Sentido pésame

El Centro Cultural Puertorriqueño quisiera dar su más sentido pésame a Madeline y María "Cuca" Bezares del Centro Infantil Lee Corretjer, y a su familia por el fallecimiento de su mamá, la Sra. Esperanza Flores el sábado 10 de mayo. Deja 4 hijas, 6 hijos, 19 nietos y nietas, 1 bisnieto. 

Thank you from Susler Family

Dear friends:


Thank you for your generous contribution on behalf of our father Marshall Susler. "Thank you" does not adequately express the gratitude we feel for you all and for your work.


You are extraordinary, generous people in so many ways. We are always impressed with the quality of people Jan works with and is involved with. Thank you for for your hard work and dedication that lines up perfectly with and is an honor to what our father also devoted his life to.


Wishing you health, happiness and success. With love ad gratitude, on behalf of the Susler-Ruski Family, 

Julie Susler Blum

Another Glimmer!

Ms Jessica Fullilove PACHS Class of 2009, graduated Northern IL @ Dekalb this past Sunday.

Centro Infantil 

Consuelo Lee Corretjer

Open Registration * Day Care Program * Head Start

We offer:

* Full day, Day Care for children 15 mos. to 3 yrs.

* Full day Head Start for children 3 to 5 yrs. 

* Research based curriculum

* Family involvement

* Nutritional Meals

* Parent workshops

Download the leaflet here.


Paseo Boricua Apartment Listing

3216 W Agusta

2BD 1Bath $1000



2200 N. Avers

2BD 1Bath $950



2715 N. Milwaukee

studio 1bath $675



1550 N. Kedzie

1BD 1Bath $730



1456 N Kedzie

2BD 1Bath $800


Los Tequis

Memorize this! Use it!
Tell Students about it!
Las manos en el cristal: Serie de Cartas de OLR a su nieta Karina

33xO Mujeres NYC
Monthly Schedule of Locations


Bronx - Fordham Plaza


Manhattan - Loisaida 


Brooklyn - Williamsburg 


Brooklyn - Coney Island


Bronx - Orchard Beach






¡Escribale a Oscar!
Oscar Lopez Rivera #87651-024
FCi Terre Haute
PO Box 33
Terre Haute, IN
A Night of Solidarity  
with Oscar López
Join us for an evening of poetry, theater and conversation in solidarity with Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar Lopez Rivera. 

Event will include:

Poetry by activist, hip hop artist and poet Michael Reyes 

Scenes from the Crimes Against Humanity Play ~ A play based on the real life experiences of 14 Puerto Rican political prisioners ~ Written by Michael Reyes and Luis Rosa ~ Performed by the New York cast 


From Puerto Rican Cultural Center programs

Puerto Rican Cultural Center to celebrate with 

Fundraising Dinner/Dance

Congratulations Graduates!


The Leadership, Board and Staff of the PRCC congratulate the following members of the PRCC family on their graduation:

Maria Borrero- University of Illinois at Chicago
Matt McCanna- Columbia College
Juan "Nito" Morales- Northeastern Illinois University
Luis Rodríguez- University of Illinois at Chicago
Eliana "Frenchy" Triche- University of Illinois at Chicago
The PRCC will be hosting an appreciation and recognition dinner for these graduates. While recognizing the milestone in their life, we hope to make this event a fundraiser to help Juan (Nito) Morales, Maria Borrero, and Matt McCanna join the eco-tour to Puerto Rico from July 1-8. The buffet style dinner will feature DJ music. Please be generous. Admission will be charged on a sliding scale from $25-$100. This event will be held at Nellie's on Thursday, May 29 at 6:30 following the closing event commemorating Oscar's arrest. See the ad immediately below. 

