July 3, 2013

Free English CPR Training

Block by Block would like to invite you to participate in two free upcoming trainings for individuals. The American Red Cross will provide these trainings, which will both be facilitated in English only. 

The English CPR Training and First Aid Training for individuals will take place Saturday, July 13, 2013 and Saturday, July 20, 2013 from 2:00PM - 4:00PM.


You must attend both trainings to receive your CPR and First Aid Certification, call or e-mail janeidar@prcc-chgo.org to reserve your space.


The trainings will take place at our facility: The Greater Humboldt Park Diabetes Empowerment Center is located at 2753 W. Division St., Chicago, IL 60622.

Teaching positions available


Centro Infantil Corretjer

Job summary: Responsible for the education and general development of the children enrolled in the agency's Head Start Program. Implements the curriculum in accordance with Head Start standards, educational plan and the agency philosophy.

Download the job description here.

Parks, Politics & People: 
A Walking Tour of Humboldt Park

Saturday, July 20

10 AM to 12 PM

You are invited to join Alliance Core Members DANK Haus German American Cultural Center, the Institute of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture and The Polish Museum of America for a tour of Humboldt Park, which has historically been a magnet for immigrants who bring their own cultural traditions to the neighborhood and park.


This two hour walking tour through the park and surrounding community leaves from the Institute of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture. Tickets are $20 per person.


This tour is part of the Chicago Cultural Alliance's Experience Chicago program, and its development was funded by a generous grant from The Boeing Company.


Our Urban Agriculture

Sunday June 30th marked the 2nd Seasonal Monarch Garden Giveaway! Volunteer Gardeners and Giveaway Committee members Sarah Finkel, and Beti Guevara gave away approximately 15 pounds of produce to 12 households. Among the produce given away: Kale, Swiss Chard, Lettuce, Broccoli, Italian Basil, Parsley, Strawberries, Cilantro and Radishes. 
Thank you Monarch Gardeners for donating your surplus as well as those community residents that participated in the giveaway. Remember, every Sunday from 11am-1pm st the Garden, we will give away the surplus Monarch Garden produce. Download the bi-lingual leaflet here and distribute to your friends, loved ones and neighbors.



* Monarch Gardeners surplus produce. ONLY donated surplus is available; that will be on tables in bags.

* No reserving food bags; 

first come first serve basis

* limit one bag per family


You are encouraged to bring your own bags 


¡Cumpleaños Féliz!
The National Boricua Human Rights Network would like to wish compañero Rico Piccard, a member of the Orlando FL chapter a Happy Birthday!


Who's who in

Gladys Ramos

School Clerk, CPS & Homeowner, Humboldt Park

"We grew up here and want to be role models - part of the positive legacy of this community." 


Los Tequis
App of the Week!

Readers who read more, read better.

* Scan the ISBN of books to find an A-Z reading level.

* Search level to match level, grade band, curriculum and more.

* Submit reading levels to help source crowd data for other instructors.

Visit our Social Media

(PRCC) #jacprcc
(PACHS) #albizucamposhs
(NBHRN) #free_olr


DSBDA Welcomes You to it's New Website!
The Division Street Business Development Association is excited to share all of our offerings online. For so many years people could walk into our offices and receive information about our many programs, but we have created this site as a convenient way for you to find out more about our community and businesses.


Danny Glover Reads Frederick Douglass on July 4th
Danny Glover Reads Frederick Douglass
Read more here.

Summer Anti-Underage Drinking Campaign Youth Theater Program To Start Monday, July 8th

Beginning July 8th, the Puerto Rican Cultural Center through the After School Matters Program will be hosting a summer theater program for 30 youth. The program will not only teach the youth theater skills but will also be focused around the PRCC's Anti-Underage Drinking Campaign. The Anti-Underage Drinking Campaign is funded through the Partnership for Success Grant through the Illinois Department of Human Services. The 6-week program will conclude with a play created by the youth based on their collective experiences at the Institute of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture on Tuesday, August 13th. For more information contact Juan "Nito" Morales at nitom@prcc-chgo.org.


