Centro Infantil Consuelo Lee Corretjer
Open Registration * Day Care Program * Head Start
We offer:
* Full day, Day Care for children 15 mos. to 3 yrs.
* Full day Head Start for children 3 to 5 yrs.
* Research based curriculum
* Family involvement
* Nutritional Meals
* Parent workshops
Download the leaflet here.
Teaching positions available
Centro Infantil Corretjer
Job summary: Responsible for the education and general development of the children enrolled in the agency's Head Start Program. Implements the curriculum in accordance with Head Start standards, educational plan and the agency philosophy.
Download the job description here.
PACHS Teens to Present at Healthy Teen Network
Summer has officially arrived in Chicago! And we are gearing up for the fall at Campos H.S. and the FLC. The presentation at the Healthy Teen Network Conference in October means we are breaking into new areas of work and research to teach others about how to work with teens, young families, and promote culturally relevant best practices in health education. Help us today with your tax-deductible contribution here.
Parks, Politics & People:
A Walking Tour of Humboldt Park
Saturday, July 20
10 AM to 12 PM
Our Urban Agriculture
Last Sunday July 14th, Giveaway Committee Co-Chairs Sarah Finkel and Alejandro Luis Molina as well as 4 volunteers helped harvest and give away approximately 17 pounds of produce to 16 households. Among the produce given away: Kale, Swiss Chard, Lettuce, Broccoli, Italian Basil, Parsley, Strawberries, Cilantro, Beets and Radishes. View pictures here.
We'll be at the garden every Sunday from 11am-1pm where we will give away surplus Monarch Garden produce. Download the bi-lingual leaflet here and distribute to your friends, loved ones and neighbors.
* Monarch Gardeners surplus produce. ONLY donated surplus is available; that will be on tables in bags.
* No reserving food bags;
first come first serve basis
* limit one bag per family
You are encouraged to bring your own bags.
Monarch Gardeners are being asked to participate in the gleaning white rock program, which lets the giveaway committee members harvest surplus produce for the Sunday giveaways. For more information, contact Sarah at:
Who's who in
Roberto Sanabria
Director of University Outreach and Equal Employment, Northeastern Illinois University
"I've lived in Humboldt Park the last 26 years. Puerto Rican friends at work always ask me to bring them quesitos, sofrito, even pasteles over the holidays. What I can't bring them are bendiciones of seniors in the grocery store or the sounds of bomba slipping into my home from the Casita across the street. I can't imagine myself anywhere else."
Los Tequis
Ginger Spell & Grammar check Chrome Extension
Hot App of the Week!
Install Ginger the amazing, easy-to-use extension for your Chrome browser and start becoming more productive without embarrassing yourself. Teachers, Professionals, Community Based Organizations! All will benefit. Available from the Chrome Store.
Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School to
Move to e-Portfolio Senior Presentations
 Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School's Senior Portfolio Instructor, Elizabeth Hoffman, working with Alejandro Luis Molina, Tech Consultant, will begin the process of using Google Sites for their Senior portfolio presentations and next year, will include the junior class. The HS, which has long used portfolio presentations, as a partial defense of graduation at which community members, parents and educators are present, will be training the faculty and staff on the system in August.
Visit our Social Media
(PRCC) #jacprcc
(PACHS) #albizucamposhs
(NBHRN) #free_olr
DSBDA Welcomes You to it's New Website!
The Division Street Business Development Association is excited to share all of our offerings online. For so many years people could walk into our offices and receive information about our many programs, but we have created this site as a convenient way for you to find out more about our community and businesses.
Philadelphia Vigil
for Oscar
On July 25, 2013 in a Religious Vigil / Vigilia Religiosa is scheduled in honor of a Puerto Rican Political prisoner Oscar Lopez Rivera. We are extending an invitation to all our friends and supporters PLEASE come out and stand in prayer for justice, in unity for our brother Oscar Lopez Rivera; who has been incarcerated for the past 32 years.
Place: 5th and Market Street
Philadelphia, PA
6:00 PM
Please bring Flags/Panderas, Congas/drums.
Thank you all for your support. For more info:
The Many Faces of Oscar
San Sebastian, Puerto Rico: Recently, at the Festival of the Hammock in Oscar's hiometown, activists wore different Oscar t-shorts at the Campaign table. From left to right: Rita Zengotita, Maria Esther Ortiz, Maria Riquelme and Estrella Lagares.
Listen to this very moving radio documentary about solitary confinement, featuring Raymond Luc Levasseur, Laura Whitehorn, Robert King Wilkerson, and others
Dreamyard Action Project
Tours Paseo Boricua
Recently, over 15 member of the Dreamyard Action Project from the Bronx, NY toured Paseo Boricua and were able to visit a few of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center programs, as well as the Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School. The following is a note from Austin Greene, one of the leaders of the group to Alejandro Luis Molina, the PRCC Board Secretary who led the tour:

