NBHRN 2013 Holiday
Pasteles Sale-Last Days to Buy!
Once again we are selling delicious, amazing pork & vegetarian pasteles for Thanksgiving! All proceeds will go towards the commissary of the Puerto Rican political prisoners.
Let us know if you want to place an order!! Download the order form below and support the campaign for Oscar's freedom or email Michelle:
Chicago orders only please.
The Network will also be gathering signatures the week of Nov. 23-29, in solidarity with the march scheduled for the same day in Puerto Rico, to present to President Obama at a later date.
Please contact the Network via Michelle to volunteer.
PRCC Navigators
present info session
at 5th Annual Veterans Job and Benefits Fair
PRCC's certified navigators Elvis and José Soto join Cook County Commissioner Edwin Reyes at the 5th Annual Veterans Job and Benefits Fair to do ACA info session. The fair offered a variety of services from local to federal governments.
| Citizen's Alert Premiere Movie "Compelled to Action" |
Last Saturday, Nov. 16, over 80 people were joined by PRCC representatives Alejandro Luis Molina, Secretary of the Board of Directors and Viola Salgado, former Board member of Citizen's Alert, to help honor Mary Powers, Elizabeth Powers and Gladys Lewis and help Citizens Alert celebrate 45 years of dedication to police accountability.

The evening began with a wine and cocktail followed by a screening of their documentary COMPELLED TO ACTION: The History of Citizens Alert by Jackie Rivet-River and John Lyons of Peace Productions, Inc.
Mary Powers, legendary activist and Executive Director, Citizen's Alert surrounded by her twin daughters and Margaret and Melinda Power
The documentary itself is a wonderful story of people that were moved by injustice and conscience to action.
Congratulations December 2013 Graduates!
Jason Gaya, Completion of MBA - Northeastern IL University
Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School Fiscal Manager
Mike Claudio, Completion of MSA - Northeastern IL University
Institute of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture Fiscal Manager
"Still Dreaming": Available at Puerto Rican Cultural Center
Autographed copies of "Still Dreaming: My Journey from the Barrio to Capitol Hill" by Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez, are still available. Contact Alejandro:
 | Support the Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School "Get Yo' Read On!" Project at Donors.com |
Give by clicking here!
Our school is a diverse group of students. They have been disconnected from school because they have not had positive, engaging educational experiences. We work with our students to develop renewed habits of the mind and pushing them toward goals never before possible
Many of the students perform below grade level in literacy. And, we have to ask the question, why? They are talented and critical thinkers and our students reveal their inner desires when we spark an interest, community issues, sports, and the arts. Our school uses critical pedagogy, cultural relevancy, and critical reflection to understand they can be successful graduates and productive college students.
The e-readers will be used for an after school program. Students will belong to a book group where book selections will be developed by the students. The book group will be facilitated by a trained group leader. The after school program will engage students in literacy building activities, such as guided reading, fluency, and reading comprehension.
We will expose students to culturally relevant literature through a technological tool, which will help build their literacy and tech skills. Students will have access to more books that will help them practice their skill development.
Centro Infantil
Consuelo Lee Corretjer
Open Registration * Day Care Program * Head Start
We offer:
* Full day, Day Care for children 15 mos. to 3 yrs.
* Full day Head Start for children 3 to 5 yrs.
* Research based curriculum
* Family involvement
* Nutritional Meals
* Parent workshops
Download the leaflet here.
Los Tequis
Hot New Marketplace App we use in our Google Apps!
Visit our Social Media
(PRCC) #jacprcc
(PACHS) #albizucamposhs
(NBHRN) #free_olr
| Paseo Boricua Apartment Listing |
2735 W. Division
1 BR $700
Augusta & Kedzie
1 BR $700
Division & Rockwell
2 BR $800
Artesian & Division
1 BR $850
Kedzie & North
2 BR $875
Artesian & Division
1 BR $875
North & Kedzie
2 BR $895
Maplewood & North
1 BR $900
California & Augusta
2 BR $975
Fairfield & North
3 BR $995
2733 W. Division 3BR $1075 773-252-7008
Francisco & Chicago
2 BR $1150
1402 N Maplewood
2 BR $1200
Jacobo Morales invita a todos a marchar para Oscar
Jacobo Morales invitando al pueblo Puertorriqueño a marchar el sabado 23 a exigirle al Presidente Obama la liberacion de Oscar.
