Sentido Pesame

El Centro Cultural Puertorriqueño y la Red Boricua Nacional Pro- Derechos Humanos envía su mas sincero pésame al compañero Gervasio Morales Rodriguez, editor del periódico Claridad, por el reciente fallecimiento de su mamá. Le envíamos un fuerte abrazo.

Compañero Felix Shafer Presente!
On behalf of the PRCC and all of his friends in Chicago, we want to express our deepest sympathies on the loss of Felix Shafer. His physical loss is felt by all of us who were inspired and touched by his deep commitment to peoples liberation.

The PRCC has lost a friend, and a lifelong supporter. Our pledge to him is to continue our quest with "un hombro menos" as our beloved Consuelo Lee Corretjer reminded us.

With love and in struggle always,

Your comrades of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center 
"Una Milla de Esperanza"
"Una milla de esperanza hay de bandera a bandera. Hermanos Lopez Rivera, mi palabra no alcanza para la justa alabanza.

Ese enclave nacional en la mitad del Imperio es un producto muy serio del trabajo comunal para la victoria final."

los felicitado emocionado,
Quique Ayoroa Santaliz

Centro Infantil 

Consuelo Lee Corretjer

Open Registration * Day Care Program * Head Start

We offer:

* Full day, Day Care for children 15 mos. to 3 yrs.

* Full day Head Start for children 3 to 5 yrs. 

* Research based curriculum

* Family involvement

* Nutritional Meals

* Parent workshops

Download the leaflet here.


"Still Dreaming": Available at Puerto Rican Cultural Center

Autographed copies of "Still Dreaming: My Journey from the Barrio to Capitol Hill" by Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez, are still available. Contact Alejandro:
Paseo Boricua Apartment Listing

Division & Kedzie

1 BD $600



914 N. California

2 BD $600

craigslist post ID:



2617 W. Crystal

1 BD $600

craigslist post ID:



3320 W. Crystal

2 BD $700



3216 W. Augusta

1 BD $750



2734 W. Division

1 BD $760



1742 N. Humboldt

Studio $775



Western & Artesian

1 BD $785



1217 N. Washtenaw

2 BD $850



2621 W. Evergreen

1 BD $850



Pierce & Kedzie

2 BD $875



Kimball & North Ave

2 BD $900



1143 N. Rockwell

1 BD $975



1050 N. Spaulding

2 BD $975



1530 N. Kedzie

2 BD $995



Chicago & Humboldt

2 BD $995



1531 N. Talman

3 BD $1000

craigslist post ID:



843 N. Francisco

2 BD $1050



Los Tequis

Memorize this! Use it!
Tell Students about it!
Las manos en el cristal: Serie de Cartas de OLR a su nieta Karina

Artículo principal

Please join the UIC School of Public Health, the Roberto Clemente Community Academy High School, Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School and the Puerto Rican Cultural Center for student presentations and a celebration of the community-campus project: Engaging Students in Public Health and Community Organizing. This culminating event will celebrate the hard work invested by all participating university and high school students in this project. Undergraduate students from the UIC School of Public Health and high school students from Roberto Clemente Community Academy and Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos high schools will share the results of their collaborative research projects and reflect on their experience as co-learners in the field of Public Health. Download the flyer.


Where: Roberto Clemente Community Academy High School

When: Friday May 9

Time: 9am-11am

Please RSVP:

Breakfast will be provided.

¡Escribale a Oscar!
Oscar Lopez Rivera #87651-024
FCi Terre Haute
PO Box 33
Terre Haute, IN
From Puerto Rican Cultural Center programs

Homenaje al Patriota Oscar Collazo López

El 11 de abril, se celebró un homenaje al Patriota, Oscar Collazo López, con una charla del licenciado José Enrique Ayoroa Santaliz, música de Emanuel Cruz y como invitado especial el licenciado Cesar Hernández Colón. El evento fue organizado por la Red Nacional Boricua de Derechos Humanos, en la Casa Puertorriqueña ubicada en la comunidad de Humboldt Park. En esta actividad, se presentó el avance del documental "The Last Prisoner" dedicado a Oscar López Rivera, creado por el cineasta independiente Esau Meléndez.


