Clemente Local School Council!
Congratulations on the hard work and progress of the Clemente Local School Council in helping prepare the 40th Anniversary  of Clemente and supporting the community-wide push to convert Clemente into an International Baccalaureate School. This is just the start. The members are below:

Carmen Ortiz
Judy Vazquez
Kimberly Krause-Baron
Edison Onate
Maricelis Medina
Alejandro Molina
Mervin Medina

Maria Mercado

Keith Newquist

Sashalee Montes

Move for Life 

Outreach Day!

Saturday, March 29, from 11am to 2pm. Meeting at DEC, 2753 W. Division St.


The objective:  to

mobilize the community to attend our Free services at Diabetes Empowerment Center the weekend after this outreach.


If anyone needs to complete volunteer hours or if you have students that need to complete community hours, this would be the perfect opportunity!


Volunteer Dates:

Saturday, March 29, 2014. Outreach Day from 11am-2pm

Saturday, April 5, 2014.  Move for Life!  Shift 1, 10am-3pm Shift 2,  12noon-5pm  (Actual event is 12n-4pm)  

Centro Infantil 

Consuelo Lee Corretjer

Open Registration * Day Care Program * Head Start

We offer:

* Full day, Day Care for children 15 mos. to 3 yrs.

* Full day Head Start for children 3 to 5 yrs. 

* Research based curriculum

* Family involvement

* Nutritional Meals

* Parent workshops

Download the leaflet here.


"Still Dreaming": Available at Puerto Rican Cultural Center

Autographed copies of "Still Dreaming: My Journey from the Barrio to Capitol Hill" by Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez, are still available. Contact Alejandro:
Paseo Boricua Apartment Listing

3723 W. Grand

2 BD $750



1700 Block of Spaulding

1BD $850



Armitage at Monticello

2BD $850

Text 312-841-6534


Cortland at Pulaski

2BD $875

TEXT 920.843.7507


North and Humboldt Blvd

Studio $895



1124 N. Wolcott

2 BD $950



2646 W. Potomac

1 BD $950



Mozart at Chicago Ave

2BR $975



Maplewood at North Ave

1BD $1000



Cortland at Drake

2BD $1100

(312) 508-3131


1635 N. Spaulding Ave

2 BD 1 bath $800

(773) 269-1450


1408 N Maplewood

3 BD 1 bath $1650

(773) 559-7215


3153 W Augusta

2 BD 1 bath $1025

(773) 235-5160


2611 W Wabansia Ave

2 BD 1 bath $925

(773) 677-7418


1742 N Humboldt Blvd

Studio $895

(707) 731-7587

  California and Evergreen

2 bedroom 1 bath $1200  773 510-2210


2 bedroom 1 bath $950 1632 N Fairfield 

773 904-7476


Studio 1 bath  $895 

1850 N. Humboldt blvd. 312 445-9583


1 bedroom 1 bath $750 Augusta and Kedzie 773 697-4474


Save the Date!

The 2nd United Puerto Rican People's Parade will take place on Saturday, June 14, 2014. Step-off at 2:00pm on Division St. corner of Western. Please join us as we celebrate "Puerto Rican Heritage" and the "40th Anniversary Opening of Roberto Clemente Community Academy High School". For more information or to be part of the parade please contact Leony Calderón at 773-342-8023 or email at

Los Tequis

Memorize this! Use it!
Tell Students about it!
Las manos en el cristal: Serie de Cartas de OLR a su nieta Karina


COINTELPRO 101 is a 56-minute educational film that will open the door to understanding this history. This documentary will introduce viewers new to this history to the basics and direct them to other resources where they can learn more. The intended audiences are the generations that did not experience the social justice movements of the sixties and seventies


Saturday March 22, 6pm

                                           Friday March 28, 7pm

Pa' recaudar fondos para Tony Mapaye
El compañero Tony Mapeye acaba de pasar operación cardialogica, y necesita nuestra ayuda. Favor de pasar la noticia de este concierto.
Mensaje de Edwin Cortés, Ex-Preso Político

Ante el fallecimiento de nuestro querido y amado Luis Nieves Falcón, le quiero expresar a la familia, amigos y a nuestro pueblo que hemos perdido otro gran luchador por la independencia de nuestra patria.

