
 Rest in Peace


Matos Olivo


"I see an artist whose portraiture of an irreplaceable journey is as pathologically instinctive and necessary as survival itself. I see birds in flight, the intemperance, and the healing as interpreted and imagined. I see, as well, a woman like me.  One in the process of externalizing her landing, one that explores with her eyes shut an obscure and unpredictable cosmos."  From Galactic Visions, Brenda Torres Figueroa 2011.


In 2012, Catherine Matos Olivo presented her exhibition Galactic Visions at the Institute of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture. Her outstanding work captured her struggle with the disease through dozens of darkened images that detailed both her psychological and physical journey through the period of a year.  Two years after her show, a widely aggressive cancer struck her for a second time.

On Friday, April 19th, 2014 Cati transitioned at the age of 35 in the city of Baltimore, Maryland accompanied by her sister and loved ones.

Engaging Students in Public Health and Community Organizing presentation

Please join the UIC School of Public Health, the Roberto Clemente Community Academy High School, Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School and the Puerto Rican Cultural Center for student presentations and a celebration of the community-campus project: Engaging Students in Public Health and Community Organizing. This culminating event will celebrate the hard work invested by all participating university and high school students in this project. Undergraduate students from the UIC School of Public Health and high school students from Roberto Clemente Community Academy and Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos high schools will share the results of their collaborative research projects and reflect on their experience as co-learners in the field of Public Health. Download the flyer.


Where: Roberto Clemente Community Academy High School

When: Friday May 9

Time: 9am-11am

Please RSVP:

Breakfast will be provided.

Centro Infantil 

Consuelo Lee Corretjer

Open Registration * Day Care Program * Head Start

We offer:

* Full day, Day Care for children 15 mos. to 3 yrs.

* Full day Head Start for children 3 to 5 yrs. 

* Research based curriculum

* Family involvement

* Nutritional Meals

* Parent workshops

Download the leaflet here.


Paseo Boricua Apartment Listing

Division & Kedzie

1 BD $600



914 N. California

2 BD $600

craigslist post ID:



2617 W. Crystal

1 BD $600

craigslist post ID:



3320 W. Crystal

2 BD $700



3216 W. Augusta

1 BD $750



2734 W. Division

1 BD $760



1742 N. Humboldt

Studio $775



Western & Artesian

1 BD $785



1217 N. Washtenaw

2 BD $850



2621 W. Evergreen

1 BD $850



Pierce & Kedzie

2 BD $875



Kimball & North Ave

2 BD $900



1143 N. Rockwell

1 BD $975



1050 N. Spaulding

2 BD $975



1530 N. Kedzie

2 BD $995



Chicago & Humboldt

2 BD $995



1531 N. Talman

3 BD $1000

craigslist post ID:



843 N. Francisco

2 BD $1050



Los Tequis

Memorize this! Use it!
Tell Students about it!
Las manos en el cristal: Serie de Cartas de OLR a su nieta Karina

¡Escribale a Oscar!
Oscar Lopez Rivera #87651-024
FCi Terre Haute
PO Box 33
Terre Haute, IN
From Puerto Rican Cultural Center programs

Community as A Campus Holds 1st Strategic Planning Retreat at Moos School

The Community as a Campus (CaaC) education initiative for the Humboldt Park Community Action Council held its first retreat on Saturday, April 28 at the Moos Elementary School. 17 members of the Strategic Planning Committee, representing a wide range of community organizations and educational institutions, participated in the retreat.  The purpose of the retreat was to refine the 5-year plan, develop committee structures for the institutes and review work for the full implementation of the initiative.  The CaaC is an innovative attempt which is organically driven, and holistic in content to re-do education in the Greater Humboldt Park. It seeks to use the International Baccalaureate (IB) precepts to align curriculum in all the feeder schools to Roberto Clemente Community Academy, as well as other educational settings in the community from pre-school to college and careers. Structurally it is configured within 3 institutes- Parent Popular Institute, Youth Leadership Institute and Teacher-Administrator Institute as well as a Community Engagement Network, which will harness the social capital of the community. The retreat was facilitated by Dr. Teresa Cordova, Director of the University of Illinois Chicago Great Cities Institute, convened by State Rep. Cynthia Soto and hosted by Karime Asaf.