John Pitman Weber to update 

"Rompiendo Cadenas" Mural

John Pitman Weber, the original artist of the "Rompiendo Cadenas" mural, located at 1456 N. Rockwell will replacing a logo in the mural. He seeks to create a new image that would better represent the community. A meeting was held on Tuesday, July 2nd to get input from the community on how the mural should be changed.

PRCC's Canasta Basica Program and Farmers Market featured at CLOCC's Blueprint Dissemination Event 

On Thursday, June 26, 2013, the PRCC's Deputy Director, Militza M. Pagán was featured on a panel highlighting community efforts to combat childhood obesity at the Consortium to Lower Obesity in Chicago's Children Blueprint (CLOCC) Dissemination Event.  During the panel discussion, Militza Pagán focused on the PRCC's efforts to create greater access to healthy foods in the Humboldt Park area. Creating access to healthy food is one of the strategies laid out by CLOCC'sBlueprint for Accelerating Progress in Childhood Obesity Prevention in Chicago: The Next Decade. The Blueprintwas created after a year of strategic planning with national and local experts to create goals, objectives, and strategies for Chicago to undertake to make a substantial difference in childhood obesity rates in the city.  innovative and comprehensive plan is the first of its kind, placing nationally identified best practices in a coordinated framework specific to Chicago.   

WGN-TV Gay Pride Parade
Newsvideo clip features VidaSIDA, Generation L and El Rescate Youth
As the only Latino representation in Sundays Pride Parade, the Vida/SIDA float was decked out in pride colors, and Puerto Rican flags that were strategically placed on the float to wave proudly and alone as 1 million viewers looked on. All the flags were imprinted with the logo of Political Prisoner Oscar Lopez-Rivera to bring attention to the Free Oscar Lopez Rivera campaign. Riding on the float and dancing to the rhythm of salsa and merengue was Yara Sophia a contestant from RuPaul's Drag Race, who was here from Puerto Rico to be part of Vida/SIDA's Pride Parade celebration.  Accompanying the float throughout the parade route were residents of El Rescate, members of GenerationL, Vida Health Center, and staff from each of the programs. As the float moved along Halsted and Broadway streets, amongst the one million viewers lining the sidewalks, one could hear shouts of  'viva Puerto Rico" as the crowd acknowledged the Latino presence in the parade.
Chicago Pride 2013
Chicago Pride 2013
 The Vida/SIDA float looked amazing, as it was the featured float on Channel 7 News update Sunday afternoon, as well at the channel 7 Parade coverage at midnight. Most importantly the float was featured at length on WGN News.
Clemente Archers Show World Class in Nat'l Tourney 

This was the first time our archery team from Roberto Clemente Community Academy has been able to compete in a world-class archery tournament in St. Louis, MO, and we did great! Our team placed 20 out of 48 high schools with a score of 3233 placing us in the top 41st percentile in the WORLD. Out of the 22 Clemente archers that competed, 11 of them placed in the top 50th percentile.

Our top archers are as follows along with their WORLD division ranking:

  1. Ashley Roman: score 282, top 5th percentile, ranked 22
  2. Sabrina Cintron: score 277, top 12th percentile, ranked 46
  3. Erik Roman, score 282, top 15th percentile, ranked 62
  4. Izcoatl Rodriguez, score 277, top 25th percentile, ranked 105
  5. Yulissa Salgado: score 266, top 34th percentile, ranked 131
  6. Shantel Lane: score 266, top 35th percentile, ranked 133
  7. Glarys Caraballo: score 263, 43th percentile, ranked 162
  8. David Garcia: score 270, top 42nd percentile, ranked 173
  9. Margarita Colon: score 261, top 48th percentile, ranked 183
  10. Aaron Wiley: score 268, top 46th percentile, ranked 189
  11. Angel Herrera: score 266, top 48th percentile, ranked 198

Vida/Sida and the Puerto Rican Cultural Center to start summer program with grant from Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS)

For the next 2 months, the Puerto Rican Cultural Center will be sponsoring a summer job through the efforts IDHS that will focus on developing job readiness skills for community youth from the age of 14-24. The youth will participate in developing their work skills in the various initiatives of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center. For more information, Shirley Payton-Ortiz at 773-227-7794 or shirleyp@prcc-chgo.org.