Oscar López Rivera Congratulates 2014 Graduates

I would like to congratulate you for having accomplished one of the greatest milestones we wish most of our young people would achieve.  This accomplishment will be the wings that will carry you into the future and will help you to fulfill more of your dreams, goals and ideals.  You will be a hopeful example to other young people who face the many challenges Latinos(as) face.  An education is not a gift that falls from the sky, but hard work that demands determination and will power.  Go forward and don't forget that a better and more just world is possible as long as we are willing to struggle for it.  You have made many of us proud.  Celebrate this great moment and enjoy it. I send you much love and a big hug with short Puerto Rican arms.  EN RESISTENCIA Y LUCHA, OLR.

 Gisela Arandia Covarrubias, famed Cuban Journalist and Researcher to Speak on Paseo Boricua
Gisela Arandia Covarrubias is a journalist, social activist, and researcher on issues of race and society in contemporary Cuba. Based on Cuba's National Union of Artists and Writers (UNEAC) in Havana, she has spent decades writing and speaking internationally about the situation of Afro-Cubans after the Revolution.


RSVP by Friday, May 16

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

La Bruquena

2726 W. Division St


Lunch $10

PACHS and Clemente Students Present Results of "Engaging Students in Public Health and Community Organizing" Project
On Friday, May 9, students from Roberto Clemente Community Academy and Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High Schools, along with students from the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health, gathered at Clemente to proudly present the product of over three months of hard work and collaboration. Beginning in January, undergraduate Public Health students from UIC introduced high school students to basic public health concepts through 13 weekly class sessions. Students learned that public health includes a wide range of topics that impact their everyday wellbeing, such as nutrition, disease, violence, and the environment. They also explored how topics like epidemiology and health promotion could be used to address health concerns in their community.

To put their new knowledge in to action, high school students identified relevant public health topics in their school and worked with the UIC students to create a survey for their peers. On Friday, they stood together to present their findings. Their research uncovered many strengths within their school. For example, most students at Clemente are getting adequate physical activity and enjoy their PE classes; they also felt comfortable discussing safe sex practices. Students also had the opportunity to make recommendations, based on the survey results, to their peers and school administrators present at the event. Suggestions included more education about the health impacts of fast food, a class or group that addresses teen dating violence, and a Public Health club where students could continue applying their new knowledge and explore careers in Public Health. 


Principal Marcey Sorensen and assistant principal Robert Hartwig were present to congratulate their students' hard work and hear their suggestions.


UIC students thanked participating high school students and several emphasized they felt they had learned even more from the community than they had taught their younger co-researchers. They were accompanied by their instructor, Rachael Dombrowski, Doctors Michele Kelley and Ebbin Dotson, and dean of the UIC School of Public Health Dr. Paul Brandt-Rauf. At the culmination of the student presentations, PRCC Executive Director José E. López spoke to the students about the importance of public health and their potential to apply their education for the benefit of their community. His remarks were followed by Dr. Dotson´s invitation to students to consider a degree in Public Health at UIC where, he assured, they would be welcomed and supported.

Over 400 members of Chicago's Ethnic Museums and Cultural Centers came together to Honor 
PRCC Director José E. López
Over 400 members of Chicago's Ethnic Museums and Cultural Centers came together last Thursday, May 8 at the Zhou B Art Center to celebrate MOSAIC: A Celebration of Chicago's Communities. The Chicago Cultural Alliance honored José E. López, the Executive Director of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center as one of two "Outstanding Community Leaders" along with Joe Yazzie, a respected Navajo elder and artist. Steve Bynum from WBEZ 91.5 Chicago was the evening's emcee. Nellie's Restaurant was present to represent Puerto Rican cuisine.

