From Puerto Rican Cultural Center & Programs

Celebrating Education: 
Roberto Clemente Community Academy
 40th Anniversary Symposium
Alderman Roberto Maldonado Joins Community in Celebrating Clemente's 40th 

Alderman Roberto Maldonado Celebrates Clemente's 40th 

The Puerto Rican Cultural Center joins the Arab/Palestinian community in mourning the passing, in a boating accident, of Dr. Amer Rustom, brother of Dr. Naser Rustom, former top leader of the Arab Community Center and long time supporter and donor of the AAAN. One of the clinics in which Dr. Amer Rustom practiced was in Humboldt Park and we considered him one of our own.

The National Boricua Human Rights Network, the Puerto Rican Cultural Center and Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School wish to express their deepest condolences to Sussette Hernández, on the loss of her mother, Luz Ortiz.

Red-Eye Newspaper on Riotfest, Gentrification, quotes Ald. Maldonado and Executive Director of Puerto Rican Cultural Center, José E. López

The Wednesday, Sept. 10 issue of the RedEye, cover story titled "Humboldt Party" quotes Ald. Maldonado, José E. López and PRCC Board Secretary Alejandro Luis Molina. Read it here.

An Explosion of Arts, Culture and Fashion: Chi-Caribeña Designs showcase of Diversity, Caribbean and Womanhood
by Maria Borrero
The National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture presented a surprisingly delightful array of beauty and color this past Sunday. The Barrio Arts Festival 2014 closed the presentation by featuring a unique cultural experience with the Chi-Caribeña Designs' Caribbean Carnival Costume Runway Show. Designed by Humboldt Park native Diane Berrios, these costumes were modeled by the beautiful natural goddesses and portrayed the spirit and distinction of costumes worn today at carnival festivals throughout the Caribbean Islands. Just in case you missed this portion of the Barrio Arts Festival, the exotic custom designed costumes will be showcased again at the National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture Museum on October 14, 2014. 

Narrative by Diane Berrios (

Photography by David Ziemba (

Chicago Panel Addresses Gentrification at NLG Annual Convention Panel

More than 500 lawyers, law students, and legal workers from across the U.S. came together in Chicago for the 77th annual convention of the National Lawyers Guild, a national bar association whose members use the law to advance social justice and support progressive social movements. As a follow up to last year's convention in San Juan, Puerto Rico was still very much on the NLG's agenda. The Guild reiterated its historical support for Puerto Rican independence and the release of the Puerto Rican political prisoners in a resolution which calls on President Obama to immediately release Oscar López Rivera. Puerto Rican Cultural Center Executive Director José López spoke at a workshop on gentrification. At the NLG International Committee reception, former Puerto Rican political prisoners Luis Rosa, Edwin Cortés and Ricardo Jiménez were warmly received as special guests. At the Puerto Rico Subcommittee meeting, National Boricua Human Rights Network representatives Alyssa Villegas and Matt McCanna spoke about the campaign for Oscar's release and encouraged NLG members to collect letters to the president for Oscar's release. Additionally, in solidarity with human rights efforts on the island, various NLG entities, including The United People of Color Caucus, the Queer Caucus, and the International Committee signed on to a letter supporting pending legislation to enable same sex couples, regardless of their marital status, to adopt children.

 Later that day, despite a damaging thunderstorm that ended just as the tour began, 30 conference attendees were led on a tour of Paseo Boricua by José López and Alejandro Molina. The conference attendees were clearly thrilled with the community that has been built on Paseo Boricua and the transformation of Division Street into a street of hope and possibilities. Some of the participants said this was the highlight of the convention.  


Both activities were sponsored by The National Lawyer's Guild The United People of Color Caucus.  


A Community with Unity 
by Ivan Vega
During Fiesta Boricua's two day celebration, El Rescate's staff and residents came together to contribute to the success of this years annual community event. Everyone helped distribute La Voz as well as helped with the set-up and break down and even lent a hand whenever or wherever it was needed. They also put in extra time and worked together to make sure Paseo Boricua was clean after each night. A big thank you to everyone for your time, energy and involvement! 
Congratulations NY State Assemblyman José Rivera and NY State Senator Gustavo Rivera! 
by Alejandro Luis Molina
The Puerto Rican Cultural Center and National Boricua Human Rights Network congratulate Incumbent State Assemblyman José Rivera on his re-nomination to the 78th Assembly District with a landslide victory, crushing his opponent, Fernando Tirado by a vote of 1972 to 582 votes!

