Job Opening at
Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School


Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School is planning to expand it's course offerings and is seeking passionate, knowledgeable, creative and dynamic teachers to help make this a reality. Download the job announcement and instructions for applying here.


There is a vacancy in Teaching Puerto Rican Studies in our school. Please forward this to interested parties. For more information on our school, please click on the link below to visit us on our website.

Puerto Rican Agenda Meeting To Identify 100 Influential Puerto Ricans


On Saturday, June 1st at 9am at Institute of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture (IPRAC), Dr. Alberto Hernandez Banuchi will address the Puerto Rican Agenda on a new project, which the Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños at Hunter College has initiated, entitled 100 Puerto Ricans. We urge members of our community who think that they have someone that should be included in this project to attend the meeting and join with the Centro's effort to identify 100 Puerto Ricans who have made a difference. Please contact Militza Pagan at

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Puerto Rican Cultural Center (Over 30,000 pictures!)

(Over 13,000 pics!)

Guided tours of IPRAC and the surrounding Paseo Boricua community will be available at IPRAC with Eduardo Arocho serving as a docent.  If you're interested in arranging a tour for your organization, school or church, please contact IPRAC at 773-486-8345. 

Puerto Rican Cultural Center
2739-41 W. Division St
Chicago, Illinois 60622
P 773-342-8023
F 773-342-6609

We are proud recipients of United Way contributions 

Puerto Rican Cultural Center

Homeless Prevention and 

Rental Assistance Program


Do you qualify for rental assistance?

  • Homeless?
  • About to be homeless?
  • Falling behind in rent?
  • Need a security deposit and first month's rent?

Eligibility for Assistance:

  • Resident of Humboldt Park or Logan Square
  • Seeking housing in the Humboldt Park and Logan Square community
  • Behind on rent

For more information, please contact Melissa Rodríguez at 773.227.7794.

¡Humboldt Park 
Apartment Listings
Beach & Kedzie
1 BD $600

2918 W. North Ave
Studio 1 BD $625
1 BD $725

3137 W. Augusta
1 BD $675

3225 W. Division
1 BD $700

Humboldt and Cortland
2 BD $775

Potomac at Kedzie
2 BD $775

2643 W. Division
2 BD $800

Artesian and LeMoyne
2 BD $800

Pierce at Kedzie
2 BD $825

2515 W. Division
2 BD $850

Kimball at Bloomingdale
3 BD $850

North Ave & Kedzie
1 BD $895

Thomas & Kedzie
2 BD $900

Humboldt Park
3 BD $900

2818 W. Thomas
2 BD $975

1101 N. Mozart
2 BD $975

Fairfield and Hirsch
3 BD $1100
Boricua, Return  
to El Barrio 
VidaSIDA update


Where are the Latinos when it comes to HIV research?

As Latinos we are sometimes skeptical of clinical trials and medicine in general, but it is important that Latinos be represented in clinical trials to ensure that the technologies and prevention modalities being developed are created with our needs in mind and work for our communities.


How can I be a part of the generation to end AIDS?

There are many ways to be an active participant in the fight to end the AIDS epidemic. One of the most important steps is to know the facts and become knowledgeable about HIV prevention research and the urgent need for community support and participation. There are many resources available, both online and in our community where you can learn about biomedical HIV prevention research. One such resource located here in Humboldt Park is Vida/SIDA (2703 West Division Street), you can just walk in and talk to one of the counselors or staff members. You can learn the facts about the research at


What can you do to help?

  • Learn the facts at bethegeneration.nih.govand share your knowledge with others
  • Talk with your friends and family about the need for biomedical prevention research.
  • Join a community advisory board where you and your community can voice their opinion, needs, or considerations for the research.
  • Encourage and be supportive of others who participate in research studies. Consider becoming a volunteer yourself.
Puerto Rico: Urban Art for Oscar


Urban  Art Project  demanding  the  release of  Oscar  López  Rivera,  political  Puerto Rican  prisoner  and  fighter  for  the independence  of  Puerto  Rico,  from prison.


FEDECOOP supports Oscar's release


The Board of Directors of the Savings and Credit Cooperative of the Teachers Federation 


(FEDECOOP, by its Spanish initials), is one of the organizations that has recently joined the call for the release of Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera. 