La celebración comenzó a la 6:30pm con una cena. Seguida por la presentación de apertura que estuvo a cargo de Michelle Morales y Matt McCanna. Se hizo la presentación del avance del documental creado por el cineasta independiente Esau Meléndez, sobre la historia en la lucha por la liberación del prisionero político puertorriqueño Oscar López Rivera. El propósito de esta presentación fue crear conciencia entre los presentes y la comunidad de los esfuerzos que se realizan para la recaudación de los fondos para completar el mismo, $42,500.00 para empezar a producir el documental. Casi $6,000.00 se ha recaudado.  Para lograr este cometido nos pueden ayudar, haciendo su donación a través de antes del 19 de abril a las 11:59pm.


El  Director Ejecutivo del Centro Cultural Puertorriqueño, Dr. José E. López también hizo una corta presentación del conferenciante, Licenciado Quique Ayoroa. El licenciado Ayoroa, deleito a los presentes con un resumen de la vida del Patriota, Oscar Collazo López, sus hazañas y escritos.  También nos honro con algunos breves relatos sobre sus escritos personales en referencia al patriota Collazo. 


El cierre de la actividad estuvo a cargo del músico puertorriqueño, Emanuel Cruz, que deleito a los asistentes de la velada con tres canciones de su autoría, siendo la última interpretación una canción dedicada a Oscar López Rivera.


Al finalizar la actividad se le obsequió a los invitados con unos regalos.  Cabe mencionar que a la actividad asistieron los ex presos políticos: Luis Rosa, Edwin Cortés y Ricardo Jiménez.


Clemente LSC Election Produces Landslide Victory for "Clemente is Our School" Slate; Community's Vision Reaffirmed


"It was the highest level of interest in Local School Council (LSC) Elections in the 13 years that I have been here." Luis Salgado, Clemente Technology Coordinator 


The "Clemente is our School" Slate claimed a landslide victory Tuesday, April 8th, in its local school council elections. The two contested Community Representative positions pitted Edwin Diaz, Clemente 2013 graduate and freshmen film student at Columbia College and Alejandro Luis Molina, PRCC Board Secretary and Technology Consultant against Iris Millan and Evangeline Barton Joyce.


The Slate's victory was a strong affirmation of the vision that the Clemente LSC has painstakingly built over the past 4 years, under the Presidency of Judy Vazquez, working with Principal Marcey Sorensen. Marcey and her leadership team has developed a strong community partnership with New Life Covenant Church and Rebaño Church, Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School, the Puerto Rican Cultural Center, West Town Leadership United, Near Northwest neighborhood Network and the Puerto Rican Agenda among others which was already successful in the Clemente/Community Luncheon on March 7.


"It was the highest number of votes in the last 15 years" Judy Vázquez, Clemente LSC Chair


The election was also a resounding rejection of both of the contenders agendas for the Community Representatives slot both who argued that Clemente needed to be fixed from the "outside".


This election victory clearly paves the way for the next two years to insure the continuous progress for Clemente in the following areas:

1)   The implementation of IB candidate status

2)   The implementation of Community as a Campus plan, approved by CPS, which seeks to harness the community's social capital.

3)   The drive to increase freshman recruitment efforts for the next year.

4)   The continuation of the Freshman on Track rate is 99.9% (after first semester.)

5)   The development of the Pipeline project college initiative.

6)   Beginning planning Tech integration


The "Clemente is Our School Slate would like to express its gratitude to everyone who came out to vote, especially Alderman Proco "Joe" Moreno and Alderman Roberto Maldonado.

College Pipeline and Shadow Days at Northeastern University and Columbia College: Mentoring Gets Started Early Here!

Que Ondee Sola engages the Next Generation of Leaders

by Alyssa Villegas

On Tuesday April 8th and Thursday April 10th, Que Ondee Sola (QOS) hosted a teach in and their 9th Annual Plantando Semillas at NEIU. On Tuesday, five classes allowed QOS and former political prisoner Luis Rosa to speak about Oscar Lopez Rivera and the campaign for his liberation. Each class was extremely active and engaged in the presentations. Later in the week, QOS and the College Pipeline brought 24 high school seniors from Roberto Clemente Community Academy to the NEIU main campus for a shadow day. The students were paired up with college students in their intended majors and were able to participate in real college classrooms and in campus life. The shadow day culminated in presentations from Latino/Latin American Studies (LLAS) director Christina Gomez, former Puerto Rican political prisoner Luis Rosa, and Puerto Rican student activist Emanuel Cruz about the importance of becoming active and political in education and the importance of the LLAS major and minor. After the discussion, students enjoyed a musical performance by Emanuel Cruz. The students were blown away by their experience at NEIU. Students vocally expressed their desire to attend NEIU during the Fall of 2014! 