The overflow crowd was able to experience the cuisine and music representative of many cultures within Chicago, meet and mingle with people from all over the world who support Chicago's cultural diversity, and participated in a truly one-of-a-kind silent auction with items provided by Chicago's ethnic museums, jewelry, art, and dining and entertainment experiences. IPRAC CEO Billy Ocasio and a contingent from the PRCC were present as José was honored. PRCC Board President Dr. Margaret Power, Board Secretary Alejandro Luis Molina, COO Juan Calderón and NEIU Trustee Marvin Garcia were there to support the Chicago Cultural Alliance and its mission to effect social change and public understanding of cultural diversity.  
New Excitement Added!
At the Centro Infantil, Jasmine and Ava are playing with their new audio equipment. They enjoy listening to the audio while they go through some of their favorite books. While doing this they learn how to follow the reader and they pay attention to the pictures more than just skimming through the book.

Congratulations Yvette Ruiz!

Yvette Ruiz is a doctoral student at Chicago State University College of Pharmacy; a life long resident of Paseo Boricua and Roberto Clemente High School alumni.  The PRCC would like to congratulate her on her Doctorate of Pharmacy, which she will receive on May 15, 2014. 

From Our Community Partners

Mother's Day Heart Health Event at The Greater

Humboldt Park Diabetes Empowerment Center


By Janeida Rodriguez


May 10, 2014 Mother's Day was celebrated at the Greater Humboldt Park Diabetes Empowerment Center with an event hosted by the Keep Your Heart Healthy program. As a way to promote heart health, physical activity and healthy eating, there were presenters to engage all of the mothers and families in attendance.


Presentations were made by Roberto Perez of Urban Pilon who made delicious and healthy stuffed bell peppers and provided samples for guests to taste. Diana Reyes, Mexican folkloric dancer of Horizontes Mexicanos dance company graced the audience with a beautiful traditional dance. There was also a lively Zumba dance aerobics session to get participants moving and excited to exercise while having fun and Muevete t-shirts and Target gift cards were provided as the free raffle prizes!


The Mother's Day event hosted one-on-one consultations by registered dietician, Jennifer Bauer, RD, LDN, CDE from Presence Health Care and The Puerto Rican Cultural Center's (PRCC) Affordable Care Act (ACA) was on-site enrolling participants for Get Covered Illinois health coverage. The PRCC ACA program can assist community members with enrolling for health coverage weekly at 112 N. California. Call 773-227-7794 for details.


The Keep Your Heart Healthy program provided approximately 50 free heart health screenings that assessed participant's risk for heart disease and/or a heart attack for participants 18 years and older. Free heart health screenings are offered Saturdays between 10:00AM and 2:00PM for along with cooking demonstrations, Zumba and more while you wait. To get your free basic heart screening Monday-Friday, call 773-342-0855 between 8:30AM and 5:00PM to schedule an appointment with Magdalena (Maggie), Keep Your Heart Healthy program coordinator at The Greater Humboldt Park Diabetes Empowerment Center located at 2753 W. Division St. 
Ald. Joe "Proco" Moreno Celebrates Clemente's 40th
Ald. Joe
Ald. Joe "Proco" Moreno Celebrates Clemente's 40th

In September 2014, Roberto Clemente Community Academy will celebrate 40 years of providing education to the Humboldt Park community. Join us in reflecting on 40 years as we release interviews with local community leaders, Clemente alumni, and Class of 2014 graduates. We are also honored to be showcased at the 2nd Annual Unified Puerto Rican People's Parade, occurring on June 14th at 2pm. In addition to celebrating the historic past of the Puerto Rican Borinqueneers/65th Puerto Rican Infantry Regiment of the US Army, the parade looks forward to a future of educational possibilities for Humboldt Park youth and Clemente's new focus as an International Baccalaureate Candidate School.