Estuve conmovido por Don Luis cuando me visitó en la cárcel de Lewisburg, PA. para iniciar una nueva jornada en pro de la excarcelación de nuestros prisioneros políticos.  La meta se logró el 10 de septiembre con la excarcelación de once de nosotros.  Después, lo vi en nuestra patria durante los últimos catorce años desarrollando otra nueva jornada para la excarcelación, la cual logró la libertad de Carlos Alberto Torres  y Avelino González Claudio.  Don Luis, siempre estuvo optimista y con un ánimo en alto hacía la libertad de nuestros prisioneros políticos y nuestra patria.  Hago un llamado en el espiritu de Don Luis a tod@s para seguir doblando esfuerzos para lograr que Oscar López Rivera y Norberto González Claudio lleguen a casa.

From Puerto Rican Cultural Center programs
The Puerto Rican Cultural Center 
Joins in the Mourning of Dr. Luis Nieves Falcón
Luis Nieves Falcon speaks about Oscar Lopez Rivera
Luis Nieves Falcon speaks about Oscar Lopez Rivera, 4-11-2013
On Monday, March 10, one of Puerto Rico's most prominent public intellectuals, the renown lawyer, psychologist and sociologist, Dr. Luis Nieves Falcón passed away after a long battle with leukemia in San Juan Puerto Rico. The Puerto Rican Cultural Center is joining the Puerto Rican nation in mourning the loss of this intellectual giant with the following: A message from our Executive Director José E. López, sent to Puerto Rico and which will be published in La Voz del Paseo Boricua, (see below); the dedication of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center monthly general assembly to his memory, featuring the prominent Puerto Rican lawyer and activist, Eduardo Villanueva, who will provide a short reflethe March issue of La Voz del Paseo Boricua, with images of Nieves Falcón.

PRCC General Assembly
Friday March 14, 4pm
Diabetes Emnpowerment Center, 2753 W. Division St
Message by José E. López, Executive Director, Puerto Rican Cultural Center Juan Antonio Corretjer on the Transition of Dr. Luis Nieves Falcón 


It is with a sad heart, and the most profound emotions that I share my personal condolences, and that of my entire family, as well as that of the National Boricua Human Rights Network and the Puerto Rican Cultural Center Juan Antonio Corretjer, on the physical loss of one of Puerto Rico's towering intellectual figures- Dr. Luis Nieves Falcón.


Nieves Falcón was not only a teacher of teachers, a psychologist to psychologists, a lawyer to lawyers, and a sociologist to sociologists; he was, indeed, an organic intellectual.


Nieves Falcon's life was totally committed to the struggle for the independence of Puerto Rico, and, particularly, in defense of those who suffered persecution in their quest to make Puerto Rico a free homeland.


He dedicated the past 35 years to freeing Puerto Rican political prisoners- he masterminded the campaign that excarcerated more than a dozen of them in 1999, and continued this quest, until his final hours, to see my beloved brother: Oscar López Rivera, free in "nuestra Patria."


Everywhere Nieves Falcón lived, he left an indelible mark. He was a world traveler, visiting almost every continent. In each, Nieves Falcón left a part of himself.


He invested a great deal of his time and efforts in the empowerment of the Puerto Rican Diaspora.


In Philadelphia, in 1999, he helped to articulate the vision that would ultimately free the Puerto Rican political prisoners through Ofensiva '92.


In New York, he pioneered many of the struggles that would improve the quality of life of Puerto Ricans whether in the Bronx or El Barrio or in organizing tribunals around human rights violations and political prisoners.


In Chicago, he lived among us in the community, shaping and creating some of the most innovative ideas about curriculum and overall educational praxis that would make Clemente High School a model to be emulated in the 1990s.


We fondly remember his last visit to Chicago in April 2013 where he made three major speeches, and even sang, with his melodic voice, a song for Oscar's freedom.


Nieves Falcón, you will always be our Quixote confronting the windmills of oppression and our Cimarron building a community of resistance, hope and change.