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!! What inspiring, powerful, beautiful work you do. I'm honored that you took some time out of your schedule to meet with our group and lead us on a tour. As far as I was concerned, the time spent at Paseo Boricua was the highlight of our Chicago trip. It was so empowering to see concrete examples of what communities can accomplish when they are united around the love of their people, their culture and their heritage. While I somewhat knew about the legacy of the strong Puerto Rican community in Chicago, getting to see some of its strength and beauty first hand was a blessing. The school, the daycare, the restaurants, the community spaces-all powerful examples of self-determination.
Again, thank you for facilitating the tour and being so gracious in hosting us. I salute you and the work that you do. You've made a lasting impression on me and the young people with whom I work. I will be sure to contact Max and thank him as well for hooking us up. I do hope to be able to remain in touch. When next you are in NY, please drop us a line. You are always welcome in our space. I will definitely reach out when next I visit your beautiful city.
Gracias, con respeto.
Austin Greene
DreamYard ACTION Project"
The Puerto Rican Cultural Center and the
Puerto Rican Agenda
invite you to

Institute of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture (IPRAC) 3015 W. Division Street Marisol has requested that any gift be made out in the form of a check payable to IPRAC. Light food and cash bar. RSVP: Militza Pagán: militzap@prcc-chgo.org |
Leadership of the Town of Jayuya to visit Chicago
As part of the process to enable their participation in the 20th Fiesta Boricua, 2 representatives of the municipality of Jayuya will visit Chicago from July 24th to the 29th to asses the logistics related to the town's presence in "Lo Mejor de Nuestros Pueblos" of the 20th Fiesta Boricua to be held during the weekend of August 31st to September 1st. The representatives are Felix Gonzalez Mercado, the Director ofthe Jayuya Cultural Center and the President of Jayuya's Municipal Council, Francisco J. Torres Pagán. During the recent Eco-Cultural Tour to Puerto Rico, sponsored by the Puerto Rican Cultural Center, Francisco Torres headed the delegation, which welcomed the Chicago delegation to Jayuya. During that visit each guest was presented with a formal proclamation of welcome to Jayuya and were able to visit the Casa Canales and the Cemi Taino Museum in Barrio Coabey on June 1st, 2013. The PRCC is the delighted to host these representatives of Jayuya and to attempt to reciprocate the warm and gracious welcome given to the Chicago group.
The PRCC Congratulates Matt Rodríguez and Judy Diaz On Their Wedding Celebration
The entire staff of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center is honored to congratulate Matt Rodríguez, Board Member of the PRCC and Principal of Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School as well as Judy Diaz, Dean of Students at Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School, on the occasion of their marriage. We wish them life long success on this new journey of their lives.
PACHS Leadership and Students Speak at Free Minds, Free People Conference
On July 12, 2013, the collective leadership of Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School and YouthBuild Charter School of California (YCSC) presented at the fourth convening of Free Minds, Free People Conference in Chicago, Illinois, to facilitate a workshop on "Fostering Democratization of School Leadership: Students, Community and School Staff." The presentation was well attended with over 30 participants. Leadership from YCSC included Emily Bautista, Tizoc Brenes, Celine Massuger, and Juan Gutiérrez.
Representing PACHS was Danette Sokacich, Judith Diaz, Celia Alvarado, and Tashira Velez. This cross-continental panel organized participants into small groups to idealize what democratic school leadership looks like in their imagination. Participants reflected on their own process and engaged in a dialogue around developing and implementing the democratization of school leadership and decision-making to promote community, staff, and student empowerment. In additions, participants learned about alternative models to promoting democratization of school leadership for schools serving young adults and communities who have been marginalized by the debilitating impact of neoliberalism and the legacy of high-stakes, standardized testing.

Free Minds, Free People is a national conference convened by the Education for Liberation Network that brings together teachers, high school and college students, researchers, parents and community-based activists/educators from across the country to build a movement to develop and promote education as a tool for liberation. Download the presentation in PDF format here. |
Interacting with the architecture of the beautiful IPRAC building, "Summer Grid - 2013 Chicago" is an on going project consisting of multiple plastic kids pools that are arranged in a grid, as if to produce a low budget large scale pool. It works as a meeting place for children and adults alike, in the spirit of relational aesthetics and community gathering. Additional to this installation is the performance aspect of a the lifeguard, which in some ways refers to the idea of being watched over, or the notion of an omniscient fatherly surveillance. The interactions that occur when audience participation is encouraged are unpredictable.