2nd Annual Shadow Day at Columbia College

by Matt McCanna

On April 9, the College Pipeline program at Roberto Clemente had its 2nd Annual Shadow Day at Columbia College Chicago (CCC). Where students interact with the college campus, and build relationships with mentors at CCC. Throughout the school year the CCC portion of the College Pipeline has worked with 13 students to build a portfolio that consists of college applications, scholarship applications, and resumé's among other elements that will help prepare them for their first year in college. What makes this Shadow Day different than a regular tour to a university is that each high school students is paired up with one college student/mentor for a personalized tour of the campus. The students are able to get an up close look at classes, class sizes, as well as meet teachers and students in the departments they are interested in pursuing. After 3 hours of experiencing college life, the culminated in a special history class hosted by the Multi Cultural Affairs Office at CCC. Gerardo Galvan, Latino Coordinator on campus, welcomed the students with an introduction on the significance of cultural spaces in the university setting and explained the many resources CCC offers for students of color. After screening the educational documentary Precious Knowledge (2011), Puerto Rican singer/song writer Emanuel Cruz spoke about the importance of understanding your culture and history to make meaningful and impactful expressions of art.


The experiences of being on a college campus for an extended period of time, and connecting with real college students that come from the same culture as they do is a key element in building a culture of excellence for students at Roberto Clemente Community Academy. Also, it relieves anxiety that the students might encounter their first year of college after high school. While at the same time build support networks the students can use when they are having difficulties. On the bus ride back from the Shadow Day pipeline student Beatris Osorio said "I felt like a college student" while D'Angelo Smith exclaimed "I'm in love with this campus, the people, the buildings, the atmosphere." It was a wonderful and meaningful day for the students that will provide clarity in their decision making process.


Congratulations to the following College Pipeline students for their admittance into & scholarship from Columbia College Chicago:


Open Door Scholarship for $34,000

Destiny Ares

Shavonne Matthews

Brandon Gonzalez

Beatris Osorio

Sormaris Burgos

Argenis Hernandez

Jakoby Lopez


Trustee Award for $24,000

Brandon Gonzalez

Jakoby Lopez


Your hard work and persistence has paid off, keep it up!

Luis Gutierrez promotes critical dialogue on important issues at 20th Pa'lante Conference at UIC
From Extra Newspaper

On April 7, the Union for Puerto Rican Students (UPRS) marked the start of a week of events for the 20th Pa'lante Conference at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) that ends on April 11. The Pa'lante Conference was created as a means to promote critical dialogue on themes related to the political, social and cultural realities of the Puerto Rican people in the island and in the Diaspora.

Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez, the first Latino in the Midwest to be elected to Congress, a Chicagoan and Puerto Rican, was invited to speak at the conference. Gutierrez read an excerpt from his memoir "Still Dreaming: From the Barrio to Capitol Hill," which has both English and Spanish editions. He explained that his memoir illustrates his life in Chicago, Puerto Rico, and the people that were involved in any way possible in his life that led to his current political career. Continue reading.

4th Annual Move for Life Spring Kick-off draws over 400 Community Residents!


Saturday, April 5, 2014 fover 400 families, students, community members showed up at the 4th Anuual Move for Life! event in Humboldt Park to ride their bikes, dance, learn to make healthy meals and snacks, play basketball, watch live Puerto Rican bomba, plena, belly dancing and even check their heart health. These were just some of the activities and performances at this fun filled event in celebration of the arrival of spring and promotion of getting out and becoming more physically active.


Whether it's walking, jogging, cycling, dance-aerobics, Zumba, basketball, or soccer the idea is to get people moving. To motivate our community, Move for Life! brought together 25 community based organizations, agencies, and individuals to interactively showcase their various free or low cost physical activity programs available to everyone in the community throughout the year. Thank you to all of the providers who enjoyed this beautiful warm day in Humboldt park promoting a more physically active and healthy lifestyle and providing information on programming that everyone can participate for free or at an affordable cost. 


The Muevete program is housed at The Greater Humboldt Community Diabetes Empowerment Center at 2753 W. Division St and provides absolutely FREE physical activities Monday through Saturday for adults 18 years and older and all fitness levels.


