Centro Infantil 

Consuelo Lee Corretjer

Open Registration * Day Care Program * Head Start

We offer:

* Full day, Day Care for children 15 mos. to 3 yrs.

* Full day Head Start for children 3 to 5 yrs. 

* Research based curriculum

* Family involvement

* Nutritional Meals

* Parent workshops

Download the leaflet here.


"Still Dreaming": Available at Puerto Rican Cultural Center

Autographed copies of "Still Dreaming: My Journey from the Barrio to Capitol Hill" by Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez, are still available. Contact Alejandro: 
Paseo Boricua Apartment Listing

3723 W. Grand

2 BD $750



1700 Block of Spaulding

1BD $850



Armitage at Monticello

2BD $850

Text 312-841-6534


Cortland at Pulaski

2BD $875

TEXT 920.843.7507


North and Humboldt Blvd

Studio $895



1124 N. Wolcott

2 BD $950



2646 W. Potomac

1 BD $950



Mozart at Chicago Ave

2BR $975



Maplewood at North Ave

1BD $1000



Cortland at Drake

2BD $1100

(312) 508-3131

Save the Date!
The 2nd United Puerto Rican People's Parade will take place on Saturday, June 14, 2014. Step-off at 2:00pm on Division St. corner of Western. Please join us as we celebrate "Puerto Rican Heritage" and the "40th Anniversary Opening of Roberto Clemente Community Academy High School". For more information or to be part of the parade please contact Leony Calderón at 773-342-8023 or email at United-prpeoplesparade@prcc-chgo.org


Los Tequis

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(PACHS) #albizucamposhs
(NBHRN) #free_olr


Las manos en el cristal: Serie de Cartas de OLR a su nieta Karina

From Puerto Rican Cultural Center programs
ACA Navigators at Mozart Park This Saturday

This week our Navigators will be providing enrollment services in different locations throughout Chicago. We have partnered with Rincon Family Services to provide enrollment in their location. You will also find our Navigators at El Valor Cantu Center, Wilbur Wright College, Irving Park Community Pantry, Cicero Public Library, CVS Pharmacy (on Albany Park), Central States SER, and Blue 1647.


Please join us this Saturday, February 22nd at Mozart Park (2036 N Avers Ave.) of the Chicago Park District to get covered and enroll in the Affordable Care Act.


Visit us to enroll! Health insurance is a human right and it is the law!

Theta Chi Omega sorority Hearts El Rescate Valentine's Day Sweetness!
On Valentine's Day, two students from Northeastern Illinois University stopped by El Rescate baring homemade cupcakes and brownies. "A heartfelt thank you to Jessica, Maggie and the Theta Chi Omega sorority of Northeastern Illinois Univresity for your thoughtfulness. Your baked goods were a hit and your kind gesture was very much appreciated by all the residents and staff!" -Zenaida Lopez, Senior Case Manager, El Rescate

New partnership for Affordable Care Act Outreach

ACA has recently partnered up with Rincon Family Services and is offering on site enrollment all of this week.  From 8am to 12pm, PRCC will be having navigators offering education and enrollment services.  The first founder of Rincon Family Services was Oscar López Rivera with the help of his brother Jose Lopez so this is a very exciting partnership for PRCC.   ACA has also been working with the Chicago Public Libraries in offering education and enrollment Services as well.  We recently also partnered up with Mozart Park District in the neighborhood of Hermosa where PRCC will have navigators offering enrollment services.


Along with Rincon Family Services, PRCC is also partnering up with our local state representative office's, which include 3rd District State Representative Luis Arroyo, 4th District State Representative Cynthia Soto and 39th District State Representative Maria Antonia "Toni" Berrios.  The constituents of each of these wards will be able to visit their respected offices to discuss and enroll in health coverage. 

From Our Community Partners
Billy Ocasio, Board Chair of Norwegian American Hospital, Chicago, winner of the Large Hospital 2014 Trustee of the Year award
By Sabriya Rice 

Posted: February 15, 2014 - 12:01 am ET


When Billy Ocasio learned that Norwegian American, the hospital where he was born, was in danger of shutting its doors, he knew right away he needed to get involved. As a native of Humboldt Park, a largely Puerto Rican community on Chicago's northwest side where Norwegian is located, Ocasio says the hospital has always played a critical role in the working-class community. The loss would have been tremendous.


"There are so many families that cannot afford medical care, supplies or food," he said. "For a community like this, where you have a lot of people uninsured or underinsured, the hospital means a lot." 