Mensaje de José E. López, director del Centro Cultural Puertorriqueño Juan Antonio Corretjer


Es con mucho pesar que doy mis más sentidas condolencias, y las de mi familia, como también, es de la Red Nacional Boricua Pro-Derechos Humanos y el Centro Cultural Puertorriqueño Juan Antonio Corretjer, por la pérdida física de una de las figuras intelectuales más valiosas de Puerto Rico, el Dr. Nieves Falcón.


Nieves Falcón no fue solo maestro de maestros, psicólogo de psicólogos, abogados de abogados, sociólogo de sociólogos; fue, sin duda, un intelectual orgánico.


Nieves Falcón comprometió su vida a la lucha por la independencia de Puerto Rico; especialmente, a la defensa de las víctimas de persecución en la jornada por hacer de Puerto Rico una patria libre.


Dedicó las pasados 35 años a liberar a los prisioneros políticos puertorriqueños. Planificó la campaña que excarceló  a más de una docena de ellos en el 1999 y continuó esta jornada, hasta con su último suspiro, para ver a mi querido hermano, Oscar López Rivera, libre en nuestra Patria.


En todo lugar que Nieves Falcón vivió, dejó una marca indeleble. Era una trotamundos, visitó casi todos los continentes. En cada uno, dejó parte de sí mismo.


Invirtió gran parte de su tiempo y esfuerzos al fortalecimiento de la diáspora puertorriqueña.


En Filadelfia, en 1999, ayudó a articular la visión que fue lo que, a la larga, liberó a los prisioneros políticos puertorriqueños a través de Ofensiva '92.


En Nueva York, fue pionero en las tantas luchas que mejoraron la calidad de vida de los puertorriqueños, fuese en el Bronx o El Barrio u organizando tribunales sobre la violación de los derechos humanos y los presos políticos.


En Chicago, vivió con nosotros en la comunidad, moldeando y creando algunas de las ideas más innovadoras sobre currículos y prácticas educativas que hicieron a la Escuela Superior Clemente un modelo a imitar en la década de los noventa.


Con mucho cariño, recordamos su última visita a Chicago en abril de 2013, donde dio tres grandes discursos e incluso cantó, con su melódica voz, una canción por la libertad de Oscar.


Nieves Falcón, siempre serás nuestro Quijote, batallando contra los molinos de viento de la opresión, y nuestro cimarrón, construyendo una comunidad de resistencia, esperanza y cambio.

2 Weeks Left to Sign Up! CAN-TV Features PRCC-ACA in Putting People First Series as March Deadline Gets Closer
Recently, Leslie Rodriguez and Mayra Estrella, In Person Navigator and Director of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center-Affordable Care Act program, filmed a PSA at CAN-TV Studios. Watch them below and sign up for coverage now!
Puerto Rican Cultural Center - Affordable Care Act Deadline
Spanish PSA-Puerto Rican Cultural Center
Affordable Care Act Deadline
El Centro Cultural Puertorriqueño está ofreciendo servicios de educación e inscripción para ayudar a los latinos encontrar un seguro medico a través de la ley de cobertura de Salud o Obamacare. Todos los servicios son gratuitos. El periodo de inscripción termina el 31 de marzo. Evite la penalidad. Para obtener mas información acerca de nuestros servicios puede llamar a nuestra oficina al 773-227-7794. "Putting People First" es un servicio comunitario de Chicago Access Network Television (CAN TV).
English PSA- Puerto Rican Cultural Center - Affordable Care Act Deadline
English PSA- Puerto Rican Cultural Center
Affordable Care Act Deadline
 The Puerto Rican Cultural Center is offering education and enrollment services through the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. Obtaining healthcare is a federal law and the deadline is approaching. Avoid the penalty and enroll by March 31st. For more information, please call (773) 227-7794. "Putting People First" is a community service of Chicago Access Network Television (CAN TV).

PRCC-Vida/SIDA Receives the 2013 Excellence in Care Award from The Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS (DIFFA)


On Tuesday, February 25, 2014, PRCC-Vida/SIDA was honored with the 2013 Excellence in Care Award for its HIV counseling and testing services from The Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS (DIFFA). 