For more information on next year's Move for Life! or to participate in the Muevete program contact the Diabetes Empowerment Center at 773-342-0855 or email us at

20th Anniversary Pa'Lante Conference: Education, History and Human Rights

by Laura Corona


The 2014 Pa'lante Conference kicked off on Monday, April 7th with a lively and passionate presentation by Chicago Prisoner Rights Lawyer, Jan Susler, and her focus on the case of Oscar Lopez Rivera. Susler spoke about his incarceration not only as a symbol of struggle for the Puerto Rican community, but it also highlights human rights violations within the US prison system. Susler was followed by Oscars's niece, Lourdes Lugo Lopez, donning a t-shirt with his image. Both Susler and Lugo Lopez urged the audience to take their knowledge of the situation and turn it into action, citing the petition of the National Boricua Human Rights Network ( The discussion ended with the speakers confident in Oscar's release, and the ultimate rejoice it will bring to Puerto Ricans and human rights activists.



That afternoon, former Chicago Alderman and now 11-term Illinois Congressman Luis Gutierrez read excerpts from his book, Still Dreaming: From the Barrio to Capitol Hill. His excerpts served as a reflection on his status as a U.S.-born Puerto Rican, and how that excluded him culturally from both from the island and from full acceptance in the U.S., and ultimately feeling like an outsider on both lands. Congressman Gutierrez has fought for the rights of immigrants and the working class, and he emphasized the right and responsibility of the Latino vote.


On Tuesday, April 8th, we hosted a light but philosophical panel discussion with past Union for Puerto Rican Students (UPRS) Presidents. The discussion covered the ideas that UPRS shifted to a much more feminine approach, considering that many of its members were woman, and grew more active in the Latina community. Each panel member discussed their struggles and stories within UPRS.

On Wednesday, April 9th, the Rafael Cintron Ortiz Latino Cultural Center was graced with the presence of one of the men who envisioned its conception: UIC alum, Edwin Cortes.  When I think of a community organizer and political prisoner, I would not have imagined such a gentle and thoughtful man as Edwin.  He reflected on the Latino youth activism at UIC which fought for a Latino Studies department, a Latino college recruitment program, and a dedicated physical space for Latinos at the University. Today, we enjoy all of these services, and should not take them for granted. Edwin pointed out the great inequality of the large Latino population at UIC, compared to the miniscule representation we have in student government. As a lifelong political and community activist, Edwin advocates for sustainably and ownership of our culture both locally at UIC (as student involvement efforts are facing severe budget cuts), but also on a global level. 


On Thursday, April 10th, a group of seniors from Roberto Clemente Community Academy and Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School came to UIC to shadow current UIC students. Most of the high school seniors had already applied or been accepted to UIC, and this day was a great opportunity for them to live a day in the life on campus. The group toured the dorms, computer labs, cafeterias, bowling alley, library, recreation facility, and writing center all on East Campus. The Shadow Day allowed current UIC students to share what they loved most about the campus, and what they wished they had known as incoming freshman.


That evening we hosted Noche de Poetas, and were honored to hear from two very talented performers. The first was Emanuel Emilio Cruz, an incredibly talented Puerto Rican- born singer and songwriter. This was his first visit to Chicago, and he was so impressed with the tightknit Latino and Puerto Rican communities at UIC and the Humboldt Park neighborhoods. He was followed by female rapper Pinqy Rinq, a Chicago native and also UIC alum! Pinqy Rinq performed several of her powerful and moving works which touched on the themes of cultural pride, personal identity, feminism, sexual abuse victims and survivors, and battling the national media portrayal of Latinos and crime in Chicago. We closed the night with a reading of a group poem that was written line by line by the attendants. The end result was utterly remarkable: a single cry of many voices rejoicing over the trials and tribulations of our communities, and toasting to our permanent presence and future prosperity.


On the last day of the conference, Friday, April 11th, prominent Puerto Rican lawyer and scholar, Jose Enrique Ayora Santaliz gave a lecture celebrating the life and accomplishments of Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos. Albizu Campos is recognized widely for his politics and leading the Puerto Rican independence movement, but Jose's lecture was more commemorative than academic. Jose praised Don Pedro as the "voice of the conscience". Born under terrible circumstances, Alibizu Campos met the early 1900s as a illegitmate son, poor, black, and orphaned at the age of 4. He attended school and was quickly identified as a child prodigy. He went on to study at chemistry at the University of Vermont, and later mastered law, philosophy, and military sciences at Harvard. Upon graduation, he moved back to the island and lived well below his means with his equally intelligent Peruvian wife. They chose to educate their fellow Puerto Ricans in island history, and gave free lectures in the outdoor plazas to children and adults about the great leaders and fighters of Puerto Rico and Latin America. Jose asked us to tip our hats to this great man, "El Maestro", for his everlasting contributions.


