Roberto Clemente High School Awarded IB Candidate School Status!
Roberto Clemente Community Academy is formally recognized as an IB Candidate School by the International Baccalaureate Organization for the Diploma Programme and Middle Years Programme as of 01 September 2013. This marks the beginning of a two-year journey toward full authorization as an IB World School, during which time the staff will train extensively and begin implementing the Middle Years Programme curriculum. IB World Schools share a common philosophy-a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that Roberto Clemente Community Academy believes is important for all students.
The University of Chicago Consortium on Chicago School Research's (UChicago CCSR) report, Working to My Potential: The Postsecondary Experiences of CPS Students in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme which was awarded the Division H Outstanding Publication Award in the Educational Program Evaluation category by the American Educational Research Association (AERA), found that students in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme are 40 percent more likely to attend four-year colleges and 50 percent more likely to attend more selective colleges than a matched comparison group. In addition, these students are significantly more likely to persist in four-year colleges for two years.
Incoming freshmen (class of 2017) will be the first class eligible for the full IB curriculum and authorized Diploma Programme. A few spaces are still available for the first honors cohort next fall - call (773) 534-4007 to apply.
For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit
To learn more about Roberto Clemente Community Academy, visit

This past Friday, May 10th the PRCC opened its weekly Farmers Market on Paseo Boricua. Many people stopped by to purchase oranges, bananas, mangos, peppers and many other fruits and vegetables. Through this initiative the PRCC seeks to provide a place for Humboldt Park community residents to acquire fresh produce. The Farmer's Market takes places Fridays and Saturdays in conjunction with El Rescate's Rummage Sale. The Rummage Sale is a fundraising effort of El Rescate, Vida Sida's Transitional Housing Program.
On behalf of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center, National Boricua Human Rights Network, and Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School, we would like to extend our deepest condolences to Jaime and Lucy Delgado and the Cordero family on the loss of their nephew, Alberto Cordero Jr.
Urgent call to Solidarity for Brunilda Garcia

Brunilda E. García, writer, actress, cultural admi-nistrator, director of the group Theatrical-Musical Cimarrón, producer of the radio program Canta Pueblo, art worker who has contributed to the culture of Puerto Rico, who has given so very much to our Homeland, needs us right now. As many of you know, she needs someone to donate a kidney, and needs it now, without delay. Help us find one for her. Time is running out.
How can you help? Let all your friends and family know about this link created by AMIGOS DE BRUNI (Friends of Bruni), where you will find all the necessary information for anyone who wants to give Bruni the gift of live, donating a kidney.
Help us spread the word about this just call for love and life.
Urgente llamada para Solidaridad para Brunilda Garcia
Brunilda E. García, escritora, actriz, gestora cultural, directora del grupo Teatral-Musical Cimarrón, productora del programa radial Canta Pueblo, obrera del arte que ha contribuido a la cultura de Puerto Rico, esa que tanto ha dado por nuestra Patria, en estos momentos necesita de todos nosotros. Como muchos de ustedes conocen, ella necesita un donante de riñón y tiene que ser ya, sin demora. Ayúdanos a encontrar uno para ella. Se nos agota el tiempo. Como puedes ayudar? Pues pasando a todos tus familiares y amigos el siguiente enlace creado por los AMIGOS DE BRUNI donde se ofrece toda la información necesaria para quien desee hacerle un regalo de vida a Brunilda, la donación de un riñón. Ayudanos a divulgar este justo reclamo de amor y vida.
Our Websites:
View our Photos on Flickr!
(Over 13,000 pics!)
Guided tours of IPRAC and the surrounding Paseo Boricua community will be available at IPRAC with Eduardo Arocho serving as a docent. If you're interested in arranging a tour for your organization, school or church, please contact IPRAC at 773-486-8345.

Puerto Rican Cultural Center 2739-41 W. Division St Chicago, Illinois 60622 P 773-342-8023
F 773-342-6609
We are proud recipients of United Way contributions |
Puerto Rican Cultural Center
Homeless Prevention and
Rental Assistance Program

Do you qualify for rental assistance?