State Senator Gustavo Rivera also won handily renomination to the 33rd State Senate District, defeating Fernandez Cabrera 59.8% to 40.2%.

From Our Community Partners

The National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture celebrates its Historic Grand Opening

Last Thursday, September 4th, the former Institute of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture re-opened its doors with a celebration of "Boricua" traditions and a new name. As the only Puerto Rican museum outside of Puerto Rico, the new name of The National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture is very fitting.


After 15 years of renovations, the institute became a National Museum. The mistress of ceremony was none other then Ana María Belaval from Chicago's very own WGN channel 9. CEO Billy Ocasio highlighted the evening of culture by entertaining the public with performances by Trío Superior, AfriCaribe and a fashion show by designer Michelle Gómez featuring Jaslene González, the winner of cycle 8 of America's Next Top Model.


As part of this Grand Opening, four different exhibitions opened. "Mascarada Carnal" is an exhibition on colorful large-scale paintings inspired by the carnival and made by the artist Santiago Flores Charneco. The exhibit "What Do These People Have in Common" features a selection of letters of several world leaders written for Oscar López Rivera and asking for his unification with his community. Poets Salima Rivera and David Hernández were also honored with their own exhibits, "It's Not about Dreams: The Artist and Poet Salima Rivera" and "Poems in Color: Homage to David Hernández". On the newly opened second floor gallery, the museum presents "Homecoming", a group exhibition reuniting Puerto Rican artists that are based in Chicago, featuring Bibiana Suárez, Cándida Alvarez, Edra Soto, Nora Maité Nieves, Josué Pellot and José Lerma.


The grand re-opening continued with the 14th edition of Barrio Arts Fest, during the weekend of September 6th and 7th, where over 25 different artists presented their crafts and artistic creations. This family event included poetry reading, performances by AfriCaribe, Las Bompleneras, Frank Díaz, Pocket Circus, as well as Family Mural Day sponsored by Architreasures on Sunday.


This beautiful cultural institution is located in the community of Humboldt Park and will be open for all the public free of charge to enjoy its exhibitions, cultural events and future workshops and lectures on different topics related to our arts and culture. The National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture is located in 3015 West Division Street, Chicago, IL 60622. For more information, please visit: or

Sunday, September 7, 2014-Certainly, the 14th edition of Barrio Arts Fest (BAF) was a historical one, as the National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture celebrated its long awaited renovation with a magnificent display of Puerto Rican contemporary art and its signature arts market that brought artists from Chicago, New York and Puerto Rico together for the first time in 14 years.

This joyful celebration included the Family Mural Project sponsored by ArchiTreasures, a colorful presentation for children of all ages by Pocket Circus, a Bombazo by AfriCaribe, and a heartwarming tribute to poet Salima Rivera hosted by Eduardo Arocho, among great camaraderie and laughter. Also, for the first time at BAF, Urban Pilón presented a handful of delightful artisan dishes that captivated the imagination of many. The weekend long journey culminated with a glorious fashion show showcasing carnival of the Caribbean garments created by Humboldt Park's designer Diane Berrios (Chi~Caribeña Designs) that accompanied the Bomba and Plena ensemble Las Bompleneras who once again drummed down the museum and their fans with their extraordinary talent. Photo credit by: Giovanni Arroyo
Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School rated as a "Top Performing School"
by Stephanie Tovar
With the students' hard work, dedication, and pure will to make it to graduation, Albizu Campos is now a top performing school!! Not too long ago, Chicago schools were being looked at because of low performing standards. Yet, Albizu has taken a significant jump into Tier 1 status!! Teachers, as well as Albizu Campos administration, have found tons of creative ways to motivate students to: Work Hard! Stay Focused! And Be Relentless! But the main factor is that Albizu Campos students are excited. I am absolutely ELATED to have my Albizu Campos family right alongside me to close this chapter in my life and further my education. 

In Search for the Light 
Reyes teams up with DJ-Ozone to create a poem addressing youth violence in Chicago entitled "In Search For The Light". 