It is significant to note that recently, Moos School was also transformed into an IB Program School.

PRCC Childcare Center Receives Gift of Renown Puerto Rican Children's Author
The Puerto Rican Cultural Center and Centro Infantil Consuelo Lee Corretjer children and staff members would like to thank companeros Cesar Hernandez Colon and Georgina Lázaro, author, for the donation of her amazing books, titled "Cuandos Los Grandes Eran Pequeños" (When the Big were Small). We received "De La A a la Z Puerto Rico / Puerto Rico A to Z", "Julia: Cuando Los Grandes Eran Pequenos", and many others. The kids are really excited about reading and learning about Puerto Rico, Julia De Burgos, Jose Marti and more. Thank You! 

BOHIO Sponsors 

Housing Workshop for  

Puerto Rican/Latino 

1st time Homebuyers

On Saturday, April 25, the BOHIO housing initiative of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center sponsored a home ownership workshop at Casa Puertorriqueña with more than 30 participants. The workshop focused on providing housing information to first time  homeowners. The event was co-sponsored  DSBDA, Casa Puertorriqueña and PNC Bank. 

From Our Community Partners

Cultural Alliance to Honor José E. López

José E. López to be honored as Outstanding Community Leader! Please join us on Thursday, May 8 for the fifth annual MOSAIC: A Celebration of Chicago's Communities, and celebrate the many diverse voices that comprise our one unique Chicago! 


This year, MOSAIC will be held at the Zhou B Art Center, which is leading a new artistic renaissance in the Bridgeport neighborhood. 

At MOSAIC, you'll be able to experience the cuisine and music from several different countries, meet and mingle with people from all over the world who support Chicago's cultural diversity, and participate in a truly one-of-a-kind silent auction with items provided by Chicago's ethnic museums and their supporters. The Chicago Cultural Alliance will honor its Chicago Cultural Champion and two Outstanding Community Leaders. MOSAIC attendees are encouraged to wear business attire or their national dress.   


DATE: Thursday, May 8, 2014


TIME:  6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

             VIP Reception begins at 5:45 p.m.


LOCATION: Zhou B Art Center 

                      1029 W. 35th Street, Chicago


TICKETS:  $75 Core Member ticket

                    $150 single ticket

            $200 VIP ticket,

                    includes pre-event VIP reception

20 Small Business Owners Attend DSBDA Networking Event and Business meeting

Some 20 small business owners, entrepreneurs and organization representatives participated at The DSBDA Networking Event and business meeting at Nellies Restaurant on Wednesday, April 30th. The quarterly meeting features presentation by financial institutions like PNC Bank and ACCION Chicago. 

The meeting also welcomed the new owners of Vainilla Bean Cupcake shop, which will be reopening soon in May. Other notable business owners present was Ziad Farhan the new manager of La Municipal Foods, who in 20 days of being the new owner manager has completely transformed the grocery store in a big way with fresh fruits and vegetables and a more hospitable aesthetic. Also in attendance was Alex Wilson the Executive Director of West Town Bikes and Ciclo Urbano who will be celebrating their 5th Anniversary on Paseo Boricua this Saturday, May 3rd on the corner of Campbell and Division St from 12:30 to 6:00pm. All are welcome. 


National Puerto Rican Parade Honors Chicago:

Paul Roldan to Represent City  

La Voz del Paseo Boricua is honored to reproduce excerpts of the invitational letter sent to Hipolito "Paul" Roldan honoring him as the representative of the city of the Puerto Rican Diaspora in the US.


Dear Mr. Roldan:

You are truly a champion of quality and affordable housing for all but most importantly for the elderly and the working poor. As puertorriqueños we are proud of the empire you have built and what makes it even more impressive is that you have always kept true to who you are, never forgetting where you come from. Your dedication to the Puerto Rican/Hispanic community of Chicago is unquestionable. With the establishment of the Teresa and Hipolito Roldan Community Development Scholarship Fund you have ensured that for generations to come the legacy that you have established will live on for generations to come.