DIFFA/Chicago (The Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS) is a not-for-profit fundraising and grant making foundation that distributes funds to Chicago area HIV/AIDS service agencies that provide direct service, preventative education and outreach to people who are HIV positive, living with AIDS or at risk for infection. Founded in 1984, DIFFA has granted more than $38 million to hundreds of community-based organizations.


Mensaje de José E. López, director del Centro Cultural Puertorriqueño Juan Antonio Corretjer


Founded by volunteers from the fashion industry, interior design, furnishings and architecture, supporters of DIFFA now come from every field associated with fine design. DIFFA has also been an innovative agent in drawing local and national corporations into the fight against the epidemic, and enjoys tremendous support from the business community. In Chicago, our Excellence in Care Awards funding focuses on those agencies that demonstrate extraordinary effectiveness in achieving their chosen missions in the HIV/AIDS arena.


Juan Calderón, Program Director of PRCC-Vida/SIDA and Maritxa Vidal, Manager of Outreach and Marketing

Juan Calderon, Program Director of PRCC-Vida/SIDA, and Maritxa Vidal, Manager of Outreach and Marketing received the award and had the opportunity to address the audience and inform them of the great work that the organization is facilitating in the Chicago Metro Area, and said, "This award represents a testament to our effectiveness and mission of Vida/SIDA." 


The awards ceremony was held at Northwestern Hospital. After the ceremony, the honorees were treated to a reception that included great food and drinks. 

Congratulations Professor Jose Lopez on being selected by the Chicago Cultural Alliance as a 2014 "Outstanding Community Leader"

Professor Jose Lopez has been selected as one of the recipients of this year's Community Leader Award!  Congratulations. As you know this award is given at our annual MOSAIC benefit which will be on May 8th  at the Zhou B Art Center in Bridgeport. The Alliance hopes that this coveted award will showcase two community leaders' who are often unsung heroes, dedicated to serving their community by enriching its social, civic and cultural health, and forging links to other communities. Congratulations to Professor Lopez and his remarkable contributions to the community and to The Institute of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture. The nomination was submitted by the CEO of the Institute of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture (IPRAC), Billy Ocasio.

PRCC-ACA Interviewed by Hoy Online (Spanish)

Se acaba el tiempo para registrarse a 'Obamacare'
 por Leticia Espinosa


Mayra Estrella, directora del programa "Affordable Care Act" (ACA) en el Centro Cultural Puertorriqueño, urge a la comunidad latina a no dejar para el último momento la inscripción al mercado de seguros médicos.


Desde hace varios meses Estrella promueve la inscripción a seguros médicos -u "Obamacare" como se le conoce a la ley ACA- en negocios, ferias de salud, escuelas y organizaciones comunitarias, y recomienda a comunidad latina a perder el miedo e informarse sobre la ley y las opciones en el mercado, antes del 31 de marzo, cuando vence el plazo de inscripción. Ver video y leer articulo.

Glasses Day at the Centro Infantil!

Glasses Day at Centro Infantil daycare was a wonderful exciting day for all the kids to enjoy. They showed off their cool eyeglasses! They rarely get to wear glasses at school, so Glasses Day was the day for all. Chloe and Bella and other students posed for the camera and showed off what they brought to school. All the students were interested in what their friends glasses looked like. Glasses day turned out to be a wonderful day for Centro Infantil!

There's a lot to take in with the new health insurance marketplace. And with all the new choices, you may have questions. We can help you learn about your health plan options and provide helpful resources. We can even help you enroll into the right insurance plan.

Stop by one of our health insurance
enrollment events.

Wednesday, March 12, Noon-6 p.m.
Presence Saints Mary and Elizabeth Medical Center
Saint Mary Campus - Main Entrance Lobby
2233 West Division Street, Chicago 

Friday, March 21, Noon-6 p.m.
St. Aloysius Church 
Monsignor Thiele Parish Center - Gonzaga Room
1510 North Claremont Avenue, Chicago

Saturday, March 29, Noon-6 p.m.
Presence Saints Mary and Elizabeth Medical Center
Saint Mary Campus - 3rd Floor
2233 West Division Street, Chicago

In addition to enrolling into the right insurance plan, we'll be offering body mass index and blood pressure screenings. We'll serve refreshments as well.

