It is with a heavy heart, but still great spirit that we write to inform everyone reading this of the increasing illness of the great teacher, mentor, organizer, attorney/advocate, strategist, sociologist and more, our beloved Dr. Luis Nieves Falcon. A bout of lukemia which came on just following his return to Puerto Rico after a grueling tour of the US to promote the English language edition of the PM Press book by political prisoner Oscar Lopez Rivera has led our dear Luis to make a decision quite unusual for his many years of struggle. He is selling off parts of his amazing collection of art to help defray the costs of his cancer treatment. We are working with his colleague Yolanda Munoz to help spread the word about this rather amazing opportunity; help support and give back to this giant of a man and at the same time gain a valuable piece of Puerto Rican art and history and struggle. The FaceBook website Love for a Giant: Luis Nieves Falcon, below, links to the images now available; you may also write me or get in touch directly with Yolanda at 787-370-9939 or by email, ymunozglez@gmail.com |
Young Humboldt ParkFilmmaker's
entry selected for Filminute,
Int'l Film Festival!
Matt McCanna's short film, 'Safe Passage' has been selected as one of 25 1-minute films to compete in the international film festival, Filminute. Matt is a young leader, member of the Batey Urbano Collective, videographer and National Boricua Human Rights Network activist.
Watch it, vote for it, give it a 5 star rating, and help Matt and Humboldt Park win the People's Choice Award! Please share!
Teaching positions available
Centro Infantil Corretjer
Job summary: Responsible for the education and general development of the children enrolled in the agency's Head Start Program. Implements the curriculum in accordance with Head Start standards, educational plan and the agency philosophy.
Download the job description here.
Centro Infantil
Consuelo Lee Corretjer
Open Registration * Day Care Program * Head Start
We offer:
* Full day, Day Care for children 15 mos. to 3 yrs.
* Full day Head Start for children 3 to 5 yrs.
* Research based curriculum
* Family involvement
* Nutritional Meals
* Parent workshops
Download the leaflet here.
Our Urban Agriculture
Last Sunday August 26th, the Giveaway Committee Volunteers (pictured below) gave away approximately 50 pounds of produce (mostly cherry tomatoes) to 35 people comprising 12 households. Thank you for the increased produce donations!
We're at the garden every Sunday from 11am-1pm and give away surplus Monarch Garden produce. Download the bi-lingual leaflet here and distribute to your friends, loved ones and neighbors.
* Monarch Gardeners surplus produce. ONLY donated surplus is available; that will be on tables in bags.
* No reserving food bags;
first come first serve basis
* limit one bag per family
You are encouraged to bring your own bags.
Gozamos Podcast features
PRCC Board Secretary
PRCC Board of Directors Secretary Alejandro Luis Molina is part of a Gozamos "Modern Macho" panel and conversation on the importance of Technology integration on a development versus consumer level to underserved communities with individuals with experience in Technology and Community organizing.
Los Tequis
Hot Website of the Week!
Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School unveils E-Portfolio template for 2014 Seniors
As a part of the ongoing tech integration at PACHS, Principal Matt Rodríguez asked at the end of the Portfolio Presentations last year, if the portfolio could be digitized. Teachers Elizabeth Hoffman and Migdalia Tinsley along with Alejandro Luis Molina, took up the challenge and designed and created a Google Site template to be used as an E-Portfolio for the 2014 academic year.
Melissa Mark Viverito!
The Puerto Rican Cultural Center, Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School and National Boricua Human Rights Network congratulate Melissa Mark Viverito on her victory in her race for 8th District City Councilman in El Barrio, New York.
Visit our Social Media
(PRCC) #jacprcc
(PACHS) #albizucamposhs
(NBHRN) #free_olr
| Get Well Soon Luis Sanabria! |
Luis Sanabria was released from the hospital on Tuesday, Sept 10 after suffering a blockage in his lower intestinal track that put him into intensive care for a few days. He sends a heartfelt thank you to all his well-wishers-friends, family and loved ones.
So far, there are 320 signatures. Let's get at least 1,000 signatures. Please sign, blast and share to all your networks, etc. We will followup with board to see when they will bring up issue of permitting DREAMERS to be eligible for their scholarships up for a vote. All info should be within page.. including contact info for the NHSF board. Here's the message with link:
To the Chair and Board of Directors of the National Hispanic Scholarship Fund:
As peoples who take the education of our communities seriously, and who have been past recipients and/or seen the NHSF support many students, we are hereby petitioning you to change your scholarship policy so that DREAM students are eligible to receive NHSF scholarships.
Your work is to be applauded because you have already awarded more than 1.5 million scholarships to students since 1975, totaling $368 million. It would be great if DREAM students were part of your mission and success because outside of their legal status, they are little different than the students that you have already assisted throughout the years. To open up your scholarship monies for DREAM students would not contradict your stated goal; in fact, it would adhere to it: "we envision a future when every Hispanic household benefits from someone in the family with a college degree-creating an enduring impact for generations to come."
Currently, it would be very difficult to accomplish your goal without that policy change. As you know, DREAM students are some of the brightest and hardest working students in our nation's schools. With DACA (Deferred Action Childhood Arrivals), now they simply lack monies to continue with their education, which as you well know, is exorbitant at most colleges and universities. This is where NHSF comes in. Perhaps when NHSF was envisioned, the need was not as great. However we live in a different time and a different era. You have the opportunity to affect the lives of many thousands of young peoples' lives. All it takes is for you to change your policy.
We expect you to do so, (we see no obstacle to you making this policy change) because it is both legal and within your power to do so, but moreover, it is also the moral thing to do. If you do change your policy, what you will find is that many of us will also gladly and enthusiastically contribute for this specific purpose to the NHSF.