Roberto Clemente Community Academy
International Baccalaureate Candidate School
A new future, a new vision, a world class education in our community

El Vocero
Nuevos honores para Martorell
Antonio Martorell recibió 'La Encomienda de la Orden de Mérito Civil'; y el senador José Nadal Power, 'La Cruz de Oficial de la Orden de Isabel la Católica'

El Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación de España, José Manuel García-Margallo, con el beneplácito del presidente del Senado de Puerto Rico, Eduardo Bhatia, otorgó en la Rotonda del Capitolio insular, al Maestro Antonio Martorell, 'La Encomienda de la Orden de Mérito Civil'; y al joven senador José Nadal Power, descendiente de un ilustre puertorriqueño que hace dos siglos abogó por derechos y libertades para su terruño en las Cortes de Cádiz, 'La Cruz de Oficial de la Orden de Isabel la Católica'. Siga leyendo... 
Clemente 40th Anniversary Fundraiser Committee Initiates Buy-a-Brick Campaign

In honor of the 40th anniversary of the first school in the US to be named after legendary Baseball Hall of Famer Roberto Clemente, Clemente Community Academy is offering the opportunity to become a part of that history. For a limited time, we will commemorate donations to the Roberto Clemente 40th anniversary fundraiser by adding the names of those who have contributed to the Wall of Fame. This will be a permanent display in our lobby which will highlight the names of all who have given generously  to the celebration. Each brick will carry the name of the person making the donation or one of the below options. The donations will fall into 3 categories, Standard $50, All-Star $100, and MVP $250.


3 pricing options-

* Wall of Fame-$50 donation

* All-Star $100 donation

* MVP $250 donation

 All bricks are bronze with black lettering and border

 Naming options available are :

* Name

* Name and Graduation Year

* Mr & Mrs Name


Please see the Roberto Clemente website for further information.
"La Voz" into PACHS Classrooms for "Media Mondays"

Release of the latest issue of La Voz del Paseo Boricua created quite a sensation on Monday May 12th, when all students and teachers at Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School explored our community newspaper for "Media Monday." The issue is jam-packed with with news about our community -- exciting upcoming events and photos of "Campos" students in the news. Highlights include the article on "Bomba" written by Art Teacher, Ms. Brenda Torres and the article on immigration activist Elvira Arellano, which prepared us all for her surprise appearance at the school Unity event just two days later. This is news that matters!

Norwegian American Hospital and New Life Covenant Church held a ribbon cutting ceremony on May 13, 2014 to announce the opening of the New Life Health Clinic, a collaboration between two of the leading organizations in the Humboldt Park community to improve access to primary healthcare and other services needed in the community. 


Centrally located adjacent to the New Life Café at 1666 N. California Avenue, the clinic will be serviced by two bi-lingual physicians who are Board Certified in Family Medicine and able to address the healthcare needs of all members of our community from newborn to elder care. Additional services at the clinic will be developed utilizing the joint resources of both organizations including diabetes education, pre-natal care, mental health services, and other wellness activities. 


The ribbon cutting for the New Life Health Clinic will be held on May 13th at 12 PM, during the celebration of National Hospital Week and the New Life Covenant Church JumpStart Leadership Conference.  Over 100 ministers from around the country will be in attendance to celebrate this progressive and unique initiative. 


The New Life Health Clinic will open on May 19, 2014 and is now scheduling appointments at 773-292-7314. 

Enseñan a fabricar bicicletas a jóvenes de Chicago
Chicago.-Entre tornillos, llantas y llaves de tuercas se encontraba Felix Rodríguez, un trabajador de Ciclo Urbano, una tienda de bicicletas de la organización West Town Bikes.


Así como Rodríguez hay otros jóvenes que tienen pasión por arreglar y fabricar bicicletas y quieren trabajar en eso.


La organización West Town Bikes es un lugar de aprendizaje en ciclismo y mecánica que brinda talleres a jóvenes de todas las edades e inclusive a adultos. A través de su tienda Ciclo Urbano tiene a la venta repuestos y repara y vende bicicletas nuevas o usadas.

Siga leyendo... 
Campaign to Free Oscar López Rivera
El Nuevo Día
Presidente Mujica: "Puerto Rico es una de las naciones de América Latina"
Revela además que intervino a favor del prisionero político puertorriqueño Oscar López 

WASHINGTON -  El presidente de Uruguay, José "Pepe"Mujica afirmó hoy en Washington D.C. que "Puerto Rico es una de las naciones de América latina" y reveló que ha intervenido a favor de la excarcelación del prisionero político puertorriqueño Oscar López Rivera, que cumple este mes 33 años en cárceles estadounidenses.