The Paseo Boricua Farmer's Market will reopen this weekend. Through this initiative the PRCC seeks to provide a place for Humboldt Park community residents to acquire fresh produce. The Famer's Market takes places on Fridays from 2pm-7pm and Saturdays from 10am-3pm at 2628 W. Division St. 

Lolita Lebrón Family Learning Center 
Continues to be Recognized
The amazing work of the FLC students continues to be recognized by leaders in the field for their dedication and commitment to education.

In late July, Guadalupe Sanchez, will be attending the Just the Beginning Foundation Summer Legal Institute at John Marshall Law School in Chicago. The institute includes mock trial participation provides students with public speaking experience not only with peers but in front of an actual judge or attorney as well; lessons in basic legal research provide the student with a familiarity and comfort certain to be applicable and helpful for personal, academic and professional success; and, professionalism sessions teach them etiquette and keys to successfully selling ones self. At the end of the day, the SLI endeavors to give the students the resources and confidence to pursue a post-secondary education and beyond. We congratulate Ms. Sanchez on this endeavor.

In October 2013, 2 students from the FLC, with staff from PACHS and YES!, will be presenting at the 2013 Healthy Teen Network Conference (healthyteennetwork.org) in Savannah, Georgia. The presentation will be with Youth Empowering Strategies (Y.E.S.!), a program in Chicago that trains high school students to be peer health educators in their respective schools. The Presentation/Workshop Description - Youth Empowering Strategies (Y.E.S.!) is a youth health advocacy and empowerment nonprofit in Chicago. In 2011, YES began a partnership with Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School (PACHS), an alternative charter school, to reach and teach sexual health education to marginalized Latino, African American, and LGBTQ adolescents in the Humboldt Park and West Chicago Neighborhoods. This workshop will highlight the benefits of using peer educators in a school setting to lead lessons, strategies of successful implementation, and culturally competent curriculum adaptations to better target Latino, African American, and LGBTQ youth.

This is a very special opportunity as it is a representation of the work of our students and community partnerships to make progressive education possible. We are seeking donations to accommodate our attendance to the conference. All donations are 100% deductible. All donations are received through the Albizu Campos High School. You can visit and share the gofundme.com web site - http://www.gofundme.com/flchealthyteens 

Apartments Now Available!

Apartments now available through the Hispanic Housing Development Corporation at the following locations:


Teresa Roldan Apartments located at 1154 N. Campbell

Buena Vista Apartment located at 3040 W. North

Palmer Place Apartments located at 3301 W. Palmer


For more information, contact Hispanic Housing Development Corporation at 1154 N. Campbell, 773-278-1155.



Dr. Roberto Sanabria, a member of the PRCC's Board of Directors, was recently hired as Northwestern University's new Director of Equal Opportunity and Access. This position carries with it the responsibility to establish and implement policies that deal with the University's commitment to diversity. Most recently, Dr. Sanabria worked at Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU) as part of the President 's staff. He has also worked at the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services. Roberto earned his Doctorate in Adult Education from National-Louis University, Master of Science in Adult Education from Northern Illinois University and Bachelor of Arts in Spanish Language from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