In a resolution approved unanimously last April 20, the Board of Directors of FEDECOOP committed to: "Ask president Barack Obama to exercise his constitutional powers to grant an unconditional pardon to Oscar López Rivera, so as to result in his immediate release."


In its first clause, the coop board recognizes that López Rivera "is serving a 70 year sentence in federal prisons for his trajectory in the struggle for the independence of Puerto Rico." That sentence is described as unjust and disproportionate and longer than sentences given to those convicted of homicide, burglary, rape, robbery and other crimes. It indicates that Oscar has a release date in 2027, when he will be 84 years old.


The resolution also notes that sectors of various ideologies in the country, such as unions, clergy, coops, ecologists, academics, politicians, and those who struggle for human rights have also publicly supported his release. It also recognizes that many times on other occasions various general assemblies and other Governing Boards of FEDECOOP have expressed solidarity and agreement with calls to protect the human rights of the Puerto Rican political prisoners and for their release.


Among the final clauses of the resolution, in addition to asking president Obama to pardon him, the board of FEDECOOP commits to asking the cooperative movement of Puerto Rico to pass similar resolutions.


The resolution is signed by Juan Ortiz Salinas, president, and Catherine M. Rivera Cardec, secretary of FEDECOOP.

eBook on Heavy Metal Contamination on Vieques (Spanish)


Plasmada en eBook la contaminación con metales en Vieques

Investigadores de Casa Pueblo y del Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez lanzan
tercera edición de un estudio con flora y fauna en la Isla Nena

Adjuntas - Los investigadores Arturo Massol Deyá y Elba Díaz de Osborne de
Casa Pueblo, adscritos al Departamento de Biología de la UPR en Mayagüez,
presentan la tercera edición 2013 -en versión eBook- de su libro "Ciencia y
Ecología: Vieques en Crisis Ambiental".

El libro recoge 14 años de trabajos científicos, llenando un vacío
investigativo de los daños ambientales asociados a las prácticas de la
Marina de Guerra de los Estados Unidos en la isla municipio.

El trabajo incluye el diseño experimental, la justificación, el análisis,
los resultados y la interpretación de los hallazgos -algunos
controversiales-. Las muestras del estudio consistieron en sedimentos,
cangrejos violinistas, vegetación del antiguo polígono militar, plantas de
valor agrícola en Vieques, así como los resultados en cabellos de cabras,
entre otros.

El libro contiene gráficas, diagramas explicativos, fotos y videos inéditos,
entre los que se muestra una especie de "desierto de bombas" sobre el lecho
marino y la jornada de muestreos en el destructor USS Killen, hundido en
Bahía Salina del Sur.

Los hallazgos permiten identificar rutas pasadas y otras vigentes de
exposición que contradicen las conclusiones de la agencia federal Registro
de Enfermedades y Sustancias Tóxicas (ATSDR, por sus siglas en inglés). El
conocimiento de una nefasta realidad ha permitido a los viequenses reducir
la exposición de poblaciones vulnerables como niños y mujeres en edad

Los autores agradecen a la familia Zenón Encarnación por su apoyo
incondicional durante tantos años para que estos trabajos pudieran

El montaje del primer eBook de Casa Pueblo estuvo a cargo del apoyo
colaborativo de Terranova Editores, pioneros en Puerto Rico de publicaciones

Con esta colaboración, Casa Pueblo y Terranova Editores apuestan a la
bibliodiversidad y a facilitar el libre acceso a la información y a los
libros dentro de las nuevas plataformas por las cuales se transmite el nuevo

"La humanidad ha experimentado cuatro cambios fundamentales en la manera que
se promueve la memoria histórica de los pueblos. Desde la invención de la
escritura, hasta la subsecuente invención de la imprenta, se han marcado
grandes cambios. En tiempos recientes, estas transformaciones han sido
igualadas solamente por la invención de los medios cibernéticos de
publicación y, sobre todo, la llegada de los libros electrónicos, o
e-books", dijo Ana Ivelisse Feliciano, editora de Terranova. "Es por ello
que nos sentimos orgullosos de poder ayudar a Casa Pueblo a difundir sus
esfuerzos investigativos y su impacto cultural de esa gran institución
adjunteña", añadió Feliciano.  

Para bajar el libro dele clic aqui.