"Tengo una posición histórica: Puerto Rico es una de las naciones que compone América Latina, pero va a ser difícil que yo pueda convencer a Estados Unidos", indicó Mujica, en una conferencia de prensa al responder preguntas de El Nuevo Día.

Horas antes, Mujica se había entrevistado en la Casa Blanca con el presidente Barack Obama.

Aunque hizo claro que no fue un asunto que trató en su encuentro con el presidente Obama, Mujica, un ex guerrillero tupamaro, afirmó que  "algún día Estados Unidos comprenderá (cuál es) el camino menos traumático para esa relación".

Con respecto a López Rivera, sobre el cual había recibido una petición de intervención, Mujica sostuvo que "hicimos lo que teníamos que hacer". Siga leyendo...

New Date!

In NYC, 

Julia de Burgos Cultural Center to host "Postcards 4 

Oscar" June 4, 5


Postcard4oscar is an exhibition and fundraiser for the freedom of Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera. 


The exhibition features prominent artists from throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico, each of whom has contributed an original work of art on a 4"x6" postcard. 


All artwork is on sale for $50. Each piece of artwork is signed on the back and will be exhibited anonymously, to be sold on a first come, first served basis on May 24th. Once a work is purchased, the artist's identity will be revealed to the buyer. 


* Exhibition Preview on Wednesday June 4th, 7-9pm. Sneak preview of the exhibition prior to the public viewing. Tickets $20. 

* Exhibition Opening June 5th, 7-9pm - Doors open promptly at 7pm, artwork will be sold on a first come, first served basis. 


Both events are at

Julia de Burgos Latino Cultural Center

1680 Lexington Ave. NYC


Featuring Works By (partial listing):


Manuel Acevedo  *  ADÁL Maldonado

Elia Alba * Luis Carle * Marcos Dimas 

Maria Dominguez * Emory Douglas

Elizam Escobar * Zachary Fabri * Teo Freytes 

Scherezade García * Rico Gatson 

Marina Gutiérrez * Charles Juhasz Alvarado 

Yasmin Hernández * Miguel Luciano

Arnaldo Morales * Rubén Ortiz Torres

Pepón Osorio * Antonio Martorell

Ana Rosa Rivera * Freddy Rodríguez

Rodríguez Calero * Adrián "Viajero" Román 

Juan Sánchez * Julio Suárez

John Pitman Weber * Josue Pellot

Jane Norling * Nitza Tufiño

Doug Minkler * Poli Marichal

Brenda Torres Figueroa and many more.  


For more info:
Carta a Oscar del Desfile Nacional Puertorriqueño


lunes 28 de abril de 2014


Sr. Oscar López Rivera


FCI Terre Haute

POB 33

Terre Haute, IN 47808


Estimado compañero,


Saludos de la nueva junta directiva del Desfile Puertorriqueño Nacional de Nueva York. Este próximo junio se cumplen 57 años desde que se organizo el primer desfile con el objetivo de celebrar nuestra cultura y nuestra historia y destacar los logros de nuestro pueblo dondequiera que se encuentre, ya sea en nuestra querida isla o en los tantos exilios en los que hemos echado raíces.

  Este año el desfile se llevará a cabo el domingo 8 de junio, en la Quinta Avenida de Manhattan, como es la tradición, y el tema del desfile será la gran poeta y activista Julia de Burgos y la 65 Infantería reconocidos como Los Borinqueneers. La intención del desfile este año es celebrar y resaltar los alcances de nuestros artistas, activistas trabajadores de la cultura y educadores y destacar los esfuerzos de nuestros compatriotas que luchan incansablemente por los derechos de nuestro pueblo.