It would be our greatest honor if you would accept the privilege of being the Representative to your City and our Sister City of Chicago at the 19th Annual NPRDP and the 57th Puerto Rican Day Parade of New York, (NPRDP), in this important and historic year for the Parade.

This year's parade will take place on Sunday, June 8th at 11am on New York's Fifth Avenue and will commemorate the centennial of Puerto Rican poet Julia de Burgos and will be dedicated to the soldiers of the 65th Infantry Regiment, The Borinqueneers. Additionally, the Parade's theme of Education, Arts and Culture and will honor pioneers in each of these categories. The featured municipalities of this year's celebration will be the town of Guánica, in commemoration of the centennial of its founding, and the city of Chicago, home to one of the largest Puerto Rican communities on the U.S. mainland. The event will be broadcast live on WNYW Fox 5.

As the Representative of Chicago, you would join the other parade honorees in the parade procession and be allowed to attend the following events, if your schedule permits: the Educational Leadership Banquet on Wednesday, May 21st, the Annual Parade Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral on Sunday, June 1st, the Annual Gala at the Marriott Marquis on Friday, June 6th.

Thank you for inspiring and empowering our community with your exceptional work and accomplishments.


Lorraine Cortés-Vázquez       Ululy Rafael Martínez, Esq.

NPRDP Board Chair                 NPRDP Board Vice-Chair


2nd Annual Unified Puerto Rican People's Parade Honors Roberto Clemente Community Academy 40th Anniversary and Borinqueneers

On Sat June 14th at 2pm, the 2nd annual Puerto Rican Peoples Parade will start on Division and Western motivated by the huge success of last years unified efforts, the organizers from Casa Puertorriqueña and the PRCC are extremely excited about this years upcoming celebration. They have decided that the parade will highlight the historic Puerto Rican Borinqueneers/65th Puerto Rican Infantry Regiment of the US Army- whose valor and courage is being memorialized by a major housing and health project for Latino veterans at Norwegian American Hospital, sponsored by Hispanic Housing Corporation.


The Parade will also showcase the 40th anniversary of the opening of the Roberto Clemente Community Academy. And, particularly, its new focus as an International Baccalaurate (IB) school, which will transform it into the jewel of the crown of the community's quest for creating a culture of educational excellence. 

Campaign to Free Oscar López Rivera

In NYC, 

Julia de Burgos Cultural Center to host Postcard Art Exhibit/ Fundraiser for 

Campaign to Free Oscar on May 23, 24



The NBHRN, at the initiative of renown Puerto Rican artists Miguel Luciano and Juan Sánchez, has been inviting artists to participate in postcards4oscar, an art exhibition and fundraiser for the freedom of Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera, who has been in prison for over 32 years.

postcards4oscar is a fundraising exhibition showcasing artists' work from throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico. Artists are submitting 4" x 6" works of art on a postcard(s). The artwork will be exhibited anonymously (signed on back) and sold on a first-come, first-served basis for $50. Only after selecting and purchasing a piece will a buyer learn the identity of the artist. Artists may work in any medium or style and may submit more than one postcard if so desired.

 The exhibition is taking place in New York at the Julia de Burgos Cultural Center on May 24, with an Artist Preview Event on May 23.

 THERE IS STILL TIME TO SUBMIT A PIECE OF ART. Final submissions of artwork must be received by May 12th. 


For more info:
Oscar's Letters to his Granddaughter Karina now Available in English
The series of letters by Oscar Lopez Rivera to his granddaughter Karina published online by El Nuevo Dia are now available in English. All 15 published thus far are available on the National Boricua Human Rights Network website.