"Being that this concept was thought out for my daughter, it was thrilling to see all the Chicago city children that visited to have such a good time. A strong thank you to IPRAC and Trailer Park Projects for inviting me to come to this amazing city!" - Quintin Rivera Toro
The Paseo Boricua Farmers Market will be open every Friday and Saturday this summer. Through this initiative, the PRCC seeks to provide a place for Humboldt Park residents to acquire fresh produce.
Locally grown chemically free produce grown by our very own Humboldt Park youth is available!
The Farmer's Market takes places on Fridays from 2pm-7pm and Saturdays from 10am-3pm at 2628 W. Division St.
32xOscar Protesters Welcome Bill Clinton to Puerto Rico with "Free Oscar López Rivera" Signs
"Our protest in front of the Music COnservatory was not a protest against Bill Clinton. Our objective was that he communicate witht he actual US President that in Puerto Rico we want to see Oscar López Rivera free. Oscar rejected the 1999 offer by Clinton because he "[Clinton] offered to commute Oscar's sentence on the condition that Oscar serve 10 additional years with good conduct. Oscar did not accept the offer, because it did not include two other prisoners and because the conditions left him at the mercy of the jailers who would do everything possible to make him violate them. " |
Puerto Rico to Commemorate the Life of Nelson Mandela
The Secretary of the State Department of Puerto Rico, David Bernier, announced on monday that Puerto Rico will join, for the first time, the world-wide celebration of the life of Nelson Mandela this Thursday, July 18, his birthdate. Read the full story in Spanish here. The Puerto Rican Human Rights committee will also be sponsoring an event dedicated to Rafael Cancel Miranda, National Hero and Oscar López Rivera, Puerto Rican political prisoner, on Thursday, July 18 in San Juan. |
Youth Carry Out Civil Disobedience at Federal Prison in Puerto Rico
Young protesters in favor of freedom for Oscar arrived at US government property, as close to two dozen pro-independence youth blocked the entrance of the federal prison in Guaynabo. Wearing orange t-shirts allusive to López Rivera, the protesters were seated for two hours chanting slogans aimed principally at the president of the US, Barack Obama.
Although those present expected possible arrest and detainment, the authorities chose not to intervene and the protesters left peacefully. View video here. |
Video of Puerto Rican Governor Garcia Padilla calling for Oscar López' release during July 4th commemoration
Using as a foundation the heroic liberating deeds of the founders of the United States, governor Alejandro García Padilla called for the release of Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera during the ceremony to commemorate U.S. Independence Day, July 4.

López Rivera, who comes from the Saltos neighborhood in San Sebastián del Pepino, was decorated with a Bronze Star for his courage and heroism in the Vietnam War. He has now served 32 years in United States prisons for seeking independence for the Island.
Puerto Rico celebrates a holiday on July 4 because it is an unincorporated territory of the United States since 1898, although since 1952 it has its own government, due to the political formula known as Free Associated State.
"To celebrate plenitude with our heads held high and with total peace of mind in celebrating that independence, and in homage to the great leaders of that independence, it is necessary for us to repeat today our call for the freedom of one who is in prison for simply thinking differently," García Padilla pointed out, while those in attendance broke out in applause. View video here.
Piden excarcelación de Oscar en Madrid
Unos 30 ciudadanos se congregaron en la tarde del viernes frente a la Embajada de los Estados Unidos en Madrid, España, para reclamar la excarcelación del prisionero político boricua, Oscar López Rivera.
El grupo, denominado "Madrid por la excarcelación del puertorriqueño Oscar López Rivera", entregó allí una carta dirigida al embajador de Estados Unidos en España, Alan D. Solomont, en la cual se le solicita que le haga constar del reclamo al presidente estadounidense, Barack Obama, se informó en un comunicado de prensa. Read the Spanish here.
Puerto Rican Youth Conclude Walk for Oscar's Freedom
Puerto Rican youth have united with the campaign for Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera's freedom. Though a walk throughout the island, from to San Sebastian, Oscar's hometown, the activists are hoping to raise awareness about the campaign to free Oscar.
A Chilean hip-hop group also sent a message in solidarity with Oscar. You can view it below.
 | Chilean Hip Hop Group in Solidarity with Oscar | |
Excarcelación en Aerosol (video in Spanish)
In the city of Ponce, Puerto Rico, a graffiti artist produces a mural in support of freedom for the Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera.
 | Excarcelación en Aerosol |
The mural is next to the Coliseo Juan "Pachín" Vicéns and Tiara's Restaurant, on Ruberté Ave, in Ponce.