August 7, 2013

Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School Accepting Applications Now!

 Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School, located near Division and California, is presently accepting applications for the new 2013-2014 school year. Classes begin on Monday, August 26th. Students must be between the ages of 16 - 20. 

You can apply on-line here.
Please share or repost. For more information on Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School, please visit our website.


"Devil Land" by Urban Theater this Saturday!
Join us this Saturday at 2628 W. Division St. for a free staged reading of our Spring production, "Devil Land" by Desi Moreno-Penson. Directed by Hank Hilbert and features Ivan Vega and Jasmin Cardenas. Reading starts at 8pm.
Urban Theater Fundraiser!
¿Qué medida, de haber alguna, desea que tomen sus miembros? Agregue un vínculo "Averiguar más" a la información adicional que pueda haber incluido en su sitio Web.

Centro Infantil 

Consuelo Lee Corretjer

Open Registration * Day Care Program * Head Start

We offer:

* Full day, Day Care for children 15 mos. to 3 yrs.

* Full day Head Start for children 3 to 5 yrs. 

* Research based curriculum

* Family involvement

* Nutritional Meals

* Parent workshops

Download the leaflet here.


Teaching positions available


Centro Infantil Corretjer

Job summary: Responsible for the education and general development of the children enrolled in the agency's Head Start Program. Implements the curriculum in accordance with Head Start standards, educational plan and the agency philosophy.

Download the job description here.

Who's who in

John Colón, Bartender

"The most amazing part of living in Humboldt Park, for me, is to walk out of my door and be in a community - families, elderly, youth and they know me. This community is rich in history and I love it."

Our Urban Agriculture

Last Sunday August 4th, Giveaway Committee Co-Chair Alejandro Luis Molina and volunteers Caitlin Donato and Ian Fecke-Stoudt harvested and give away approximately 12 pounds of produce to 30 people comprising 12 households. We need more produce donations!
We're at the garden every Sunday from 11am-1pm and give away surplus Monarch Garden produce. Download the bi-lingual leaflet here and distribute to your friends, loved ones and neighbors.



* Monarch Gardeners surplus produce. ONLY donated surplus is available; that will be on tables in bags.

* No reserving food bags; 

first come first serve basis

* limit one bag per family


You are encouraged to bring your own bags.

Los Tequis
Great Online Science Website
Hot Site of the Week!

Welcome to the one of the best online science sites anywhere! Spongelab is the winner of the NSF Science Award for the Build-a-Body app, available both as an IOS app and also playable on their website. Create, Teach, Share and Assign lessons using some of the most stunning science graphics available. Did we mention it's free?



Eduardo Arocho!
Congratulations to Eduardo Arocho, the poet laureate of Paseo Boricua, on the publication of his new poetry chapbook, Hot Wings. On sale now for $7. To purchase a copy, contact Eduardo at
Visit our Social Media

(PRCC) #jacprcc
(PACHS) #albizucamposhs
(NBHRN) #free_olr


El Rescate

Independent Living Program


Are you: 20-24 yrs. old?




Don't know where to spend the next night???


Must apply in person!

2703 W. Division. Chgo, IL. M-F 10am-7pm (773) 278-6737


Crazy Legs, legendary

Puerto Rican b-boy and 

hip hop pioneer wears Oscar t-shirt at last show

At Rock Steady Crew's performance at summerstage in Central Park, NYC and Crazy Legs, legendary Puerto Rican b-boy and hip hop pioneer wore the 32 X Oscar t-shirt for the first part of the show. This was his last performance and the fact that he wore the shirt was very significant.


Mensaje del Alcalde de Caguas, William E. 

Miranda Torres - catálogo de la exposición "32 x Oscar"

En estos tiempos, cuando todas las sociedades trabajamos para promover tolerancia, derechos humanos, entendimiento y respeto por los demás, la exposición "32 x Oscar: Antesala de la libertad" reviste particular importancia para nuestra Administración del Municipio Autónomo de Caguas.


Esta muestra colectiva, más allá de ser la expresión artística de destacados exponentes de nuestro País, se trata de un poderoso clamor de justicia cuyo eco resuena en los confines más distantes, que denuncia violación de derechos, que obliga a girar nuestras miradas en la dirección de Oscar y sus circunstancias y, por tanto, exige que nos unamos al reclamo. Porque, precisamente, la fortaleza de una sociedad democrática se demuestra por la tolerancia y la capacidad de la libre expresión de ideas y criterios, sin importar que estos sean afines o contrarios a nuestra opinión.