Roberto Dr. Cintli Rodriguez, Asst. Prof. University of Arizona,
2013 Baker-Clarke Human Rights Award recipient (AERA)
Angela Valenzuela, Professor, College of Education, University of Texas at Austin
Rudy Acuña, Emeritus professor, Cal State University Northridge
Dr. Christine Marin. Professor Emeritus. University Archives. Arizona State University.
Roberto D. Hernandez, Asst Professor San Diego State University
Michelle Tellez, Arizona State University
Silvia Toscano Villanueva, Assistant Professor, Pasadena City College
Lilliana Patricia Saldaña, Asst. Professor, University of Texas at San Antonio
Javier San Roman, President of the California Association of Mexican American Educators
Ellen Riojas Clark, Ph. D. Professor Emeritus University of Texas at San Antonio
Cueponcaxochitl Dianna Moreno Sandoval, Ph.D., Post-Doctoral Fellow, ASU
Enrique G. Murillo, Jr., Ph.D. President, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CONSORTIUM OF HSIs,
Executive Director, (LEAD) ORGANIZATION
Still Dreaming: My Journey from the
Barrio to Capitol Hill
Book reception and signing with
Cong. Luis V. Gutiérrez
Institute for Puerto Rican Arts and Culture
Sat, Sept. 28th, 11am. $35 includes signed book.
For more info: Militza Págan, 773-227-7794
A candid, savvy, inspiring, and often hilarious memoir by one of
America's most fearless political leaders.
Beloved by the immigrants and working people whose rights he has championed, eleven-term Congressman Luis Gutierrez is, among Latinos and along with Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the most recognized Hispanic public figure in America.
Here Gutiérrez recounts his life between two worlds: too Puerto Rican in America, where he was born and yet was told to "go back to where you came from"; too American in Puerto Rico, where he was ridiculed as a "gringo" who couldn't speak Spanish. For much of his early life, he seemed like the last person who would rise to national prominence. Yet his tremendous will and resilience shaped his varied experiences-from picking coffee beans to driving a cab-into one of the most surprising careers in American politics. He campaigned for Chicago's first black mayor, Harold Washington. Someone threw a Molotov cocktail through the window of his house, and he only grew more committed to reform. Tested in the crucible of the notoriously tough Chicago city council, he earned the nickname "El Gallito": the little fighting rooster.
Puerto Rican Agenda meets with Mayors of Jayuya and Comerio
On the beautiful weekend of September 7 & 8, 2013 the Institute of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture (IPRAC) celebrated the 11th edition of Barrio Arts Fest (BAF13). This weekend-long celebration featured the talent of over 40 artists, musical and spoken-word performances, and art educational workshops. For many years BAF has been dedicated to promote the vibrant creative community of Humboldt Park.
In addition to the Arts market, the festival guests enjoyed performances by Las Bompleneras, Frankie's People, Elizette Trujillo, Pocket Circus and AfriCaribe. Also joined this celebration the poets: Maya Barros Odim, Eduardo Arocho, Luis Tubens and Dream aka Laura Nieves. Trailer Park Projects also cherished the scene with their unique educational offerings, artists such as Kristine Serbia and Lebster Pabon, that offered a book making and kite workshop respectively sponsored by Trailer Park Projects. In addition a creative writing workshop was hosted by artist Boca Floja and sponsored by Batey Urbano. This year the festival celebrated its first Runway show on IPRAC's main gallery sponsored by Alerav.
Barrio Arts Fest 2013 was possible by the generous support of Trailer Park Proyects, Chicago Park District, Chicago Community Trust and the Institute of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture. For more information about this event and IPRAC's programming visit our website at www.iprac.org or facebook.com/iprac, email us at events@iprac.org or call at 773.486.8345.
Vida/SIDA is participating in the
annual AIDS Walk/Run
Vida/SIDA is participating in the annual AIDS Walk/Run. This walk benefits the AIDS foundation of Chicago and it's community partners. We are currently fundraising for the cause and recruiting participants to Join our team to Run/Walk! The Deadline to Register is September 18th. We are also hosting the following events in efforts to fundraise! Thank you for your support!
Vida/SIDA's outreach and El Rescate team after presentation at US Conference on AIDS in Louisiana. Excellent outreach work to make Vida/SiDA's accomplishments known.
No Health Insurance? PRCC Can Help!
Under the new health care reform, everyone is required to obtain health insurance by 2014. Visit our office for more information
about the new health coverage options available.
The Puerto Rican Cultural Center
1112 N California
(773) 227-7794
M-F: 9am- 6pm
To obtain health insurance under the private or public sectors, open enrollment begins: October 1st - March 31st
Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/PRCCSalud
The Paseo Boricua Farmers Market will be open every Friday and Saturday this summer. Through this initiative, the PRCC seeks to provide a place for Humboldt Park residents to acquire fresh produce.
Locally grown chemically free produce grown by our very own Humboldt Park youth is available!
The Farmer's Market takes places on Fridays from 2pm-7pm and Saturdays from 10am-3pm at 2628 W. Division St.
Concert for Oscar in San Juan, September 14!
SPREAD THE WORD! Help promote LA LUCHA ES VIDA TODA, a concert to benefit for the campaign to free Oscar López Rivera. Famous Puerto Rican singer/songwriters Andy Montañez, Roy Brown, Lucecita, Tito Auger, Así Somos, Zoraida Santiago, Fofé, Intifada, Mapeyé, Morciglio, surprise artists and others will take the stage at the Roberto Clemente Coliseum in San Juan, Puerto Rico on September 14 to demand FREEDOM FOR OSCAR LÓPEZ RIVERA. Spread the word to friends, family and supporters in Puerto Rico. Tickets available at http://www.tcpr.com/
 | "La lucha es vida toda" -Oscar López Rivera |