San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz to lead 1st United Puerto Rican Peoples Parade as Grand Marshal!
Our Websites:
View our Photos on Flickr!
(Over 13,000 pics!)
Guided tours of IPRAC and the surrounding Paseo Boricua community will be available at IPRAC with Eduardo Arocho serving as a docent. If you're interested in arranging a tour for your organization, school or church, please contact IPRAC at 773-486-8345.

Puerto Rican Cultural Center 2739-41 W. Division St Chicago, Illinois 60622 P 773-342-8023
F 773-342-6609
We are proud recipients of United Way contributions |
Monarch Community Garden Giveaway Day!
The Monarch Community Garden Give Away Committee met this week and is planning the first give away of Monarch Garden's surplus produce. Living in a produce desert (more info here), this is what we want to do. * FIRST GIVE AWAY: Sunday, June 23, 2013, from 11am-1pm * Place your surplus or what you want to give away on the picnic tables by Saturday, June 22 * We will organize and publicize the giveaway through by reaching out through our website, Facebook page, twitter and some leaflets * No reserving food bags; first come first serve basis * limit one bag per family thanks, looking forward to the first giveaway!
For more information:
Puerto Rican Cultural Center
Homeless Prevention and
Rental Assistance Program

Do you qualify for rental assistance?
- Homeless?
- About to be homeless?
- Falling behind in rent?
- Need a security deposit and first month's rent?
Eligibility for Assistance:
- Resident of Humboldt Park or Logan Square
- Seeking housing in the Humboldt Park and Logan Square community
- Behind on rent
For more information, please contact Melissa Rodríguez at 773.227.7794.
¡Humboldt Park es
Apartment Listings
1530 N. Kedzie - Studios
$675 and up
Heat included, $0 Deposit
2734 W. Division
$730 1 bed
1850 N. Kedzie - Studios
$750 and up, $0 Deposit
Potomac and Kedzie
$775 2 bed
1742 N. Humboldt - Studios
$795 and up
Heat included, $0 Deposit
Washtenaw & Walton
$850 - 1 bed
954 N. Rockwell
$850 2 bed
Avail 8/1, $850 Deposit
1530 N. Kedzie - 2 bed
$895, $0 Deposit
Heat included
1542 N. Kedzie - 2 bed
$895, $550 move-in fee
Division & Rockwell
$900 2 bed
Reference ID #2478
Maplewood and Lemoyne
$925 2 bed
Gas Heat, Laundry, Avail. 8/1
1143 N. Rockwell
$925 - 2 bed
911 N. Francisco
$950 2 bed
2441 W. Cortez - Garden
$950 1 bed
1330 N. Ridgeway
$975 3 bed
Coin laundry, parking included
852 N Fairfield Garden
$1000 2 bed
1742 N. Humboldt
$1025 - 1 bed
Heat included, $0 Deposit
1832 N. Humboldt - 1 bed
Heat included, $0 Deposit
1521 N California
$1150 - 3 bed
Thomas & Washtenaw
$1150 2 bed
2717 W. Evergreen
$1300 - 2 bed
¡Invierte, Disfruta y Vívelo!
Puerto Rican Cultural Center Newsbriefs
por Carlos Quiles
Finalmente se nos dio. Llegó a Comerío, Cuna de Trovadores, un grupo de hermanos puertorriqueños residentes en la ciudad de Chicago, capitaneados por el Director Ejecutivo del Centro Cultural Juan Antonio Corretjer, el Sr. José López Rivera. Ese viaje, largamente planificado y esperado, representa una reconexión importantísima de la diáspora puertorriqueña en los Estados Unidos con su madre patria. El pueblo de Comerío construyó un hermoso y cómodo hotel que no tiene nada que envidiarle a los mejores hoteles del área metropolitana de San Juan. Bajo la tutela del Hon. Alcalde José A. Santiago (Josian), fue construido especialmente para esta ocasión, para recibir dignamente a esta delegación y que pernoctaran en las verdes montañas de este pueblo hermoso del centro de la isla.
Durante este fin de semana, 7,8 y 9 de junio, se está celebrando el Festival Jíbaro Comerieño, el más puertorriqueño de los festivales, como se le conoce. Está dedicado, precisamente, al Centro Cultural Juan Antonio Corretjer en Chicago y a la comerieña Gloria Berríos por sus más de 30 años de servicio público excelente y en el momento de su retiro.