After serving 16 years as a city council member representing the Humboldt Park area, in 2009 Ocasio joined the board of Norwegian, a 200-bed, acute care facility originally established in the late 1800s. He was named to the selection committee to search for a new CEO and knew he wanted someone with the skills and experience to pull the hospital out of dire straits who also connected with the community.


Ocasio's committee selected Jose Sanchez, who at the time was the senior vice president of Generations+/Northern Manhattan Health Network in New York City. "One of the first questions (Ocasio) asked me was about my involvement in New York with the Puerto Rican and Latino communities," recalls Sanchez, who accepted the position as president and CEO in 2010, moving to Chicago from the Bronx. "Mr. Ocasio wanted to make sure the person elected would bridge the gap between the hospital and the community." Last year, Ocasio was elected to serve as chairman of the board of trustees for Norwegian.


Sanchez says he has continued to be impressed by Ocasio's relentless and proactive efforts to create opportunities to bridge the gap between residents and the hospital, and to engage the community in battling health disparities.


For his accomplishments, Ocasio, 52, is Modern Healthcare's 2014 Trustee of the Year for large hospitals, those with 100 or more beds.


One of Ocasio's most noteworthy efforts is his role in Hope Fest, considered to be the largest back-to-school event in Chicago. Started in 2006 by New Life Covenant Church, the end-of-summer festival provides free resources, including school uniforms, notebooks, groceries and haircuts, to ensure children start the school year with everything they need. The church had been holding the event in Humboldt Park. But in 2012 Ocasio saw an opportunity for Norwegian American to get involved. He worked with the hospital and the Rev. Wilfredo DeJesus, pastor of New Life Covenant, to move the event from the park to the hospital grounds. The festival, which already included free medical screenings, dental care and health education, added volunteer aid from the hospital's physicians, nurses and emergency services staff.


Register to read the rest of the article at Modern Healthcare.

Clemente Seniors Participate in Civics Day

In celebration of Lincoln's birthday and Presidents' Day, the senior class at Roberto Clemente High School participated in "Civics Day" on Thursday, February 13th.  The goal of this day is to remedy disturbing trends in the civic engagement of American teens.  Nationwide data suggests a general decline in students' civic skills and knowledge over the last several decades. Perhaps even more disturbing is the widening "civic empowerment gap" that has emerged between wealthy school districts and their minority and/or economically disadvantaged counterparts. This Thursday, the senior class at Roberto Clemente took measures to correct that imbalance.


The senior class participated in different Civics Activities that followed an engaging sequence, beginning with the foundations of democracy and the tensions inherent in it; social organization; election of leaders; the creation, execution and review of laws; and ending with how groups organize to challenge structures and laws when necessary. This learning trajectory brings us full circle to re-consider our core identity, values, and strategies to organize ourselves. It was a great day for the senior class at Roberto Clemente and helped build a better understanding of civic duty and pride.


Chicago Public Schools launched the Global Citizenship Initiative (GCI) during the 2012-13 school year. A cornerstone of GCI is a 12th grade course through which students develop the critical knowledge, skills, and dispositions to be prepared for active and engaged civic participation.
Palabra Pura featuring Emmanuel Ortiz
TOMORROW- WED, 2-19-2014
La Bruquena, 2716 W. Division St, 7pm

Emmanuel Ortiz is a Latino writer and community organizer. He is a founding member of Palabristas: Latin@ Wordslingers,  - a Latina/o poets collective based in Minnesota. He has authored 2 books of poetry: The Word Is a Machete: Post-Pocho/Puerto Rican Poems of the Personal and Political (Pocho Rican Press, 2003), and Brown unLike Me: Poems From The Second Layer Of Our Skin (2008, Calaca Press). He received the Verve Grant for spoken word poets in 2005. His writing has appeared in numerous publications, and he has performed his work across the country.
Campaign to Free Oscar López Rivera
Aclaracion en El Nuevo Dia
El encarcelamiento de Oscar Lopez

Jan Susler

Como abogada de Oscar López Rivera siempre estoy agradecida que la campaña por su excarcelación siga creciendo y expandiéndose luego que él ha cumplido más de 32 años en prisión. El profesor Edgardo Rodríguez Juliá recientemente se unió a esta lista, la cual sigue creciendo, en una columna de opinión publicada en El Nuevo Día el 9 de febrero. Cabe destacar que la misma requiere de unos puntos de clarificación. 