Learn more. Call 877.737.INFO (4636) or visit
To speak with one of our Spanish-speaking representatives, call 312.361.7959 or 818.224.8478. Or to reach a Polish-speaking representative, call 312.491.5086.


State Rep Luis Arroyo promotes PRCC-ACA new Hermosa Offices
In a recent mailing to 20,000 constituents, Rep. Luis Arroyo included the information promoting the new PRCC-ACA Hermosa office located at 4046 W. Armitage Ave. from 8-6pm Monday -Fri 773-661-9077
2nd Annual Unified Puerto Rican People's Parade to Honor 40th Anniversary of Clemente Community Academy and Borinqueneers
On Sat June 14th at 2pm, the 2nd annual Puerto Rican Peoples Parade will start on Division and Western motivated by the huge success of last years unified efforts, the organizers from Casa Puertorriqueña and the PRCC are extremely excited about this years upcoming celebration. They have decided that the parade will highlight the historic Puerto Rican Borinqueneers/ 65th Puerto Rican Infantry Regiment of the US Army- whose valor and courage is being memorialized by a major housing and health project for Latino veterans at Norwegian American Hospital, sponsored by Hispanic Housing Corporation.  
The Parade will also showcase the 40th anniversary of the opening of the Roberto Clemente Community Academy. And, particularly, its new focus as an International Baccalaurate (IB) school, which will transform it into the jewel of the crown of the community's quest for creating a culture of educational excellence. The parade organizers are inviting Clemente students to submit their artwork for a poster competition for this years parade poster, which will integrate the themes of education, the 40th anniversary of RCCA and the celebration of the community's cultural expressions.
Thank You from El Rescate!

El Rescate would like to thank Dr. Yasser Elseweifi from Bucktown Dental Associates for providing our residents with free dental examinations, who unfortunately would not be able to afford this on

their own. "Thank you for your friendship to the PRCC and for your quick response to meet the needs of our youth." says Zenaida Lopez,

Senior Case Manager, El Rescate.




Bucktown Dental Associates

Dr. Yasser Elseweifi DDS, FAGD

2002 North Damen Ave

Chicago, IL 60647


Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School and the Puerto Rican Cultural Center Raising Money to Expand Edible Garden
We want to expand the Humboldt Park/Institute of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture Edible Garden to eradicate the food desert and reenergize the community with wholesome, organic produce!  We are looking for sponsors to donate $10 to $200.  In exchange, those donors will receive an equivalent amount from the harvest, fruits and vegetables produce from the edible garden.

We will need to fund the following:

28 yards of soil 
3440 sq ft of fabric 
1 box of garden staples
renting the sod cutter
3 peach trees
2 apple trees
2 pear trees

The concept is to build mound-beds and incorporate fruit bearing trees, which will increase the growing area to from 1,114 sq ft. to 3,114 sq ft. The original garden was founded in 2009 by a group of students from Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School and the Juan Antonio Corretjer Puerto Rican Cultural Center (PRCC). 

The Edible Garden will be a learning site for parents and families to reconnect with traditional food cultivation and identify organic gardening practices and build home gardens.

This engagement will reinforce the commitment to sustainable food production in our community. In addition, the community partnerships will extend the practices of agricultural sustainability that will benefit our community.

This is going to be our central edible garden for our community, for Albizu Campos High School and for PRCC. Please donate to this effort.
PRCC 's Urban Agriculture Program Sprouts 2014 Seeds!

The Urban Agriculture program is getting ready to start the 2014 growing season. This week the Urban Agriculture class is planting hot crops like peppers, onions, tomatoes, basil and aji dulce in the green house that are going to be ready to transplant at the community gardens in May. 