- Homeless?
- About to be homeless?
- Falling behind in rent?
- Need a security deposit and first month's rent?
Eligibility for Assistance:
- Resident of Humboldt Park or Logan Square
- Seeking housing in the Humboldt Park and Logan Square community
- Behind on rent
For more information, please contact Melissa Rodríguez at 773.227.7794.
NO SE VENDE! Apartment Listings Beach & Kedzie 1 BD $600 847.971.5482
2918 W. North Ave Studio 1 BD $625 1 BD $725 312.628.5838
3137 W. Augusta 1 BD $675 773.697.4474
3225 W. Division 1 BD $700 312.493.3320
Humboldt and Cortland 2 BD $775 773.387.1482
Potomac at Kedzie 2 BD $775 773.772.4550
2643 W. Division 2 BD $800 773.263.3513
Artesian and LeMoyne 2 BD $800 773.770.4703
Pierce at Kedzie 2 BD $825 773-701-3046
2515 W. Division 2 BD $850 773.297.4131
Kimball at Bloomingdale 3 BD $850 773.772.4550
North Ave & Kedzie 1 BD $895 312.927.5160
Thomas & Kedzie 2 BD $900 773.559.7215
Humboldt Park 3 BD $900 630-926-9357 2818 W. Thomas 2 BD $975 773.593.3972
1101 N. Mozart 2 BD $975 773-593-3972
Fairfield and Hirsch 3 BD $1100 773.742.6643
Boricua, Return
to El Barrio
Juan "Nito" Morales Receives NEIU Latina/o & Latin American Leadership Award
The Puerto Rican Cultural Center's very own Juan "Nito" Morales has received Northeastern University's 2013 Latina/o & Latin American Leadership Award. The Latina/o & Latin American Studies (LLAS) Leadership Award is given to an NEIU student who has shown a concern for the Latina/o community, and has improved the lives of others with regard to social justice issues. Recipients are students who have made exemplary contributions to a student organization and have helped the organization grow through their participation. Juan is a graduate of Pedro Albizu Campos High School and has been involved with the PRCC for many years. He currently runs the PRCC's Anti-Underage Drinking Campaign and is a member of Batey Urbano.
Luis Clemente visits Roberto Clemente High School
On Monday, May 13th, a breakfast was held for Luis Clemente, son of Roberto Clemente, at Roberto Clemente High School. The purpose of his visit was to talk about the creation of a network of schools named after his father Roberto Clemente. All schools named after Roberto Clemente would be part of this network.
The purpose of the network is to provide a framework for students at Roberto Clemente schools to respond and provide help to people affected by natural disasters. Luis Clemente mentioned that because Roberto Clemente High School in Humboldt Park was the first school to be named after his father, it plays a crucial role in the formation of this network.
Congratulations to the Staff and Students of PACHS on AERA conference presentation
Congratulations! to the staff and students of Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School for successfully presenting at the AERA conference in San Francisco. With the assistance and participation of professors and a graduate student, they presented a workshop entitled "To Live and Help to Live: Critical Pedagogy and Social Justice Education in Chicago's Humboldt Park Community."
-Special recognition to Northern Illinois University professor, Dr. Laura Johnson and Dr. Enid Rosario, University of Michigan, who co-chaired the presentation and raised funds for the trip.
-Participating PACHS staff and students, Elizabeth Hoffman, Judith Diaz, Matthew Rodriguez, Diamond Montana, Celia Alvarado and Amber Rodriguez.
PACHS web site
VidaSIDA update
The Puerto Rican Cultural Center- Vida/SIDA is one of several organizations nationwide to receive funding from Be the Generation Bridge to help increase awareness and knowledge of biomedical HIV prevention research, which includes HIV vaccines, Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), microbicides, and many others.