Reyes x DJ O-Zone - In Search For The Light

Last Week to Experience the Legend of Roberto Clemente

Don't miss the Chicago Premiere of "Clemente: The Legend of 21" opening August 22 and running through September 14 at Stage773, 1225 W. Belmont. Experience the legend of Roberto Clemente. Beginning on the day of his death, this heartfelt musical tells the powerful tale of struggle and triumph for one of baseball's greatest players. Facing poverty at an early age, language barriers as a rookie and racism on the field, Clemente rose above it all to make a difference for generations to come. Driven by uplifting Afro-Caribbean beats, this musical celebrates the life of a man who helped so many and was a symbol of inspiration around the world. Baseball is just the beginning. NightBlue Performing Arts Company in partnership with New Yorks ArtoCarpus proudly presents "Clemente: The Legend of 21" August 22 through September 14 at Stage773 located at 1225 W. Belmont. For Tickets call 773-327-5252 or visit


Discount Code: El Beisbol"

$5 off

Campaign to Free Oscar López Rivera


FCI Terre Haute,  PO Box 33

Terre Haute, IN,  47808 

Grito de Lares to Plan for National Fasts in Support of Oscar

In solidarity with Oscar López Rivera, the National Boricua Human Rights Network, Chicago Chapter is organizing 33 people: activists, family members and friends-who will partake in a one - day fast in support of Oscar's release. This one day fast will serve as an example- following the Daniel's fast guidelines- will lead up to a 33 day fast by 33 cities with 33 people in each city. A gathering will be held on September 23rd in Chicago as part of the Grito de Lares celebration to explain details and move forward with the planning. 

DATE: Tuesday, September 23rd, 2014
PLACE: National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture, 3015 W. Division St.
TIME: 4:00pm
Exposición de Rebecca Reyes Alonso Exige Libertad Oscar

El pasado jueves 21 de agosto fue la Apertura de la Exposición de Rebecca Reyes Alonso, La Granja de las Gallinas Libres.

Es en la Galería de Arte del Departamento de Humanidades del Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez y estará expuesta hasta el 18 de septiembre de lunes a viernes entre las 10:00am y 4:00 PM.

Exposición La granja de las gallinas libres en el RUM
Exposicion La granja de las gallinas libres en el RUM


Las pinturas son: Redemption que combina la lucha de Gaza con la liberación de Oscar, Aprobado que es un examen de escuela, Hasta su Regreso donde unos pollitos se manifiestan en 32 x Oscar  y Solidaria que es la Gallina en el pelo de Becky reclamando la liberación de Oscar. 

Claridad Board Visits Oscar During Fiesta Weekend

Attorneys Florencio Merced Rosa, Lourdes Muriente Pérez, Rafael Emmanuelli Jiménez, and Pedro Saadé Llorens traveled from Puerto Rico for legal visits with Oscar on August 31 and September 1, accompanied by Oscar's attorney Jan Susler. The attorneys, individually and through their participation as board members of Claridad, who have long worked supporting Oscar's release, were also profoundly impacted by their contact with Oscar. Attorney Muriente Pérez observed,  "His delight in life, his enjoyment of the happiness that freedom brings, his love for his fellow human beings, his commitment to organizing the oppressed, this is what Oscar instilled in me during the visit."

Bishop Rafael Moreno Rivas Visits Oscar

Bishop Rafael Moreno Rivas of the Methodist Church of Puerto Rico traveled from Puerto Rico for a pastoral visit with Oscar on August 30. He came as an emissary of the Concilio de Iglesias de Puerto Rico [Puerto Rico Council of Churches], an ecumenical organization founded in 1905 and comprised of eight denominations, including 600 congregations with over 100,000 members, which has a long trajectory of supporting Oscar's release. Deeply touched by his experience, the Bishop called it "a blessed privilege to have been able to meet with Oscar. It was a great spiritual and sacred experience."

Claridad Newspaper Board Visits Oscar During Fiesta Weekend

Attorneys Florencio Merced Rosa, Lourdes Muriente Pérez, Rafael Emmanuelli Jiménez, and Pedro Saadé Llorens traveled from Puerto Rico for legal visits with Oscar on August 31 and September 1, accompanied by Oscar's attorney Jan Susler. The attorneys, individually and through their participation as board members of Claridad, who have long worked supporting Oscar's release, were also profoundly impacted by their contact with Oscar. Attorney Muriente Pérez observed,  "His delight in life, his enjoyment of the happiness that freedom brings, his love for his fellow human beings, his commitment to organizing the oppressed, this is what Oscar instilled in me during the visit."

33 mujeres por Oscar
Por Nadesha Karina González

31/8/14 11:00 PM - Actualizado: 31/8/14 11:05 PM

Las funcionarias de gobierno solicitan la excarcelación del preso político.

Vea el video aqui.


Eduardo Lalo insiste en liberación de Oscar López Rivera

Eduardo Lalo insiste en liberación de Oscar López Rivera

Puerto Rican Cultural Center
o. 773/342-8023 f. 773/342-6609

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