Todos y Todas a Separar la Fecha por la Libertad de Oscar Ya
Sábado 23 de noviembre
Gran Marcha Nacional en Puerto Rico
1pm desde el Edificio Federal en la Chardon
Exhortamos a las organizaciones y amigos/as solidarias y amigos/as en otros paises a realizar acciones simultaneas por la excarcelacion del patriota Oscar Lopez Rivera - mas de 32 años en las carceles del imperio - libertad ahora sin condiciones.
PUERTO RICO: Apoyemos el esfuerzo del Comité Pro Derechos Humanos de Puerto Rico y el Grupo 32 x Oscar que de manera conjunta nos están convocando para esta marcha. Unidad de pueblo para vencer.
 | Querido Oscar |
Los estudiantes de la Escuela José Gautier Benítez de Caguas visitaron la exposición del prisionero político Oscar López Rivera, Antesala de Libertad. Estamos publicando algunas de las cartas y trabajos que escribieron luego de la visita. Leáse la carta haciendole clic aqui.
Las manos en el cristal: Serie de Cartas de OLR a su nieta Karina
 | Antesala de Libertad Float wins 1st prize |
The Antesala de Libertad Float won first prize at the Annual Discovery Day Festival in Aguada, Puerto Rico.
 | Escenificarán la excarcelación del independentista puertorriqueño Óscar López |
La iniciativa "32 por Oscar" y el Comité Pro Derechos Humanos convocan a un acto simbólico el próximo día 23 por la excarcelación de Oscar López Rivera, encarcelado en Estados Unidos desde hace 32 años por conspiración sediciosa en su lucha por la independencia de Puerto Rico. Lease el articulo completo aqui. |
 | El presidio político en Estados Unidos (XVII) |
Doy gracias a la vida" -expresó el prisionero político Oscar López Rivera al cumplir 70 años de edad- "le doy gracias por haberme enseñado que ella es lucha toda, que si pretendo vivir tengo que luchar y luchar si pretendo vivir".
En los medios de Estados Unidos se afirma con frecuencia que la guerra más larga de Estados Unidos es la de Afganistán. ¡Falso!. Las guerras de mayor duración de Estados Unidos han sido -en el interior de su territorio- las que ha librado contra los americanos nativos y afrodescendientes y -en el exterior- contra el pueblo puertorriqueño.
Lease el articulo completo aqui.
At UIC Latino Cul. Ctr.
Author Stephan Kimber speaks on Cuban 5 and Attorney Jan Susler on Campaign to Free Oscar Lopez Rivera
Over 80 students crowded into the Rafael Cintron Ortiz Latino Cultural Center on Friday, Nov. 15 to hear author Stephan Kimber "What Lies Across the Water: The Real Story of the Cuban Five" and Attorney Jan Susler of the Peoples Law Office speak. UIC Union for Puerto Rican Students member Maria de los Angeles Borrero introduced the speakers who made brief, eloquent presentations, fielding questions afterwards. In addition, Columbia senior Matt McCanna, also collected signatures for the ongoing gathering of letters to President Obama, which may also be downloaded
Stephan Kimber and Alejandro Luis Molina speak at DePaul University
Author Stephan Kimber spoke on the publication of his recent book and Alejandro Luis Molina updated the audience on recent developments on the campaign to free Oscar López Rivera. Prof. Felix Masud-Piloto and the Chicago Cuba Committee as well as the Chicago Committee to Free the Cuban 5 co-sponsored the event, which ended with a question and answer session. Oscar's niece, Lourdes Lugo was also present and helped gather signatures from those present.

SUHI Announces Second Community Survey in Humboldt Park
On November 19th, Sinai Urban Health Institute (SUHI) held a press conference to announce the launch of its Second Community Survey at the Greater Humboldt Park Diabetes Empowerment Center. The community survey is supported by a $1 million grant from the Chicago Community Trust. In attendance was Terry Mazany, president and CEO of the Chicago Community Trust, Alan Channing, president and CEO of Sinai Health System, and Steve Whitman, Director of SUHI.

The survey will provide robust data about the health of local individuals and communities, and the survey results may direct changes in health programs, efforts and resources. The current survey will include approximately 700 questions on adult and child health form 3,000 adults and 1,500 children. These questions were selected and approved by the Community Advisory Council (CAC) consisting 20 individuals from the 10 communities to be surveyed including Humboldt Park and West Town. Representing Humboldt Park and West Town at CAC was the Militza M. Pagán, Deputy Director the Puerto Rican Cultural Center and José Luis Rodríguez, Executive Director of the Humboldt Park Community of Wellness.