Delivers Call-to-Action to End the Puerto Rican Political Prisoner's Incarceration of Nearly 33 Years


April 29, 2014, New York City - In the spirit of its 2014 theme, "Un Pueblo, Muchas Voces"/"One People, Many Voices", the National Puerto Rican Day Parade (NPRDP) has officially called for the release of long-time political prisoner, Oscar López Rivera. Arrested in 1981, López Rivera was convicted of seditious conspiracy related to his actions in the struggle for the independence of Puerto Rico. A long-time, vocal champion for Puerto Rican independence, López Rivera received a 70-year prison sentence, having spent more than 12 years in prisons that rank highest in punitive control, under torturous conditions of isolation and sensory deprivation. With this year's celebration, the Parade honors López Rivera to recognize his unique voice and rally support from the Puerto Rican and Latino communities, as well as the nearly 2.5 million parade-goers that line the streets of New York City's Fifth Avenue, to sign a petition for the release of López Rivera.

Puerto Ricans of all ideological and political backgrounds support the release of López Rivera since his sentence is widely viewed as not being commensurate with his actions. In fact, the 14 other compatriots that were imprisoned around the same time as López Rivera were released in 1999 when President Bill Clinton authorized their release, determining that their sentences were disproportionate with their actions. Continue reading here.

Apoyo a la excarcelacion de Oscar Lopez Rivera por el Gobernador de Puerto Rico
Apoyo a la excarcelacion de Oscar Lopez Rivera por el Gobernador de Puerto Rico
NYC 33xO Students at Hostos Community College


The New York Freedom Campaign for Oscar continues with 33 X Oscar activities around the city and different groups following the path taken by  Chicago and  Puerto Rico. This "Jornada 33 X Oscar"  commenced with the 33 Mujeres X Oscar in East Harlem during the March Women's History celebrations like our sisters have in Puerto Rico for the last two years in San Juan.  On April 6, 33 Poetas X Oscar was also convoked in East Harlem. After Spring break for students, three groups of 33 plus Students did the 33 Estudiantes X Oscar at Eugenio Maria de Hostos Community College on April 23 and April 24, 2014. In one of the students for Oscar group, they were honored by the presence and presentation of beloved former political prisoner Lynne Stewart and compañero Ralph Poynter who spoke eloquently to students majoring in criminal justice about her case and the need for more students to become the "people's lawyer". She insisted that students become conscientious workers in their careers in the  criminal justice field.  Students were inspired by Lynne's  words and her steadfast commitment to freeing all political prisoners throughout the United States. That was followed by the 33 Seniors X Oscar at a community center who have been involved for the last year in the campaign. Once the seniors heard that both Puerto Rican parades the National on 5th Avenue and the Bronx parades were honoring Oscar, they stood up in a round of applauses for Oscar. On Sunday, April 27, the 33 Mujeres X Oscar will be rallying in the Bronx at the Fordham Plaza. 


¡Gracias! ¡Mil Gracias!

To everyone who contributed to the fundraising efforts for the documentary "The Last Prisoner":

You can still give "The Last Prisoner" tells the story of Oscar López Rivera, the sole remaining Puerto Rican political prisoner. The decorated Vietnam veteran and community organizer who would subsequently work for the independence of Puerto Rico is now at the center of a struggle to set him free from a long and difficult imprisonment.  


He has been in prison since May 29, 1981. Twelve of those years were spent in solitary confinement despite the fact that Oscar was never convicted of crimes that resulted in deaths or injuries or ever accused of any act of violence. The fight for Oscar's freedom has united Puerto Ricans and many others from across the United States, Puerto Rico and around the world. In 2013, artists, politicians, famous athletes and ordinary people went to symbolic prison cells on the anniversary of Oscar's incarceration. And the cries for freedom are growing louder: Five Nobel Peace Prize winners including Bishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa have all joined the call for his release.

The PRCC wishes to thank the following community members who so generously contributed to this effort:


Paul Roldan                                   $3000.00

Roberto Maldonado                       $1000.00

José E. López                                $1000.00

Institute of Puerto Rican                $500.00

Arts & Culture

Margaret & Melinda Power             $500,00

Dora Garcia                                    $500.00

Steve Whitman                                $500.00

& Nancy Kurshan

Ada López                                       $500.00

Marvin Garcia                                  $100.00

Fred Rivera                                      $100.00


Additionally, we want to thank all those whose efforts netted a total of $15,000, which includes a donation of $1000.00 from the PRCC. 