Formatos disponibles:

iBooks, ePub, Mobi, Kindle, Nook


Social Media links for Oscar Lopez Rivera Campaign and May 29th



32 x Oscar (5 cells exhibit in Puerto Rico on May 29th)


National Boricua Human Rights Network (Chicago Chapter) 





National Boricua Human Rights Network (Chicago Chapter)  

NYC Coordinator to Free OLR publishes article on campaign
Last week, Prof Ana M. Lopez, member of the NYC Coordinator to Free Oscar Lopez Rivera, published an article in the East Harlem Journal and Aplauso Nueva York on line. Click on the links to read them.

21 Days Left! Alive and Kicking 

Crowdfunding Campaign


Uncovering the Lost Story of Chamaco Ramírez


The story of Chamaco Ramírez has been a mystery throughout the years. While the experts call him one of the best salsa singers of all time, his contributions to the genre are largely unknown today. 30 years after his murder, Chamaco is "Alive and Kicking" thanks to a groundbreaking documentary produced by Agúzate. Find out how you can help.


Racist Newcomers Unite to Deny Puerto Rican Parade Beer Garden


During a heated debate that pitted several right-wing Puerto Ricans, in cahoots with racist newcomers to Humboldt Park, against progressive sectors of our community, the community overwhelmingly demonstrated support for the right of the Puerto Rican Parade to have a liquor license for its festival taking place June 12th to the 16th. This took place Thursday, May 16th at the Humboldt Park Fieldhouse during its monthly meeting of the Humboldt Park Advisory Committee. The racism was so blatant both in terms of words and deeds, when a year ago a predominately white grouping Riot Fest held a 3-day festival in Humboldt Park was allowed to have four beer gardens with the support of Glenn Brettner's United West Humboldt Park. These same racist elements organized to deny the Puerto Rican Parade to a license for one beer garden.


A Call to Action: Resist Racist Attacks on Community

Unite to Defend Liquor Permit for Puerto Rican Parade!


In an unprecedented act and responding to racist pressures, liquor commissioner, Gregory Steadman, made a decision to deny the Puerto Rican Parade's right for a beer garden license for its festival. This constitutes a slap in the face to our community and points to a serious racist practice. Last year Riot Fest was able to operate FOUR beer gardens in the park and they were given that right. Across the city in, almost every park venue, liquor is allowed to be sold. Why was the Puerto Rican Community and the Puerto Rican Parade singled out to be denied this right?


We call on our community and allies to immediately launch a telephone and email campaign to Mr. Gregory Steadman to rescind his decision on the denial of the liquor licenses to the Puerto Rican parade.


Telephone: 1-312-744-5443



We cannot allow the racist elements who want to erase our presence and history in this community to continue to wield power and to deny us basic rights that everyone else is entitled to.

Oscar Campaign Updates

3 upcoming events to support Oscar
32 Days for 32 Years:
Day 23: Mary Alduen


 View her video here.

With the closing event for "32 Days for 32 Years" 1 week away (see ad below), enthusiasm for the cell project is contagious. Prisoners, guards and caterers have ranged- from Oscar's family to university student leaders to area high school students to teachers and technologists to immigration reform leaders to education leaders and administrators to community residents to anti-war activists to young mothers- all have said ¡Presente! to being part of the symbolic cell project and educating passers-by, friends and loved ones to the ongoing injustice of Oscar's case. Hundreds of letters to Pres. Obama have been signed in the nearly 3 weeks by community residents and people visiting the prisoners.

This is a community that is demanding Oscar's return in so many ways- songs, poetry, prayers, across the political spectrum- in Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rican Diaspora, joined by Nobel Laureate Archbishop Tutu and 4 others. Join us, support Oscar's release in the following ways in the coming 2 weeks:
1) Crime Against Humanity next week Fri and Sat
2) 32 Days for 32 Years Closing Event, Wed May 29th (Bring our letters to Pres Obama. We want to collect 1000 that night!)
3) 1st United Peoples Parade, Sat June 15, noon, Division and Artesian. Join the Oscar contingent!
For more info: 

See all videos here!
Calle 13 Tweets "Free Oscar López!"
May 29th events in Chicago and East Coast
Chicago -Crime Against Humanity- details below

New York Vigil for Oscar


NYC- Vigil 32X for Oscar, May 29 in East Harlem 107th Street mural. More info Ana López: 

Dozens will be "prisoners" for Oscar López Rivera in Puerto Rico- Carlos Delgado, 

 Aníbal Acevedo Vilá, Abel Nazario, Carmen Yulín Cruz, Mayra Montero, Jacobo Morales, among others, will participate in the event


Thirty-two public figures of diverse backgrounds and political ideologies will join forces this Wednesday in a peculiar symbolic protest aimed at highlighting the conditions in which political prisoner Oscar López Rivera has lived in custody for the past 32 years.