The fight to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS in our community involves many different steps. If we want to help people who are HIV positive become healthy, we must consider all the barriers and obstacles between them and the resources or help they need. HIV treatment requires for people to first get tested and receive a HIV diagnosis. Then those individuals who are HIV positive should be linked or connected to medical care, information, and resources.
 | Treatment Cascade Waterfall |
Treating HIV is a long commitment and people need to stay in care to benefit from having a doctor monitor their health. When individuals stay in medical care, they are prescribed HIV medication like Antiretroviral treatment. Taking medications every day for HIV can be challenging, but individuals who are adherent and take all their medications can see their HIV viral load drop to low or undetectable levels. That will ensure a long and healthy life for HIV positive people and their sexual partners. However, each of these steps means new challenges for HIV individuals and their health providers.
There is ongoing research to understand the barriers that people experience at each step of the treatment cascade. This video gives a great explanation of what the treatment cascade is and why it is important for HIV prevention.
Roberto Clemente Bike Shop Opens!
On Wednesday, May 15, the Roberto Clemente High School Bike Club and Shop will officially open. Students from the after school program at West Town Bikes and Union League Boys and Girls club at Clemente built the bike shop from scratch. The Bike Shop will be open every Wednesday beginning at 2pm. A complete set of tools and mechanic stands are available for students and staff to make repairs. There are also bikes available for a small donation in order to support the bike shop. For more information, contact
Alderman Maldonado & City to Paint Paseo Boricua Flags
for 1st United Puerto Rican Peoples Parade
The Paseo Boricua Gateway flags will get a new coat of paint this spring. Alderman Roberto Maldonado (26th Ward) and the Chicago Department of Transportation have made the necessary arrangements for the new coat of paint right before the Puerto Rican Parade this June. The Gateway flags will adorn a bright red and pale blue color once again. When these monuments where built in 1995, they where made to require very little maintenance and only need a fresh coat of paint every 15 years. The last time they were painted was 18 years ago when they were first built. This will be the first part of a streetscape improvement that will include a new dedicatory medallion on the flag located on Mozart and Division Street, as well as, repaving the sidewalks along Paseo Boricua.
3 upcoming events to support Oscar
32 Days for 32 Years:
Day 14: Michelle Morales

View her video here.
With the closing event for "32 Days for 32 Years" less than 2 weeks away (see ad below), enthusiasm for the cell project is contagious. Prisoners, guards and caterers have ranged- from Oscar's family to university student leaders to area high school students to teachers and technologists to immigration reform leaders to education leaders and administrators to community residents to anti-war activists to young mothers- all have said ¡Presente! to being part of the symbolic cell project and educating passers-by, friends and loved ones to the ongoing injustice of Oscar's case. Hundreds of letters to Pres. Obama have been signed in the nearly 2 weeks by community residents and people visiting the prisoners.
That a person sentenced for a thought crime can start their 32nd year of federal imprisonment while Guatemalan dictator Rios Montt, who was found guilty last week by a court in his homeland, OF GENOCIDE, for the torture and murder of over 1100 Ixil people (Mayans) was sentenced to 80 years- 50 years for genocide and 30 for crimes against humanity. Oscar, we repeat, was tried convicted and sentenced of SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY and lesser crimes- NONE of which involved the death of a human being or a violent act that led to bloodshed.
This is a community that is demanding Oscar's return in so many ways- songs, poetry, prayers, across the political spectrum- in Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rican Diaspora, joined by Nobel Laureate Archbishop Tutu and 4 others. Join us, support Oscar's release in the following ways in the coming 2 weeks: 1) Crime Against Humanity next week Fri and Sat 2) 32 Days for 32 Years Closing Event, Wed May 29th (Bring our letters to Pres Obama. We want to collect 1000 that night!) 3) 1st United Peoples Parade, Sat June 15, noon, Division and Artesian. Join the Oscar contingent!
For more info: See all videos here! |
Puerto Rico Eco-Cultural Tour In Full Swing
On Monday, May 6, the PRCC confirmed that 20 people will participate in the Eco-Cultural Tour of Puerto Rico between June 6th and 11th during the Jibaro Music Festival in Comerio dedicated to the Puerto Rican Cultural Center and Oscar López Rivera. The group reflects a very broad multi-generational sector of our community. Congressman Luis Gutiérrez has been invited by the Mayor of Comerio and President of the Puerto Rican Mayor's Association, Josean Santiago, to partake in the closing ceremonies of the festival. This tour promises to be a truly cultural and ecological immersion experience for the participants. It is one that we will hope to continue to organize on a continuing basis. Anyone who is interested in still participating in the tour between June 6th to 11th without the round trip tickets, please contact Militza M. Pagán at or 773-227-7794 by May 17. See ad below.