The results from SUHI's inaugural 2002 survey led to the generation of 31 different health interventions and programs and approximately $17 million in funding. Part of the funding that came from the inaugural survey led to the creation of the Greater Humboldt Park Diabetes Empowerment Center.
2716 W DIVISION ST. 6 P.M. TO 9 P.M.
Join Pastor Wilfredo De Jesus and New Life Covenant Church on Saturday Dec. 7th at 11:00. Tour the new church, and be part of the short program. Mayor Emanuel and Governor Quinn will be present.

Support the En Las Tablas Beautification Campaign
Milka Ramirez and I, Maritza Nazario founded EnLas Tablas Performing Arts NFP 7 years ago. It was my life long dream to open a community arts program in order to offer arts education at affordable prices for people living in low income neighborhoods where arts education programs were limited.
A few months ago part of my dream became a reality when we received a grant for renovations. Our studio is small and the physical space limits our enrollment. The grant will create more room, by removing some walls and maximizing the use of the space. A most needed new dance floor will be installed.
We are very excited about the grant! However, we are also concern because we are responsible for 25% of the total cost. Also, there are various items that we cannot include in the grant expenses and for which we have no money; items such as mirrors, light fixtures, fans, table & chairs, utility sink and a closet to balance the lost of most of our storage space. Additionally, we need about $3,000 in order to make at least two payments to our construction balance of 25% and complete the renovation. We do not have the funds for any of this! We are small and do not receive any grants to help with the program expenses. It is for this reason that we are inviting you to donate to our cause.
Please know that your support, in any amount is tax deductible and will help us to continue to provide quality arts education programing to children and adults who cannot afford them. After the renovation concludes, our space will be able to accomodate more children thus allowing more families to join our program. Please support our fundraising campaign by clicking here.
OLR Wristbands for Sale
Get your Free Oscar wristbands while they are available! $3 ea. Contact Alejandro Luis Molina: alejandrom@boricuahumanrights.org tp pick up. |
Trabajadoras Sociales con Oscar
 | en la actividad 32 Mujeres por Oscar |
Exigen a EEUU excarcelación de preso político puertorriqueño
Un luchador por la independencia de Puerto Rico lleva en cárceles norteamericanas más de 32 años, cuando fue acusado de conspiración sediciosa en contra del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos. Hoy muchos aspiran a que se le excarcele.
 | Exigen a EEUU excarcelacion de preso politico puertorriqueno |
Este es Oscar López Rivera, que a sus más de 70 años, lleva 32 en cárceles de máxima seguridad de los Estados Unidos. El Gobierno norteamericano lo acusa de haber sido uno de los líderes de las desaparecidas Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional (FALN), un grupo nacionalista puertorriqueño vinculado a más de 100 atentados y cinco muertes en la década de 1970. Diversos sectores del país han redoblado esfuerzos para su liberación.
López Rivera pudo haber teniendo la libertad hace años, bajo la Administración del presidente Bill Clinton que otorgó amnistía a algunos presos puertorriqueños, pero López rechazó la misma cuando algunos se quedarían en las cárceles. Irónicamente, estos pudieron salir hace unos años pero Oscar no.
A principios del presente cuatrienio se aprobó una resolución por unanimidad en el Senado de Puerto Rico, pidiendo la excarcelación de Oscar López. Las tres delegaciones, de las tres facciones políticas que componen el Senado de Puerto Rico, solicitan a la Administración del actual presidente de EE. UU., Barack Obama, la excarcelación del preso político.
El patriota boricua, veterano de la Guerra de Vietnam donde fue condecorado con la medalla de Bronce por su valor en combate, se integró en Chicago (EE. UU.) a las luchas de su comunidad en defensa y afirmación de los derechos de los puertorriqueños.
Carlos Rubén Rodríguez, San Juan. |
Culture Creators
A Night of Poetry, Comedy and Hip Hop
Featuring: La Bruja, Boca Floja & Reyes
A Fundraiser to send the play "Crime Against Humanity" to Mexico City. Support the campaign to free Oscar Lopez Rivera
2628 W. Division
November 20th and 21st 8PM
$15 regular
$25 with limited edition T-SHIRT
Drinks for Purchase
Special guest performers include...
Comics: Melissa Duprey, Pagan.
Poets: Azizi Jasper, Queen of HP
Janeida Rivera, Abstract Jazz.
This night is a mix of poetry, hip hop and comedy. Collectively La Bruja, Boca Floja and Reyes have performed internationally and have been featured on MTV, HBO, NBC and have been covered by countless magazines, blogs and radio programs. There will be a special book signing by Boca Floja for his new book titled Prognosis.
