primero es sobre los derechos sexuales y reproductivos. Santiago Torres indicó que dentro de este tema AI está elaborando una posición sobre el trabajo sexual. El otro tema es la seguridad con derechos humanos y la falsa disyuntiva que plantea el estado de que para garantizar la seguridad tiene que violentar los derechos. Expuso que bajo los alegatos de la seguridad y la llamada lucha contra el terrorismo se violentan derechos civiles e individuales pero AI ha ampliado este argumento a cómo se atiende el asunto de la criminalidad, los argumentos de la mano dura, el castigo severo y la legislación que criminaliza actos que no son criminales, como las protesta y manifestaciones. Al respecto reveló que están creando un comité con el propósito de hacer trabajo educativo tanto con la comunidad y la propia Policía.

 "Exhortamos a toda la membresía y a todas las personas que se interesen en ser parte de Amnistía Internacional a que asistan a nuestra Asamblea General Anual. Esta es una excelente oportunidad para dejarse escuchar sobre el rumbo y las prioridades para nuestra Sección", exhortó Santiago Torres.

Amnistía Internacional es una organización mundial enfocada en la defensa de los derechos humanos. Tiene más de 60 secciones alrededor del mundo y aproximadamente 3 millones de afiliados.


An interview with Jose Lopez, brother of Puerto Rican freedom fighter Oscar Lopez Rivera,  as calls for his release become the focus of The National Puerto Rican Day Parade

THE Jordan Report

On the June 6 edition of The Jordan Journal heard Fridays from 3-5 p.m.  Howard Jordan interviews Jose Lopez, younger brother of the Puerto Rican patriot and political prisoner Oscar Lopez Rivera who has been imprisoned by the U.S. government for over 33 years. This beloved freedom fighter is one of the longest held political prisoners in the Western hemisphere and was honored by The National Puerto Rican Day Parade for his unique voice  and to rally support for his release amongst the parade-goers that lined the streets of New York City's Fifth Avenue. To join the movement to Free Oscar Lopez contact Prof.Ana M. López at (646) 229-5133.To comment on the program write me at thejordanjordan@hotmail.comor tweet @hjordanWBAI  


Listen to the program.

Al Mar x Oscar - NotiCel™
Al mar x Oscar - NotiCel
Al mar x Oscar - NotiCel

En su fervor por lograr la excarcelación de Oscar López Rivera, cerca de media centena de embarcaciones navegó por la Bahía de San Juan para exigir la liberación del preso político en una concurrida ceremonia.
Oscar's Letters to his Granddaughter Karina now Available in English
The series of letters by Oscar Lopez Rivera to his granddaughter Karina published online by El Nuevo Dia are now available in English. All 15 published thus far are available on the National Boricua Human Rights Network website.