  Por la presente, a nombre de la directiva del desfile y de todos los Boricuas que vivimos en la diáspora, quisiéramos darte un reconocimiento como Patriota Puertorriqueño del Desfile Nacional Puertorriqueño en Nueva York, en junio 8 del año 2014.


Aunque tu presencia física no será posible, nos llenará de orgullo y alegría el saber que serás parte de nuestros esfuerzos para restituir el verdadero sentido de esta importante celebración de nuestro pueblo puertorriqueño. Es nuestro deseo que el 8 de junio todos los grupos que apoyan los derechos humanos y la justicia participen en el desfile para que se oiga en voz alta nuestro llamado a tu libertad. 


Un fuerte abrazo Boricua,


Orlando Plaza

Ululy Rafael Martínez

Directiva del Desfile Puertorriqueño de Nueva York
Oscar López: Un recorrido por una lucha de amor

El 3 de mayo de 2014 el compañero Alejandro Torres y yo tuvimos la invaluable oportunidad de visitar al patriota Oscar López Rivera. Como parte y antesala a su visita nos obsequiaron una visita por las instituciones comunitarias que Oscar ayudó a establecer en la comunidad de Humboldt Park en Chicago y que bajo el liderato de su hermano José López, su sobrina Lourdes y un extraordinario grupo de compañeros y compañeras de la comunidad y nuestro acompañante Alejandro Molina, han continuado desarrollándose sin prisa, pero sin pausa.

La Escuela Superior Pedro Albizu Campos, el programa Vida-Sida, el Centro Comunitario de Humboldt Park, un centro de apoyo para los jóvenes de la comunidad LGBTQ, un Museo de Arte Puertorriqueño, programas de huertos caseros, centros de cuido diurno infantiles, programas para desertores escolares, son algunos de los muchos programas que hoy trabajan por la comunidad de Humboldt Park, mayoritariamente puertorriqueña. Sin embargo, la agresiva política de ¨gentrification¨ está amenazando a esta dinámica comunidad puertorriqueña de la misma forma que lo ha hecho con la comunidad afroamericana. Ya se ven los hermosos edificios conocidos como ¨white stone¨ bajo renovación y en control de los llamados ¨yuppies¨ en calles donde antes no entraban los ciudadanos blancos. Siga leyendo aqui.

Delivers Call-to-Action to End the Puerto Rican Political Prisoner's Incarceration of Nearly 33 Years


April 29, 2014, New York City - In the spirit of its 2014 theme, "Un Pueblo, Muchas Voces"/"One People, Many Voices", the National Puerto Rican Day Parade (NPRDP) has officially called for the release of long-time political prisoner, Oscar López Rivera. Arrested in 1981, López Rivera was convicted of seditious conspiracy related to his actions in the struggle for the independence of Puerto Rico. A long-time, vocal champion for Puerto Rican independence, López Rivera received a 70-year prison sentence, having spent more than 12 years in prisons that rank highest in punitive control, under torturous conditions of isolation and sensory deprivation. With this year's celebration, the Parade honors López Rivera to recognize his unique voice and rally support from the Puerto Rican and Latino communities, as well as the nearly 2.5 million parade-goers that line the streets of New York City's Fifth Avenue, to sign a petition for the release of López Rivera.

Puerto Ricans of all ideological and political backgrounds support the release of López Rivera since his sentence is widely viewed as not being commensurate with his actions. In fact, the 14 other compatriots that were imprisoned around the same time as López Rivera were released in 1999 when President Bill Clinton authorized their release, determining that their sentences were disproportionate with their actions. Continue reading here.

Apoyo a la excarcelacion de Oscar Lopez Rivera por el Gobernador de Puerto Rico
Apoyo por la excarcelacion de Oscar López Rivera
del Gobernador de Puerto Rico
EE.UU. convierte a Puerto Rico en reservación, afirma preso político
San Juan, 6 mayo (PL): El gobierno de Estados Unidos se dirige a convertir a Puerto Rico en una reservación, tal como ha hecho con los indígenas, a juicio del prisionero político puertorriqueño Oscar López Rivera.