Their show will inspire and motivate while
making you laugh through stories,
anecdotes, and poems!
Come out and enjoy an entire night of comics, poets and hip-hop artist!
All proceeds go to the play "Crime Against Humanity"
A National Boricua Human Rights Network Project.
Guitarristas de EE.UU, México y Suecia participan en festival de Puerto Rico
El festival abrió el jueves 4 de noviembre con la interpretación del guitarrista boricua Eladio Sharon, junto a la flautista estadounidense Carrie Wiesinger, con un programa que incluye el estreno de la obra "Héroes", escrita por Alberto Rodríguez Ortiz en homenaje al preso independentista Oscar López Rivera. Leáse el articulo completo aqui.
Puerto Rican Cultural Center Congratulates Ada López
We congratulate her on her election to the Board of Directors of the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois (A.C.L.U.) for a three-year term beginning January, 2014. Ada is a past member of the Chicago Board of Education, the University of Illinois Board of Trustees and the former President of the National Conference of Puerto Rican Women, Ms. Lopez will use her past experience to continue to struggle for the community's civil rights.
Murals Honor Civil Rights Leaders and Revolutionaries | Clemente School News
On October 19th, Roberto Clemente Community Academy High School hosted a day of service for the Clemente City Year team's sponsor, Hyatt. Representatives of Hyatt Chicago attended the event in addition to global leaders of Hyatt locations as far away as Hong Kong and New Delhi. Our Hyatt sponsors initial intention was to bond as coworkers through physical service. Through interactions with both City Year corps members and visiting Clemente staff and students, the Hyatt volunteers left that Saturday with a greater connection to our school community and a greater understanding of the value and reasoning why a positive school environment helps to inspire our students' potential. Read the rest of the story here. |
Los niños hablan y escriben de Oscar López
Escriben ante sus maestros en la escuela Casa Montessori del Niño en Cupey o en la intimidad de su hogar.

Dibujan o colorean sus cartas que serán enviadas al preso político Oscar López Rivera, quien lleva encarcelado hace 32 años por sus vínculos con un grupo clandestino al que se le atribuyó una serie de atentados durante los años 70 y 80 en Estados Unidos.

Las cartas de los niños varían en su temática. Una niña habla de su vida en Vieques mientras vincula la muerte de su abuela y el cáncer de su tío con las prácticas bélicas que la Marina realizó en la Isla Nena por más de 60 años. Otros aseguran comprender, aunque no necesariamente se solidarizan, con la lucha que libró López a favor de la independencia de Puerto Rico.

Pero todas los escritos se hilvanan por el mismo hilo conductor: una petición por la excarcelación de López, exmiembro de las Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional (FALN) y que fue descrito por los federales como el líder de una célula de la organización en Chicago. Una decena de cartas serán leídas durante una ceremonia que se celebrará el próximo sábado a las 3:00 p.m. en el área de la pocita de la playa Escambrón, en San Juan. Se insta la participación del público en general, particularmente de los menores de edad.
Los niños de la escuela de Montessori se inspiraron por una serie de cartas que el preso político ha enviado a su nieta Karina y que se han publicado enEl Nuevo Día. La playa resultó ser un lugar idóneo para la actividad del sábado ante una misiva en que López relata un sueño en que pudo compartir con su hija y nieta frente al mar.
Lease el articulo completo aqui. |
Rep. Gutierrez: "It's Time" to Release Oscar López Rivera
When Congressman Luis Gutierrez was a teenager in Puerto Rico, he became involved in the independence movement for his home country. It's a battle he's taken all the way to his job in Washington, where he represents Illinois' 4th District in Chicago.
He brought a bit of that movement to Real Art Ways in Hartford last week. During an interview we recorded for WNPR's Where We Live, Gutierrez took time from his impassioned pitch for immigration reform to mention a key symbol of the struggle for independence. "There is somebody in jail who has sacrificed a lot so that Puerto Ricans can live freer," Gutierrez told the crowd. "Oscar López Rivera is the longest (held) political prisoner in the United States of America. And I'm going to continue to work with everybody here until Oscar returns home to his community. He believes in independence and the freedom of his nation. It's time he be released from jail, too." Read teh complete story here.
El Concilio de Iglesias de Puerto Rico y Oscar López Rivera
La Asamblea Anual del Concilio de Iglesias de Puerto Rico (CIPR) aprueba unánimemente una Resolución a favor de la liberación de Oscar López Rivera y hace un llamado a sus iglesias y a la ciudadanía a apoyar la Caminata del 23 de noviembre a esos fines.