You can still contribute by contacting Esau Mélendez, the producer at


Caminata Nacional 

33 en 33 x OSCAR

Un grupo de amigos y seguidores de la lucha por la excarcelación de Oscar López Rivera se ha organizado para llevar a cabo una caminata nacional nombrada "33 en 33 por Oscar" en un reclamo por la excarcelación de nuestro patriota puertorriqueño. Uno de los própositos de esta iniciativa es llegar a personas que quizás desconocen o tienen poca información sobre quién es Oscar, y las razones de su encarcelamiento.  Para lograr nuestro objetivo caminarán por 33 pueblos del interior de la isla durante 33 días. Cada pueblo y cada día representa los años que Oscar ha estado privado de su libertad física en distintas cárceles del imperio. 


A pesar de las multiples manifestaciones realizadas durante los últimos años en favor del excarcelamiento de Oscar López Rivera, el presidente Obama, durante el año 2013, anunció los indultos y conmutaciones de sentencias de 21 presos y la de Oscar injustamente continua brillando por su ausencia. 


Saldremos el 27 de abril desde Gurabo, continuaremos por Juncos, Las Piedras, San Lorenzo, Caguas, Aguas Buenas, Comerío, Cidra, Cayey, Aibonito, Coamo, Barranquitas, Orocovis, Villalba, Jayuya, Adjuntas, Yauco, Maricao, Sabana Grande, San Germán, Las Marías, San Sebastian, Lares, Utuado, Florida, Ciales, Morovis, Corozal, Toa Alta, Naranjito, Bayamón, Guaynabo, y terminaremos en San Juan, el 29 de mayo cuando Oscar cumple 33 años de encierro. 

(Video) Puerto Rico: piden excarcelacion de independentista López Rivera
Los puertorriqueños iniciaron una movilización en San Juan, para pedirle al presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, la liberación del disidente independentista, Oscar López Rivera, quien vive preso en una cárcel estadounidense desde hace 33 años. La marcha durará 33 días y recorrerá el mismo número de pueblos, culminando el 29 de mayo frente al Tribunal Federal. Vea el video en teleSUR

Desfile Puertorriqueño en Nueva York 

homenajeará a preso político Oscar López Rivera: Una Nación Muchas Voces

Tomado del El Diario/La Prensa, Manhattan  - El 57º desfile Puertorriqueño en Nueva York homenajeará al nacionalista Oscar López Rivera, en prisión desde hace más de 30 años y considerado por muchos boricuas un preso político, además de a la poetisa Julia de Burgos y al 65 Regimiento de Infantería del ejército estadounidense, apodado "The Borinqueneers".

El eslogan de este homenaje anual al arte, la cultura y la historia del pueblo puertorriqueño será "Una Nación Muchas Voces", según anunció la nueva Junta Directiva en una rueda de prensa realizada en la Oficina de la Administración de Asuntos Federales de Puerto Rico (PRFAA). Siga leyendo aqui.

¡32 minutos x 

Oscar en Orlando!

En la transitada avenida, de la Semoran Boulevard y la Curry Ford Road

Luis Jabdiel Perez Diaz, 

Ganador de Medalla Bronce de Grand Prix Internacional Infraero de Judo Reclama Libertad de Oscar  

"Celebrando el desempeño y los logros de Luis Jabdiel Pérez Díaz, judoka ciego de alto rendimiento, quien en representación de Puerto Rico obtuvo medalla de bronce en el Grand Prix Internacional Infraero de Judo, Brasil.


Luis y su entrenador, Abderramán, reclamaron la excarcelación de Oscar López Rivera desde América del Sur y continuarán con el llamado por Europa. El judoka competirá próximamente en la Copa Internacional en Palma de Mallorca, España, en la Copa europea para ciegos en Lituania y en el Campeonato Mundial para ciegos en Colorado Springs."