From Our Community Partners

More than 60 Community Leaders and Clergy Attend

Clemente Hosts Luncheon to Showcase 

its Achievements

Providing a World-Class Education in Our Community


On Friday, March 7th, over 60 community leaders and clergy members gathered at Roberto Clemente Community Academy to learn about the school's recent transformation and place within a larger education framework for the Humboldt Park community.  A three-course lunch was prepared and served by Culinary Arts students, and Pastor Wilfredo "Choco" Dejesus of New Life Covenant Church opened the meal in prayer.  During lunch, Clemente Principal Marcey Sorensen presented information on the current status of Clemente, focusing on the improved attendance rate, current 99% freshman on-track rate, recent ACT scores, and 100% college acceptance last year.  She also articulated components of the International Baccalaureate program, such as active service and global citizenship, which shape teaching and learning at Clemente during the school's first year of IB candidacy.


In addition, community members learned about the academic pathways available to meet the diverse needs of Humboldt Park's youth.  From the intensive IB Diploma Programme to 3-year CTE courses in Culinary Arts, Broadcast Technology, and Allied Health, Clemente helps students pursue various college and career goals.  For those interested in both advanced academics and early career training, the IB Career-related Certificate is an additional option, melding components of both IB Diploma and CTE coursework.


Dr. José E. López, Executive Director of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center, also addressed the group and articulated the education framework promoted under the Community as a Campus initiative.  He shared the vision for networking schools in the community to provide coherent educational pathways from pre-K through college. Work is already underway to ensure instructional alignment and student support from local grammar schools, such as Moos Elementary, to Clemente, to post-secondary opportunities at Northeastern Illinois University.


Feedback from attendees was positive, and many community leaders expressed an interest in promoting Clemente as a viable educational option in the community.  Leaders such as José Sánchez, CEO of Norwegian Hospital, Joy Aruguete, Executive Director of Bickerdike Redevelopment Corp, Paul Roldan, CEO of Hispanic Housing Corp. and State Representative Cynthia Soto made commitments to partnering. Principal Sorensen and Dr. López, as well as the larger school community, expressed their sincere thanks to attendees for their open-mindedness in learning about the school's growth, and for their future efforts as advocates for Clemente and the Community as a Campus initiative.


Norwegian American Hospital featured in 
H&HN publication

Hospitals & Health Networks is a widely read national publication and this article clearly articulates the many accomplishments Norwegian American Hospital has collectively achieved over the last three years. I want to take this opportunity to thank our Board of Trustees, medical staff, clinicians, support staff, and community partners for helping us to reach this pinnacle.  In addition, I want to thank our community's elected officials who have been extremely supportive of this organization. Download the article here.

Pastor Lynette Santiago Chosen as "Mujeres Destacadas" by La Raza Newspaper
La Raza newspaper has chosen Pastor Lynette Santiago as 1 of 2 "Mujeres Destacadas" (Exemplary Women" in the "Community Leadership" category. Pastor Lynette believes that impacting others is her priority and mission. Congratulations!
Reyes X DJ O Zone   SHE
 Reyes Performs "SHE" dedicated to Elvira Arellano!

The 4th Annual Season Kick-off Event "Move for Life" Coming to Humboldt Park

Move for Life! Saturday, April 5, 2014 from 12 Noon-4:00PM in Humboldt Park, (Luis Munoz Marin Drive) corner of Division and California.


Now in its 4th year, the purpose of Move for Life! is to kick-off the Spring/Summer season by promoting and supporting an active lifestyle and encouraging the community to participate in physical activities. Whether it's walking, jogging, cycling, dance-aerobics, Zumba, basketball, or soccer the idea is to get people moving. To motivate our community, Move for Life! brings together communitybased organizations, agencies, and individuals to interactively showcase their various free or low cost physical activity programs available to everyone in the community throughout the year. 


For more information on Move for Life! or to participate in the event contact the Diabetes Empowerment Center at 773-342-0855 or email us at

Clemente Sophmore chemistry students investigate which antacid is best

This past week chemistry students performed an inquiry-based scientific investigation on which antacid works best to relieve acid reflux. They began their investigation by researching six common antacids: Tums, Pepcid, Alka-Seltzer, Pepto- Bismol, Rolaids, and Maalox. Students then created posters which showcased the chemical formula, active ingredients, and side effects of the different antacids. With all of this newfound knowledge, students were able to begin their inquiry-based investigation.