That activity, in which figures such as ex-governor Aníbal Acevedo Vilá, statehood leader 

Miriam Ramírez de Ferrer and former baseball player Carlos Delgado will be "prisoners" for no more than 45 minutes, coincides with the date when López Rivera will have served 32 years in prison.

WORA-TV Noticias 21 Mayo 2013
WORA-TV Noticias 21 Mayo 2013

"The event 32 X Oscar intends to call attention to the cruelty represented by keeping López Rivera in prison, far from his land and his family - he has maintained exemplary conduct in prison - and to emphasize what a disgrace it is for a democratic nation to keep in prison an honorable human being who fought and was decorated for his participation in the Vietnam War and then embraced his ideals for the Puerto Rican homeland," expressed Fernando Cabanillas, spokesperson for the human rights campaign 32 x Oscar, in a press release.


In addition to those already mentioned, father Ángel Darío Carrero; mayor of Yauco, Abel Nazario; mayor of San Juan, Carmen Yulín Cruz; writer Mayra Montero; actor and filmmaker Jacobo Morales; ex-gubernatorial candidate Juan Dalmau; ex-senator Norma Burgos and  senadora María de Lourdes Santiago will participate.


Others to participate include artists Nicky Quijano, Rafael Trelles, René Monclova, Carmen Nydia Velázquez and Víctor Alicea. Also reverend Ángel Luis Rivera Agosto and ex- senator Velda González, among others, will join the cause.


The release of López Rivera has been supported by members of U.S. Congress Luis Gutiérrez, Nydia Velázquez and José Serrano.


In 2010, resident commissioner Pedro Pierluisi also sought the Puerto Rican's release.


According to the press release, the symbolic prisoners for Oscar will be in the cell, taking turns no longer than 45 minutes, from 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday until 12:00 a.m. that day, as part of the human rights campaign demanding the Puerto Rican's release from prison.


The cells, that recreate exactly the dimensions and the appearance of the cell in which Oscar is held, will be mounted in five plazas: Plaza de Armas in Old San Juan, Plaza de Colón, in Mayagüez, Plaza Las Delicias, in Ponce, and the public plazas of Caguas and Arecibo.


Oscar López Rivera, 70 years old, native of San Sebastián, was accused of what is known as seditious conspiracy for his connection with the clandestine group Armed Forces of National Liberation (FALN, by its Spanish initials). Arrested in 1981, he is serving a sentence of 70 years in prison.


Twelve of those 32 years he spent in solitary confinement, without being able to have contact with his family, the press release states.


López Rivera is the Puerto Rican political prisoner who has spent the most time in prison in the United States, after Carlos Alberto Torres was released in 2010 after serving 30 years in prison, also for seditious conspiracy.


In 1999, López Rivera rejected a pardon offered by then president Bill Clinton, in solidarity with other prisoners such as Carlos Alberto Torres, who wasn't included in the offer. The pardon also included a provision that he had to serve an additional 10 years in prison.


López Rivera was never accused or found guilty of harming or killing anyone. Nevertheless, in 2011 the United States Parole Commission denied parole, ordering that he serve another 15 years before being eligible for reconsideration. 



PRCC Updates

Comerio Cultural Center Dedicates 33rd Jibaro Festival to PRCC


The CIRILO W. MEIJERS Comerio Cultural Center has dedicated its 33rd FESTIVAL JIBARO COMERIEÑO (June 7-9) to the Puerto Rican community of Chicago, represented by the Puerto Rican Cultural Center Juan Antonio Corretjer of Chicago. In addition, they recognize that the tribute would not be complete without dedicating the festival also to Oscar López Rivera. In this spirit they have organized a "Committee to Free Oscar", which has already published a call urging the townspeople to become involved in the campaign to free Puerto Rico's longest held political prisoner.