Comerio Cultural Center Dedicates 33rd Jibaro Festival to PRCC
The CIRILO W. MEIJERS Comerio Cultural Center has dedicated its 33rd FESTIVAL JIBARO COMERIEÑO (June 7-9) to the Puerto Rican community of Chicago, represented by the Puerto Rican Cultural Center Juan Antonio Corretjer of Chicago. In addition, they recognize that the tribute would not be complete without dedicating the festival also to Oscar López Rivera. In this spirit they have organized a "Committee to Free Oscar", which has already published a call urging the townspeople to become involved in the campaign to free Puerto Rico's longest held political prisoner.
NBHRN to open online
store next month
The National Boricua Human Rights Network will be opening an online store in time for the Peoples Parade in June. It will have "Oscar López Rivera: Between Torture and Resistance", the CD collection of songs authored by some of Puerto Rico's most well-known singer-songwriters is also available for sale. "La Vida Es Lucha Toda" tributo a Oscar López Rivera features Roy Brown and Zoraida Santiago, Tony Mapeyé, Lucecita Benítez and Haciendo Punto en Otro Son.

The book is available for $15.95 plus s/h and the CD for $12 plus s/h. The classic Oscar T-shirt (image left), are $10 each, plus shipping and handling, and is available in various sizes. The button (same image) is $1.
To get your copy, contact Each copy is $15.95 plus shipping & handling. The Oscar CD is also available and costs $12 plus s/h.
Primera Hora newspaper covers IPRAC Miguel Bayón exhibit
From Carolina to San Sebastián and from San Sebastián to... Chicago! Those are the continental jumps of the exhibition "Urban Caricatures/Caricatura urbana", by the artist Miguel Bayón.

The sampling of 22 works left hundreds of people slack-jawed at Institute of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture (IPRAC) several weeks ago.
Puerto Rico House of Representatives asks for Oscar López' release
Last night the House of Representatives approved Resolution 359, asking the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, for the release of political prisoner Oscar López Rivera, who on May 29 will have served 32 years of imprisonment on his 70 year sentence.
"In the face of 32 years of excessive imprisonment, it's time for President Obama to grant Oscar's physical freedom so he can return to the bosom of his home and his homeland," said Luis Vega Ramos, one of the authors of the resolution. "In spite of his irreproachable behavior for the past 30 years, and the multiple requests of the Puerto Rican community and the international community for his release, the Parole Commission rejected the possibility of his release," affirmed the Representative.
Vega Ramos recalled that López turned down the possibility of conditional commutation offered to him during President Bill Clinton's administration, in solidarity with his compatriots, Puerto Rican prisoners Haydée Beltrán and Carlos Torres, who were not included in the commutations. Today both are no longer imprisoned.
The Puerto Rican, veteran of the Vietnam War and decorated for his courage in combat, was arrested in 1981 as a result of his struggle in defense of Puerto Rican rights and affirmation.
During President Clinton's Administration, pardons were granted to the majority of the Puerto Rican prisoners, who at the time had served around 20 years in prison.
"The President of the United States, Barack Obama, has expressed a deep commitment to human rights and equality of all inhabitants of the Earth. This being the case, we are all in consensus in our demand for Oscar López Rivera's release," said Vega Ramos, who added that he will keep active in the various civic efforts to win the freedom of his compatriot.
Representatives Carlos Johnny Méndez Núnez from the PNP delegation and Carlos Bianchi also authored and co-authored the resolution. The resolution was approved by a vote of 28 to 16.
Juana Colon High School Unites with Oscar Campaign
by: NotiCel
The Comité Comerieño Committee for the Freedom Of Oscar Lopez, with an educational and humanitarian purpose in mind, and the active participation of teachers and students of the Juana Colon High School, and other sectors of the community have designed a banner supporting Oscar's freedom and hung it from the high school.