El miércoles 5 se celebraron los actos oficiales de dedicatoria y celebramos en grande con música típica puertorriqueña junto a un emocionado junto José López y algunos miembros de la comunidad de Chicago que ya habían llegado, como el querido amigo Ray Vázquez, miembro de la Junta de Directores de IPRAC. Un gran público llenó a capacidad el salón de actividades del hotel.
El jueves llegó la delegación grande y fueron recibidos con una hermosa bohemia y un sabroso sopón de gallina. Al día de hoy hemos visitado el Yunque, el Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico y el taller del legendario y gran artista puertorriqueño Antonio Martorell, con quien compartimos un riquísimo almuerzo en La Casa de las Tías de la Ciudad Señorial.
Al momento de escribir esta nota nos preparamos para el último día y el más importante del Festival Jíbaro Comerieño, acompañados del Congresista Luis Gutiérrez; en la próxima ocasión les cuento más.

Por Carlos Quiles
Especial para La Voz del Paseo Boricua
¡Gracias, mil gracias!
A todos los comerieños, encabezados por su alcalde José Santiago, por la profunda muestra de amor, solidaridad, compañerismo e hermandad que le ofrecieron al grupo de Chicago y muy especificamente a todo el personal del municipio autonomo de Comerio; muy en particular los que laboran en las areas dde transportación y en el Hotel Media Luna.
Additional 32 x Oscar Events
Art Exhibit invites Solidarity with
Oscar López Rivera
On May 30, 2013, Anabel Vázquez and Ian Deleón organized a consciousness-raising event around Oscar López Rivera, in the context of the latter's exhibition: Cuba + Puerto Rico | Invitación a Volar at La Galería, Villa Victoria Center for the Arts, in Boston, where Anabel is curator. Inspired by the symbolic incarcerations happening that week in solidarity with Oscar, and a poster criticizing the continued use of Guantanamo as a place of unscrupulous interrogation activities, the artist Ian Deleón decided to transform an old American flag towel--cutting away the white stripes so that the flag now resembled a prison cell door. Using this as a starting point, Anabel and Ian organized an event in which visitors to the gallery were invited to pose for photographs "behind bars", sign petition letters to Obama, leave a message for the White House, and learn more about Oscar's case through video and print material. 
NY Congressman Supports
efforts to free Oscar
Recently at at community open-air festival in El Barrio, NYC, Congressman José Serrano passed by the NYC Coordinadora to Free Oscar López Rivera and posed for a picture with Ana M. López, one of the members. Ana and daughter Natalia gathered over 100 signatures in a little over 1 hour!
 Network Produces Oscar Visuals for Chicago's 1st United Puerto Rican Day Parade As part of the preparation for the parade, the National Boricua Human Rights Network has been preparing for a hi-profile visual impact about the case of Oscar López Rivera. Oscar fans have been produced, as wel as t-shirts, banners - both color and black and white will adorn Paseo Boricua to celebrate the 1st United Parade in "Nuestro Bello Barrio." |
Paseo Boricua's Farmers Market closed for 2 weeks
Will continue to take orders for Canasta Basica
Paseo Boricua's Farmer's Market will be closed for the next 2 weeks. The Farmer's Market will reopen Friday, June 21st and resume its regular hours on Fridays from 2pm-7pm or Saturdays from 10am-3pm at 2628 W. Division.
We will continue to take orders for La Canasta Basica during the time the Farmer's Market is closed. Fourteen-pound fresh produce baskets can be purchased for $12.50. Baskets can be picked up after 3pm at different locations on Paseo Boricua. Please call 773-227-7794 to make an order or for more information.