TV Interview: El Rescate's Program Director Speaks About Its Services

On Thursday, March 27,  Jackie Gonzalez, El Rescate's Program Director and selected residents were interviewed by Wise TV WYCC. The interview aired on Thursday April 10 at 7pm on Channel 20 and was repeated on Sunday, April 13 at 6:30pm. 


Playground Fun for Centro Infantil!

What a nice warm beautiful day Centro Infantil students had at the park last week. The weather was on their side no rain or snow, just the sun and the park. They enjoyed the park with all their friends from school and there was endless amount of fun and games. Their imagination went wild! They can't wait for another beautiful day to arrive. 

PRCC Executive Director to Speak at 34th Annual Good Friday Walk for Justice - This Friday, April 18

by 8th Day Center

"We who believe in freedom cannot rest!"  These words were first spoken by civil rights activist Ella Baker in 1964, urging the movement to persevere until the "killing of black men, black mothers' sons, is as important as the killing of white mothers' sons."


Though we're farther than we were in 1964, we know that we still have so far to go before the true equality that Ella Baker imagined is realized.

Every Good Friday, 8th Day gathers hundreds of people to join together in our Walk for Justice, a modern-day way-of-the-cross, to commemorate this struggle that we continue to walk together, without rest, hopeful that one day we will experience the resurrection of true peace and justice.


We begin the Walk at the corner of Congress and Michigan in downtown Chicago, and weave our way through the streets, stopping at different locations to reflect on the various injustices that plague our city, country, and world.  Various coalition partners prepare the stations, which will include reflections on immigration, environmental justice, women's issues, human rights, and more.  We are so grateful to the many people that contribute their time and creativity to this annual project!

Please join us on Friday, April 18, at 12noon on the corner of E. Congress and S. Michigan in downtown Chicago!

From Our Community Partners

Clemente Students Discuss The Great Gatsby

To what degree do authors write themselves into their own work?  What role does "context" play? Can we ever truly recreate the past? Should possessions be the basis upon which we measure our success? These are the questions that sophomores at Clemente are discussing, debating, and writing about as they read F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby. Students are collecting evidence for their written response to these prompts, which has been a catalyst for fascinating discussions. Our sophomores have studied the cultural and historical context which give birth to the themes and conflicts in this novel, including material excess, moral decay, and hypocrisy. Sophomore Michael Glenn wasn't immediately drawn to the novel until he got pulled into the drama midway through. He decided to read ahead of his classmates, and most recently commented that, "the ending made me tear up." We can't wait to hear more of Michael's reflections on the novel as he prepares to complete a written response about the parallels of Fitzgerald's life and the events that unfold through his characters Nick Carraway and Jay Gatsby. Well done, sophomore class!    
Sunday Species Snapshot: Puerto Rican Parrot

By John R. Platt | Scientific American

The only native parrot species still living in the U.S., these birds nearly went extinct in the second half of the twentieth century. By 1975, only 13 parrots remained. Intense conservation efforts over the past few decades have helped to turn that around, but the species still has a long way to go.

Species name: The Puerto Rican Amazon (Amazona vittata), a.k.a, the Puerto Rican parrot. In Spanish, the bird is known as the iguaca. Continue reading...


A Note of Gratitude From UrbanTheater

UrbanTheater Company's production of Devil Land by Nuyorican playwright Desi Moreno-Penson had a successful six week run on Paseo Boricua, recently closing on Sunday, April 6. On behalf of the company, cast and crew of Devil Land they say "THANK YOU!"


"Our production was a success. Our cast and crew was a joy to work with and the support and encouragement of our patrons and community never goes unnoticed. We had sold out houses, we had four star reviews, our post-show discussions were relevant, engaging and honest and we, at UTC, continue to produce and make professional theater accessible to the community of Humboldt Park, which is our goal. The playwright, Desi Moreno-Penson flew in for our closing weekend from NYC and was amazed and moved by what she saw. She was able to connect with José Lopez, the Executive Director of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center, Henry Godinez from the Goodman Theatre and many others who came out to experience our [thrilling] midwest premiere. Thank you Chicago!", says Executive Director, Ivan Vega.