Hoy, en pleno siglo XXI, el prisionero político Oscar López Rivera extingue una sentencia equivalente a setenta y nueve (79) años, en una cárcel de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, por su defensa del derecho democrático de los puertorriqueños y puertorriqueñas a optar por la independencia de Puerto Rico. Y la mayor defensa que pueda hacer nuestro Pueblo de la Democracia, es la unidad de todos los sectores de la sociedad civil, trascendiendo toda ideología política y reclamando esos valores democráticos que encarnaron la propia génesis de la nación norteamericana que mantiene recluido en prisión a Oscar.

Consciente de la importancia de hacer valer esos derechos democráticos de libertad de expresión, además de los derechos humanos de todos y cada uno de nuestros compatriotas, Caguas, Centro... y Corazón de Puerto Rico, se honra en recibir esta exposición colectiva para alcanzar uno de los más elevados objetivos de nuestra Administración del Municipio Autónomo de Caguas: construir la paz en la mente de los hombres desde nuestros espacios dedicados a la cultura. Deseamos que esta exposición sirva de guía para continuar fomentando la cultura de Paz y que arroje luz sobre el entendimiento de nuestro pueblo y de quienes pueden decidir la excarcelación física de Oscar López Rivera.


32xOscar Women at
Dos Hermanos Bridge

In unyielding solidarity with Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera and his right to freedom, 32 women demonstrate at the Dos Hermanos Bridge the last Sunday of every month, to remind the Puerto Rican people that they must not rest until they win Oscar's return to his homeland. "Oscar López Rivera served 32 years in prison on May 29, 2013," said the spokespeople for the group of women called 32 X Oscar. "All that time in United States prisons for aspiring and struggling for the freedom of his Homeland. Such a long, arbitrary and unjust sentence makes him one the prisoners held the longest for ideological reasons in the hemisphere. His imprisonment has lasted longer than what the admired Nelson Mandela suffered as a result of his commitment against apartheid in South Africa."


Cerca del Alfaro
de Arecibo, Puerto Rico


New York Network Chapter
Opens Oscar Art Exhibit at 
Casa de las Americas this weekend

Download the flyer here.

A sustainable farm-to-table partnership with at-risk,

under-served teens in Humboldt Park

Cooking Matters, a project of IMCHC, has recently entered into a very exciting partnership with the Urban Agriculture Program, an initiative of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center (PRCC) and Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School (PACHS) in Humboldt Park. The Urban Agriculture Initiative was developed in response to the findings from a large-scale community survey conducted by the Sinai Urban Health Institute, ( which found that a vast majority of Humboldt Park residents were either food insecure or did not have access to affordable, quality fresh produce, making Humboldt Park a fresh produce desert.  To address this problem in Humboldt Park, the PRCC and PACHS created this initiative, which includes several community gardens, a rooftop greenhouse, fresh produce baskets, a farmers market, and an integrated urban agricultural education program that incorporates math, science, and various other subjects into the curriculum. The Urban Agriculture Program seeks to teach at-risk, underserved, minority adolescents about sustainability based on economics.  According to José E. López (PRCC Executive Director), teens are able to develop and live the three aspects of a sustainable economic system; production, distribution, and consumption. Production takes place in the various community gardens as well as the rooftop greenhouse.  These products are then distributed through the farmer's market and fresh market baskets (currently about 30% of what is distributed comes from the program but this number is expected to jump to 70% by the end of harvest season). More recently, the partnership with Cooking Matters allow for teens to be involved in consumption. 


Cooking Matters is funded through Share Our Strengths and the Pritzker Family Foundation and the Urban Agriculture Summer Program is funded through Illinois Neighborhood Recovery Initiative

in partnership with Chicago Commons and The Chicago Community Trust. This partnership helps to put into practice what the teens have learned through the urban agriculture curriculum.


  Classes are hosted weekly at the Diabetes Empowerment Center of Humboldt Park.  Each week Cooking Matters staff goes to the farmer's market and garden to pick up the produce that was harvested.  Recipes are decided based upon what is available that week. The produce has included tomatoes, zucchini, squash, cucumbers, onions, garlic, cilantro, oregano, jalapeno, green and red peppers, kale, swiss chard, collard greens, broccoli, radishes, beets, and lettuce, as well as native Puerto Rican spices such as recao (a long leafy herb) and ajies dulces (Puerto Rican sweet peppers). In addition to what is available from the gardens, CM staff is able to get leftover produce such as bananas, avocados, mangoes, oranges, and apples from the local farmer's market.


The participants are taught about the importance of a balanced, healthy diet, how to shop for healthy and nutritious items on a budget, and how to read a food label and ingredient list. 