Community Calendar of Events


32 Days for 32 Years

April 28-May 29, Batey Urbano, 2620 W. Division


Mercado del Paseo Boricua Farmer'sMarket

El Rescate Rummage Sale


Friday, May 10th 2pm-7pm

Saturday May 11th 10am-3pm, 2628 W. Division St.


Supperclub Dinner Fundraiser for Batey Youth to go on Puerto Rico Eco-Tour Trip

Thursday, May 23rd at 7:30pm

Tickets: $75



32 Days for 32 Years Closing Event

Wednesday, May 29th 6pm, 

Casa Puertorriqueña, 1237 N. California        


College Pipeline and BACCA Culminating Event

Friday, May 31st 6pm, Batey Urbano, 2620 W. Division


Puerto Rican Agenda Meeting, Special Guest: Representative from Puerto Rican Studies Center at Hunter College

Saturday, June 1st 9am-11:30am, IPRAC, 3015 W. Division


Puerto Rico Eco-Tour Trip,


Thursday, June 6th to Tuesday, June 11th



Puerto Rican People's Parade Dignitaries Event honoring San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz Soto

Friday, June 14th 6pm, IPRAC, 3015 W. Division


Puerto Rican People's Parade

Saturday, June 15th

NBHRN to open online
store next month

The National Boricua Human Rights Network will be opening an online store in time for the Peoples Parade in June. It will have "Oscar López Rivera: Between Torture and Resistance", the CD collection of songs authored by some of Puerto Rico's most well-known singer-songwriters is also available for sale. "La Vida Es Lucha Toda" tributo a Oscar López Rivera features Roy Brown and Zoraida Santiago, Tony Mapeyé, Lucecita Benítez and Haciendo Punto en Otro Son.

The book is available for $15.95 plus s/h and the CD for $12 plus s/h. The classic Oscar T-shirt (image left), are $10 each, plus shipping and handling, and is available in various sizes. The button (same image) is $1. 


To get your copy, contact Each copy is $15.95 plus shipping & handling. The Oscar CD is also available and costs $12 plus s/h. 

"Transvisible" Documentary to Screen at UIC


Along with Unid@s -The National Latin@ LGBT Human Rights Organization, UIC Gender and Sexuality Center, ALMA, Amigas Latinas, Orgullo en Accion, Project Vida, and United Latino Price, Vida/SIDA will be sponsoring the film screening of Transvisible.


The free (suggested donation) event will take place Thursday, May 30, 2013, 6:30 P.M. at UIC Behavioral Sciences Building, Room 140, 1007 W Harrison St., Chicago, IL 60607.


Feel free to join us!

VidaSIDA Bake Sale to Raise Funds for the 1st United Peoples Parade and Coronation for Miss Paseo Boricua


To help raise money for Vida/SIDAs participation in the Puerto Rican Parade and the Coronation for Miss Paseo Boricua we are having a bake sale. Attached are the flyers. Please pass on to all your friends and family. The flyer is also on the Vida/SIDA facebook page so you can share the photo on your facebook page. There will be cheese cake, cupcakes, brownies, cookies, tembleque and much more. Prices will vary from $1 to $5. If you would like to bake something to donate to the bake sale please contact me. The Bake Sale will take place in front of Vida/SIDA (2703 W Division St.) May 20 to the 24th during the hours of 12pm to 4pm. I look forward to seeing you all there. If there are any questions please contact me. Thank you all very much for your support.

NYC Coordinator to Free Oscar Lopez Rivera Mobilizes Contingent to Publicize Campaign at Bronx Puerto Ricwn


Calls  on all organizations and individuals to come join the contingent to FREE OSCAR LOPEZ RIVERA AT THE BRONX PUERTO RICAN PARADE.

Sunday, June 2nd, 2013


Let's make sure we come in out very large numbers.


We will be handing out information and getting petitions sign for Oscar Lopez Rivera, 32 years is enough, let's FREE HIM NOW!!!!!!

SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 2013


(Contingent will convene at this street)

BRONX, New York






Amnesty International (Puerto Rico) Press Release on Oscar Lopez Rivera


Amnesty International, Puerto Rico Section (AIPR) unites with the demand of various sectors of the people and the Government of Puerto Rico that justice be done  with Oscar López Rivera.  

Read and download their letter (Spanish) by clicking here.

"Canción Para Vieques"

Cancion Para Vieques - Original Music Video
Cancion Para Vieques - Original Music Video