The banner, which measures 20x30 feet, calls for the freedom of the Puerto Rican political prisoner. The slogan on it reads "La Juana (the HS) calls for freedom for Oscar Lopez."
The Case of Oscar in Madrid
A group of students at the University of Complutense in Madrid will celebrate a colloquium on May 24th to educate and denounce the situation of the political prisoner, Oscar López Rivera, who has spent 32 years in US prisons-the most of any Puerto Rican struggling for Puerto Rico's independence.
Eduardo Galeano at the Mexican Fine Arts Museum
A delegation of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center joined with hundreds to welcome Eduardo Galeano to Chicago on May 12, 2013. Eduardo Galeano is touring the United States to promote his new book, Children of the Days: A Calendar of Human History. Eduardo Galeano is the Uruguayan author of the three-volume Memory of Fire and Open Veins of Latin America, the book Hugo Chavez presented to Barak Obama in 2009. The book, from which he read excerpts, consists of pithy, poignant, and often very funny vignettes, one for each day of the year. Eduardo Galeano read a number of these stories at Sunday's program, many of which had the crowd laughing in appreciation. Although each passage is distinct, they are all marked by a profound humanitarianism and sharp political analysis.
CURA 2 Study Highlighted at CPHHD Conference in Boston
Dr. Molly Martin presented local Humboldt Park data at the Centers for Population Health and Health Disparities Annual Meeting in Boston, MA, on May 1, 2013. Dr. Martin is a pediatrician at Rush University Medical Center and the lead investigator for the CURA 2 study (the Community United to Raise Awareness: Asthma and Active Living). The CURA 2 study trained community health workers (CHWs) to deliver asthma and obesity education in homes. Currently 46 families in the Humboldt Park area are receiving CHW services for their children who suffer from asthma and are overweight or obese. Dr. Martin and her team created a series of video clips in which the CHWs describe the tools they use to help families learn about health and change their behaviors. The videos were well received by the health disparities researchers at this national meeting. The CURA 2 team will post the videos on the Humboldt Park Portal this summer, as well as on their website
Community Calendar of Events
32 Days for 32 Years
April 28-May 29, Batey Urbano, 2620 W. Division
Mercado del Paseo Boricua Farmer'sMarket
El Rescate Rummage Sale
Friday, May 10th 2pm-7pm
Saturday May 11th 10am-3pm, 2628 W. Division St.
Supperclub Dinner Fundraiser for Batey Youth to go on Puerto Rico Eco-Tour Trip
Thursday, May 23rd at 7:30pm
Tickets: $75
32 Days for 32 Years Closing Event
Wednesday, May 29th 6pm,
Casa Puertorriqueña, 1237 N. California
College Pipeline and BACCA Culminating Event
Friday, May 31st 6pm, Batey Urbano, 2620 W. Division
Puerto Rican Agenda Meeting, Special Guest: Representative from Puerto Rican Studies Center at Hunter College
Saturday, June 1st 9am-11:30am, IPRAC, 3015 W. Division
Puerto Rico Eco-Tour Trip,
Thursday, June 6th to Tuesday, June 11th
Puerto Rican People's Parade Dignitaries Event honoring San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz Soto
Friday, June 14th 6pm, IPRAC, 3015 W. Division
Puerto Rican People's Parade
Saturday, June 15th
Humboldt Park Lullaby Parade
 | Photo by CB Lindsey |
On May 10th, West Town Bikes and other community members participated in an evening Lullaby Parade in Humboldt Park. The event was organized by Opera-Matic. The parade drew on themes of migration and the history of Humboldt Park, as well as lullabies, which were sung in English and Spanish by participants and performers alike as they march in the light parade.
Photo by CB Lindsey |
Other attractions along the parade route included "Lull-A-Bikes" - bicycle floats built by artists and West Town Bikes staff. These included the Coqui Bikes that were built by students in the West Town Bikes program that were leading the parade with sound of "El Yunque" and coquis. The sounds made the Coqui Bikes come alive and established the Puerto Rican culture present in this event.