"Si uno examina la realidad de las reservaciones indígenas en Estados Unidos y lo que uno ve allí desde el punto de vista de la realidad de su gente, eso le hace a uno pensar en hacia dónde podría Estados Unidos estar llevando a Puerto Rico", afirmó el luchador independentista boricua.

La revelación la hizo el dirigente del Movimiento Independentista Nacional Hostosiano (MINH) Alejandro Torres, quien visitó el fin de semana a López Rivera en la prisión de Terre Haute, en Indiana, junto a la copresidenta de la organización Wilma Reverón Collazo.

Torres aseguró a Prensa Latina que el prisionero político, que el próximo día 29 cumple 33 años encarcelado en Estados Unidos (12 de ellos en solitaria), se mantiene firme en sus principios revolucionarios.

"Cuando el desarrollo propuesto depende, en cualquier país, de recursos que provienen de afuera, los beneficios van para afuera. Estados Unidos puede invertir en Puerto Rico lo que quiera y no habrá nunca un verdadero desarrollo", planteó el prisionero político en su diálogo con los dirigentes del MINH. Siga leyendo...

¡Caminata 33xO Sigue Adelante!

El 17 de mayo a las 10:30am llega la caminata 33 X Oscar a San Sebastian desde Las Marias.  Llegaran hasta el Coliseo Luis Aymat.  Es importante que todos lleguen comodos para continuar la caminata. Es muy importante contar con un buen grupo que los acompañe hasta Juncal. Partirán a la 1:00pm desde el Coliseo hasta Juncal, donde está el mural.  ahí termina la caminata hasta el domingo en la manana, cuando iniciaran su caminata desde Juncal hasta Lares:  Este es su pueblo y necesitamos el respaldo de todos!  ¡CUENTO CON USTEDES!

Oscar's Letters to his Granddaughter Karina now Available in English
The series of letters by Oscar Lopez Rivera to his granddaughter Karina published online by El Nuevo Dia are now available in English. All 15 published thus far are available on the National Boricua Human Rights Network website.
"Marcharán" en el mar por liberación de Oscar López
Si hay algo que el prisionero político puertorriqueño Oscar López Rivera anhela, además de regresar a su patria, es poder ver y sentir el mar que rodea la Isla. Particularmente, el pedazo del océano Atlántico que se aprecia desde la Cueva del Indio, en el pueblo de Arecibo.

Así se lo contó a su hija Clarisa López Ramos y a su nieta Karina Valentín López en unas emotivas cartas que les envío a ambas desde la cárcel de Terre Haute, en Indiana. Es por eso que el colectivo 32 x Oscar se ha dado a la tarea de organizar una actividad que han bautizado Al mar x Oscar que será el domingo, 25 de mayo.

Durante esta actividad, que es una de las iniciativas que se ha creado para pedir la excarcelación de López Rivera, se realizará un gran desfile marino con yolas de pescadores, kayaks y "paddleboards" que saldrá del muelle 8 en Bahía Urbana, en San Juan, a la 1:00 p.m. y navegará por las aguas de la bahía de la ciudad capital hasta llegar a la Puerta de San Juan. Allí desembarcará el personaje de Oscar, creado por el artista Pedro Adorno, para partir en una comparsa hasta El Morro. En esa emblemática instalación, específicamente frente a la Escuela de Artes Plásticas, habrá una tarima donde se realizará un acto artístico que contará con figuras como Andy Montañez, Chucho Avellanet y el cuatrista Christian Nieves y su grupo de trovadores, entre otros. También dirán presente artistas plásticos y teatreros como Nick Quijano, Rafael Trelles, Antonio Martorell y Rosa Luisa Márquez. Siga leyendo...