Para mantener a Oscar tras las rejas, el FBI ha llevado una campaña de desinformación enfocada en el bombazo de 1975 en el Fraunces Tavern en Nueva York, con la idea principal de la "culpabilidad por asociación". En este caso, la "culpabilidad por asociación" manejada por el FBI funciona de la siguiente manera: las FALN (la letra F es de Fuerzas, no de "Frente") asumieron responsabilidad por el bombazo en Nueva York en 1975; en el 1981, Oscar fue convicto en Chicago por conspiración sediciosa al pertenecer a las FALN; por tanto, a pesar de que Oscar nunca fue acusado ni convicto de participar en el bombazo, él debe ser culpable. Esta es la desinformación que usó el FBI para lograr que le denegaran la libertad bajo palabra en el 2011. 

La verdad sobre este caso es que Oscar nunca fue acusado y nunca fue convicto por hacerle daño o matar a nadie... no en el bombazo de 1975, ni nunca; no en Nueva York, o en ningún sitio. Tal como el presidente Clinton destacó en el 1999 sobre Oscar y sus compañeros prisioneros políticos: "Nuestra sociedad cree... que el castigo proporcional es la forma adecuada de responder a un delito. Cualquiera que haya sido la conducta de otros miembros de las FALN, estos peticionarios -aunque convictos por delitos serios- no fueron convictos por delitos que involucraban asesinatos o mutilación de cualquier persona".

El cargo de conspiración sediciosa -conspirar para usar la fuerza en contra de la autoridad de Estados Unidos sobre Puerto Rico- es una herramienta que ha sido utilizada históricamente por el gobierno estadounidense desde la década de los 30 para criminalizar selectivamente a independentistas. Este cargo se presta para acaparar una zona amplia, ya que se necesitan pocas pruebas y crea una base para sentencias largas y políticamente punitivas, además de condiciones inhumanas y crueles en la prisión, tal como Oscar las ha sufrido por más de 32 años.

De esta forma, el Comité de Descolonización de las Naciones Unidas, iglesias de diferentes denominaciones, el Colegio de Abogados, laureados de Premios Nobel por la Paz, funcionarios electos, sindicatos y miles de personas más, reconocen que el encarcelamiento de Oscar es un asunto sobre derechos humanos. 

Jan Susler
Illinois, EE.UU


Rogoberta Menchu Signs for Oscar! More details to come.
Fundación Nacional para la Cultura Popular Destaca "La lucha es vida toda" el álbum independiente más sobresaliente del 2013 en Puerto Rico

Con un llamado para liberar al preso político Oscar López Rivera, los cantautores Tito Auger y Walter Morciglio agradecieron el reconocimiento que la Fundación Nacional para la Cultura Popular hizo hoy con el fin de destacar "La lucha es vida toda" como el álbum independiente más sobresaliente del 2013 en Puerto Rico.

El disco, que es un tributo a Oscar López Rivera, coronó la lista de las veinte producciones discográficas más destacadas del año pasado como parte de unos premios que la organización entrega en la Isla desde el 1997.


Dentro de la sede de la fundación en el Viejo San Juan, Clarisa López Ramos, hija de Oscar, no pudo contener las lágrimas, pero tuvo las fuerzas para alzar la voz por su padre.


"Mi papá tuvo el privilegio de escuchar el cd el año pasado. Para mi papá (fueron) muchas emociones mixtas. Era mucho sentimiento, mucho amor, mucho respeto, mucho agradecimiento. Porque por una hora lo transportaron hacia la tierra que lo vio nacer y es la misma tierra que lo va a recibir en algún momento. Podemos seguir diciéndole a las personas que hay un preso político puertorriqueño que el 29 de mayo de este año cumple 33 años en cárcel de Estados Unidos. Aunque su fecha de excarcelación es el 2023 ,ya es tiempo de que regrese a  casa con nosotros", dijo.


Como productores y cantantes del álbum, Tito Auger y Walter Morciglio volvieron a solicitar públicamente la excarcelación de Oscar.


"Esto es un trabajo para nosotros que significa más allá de la música. Hicimos esto con el propósito de ver si este pueblo nos apoya en esta misión que tenemos de excarcelar a este gran patriota puertorriqueño", sostuvo Auger.

Oscar's Letters to his Granddaughter Karina now Available in English
Oscar with his daughter Clarisa, left, and
granddaughter Karina

The series of letters by Oscar Lopez Rivera to his granddaughter Karina published online by El Nuevo Dia are slowly becoming available in English. All 15 published thus far are available on the National Boricua Human Rights Network website, with the rest to be available early next year.