For more information on UrbanTheater Company and upcoming events/productions, please visit:

Join US at MOSAIC on May 8th!

José E. López to be honored as Outstanding Community Leader! Please join us on Thursday, May 8 for the fifth annual MOSAIC: A Celebration of Chicago's Communities, and celebrate the many diverse voices that comprise our one unique Chicago! 


This year, MOSAIC will be held at the Zhou B Art Center, which is leading a new artistic renaissance in the Bridgeport neighborhood. 

At MOSAIC, you'll be able to experience the cuisine and music from several different countries, meet and mingle with people from all over the world who support Chicago's cultural diversity, and participate in a truly one-of-a-kind silent auction with items provided by Chicago's ethnic museums and their supporters. The Chicago Cultural Alliance will honor its Chicago Cultural Champion and two Outstanding Community Leaders. MOSAIC attendees are encouraged to wear business attire or their national dress.   


DATE: Thursday, May 8, 2014


TIME:  6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

             VIP Reception begins at 5:45 p.m.


LOCATION: Zhou B Art Center 

                      1029 W. 35th Street, Chicago


TICKETS:  $75 Core Member ticket

                    $150 single ticket

            $200 VIP ticket,

                    includes pre-event VIP reception


Campaign to Free Oscar López Rivera
Presentacion sobre el documental "El Antillano"

El Teatro de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras, fue el escenario el pasado lunes de la primera presentación del documental El Antillano. El documental propone una reflexión en torno a Ramón Emeterio Betances y su lugar en la historia fue presentado ante la abarrotada sala, dónde los asistentes le mostraban su apoyo al cineasta Tito Román Rivera.  El orgulloso público gritaba "Tito, Tito" refiriéndose al egresado de la UPR, y de la Escuela de Cine y Televisión de San Antonio de los Baños en Cuba.  Una de las voces principales del Documental es el profesor Félix Ojeda Reyes, antólogo de Betances.  Además,  se unen las voces de el profesor emérito de la Universidad de Paris, Paul Estrade; la profesora cubana Josefina Toledo y el profesor dominicano Santiago Castro Ventura, entre otros. Durante el estreno del documental, el cineasta Tito Román Rivera recibió una llamada telefónica de apoyo durante su discurso de parte del  preso político puertorriqueño Oscar López Rivera, a quien junto a Filiberto Ojeda Ríos, dedica el documental. "Muchas gracias por tu llamada. Aquí esta el pueblo de Puerto Rico que continúa pidiéndo tu excarcelación. Sabemos que te vamos a sacar de ahí pronto" dijo el productor entre aplausos y una mezcla de emociones que el público no pudo contener.

*El Antillano se presentara el 1 de mayo en Fine Arts de Hato Rey.


Indiegogo Fundraiser for Chicano Movement Commemoration of "Symbols of Resistance" in Colorado
We are students, professionals, family, friends and activists gathering together to observe the 40th anniversary of the deaths of Los Seis de Boulder (six student and community activists who were killed in Boulder, Colorado) and honor the Symbols of Resistance, the nine martyrs of the Chicano/a movement in Colorado.

We are planning a commemorative event on May 31, 2014, at Su Teatro Performing Arts Theater, 721 Santa Fe Drive in Denver, Colorado.

The educational, cultural and political program will: honor the Symbols of Resistance, document our history and continue the struggle for social, cultural, economic and political freedom and justice. We seek to educate today's youth and future generations about this important component of our history.


Please consider making a contribution to this project through a monetary donation and/or by sharing our page with your networks. We have a variety of gifts to provide to you for your donation. Please use our link to learn more about this important project.
LAST THREE DAYS- Support Documentary on Oscar Lopez Rivera, "The Last Prisoner"!
The Last Prisoner
The Last Prisoner

We are urging everyone to support the fundraising effort by Producer Esau Melendez and together we can make his dream of a documentary on OLR a reality. The goal is $42,500 and we only have 3 days left. 


