Fiesta Boricua
Press Conference Today!
Friday, August 30 * 11am
Fiesta Boricua Press Con.
Teresa Roldan Building,
2511 W. Division
In front of State Rep. Cynthia Soto and Alderman Roberto Maldonado's office
Puerto Rican
Agenda Breakfast
Saturday, August 31 * 10am
Puerto Rican Agenda Breakfast
Special Guests: Jose A. Santiago, mayor of Comerio and President of the Puerto Rican Mayors Association, Jorge L. Gonz�lez Otero, mayor of Jayuya and Francisco Torres-Pag�n, president of the Jayuya municipal council.
By invitation only.
Teaching positions available
Centro Infantil Corretjer
Job summary: Responsible for the education and general development of the children enrolled in the agency's Head Start Program. Implements the curriculum in accordance with Head Start standards, educational plan and the agency philosophy.
Download the job description here.
Centro Infantil
Consuelo Lee Corretjer
Open Registration * Day Care Program * Head Start
We offer:
* Full day, Day Care for children 15 mos. to 3 yrs.
* Full day Head Start for children 3 to 5 yrs.
* Research based curriculum
* Family involvement
* Nutritional Meals
* Parent workshops
Download the leaflet here.
Our Urban Agriculture
Last Sunday August 26th, Giveaway Committee Co-Chair Alejandro Luis Molina and 1 volunteers harvested and gave away approximately 55 pounds of produce to 17 people comprising 12 households. Thank you for the increased produce donations!
We're at the garden every Sunday from 11am-1pm and give away surplus Monarch Garden produce. Download the bi-lingual leaflet here and distribute to your friends, loved ones and neighbors.

* Monarch Gardeners surplus produce. ONLY donated surplus is available; that will be on tables in bags.
* No reserving food bags;
first come first serve basis
* limit one bag per family
You are encouraged to bring your own bags.
Los Tequis
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of the Week!
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PRCC e-newsletter on hiatus this week!
The PRCC e-newsletter will be on a 2-week hiatus due to the preparations for the 20th Annual Fiesta Boricua. In the meantime, join us at all the PRCC events listed below. Look for the full edition of our newsletter next Wednesday, September 4th. |
PRCC is Awarded Federal and States Funds to Conduct Affordable Care Act Education and Enrollment
The PRCC will be at the forefront of outreach and enrollment activities of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in Chicago, IL. We are excited to announce that we have received a federal award ($600,000) and a state award ($250,000) to assist Latinos to enroll in the newly available health coverage through the ACA.
Women for PASEO: PRCC Receives a Federal Grant from SAMHSA to Provide HIV, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse Services
The PRCC is excited to announce that one of our programs, Vida/SIDA, has received a $508,000 federal grant for three years from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAHMSA). This project (entitled Women for PASEO) will expand our collaboration with the Norwegian American Hospital, which is located in the Humboldt Park community near Vida/SIDA's offices.
The Paseo Boricua Farmers Market will be open every Friday and Saturday this summer. Through this initiative, the PRCC seeks to provide a place for Humboldt Park residents to acquire fresh produce.
Locally grown chemically free produce grown by our very own Humboldt Park youth is available!
The Farmer's Market takes places on Fridays from 2pm-7pm and Saturdays from 10am-3pm at 2628 W. Division St.
Concert for Oscar in San Juan, September 14!
SPREAD THE WORD! Help promote LA LUCHA ES VIDA TODA, a concert to benefit for the campaign to free Oscar L�pez Rivera. Famous Puerto Rican singer/songwriters Andy Monta�ez, Roy Brown, Lucecita, Tito Auger, As� Somos, Zoraida Santiago, Fof�, Intifada, Mapey�, Morciglio, surprise artists and others will take the stage at the Roberto Clemente Coliseum in San Juan, Puerto Rico on September 14 to demand FREEDOM FOR OSCAR L�PEZ RIVERA. Spread the word to friends, family and supporters in Puerto Rico. Tickets available at http://www.tcpr.com/
 | "La lucha es vida toda" -Oscar L�pez Rivera |