32 Days for 32 Years: Fighting for the Freedom of Oscar Lopez Rivera
32 Days for 32 Years: Fighting for the Freedom of Oscar Lopez Rivera
32 Days for 32 Years:
Fighting for the Freedom of Oscar Lopez Rivera
The community of Humboldt Park has been united in a campaign to free Oscar López Rivera, a Puerto Rican nationalist, from prison where he has spent 32 years. As a part of their efforts, 32 individuals spent 24 hours in a mock prison cell over 32 days at the community center, Batey Urbano. His brother, José López, and the activists Alejandro Molina and Alyssa Villegas discuss the growing clamor for his freedom on the final day of the protest. This program was produced by Chicago Access Network Television.
Campaign Breaks Wall of Silence since 2006
Oscar interviewed by Major Media in Puerto Rico!
El Nuevo Día
"TIME IS GOING TO BE MINE": Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López speaks from prison

WASHINGTON - His long imprisonment has made Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera appreciate every  minute he can speak with his family, answer a letter, or draw. After 32 years in United States prisons, his hope of returning to Chicago (Illinois), where he came to understand his Puerto Rico, and San Sebastián, where he was born and raised, is more valid now than ever. But he looks at the process of his application for clemency to president Barack Obama with the same firmness he learned during his 12 years in solitary confinement, recognizing that he may have to serve another decade in prison at Terre Haute (Indiana), where, in spite of the notoriety of his case, he continues to be prisoner 87651-024.


"They hold me in custody, but the time is going to be mine," López Rivera, 70 years old, said yesterday in a telephone interview with El Nuevo Día. English here.


Telemundo (Video-Spanish only)

Since 2006, Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López has been prohibited from making any public statements to the press by the federal prison administration where he serving a 70 year sentence. Telenoticias is the only television station that has been granted an exclusive interview with him. Part 1 here.


Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López has spent 32 years in 4 US prisons. Telenoticias is the first TV station to interview him since the prison authorities prohibited him from speaking to the press since 2006.  Part 2 here.


In the last part of the exclusive interview with Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López, he expresses that "if the independence movement does not learn how to add (forces), we are not going to move forward". Part 3 here.  


In a survey that was live for only 24 hours on Telemundo's website, after the first part of the 3 part interview, the question "At 70 years old, after 32 years in prison, do you think Oscar López represents a risk to society?" to which an overwhelming majority of 83% replied NO shows the width and breadth of the success of the campaign.


Claridad (Spanish only):

Oscar López: listo para lo que venga
"Vivo orgulloso de ser puertorriqueño"
 "Well, I wake up at 4am. From 4 to 4:15 I am awake and stretching and conditioning my body to get up."

That is how Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Oscar López Rivera begins his day, in the federal prison in Terre Haute, Indiana, as he told us in this exclusive interview with CLARIDAD.  Read the rest of the interview in Spanish here.

Madrid por la excarcelación de Oscar López Rivera

The group "Madrid for the Freedom of the Puerto Rican Oscar López Rivera" has called for a rally on Friday, July 5 in front of the US Embassy at 4pm. The event is a part of the the different manifestations for Oscar freedom taking place all over the world. López Rivera is the Latin American political prisoner who has served the most years in US prisons after being convicted of "seditious conspiracy" in 1981.


Prominent personalities such as the indigenous Guatamalan leader Rigoberta Menchú, the South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the entertainer Ricky Martin have demonstrated their solidarity with Oscar. 


More information is available from: madridporlaexcarcelacion@gmail.com


REMEMBER: Friday, July 5, 2013, 4pm, US Embassy (Calle de Serrano, 75).


In solidarity with the Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera.

3rd Vigil of 32xWomen for Oscar 
in San Juan Puerto Rico

In unyielding solidarity with Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera and his right to freedom, 32 women are demonstrating at the Dos Hermanos Bridge the last Sunday of every month, to remind the Puerto Rican people that they cannot rest until they win Oscar's return to his homeland. "Oscar López Rivera will have served 32 years in prison on May 29," said the spokespeople for the group of women called 32 X Oscar. "All that time in United States prisons for aspiring and struggling for the freedom of his Homeland. Such a long, arbitrary and unjust sentence makes him one the prisoners held the longest for ideological reasons in the hemisphere. His imprisonment has lasted longer than what the admired Nelson Mandela suffered as a result of his commitment against apartheid in South Africa."