The Last Prisoner  tells the story of Oscar López Rivera, the sole remaining Puerto Rican political prisoner. The decorated Vietnam veteran and community organizer who would subsequently work for the independence of Puerto Rico is now at the center of a struggle to set him free from a long and difficult imprisonment. He has been in prison since May 29, 1981. Twelve of those years were spent in solitary confinement despite the fact that Oscar was never convicted of crimes that resulted in deaths or injuries or ever accused of any act of violence.


The fight for Oscar's freedom has united Puerto Ricans and many others from across the United States, Puerto Rico and around the world. In 2013, artists, politicians, famous athletes and ordinary people went to symbolic prison cells on the anniversary of Oscar's incarceration. And the cries for freedom are growing louder: Five Nobel Peace Prize winners including Bishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa have all joined the call for his pardon and release.


Click here to contribute to this exciting effort!

NYC Postcard Art Exhibition and Fundraiser for 

Campaign to Free Oscar López Rivera

The NBHRN is excited to invite artists to participate in postcards4oscar, an art exhibition and fundraiser for the freedom of Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera, who has been in prison for over 32 years. We hope that you will consider participating in this important event that will help to raise awareness for Oscar's release and we invite you to contribute to this unique invitational exhibition, and sale of original art.


postcards4oscar is a fundraising exhibition showcasing artists' work from throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico. Artists will submit 4" x 6" works of art on a postcard that we will provide. The artwork will be exhibited anonymously (signed on back) and sold on a first-come, first-served basis for $50. Only after selecting and purchasing a piece will a buyer learn the identity of the artist. Artists may work in any medium or style and may submit more than one postcard if so desired.


The exhibition will take place in New York at the Julia de Burgos Cultural Center on May 24th, with an Artist Preview Event on May 23rd.


Final submissions of artwork must be received by May 12th.

For more info:
Desfile Puertorriqueño Nueva York homenajeará a preso político
Manhattan  - El 57º desfile Puertorriqueño en Nueva York homenajeará al nacionalista Oscar López Rivera, en prisión desde hace más de 30 años y considerado por muchos boricuas un preso político, además de a la poetisa Julia de Burgos y al 65 Regimiento de Infantería del ejército estadounidense, apodado "The Borinqueneers".
El eslogan de este homenaje anual al arte, la cultura y la historia del pueblo puertorriqueño será "Una Nación Muchas Voces", según anunció la nueva Junta Directiva en una rueda de prensa realizada en la Oficina de la Administración de Asuntos Federales de Puerto Rico (PRFAA). Para leer el articulo completo, presione aqui.

Oscar López Rivera,

Una vida de lecciones para la libertad y la autogestión

Por Lic. Eduardo Villanueva

Oscar López fue arrestado el 29 de mayo de 1981. Fue acusado por el delito de conspiración sediciosa, que es un delito que existe en el Código Penal federal desde los tiempos de la guerra civil en Estados Unidos.  Dicho delito se ha usado consistentemente contra luchadores independentistas que han combatido el coloniaje conforme al derecho internacional y con esa acusación  se ha tratado de criminalizar su defensa del derecho a la autodeterminación del pueblo de Puerto Rico. Oscar López cumple una sentencia de setenta años de cárcel que se  termina en el 2024. No fue acusado por asesinato alguno, por armas, por bombas y mucho menos por los sucesos de Frances Tavern,[1] aunque el FBI insiste en vincularlo con esos hechos sin tener prueba al respecto[2]. De haberla tenido lo habrían acusado por esos delitos desde el inicio de su arresto. La Conspiración Sediciosa es conspirar para derrocar el gobierno de Estados Unidos en Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico es un territorio no incorporado de Estados Unidos (según la jurisprudencia federal)[3] y conspirar para derrocar su gobierno aquí en nuestro país equivale a conspirar para quitarles lo que ellos (EU) consideran una propiedad suya. Para leer el articulo completo, presione aqui.

[1] Lugar en Nueva York en el cual explotó una bomba, provocando algunas muertes y varios heridos.

[2] Ver aclaración al respecto  de la Lcda. Jan Susler, publicada en El Nuevo Día del 18 de febrero del 2014

[3] Downes vs. Bidwell,182 US 244 (1901), Balzac vs. People of Puerto Rico, 258 US 298(1922)y Harris vs. Rosario 446 US 651(1980).


Oscar's Letters to his Granddaughter Karina now Available in English
The series of letters by Oscar Lopez Rivera to his granddaughter Karina published online by El Nuevo Dia are now available in English. All 15 published thus far are available on the National Boricua Human Rights Network website.