Students selected an antacid to test and performed an acid-base neutralization titration, which determines how much acid can be neutralized by an antacid. This process entails carefully adding acid to a base (the antacid) until an end point is reached. Having completed this experiment, students then determined the average volume of acid neutralized per gram of antacid to determine which was the most effective.  After all of their hard work, students found that Pepto-Bismol was the most effective at neutralizing acid. After completing the investigation, Justine Torres shared her thoughts, "It was cool.  I liked working with antacids and acids." Maritza Estrada said, "Labs are better than actual work because it's hands-on." 

Devil Land Premieres in HP!
Chicago's UrbanTheater is proud to announce the midwest premiere of Devil Land, by Nuyorican playwright Desi Moreno­Penson. Directed by UrbanTheater's ensemble member Hank Hilbert and co­directed by Juan Castañeda. Devil Land was selected from last seasons inaugural R.A.W. (Real. Aggressive. Writing.) staged reading series, presented as a vehicle to connect and showcase underrepresented playwrights of color.


"A childless, Latino couple kidnap a young girl in order to create a family...but the little girl has ideas of her own...and when her imaginary friend, the Grinch, comes to life to help her, the couple ends up with far more than they bargained for! A dark and gothic fairy tale for the contemporary world."


Location: UrbanTheater Company | 2628 W. Division St.
Performances: Thursdays - Saturday at 7:30pm and Sunday at 6pm
General Admission: $20 | Students: $15 | Seniors: $10 | Community Discount: $10 with 60622 Zip Code (must show ID)

Get your tickets today!

Save the Date for "Amor en el Caserio"!

Puerto Rican filmmaker Caridad Sorrondo to participate in Chicago Latino Film Festival. her film, "Amor en el Caserio" will be featured. For more info, visit 
AfricCaribe Needs Your Help!
AfriCaribe has had the great honor to be invited as Headlining Musical Guest to the 2014 Annual Plena Pa La Calle, Inc festival in the town of Yabucoa, Puerto Rico. Please join us as we help raise funds to cover additional costs for both travel and lodging. We would greatly appreciate any donations in this endeavor. Any amount you could offer will help make our dreams come true! Thank you in advance! Link to the GoFundMe campaign!

New York Times article on disparities research 

featuring Chicago's Sinai Urban Health Institute

An analysis of breast cancer mortality trends in 41 of the largest cities in the United States shows that the chance of surviving breast cancer correlates strongly with the color of a woman's skin. Black women with breast cancer - whether they hail from Phoenix or Denver, Boston or Wichita, Kan. - are on average about 40 percent more likely to die of the disease than white women with breast cancer. Continue reading...
Campaign to Free Oscar López Rivera
Struggle to Free Oscar Lopez Rivera Event at Trinity Sunset Park - Full Event
Video of the Struggle to Free Oscar Lopez Rivera Event with Cornel West, Rev. Sam Cruz and
Jose E. Lopez at Brooklyn Trinity Lutheran Church, 2-24-2014

NYC Postcard Art Exhibition and Fundraiser for 

Campaign to Free Oscar López Rivera

The NBHRN is excited to invite artists to participate in postcards4oscar, an art exhibition and fundraiser for the freedom of Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera, who has been in prison for over 32 years. We hope that you will consider participating in this important event that will help to raise awareness for Oscar's release and we invite you to contribute to this unique invitational exhibition, and sale of original art.


postcards4oscar is a fundraising exhibition showcasing artists' work from throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico. Artists will submit 4" x 6" works of art on a postcard that we will provide. The artwork will be exhibited anonymously (signed on back) and sold on a first-come, first-served basis for $50. Only after selecting and purchasing a piece will a buyer learn the identity of the artist. Artists may work in any medium or style and may submit more than one postcard if so desired.


The exhibition will take place in New York at the Julia de Burgos Cultural Center on May 24th, with an Artist Preview Event on May 23rd.


Final submissions of artwork must be received by May 12th.

For more info:
Calle 13 Tweet in Support of Oscar!

Oscar's Letters to his Granddaughter Karina now Available in English

The series of letters by Oscar Lopez Rivera to his granddaughter Karina published online by El Nuevo Dia are now available in English. All 15 published thus far are available on the National Boricua Human Rights Network website.