El CIPR aprobó por unanimidad una resolución presentada por uno de sus delegados oficiales a la Asamblea Anual de este organismo, celebrada el 19 de octubre del 2013 en la Union Church of San Juan, a los efectos de abogar por la liberación de Oscar López Rivera, preso político por 32 años en cárceles federales de los Estados Unidos. La resolución aprobada reclama al Presidente de los Estados Unidos, Honorable Barack Obama, la excarcelación inmediata de Oscar López y solicita al Concilio Nacional de Iglesias de Cristo en los Estados Unidos, y a sus iglesias hermanas en los Estados Unidos, que aboguen activamente ante el gobierno de los Estados Unidos por su liberación. Lease el articulo completo aqui.
Chile por Oscar: la vida es eterna en 32 minutos
Era viernes. Era viernes y el domingo habría elecciones presidenciales en Chile. Era viernes, el domingo habría elecciones presidenciales, y un retén de la policía nos esperaba frente a la embajada estadounidense en Santiago. Nosotros éramos seis. Los policías rondaban la misma cifra. Tuvimos que explicarles. Hablarles de ese señor canoso, calvo ya, de nombre Oscar López Rivera. Explicarles, también, de dónde veníamos nosotros, puertorriqueños todos, y por qué llevábamos en la boca el nombre de Oscar.
Había que explicarles. Responder las preguntas de Carmelo, guardia de seguridad, pero de la embajada estadounidense. Carmelo es de Santurce. Y vive acá. Su acento es una mezcla. Después preguntará si todavía suena como santurcino al hablar. Y yo le mentiré y le diré que sí, que suena muy santurcino. Y él sonreirá. Antes ese hombre de ojos vidriosos me ofreció llenar con agua la botella vacía que llevaba en la mano. A Carmelo le gusta el boxeo. Hablaremos de boxeo. Pero eso al final.
 | Libertad para Oscar Lopez Rivera - Santiago, Chile |
Los policías entendieron. Y leyeron en silencio los flyers que les pasamos a la sombra de un árbol. Nos hablaron de un periodo especial de cuarenta y ocho horas en ciertos lugares, de restricciones debido al periodo eleccionario, y entonces no hubo más remedio que negociar:
¿Dos horas? No, menos. ¿Una hora? No, tampoco. ¿Treinta minutos? No, más. ¿Treinta y dos? Está bien. Treinta y dos. Lease el articulo completo aqui.
Brooklyn Lutheran Church holds a special service dedicated to Political Prisoner Oscar López Rivera and supports March on Nov. 23
 Lideres de Nueva York y familiares del Heroe Puertorriqueno Oscar Lopez Rivera exigen al presidente Obama su libertad. Foto por Bolivar Arellano. On Sunday, November 17, 2013 , the Lutheran Church of Brooklyn in the Sunset Park community held a special service dedicated to Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera (70 years old) who has been imprisoned in the dungeons on the United States for more than 32 years for struggling to the free Puerto Rico. The sermon was delivered by Rev. Samuel Cruz with songs of praise to freedom. Also in attendance was Congresswoman Nydia Velasquez of the Democratic Party who shared a few words with the parishioners. She emphasized "the time to release Oscar is right now." "We need to redouble our efforts in our communities to get the message to President Obama that it's time to bring Oscar home", claimed Puerto Rican Congresswoman from Brooklyn, NY. In 1999, thirteen of Oscar's co-defendants were released from prison when their sentences were commuted by President William Clinton. "There is no reason to keep Oscar imprisoned", she exclaimed. After the service, we continued to an Oscar informational program where Oscar's family was present (Javier Nieves and family - cousins) and heard presentations by David Galarza (community organizer), the Reverend David Traverzo, Professor Ana M. López (spokesperson for New York Coordinator to Free Oscar López Rivera) and Nitza Morales (spokesperson for Community Coalition for Oscar's freedom). Nitza emphasized the need to mobilize the largest numbers of people from all the communities to join the march of November 23 at 11:00 am leaving from the Clemente Soto Velez Community Center (Lower East Side) at 107 Suffolk Street where they will march to the Continental Army Plaza crossing the bridge to the community of Williamsburg (211 South 4th Street) Brooklyn, NY. This is to support the release of Oscar and give resonance to the thousands that will march in Puerto Rico on the same day. For more information on this march, please call (347) 254-2413 or (646) 765-8604 and (718) 398-2581 or email: virtualboricua@gmail.com. |