Youth Learn Technology & Web Skills at PRCC

The media/outreach team at Centro Sin Fronteras, as well as the Batey Urbano and Northeastern Illinois University Que Ondee Sola Team has been receiving website training from the Puerto Rican Cultural Center's Board Secretary, Alejandro Luis Molina. 


We started with little knowledge about the various software and computer techniques needed in creating an effective website for our organization. However, we have learned that tech novices like ourselves can create and use the internet tools we need, and for free (mostly)! We participate in weekly two hour meetings where we learned proper maintenance habits, photo sizing and editing, formatting, and general organization of website content. The knowledge we have gained has been invaluable and we look forward to working with the PRCC in the future as well as to launching our new website in the near future. 


New Movie on Humboldt Park:

Between Western and California

A small crowd of community residents and leaders gathered at IPRAC on Tuesday, August 6th for a private screening of a film titled "Between Western and California". The film was directed by Nicholas Medina and written and produced by Darrell Robbins. "Between Western and California" is about a young Puerto Rican artist struggling with his identity and his beliefs of regarding his Humboldt Park community in Chicago. He makes a discovery about loyalty, ambition, preservation and what it means to exist between Western and California. After the film, the director and producer engaged the audience in a discussion about the film.  

Paseo Boricua Apartment Listing



The Paseo Boricua Farmers Market will be open every Friday and Saturday this summer. Through this initiative, the PRCC seeks to provide a place for Humboldt Park residents to acquire fresh produce.

Locally grown chemically free produce grown by our very own Humboldt Park youth is available!

The Farmer's Market takes places on 
Fridays from 2pm-7pm and Saturdays from 10am-3pm at 2628 W. Division St.

Gurabo, Puerto Rico is PRESENT for Oscar's freedom!

On Monday, July 29, Puerto Ricans of all ideologies went willingly into a mock prison to demand freedom for their compatriot Oscar López Rivera, as part of the the human rights campaign 32 x Oscar. This campaign, world-wide in scope call attention to the cruelty of keeping López Rivera a prisoner for more than 32 years. Read the rest of the Spanish article here.
Albizu-La Conciencia de Su Pueblo
Exhibición a llevarse a cabo en Patillas, PR

Esta invitación es de la exposición colectiva sobre don Pedro Albizu Campos que se está llevando a cabo en fechas diferentes, en distintos lugares del país. Ya se dió en San Juan, hay otra que aún permanece en Vieques, una que se está trabajando para Ponce y la de Patillas-Albizu Campos la conciencia de su pueblo-   dedicada a Oscar López Rivera y cuya apertura será este próximo viernes, 9 de septiembre. El Comité Pro-Derechos Humanos de Puerto Rico sometió la obra del compañero Oscar -La Esperanza- que es parte de nuestra colección y hemos estado colaborando con la Fundación Casa Albizu. El catálogo lleva como portada el arte de la obra de Oscar. Pueden bajar copia del catálogo aqui­.

Alcanzan brigadistas Boricuas cumbre más alta de Cuba para exigir libertad de los presos politicos puertorriqueños.

Integrantes de la XXII Brigada Juan Rius Rivera lograron llegar hasta la cumbre más alta de Cuba para exigir la libertad de los presos políticos puertorriqueños y de los cuatro héroes antiterroristas cubanos prisioneros en EE.UU.; demandar el cese del bloqueo estadounidense a Cuba, y expresar su solidaridad con los jóvenes y los trabajadores de todo el mundo.


La caminata de más de 10 km, subiendo y bajando pronunciadas pendientes y atravesando sinuosos senderos a más de mil metros sobre el nivel del mar, puso a prueba las fuerzas físicas de los brigadistas designados para la misión de escalar los 1974 del Pico Turquino. Tras más de ocho horas de marcha- solo se descansó en la Aguada de Joaquín- la vanguardia del grupo pudo vencer el trayecto final del ascenso y alcanzar la cima del imponente monte, donde enarbolaron las banderas que traían consigo y realizaron un breve pero emotivo acto político.


La brigadista Dominga Flores Anaya expresó que haber llegado a la cúspide de la más alta elevación de Cuba, va más allá de un acto simbólico, constituye una muestra de sacrificio hacia los patriotas luchadores independentistas Avelino González Claudio y Oscar López Rivera, este último preso hace 32 años.

Domingo dijo también que la lucha por la liberación de los cuatro antiterroristas cubanos condenados en los Estados Unidos hace casi 15 años, no puede separarse de la que se libra en su país para lograr la excarcelación de los presos políticos, por eso la campaña se denomina "Por libertad de Los Nuestros".